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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Maybe Merlin is alive, and well, and stuck behind the bars in Emma's basement. In the sneak peek, he was stomped by the magic jail bars, Belle is the one who helped him with that with one of her books.

Same thing could apply here, if Emma can tap into the Dark One's knowledge.

But why would the Dark One keep the only person who can stop them alive? Well, I guess Dark!Nimue put him in a tree, but she had the excuse of loving him. Maybe she's channeling through Emma? I wonder if the DO's immortality ties into why she became it. Edited by KingOfHearts

I think it was Adam who said on Twitter that Hook's heart was " on the line".. I thought he was trolling

It was Jane Espeson.

I don't think Emma crushed Hook's heart. Jennifer said Emma was doing everything because of her love for Hook, and I don't know how crushing his heart fits there.

I hate what A&E are doing with Emma, it's frustrating to see how they are destroying her so they can put her at Regina's level.

  • Love 4

But the beans don't have any exceptions to them. That's how Neal got here with the bean in the first place before his grandpa's minion dragged him to Neverland.


Apparently, when Regina reversed the Dark Curse, there was no way to travel between realms anymore. When Snow/Regina recast the Dark Curse, the barriers came down, and Hook was able to travel via Bean-portal. Yeah--don't ask. 

Edited by Rumsy4
But the beans don't have any exceptions to them. That's how Neal got here with the bean in the first place before his grandpa's minion dragged him to Neverland.

They've never adequately explained that, though they have made it sound later like the beans don't work unless there's magic in the world you're going to. Then again, Blue told Rumple after Bae was gone that this was absolutely the last bean, and yet Hook keeps finding them and the giants had a harvest of them during James's lifetime. So maybe Bae's bean was a special kind of supercharged bean, and it really was the very last one of those.


At any rate, while there's magic in Storybrooke, and while Storybrooke exists, there's no reason for anyone to cast the Dark Curse to get there when other ways would work without requiring a sacrifice.


But I'm finding myself not all that riled up about any of these spoilers. When the emotional manipulation is so blatant and when it's not grounded in anything that allows a suspension of disbelief, including consistent characterization, characters acting at all like relatable people with real emotions, and even the slightest attempt at coherent worldbuilding, and when I know that nothing has long-term consequences and that the status quo will be restored, I find myself entertained but not really caring. Like, the current Dark Swan stuff isn't breaking my heart about Emma's plight because I know it'll be undone, and Emma's not allowed to be like a real person anyway, so I'm watching to see what happens and how it happens, and I'm enjoying seeing Jen get to strut her stuff as an actor, but it's not like it's causing me vicarious pain. Ditto whatever's going to happen to Hook. As much as I like the character, I'm not all that bothered by whatever's going to happen to him because I know it'll be back to normal eventually, and it's mostly going to be entertaining to see Colin act the hell out of it, but it's not as though it hurts. I may or may not shed a tear (and I cry my way through Kleenex commercials) because the writers don't even bother making it pretend to be real and keep telling us it isn't real.

  • Love 5

Merida comes into this situation and has to assess it, and Emma's there. So it was quite confusing for me that Merida -- why didn't she just go up and attack Emma, type thing? But she didn't, and it wasn't written that way


Welcome to Once Upon a Time! Where plots drives the stories, and continuity does not matter. 


Episode 11 has left a massive window open [for her return], and there's been a lot accomplished, and I'm not lost [?] for Merida. She's definitely not finished as a character or on her journey at all. ... It'd be nice to find other closure. 


Don't hold your breath, AM. At the end of 5A, Merida will join Will, Lily, et al in forgotten character island. Yeah, sorry, but nothing I read in the interview makes me care about Merida or her quests.

Edited by Rumsy4
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From the Amy Manson interview:

But there is some pending doom for all the characters in this episode, 11, that we filmed.

so my guess is that the hooded figures are definitely after more than one person

what they have turned my beloved Emma, who has been so hurt and betrayed by others until she finally found some real love in her life, into makes me want to vomit. she sacrifices herself and she ends up ripping out hearts and losing herself, and becoming everything she hated with the lying and the manipulation. Thank god we see those spoiler pics of True Emma...

I'm not coping...I need a hug!

Edited by PixiePaws1
  • Love 3

A&E also said in one of those spoiler Q&As that Emma has a heart in her chest in SB. So she's not running around heartless. (Always with the caveat that A&E lie like rugs sometimes.)


If Hook & Emma are sharing a heart, what would his death mean for her? Maybe that's the key to how Hook could be revived. Her life force or whatever would still be keeping his heart half viable or some such.


If they're sharing the heart I think it will mean that she can somehow feel that he's still alive. Because if he was dead she would die as well, since you can't live with only half a heart and the other half not beating. The rule with Snowing is even though the heart is split it still beats as one.


Personally I think Nimue using Emma in some possession crushed Merlin's heart and cast the curse. Everybody turning to trees when they cross the town line was definitely a hint at Nimue. 


She's also going from the pics a big player in 11 as well, so my money is on her.

Edited by Hookian

I think casting the Dark curse must've been how turned Emma full dark.  I still wonder if she didn't crush her own heart and take someone else's?  I also wonder if she crushed Merlin's to prevent the darkness being taken away from her?  She knew that Merlin was the only one who could save her.  I guess I don't understand why people turn in to trees if Emma is the one who cast the curse, it would make so much sense for it to be Merlin's DO.


It does make sense that Emma wouldn't want them to have their memories if they saw her cast the curse.  It sounds like we don't have enough information yet to know a. why she cast the curse and b. who's heart she crushed.  Also, why resort to the dark curse?  Why not just have Zelena conjure up another tornado to take them back?  I don't see why the dark curse was used because Storybrooke still existed while they were in Camelot, she wasn't "recreating" Storybrooke like the other 2 dark curses have done.  It really doesn't make any sense, they just needed a portal back to Storybrooke.

I've been saying for awhile I thought it was Nimue crushing Merlin's heart. Only thing that makes sense.

Emma giving into the darkness to avoid having to crush Henry or Hook's heart and allowing Nimue to captain the ship in order to cast the curse using Merlin's heart would make sense. Then afterward Emma took back control apparently.

  • Love 2

Okay, but what if Dark One Nimue hates Merlin, and that's the whole reason, she stuck him in a tree, because she wanted him to suffer? That's the reason Dark One Rumple didn't kill Hook, because he wanted him to suffer as he had.


I've been going by the Arthurian legends, which the writers have turned upside down, then put in the washer on a spin cycle, but we can draw parallels between the characters though, and I think the parallels between Hook and Merlin exist.


Merlin went to that forest to get his revenge on the Dark One for destroying the only woman he loved. He wasn't there to chit chat, he was there to end the Dark One. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I've been saying for awhile I thought it was Nimue crushing Merlin's heart. Only thing that makes sense.

Emma giving into the darkness to avoid having to crush Henry or Hook's heart and allowing Nimue to captain the ship in order to cast the curse using Merlin's heart would make sense. Then afterward Emma took back control apparently.

oh daxx I so hope you are right. I have to admit I was hating real hard on Merlin and his airy fairy warnings and other crap he seems to have pulled but after the sneak peek I have warmed up to him smidge and I will be sad if he went the heart crumble. ..

but Emma's vitriol filled snark about 'now life is precious to you' to Regina-who had the dagger-has to feed into this somehow. ..can you make that work with this theory?

Yeah, I can make Regina commanding Emma work with it.

Regina stands in front of her and Hook pulls out his own heart to offer to Emma. Regina says I command you to cast the curse. Emma embraces the darkness deep inside and pulls up the essence of Nimue allowing her to take control, she turns rips out Merlin's heart and crushes it completing the curse. She slams Hooks heart back in his chest after retaking control and adds in the memory loss to the curse. Because Nimue cast the curse people crossing the town line turn into trees.

  • Love 3

I'm just floored that the showrunners came out in an interview and said that everything we've watched this far has told us nothing about what's really going on with the Dark Swan arc. Thanks for wasting my time, guys. I just don't understand this type of storytelling. I did wonder if maybe Merlin cast the curse using Emma's heart (Emma being the representation of Nimue) and being the Dark One is the only thing keeping her alive, but that doesn't totally track with spoilers. Not that they don't lie like a rug about anything and everything when it suits them.


To whomever was asking about the screen time measurements, you can find it here. They usually post the most updated information a couple of days after the latest episode airs.

Yeah, I can make Regina commanding Emma work with it.

Regina stands in front of her and Hook pulls out his own heart to offer to Emma. Regina says I command you to cast the curse. Emma embraces the darkness deep inside and pulls up the essence of Nimue allowing her to take control, she turns rips out Merlin's heart and crushes it completing the curse. She slams Hooks heart back in his chest after retaking control and adds in the memory loss to the curse. Because Nimue cast the curse people crossing the town line turn into trees.

well that works for me :o)

Nimue has to have had some influence in their somewhere...even if it was just giving Emma the idea of turning people into trees for trying to escape the town.

To whomever was asking about the screen time measurements, you can find it here. They usually post the most updated information a couple of days after the latest episode airs.




So I'm guessing Nimue marks everyone for death in the finale, and Hook sacrifices himself (or is sacrificed) to save them all and send the Darkness back to the Underworld.

Edited by Souris

Also, why resort to the dark curse? Why not just have Zelena conjure up another tornado to take them back?.

I think there's about 3-4 options concerning what could happen to the wand and why they didn't use that to get back.

1. A&E completely forgot about it.

2. It is somehow lost and/or destroyed in Camelot at some point.

3. Zelena magically gets redeemed enough where she can no longer wield the wand. And Emma still has too much saviour goodness buried deep down in her, so she can't use it either. Therefore, they just toss the thing.

4. Merlin takes it back and either he can't use the wand himself (because of the dumb way he made it), or something happens to him with it on his person, so it is unavailable for the Nevengers to use.

Option 1 is most likely, but I'll cross my fingers and hope for option 2.

So Nimue marks everyone (is Hook with them?).

So, she maybe marks them with an equivalent of the Black Spot?

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I'm just floored that the showrunners came out in an interview and said that everything we've watched this far has told us nothing about what's really going on with the Dark Swan arc. Thanks for wasting my time, guys. I just don't understand this type of storytelling. 


Yeah--I was pissed reading that. What kind of storytelling, indeed! 


So Nimue is actualized now? I guess this was her plan all along. I wonder how she regains her body, or does that even matter. They probably made that part up just before writing the script for the episode. lol

Edited by Rumsy4

To whomever was asking about the screen time measurements, you can find it here. They usually post the most updated information a couple of days after the latest episode airs.


For the record - discussion of screen time is NOT Spoiler Discussion. Nothing has been removed, but will be in the future.


Spoilers. PLEASE. SPOILERS, and spoiler discussion.

  • Love 1
  ETA: Emma's tattoo is on her left wrist. It seems everyone's mark is on the left too, although Hook's couldn't have been even if he had been there and received one, since he doesn't have a left wrist to mark.

It would be interesting if the mark on the left wrist protects them from being taken by the Furies, but Hook ends up being taken because he doesn't have one.

  • Love 3

Was Dopey with those that got marked or is he saved by the grace of being treed?


I was thinking about the Dark Curse. So they showed us in vivid detail Cora killing Daniel and made a point of Emma saying she had never known what Regina had gone through. What if this is foreshadowing to Snow using the dagger to make Emma crush Hook's heart? There was absolutely no need to show that entire scene from the barn except to remind the audience what had happened. A quick clip would have sufficed to make the tortured Cora/Emma parallel. Maybe the plan was that Emma would split her heart and share it with Hook, but Emma's heart can't be taken, so Hook dies, Emma gets seriously pissed and goes dark to save him. It would be supremely fucked up, but they love to destroy Snow White, so it's not like this would be a surprise. Or the magical boot of Darkness is located and Emma goes dark because someone forces her to put it on.


Once they remove Excalibur, all of the former Dark Ones are freed (Rumpel gets his power back), but the dead ones need to be replaced in hell. Everyone on Main Street gets marked as a replacement for the furies to come and get them. Emma gives up her power to save them all, but Hook is taken and Emma is screwed over once again.

Edited by KAOS Agent
  • Love 1

Or the magical boot of Darkness is located and Emma goes dark because someone forces her to put it on.




I suspect that the Kaos Agent may have the writer's room bugged.


Was Dopey with those that got marked or is he saved by the grace of being treed?



I think he is still a tree and outside of the dome of magic anyway.  I didn't spot him in the crowd.

It would be interesting if the mark on the left wrist protects them from being taken by the Furies, but Hook ends up being taken because he doesn't have one.


That's just sad... :-(


There was absolutely no need to show that entire scene from the barn except to remind the audience what had happened.


Well... it's Woegina's pain. So, of course we, and her victims, are going to be reminded of it constantly.


How resolved in the Dark Swan arc going to be if Nimue is still running around in Storybrooke? Does she go back to the EF, or does she stay in Storybrooke? Poor Emma, after all her sacrifice, she doesn't seem to have eliminated the Dark Curse. It may well be carried over into 5B, where Regina's Light Magic will come back into play and destroy it forever...

Edited by Rumsy4



So I'm guessing Nimue marks everyone for death in the finale, and Hook sacrifices himself (or is sacrificed) to save them all and send the Darkness back to the Underworld.


This is what I'm getting as well and would be a reason that many of them will go to the Underworld to save him, because he saved them all.


I think that Nimue marking them is definitely also gonna happen in the past with his father and perhaps that's why his father takes on the mantle of Davy Jones and yes I very much still believe he's Once's version of Davy Jones and Hades owns him.

Edited by Hookian

Nimue seems to be the key to everything. Nothing makes sense without her.


And we haven't even met her yet (not counting the masked DO). No wonder A&E said they haven't given the audience adequate information yet. One more episode to go before we get her backstory with Merlin. This is just a revamped Jacob/MIB story all over again. Why am I not surprised? 

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 1

henry was talking with nimue in the middle of the street


Next, he'll be ripping out his heart and handing it to Nimue. Poor Henry. :-p


emma seems to be desperate/scared


:-/ Who do I have to kill?


ETA: Looks like there is confirmation that the hooded figures are Dark Ones. Isn't that too many DOs for the 1000 year-period Merlin spent as a tree? Rumple lived for 200+ years. Did the previous DOs have a very short shelf-life? lol

Edited by Rumsy4

In other news: Hahahaha, apparently Persephone is also sometimes referred to as Cora. I would expect nothing less of Cora than to be ruling or co-ruling Hell.


Actually, no.  The alternate name for Persephone is Core, spelled C-o-r-e (or less commonly, K-o-r-e) and comes from the Greek word for "girl".  It has nothing to do with Cora, which comes from the Latin word for "heart."

And they're filming Steveston next week. Sounds like hell is coming to Storybrooke, not the other way around.


Not necessarily. It's the first episode of the new arc. For all we know this could be the episode where they travel to the UW. Much like in the season premiere they filmed in Stevenson the scene where they were traveling to get to where Emma was by means of Zelena's tornado. 


Here's how we can determine if hell has come to SB. If when they film there's people in hoods still or people we know should be dead filming in SB. If that's the case then yes hell has come to SB.


I'm sure we'll get some answers when they film in Stevenson. It could also be a very select few filming which could mean the others are already in the UW. 

And they're filming Steveston next week. Sounds like hell is coming to Storybrooke, not the other way around.


Not necessarily. Could be lead-up to them going to the Underworld. Or a flashback. Or characters who don't go to the Underworld. Or a vision in Hell that looks like SB.


Actually, no.  The alternate name for Persephone is Core, spelled C-o-r-e (or less commonly, K-o-r-e) and comes from the Greek word for "girl".  It has nothing to do with Cora, which comes from the Latin word for "heart."


Close enough that it probably made A&E go "Oooh!"

Edited by Souris



These are the people Adam has met on set, pretty interesting and strange list.


I still say he's immortal that's why he clearly has not aged even when he's only 5 years older than Colin and should definitely be about 20 years older than Hook when he runs into him again.

Edited by Hookian

ETA: Looks like there is confirmation that the hooded figures are Dark Ones. Isn't that too many DOs for the 1000 year-period Merlin spent as a tree? Rumple lived for 200+ years. Did the previous DOs have a very short shelf-life? lol

Is it really a confirmation or just an assumption? If Nimue wasn't around dressed in the black cloak, set goers would assume everyone is Charon come to collect. There was a picture of one of those hooded figures wearing one of those skeleton and skull masks under their hooded cloak. 



I was thinking about the Dark Curse. So they showed us in vivid detail Cora killing Daniel and made a point of Emma saying she had never known what Regina had gone through. What if this is foreshadowing to Snow using the dagger to make Emma crush Hook's heart? There was absolutely no need to show that entire scene from the barn except to remind the audience what had happened. A quick clip would have sufficed to make the tortured Cora/Emma parallel. Maybe the plan was that Emma would split her heart and share it with Hook, but Emma's heart can't be taken, so Hook dies, Emma gets seriously pissed and goes dark to save him. It would be supremely fucked up, but they love to destroy Snow White, so it's not like this would be a surprise. Or the magical boot of Darkness is located and Emma goes dark because someone forces her to put it on.


No, there was no need for that. And if Snow does that (and I'm assuming she will have Hook's okay for that), it would be extremely cruel to Emma. Everyone who knows what's about to happen would be guilty. 


We know at least a couple of things.


  • The dagger has been used against Emma, and I don't think Regina giving her silent command in 5x02 counts, because in the grand scheme of things, that's nothing;
  • Emma's anger at Regina "Now, you're being heroic? Now life is precious to you?". Even Regina's reaction to that was priceless;
  • There is a price to putting Excalibur back together.


I think they put Excalibur back together in Camelot, and I think Emma knows what the price for that was. And that may very well be why she's so hellbent on making Gold the hero who will pull the sword out of the stone. 


And maybe in putting the sword back together, the magic is too potent, and Camelot is basically destroyed in the process, because it was built with illusion, and magical nonsense.


Someone is going to put the sword back in the stone, and the stone is in the same room as the round table. And after Merlin's warning to Emma about leaving the sword alone, does that include the sword that's not stuck in the stone, or does he just not want her to pull it out? 


In the group, the other person that is is absent is Belle, but Belle is a very difficult character to speculate, because they never give her tons to do, and Emilie is pregnant, so that another thing. But she's not there, and she's hugging her father and getting in Gold's car. I really, really wonder if they're not just sending Belle out of town (how? That's a mystery).


And do Gold and Emma get marked, or are they basically safe because of their Dark One status, which would actually force Emma and Gold to work together in order to fix this. If Belle is out of town, then Gold will want her back, not to mention his grandson has also been marked.


About Nimue, I think we start finding out about her in 5x06. I think they will find out about her in the present through the magic mushroom, and then Emma finds out more about her in the past when she goes snooping around in 5x07.


What if she's looking for Hook, though? What if he's the one she wants, and she marks everyone to smoke him out, so to speak? It's not like Hook to hide from anything, especially when people he cares about are in jeopardy. So what if Emma makes him stay away, because Nimue is looking for him specifically? 

I guess the problem I'd see with them compelling Emma to kill someone and cast the curse would be whether or not it works if it's compelled? Rumple had to convince Regina she wanted to cast it--he couldn't just make her do it.

Not that it would stop the show, if that's what A&E wanted, but it would seem to be a major continuity issue.


And if Henry is who Emma most loves, it shouldn't work with anyone else. Regina tried with her horse, but it failed--wasn't that because she loved her father more, and was trying to spare him?  If Hook is second best in her affection, shouldn't it fail because, well, he's second best?

Edited by Mari

I guess the problem I'd see with them compelling Emma to kill someone and cast the curse would be whether or not it works if it's compelled? Rumple had to convince Regina she wanted to cast it--he couldn't just make her do it.

Not that it would stop the show, if that's what A&E wanted, but it would seem to be a major continuity issue.

And if Henry is who Emma most loves, it shouldn't work with anyone else. Regina tried with her horse, but it failed--wasn't that because she loved her father more, and was trying to spare him? If Hook is second best in her affection, shouldn't it fail because, well, he's second best?

they have already messed with the requirements. . Pan used Felix's heart because of his unfailing loyalty. Killian is her romantic love...Henry is familial love...she has a choice.

I guess the problem I'd see with them compelling Emma to kill someone and cast the curse would be whether or not it works if it's compelled? Rumple had to convince Regina she wanted to cast it--he couldn't just make her do it.



I sort of disagree with this though. What Rumple did was give Regina enough incentive to wanna cast the curse. He fanned the flame, and then she took over. She traded the dark curse in for the sleeping curse, and when that failed, she went back to plan A. But Rumple didn't force Regina's hand, as in he went to her, twisted her arm, and was like here's your father's heart, now crush it.


they have already messed with the requirements. . Pan used Felix's heart because of his unfailing loyalty. Killian is her romantic love...Henry is familial love...she has a choice.

They've already changed the Dark Curse so many times. What's one more?


I've been wondering about the memories. Emma says there is no Savior clause in this curse. How is this curse going to be broken? I know they said everyone would be getting their memories at different times, but how is that possible?

they finally realize there's a big old shed in DS white picket back yard and stage a raid to steal the dreamcatchers and Emma comes home to find them sitting of the floor using dreamcatcher memories like trading cards:

Killian: I'll trade 2 Merlin and Charming conversations for an afternoon in a rose garden

Hood: I'll take that trade and raise you one death at a ball

  • Love 7

seriously though. ..that is tricky. Maybe each person's memories are set on a trigger of some kind. when it suits Emma's plan or she attains a specific goal she'll give a person back their memories. I am guessing Killian is last or never meant to but I think he's up on the roof later because he got hold of Merlin's prophecy

Edited by PixiePaws1

The thing with the memories is, if say, I don't know, Snow gets her memories first, then she will know what happened in Camelot, so she can go to everyone and tell them what it is that set Emma on her course, from the moment they showed up in Camelot, to the moment the curse was cast.


So even if Hook is the last one to get his memories back, then he should still know like 95% of the stuff that happened. The only stuff that would be missing is the time he and Emma spent together, alone, like in the meadow for instance.


This whole thing is so ridiculous!

When A&E said they weren't all going to get their memories at once, I thought that left room for some clever plot development. One character could be acting strangely, then... surprise! They secretly remember Camelot. Probably someone with a side role like Snow or Guinevere. Now that we're 5 episodes in, it's a little late to be interesting. I haven't seen any behavior that would suggest any of the characters remember. (Besides Emma.)

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