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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Ooh... Hook's daddy is hot! Already love the casting choice! heh


A Hook-Rumple swordfight is going to be epic!


As far as I can tell, there are a few viable candidates who might pull Excalibur out of the stone:

1. Arthur: I think he's no longer worthy of pulling the sword out of the stone. He became too much of a politician to be a true hero. That's why Dark Swan/Nimue/Merlin plunged it back into the stone in Camelot.


2. Regina: Lbr, do we need a reason? She gets the climactic moments most arcs.


3. Rumple: Rumple manages a burst of heroism enough to pull Excalibur out, but then gets tempted to regain his Dark One powers.


4. Hook: This arc is positioning Hook firmly on to the side of the "heroes". Plus he's getting backstory episode, and Emma's love for Hook is a driving theme for Dark Swan's evolution. Maybe he's the one going "full hero" and pulls Excalibur out.


5. Emma: Emma saves herself, and is able to get Excalibur out. 


I would love it to be either Emma or Hook, but I don't know how likely that is.

Edited by Rumsy4
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But why is Hook fighting Gold with Excalibur? Perhaps the bigger question is, is Hook actually wearing a peacoat?! I have no idea what is going on, but I'm happy to be surprised.

Can Excalibur control Emma since the dagger is now part of it? Although I don't see Emma's name on it, so what does that mean for her?

Edited by pezgirl7

^ yay for all the hook goodies! Does anyone know if the actor who plays Papa Jones is good at acting? Never watched his stuff. Hopefully he's good.


I'm sure I've seen the Poirot episode "Cat Among the Pigeons" where the actor has a minor but important part (Adam Goodman), but I have no memory of it. Luckily, the episode is on Netflix streaming, and am going to watch/rewatch asap. Will report back. ;-) ETA: I quickly fast-forwarded to a couple of his scenes. And Oh My God. He's HOT, and he's got a a deep sexy voice. Seems a decent actor.


I am swooning at the image of Captain Hook wielding Excalibur. 


PS: My poll of the week option that "Dark Swan is a fakeout. The real villain will be Gold trying to get his powers back." may be coming true after all. I'm so happy. There is simply no other way for that character to evolve. 

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Hook's dad has brown eyes. Does this mean Hook got his baby blues from his Mama???

Sorry, I'm being a bit shallow.


Ha. That's the first thing I thought of, too. I mean, it's genetically possible for two brown-eyed people to have a blue-eyed child, but it still bugs me when the casting department doesn't go with the dominant gene trait.


And I'm still kind of in shock that all of these teases about Hook backstory, Hook's father, and Hook holding Excalibur are actually real spoilers. Like, this is what I've been dreaming and wishing for, but never figured we'd actually get. It's to the point where I don't even want to fangirl and squee and celebrate until I see it on screen because it seems too good to be true!

Edited by Curio
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What if the Dark One's powers got sucked into the sword when it was put back together? 

what if [Emma] got sucked into it when it was remade???


Let's combine these. Sparkly Rumple is tricking Emma by saying she needs to "snuff out the light," but really, Emma is "The Light" and he's tricking her into snuffing herself out so Rumple can become The Dark One again. AKA a redux of the hat plot again.

Edited by Curio
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Let's combine these. Sparkly Rumple is tricking Emma by saying she needs to "snuff out the light," but really, Emma is "The Light" and he's tricking her into snuffing herself out so Rumple can become The Dark One again. AKA a redux of the hat plot again.


I've been saying for a whole week that Excalibur is this season's Sorcerer's hat.


What I'm getting is that Merlin was completely useless. 

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And I'm still kind of in shock that all of these teases about Hook backstory, Hook's father, and Hook holding Excalibur are actually real spoilers. Like, this is what I've been dreaming and wishing for, but never figured we'd actually get. It's to the point where I don't even want to fangirl and squee and celebrate until I see it on screen because it seems too good to be true!


IKR?! It almost makes up for 4B, doesn't it? Almost.

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Oops, my bad. I'm still catching up on a couple days worth of spoiler chat in here after being on vacation for the past week. We're a chatty bunch in here!


Oh no, nothing like that...it's just one of those things about the show...season 3, it was Henry's uber special heart, season 4, the stupid hat, this season the sword.


I guess Rumple is back to his old tricks though. Blank slate or not, this leopard ain't changing his spots.

Why do you think that? The article just says "an episode" will focus on Hook's past. But about Hook's dad, I hate him already. heh


Actually it doesn't list how many episodes he's in. Just says he's gonna be arriving soon and that his role is being kept under wraps probably because he's gonna play an important role.

I've seen an interesting theory pop up on Tumblr...


The scene they are filming today between Hook and Gold is a role reversal.  Just like Rumple came to Hook to ask him let Milah go because she has a family and a son, Killian will go to Gold about Emma because she has a family and a son.  The difference will be that Hook will use Excalibur to fight Gold for Emma--because a man unwillingly to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets...


I also wonder since Hook has Excalibur if he's the one who pulls it from the stone?

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I also saw a similar theory that Hook is actually a glamored Emma. But why would she do that? Especially if she already has Excalibur with her dagger. I'm thinking the only reason they would need a Gold double is if they wanted both Rumble and Gold in the same scene. Maybe Rumble is now in Gold's head?

Edited by pezgirl7

Well Gold could be the one in hero mode and he's chasing after Emma and Excalibur. She poofs into Hook to psych him out? But since it is half Hook centric it probably is him.

Is Gold's sword broken at the tip? It looks like it has a square end, not pointy.

Also I was just thinking, the Robin and Zelena story sounds a lot like Lancelot and Elaine/G, except Zelena doesn't give a crap about Robin. Lancelot and Elaine's kid was Galahad and they do have Jr coming.

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I was going to put this is in the media thread, but I think the casting news of Hook's dad is a spoiler. Yes?

It seems Adam Croasdell's twitter is already blowing up, and he's doing a lovely job of tweeting fans. And he's already tweeting Colin's dad and brother! I loved this little exchange with a fan:

@ACroasdell welcome to the once fandom and thank you for having a fake super hot son

Thanks @evansjennifer32 - you know what they say; the apple doesn't fall far from the tree #HookSenior

  • Love 6
I mean, it's genetically possible for two brown-eyed people to have a blue-eyed child, but it still bugs me when the casting department doesn't go with the dominant gene trait.

We brown-eyed parents with blue-eyed children deserve representation too! 


I'm going to give casting a break on eye colouring (I don't even complain when Young Emma has brown eyes which is pretty much impossible). I want them to focus on an actor that kind of looks related and can act. 


As for who pulls the sword from the stone, I hope its one of those scenes where the person just needs a sword and grabs the handy one. That's how Arthur pulls the sword in the Disney movie. Of course, that probably means Henry will pull it.

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I think people is overreacting a little bit with the new spoilers, both Hook's fans and Hook's haters, and forgetting two important facts: the second half of the season is always about Regina and A&E love Regina way to much to keep her in the backburner for a whole season. This doesn't mean that Hook's father can't be the villain for 5B or that, if that happens, there would not be a confrontation between the two of them. But to believe that Hook is going to be the main protagonist of an arc, one that is only about him and not about his relationship with Rumple or Emma, it's wishful thinking.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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No need for Hook centric half season. One ep is more than enough.


Right, we need more Regina centrics. 


Common sense says the spoilers do indicate a heavy emphasis on Hook for the second half of the season. But these writers and this show have never followed common sense or logic.


That's what it sounds like. I'm not even sure how they will be closing out the Camelot arc. They need to send all these people back home, don't they? Even more though, what has me baffled is that they find out that Arthur is after the dagger in the next episode, and he is very threatening to Snow. Are they going to patch things up like right away, and come to an understanding with him in order to stay in Camelot? 


Meanwhile, since Arthur has no recollection of any of this, he is up to no good in SB?



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Common sense says the spoilers do indicate a heavy emphasis on Hook for the second half of the season.

I'm sorry to be the grumpy cat (again), but which are those spoilers? Because the only thing I remember is that "most likely" there would be some Hook's backstory in 5B. The rest of the spoilers about 5B are really vague and they can be about literally everyone.

I don't think it'll be a Hook-centric half. Hook could potentially have an "active" role in 5b like A&E says he has in 5a, though, depending on how much they decide to use a potential Davy Jones. I won't get my hopes up too high. Depending on what kind of character they decide Papa Jones to be he could be around for 2-3 episodes or a half arc.

We'll see once more info is revealed.

Adam C. Sounds like a cool guy. Apparently he spent a number of hours responding to the Hook/CS fans.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I think Hook's father will be a one-off like Blackbeard and Liam.


Pics this morning from YVR, Excalibur has both Hook and Emma's names on it. The top part has "Killian Jones", low part, the dagger, "Emma Swan".

WHAT? Do you have a link? I've seen pics floating around but I can't make out any names. Edited by Serena

I don't see what's the harm in flailing over a casting spoiler. That's part of the fun. ;-)

I'm guessing they must figure out his shadiness in Camelot but that he is still playing them in SB.too. In episode 5 we have the pics of him sitting at the table at the carnival with Snowing and Hook. They don't appear to be fighting so we'll see.

Maybe they find another sticky note in one of Merlin's books with an exclamation point this time. Belle will recognize the "handwriting" as her own, and rushes to the Carnival with Hook to reveal their discoveries to the rest of the Nevengers. The next clue will be a smiley face in Henry's handwriting. ;-)

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I'll totally take a badass sword with Emma and Killian's names on it over a True Love's Kiss™ any day. (I mean, I want the latter too, but that sword is awesome.)

Honest to God, I am so very over the whole let's kiss to make things go away. It's kind of like the whole ying and yang though, isn't it? I wonder if that doesn't mean the darkness has been "distributed" between them.

  • Love 6

Pics this morning from YVR, Excalibur has both Hook and Emma's names on it. The top part has "Killian Jones", low part, the dagger, "Emma Swan".

What the everloving fuck? I love this. I love so much about this could be. I mean....just....blerg. Squee. Whatever.


I'm assuming this is what JMo meant when she was talking about how the love between Emma and Hook is what is going to save the Dark Swan. But geez, what the hell is going on this season? I feel like this half season, more than any other, has been completely useless when it comes to actually figuring out what's going on based on spoilers. I like it! :)


ETA: And holy crap, I doubt that's a lightweight prop and poor Colin has to use it with one hand. I hope they at least have his hook come into play in the fight sequence. It was pretty cool when they did that in season 2.

Edited by sharky
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Ye gods !!! That explains why the top half of current Excalibur is unadorned. ...I reckon they're both going to the underworld together. ..united....

Now I am wondering if Killian was always destined to draw the sword but Emma has seen courtesy of Merlin that whoever does. ..dies putting an end to the Darkness and she's trying to get around it by making Rumple worthy enough to take his place. .

(Edited because I forgot this..) Squeeeeeeeeee!

Edited by PixiePaws1
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