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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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One thing I'm really looking forward once the UW arc is resolved is Hook and Emma's reunion scene. Colin and Jen are going to sell the shit out of that and I'm so here for it. I'm going to need tissue, wine, chocolate, a good blanket...yes, yes, yes.

I agree, I just hope it isn't in 5.21. From filming spoilers it sure looks like they are still looking for him in 5.13 which makes me think long separation since nothing happens in the middle of the season.

I have a feeling they may stick Hook with memory loss because of the water in the UW, so when they find him, he won't remember Emma. So, you know, another layer of angst for 5B!

Agreed another way to drag out the angst and no TLK

Well, I want to believe Dark Hook will be more grayer than just going on a murder rampage and get killed by new saviour Regina.

First this scenario is silly even for A. and E. redundant as Regina as already save the days so many time before.

Totally forget about Emma in this scenario who will just be sobbing and want everybody to get the evil Hook back.

I am sure swan song will have something for understang Hook (his father) and the big scene has Hook and Emma lone at the lake. That the big emotional scene so either Emma or Hook make the big act.

But, all others main character will play a part including Regina and Rumple

It's not about not liking Hook, it's about not trusting the writers. I agree it seems out of character for him to go full on dark so quickly, but that won't stop the writers from doing it.

That's exactly it for me. I can see how they've set everything up to show how he has what it takes to fight back the darkness and win because he's done it before (though not on this scale) and is perhaps better equipped than anyone to know how to do it, and he's also helped hold Emma back from darkness, both in 4B when Rumple was trying to turn her dark and now when she was the Dark One. It would be a lovely character arc for him to find that even as a Dark One, he doesn't really want revenge and that he can resist the darkness, and for him to pull off some kind of self-sacrifice to save Emma from the darkness, taking it with him to the Underworld.


Unfortunately, I don't trust the idiot savant writers to have realized what they accidentally set up, and I'm afraid of them pulling yet another case of tearing down someone who up until now had a good redemption arc to show that the R-villains really aren't any worse than anyone else, and I'd rather both Emma and Hook have to do some terrible, painful right thing than get some kind of bizarre free pass like Regina and Rumple. They seem to enjoy the wild-eyed, rage-driven pirate almost as much as they love the Evil Queen, so I'm terrified that this is what we're going to get.


I just have my fingers crossed that it's the promo monkeys who like the wild-eyed pirate and who picked those clips for the teaser promo, when it turns out that a split second later he goes, "Oh, wait, never mind, I don't need or want this, and I'll never be like you," to Rumple.

  • Love 4

same with how the episode ended with Hook being super evil. Like, I half expect him 2 minutes into the next episode to reveal he meant "taking care of her" as in Zelena, not emma. It's happened before. Pan left Hook with the choice to tell the gang about Neal. Literally 2 seconds later he spills the beans. Snowing gets sanded by evil Arthur...2 seconds later they're found out and Merlin fixes them.

I just don't know who or what to believe anymore.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 1

I have a feeling they may stick Hook with memory loss because of the water in the UW, so when they find him, he won't remember Emma. So, you know, another layer of angst for 5B!

I wouldn't mind that. Seeing Hook be so impressed by Emma immediately after they met ("You're bloody brilliant, amazing!") was one of my favourite parts of their storyline. I won't say no to seeing it again!

  • Love 2

I agree that Papa Jones might show up in the Regina flashbacks. It might even be these flashbacks that gives Regina the idea that they can get him back and she tells Emma. Maybe being the son of Charon/Davy Jones, if that is indeed who his father is, gives them some sort of loophole to get him out. 

I wouldn't mind that. Seeing Hook be so impressed by Emma immediately after they met ("You're bloody brilliant, amazing!") was one of my favourite parts of their storyline. I won't say no to seeing it again!

Yep. They've met so many times now from his perspective and the one thing that has been consistent is that every time he meets her he is awestruck by her again. A bosom bearing barfly? Quick, let me get rid of these other women. A wild haired tower prisoner? I'll risk my life doing something I don't know how to do to get you and your son to safety. Here, have some goat's milk. 


Memory-less Hook will still want to be with Emma Swan. The only way he won't is if Milah is somehow in the mix and frankly, I think even then he'd be torn. I'm here for it.

  • Love 7

Hook from the past was still on his revenge hunt with Rumple but got sidetracked because some damn bar wench had him fuckstruck so having him still hung up on Milah would make me side eye them so hard. Poor Emma though, it's still seems like she's playing a video game and the levels to happy endings keeps getting harder and harder.

  • Love 3

Hook from the past was still on his revenge hunt with Rumple but got sidetracked because some damn bar wench had him fuckstruck so having him still hung up on Milah would make me side eye them so hard. Poor Emma though, it's still seems like she's playing a video game and the levels to happy endings keeps getting harder and harder.


I don't think there's a universe in which Hook won't feel a connection to Emma, or fall in love with her. 


At the same time, he seems to have made peace with his losses on the surface only. Milah coming back isn't the worst thing that could happen imo. Plus Rumple is going there too, so maybe it's really time for those to really come face to face with the past.

  • Love 3

I don't want Regina in a Papa Hook flashback. I don't want Regina near Hook in flashbacks either. That one episode is enough. But I suppose I should brace myself for the inevitable.


I don't think this is going to be what we're expecting. 


Depending on where this adventure falls, Regina and Hook could be on a quest to find something to reach the Underworld, or trying to find some kind of a weapon that's not the dagger to destroy the Dark One. If this is set up after Hook brought Cora back from Wonderland, maybe Regina is trying to figure out a way to communicate with her, and Hook is not really having it because he didn't kill Cora, so Regina would find out?


Whatever it is, it's probably something that's tied to both the Dark One and the Underworld. Maybe she finds out who Hook's father is, and keeps it from him for whenever she needs it.


That BTS of Jen in Charon's boat, maybe that's what they use to get to the Underworld.

  • Love 1

I've always wondered if we'll ever get an explanation for that weird moment in Bleeding Through when Hook bumps the table during the seance. It could be that he was hesitant to commune with the Underworld or it could be about Cora. Or he could have just bumped the table.


Hook from the past was still on his revenge hunt with Rumple but got sidetracked because some damn bar wench had him fuckstruck so having him still hung up on Milah would make me side eye them so hard. 

To be clear, I was referring to a Hook who would only remember his time with Milah, not her death or his centuries-long revenge streak. 

  • Love 1

Regina's relationship with Hook has probably been the least toxic she has had on the show. I actually like those two together because they foil each other well, but also share a few qualities in common. Plus, I really liked their interactions in 2x09 so I'm a little excited about revisiting that.



  I've always wondered if we'll ever get an explanation for that weird moment in Bleeding Through when Hook bumps the table during the seance. It could be that he was hesitant to commune with the Underworld or it could be about Cora. Or he could have just bumped the table.

It would be totally weird if that turned out to be the second time Regina and Hook attempted to talk to Cora in the Underworld. 

Edited by KingOfHearts

I'm thinking Hades will wanna play dirty with everyone. These people have come to take someone from him. I could see him dangling Liam and Milah, and whispering in Emma's ear to look how happy Hook is to be reunited with them, all the while using Milah to torture Rumple, and Marian against Regina, and whomever else. Maybe Josh will get to play dual roles, and Hook and James are hanging out with Underworld!Rabbit Hole.


Because why not?

  • Love 4

Regina's relationship with Hook has probably been the least toxic she has had on the show. I actually like those two together because they foil each other well, but also share a few qualities in common. Plus, I really liked their interactions in 2x09 so I'm a little excited about revisiting that.

Another thing that gives me hope is that in this pre-curse time period he is unquestionably Hook the Villain. I think they will use that to contrast with giving up power and giving up revenge and choosing to die to stop the darkness. 

  • Love 4

I just don't want Regina involved with Papa Hook. For once, I'd like a villain that's not involved with Rumple and/or Regina. And the continuity problems would drive me crazy, having Regina know about Papa hook but only just bringing it up to Hook after how many seasons of interactions? That sounds as organic as the eggnapping plot.

That's interesting about the bumping of the table. I had forgotten Hook had done that. I always remember that he seemed so unimpressed in that scene.

  • Love 1

I don't want a Jones man anywhere near Regina.  Emma and the Charmings already worship at her altar, please don't ruin Hook by making him Regina's new bestest friend.


But this happened in the past though. Those two enjoy biting each others' head offs on a good day. They're reluctant allies at best, I don't even think they'd reveal that they mildly care about each other under torture.

I found that Evil Queen photo. It's definitely NOT the costume from 2x09.



But this happened in the past though. Those two enjoy biting each others' head offs on a good day. They're reluctant allies at best, I don't even think they'd reveal that they mildly care about each other under torture.

This. Especially since Hook is working for Cora... any alliance would be pure manipulation.

Edited by KingOfHearts

I think the 'take care of her' line means putting the anti magic cuff on Emma to keep her from interfering while he decides what he wants to do next.

A clever pixie on tumblr noticed the parallel between Merlin freezing Grannie's key in mid air with the swan on it with Killian inking Emma....now I am wondering if Killian gets frozen at some point too. Maybe Merida finally worked out the only sensible way to shoot an arrow at a DO is with squid ink on it.

I've been somewhat worried about whether that anti-magic cuff is still operable after Hook sliced it open.

Part of the reason I think Emma will have to kill Hook is because Merlin couldn't kill Nimue. Emma will be expected to be stronger than Merlin. If you think about it, Emma and Merlin did somewhat the same thing. They inadvertently created a Dark One because they couldn't live without their beloved. Different steps to get there granted.

Love the script tease since it's the first time I agreed with Regina lol!

  • Love 3

Apparently the outfit belle is seen in for 5x10 is the one she was seen in for 5x11? That means all the craziness on the Storybrooke side all happens in 24 hrs-ish? So basically Killy's going to go off the deep end for a day. Lol. To think, possibly the last DO's are babies compared to their predecessors. 6-7 wks and 3-4 wks old.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Apparently the outfit belle is seen in for 5x10 is the one she was seen in for 5x11? That means all the craziness on the Storybrooke side all happens in 24 hrs-ish?


DS did tell Hook that it would all be over "tomorrow." I think DS's plan was timed for "when the stars align" ;) or when something was happening to allow Charon/the Dark Ones to come to SB. I think her plan with Zelena had a specific time when it needed to happen because of magic reasons. But probably now Hook is going to pick up that plan. Or I suppose it's possible that DS already set something in motion that she now can't stop because Hook has Excalibur and the darkness isn't in Zelena.

There is a full moon out, according to what Hook said while looking at the sea :) Some sort of ceremony is just begging to be performed!

you're so clever!!

I thought it was waaa too bright outside the window when Killian was looking through the telescope. I thought woops someone messed up.then he mentioned the full moon and I thought Ahh that's where all the light is from...she didn't have the porch light on! I didn't put 2&2 together with 'magical ceremony' why else would he specifically mention it?? Sometimes I'm so thick!

Edited by PixiePaws1


DS did tell Hook that it would all be over "tomorrow." I think DS's plan was timed for "when the stars align" ;) or when something was happening to allow Charon/the Dark Ones to come to SB. I think her plan with Zelena had a specific time when it needed to happen because of magic reasons. But probably now Hook is going to pick up that plan. Or I suppose it's possible that DS already set something in motion that she now can't stop because Hook has Excalibur and the darkness isn't in Zelena.

I was wondering how she was going to kill Zelena if she was immortal. She was probably going to give her over to the Charon, who would take her to the Underworld. Maybe the UW peeps got annoyed with two Dark Ones breaking the laws of death even more.

Edited by KingOfHearts

DS did tell Hook that it would all be over "tomorrow." I think DS's plan was timed for "when the stars align" ;).

well, she is trying to cleave Hook/herself from the dagger. Or at least the darkness aspect of it.

Full moon? Didn't someone make a comment about beware of the full moon, or keep your eye on it, or something in one of the interviews? We assumed it was going to be about Zelena (she did give birth, so...),but I also wonder if it was hinting at all the crazy stuff that's about to go down?

Personally, I'm waiting for the planets to align. We are getting Hercules, afterall.

I'm still confused about why Zelena would die. At first all excalibur was supposed to do was turn Merlin into a muggle. Then when it was broken, all the sudden it (the dagger part) would kill the host but not the magic. now that it's been reforged, it still apparently kills the host or is that because the names are tethered to it? Shouldn't it go back to just slicing out magic?

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I was thinking about potential for Hook to have memory loss in the Underworld and decided that it wouldn't make any sense given that Cora, Pan, Cruella, et al. all seem to have their memories. Robbie even said something about Pan having a different view of things or some regrets now. That doesn't seem like it would go along with drinking from the waters of the Lethe. There would be no past coming back to haunt you if all that happens is you see the shade of someone and they don't even remember you. 

  • Love 1

I think Hades will be behind it, and it will be targeted memory loss. He's gonna want to mess with Hook & the people who have come to rescue him. Remember the character description for the "Distinguished Gentleman" made a reference to being “the last person you ever want to share a drink with.” I think Hook could make the mistake of drinking the water that Hades offers. It's akin to Persephone eating the pomegranate. 

  • Love 1

Memory-less Hook would be kind of silly though. So he's just chilling in the Underworld without a care in the world? There's little drama in that. They can't even bring in Liam or Milah or his father if it wouldn't affect him in some way. Now I can see him having memories and then just as Emma & Co. get there he is forced or tricked into drinking, but Amnesia!Hook for another half season would be dreadfully boring. 

I was thinking about potential for Hook to have memory loss in the Underworld and decided that it wouldn't make any sense given that Cora, Pan, Cruella, et al. all seem to have their memories.

If Hook is still the Dark One when he dies, he might drink the memory loss potion to forget that fact because it seems that if you forget you are the Dark One, you have no dark tendencies (this appears to be the logic they are running with).


In general, Hook doesn't like to forget his past, but if it was the only way to stop being the Dark One, maybe that is what he would do?


Memory-less Hook would be kind of silly though. So he's just chilling in the Underworld without a care in the world? There's little drama in that.



There would be some drama in trying to get him to leave with random strangers. Plus, there is all the "Do we restore  his memories so he knows us at the cost of him becoming the Dark One again?" angst.  Which will all be nicely resolved with him not being the Dark One anymore because of some Calvinball Rule.


Memory loss seems to be a favourite of the writers. When was the last time their wasn't a memory loss? Season 1 had the memory loss of the curse (plus Snow taking her own memories to forget Charming). Season 2 had the threat of memory loss if you crossed the town line and Belle losing her memories was a major plot point (Regina did some non-judicious Memory wiping as well). Season 3A ended with Emma and Henry losing their memories as the cliff-hanger while 3B focused on the loss memories from the second curse. 4A had Ingrid syphoning off memories with troll stones and Belle trying to retrieve memories of her Mom. 4B made a plot point of August getting back his memories and concluded with almost everybody forgetting who they were in the AU. 5A has battled memory loss from the fourth invocation of the curse. 


So, odds are good somebody has memory loss in 5B. Hook avoided the first two major memory loss plot-lines - maybe its his turn for a double dose?


Will this next episode be when they cast the curse and the Dark Ones interrupt the useless voice-mail from Merlin? "Oh no, the Dark Ones found me already". That's because you are hiding in Grannies, you idiot.

Edited by kili

Maybe it's all the Star Wars promotion out now, and knowing A&E's love of it, I can't' help seeing them doing a parallel with the UW rescue. Hook = Han, Emma = Leia, Charon = BobaFett, Hades = Jabba. So maybe Hook has been frozen and being used as a coat rack in Hades' den.


But that begs the question, who is Luke? Henry? Ew.

  • Love 1

So if young Snow has been spotted filming with Hercules, does that mean the theory of a first love/crush/one-sided love? Flashback could turn out to be true???

Now that red EQ outfit that is worn in 5x11 is from what previous episode/ flashback again? I know we discussed it before, and that while the outfit is the same the necklace was different.

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