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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Regina's dad Henry makes a return for the 100th. Since both Cora and Henry are back, it must be a Regina-centric.

Henry Sr. could be in the bad part of the Underworld. He was fine with Jefferson taking his place in Wonderland where he would receive a full blast from a vengeful Cora and he played his part In Leo's death. The guy was no saint.

See I don't care if the 100th features a lot of Regina so long as it's Regina with Cora, Henry, etc. I don't mind Regina when they aren't twisting her victims into pretzels to make Regina look less bad. Even if they have Regina play victim again, she is in fact a victim of her parents (not that Henry deserved to be murdered) and I can get on board with complexity within her character when Snow isn't reassuring Regina that she was a brat, so she gets why Regina destroyed countless lives.


The idea that this hell is a fate worse than death makes me very uncomfortable. What did all those little children Milah was helping to cross the road do that was so bad? Maybe their lives don't totally suck, but the air quality alone makes me worry about them.

The idea that this hell is a fate worse than death makes me very uncomfortable. What did all those little children Milah was helping to cross the road do that was so bad? Maybe their lives don't totally suck, but the air quality alone makes me worry about them.


Maybe none of the kids (including young Baelfire) are real. It's Milah's penance-world where she works through her issues before she can move on. Hm... where have we seen that before? :-p

On both accounts, I believe she just brought back as a plot device. The writers needed to kill several birds with one stone and bringing back Regina 2.0 for to bring the stark in a lite Regina arc was preferable. It's shame they're offing her, since they seemed to setup some potential plots during 5A. However, I do have hope she won't be gone for as long as we're going to the Underworld. I'm going to speculate the writers are going to resurrect at least one dead character after it's all over. Zelena is probably #8 on my wish list, but I'll take the truth bombs where I can get them.

Could you imagine if they resurrected Daniel? They could spend 6A with Regina in another love triangle, and Robin couldn't even be mad when she chooses Daniel after the whole Marian thing. Only--surprise! Just Zelena back from the grave getting her kicks again.

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I feel like SOMEBODY is going to drink something they shouldn't in the UW and forget who they are, because of that casting description for Hades talking about not being a character you wanted to have a drink with, and, of course, the Persephone myth. I wouldn't be surprised if all/some of the Parade of Dead Characters don't remember who they are -- though that would certainly cut down on the emotional confrontations with the Nevengers, so that wouldn't be dramatically wise. 


The obvious candidate would be Hook, since he's there alone for some length of time, but would they hit the CS angst that hard again in the B arc after all the A arc angst with them?

3. It's a mix of both: his plan is to sacrifice himself after Rumple is dragged to Hell, not caring who else gets dragged there as well, but imminent danger to Emma makes him choose love over revenge and he makes his sacrifice early even though it means Rumple is spared.

I am leaning towards this option myself. He doesn't care about Nimue's plan until he realizes he's done something to Emma that is worse than anything Rumple's ever done to him. He will hate himself for it so he will choose to die to save Emma and everyone else. 

I feel like SOMEBODY is going to drink something they shouldn't in the UW and forget who they are, because of that casting description for Hades talking about not being a character you wanted to have a drink with, and, of course, the Persephone myth. I wouldn't be surprised if all/some of the Parade of Dead Characters don't remember who they are -- though that would certainly cut down on the emotional confrontations with the Nevengers, so that wouldn't be dramatically wise. 


The obvious candidate would be Hook, since he's there alone for some length of time, but would they hit the CS angst that hard again in the B arc after all the A arc angst with them?


On the plus side it can more than likely lead to a TLK for them by the season finale of S5. Also on top of that Emma could spend the half trying to make Killian remember and he does remember some stuff and she is getting through to him slowly.


It could be like what happened with Peeta and Katniss after he was hijacked in Mockingjay.

Edited by Hookian

I am leaning towards this option myself. He doesn't care about Nimue's plan until he realizes he's done something to Emma that is worse than anything Rumple's ever done to him. He will hate himself for it so he will choose to die to save Emma and everyone else.

No, there isn't ANY possibility that Hook could do something to Emma that is worse than anything Rumple ever did to him. We know none of her family is dying, we know she isn't losing a limb, and we know she isn't going to be controlled by him against her will.

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No, there isn't ANY possibility that Hook could do something to Emma that is worse than anything Rumple ever did to him. We know none of her family is dying, we know she isn't losing a limb, and we know she isn't going to be controlled by him against her will.

I should have said "is about to do." I thought the context made it clear that I meant he would realize this as Nimue's plan is close to succeeding, sorry. If he helped open up a portal to hell and the Dark Ones are about to send Emma and her entire family, including her son and infant brother, through it, then yes, it's worse than what Rumple did to him and that's when he'll realize he needs to stop Nimue.

Edited by InsertWordHere
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I actually think it would be more meaningful if Hook backed out not because Emma was about to be killed by Nimue, but because after everything he's thrown at her, she's willing to sacrifice herself to save him & her family rather than kill him and save herself.


On the Underworld, if Hook is in a more hellish place than Cora or Pan, I call foul. I'm not wanting to compare sins, but they both qualify for the deepest level of hell. So even if you think Hook is their level of villain, he's not on a worse level.

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On the Underworld, if Hook is in a more hellish place than Cora or Pan, I call foul. I'm not wanting to compare sins, but they both qualify for the deepest level of hell. So even if you think Hook is their level of villain, he's not on a worse level.


And think about Cruella, too! There are multiple villains here who deserve a way worse level of hell than Hook. 

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I think the place Hook is planning on sending Gold is worse than the Underbrooke version, which is why he doesn't just kill him because Gold wouldn't be sent there now due to his "pure" heart. If Hook dives in the portal while it's open to wherever he wanted to send Gold, I could see the show saying the level of morality of the person who went through doesn't matter, anyone would end up in that place because it's the place Gold was supposed to be sent. It was intended as a punishment. 

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I feel like SOMEBODY is going to drink something they shouldn't in the UW and forget who they are, because of that casting description for Hades talking about not being a character you wanted to have a drink with, and, of course, the Persephone myth.

Accepting a drink from a sketchy dude? It sounds like something Charming or Henry would do.

On the plus side it can more than likely lead to a TLK for them by the season finale of S5.

TLK doesn't work with memory loss. Oh, and a TLK between Hook and Emma is not happening this season.

On the Underworld, if Hook is in a more hellish place than Cora or Pan, I call foul. I'm not wanting to compare sins, but they both qualify for the deepest level of hell. So even if you think Hook is their level of villain, he's not on a worse level.

A&E have a weird sense of morality, and they write each season without taking into consideration their previous work. So, right now, for them, Hook is the worst villain to ever exist and he deserves a terrible punishment. Edited by RadioGirl27
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I wonder if Belle isn't leaving town with baby Green Bean. That would certainly solve the problem of having a newborn, going to the UW while not trusting the mother.

They would need an awfully good reason for Robin to join the mission. Shouldn't GreenBean stay with her father rather than some random lady from town? Robin has two young children and doesn't bring a unique  or necessary skill set to the mission. Snow can fire a bow. 


For that matter, why are both Snow and Charming on this mission? I understand them both trying to save their daughter, but now they are abandoning Snowflake to risk their lives to save their daughter's "super pissed-off" boyfriend?  But, at least he's kind of related. Robin's reason for leaving his children (going to retrieve his girlfriend's friend's "super pissed-off" boyfriend) is strange. 


Maybe all the marked people have to go or none of them get to go? 

I'm sorry I must have missed the part where you're a seer and can see what's gonna happen by the end of the season.

I don't need to be a seer to know that A&E are going to delay the CS TLK as much as they can. They have said that Emma is going to be the last one to get her happy ending and that happy relationships are boring. And, storywise, a TLK right now, with the relationship about to break, makes no sense. So, maybe I'm wrong, but no, I don't expect a TLK this season.

I really don't want to see Hook being tortured and I doubt the show would go THAT dark but Hades punishing him would probably help redeem him quickly, since he would accept it willingly, believing that he deserves to endure all kinds of pain after hurting Emma and her loved ones. Colin would act the hell out of that but again, I really don't want to see Hook suffering even more than he already appears to be this season.

Seeing hook suffer while Rumple gets a clean slate after centuries of hurting people forcing people into deals he manipulated from the beginning, killing people, abandoning his son completely unlike Milah who left him with what she believed is a loving father, would make me quit this show. Milah better not forgive Rumple. there should be no closure for Rumple for what he did to his wife or how he abandoned his son because there is nothing he can do to make it up to them for all suffering he caused them. Bae spent centuries in Neverland with Pan. How can Rumple make up for that? He can't.

Just like Regina can never make it up to all those she killed and their loved ones who suffered because of her. Let's not forget Rumple had a strong hand in creating the monster that she is. Regina is still responsible for everything she did but so is Rumple. He knew what he was doing with her. Hades better tell Regina and Rumple that no matter what they do they still will at least spend time in the worst part of Hell to work off their evil deeds because they can't change the past to atone to their victims.

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Well this certainly looks interesting.


I have to bitch about something. Why is Regina acting like Emma's conscience? I think we should start counting how many times Emma gets to say "Regina is right" in one episode.


I think I'm going to enjoy this episode.

They couldn't be more obvious that they're setting up the twist of Killian sacrificing himself to save Emma from the darkness.

Edited by Hookian
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Can we please compare this scene:

Hook: I'll feel better when I have some answers. Emma said this whole thing was about me.

Regina: Are you really that naive? She's manipulating you. That's what the Dark One does.

Hook: No. This was Emma talking.

Mary Margaret: There may not be any Emma. Not anymore.

Regina: She's right. This Dark One, she has Excalibur, and she is going to destroy all light magic.

Hook: So, that's what you think it's about? A sword she hasn't actually used?

Regina: Well, obviously, she needs another ingredient to cast the spell. So, we figure out what that is and stop her from getting it. And we get our Emma back.

Hook: You can all look at magic spells till you're blue in the face. But something happened between me and her in Camelot. The only way to help Emma is to find out what the hell it was.


To this scene:

Charming: You think you can talk him out of this?

Regina: There's no talking. We have to hit him with everything we've got.

Snow: Well, it's not his fault. He didn't want to become the Dark One.

Emma: But he did because of me. None of that matters anymore. Regina's right. We need to hit him with everything.

Snow: This is a man you loved.

Emma: That man died back in Camelot. Now all there is is the Dark One. So no matter how hard this might be, we need to split up and find him and stop him. No matter what it takes.


For all the shit Hook has gotten for being a nasty Dark One, at least he backed up Dark Emma when everyone assumed she was about to snuff out the light a few episodes ago. I think I'm hopping back on the Hook long con train... Hook was just arguing with Emma about how she doesn't have any belief in him when she kept Excalibur a secret, and literally the next episode she's caved and stopped believing he can be talked to? This has to be a misdirect.


I have to bitch about something. Why is Regina acting like Emma's conscience? I think we should start counting how many times Emma gets to say "Regina is right" in one episode.


And how many times has Regina been wrong? Emma says "Regina's right" when they're discussing letting Cruella and Ursula into town. Big mistake. Emma says Regina was right for controlling her and pretending to be the Savior. Big mistake. Regina was wrong when she assumed Emma wanted to snuff out the light. Regina was wrong about the reason the fury was trying to get Robin. Regina was wrong about her tears being enough for the Merlin Tree Spell to work. Jesus Christ, Emma, stop agreeing with Regina!


Edit: Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about Operation Mongoose, YaddaYadda. That should be reason #1 why no one should ever listen to anything Regina says anymore.

Edited by Curio
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For all the shit Hook has gotten for being a nasty Dark One, at least he backed up Dark Emma when everyone assumed she was about to snuff out the light a few episodes ago. I think I'm hopping back on the Hook long con train... Hook was just arguing with Emma about how she doesn't have any belief in him when she kept Excalibur a secret, and literally the next episode she's caved and stopped believing he can be talked to? This has to be a misdirect.

I expected it from the rest, but the lack of faith Emma is showing in Hook is astonishing. 

  • Love 4

Can we please compare this scene:

Hook: I'll feel better when I have some answers. Emma said this whole thing was about me.

Regina: Are you really that naive? She's manipulating you. That's what the Dark One does.

Hook: No. This was Emma talking.

Mary Margaret: There may not be any Emma. Not anymore.

Regina: She's right. This Dark One, she has Excalibur, and she is going to destroy all light magic.

Hook: So, that's what you think it's about? A sword she hasn't actually used?

Regina: Well, obviously, she needs another ingredient to cast the spell. So, we figure out what that is and stop her from getting it. And we get our Emma back.

Hook: You can all look at magic spells till you're blue in the face. But something happened between me and her in Camelot. The only way to help Emma is to find out what the hell it was.


To this scene:

Charming: You think you can talk him out of this?

Regina: There's no talking. We have to hit him with everything we've got.

Snow: Well, it's not his fault. He didn't want to become the Dark One.

Emma: But he did because of me. None of that matters anymore. Regina's right. We need to hit him with everything.

Snow: This is a man you loved.

Emma: That man died back in Camelot. Now all there is is the Dark One. So no matter how hard this might be, we need to split up and find him and stop him. No matter what it takes.


For all the shit Hook has gotten for being a nasty Dark One, at least he backed up Dark Emma when everyone assumed she was about to snuff out the light a few episodes ago. I think I'm hopping back on the Hook long con train... Hook was just arguing with Emma about how she doesn't have any belief in him when she kept Excalibur a secret, and literally the next episode she's caved and stopped believing he can be talked to? This has to be a misdirect.


Basically. Snow is actually defending Hook, which color me shocked, and David is trying to figure out a different solution. I guess they're setting up the reasons these guys will be going to the Underworld.




And how many times has Regina been wrong? Emma says "Regina's right" when they're discussing letting Cruella and Ursula into town. Big mistake. Emma says Regina was right for controlling her and pretending to be the Savior. Big mistake. Regina was wrong when she assumed Emma wanted to snuff out the light. Regina was wrong about the reason the fury was trying to get Robin. Regina was wrong about her tears being enough for the Merlin Tree Spell to work. Jesus Christ, Emma, stop agreeing with Regina!


Regina projects her issues. Regina is acting like this is Zelena basically. Hook is the Dark One, and he seems to be far gone from what everyone sees. But this reminds me of when Zelena came onto the scene, and she and Regina started going at it. The difference is that Hook actually loves Emma.


Listening to Regina also got us Operation Mongoose. Maybe they shouldn't listen to her so much anymore. But I think Emma is just really broken up over all of this, and wants to fix it. She's decided that this person isn't the man she loves. And for all intents and purposes, he isn't. She just needs that nudge.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Colin's interviews certainly don't sound good for those who want him to be pulling a long con but honestly Colin doesn't strike me as someone who's good at coy half truths. I think he can speak honestly or he can straight up lie to misdirect but I don't think the in between is something he's comfortable with. So I'm still not entirely convinced either way. I think I would much prefer the long con theory for his character development, but I can maybe accept a last minute switcharoo. They do occasionally write things I like which is why I haven't given up on the show yet, so I'm trying real hard to not judge before I see what actually plays out.

Edited by CatMack
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Basically. Snow is actually defending Hook, which color me shocked, and David is trying to figure out a different solution. I guess they're setting up the reasons these guys will be going to the Underworld.





 But I think Emma is just really broken up over all of this, and wants to fix it. She's decided that this person isn't the man she loves. And for all intents and purposes, he isn't. She just needs that nudge.


It's gonna really devastate Emma when she realizes that man has been there the entire time and that whether it's been a long con or in the moment he'll come through in the end and nobody will see it coming, aside from us.


Jim BTW watched the winter finale and he said it's very good and he's a CS fan.

I am convinced that Hook is planning to sacrifice himself, he has planned that all along, but the Darkness' influence is making it so that he'll only do that after Rumple is dragged to Hell.  It's like Hook in S2: he wanted to get revenge and then die, and he doesn't care who gets in his way, he's gonna allow any number of people to die or get dragged to Hell so long as Rumple goes there, then he'll make his sacrifice.  It's going to be his love for Emma that snaps him out of it and makes him make the sacrifice even without Rumple going to Hell, he's going to choose love over revenge once again.


This would explain all of Colin's interviews, since he is being truthful about Hook's intentions and how he'll hurt anyone who gets in the way, except he only goes as far as "he wants revenge on Rumple", he's dancing around the full endgame (check out his response to Hook leaving Excalibur behind) on purpose.


Jim BTW watched the winter finale and he said it's very good and he's a CS fan.


See, more proof, just like Brigitte Hales' tweets and common logic: they're not gonna have Hook just be a villain and put down by Emma when that's how they're playing it, including in the sneak peek...that's too straightforward for A&E, there always has to be a "twist" (and in this case, thank goodness that there is!)

Edited by Mathius
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Colin's interviews certainly don't sound good for those who want him to be pulling a long con but honestly Colin doesn't strike me as someone who's good at coy half truths. I think he can speak honestly or he can straight up lie to misdirect but I don't think the in between is something he's comfortable with. So I'm still not entirely convinced either way. I think I would much prefer the long con theory for his character development, but I can maybe accept a last minute switcharoo. They do occasionally write things I like which is why I haven't given up on the show yet, so I'm trying real hard to not judge before I see what actually plays out.


I would tend to agree with this, but I go back to some of the stuff Jen has said about her own character, and the only thing that was true was that everything Emma has done was out of love for Hook. Everything else like Dark Swan being the worst dark that ever darked never happened. She isolated herself, and said a couple of mean things, pulled a heart out to get Merlin free, and controlled Merida. I mean she's a pretty incompetent Dark One.


What I got from that sneak peek is that Emma and Hook are actually paralleling each other.


Now he's the man she loved instead of the man she loves. That's what he said to her on his ship, that he loved her, not loves her.


And he told her that "you isn't here", and Emma is saying that the man she loves died in Camelot. 


When Hook commits to something, he commits to it 100%, but that's also his downfall, so even if he started this to take down the darkness, it's going to blow up in his face, and even he has an 11th hour turnaround, it's probably right before the whole thing blows up in his face. Because everytime he sets out on his own, or keeps something crucial to himself, like cursed lips, or cursed hand, it blows up in his face.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Oh God, the script tease...with the dramatic underlining of Regina's line, I would not be surprised if Regina kills Zelena right after saying it, her and Robin going completely back on their word in the worst possible way.


They'll probably justify it with Zelena trying to skip town with the baby due to the DO crisis and so she went back on her word first, but that's not gonna fly since Zelena is the actual birth mother to the baby and can hardly be blamed for panicking and wanting to get her child away from imminent doom. I wouldn't trust Regina or Robin to protect the baby!

Edited by Mathius
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Hook said many of those exact same things to and about Dark Swan before he got his memories back. But he also turned around and told her that he does love her and forgives her no matter what. But of course that went down the drain pipe once he remembered everything. Perhaps being the Dark One is preventing Emma from having any kind of hope for saving Hook. If, after everything, Hook sacrifices himself knowing that Emma never had any faith in him, it will be devastating. But that's what the press release seems to suggest is going to happen.

I still don't know what to think about Hook's endgame. A Darth Vaderesque last minute turnaround doesn't seem like it will be all that satisfying, but maybe it'll play out better on-screen. At lesst the writers have us guessing more than ever this season!

That Script Tease--looks like they are leading up to Zelena going crazy again. She will try to take her daughter away to Oz and she's going to end up dead. Maybe at the hand of Nimue. Ugh...

I don't think Belle is taking Baby Green Bean with her.

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I was thinking about Sneak Peak 2 (the one with Rumple and Hook).


It could be part of a long con. Now perhaps I'm wearing fan goggles, but its almost like they are having two different conversations. Hook is gloating but Rumple isn't entirely sure why since he won the battle and has excalibur.  Hook goes on about the same old Rumple and his thirst for power.  Pair that with Colin saying that Hook left Excalibur on purpose (and it wasn't just a filming oversight).


What if in that scene, Hook is trying to give Rumple a message? Hook may not be able to say something straight up because the other Dark Ones will know. But, if he says someting obliquely, giving clues that only Rumple can figure out then maybe he is running a long con.  Rumple should know what the overall Dark One plan is since he was one (Emma knows it, so why shouldn't he?).  He and Hook share a common history even before either was a Dark One, so he can hint at things that Dark Ones may not know about or consider important. Gift wrap it in an argument about how Rumple is going to pay and the other Dark One's will think it's just Hook on a bender.


I find a couple of things interesting. Rumple does not appear to be in the pitch fork and torches brigade in the Third Sneak Peak. That could be because he is off doing something else and we won't have to later fanwank why he doesn't clue in the other villagers to stand down. Second, Hook emphasized that he has the dagger when Rumple is standing right there with Excalibur. It could be him metaphorically claiming victory or him giving a hint. We know that the dagger makes a return because Rumple uses it later. 


I'm probably crazy, but I really want it to be a long con. Here is a transcript of that scene:


Hook: It appears I've won. {A&E - things are not as they appear during 5A}

Rumple: Oh, did you? Last time we fought, this sword ended up in your neck.

Hook: You won the battle, not the war. I took the dagger from you. Now you have nothing and never will. {Hook never took the dagger from anybody. He was handed the sword - both times}

Rumple: Watch it pirate [tries to hit him with Excalibur]

Hook:Ah. There is the Rumplestiltskin we know and love {Rumple is rarely that rash to lunge at somebody. He's usually more thoughtful and planning}. That is why Belle's left you, isn't it? She knows just what kind of man you really are. {Belle has always said that he has a good heart}

Rumple: And what kind is that?

Hook: The kind who loves his power more than anything. More than your dead son. That's why it's so bloody satisfying to take it away from you. Mmm. Remember how good it felt. {Hook never took any power away from Rumple so why is he using the past tense? He's asking Rumple to remember. Just the power or Dark One things?}

Rumple: Power is only as good as the one who wields it. And you've done nothing but parlour tricks. {naive or a good point? Rumple is starting to look pensive here. Does he realize that Hook really hasn't done very many bad things so that might mean something? Is he trying to figure out what Hook is trying to tell him?}

Hook: Oh, is that right? Well, I think you're really going to like what happens next. The trick where I finally get my revenge. {revenge on Rumple or the Dark One?}


Of course, it could just be that Hook is crazily monologuing and we are missing some other scenes where all his gloating makes sense, but it is interesting that he's waiting to intercept Rumple here and does nothing to harm him in anyway. Perhaps he is hatching a plan with Rumple (who will toss him Excalibur like R2-D2 does the light saber in Return of the Jedie when Luke and Han are about to be executed).

Edited by kili
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