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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Also, since Emma hasn't truly embraced the darkness (which earworm Rumpel said she hadn't) then that implies (to me) that she's keeping a part of herself walled off from the darkness, which I would surmise prevents the darkness/earworm Rumpel/Nimue from knowing Emma's true intentions.


Perhaps that part of herself is kept in Hook? Like part of her heart or soul, perhaps?

Sorry I'm late to the party. Wow, that was a heck of a sneak peek. Colin and Jen really killed it in that scene. Especially Colin's face when Emma says "I'm doing it for you." The stunned disbelief, heartbreak, and guilt that flitted across his face was really well done. 


So much for Emma be the Darkest-Dark One. I think any other Dark One would have squished Arthur like a bug for trying to kill someone that they loved, but Emma just flicked him away.  It seems to cement the theory that she turned dark for altruistic reasons.


I find it interesting that when both Emma and Killian have made a sacrifice for each other (whether it's his home or her immortal soul) that they both have kept it a secret so that the other person doesn't have to carry that burden. And then they only reveal it when really pushed about it (or when the other person thinks they're ready to hear it). I guess we have the answer of whether Emma would go to the end of the world or time for him. Sigh. These two. 


I wonder what's happening "tomorrow". There's always random arbitrary deadlines with villains!


In the promo, Regina tells Killian that Emma is manipulating him, so I wonder if Emma leaves after their confrontation in the woods without telling him what happened and then he has to seek her out. This leads to him throwing himself off the roof since he knows now that she will appear to rescue him no matter what. Then they somehow end up back at Emma's place with Zelena and then she reveals what happened in Camelot. And then kissing ensues either to make him remember or just... cause. Ugh why can't it be Sunday already??

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Perhaps that part of herself is kept in Hook? Like part of her heart or soul, perhaps?

That's an interesting thought. It's would also be a bit of a parallel with Snowing splitting a heart (which I still hate, btw) and these writers do like their parallels. Instead of Snowing's heart splitting, here we have Emma sharing her soul to save Hook? Though, honestly, to me that's so damn cheesy it's actually a complete turn off. It's too much like a bad fantasy romance novel for my tastes. Though, no offense meant to anyone that does find it romantic, it's just not how I roll. To each their own. But anyhow, sure, that could be what's going on with that spoiler pic of Emma using Excalibur over Hook in that field of flowers. I'm not sure how sharing a soul saves someone's life and why that would even be a thing, but I'm not on the same wavelength as these writer.


Anyone who thinks Emma has embraced the darkness is wrong. we still don't know what happened in Camelot, and I hope we stop saying that after 5x08.

I know, right. She could've easily killed Arthur in that sneak peek but she just launches him into a tree (which, btw, made me cheer - Suck it, Arthur!). Pfft, with everything Arthur's done to her and her family so far, I would've been okay with Dark Swan picking Arthur up and throwing him against the tree like a rag doll 10 more times and with feel! And yet, she doesn't even do that. Embraced the darkness my right butt cheek.

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Whatever happened in Camelot that led Emma to cast the curse, I think she was under the control of the dagger.


In 5x03, she tells Happy that if something has your name on it, hold on to it. I doubt this was about what Regina did in 5x02.


And now in this new sneak peek, she tells Arthur that the sword can't control anyone. She effectively managed to do what Rumple was trying to do last season with the hat.


I think there's something to this.

  • Love 4

Right now I'm betting Rumpel tricked Team "You had ONE job" (Snowing + Regina + Robin) into somehow conjuring up Nimue (because Merlin said so) and as a result - they accidentally brought back several of the Dark One's (probably one for each member of Team "You had ONE job") and now they've been marked - because he who brings Dark Ones back to life pays with their life -- all marked for death except for Rumpel who just conveniently regained his dark one powers. 


That is a brilliant thought! And it's very likely Team TSTL falls for Gold's machinations. Once again. Because being in Team Hero means you automatically lose several IQ points. 

  • Love 1

I find it interesting that Arthur seemed so intent on killing Killian. A variation on my theory that Emma has stolen time to keep Killian alive. .. she might have sucked all the illusion magic that was keeping Camelot whole into keeping Killian alive and Camelot is destroyed/broken. So Arthur forces Emma to cast the Dark Curse to get to SB thinking he could remake Camelot there but didn't know she'd sneak in the memory wipe. When he gets his memory back goes after Killian to kill him....for revenge?

I find it interesting that Arthur seemed so intent on killing Killian.

But the scene started with Killian chasing Arthur. I wonder what that was about. Maybe Killian discovered Arthur up to something, Arthur fled, and then in the fight in the woods, Arthur was going to kill Killian to keep him from saying anything.


I wonder what's happening "tomorrow".

The stars in the sky align with the stars in the hat? Oops, sorry, wrong arc.

  • Love 5

When he gets his memory back goes after Killian to kill him....for revenge?

I don't know about that.


I think the scene we see is the same day they find out Arthur tried to set fire to the toadstool, and that he's basically a liar who lies. I think everyone just goes after him, and Hook happens to be the one who finds him.


I know Hook doesn't really get changed, but he still has the same shirt he had during 5x06.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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The stars in the sky align with the stars in the hat? Oops, sorry, wrong arc.

You know, depending on how closely they follow the Hercules movie (although I think it'll be more of a mash-up like how Once incorporated the Snow Queen/mirror aspect of the original tale into Frozen), we could be getting this again. Except with planets. :P

So is Hercules going to be a hero, or are they going to turn him inside out like they did Arthur?

I feel like they're gonna play him pretty straight... I mean, there's always his asshole father and stepmom to cause trouble! I hope they don't ruin Megara, but she DID go crazy with jealousy in one of the myths and ended up poisoning him with a coat or something!

Yeah, I think Herc being bad would have had more of a mention in the casting call if that was the case. With Arthur, the casting call straight up said that beneath his just and noble exterior he was a vindictive, manipulative asshole whose love for Guinevere was "controlling".

Edited by Mathius

That's an interesting thought. It's would also be a bit of a parallel with Snowing splitting a heart (which I still hate, btw) and these writers do like their parallels. Instead of Snowing's heart splitting, here we have Emma sharing her soul to save Hook? Though, honestly, to me that's so damn cheesy it's actually a complete turn off. It's too much like a bad fantasy romance novel for my tastes. Though, no offense meant to anyone that does find it romantic, it's just not how I roll. To each their own. But anyhow, sure, that could be what's going on with that spoiler pic of Emma using Excalibur over Hook in that field of flowers. I'm not sure how sharing a soul saves someone's life and why that would even be a thing, but I'm not on the same wavelength as these writer.




Ooh no...I don't do cheese either and can only take fluff in small doses.  Really hoping there's not a soul-sharing, heart-sharing thing going on, but more like a Emma hi-jacked someone's heart or lifeforce to keep bae alive.    But I think they will up the cheese factor with these two...they already went there with the field of flowers kissage and pretty soon, Emma will drag her man's body back there for more cheese.  But I'll sop it up with a biscuit because they're my babies.


I will say, for Hook not to have hit that yet, he got Emma pretty sprung.


Yeah, sorry...I just really need for these two to bang already.


Emma is trying to give Killian his ring back and he says no? I can't with these two.



I missed this...is it in another promo or pics?

Edited by FierceAfroChick

Wow, might this be the best Captain Swan episode since the movie (I know, lower expectations)?


Why is Killian chasing Arthur through the woods at night?  Why is Arthur willing to kill him?  My best guess is that the Nevengers think Arthur knows something about Nimue, why they aren't asking Rumple though is puzzling.


I wonder if Emma has Merlin's "seeing the future" power and that's how she knew that Killian was in trouble?  It's also really uncharacteristic that Hook would just lay there on the ground while Arthur runs him through.  I think the whole point of the scene is to show Arthur that Excalibur is whole and not his and for Hook and Emma to have a private discussion/fight. 


I'm still not sure that I think they share one heart or soul.  I think Emma used healing magic on Killian for some reason in Camelot and the price she paid is becoming the Dark One.  I think Killian sacrifices himself to the Underworld and saves Emma in the process, but no heart or soul splitting occurs.

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It still doesn't compute with me how saving someone's life turns you dark. 


i'd think that Emma saving someone's life, like Robin, for nothing in return, should start decreasing the hold of the darkness if anything. For every good deed, the darkness becomes less, not more.


What's the difference between Emma healing someone, and Merlin being shown healing someone? She's not crushing someone's heart, she's saving their life, and asking for nothing in return.


Talk about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. After all of this, Emma needs to catch a break, like, I don't know, be happy for longer than 5 minutes.


Wow, might this be the best Captain Swan episode since the movie (I know, lower expectations)?


So I'm expecting huge things from this episode. I won't lower my expectations either, especially with 5x09 coming after. Now that's an episode with extremely low expectations. I hope the thread for 5x08 will be open right after the episode is over.

  • Love 5


Talk about the road to hell being paved with good intentions.

I think you just found the show's tagline. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions..."


Regina: "Okay, in order to enter the Underworld, we need a good intention that leads to disastrous consequences. Emma, I need the dreamcatcher."

Emma: "What for?"

Regina: "There's someone else's memories we can extract from that day Daniel was murdered..."

Snow: *eyes grow big*

Cut scene.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Just thinking about filming spoilers and sneaks/promos for 5.08.  We know:


In Camelot:

Emma's family (sans Henry) are tied to trees

Arthur and Zelena demand the dagger and spark from Emma in order to free her family

Emma hands over the spark to Zelena/ Zelena and Emma potentially battle

Emma and Merlin battle

Hook frees himself first from the trees while Snow is choked by Merlin

Arthur and Zelena poof away

Emma waves broken Excalibur over Killian in the Middlemist field


In Storybrooke:


Regina thinks someone is being manipulated by Emma (probably Hook?)

Hook chases Arthur through the woods, Arthur nearly kills him, Emma saves the day

Hook wants to help Emma (because she saved him?)

Emma tells Hook she's doing all of this (Dark Oneing, Whole Excalibur) for him and it will be over "tomorrow"

Hook jumps off library roof after summoning Emma and she saves him (I can't help but wonder if this scene is cut in favor of the one in the woods?)

Hook and Emma make out at her house and he looks through a mini telescope

It appears that Hook might get his memory back after a kiss at her house

Hook's heart is tethered to Excalibur (making him immortal?) by Zelena

Zelena's pregnancy accelerates and she and Regina pay a visit to Dr. Whale

Emma slams Excalibur into the ground in her front yard in front of Regina, Zelena and Snow.

I think the scene in the woods is what leads Hook to summon Emma by throwing himself off the roof. In between these two incidents, Regina warns him not to trust Emma (he probably tells the Nevengers about Emma's stated motives). After that, he obtains the snow globe from Gold, which may provide some additional information. Emma saves him again, they go to her place, and the rest of the scenes unfold. 

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 2

Just thinking about filming spoilers and sneaks/promos for 5.08.  We know:


In Camelot:

Emma's family (sans Henry) are tied to trees

Arthur and Zelena demand the dagger and spark from Emma in order to free her family

Emma hands over the spark to Zelena/ Zelena and Emma potentially battle

Emma and Merlin battle

Hook frees himself first from the trees while Snow is choked by Merlin

Arthur and Zelena poof away

Emma waves broken Excalibur over Killian in the Middlemist field


In Storybrooke:


Regina thinks someone is being manipulated by Emma (probably Hook?)

Hook chases Arthur through the woods, Arthur nearly kills him, Emma saves the day

Hook wants to help Emma (because she saved him?)

Emma tells Hook she's doing all of this (Dark Oneing, Whole Excalibur) for him and it will be over "tomorrow"

Hook jumps off library roof after summoning Emma and she saves him (I can't help but wonder if this scene is cut in favor of the one in the woods?)

Hook and Emma make out at her house and he looks through a mini telescope

It appears that Hook might get his memory back after a kiss at her house

Hook's heart is tethered to Excalibur (making him immortal?) by Zelena

Zelena's pregnancy accelerates and she and Regina pay a visit to Dr. Whale

Emma slams Excalibur into the ground in her front yard in front of Regina, Zelena and Snow.


I'll leave whatever happened in Camelot alone.


About Storybrooke, I think that the sequence of events picks up soon after 5x06 is done, when everyone is in Regina's vault.


I think Rumple might show up, and asked if he knows who Nimue is. He is also holding that globe inside Regina's vault. It could be just Snow and Regina there with him.

I think Zelena happens somewhere here. She is very likely still in her cell when nurse Ratchet sees what's going on with the pregnancy.

There's a BTS of Robin, David, and Hook with their swords drawn in the middle of the Camelot camp. I think they split to look for Arthur, but Hook is the one who finds him, and gives chase.

The sneak peek we saw happens

Then it's the piece from the promo with Regina in what looks like the loft telling Hook he is being manipulated by the Dark One

He decides to go find Emma. Somewhere in between, he goes to find that globe that Rumple had in his hands.

He summons Emma, when she doesn't show, he jumps

They have their talk, promo of him telling her he loves her no matter what she's done.

they go to her place where she either tells him, or he recovers his memories.

Zelena shows up because somewhere along the line, Emma frees her.


I wonder if the accelerated pregnancy isn't a ploy to get Zelena out of her cell.

Plus Snowing and Regina show up at Emma's. That might because they know Zelena is there, and they want her back in her cushy cell.

Edited by YaddaYadda

I wonder if we'll see the Nevengers get recaptured after being poofed away. Or if Merlin poofed them away to the trees where they're chained?

Also, I'll just assume that Henry's hanging out with Lancelot, Granny and the dwarves at Granny's diner while all this nonsense is going down.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I found it odd/interesting how long they seemed to be standing totally motionless. I guess there's a lot of dialogue in the scene? But there was a long stretch where they were just standing there, and then it looked like they clasped hands and held that pose without moving for a long time, and then they walked away. Maybe they were getting close-up shots, and so they only did the major movement that would affect their relative position, but it was almost like they were posing for still photos.

There is a point where you can see Emma smiles, presumably in response to some heart-felt thing Hook says. It's cute when Hook/Colin starts swinging their hands together like in the season premiere. I think JMo found it cute and then started skipping. hehe 


Wow--I must be crazy for hyper-analyzing a shaky fan video with bad lighting this much!. lol


ETA: I'm excited that they don't seem to be done filming in Scarybrooke. Is this still for episode 5.12 or is it 5.13?

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 3

There is a point where you can see Emma smiles, presumably in response to some heart-felt thing Hook says. It's cute when Hook/Colin starts swinging their hands together like in the season premiere. I think JMo found it cute and then started skipping. hehe

Wow--I must be crazy for hyper-analyzing a shaky fan video with bad lighting this much!. lol

I think Emma poofs them back to her house once he folds the ring back into her hand.


alternate tag line: "No good deed goes unpunished."

If you're a hero in Storybrooke, I hope you're a masochist. 



Am I the only one who's disappointed that Zelena won't be taking Regina's voice? Turn-about's Fair Play, after all, but we know A & E don't give a damn about fair play.

Regina not being able to snark in inappropriate moments would be a nightmare for A&E.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 2

Excalibur seems to have only one purpose (other than slicing and dicing people like all swords can) - to extinguish magic and depending on the intentions of who's wielding it, it can extinguish either dark or light.

I thought Excalibur was only able to do is take away the Holy Grail's magic from where the sword was forged out of. So really Excalibur can only "snuff" out the DO, the source of the dark HG magic and Merlin's light HG magic. That's what Nimue and Merlin was talking about. They and only they can take the other out. I don't think Excalibur can extinguish magic that didn't come from the HG. Unless they're saying all magic came from there? It's been Merlin vs Nimue this entire time.

Emma has the DO magic and either Merlin isn't dead or Hook has it since his name is on Excalibur. Or its contained in that snow globe thing. Or maybe Zelena stole Merlin's magic for her baby lol.

I thought Excalibur was only able to do is take away the Holy Grail's magic from where the sword was forged out of. So really Excalibur can only "snuff" out the DO, the source of the dark HG magic and Merlin's light HG magic. That's what Nimue and Merlin was talking about. They and only they can take the other out. I don't think Excalibur can extinguish magic that didn't come from the HG. Unless they're saying all magic came from there?

Meh. The hell if I know. I think you could interpret it either way. But I’m just going by what the characters have said and in the last ep Merlin gave Emma the Dark One dagger so that she could call Nimue forth because he told Emma that she needed “it’s power to talk to the first Dark One. To reach all the way back to the origin of dark magic”. It’s sounds to me as if he’s talking about all dark magic.


And, as far as light magic is concerned, The Dark Ones in Emma’s head seem pretty confident that Excalibur is so powerful that it can extinguish light magic and that sentiment has been backed up by Arthur who has said that Excalibur  (verbatim) “can destroy all light magic”. The story being sold to us is that Excalibur can destroy all light magic, so it seems to me the same applies for all dark magic. Now, yes, Arthur is power mad, cray-cray and maybe he’s just repeating lies that he’s been told (or just lying himself), but nothing so far outright contradicts that they're talking about all light magic, so…right now to me it sounds like each side is talking about destroying either light magic or dark magic in general.

Though, with all that said, I don’t think it matters. Because it’s this show. Rules that stick and world building is not something they do so I wouldn’t be surprised if they backtrack and change what they've been telling us halfway through the conclusion. Whether they’re talking about destroying all light magic, or all dark magic, or just special fruit loops magic, I don’t think it will matter even a bit by the end of this arc. I was just trying to puzzle out what Dark Swan’s ultimate goal could be based on that sneak peek and the information we've been given concerning Excalibur so far. It’s not like I think I’m going to suddenly discover the primer that unlocks the mystery to the rules of magic and world building for this show. Because let's be real, TS;TW; such a primer doesn’t exist.


Really hoping there's not a soul-sharing, heart-sharing thing going on, but more like a Emma hi-jacked someone's heart or lifeforce to keep bae alive.    But I think they will up the cheese factor with these two...they already went there with the field of flowers kissage and pretty soon, Emma will drag her man's body back there for more cheese.  But I'll sop it up with a biscuit because they're my babies.

Well, I do like me my cheesy biscuits. ;) But too much cheese factor in a TV romance can ruin it for me just like too much cheese will ruin a good biscuit.  The cheese can make the biscuit special and give it some tang or pop that can complement that buttery, fluffy biscuit, but if it's too much cheese it totally overpowers the biscuit....and.........you know what?....I don't think I'm even talking abut Hook and Emma anymore....I just want a cheesy biscuit. A fluffy, buttery, cheesy biscuit. With bacon. Oh, and eggs. I want a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. And now I'm hungry *stares at clock until closest place with biscuits on the menu opens*

Edited by regularlyleaded
  • Love 4


Now, yes, Arthur is power mad, cray-cray and maybe he’s just repeating lies that he’s been told (or just lying himself), but nothing so far outright contradicts that they're talking about all light magic, so…right now to me it sounds like each side is talking about destroying either light magic or dark magic in genera


I kind of applied the removal of magic (either light or dark) on a person by person basis. Like if Nimue had cut away Merlin's magic, not all light magic would be gone, just his. Otherwise, that would be a really selfish and crappy plan Merlin had. I was thinking that perhaps Emma might use Excalibur on Zelena to remove her magic. It does beg the question of what happens when the sword is used on Emma since she has displayed the ability to use both at once. I still think Emma's goal is to remove the Darkness from herself which will ultimately kill her, but save Hook. Maybe Hook needs to be tied to the blade in order to live? Or she needs to balance it out in order to use it? Or she wants to leave the most powerful blade in all the realms in the hands of someone who won't go on a mass killing spree? I think she's just given up and is tired of it all and just wants it to be done. Then Rumpel/Team Idiot Ball comes along and does something which messes up Emma's plan. 

Edited by KAOS Agent

The Dark Ones in Emma's head - earworm Rumpel and Nimue -- seem like they can control Emma against her will to some extent . . .

Yes...they have gone to some trouble to make it clear that in moments where Emma's wariness or concentration wanders it is as though the Darkness alter egos are using the magic through her. They keep saying 'You're doing this' but when they point it out..Emma's control or awareness kicks in and she stops whatever dire deed her waywards limbs is committing.

The DO lies...is it really Emma's subconscious or the DO alter egos toying with her to break her down?

I have no problem picturing Nimue seizing control if Emma is in extreme distress, and crushing Merlin's or Killian's heart...and saying in an innocent tone."You're doing this" while Emma watches in horror and unable to stop herself because it really isn't her...and never has been.

I don't want to diminish in any way that wonderful moment when Emma beat Nimue but could it be Nimue let her believe she had won ...because the DO lies...

Edited by PixiePaws1

Wow, EW article was more spoiler-y than usual., though not spoilers I particularly care about. Glad to see Regina is calling the shots in re: Robin Hood and Zelena's baby and Robin's "moral" code remains, um, steadfast? 



“Robin being a bit of a family guy, he’s very concerned about the fact that you’ve got this dreadful, all but evil person who seems to be without redemption,” Maguire says ... Under normal circumstances, he’d break his code and kill her, but then you’re killing the mother of your baby and that’s getting a bit biblical.”


Reinforces that I have zero desire to see how the show can make this whole situation even more repulsive.

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So wait, they really are going to take Zelena's baby from her and then tell her when and where and how she can see it?  Man, I'm on TeamZ now.


So ready for the Brave arc to be over.  I have fastfowarded through almost all of Merida's scenes.

Edited by FierceAfroChick

But, in this case, Parrilla doesn’t think Zelena will change her ways. “Which makes me sad,” says the actress. “It’s like Cruella [Victoria Smurfit] — she was unredeemable as well, and she ended up dying as a villain. I don’t know what Zelena’s fate is, but I would hope that she could come around and they could be sisters. That’s a happy ending, and I just don’t know if they’re meant to have one.”


Remember when we all thought there would be some follow-up to Regina's rant at Zelena about "second second chances" and how Regina would eventually receive some karmic payback for being so blind about how big of a hypocrite she is? Yeah, I don't think that's happening.


So apparently, Baby Green is going to be a girl. Shall we start the name betting pool? I'm going to guess "Cora" to continue the show's trend of questionable naming decisions.

  • Love 2

I'm really wondering if Zelena is surviving past 5x11.


So, she has a daughter that she can see only while supervised. Robin wishes he could forgo his code (what code is that bro? Because I don't think any of us have that pinned down), and kill her. Zelena is awful, no doubt about it, but I'm not a huge fan of selective memory.


So for 5x12, everyone  goes to the Underworld. Henry goes, which why? It's not like they can leave him with Granny to babysit. I'm guessing Roland, Do Over, and baby Green are in Storybrooke. So baby Green is left a few days after she's born. 


How does that work?

  • Love 1

I don't know that I've ever seen a pair of show runners who so consistently make their show sound as unappealing as possible whenever they talk about it.  Seriously, it's impressive.  Lucky for them my expectations for this show are now bedrock low.  At least I have the spoilers about the CS stuff.  Even if it's all angsty at least it's usually engaging thanks to Collin and Jen. 

  • Love 5

Holy crap, everything in that article re: Zelena's daughter made me want to HulkSmash. They hypocrisy, it burns.


I hope Zelena names that child Zelena Jr, because I know it'd make Regina seethe. Also, since Zelena stays in SB and both Robin and Regina go to Hellbrooke... who the hell is taking care of that child? What a great couple of guardians they are. She sure is lucky they took her from her mother!

Edited by Serena
  • Love 2

This stuff with Zelena and the accelerated pregnancy, let's give birth to the baby, now, now, NOW, sounds a lot like them just trying to get rid of the plot. They weren't going to have her miscarry, because it's not that kind of show, they weren't going to remove the obstacle/angst for OQ. 


I feel sorry for that child. Her mother is crazy, and the other parental unit isn't awesome either.

I'm really wondering if Zelena is surviving past 5x11


She is, she was seen alive during 5x11 filming, and the main cast just leaves her behind when they go to the Underworld, she'll still be there when they get back.  Zelena's a regular, she's not dying in 5x11. (But 5x15, well, all bets are off then.)

Edited by Mathius
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