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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I don't know what more story we're going to get of pre-Rumple Belle. And I could care less about Rumple's psyche. He's a two-dimensional villian now. But lbr, A&E are not really going to explore it. Lol

However, she gets to chose which ones to ask, and that she chose that one along with "will we see Emma and Regina make magic together again?" makes her agenda very clear.

Exactly. She choses the questions. NA has been harping on savior Regina since SDCC. And yeah--"make magic together". Could she be any more blatant? :-p

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To be fair, these questions were posed by fans, not Natalie.  However, she gets to chose which ones to ask, and that she chose that one along with "will we see Emma and Regina make magic together again?" makes her agenda very clear.

Isn't it great though that Adam and Eddy saw what she was trying to do and made sure the answer was not to be taken in a romantic way!? 


Take that witch! Also really thinking CS wedding could happen.

The one that got me was the question about how Rumple being a hero will make him different as a Dark One -- and the fact that they took it seriously. Rumple was a hero for about the 30 seconds it took to draw Excalibur. That didn't change his status permanently because he immediately started acting in totally unheroic ways, and a hero would never have pulled the scam to get all the Dark One power back while someone else was (heroically) sacrificing himself to get rid of it. In my book, that means Rumple is anything but a hero now, and it should have nothing to do with the way he Dark Ones now.

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Take that witch! Also really thinking CS wedding could happen.

Didn't someone say that this show originally had a 5 year plan? I don't know if that's true, but this arc feels an awful lot like what we might have expected for a final season. I imagine a CS wedding would be the wrap up for that. I'm curious to see what they're going to do.

Edited by OnceUponAJen

I do hope that David gets to meet James, and vice versa. Even though James was a jerk, I think it's sad that identical twins never met, that David didn't learn about James until James was already dead, and James may never have known he had a brother. I also want Hook to meet James so he can feel insulted that David compared him to James.


I guess this is the sort of detail that didn't come out in casting spoilers, since the cast comes built-in.

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In BtVS it was explicit that for Willow and Tara "making magic together" was a metaphor/lead in for their romantic relationship. So yeah, please let's shut that shit down.

Excited that we'll be seeing James again. I personally didn't care for the guyliner on AU Charmz, but it'll be fun to see him getting to revisit the Dark Side.

I'm shocked. ..there were some pretty good questions. ..l do wonder how Cora will be with her heart back...she was pretty scheming and heartless before she took it out!

Interesting that you can kill a person already in the UW...but only with non conventional means....hmmm does Emma have to put Cruella down again???

The wording they use about bringing Hook back. .maybe Hook stays and Killian comes back? ?

Edited by PixiePaws1
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Excited that we'll be seeing James again. I personally didn't care for the guyliner on AU Charmz, but it'll be fun to see him getting to revisit the Dark Side.

Perhaps James tries to pull a switcheroo and have David replace him in the UW not realising that not having half of Snow's heart would give hm away..

That comment about Hook rotting away in the UW and some things worse than death..throw away line or an indirect hint to the 'shocking' they mentioned before for Killian?

Except in the case of "Will we finally learn more about Robin’s past?" I'm pretty sure they just don't want to say that they have no intention of fleshing the Robin character out ever.


Yeah. That seemed an odd non-answer. I thought they were going to have a backstory for Robin in 5B. Not that I'm desperate for it or anything. 

Do people in the Underworld still have their memories?



So, one theory dashed. But still, I have a feeling the memory loss trope will come into play at some point during the arc. I mean--it's Hades, and he has the waters of the Lethe at his disposal. Maybe that will be his final play to keep Emma from rescuing Hook. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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So, one theory dashed. But still, I have a feeling the memory loss trope will come into play at some point during the arc. I mean--it's Hades, and he has the waters of the Lethe at his disposal. Maybe that will be his final play to keep Emma from rescuing Hook.

It seems there's magic in UW too... bummer.

I'm not interested in Robin flashbacks. What we've seen (Heart of Gold, Once:Wonderland, etc.) has been boring and given us nothing to flesh out his character. While he needs more backstory, the writers don't care and would rather use him as a nameplate/Regina cheerleader. Belle in all her meh glory got better flashbacks. I'm actually disappointed we won't be seeing her mother.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Didn't someone say that this show originally had a 5 year plan? I don't know if that's true, but this arc feels an awful lot like what we might have expected for a final season.


I'm not sure about that plan, but it does feel like it has finality to it since this season both dealt with the DO mythology and now the Underworld.


So, one theory dashed. But still, I have a feeling the memory loss trope will come into play at some point during the arc.


They've used memory loss too much already, it would be a better change of pace if they didn't.

Edited by Free

If it's not the afterlife, then these people haven't moved on? I find the whole thing extremely confusing, and I'm sure I'll be even more confused when the episodes start airing again. I'm having traumatic Merlin flashbacks right now, and how we still know shit all about a whole bunch of stuff.

Yeah, everything is very confusing, and the truth is that I don't expect 5B to make any sense. The starting point is already super contrived and I'm sure they are not going to choose the only half logical solution (a soul for a soul) and, instead, they are going to come up with some messy solution that would left everybody confused and unsatisfied.

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The Underworld just seems like another realm, if people can die there as well. It makes little sense, and probably nothing will be clarified properly by the end of the season.

Yet somehow Cora and company have new bodies. I'm still wondering if Hades is preventing them from dying and the Underworld is not supposed to exist. Maybe he's jealous of having no control over the world of the living, so he created his own? I don't know.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Yet somehow Cora and company have new bodies. I'm still wondering if Hades is preventing them from dying and the Underworld is not supposed to exist. Maybe he's jealous of having no control over the world of the living, so he created his own? I don't know.


Are they bodies, or just spirits or souls? You know what I mean. If they're in the world of the living then they don't exist, but since they're in their sort of own realms, then they can be seen because it is the UW.


I do like the idea of Hades creating his own world. 


What I'm sort of "intrigued" by is how everyone can basically be killed. So the dead can be doubly dead? How in the world? I guess dead really isn't all that dead.


Are they bodies, or just spirits or souls? You know what I mean. If they're in the world of the living then they don't exist, but since they're in their sort of own realms, then they can be seen because it is the UW.

But then how is it the Nevengers can walk in with their physical bodies, still living? Nimue and her cohorts got to exit with new bodies... or were they spirit bodies somehow in the land of the living? So confusing.

But then how is it the Nevengers can walk in with their physical bodies, still living? Nimue and her cohorts got to exit with new bodies... or were they spirit bodies somehow in the land of the living? So confusing.

I don't know, because magic?


The whole thing was ridiculous. She went from doing her bidding through someone to being able to do things herself, which made very little sense, but when she and the others were absorbed into Excalibur, they were basically spirits.


We got 10 weeks to figure this stuff out, or not. Probably not.

The whole thing was ridiculous. She went from doing her bidding through someone to being able to do things herself, which made very little sense, but when she and the others were absorbed into Excalibur, they were basically spirits.


I thought Mind!Nimue was just that--in Emma and Hook's mind. But Nimue from the Underworld picked up where Mind!Nimue left off. But clippy!Rumple clearly was not communicating with Gold. It made no sense.

Souls, bodies whatever. It's magic. I'm willing to let it go if I get characters interacting with dead ones they've never met. I want James messing with everyone and them thinking he's David. I like Pan and Cora and Milah and Henry Sr. and Liam and Marian and whoever else coming back and interacting with these people. It's so much better than random new characters having to get their own backstories and taking up screentime and then disappearing so we'll never see them again. Dead people who go away make sense and we know their connections, so fleshing the them out and giving closure is fine by me. Lots of fun to be had with that. And it seems like they'll not be in in hell for the whole of 5B, so I don't even think it can get stale.

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To be fair, these questions were posed by fans, not Natalie.  However, she gets to chose which ones to ask, and that she chose that one along with "will we see Emma and Regina make magic together again?" makes her agenda very clear.


Very. It's such a shame that EW's TV reporter is so biased, because they have to deal with her since EW is such a big dog in entertainment media.


I loved that they saw through the "make magic" wording and were having none of it.


I saw a glorious idea that James and Liam should be buddies in the Underworld -- wouldn't that be a hoot? Of course, since it would be so fun, the show won't do it. But I'm so happy we're gonna see James again. I very much hope that everyone gets to meet him.

Edited by Souris

If it's not the afterlife, then these people haven't moved on? I find the whole thing extremely confusing, and I'm sure I'll be even more confused when the episodes start airing again. I'm having traumatic Merlin flashbacks right now, and how we still know shit all about a whole bunch of stuff.


Seeing how messy 5a turned out and 5b seems to be chock full of more cameos, I do expect more of a mess.


But how can it be magic if they resurrected the dead? I thought maybe the Underworld stuff was fueled by the power of the Greek gods or something.


Zelena died and became corporeal for no apparent reason other than magic. I'm much more open to the idea that in the Underworld, bodies are reconstituted when souls arrive there. The souls need someplace to be housed. You'll notice that the bodies seem to be in pristine condition too. The Blind Witch is not burned beyond all recognition like she would be if her body had traveled with her. Perhaps in "death" in the Underworld, you lose your body and a soul without a body really is a fate worse than death as the body-less spirit will never rest. It makes sense that killing this new body would be difficult  and/or different in this context if the soul is the life force and not the corporeal body.

Nico Quezada ‏@Niko1612

Belle will be in the episode? @AdamHorowitzLA  #ONCE #100thEpisode

Adam Horowitz ‏@AdamHorowitzLA

@Niko1612 why wouldn't she be?

It's funny how A&E have been responding to concerns that Belle was going into Offscreenville. She's pregnant, not going to the Underworld, has a precedence from 3A for having an absence, and she has no storylines to expect except for a possible baby. Can they really blame the fans for doubting "Meanwhile in Storybrooke" scenes are going to happen?


What are they doing special for the 100th, really? The dead characters seem to be part of 5B, not just one episode.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I was surprised at Adam's snooty response about Belle too.



Which makes no sense when you think of why Milah and Liam are there when they've never been in Storybrook. Same with Prince James and Regina's doormat father. Production spent way to much money on CGIs so we're stuck with this cheap mess.


I suppose they could say that the Underworld reshaped itself because of the visitors from Storybrooke, or some equally ambiguous mumbo-jumbo.  It's just a way to keep the narrative the same as usual... flashbacks in the Enchanted Forest, and the "present-day" in StorybrookeHell.

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Production spent way to much money on CGIs so we're stuck with this cheap mess.


Definitely production cuts.


What are they doing special for the 100th, really? The dead characters seem to be part of 5B, not just one episode.


Just seems to be cameos and the start of the arc of them walking around and encountering familiar faces on the way to find Hook.  Possibly the intro of Hades and the Hercules characters.

I think Belle fans have legitimate reasons to question whether she will be on screen or not. EdR is pregnant, Belle did not go to the UW. I hope Belle gets to find out what her husband has done sooner rather than later, but then, she might consider him heroic for going to the UW to retrieve Hook, although I'm sure he has his own agenda, because when doesn't he have his own agenda. I wonder how RB shippers feel about a possible pregnancy for Belle. I'm guessing it's probably split, but I don't know.

Edited by YaddaYadda
Will we see Charming’s (Josh Dallas) twin brother in the Underworld?

KITSIS: Absolutely.


I'm totally over here doing the happy dance. I would have been peeved if they went to the Underworld and did not have Prince James make an appearance. I would love for David to meet him.


HOROWITZ: [Hook] may die harder.

Every year, I watch "Die Hard" around Christmas (since, it is a Christmas movie...is too). The tagline for the sequel (also set at Christmas time) is Die Harder. Now, I'm thinking Horowitz also watches the series during the Holiday season and I'm thinking of all the ways to die in both movies to see if there is a clue as to how you can die in the Underworld. The classic Die Hard death is to fall from a building, but a variety of explosions and gunfights can also do you in. There is a common myth that if you dream about falling (a common dream) and don't wake up before you hit the ground, you die. So maybe that is how you die in the Underworld. Perhaps the Underworld is kind of a dream state until you move on.


Or perhaps I should stop making up theories from random interview quips.

I wonder how RB shippers feel about a possible pregnancy for Belle. I'm guessing it's probably split, but I don't know.


From what I've seen (at least on Tumblr), there's not much of a split. RB fans are more enthused about Emilie's pregnancy than the idea of Belle pregnancy.No matter how they might try to reassure the fandom, A&E have pretty much destroyed any trust that the ship is ever going to be anything more than what it's been for the last three seasons - a hot mess - so it's not like anyone expects a baby adds anything other than more angst. 

A phone booth? Cool. Of course SB would still have phone booths.


Despite the haters (to spite the haters?), I am really looking forward to the Hook-centric this season. For one thing, I'm hoping we'll get a little insight into how the boys made such a big leap. Perhaps Liam will say something disparaging against pirates and Killian can respond with something like: "if not for ____, that could be us." Maybe they somehow defeat the pirates, or bring them to justice, and that's what earns them their special assignment on a special ship.

I have seen some theories that A&E have scuttled the Mulan Rouge ship in favor of doing a Zelena/aged-up Dorothy, since SQ pitched such a fit about Mulan/Ruby being only side characters and Zelena is a regular that they supposedly like. I do confess I find it odd they're bringing back Dorothy. If that's the case, I will be hugely ticked off that they changed the story because of backlash from a loud minority that won't accept any pairing that isn't SQ.


Jamie Chung posted this on Twitter on Sunday: "It's not about the money, it's about the damn principle. If you say you're gonna do something. Follow thru. Not that difficult." No clue what it's about, but it would fit if they did scuttle Mulan Rouge.


Jamie Chung posted this on Twitter on Sunday: "It's not about the money, it's about the damn principle. If you say you're gonna do something. Follow thru. Not that difficult." No clue what it's about, but it would fit if they did scuttle Mulan Rouge.

Sounds like she has the same complaints we do about the show...


I'm going to take the rest of my thoughts to The Bear King thread.

Edited by KingOfHearts

I have seen some theories that A&E have scuttled the Mulan Rouge ship in favor of doing a Zelena/aged-up Dorothy, since SQ pitched such a fit about Mulan/Ruby being only side characters and Zelena is a regular that they supposedly like. I do confess I find it odd they're bringing back Dorothy. If that's the case, I will be hugely ticked off that they changed the story because of backlash from a loud minority that won't accept any pairing that isn't SQ.


Jamie Chung posted this on Twitter on Sunday: "It's not about the money, it's about the damn principle. If you say you're gonna do something. Follow thru. Not that difficult." No clue what it's about, but it would fit if they did scuttle Mulan Rouge.


Hmm... that does seem indicative of some kerfuffle over ONCE--maybe they reduced the number of episode appearances for Chung. However, I very much doubt A&E are scuttling Mulan Rouge in response to SQ or whatever. That theory doesn't make any sense. If A&E have reduced screen-time for Mulan/Ruby, it will be because of their ADD style of writing, and tendency to be infatuated with brand new playthings in the form of Hades and Dorothy, etc.. 

According to the internet, dialogue scenes will be filmed at a phone booth in front of Splash Toys from 8:00am to noon.

I don't recall there ever having been a phone booth there before. In Storybook, Splash is the dry goods store next to the shoe store. In Scarybrooke, it is the Candlestick maker next to the mortuary.  I guess Bell finally got around to installing one.


I wouldn't be all that surprised if Mulan Rouge didn't work out because how were they ever going to get Mulan and Red relevant to the story. They aren't going to the Underworld and they don't appear to have been sucked into Storybooke. And now they have to resolve the Camelot stuff. Maybe they were planning on going back to Merida's home and picking up the Mulan/Red story, but few are clamouring for more Merida.  And now they've added Oz back in. 


It's like Will Scarlet all over again. They had some ideas to use them, but all their other ideas ate up all the time.

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