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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Hm...do you think they'll do a crossover and bring Jafar back to? And didn't the actor who play Jafar date Barbara Hershey for a long time? Even more awkwardness on the screen than just the awkwardness coming from all these villains!


Seriously, villains are going to be fun and whatever, but someone better give me some more Liam Jones dammit. I'll get really excited when that announcement shows up.

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maybe Hades feels threatened by Cora and Pan et al and is letting them escape so he doesn't have to worry about a mutiny. He was having a grand old time in his Underworld until that Savior Emma kept sending him long-lived manipulative villians. He could handle one dark one every 300 years, but not a bunchof super-villians arriving all at once. So, he's returning them to sender.

This cracked me up.....and Greg Germann in 'Richard Fish' from Ally McBeal mode as Hades would be comedy gold doing this!! He, Cora, Pan and Cruella together would show Regina what true snark is....not those cruel vicious taunts that are not at all funny and completely ill timed.

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In the picture Lana posted of the clocktower fallen, the library is boarded up and the windows blocked. Didn't that get cleaned up after Belle took it over? Why would it be boarded up now? (And I know it's part of the scenes because it's already been set-dressed.)



I wanna hear a line where Cora calls Pan a child, and he points out to her that she once had feelings for his son....

This will sound gross, but I ship NeverHeart.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Maybe not that random. They all seem to be connected to Regina. Cora, Sydney and the witch are obvious and while it's a lose connection, she did destroy Pan's curse. I'm just wondering how long that episode is going to be.


I should probably have clarified my thoughts better. The blind witch has a Regina connection, that's true, but she was also in just one episode while the 3 others have been integrating parts of the show.


Although with Sidney, he's not dead, so there's that too.

Love the sneak peek. ..but how sad and lonely does Emma look sitting there by herself making dreamcatchers for the next Camelot market day....there's something very child like yet disturbing about that image of her.

So glad Killian is having a go at Merlin about 'specifics'...

cos, a few of those would be pretty damn good about now!

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I don't think everybody is off to save Hook in the scenes today. Hell has already come to SB and Hook is nowhere to be seen. So they either are coming back from Hell to destruction & they failed to save Hook, or he's lost his memories of Emma and is hanging with the Undead Villain Crew. Or it's that "It's a Wonderful Life" scenario and Emma is seeing what would happen if they open the door to Hell or what would've happened if she didn't take on the Darkness.

I'm really questioning the writers' decision to show us an entire episode of Belle/Merida when clearly some huge tension went down between Hook and Merlin in the woods to get to this point.

It would explain why they didn't notice Belle had wandered off. They were too busy staring intensely at each other. Meanwhile, David was reuniting with his first Bro Lancelot. 

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Hook's general frustration speaks to me. He's voicing a lot of our thoughts concerning the vaguenesss about stuff (like Merlin's visions).


Hook was speaking for me and I notice he got a bunch of bafflegab for his trouble. Reminds me of when you try to pin a politician down.


And a lecture about being patient with Emma? Everybody is being patient with Emma. It's you that they are impatient with.


I hope somebody also asks "Why didn't you tell us you wanted us to grab the sword last time we broke into Camelot to free Lancelot? Why risk breaking in twice? Are you actually trying to get us all killed? Because it doesn't sound like you didn't know we'd need that sword all along."

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I honestly don't blame Hook. Also when Merlin said "I know what it's like to lose someone you love to the Dark One." I rolled my eyes because this is twice this thing has done that to Hook. Someone needed to clap back. Jesus.


ETA: They know Emma's taking memories out of peoples heads now.

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 5

I really like Hook's intensity (and his enunciation!) but with everyone else just calmly chilling it makes him look likes he's throwing a temper tantrum and Merlin certainly acted like he thought so too. I don't want Hook to calm down, I just want everyone else to act like it matters.


At least someone is freaking out over Emma's darkness. Keep giving a shit, Hook! You're pretty much the only one who does...


Yeah, he is the only one who cares.


Ugh, I hate how the pay off for all the pain Emma and Hook are going through is going to be even more pain, while Regina and Rumple get to live happily.


Attempting to lower my expectations after seeing Leanne's tweet is very difficult. I want that sneak peek now!

Everybody seems to think she is talking about CS, but I'm not that sure. She hasn't used the emojis she uses when she is talking about them. It can be Merlin and Nimue.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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I don't get why Emma's parents aren't as frustrated. Where's the Mary Margaret who tackled Mulan down because she almost killed Emma? Where's the David who fought black knights protecting his first born? This is not a good look especially since neither has gotten off their asses to go check on Dark Swan in the present time. Shit even Belle's been to her new house. -_-

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 5

I really like Hook's intensity (and his enunciation!) but with everyone else just calmly chilling it makes him look likes he's throwing a temper tantrum and Merlin certainly acted like he thought so too. I don't want Hook to calm down, I just want everyone else to act like it matters. 

He's the only one calling Merlin out too.


Really? Many moving paths to seeing the future?


And the whole I know what it's like to lose love to the Dark One. Dude, that's a bit patronizing.

  • Love 3

He's the only one calling Merlin out too.

Really? Many moving paths to seeing the future?

That basically sounds like he can't see the future. Anyone can guess at a bunch of different possible outcomes. Heck all our speculation theories for the end of this season can be considered some of the many paths of the future. Everyone here can see the future just as well as Merlin apparently.

And yeah, the anti's have already latched onto the "tantrum" and "entitled" aspect of the sneak peek. It's sad that Emma's descent into darkness is only eliciting strong emotions from her boyfriend.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I don't get why Emma's parents aren't as frustrated. Where's the Mary Margaret who tackled Mulan down because she almost killed Emma? Where's the David who fought black knights protecting his first born?

Long gone. The writers give them these brief fleeting moments (Snow's brief determined speech in 5x01, her preparing Emma for the ball and concern over Emma losing if they win in 5x02, Charming's guilt and anger over the situation in 5x03) as if to say "See, they still care", and yet totally undermine them with other moments within the same episodes (Snow trying to use the Dagger to control Emma, her spending more time preparing Regina for the ball and actually risking her life to save Regina when she didn't for Emma, Charming becoming more concerned with his own heroic ego than with Emma, etc.) and their overall blasé attitude about the whole thing in both Camelot and Storybrooke when compared to Hook or even Regina.

That basically sounds like he can't see the future. Anyone can guess at a bunch of different possible outcomes. Heck all our speculation theories for the end of this season can be considered some of the many paths of the future. Everyone here can see the future just as well as Merlin apparently.

No, it sounds like he can: true visions of the future WOULD be being able to see all possible moving paths because the single future is never set in stone and depends on people's own free will and choices, that was a whole big point in the last season. Merlin can, with accuracy not speculation, see all possible outcomes dependent on all possible choices and variables, but he has no way of knowing which one is the one that will happen, nobody can ever know that. Edited by Mathius
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Look, I know Merlin is handsome and the coming flashbacks might give him better context, but he seems kind of like an idiotic douche. The writers are going to try and sell this romantic tragedy between him and Nimue, but I have feeling it's going to be incredibly trite. None of Merlin's actions make any sense, and even less does when you count his minion's. It annoys me that here, Merlin is acting like he totally gets Hook. But he doesn't. While Merlin was chilling out in a tree, Hook was spending centuries trying to avenge his lost love. 


Unless my mind is totally changed Sunday (which I thought might have been the case with Merida, but nope), I don't find Merlin and Hook comparable at all. 



Looks like Cruella's car is on set. Also, the clock tower appears to be coming up out of the ground from the way the concrete is cracked, could it be rising out of the Underworld?

If it fell, I'm surprised how much it's intact.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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It's to set up the very obvious Nimue/Merlin and Emma/Killian parallels. 

I know. I stand by my statement, because what set Hook on his path against the Dark One to start was the loss of the first woman he ever loved. 


Can Snowing not be so passive and accepting?

Edited by YaddaYadda
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It's to set up the very obvious Nimue/Merlin and Emma/Killian parallels. 

Is there a reason people are assuming this? I figured since Merlin seems to be a seer that he was actually referring to Milah. I mean, I'm sure in context, it will make more sense as Emma, but Milah was the first person that came to mind when he said he knew what it was like to lose someone to the Dark One.


As for the dreamcatchers, my Captain Swan glasses are firmly on when he said Emma is making them instead of sleeping. How exactly would Hook know what she's doing instead of sleeping? Anyways..... ;)



This video, holy crap I think my theory may be correct about this being the Underworld. Hades changed the UW's appearance to be a hell dimension of SB and that's what they're walking into and that's why nobody else but them seems fazed by the destruction around them.


Also explains all the new shops and the clocktower and bug being destroyed.

Edited by Hookian
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Everybody seems to think she is talking about CS, but I'm not that sure. She hasn't used the emojis she uses when she is talking about them. It can be Merlin and Nimue.

She said it's not M/N, but one of the core couples. I'm inclined to think it's CS because 1. Snowing don't have steamy kisses anymore 2. Rumbelle aren't together and 3. I guess it could be OQ, but the ring thing screams CS because we've seen Emma wear a new ring in the promo.


Is there a reason people are assuming this? I figured since Merlin seems to be a seer that he was actually referring to Milah. I mean, I'm sure in context, it will make more sense as Emma, but Milah was the first person that came to mind when he said he knew what it was like to lose someone to the Dark One.

People are assuming parallels because we have pics of Merlin and Nimue in a garden/Middlemist flower meadow (whatever it was) similar to CS's and we are assuming Nimue was the DO like Emma. In this case, Hook is lucky enough (!) to have lost two different loves to the DO.

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Maybe instead of Hook dying or being sucked into the Underworld, it is everybody else? Hook and characters not seen need to rescue them. Perhaps him and Belle team up (since she got out of town before the marking?). Wouldn't it be nice for Belle to go on an adventure with a regular for once? How cool would it be if two non-magicals rescued everybody?


Yes, I know it  will be Zelena who saves everybody while carrying Forrest Green Baby in her other arm, but we can dream, can't we? Zelena, Belle, Hook, Mulan and Red team up?

  • Love 1


This video, holy crap I think my theory may be correct about this being the Underworld. Hades changed the UW's appearance to be a hell dimension of SB and that's what they're walking into and that's why nobody else but them seems fazed by the destruction around them.

Also explains all the new shops and the clocktower and bug being destroyed.

Yeah I think you are right! Either they are there rescue Hook. Or they have been sent there and Hook & Belle are doing the rescuing!

Mulan would give Hook some serious side eye if they have to work together again.

Haha that would be a fun scene. I wonder if we will see Mulan & Ruby with the main characters before they go off with Merida. I would love to see her reaction to Hook now being one of the "good guys" & Emma's Boyfriend! Haha

The thing is--are the Nevengers just setting forward in their quest, or is this another flash forward situation, and they are wondering what the Hell happened to Storybrooke in their absence. I'm inclined to think the former, coz Hook is not with them, and there is no way Emma returned without him.


At least the Nevengers didn't take Henry with them to the UW, huh? 


Also, it looks like Belle really did leave the town. Maybe this is how they are dealing with de Ravin's real life pregnancy. 

  • Love 1

The thing is--are the Nevengers just setting forward in their quest, or is this another flash forward situation, and they are wondering what the Hell happened to Storybrooke in their absence. I'm inclined to think the former, coz Hook is not with them, and there is no way Emma returned without him.

At least the Nevengers didn't take Henry with them to the UW, huh?

Also, it looks like Belle really did leave the town. Maybe this is how they are dealing with de Ravin's real life pregnancy.

I think Henry was in some photos from Today with the rest of the gang. He might next to someone so not totally visible by the camera.


Look, I know Merlin is handsome and the coming flashbacks might give him better context, but he seems kind of like an idiotic douche.


Oh for sure but that's the problem when you set up a character to be omniscient. I said at the end of last season that Merlin was either the biggest puppet master villain or the biggest idiot. Clearly they went with the latter but in a show filled with idiots, at least he's pretty to look at. That's all you can get from this show. It's what happened with Rump too. They set him up as the biggest most powerful know it all in S1 but the more we get of his story the dumber he gets. 



Is there a reason people are assuming this? I figured since Merlin seems to be a seer that he was actually referring to Milah.

But he doesn't need to be a seer to know that. Milah died centuries ago. Besides I think the parallel here is that Nimue became the DO and now Emma is the DO.


Merlin threw out a line about Emma's power being a burden on the soul whether light or dark. Dare I hope they get into why she has such powerful magic to begin with, even without the DO's power. They're explaining why Merlin got his power right? Could she have gotten hers the same way?

Emma doesn't have time to mourn her boyfriends "Death" because all hell has broken loose. This is what i hate about this show. lol


Mulan would give Hook some serious side eye if they have to work together again.


But she's going to the UW to save him. They're in the Underworld right now. 

The thing is--are the Nevengers just setting forward in their quest, or is this another flash forward situation, and they are wondering what the Hell happened to Storybrooke in their absence. I'm inclined to think the former, coz Hook is not with them, and there is no way Emma returned without him.


At least the Nevengers didn't take Henry with them to the UW, huh? 


Also, it looks like Belle really did leave the town. Maybe this is how they are dealing with de Ravin's real life pregnancy. 


Jared is there. His double is on set.


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all I can see in those latest set pics is no Colin....and my 1st thought is they're separated AGAIN! !! Poor Emma....!

Hopefully he is filming elsewhere and will turn up later. ..like he standing at the dock looking at a burned wreck of the Jolly. ..not that I want that! !!


All I can see is Emma's red leather under her winter keep warm coat.  I'm excited as I wasn't sure if they really were filming out of order or if there was a random flashback such that she wasn't turning back to real Emma from the Dark Swan since we seemed to get so many Dark One photos after Jen shared the Happy Birthday photo with herself as not the Dark One..  Also, Lana Parilla is adorable in that shot where she is checking her phone with Robert Carlyle.  I miss them sharing scenes together.


The sneak peek was exciting.  I love me some angry, angsty Hook.

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