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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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So I guess there's no chance they're giving up on EF flashbacks in 5B. I really wish they would.


ETA: Unless this is all part of the underworld. I didn't think of that. 

Each character centric for 5B could be a character looking into their past through the Underworld. I'm cracking up imagining them walking through the underworld and suddenly finding themselves in a familiar setting complete with costume change. Imagine if Liam shows up and Hook's clothes change into his Lieutenant Jones uniform. Really, I think I just want a reason for Emma to see that outfit.


We'd probably still get straight up flashbacks for Hades and the other new characters, but it wouldn't be so bad. The question is, can Once sustain a 42 minute episode without dedicating 10-15 minutes to flashbacks?

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I've started a Zelena thread in the Menagerie, and yeah, I opened up with this same assessment.  Everyone hated Zelena becoming a regular due to how unpopular she was, but now that she is has made a very surprising turnaround and become one of the more entertaining characters on the show, dialing down the craziness and being more smart and snarky, not to mention more self-aware than her sister has ever been.

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I've always liked Zelena but toning down the crazy has made me like her even more. I'm not even offended that she only wants to be pregnant because she'd have someone who would love her.

I hope Zelena Zelena doesn't turn into what they've done with Regina into thinking her victims should give her a break just because she did one good thing.

Edited by mjgchick

I see Robbie Kay is already done filming, so it seems like Pan is a very, very quick stop on memory lane for our intrepid Underworld search party.

It may not be that quick, I'm beginning to suspect that the Underworld changes form: we had the Storybrooke illusion, now is seems Cora is in an Enchanted Forest illusion. Robbie Kay was never actually seen filming, so it must have been in a studio set...which means a Neverland illusion. It's a shame that means he won't interact with Cora, though. :(

Edited by Mathius
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It may not be that quick, I'm beginning to suspect that the Underworld changes form: we had the Storybrooke illusion, now is seems Cora is in an Enchanted Forest illusion. Robbie Kay was never actually seen filming, so it must have been in a studio set...which means a Neverland illusion. It's a shame that means he won't interact with Cora, though. :(

He posted a pic of himself in some sort of forest-y place, so I think they meet Pan in a Neverland-like section of the Underworld. 


Since Sean and Lana filmed a scene separate from the group in Steveston, plus for the very first day of 512 filming (I think it was 512) they had a scene with Colin in a graveyard, do we think the group splits in two and OQ are the first to find Hook?

I just realized something from the press release, and it's really not because I care, but Lancelot isn't even in this episode.


So last episode, he is released from his prison, we even sort o see his cape in the the scene Emma realizes that she has met Merlin before. I'd think that he would've been on the whole let's rescue Excalibur from Arthur mission. I find it odd that he wouldn't be in on that. I'd think they'd need an extra body for this mission. How many knights can the non magical folks fight all on their own?


I don't even know what Lancelot's purpose is, and I don't get why they brought back. I will also have a meltdown of enormous proportion if they do his centric next episode. 

Edited by YaddaYadda


I don't even know what Lancelot's purpose is, and I don't get why they brought back.

The Round Table seems to hold no purpose. Percival and Kay both died almost immediately after being introduced. I'm not sure if Violet's dad is one of them. Lancelot's only role appears to be whistleblowing on Arthur. Siege Perilous was a sham, so Charming's position meant nothing. Judging from spoilers, I really don't care what happens to Camelot. We know Arthur gets arrested and the sand spell gets undone from pictures. 


The fates of Merlin, Nimue, Violet and Lancelot are still all up in the air. Everything else looks predictable.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Holy freaking crap!!! That CTV promo!! Killian clutching his heart and Emma just standing there with Zelena ...WTF?? I freaked out at first thinking Emma had murdered him in Camelot. Sure she has crushed his heart and forced to by Zelena to cast the curse but would Zelena really want to come back to SB instead of Oz? But then I read this pretty good theory on tumblr. Emma wants to use Zelena to tether Killian to the sword to make him immortal.

I think Killian was mortally wounded or nearly killed in Camelot by Merlin at Arthur's bidding...probably to try and manipulate Emma and she had to go full dark to save him but Regina and Snowing tried to stop her. Wlling to let Killian die if it stops her from going full DO. All her options gone and Killian going to die anyway she crushed his heart to cast the curse to get them and the dagger and the sword out of Camelot so she could get the sword and make him immortal. But she had to cheat death somehow to keep him alive until she could tether his soul, make him immortal so no-one can ever take him away again....that's where the price comes in..maybe she took Lance's or Merlin's heart and put it in Killian and Death ain't happy.

I think Killian has seen what happened in that globe (and I think Rumple saw it first and gave it to him) and Killian jumps off that roof to prove he can't die....

Edited by PixiePaws1

I'm worried. I don't want Emma controlling Hook and I don't want kissing (which looks like it's after his costume change) or any other activities going on while he's being controlled, if he's in fact being controlled. No. They've already compared Emma to Rumple and Cora. Regina is next and Regina's done some awful things to people under her control. Now maybe, even with his name on the sword, Hook won't lose his free will because it's been joined to Emma or something, but they really need to make it absolutely clear during the episode. No more consent issues, please show. 

  • Love 7

I wouldn't be surprised if Emma killed Merlin in Camelot to save the idiots who got themselves found out, all because they took Zelena with them. Merlin is being controlled by Arthur, and he has everyone tied up to trees in the promo, and he is doing evil face.


I'm thinking that Emma still has the dagger on her, and the ember. Those are 2 things Arthur will want. He can compel Merlin to tell him about the ember.


For all intents and purposes, Henry should be safe at Granny's. If the sword is back in the stone, that means everyone will be back in Arthur's castle, where the round table is, because that's where the rock is.


Arthur has spent time with these people, as has Merlin. All he has to do is command him to hurt the person Emma loves most who happens to be there in that moment, and the deal is basically done.


Regarding the heart situation...I thought the phrasing of Adam (I think) when asked if Emma had a heart in her chest...they didn't reply "she has her heart". They said she has a heart in her chest.

I don't think for one moment she is controlling Killan...tethering him to the sword doesn't mean she is forcing him to do anything. ..except maybe keep living. I think it's pretty clear he has free will. I also don't think he is becoming a DO....he is the light half of the sword.

Edited by PixiePaws1
But she had to cheat death somehow to keep him alive until she could tether his soul, make him immortal so no-one can ever take him away again....that's where the price comes in..maybe she took Lance's or Merlin's heart and put it in Killian and Death ain't happy.


If you crush that person's heart, aren't they dead? If you put another person's heart in their body, that's just a safe spot for Person B's heart to be. It only worked for Charming/Snowing because they shared a heart already (it beat as one).


I hope this isn't some "clever twist" that makes a hash of what was fairly consistent heart-lore up until now. If Hook gets his heart crushed, I will be sad, but don't come up with some new deux ex machina to keep him alive. Heart splitting is a thing, so that is a possibility even though I don't like it.


If Hook's name is on the sword and he's using it, then he isn't being controlled by it at that point. Whatever actions he is doing, he is doing it under his own steam (unless his heart has been taken again).


Maybe Hook is suffering heart pains in the new promo because Emma was made to pour darkness into his heart. Dark hearts cause heart attack like symptoms.


IDK. They've certainly got us guessing this year.

Edited by kili

Emma will have to give him the sword as soon as he transforms. Are they going to parallel Killian's transformation in present time with Emma's in Camelot time?


I'm assuming the part where Emma kicks Arthurs ass is him trying to kill Killian because he figures out Killy will wield the sword.


Yeah if you look closely in the promo it looks like Killian is on the ground and Arthur is trying to stab him with his sword. I wonder if Emma saving he is what leads him to try to reconcile with her. 

In the promo, when Emma plants the sword in her front yard, there's only her name on it.


i got to wonder about something though. Emma seems to show up out of nowhere to save Hook from being killed by Arthur. And in 5x02, when he was by her car, and said he didn't wanna be forced to summon her, and she showed up, and told him he just did, I got to wonder if something hasn't happened in Camelot that makes it that at least she seems to have some kind of deeper connection. Unless that's the way the Dark One rolls.

Yeah if you look closely in the promo it looks like Killian is on the ground and Arthur is trying to stab him with his sword. I wonder if Emma saving he is what leads him to try to reconcile with her. 


Wasn’t there a BTS photo of Hook and Arthur walking together in the woods at night?  Perhaps Arthur lures Hook out there on some sort of pretense and guts him from behind and is going for the death blow when Emma appears.

I meant that it has both their names on it in the scene with Hook and Gold. 

I need to learn to make full sentences! Sorry, what I meant is that in the promo the sword doesn't yet have Hook's name on it. So whatever happens, it will likely happen after whatever confrontation there is between her, Snowing and Regina.


I'm curious about what's in the orb Gold is holding. I tried to clear it up, blow it up. It looks like there's a person in it, so I'm sure that's not it. There's also a mark inside of it that reminds me of The Mark Of Nimue from BBC Merlin. 

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That two-hour special is going to be weird. The first half will be spent on revealing Emma's true intentions, possible character deaths, and lots of tension. Then it will abruptly stop for the Team Princess 2.0 adventure to take up another hour. If they intersperse the two stories, that'll be confusing. If they don't, they'll be repeating the "success" of 5x06.


Are we really going to derail the plot just to bring in Red, Mulan and LGBT? Isn't there a more elegant, plot-driven way of doing it?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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This next episode is the one where Hook jumps off the roof, isn't it?


And now it looks like Hook's name being on the sword has nothing to do with being the rightful heir to Camelot, pulling the sword from the stone, or anything like that. It's about being tethered to the sword. So the big question is, who does the tethering, and why. And if the Excalibur end is the "light" end, with the dagger being the "dark" end, does that mean Hook is the light to Emma's Dark One?


The more we learn, the less sense the future spoilers make.

  • Love 3

Wasn’t there a BTS photo of Hook and Arthur walking together in the woods at night? Perhaps Arthur lures Hook out there on some sort of pretense and guts him from behind and is going for the death blow when Emma appears.

I hope Arthur does a sneak attack, otherwise I'll be upset. Killian shouldn't lose in a sword fight to him. Unless Arthur's craziness is just too overwhelming. Or maybe he got a magical power boost from Merlin or something.

  • Love 1
So the big question is, who does the tethering, and why.


Zelena. I mean she did it in Camelot for Merlin, so I'm guessing she might also be able to do it for Hook. 


And if the Excalibur end is the "light" end, with the dagger being the "dark" end, does that mean Hook is the light to Emma's Dark One?


I'm not sure it works like that way though. I think the sword being whole means the power is intact, but it's neither evil, nor good. It just depends on the person who has it, and what their intent is.

  • Love 1


Are we really going to derail the plot just to bring in Red, Mulan and LGBT? Isn't there a more elegant, plot-driven way of doing it?

There is, but it would involve having the characters around for several episodes, with small scenes here and there, incorporating them into the overall story. So, more expensive, plus it would not be the filler episode the writers need to pad the season with, before getting to the last episode or two of the arc.

I'm worried. I don't want Emma controlling Hook and I don't want kissing (which looks like it's after his costume change) or any other activities going on while he's being controlled, if he's in fact being controlled. No. They've already compared Emma to Rumple and Cora. Regina is next and Regina's done some awful things to people under her control. Now maybe, even with his name on the sword, Hook won't lose his free will because it's been joined to Emma or something, but they really need to make it absolutely clear during the episode. No more consent issues, please show. 


A lot of CSers seem to think that CS will have sex in this ep after Hook goes Dark too, which I would HATE. If they have sex now, they're not really themselves. They've got a creepy Dark Once audience hanging around, ready to pop in at any moment. That's not what I want for their first time at all. Tenth time? Go for all the Dark sex! But not the first time we see. We haven't seen them have sex, so it's either their first time or OUR first time. And why couldn't we see them have sex before now if they had? They had to wait until it was Dark, because only "bad" characters are allowed to have sex? This show has a TERRIBLE track record of how it presents sex. Apart from the Snowing tacos scene, it's all been dubious consent issues or tinged with adultery. So no thank you to Dark CS sex. It would taint CS forever for me.


I think it's clear that Hook becomes a Dark One too after he's tethered to Excalibur; the black jewelry, all-black clothes & hair parted on the opposite give it away IMO. You can see Zelena with a hat in the scene where he's grabbing his heart, so she's the one tethering him, like she did Merlin. She's the only one who saw the spell, so Emma has to have her do it. I don't think there is a "light" end or a "dark" end to Excalibur. I think the darkness is coursing through the entire blade now.


I also hate the idea of Emma sticking someone else's heart or part of heart in Hook. He would no longer be fully Hook, just a meat puppet for someone else's heart, so CS would be in effect dead.

Edited by Souris
  • Love 6

I'm curious about what's in the orb Gold is holding. I tried to clear it up, blow it up. It looks like there's a person in it, so I'm sure that's not it. There's also a mark inside of it that reminds me of The Mark Of Nimue from BBC Merlin. 

Apparently Elliot Knight has been posting snowglobe emojis all season on twitter. Not sure if it means anything.


Are we really going to derail the plot just to bring in Red, Mulan and LGBT? Isn't there a more elegant, plot-driven way of doing it?

I still want to see an episode of what some of the background characters have been up since 3B, in the vain of LOST's "Expose," which was written by A&E IIRC. The two characters it focused on were not popular, but the execution of the episode, weaving their stories into the background of already existing scenes was pretty well done. They could do that with Red and Mulan, have them have a meet cute while Emma and Co. are in the background chasing flying monkeys, going on a date while Emma and Co. are trying to thaw the ice etc. Of course, then they would get criticism for literally placing the relationship on the backburner.

  • Love 2

Are we really going to derail the plot just to bring in Red, Mulan and LGBT? Isn't there a more elegant, plot-driven way of doing it?


Sounds like it. If they're going to make this story completely irrelevant to the main plot (like how Merida/Belle was) I kind of hope the first hour is more Mulan Rouge focused and the second hour is the real meaty Dark Swan stuff. At least that way I'll have some motivation to watch the entire 2 hours. If it's saved for the end, then I'll be tempted to just shut off my TV.


I'm still confused about how both Emma's and Killian's names get on the sword. The final shot of the last episode showed Excalibur completely name free, so when, why, and how do the names get tacked on later?

I think they're crystal ball emoji's. they go with the "merlin/wizard" theme.

I don't want Dark CS coffee times either. Making out I can probably handle, but i don't want it going any further.

I still don't know if I'm a 100% on board with Dark Killy. All the interviews from long ago never sounded like he would go dark. But then again, that was way back before 5x01. So things might have changed, or they did a good job skirting around giving too much away.

Going dark doesn't equal going evil, though, since Emma went dark but didn't go evil until 6 weeks had passed. It's what Hook chooses to do after he becomes a Dark One that will determine his alignment, and given spoilers for the last two episodes, I think he's going to choose to be a hero, and will make the big sacrifice in the end.

Edited by Mathius
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Going dark doesn't equal going evil, though, since Emma went dark but didn't go evil until 6 weeks had passed. It's what Hook chooses to do after he becomes a Dark One that will determine his alignment, and given spoilers for the last two episodes, I think he's going to choose to be a hero, and will make the big sacrifice in the end.

Merlin's comment about maybe someday there would be someone who could hold all that Darkness but not be evil (only saw scene once so not sure of the exact words) was a huge signpost....

Been a lot of talk of Hook resisting darkness and his comment to Emma after she tried to tempt him to stay at her house when he said he wasn't that man anymore. Not sure....

The hair parted on the other side just screams mirror image to me but no idea how that would factor in.

Maybe Merlin is still alive and trapped in or communicates through the globe

Edited by PixiePaws1
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