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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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The red dress is from "Lost Girl" and ''A Curious Thing''.

Thank you! Her wearing similar dresses means that those events are around the same time because she normally doesn't recycle outfits, correct? So we'd be getting a flashback from probably after Cora faked her death and a flashback around the other times. Probably. Maybe?


Maybe it's all the Star Wars promotion out now, and knowing A&E's love of it, I can't' help seeing them doing a parallel with the UW rescue.

It's funny you mentioned this, because Emma rescuing a Hook who either doesn't remember her or can't see her and saying "Someone who loves you" when he asks who's there, has been running through my head for a while. She's Princess Leia and Hook knows when she's quoting something!

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I think Hades will be behind it, and it will be targeted memory loss. He's gonna want to mess with Hook & the people who have come to rescue him. Remember the character description for the "Distinguished Gentleman" made a reference to being “the last person you ever want to share a drink with.”


Good catch about the "sharing a drink" line. Their character descriptions are usually pretty literal and spot on. If you think about it from Hades's perspective, if Hook still has his Dark One powers in tact when he goes to the Underworld, this might be the first time Hades has ever had someone with that kind of power at his disposal. Having a henchman who's probably the second-most powerful being in the Underworld as your puppet would be very beneficial, but the only way to truly get Hook's obedience and loyalty is to make him forget who he is and recondition him as Hades's right-hand man (pun possibly intentional). And then of course, Hades would just love the delicious irony of watching Dark One Hook capture his loved ones and putting them in Underworld jail cells without knowing they're actually there to help him escape.


And now that I've written this down, we can be certain that this is not the direction they're going in at all.

Edited by Curio
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Having a henchman who's probably the second-most powerful being in the Underworld as your puppet would be very beneficial, but the only way to truly get Hook's obedience and loyalty is to make him forget who he is and recondition him as Hades's right-hand man (pun possibly intentional).

Little does Hades know that making Hook forget will also make him completely forget he is the Dark One and he will lose all his magical powers and urges to be dark. Hook will be like Ferdinand the Bull sitting under the tree and sniffing the flowers. 


If Hook keeps his memories, it might be fun to watch Hook and Hades snark at each other (Greg can give good snark).

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Little does Hades know that making Hook forget will also make him completely forget he is the Dark One and he will lose all his magical powers and urges to be dark.


Technically, the only reason Hook didn't use his dark powers in Storybrooke is because Emma made him forget he was the Dark One, but he still knew he was Killian Jones. Hades could do the opposite and make him remember he's a Dark One, but get rid of his Killian Jones personality. So Hook would basically be like a John Doe Dark One.


But like I said, definitely not going to happen.


Hook will be like Ferdinand the Bull sitting under the tree and sniffing the flowers.


Well, A&E do like their obscure Disney references...

Edited by Curio

I just want a scene where Killy and the Underworld gang are just chillin' and are playing poker or some other old-timey card game (maybe that involves partners?). Cora, Pan, Hades, and Cruella with Killian just rolling his eyes. Team Cora/Hook win.

I don't want Killy to lose his memories. Maybe the "drink" will turn out something like Neverland. Drink the water or whatever, and you can never leave the Underworld or something like that.

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Technically, the only reason Hook didn't use his dark powers in Storybrooke is because Emma made him forget he was the Dark One, but he still knew he was Killian Jones.


Is it really the reason though? If he hasn't been sleeping, wouldn't he know there's something off? Or him sailing for so long, and having very little sleep because of that (or I'm assuming) plus the Emma situation made it that he doesn't question it?


I'm having a hard time with the whole he's not behaving differently because Emma made him forget. I hope they give an actual valid explanation that goes beyond "she made him forget". I hate the whole going from 0 to 100, because it is expected.


I don't think they'll have him lose his memories in the Underworld. I don't think he'll be the nicest person around either. 

Edited by YaddaYadda

We've been assuming the Dark Curse was cast just to transport people. Cue annoyance over unnecessary reused plot points since realm jumping transport abounds now. But part of the original Dark Curse was Regina getting to pick who she wanted everyone to be in the new world. Maybe SB Hook isn't just memory wiped. Maybe part of the reason Emma cast the curse instead of using the wand was because it allowed her to rewrite Hook, so to speak. Gold didn't have magic mostly because magic didn't exist in season 1, but of all their ass pulls over the season I could buy the Dark Curse having the power to at least mute or hide another magic users powers from them if their cursed persona was a non magic user. Not actually remove the powers, but sort of lock them away so the person doesn't remember they have access to that power. If all Emma needed was everyone to forget what happened long enough for her to enact her plan, she didn't really need the Dark Curse for that. She used the dream catchers for the mind wipe. Using the Dark Curse would have purpose if that's what's been keeping Hook from feeling Dark One impulses and magic.

Of course that's assuming Emma is the one to cast the curse which she might not have, but I still. That makes the most sense to me at this point.

Edited by CatMack
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Technically, the only reason Hook didn't use his dark powers in Storybrooke is because Emma made him forget he was the Dark One, but he still knew he was Killian Jones.


The problem I have with this is that Emma and Zelena both used magical powers before they knew that they had them. When something emotional happened, magic just came out o fthem. So, when Hook is being kidnapped or very worried about Emma or about to be stabbed by Arthur, why didn't his emotions cause a transformer to blow up or Arthur to get shoved?


The one little bit of magic which he did was to remove the cuff. I'm not sure why he thought that would work when his magical hook wasn't sufficient to get past Zelena's magic earlier, It was able to get past Regina's magic now because he is a very powerful magic user (and not just using some potion).  I noticed that magic was gold, just like Emma's pre-full-Dark Magic, so I don't know if tha tmeans something or if the special effects department just likes gold magic this year.


I just hope that this upcomming episode gives us a reasonable explanation of why Hook was so good under the Dark One spell in SB  and what reason he has to become bad. It can't just be his memories because that is completely inconsistent with how they portrayed the Dark One's influece on Emma and Rumple. You couldn't help but notice it. Emma may have been expecting it, but Rumple was not.


If they do have him not being a Dark One because of memory loss in SB, then they better not go down the memory loss route in the UW. If they put a little thought into it, they can make a consistent set of rules and stop having people spend days fanwanking what is happening.

Edited by kili

Memory-less Hook would be kind of silly though. So he's just chilling in the Underworld without a care in the world? There's little drama in that. They can't even bring in Liam or Milah or his father if it wouldn't affect him in some way. Now I can see him having memories and then just as Emma & Co. get there he is forced or tricked into drinking, but Amnesia!Hook for another half season would be dreadfully boring. 


I doubt it would last the whole arc, but more like you said, with him losing his memories right before they reach him. It could also be a targeted loss, so he forgets only Emma -- like Snow took the potion to forget only Charming.


There's a pic of Colin in either DO or Charon robes. I don't know where it's from, or the source. I have it saved.


This seems to be the source, but there's no info about when it was taken.


I don't want Killy to lose his memories. Maybe the "drink" will turn out something like Neverland. Drink the water or whatever, and you can never leave the Underworld or something like that.


That's exactly what happened when Persephone ate the pomegranate, although it worked out she was able to leave for half the year.


InsertWordHere, I've been expecting the "Someone who loves you" from Jedi, too!

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I need any spoiler about Dark Killian/Hook from Once Upon a Time! — TrueLove

In short, he’s not going to be struggling with the Darkness like Emma was. “As soon as the Darkness is within him again, he goes straight back to his vengeful pirate-y self, pre-Emma Hook, basically,” Jennifer Morrison says. “He’s operating from the Darkness, instead of the goodness that he’s fought for for so many hundreds of years. In the immediacy of it, he’s very resentful, but he’s operating out of that Darkness that’s within him.”


Ugh, I hate the sound of this. It seems that they are really going the "let's destroy Hook's redemption" route.

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I need any spoiler about Dark Killian/Hook from Once Upon a Time! — TrueLove

In short, he’s not going to be struggling with the Darkness like Emma was. “As soon as the Darkness is within him again, he goes straight back to his vengeful pirate-y self, pre-Emma Hook, basically,” Jennifer Morrison says. “He’s operating from the Darkness, instead of the goodness that he’s fought for for so many hundreds of years. In the immediacy of it, he’s very resentful, but he’s operating out of that Darkness that’s within him.”

Crap. So he's going to be full on dark, cause mayhem with the other Dark Ones, and then (hopefully) change his mind at the last minute and sacrifice himself. 


I don't think he's tricking anyone with his actions in Storybrooke. Damn. 

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They weren't going to present Hook doing what Emma did. She resisted the darkness because she didn't have that level of it in her.


He, on the other hand? Not so much.


Plus doing two stories where the person is tricking everyone into thinking they're horrible is really overkill. He'll come to his senses at the 11th hour.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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That's such a lazy writing choice just because they needed an arc-end villain, though. Even Rumple didn't immediately turn dark after becoming DO! 


But this is the same writing team that says using magic to heal someone helps turn you dark. Emma didn't make a deal with Regina, she healed Robin, saved his life, but the darkness got a bigger grip on her.


Doing good things makes your magic dark for some reason. Sacrificing for the greater good? Lose the person you love.


and Rumple technically went dark because he got his powers through killing, same as Nimue. This whole thing is really hard to understand. The more they go into the Dark One, the less sense it makes. 


At this point, I'm just gonna go with the darkness is unique to everyone.

As soon as the Darkness is within him again, he goes straight back to his vengeful pirate-y self, pre-Emma Hook, basically

Hate, hate, so much hate. I guess they disliked the comparisons that were being made between Regina's and Hook's redemptions, so they need to drag him through the mud a bit.


Next to the way the Dark One/Darkness stuff seems to work, Calvinball looks like an organized game with rigid rules.

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So, hit list? Zelena, Arthur, Merlin in Camelot?

He can kill everybody in Storybrooke and I will be still in his corner. (yeah, even Emma).


After reading that spoiler, I hope his death is permanent so I can stop watching this crap. The only redemption they had done right and they are going to destroy it. It's so frustrating.

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This is exactly what I feared. Killian is going to go darker than dark without any reason. Rumple was at least defending his child and stopping a war. Regina's reasons were lame, but at least she had some grief. Killian is going evil because the woman he loved saved his life. Reasons don't get much worse than that.


I'm really not sure how the writers intend to justify this. How does he go from a great guy to a total villian simply because he acquires knowledge. When people who hate Hook argue that the darkness did not exert power over him, what is the counter-argument? Clearly, it had no effect on him. He just turns into a villian as soon as he knows he can.


When Swan Queeners argue that he was only good because he wanted to hook up with Emma - what is the counter-argument? As soon as he gets mad at her, he goes totally evil. The fact that she saved his life is enough for him to set off on a path to do harm to her.




I'm a Hook fan, so I will try to fanwank why Emma should be in a relationship with him and why the town should try to save him. But, people who don't like him have a huge new quiver full of arrows to fling.


They could have at least written the struggle of a man to try to stay decent, but lets muddy up the heros. They are all villians. We are all the same and if we had been in Regina's shoes, we would have done exactly the same thing.


I need a table to flip. I knew not to trust these writers. And to think, I was excited to see Killian's name on the sword. I think Merlin passed his idiot ball to me.

Edited by kili
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I wonder if the reference is to what happens to him in Camelot and not what he does in Storybrooke.


I still hate that saving a life is shown to be the pathway to darkness and creates more darkness. Seriously?


They may have talked about how impossible it is for villains to get happy endings, but it seems more the case that one should never even try to be a hero in this world because you're screwed. Now we know why Regina has held back from being completely redeemed -- she's in the one safe zone on this show, not actively evil anymore but not really redeemed by expressing remorse. She's not getting the ending villains supposedly get, but she's also not getting screwed over and tortured for trying to be good.

  • Love 4
I wonder if the reference is to what happens to him in Camelot and not what he does in Storybrooke.


I think it does.


The show will probably pick up in Camelot. Plus it's a new day in Storybrooke from what we can tell from the sword fight on the JR.


ETA - Merlin, Arthur and Zelena are directly responsible for Emma's actions. And I'm sure he'll be plenty pissed at her. But seriously, if he decides the first 3 are expendable, I'm plenty fine with it. Merlin is a weasel. Zelena and Arthur, well they're psychotic.


I think Emma's problems with him are in Storybrooke.

Edited by YaddaYadda

With this news, what I hope happens is that Hook will throw his Dark One tantrum and pull out of it once the initial rage is spent. However, if they mess too much with the true love that he has for Emma then that might spoil the whole relationship for me. They've been so careful in building it up, that I just can't see how they would throw it away. Besides, we're going to have to want to root for him to be saved in 5B.

I would hope that the whole UW arc will be a chance for him to take a look back at his life via all the dead villains coming back into the story. I've always been interested in a "It's a Wonderful Life" episode, so maybe we'll get that for Killian.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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With this news, what I hope happens is that Hook will throw his Dark One tantrum and pull out of it once the initial rage is spent.


I hoped for that once too, but I think I need to lower my expectations. I'm going to think of the worst possible outcome and use my hope to hope that I have a better imagination for "worst possible outcome" than the writers.


Will we look fondly back on how 411 is better than 511?

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Will we look fondly back on how 411 is better than 511?

*still weeping at the inevitable destruction of my favorite character*

Currently clinging onto that 1% hope that they don't screw things up.

One tumblr poster made a decent (well as decent as you can get with this news) attempt at explain the immediate 180. When Rumple, Nimue, and Emma became Dark Ones, they didn't have 200 years of already having struggled with the darkness. So I can see why he would have a harder time struggling with all the evil power suddenly thrust upon him. still, the immediate flip in personality...hopefuly it's just a short evil DO tantrum. He does have a temper.

*goes back to weeping* basically, I feel like my entire next week is already ruined with this.

And here this season was such an improvement over 4b. ;_;

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Yep the point of comparison is more Regina and how she would have fared if the Darkness had entered her at end of last season.

Hook isn't a character to A&E right now. His redemption doesn't matter a whit. It's about Emma and how this affects her. She's the one being tested. She has to pass where Merlin failed.

Then they'll deal with Hook in the back half. This mess is going to last the whole season.

But let's rejoice because Gold got a get out of jail free heart card.

I know it's been brought up already, but I need to reiterate: JMO's Hook spoiler is clearly about CAMELOT, not Storybrooke. She mentions that this is as soon as the Darkness is within him, which is picking up from "Birth". I have no doubt whatsoever that he will be BEHAVING exactly the same in Storybrooke, but I think it'll be a ruse, whereas in Camelot it is almost definitely genuine, and I believe it'll be Merlin that he'll be seeking revenge on, and that he will kill him.

Edited by Mathius
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Jennifer is usually so reliable though, and this comes from her.

But she says in the immediacy of it. It sounds like he might be the only person to become the Dark One without wanting it. And it's one thing in Camelot, because he comes out of the vault, and he knows. But in Storybrooke, he had no idea.


The way I'm interpreting this is when he comes out of the vault, or when he starts raging after he finds out the truth, the shit hits the fan. To me it sounds like in both situations, cooler heads will end up prevailing. 


I think everyone is just jumping way too quickly to conclusions. Why would anyone go to the Underworld for this guy? And Rumple is still alive. That's not saying he won't do anything stupid, since he hasn't held the stupid ball this season.

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I know it's been brought up already, but I need to reiterate: JMO's Hook spoiler is clearly about CAMELOT, not Storybrooke. She mentions that this is as soon as the Darkness is within him, which is picking up from "Birth". I have no doubt whatsoever that he will be BEHAVING exactly the same in Storybrooke, but I think it'll be a ruse, whereas in Camelot it is almost definitely genuine, and I believe it'll be Merlin that he'll be seeking revenge on, and that he will kill him.


I agree with all of this except for the part about his Storybrooke actions being a ruse. I think Hook went waaaaay dark in Camelot, and did something terrible to Merlin. Something about the way Emma told him "Merlin can't help us now" when he asked about him in Storybrooke seemed so sad, like she was silently adding, "because you killed him, and I hope you never remember that". 


Basically I think Emma wrought the Dark Curse to get them back to Storybrooke so she could take the darkness out of Hook AND wipe everyone's memory of what he did, so he could be spared the consequences of his own evil actions. A mere portal wouldn't have the memory wipe effect, which is why only the Dark Curse would suffice. The only thing I can't figure out is whose heart she crushed and how that person (because it's got to be Hook or Henry) is still breathing.


Also, I'm very sad that Hook is going to be immediately knocked over by the Darkness when even Rumple seemed to be able to hold it at bay for a little while. 

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Emma will go to the UW to save him because she is the one who put the darkness in him and for whom he sacrificed his human life. She's wearing the ring and likely won't give up on their future.

The others will go for Emma. And they may even feel varying degrees of pity or compassion. After all they forgave Regina.

Has there been a specific spoiler that states they go to the UW to save Hook?  Or are people just assuming becoming Storybrooke is so fucked up in the BTS pics?  I know that Hades has been cast, but that doesn't mean folks are taking a trip to his world.

Yes, there's a line by Regina that's been spoiled that was like "I agreed to come here to get your pirate and get out!", or similar.

I can believe all of them would go for Emma, except Rumple. He wouldn't.

Even Rumple didn't immediately turn dark after becoming DO!

....Um, yes he did. He immediately committed mass murder (5 people at once) after he became the Dark One, remember? His own son was terrified of him.

I agree with all of this except for the part about his Storybrooke actions being a ruse. I think Hook went waaaaay dark in Camelot, and did something terrible to Merlin. Something about the way Emma told him "Merlin can't help us now" when he asked about him in Storybrooke seemed so sad, like she was silently adding, "because you killed him, and I hope you never remember that".

Not to mention the irony of Hook asking what Emma did to Merlin, when...you know.

But I maintain his Storybrooke actions will be a ruse, especially once he learns of all that he did in Camelot.....except maybe his duel with Rumple, that will probably just be him taking the opportunity to get revenge and give Rumple a taste of his own Dark One medicine.

Edited by Mathius
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I just don't know what to think anymore. I'd feel better if there were official guidelines on how stuff works for the different types of Dark Ones. Like, you have Nimue in one corner (immortality and then killing which triggers the Darkness), you have Rumple in another (killing to gain DO power), then Emma's in a 3rd corner (already has magic--light magic of all things--willingly tethering herself without murdering anybody), and lastly, you have Hook in another corner (forced tethering that immediatley flips the switch of the inner darkness he's been struggling with). And apparently a memory wipe/curse/variety-of-fanwanked-theories is enough to basically seal Killy's DarkOneness until he got his memories back? And Emma using light magic is evil?

And to top it all off, Excalibur was at first able to turn someone into a muggle, but now all the sudden it kills the host too???

None of it makes any sense. *flips several tables*

So unless Hook's Mariana-trench deep full of self-loathing and low self-esteem basically made it super easy for the DO to grab hold, I just don't see how they aren't going to end up completely damaging his character with this "immediate evil reaction."

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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add me to those who want to put a fist through the wall..

sadly I have no trouble seeing the writers doing this to Killian.. I also guess why we got the story of the rings. DO Killian in Camelot probably murdered some poor soul for asking the time....or maybe several poor innocents and Emma feels the guilt for it.

I also think the reason we saw Emma only using white magic when she fought Merlin is because he tries to hold back or fight off DO Killian but Killian uses the full force of his dark magic and Merlin doesn't come off too well BUT I keep coming back to one of the original statements from A&E...'what she THINKS happened'....

if Merlin is able to talk Killian back to sense and Killian desperately wants to be free of the Darkness they may make a separate plan that Emma knows nothing about..especially if Merlin has already seen how some of this goes down. I think Emma's memories of what happened have been tampered with but whether it was Killian, Merlin or Regina ...i have no idea.

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So unless Hook's Mariana-trench deep full of self-loathing and low self-esteem basically made it super easy for the DO to grab hold, I just don't see how they aren't going to end up completely damaging his character with this "immediate evil reaction."


This is a show that took a guy who had tried to murder most of the main characters last season and who even his loving wife had to boot out of town, hoovered his heart, had him fall under a bear and declared him the greatest hero in the land - the only one who could pull Excalibur..


This is a show that took a women who ruined everybodies life, slaughtered villages and killed children and had her be "No regrets" and then called her the hero of the town. She is now the savior after making 0 ammends (while making the guy who was mad about the village slaughtering look like the villian - so judgy!)


So, I fully believe these writers can write Hook to turn instantly dark when he discovers that his girlfriend saved his life, try to kill everybody she loves, bring back all the dark ones and have to be put down like Old Yeller (except the audience will want him dead and were still hoping for a miracle cure for Yeller) and then do nothing to redeem him, yet everybody will treat him like nothing happened.


His fans will lick their wounds and hope for a better arc next time. His haters will call him the worst thing ever. And the writers will congratluate on showing us that Regina and Rumple aren't so bad because every character is just like them.


Nobody better stab me with excalibur because I'm in a dark place and bad things will happen if I get saved.

Edited by kili
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