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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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The last episode of this arc is called "broken heart", so I assume someone's heart is being crushed either in Storybrooke or in Camelot. There's an interesting theory floating around about the mid-season finale that Hook will be the Price Emma has to pay for pulling the sword out of the stone. However, Regina steps in at the last minute to save Hook so Emma can have her Happy Ending. Then, 5B will deal with Regina confronting her past in the Underworld, and finally learning some self-realization. 

I've seen that theory too.  But the last episode of this arc isn't "Broken Heart."  They've gotten creative with episode numbering and length, a writer on the show confirmed last week that "Broken Heart" isn't the last episode before the break and Adam confirmed it.  It would make sense for Adam and Eddy to write the finale.  I'm not excited about the possibility of going to the Underworld, but it appears that Eddy basically let the cat out of the bag.  I can't imagine how they will hope to draw more viewers with a greek mythology storyline?  I would like to see Regina have to make a real sacrifice for the greater good (Giving up Henry for a year when she took 28 years from everyone doesn't count in my book).

So without reading pages of spoilers - can someone PM me and let me know if Emma will be done with the Dark Swan crap by mid-season or if it's lasting all year?  I'm pissed they are trying to ruin Arthur for me after pulling Robin Hood through the mud.  I'm not sure I can get past the "Regina's boyfriend got her evil sister pregnant" plot at all, but I do know that Emma has to stop being the Dark One before I can watch another episode.  Was just wondering if I should check back at all for the rest of the season.

As far as I know, we don't know if this will run the whole year or not.  Conventional wisdom says Dark Swan is just a half season since that's what they've been doing since season 3, however they haven't said definitively yet.

I'm not excited about the possibility of going to the Underworld, but it appears that Eddy basically let the cat out of the bag.  I can't imagine how they will hope to draw more viewers with a greek mythology storyline?

Eddy is so glib with his responses that I will laugh my butt off if he was just mouthing off and underworld is not 5B. I can see it now, half the fandom is convinced the show is doing Hades and the Underworld, and then the 5B promos finally air and BAM! We're going to....FANTASIA! In the background Eddy is just cackling like a loon, "Didn't see that coming, did'ya! What now, bitches?!"

  • Love 7

I'm not sure about the underworld either (hell can mean many things) and I really hope they don't go there (just thinking about the CGI gives me shudders), but if they really do it, I doubt it would be a "Save Hook" arc. It makes more sense (from A&E perspective) to have Regina paying the price and being the center of the arc than Hook. They can keep the Regina sanctification and the queerbaiting.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Regina's story has got to be wrapped into the Zelena baby stuff. If Regina goes to the Underworld and everyone follows her or whatever, where does that leave that story? Also, dead is dead is dead. You don't get to go to the Underworld and return with Regina and not end up with a whole bunch of people screaming about Neal and Graham and Milah and Ingrid and Cora and Pan and Liam and well, you get the idea. I despise the Underworld idea a lot and would really appreciate a story that does not involve saving X character. Chasing or trying to capture the unleashed Darkness would be good. That could be hellish too.

Edited by KAOS Agent
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Until I saw the 5x04 promo I was sure Lance had his heart crushed to pay the realm relocation invoice. He looks to be fighting alongside Snow in Grannies....

I'll get back to that but first! !!!

Badass Snow looks to be back all wielding a sword AND in Camelot clothes and MAYBE actually fighting for her daughter instead of grovelling at Regina's altar!!! I can hope can't I??

Ok back to Lance not being dead with his heart and my theory crushed. I have been thinking about Arthur persuading Grif to voluntarily off himself. They have said something along the lines of Violet's and Henry's little romance doesn't end well...has her dad been spotted in SB? Could Arthur have persuaded Violet to crush her Dad's heart? Henry might be a little put off over that...

I can't help thinking there's a shape shifter flitting about SB having the odd meddle ....and moonlighting as earworm Rumple....

just throwing it out there. ..

Edited by PixiePaws1

Yeah, I'm not too keen on the whole Underworld idea. How do you do a storyline like this one anyway? While I really liked "Poor Unfortunate Soul", I was a bit put off by Hook beating Poseidon by holding Ursula's voice hostage. I have a problem with mortals being able to beat Gods, because they're mortals and the other guys are...I don't know, Gods! Going to the underworld to snatch someone's soul back is just weird. 


I know the person who wrote 5x02 said on twitter to pay attention to Charon, I think. I'm assuming there's something there.




Until I saw the 5x04 promo I was sure Lance had his heart crushed to pay the realm relocation invoice. He looks to be fighting alongside Snow in Grannies....


I think there's something in this. If Lancelot got his very pure heart crushed, then I'm assuming Guinevere would've cast the spell. Although I got the very real impression that Arthur might've loved Lancelot more than he loves his wife. So there's that too. He was more broken up over Lancelot's death than Percival's.


I also really hate what they're doing to Arthur. WTF, show? WTF! But hey, Lancelot is the awesomest awesome that's ever awesomed. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
Could Arthur have persuaded Violet to crush her Dad's heart? Henry might be a little put off over that...

If he can forgive his own adopted mother for doing that very same thing, why could he not forgive a child being manipulated into doing it? At least she wouldn't be doing it because she was trying to punish his biological grandmother for a secret she told when she was ten. 


I'm not saying the show wouldn't go there (Regina is easily forgiven for all sins and how dare you mention them while others are punished forever), but that is what my reaction would be.

  • Love 1

Maybe on the surface, but Henry would be doing it as part of an effort to get the darkness out of Emma, something Emma herself ASKED her family to do. Emma would understand why he would choose to use her love for him "as a weapon", even if it means manipulating the Dark Swan..

Emma asked them to take the Darkness out of her initially. But that ship has sailed. She wants them to accept her as the Dark One now. Manipulating her using Henry may seem like a good idea now. But it is going to make Emma really angry at the present, and make her feel vulnerable even after she is saved.

It might be that Dark Emma is the one doing the manipulation. Maybe she wants the Nevengers to break in and see Excalibur as part of her plan to make Gold into a hero. In that case, Henry is going to be feeling betrayed. It's a bad situation all around.

The Underworld would work better on another show, much like Dark Swan. With this show being about hope and family, visiting the land of the dead for an arc doesn't seem too appealing. It could be a great concept elsewhere and I've actually come up with the idea before for my own stories. But I don't trust this show to pull it off. It would kill the ratings too.

Well, you know, it depends on how they do it. Other shows and books have featured the Underworld without being depressing - it doesn't have to be. They could make it hopeful, showing people('s souls) being happy in the Elysian Fields, or whatever. Of course, knowing the show, it'll just be an opportunity to definitely show how the villains who were killed off were really misunderstood and are now in heaven, while Evil Eva is burning in hell!


Conventional wisdom says Dark Swan is just a half season since that's what they've been doing since season 3, however they haven't said definitively yet.


I thought they did at NYCC. They said DS ends 5A and 5B is about something completely different?


They wouldn't kill off a kid would they? Maybe they're killing off Violet in the Henry centric and hence the saddest "romance" ever from A&E.

I'm not sure about the underworld either (hell can mean many things) and I really hope they don't go there (just thinking about the CGI gives me shudders), but if they really do it, I doubt it would be a "Save Hook" arc. It makes more sense (from A&E perspective) to have Regina paying the price and being the center of the arc than Hook. They can keep the Regina sanctification and the queerbaiting.


Why would it be classified as queerbaiting? The LGBT romance will already be blossoming and that won't be the one a couple of loons want it to be and if the loons can't see the show without twisting the canon that's their perspective but it wouldn't be queerbaiting. It would be almost a parallel of 4x22 last season, if Regina makes the sacrifice for CS's happy ending like Emma did for her and Robin . Emma needs Hook a lot more than she needs Regina especially when this is all over and done with. Plus a trip to the underworld would be juicy for all the characters and Hook would play a major role in this arc especially if his father is Davey Jones on top of everybody's past coming back to haunt them. We already know Hook's got 1-2 centrics in 5B already. So Hook's screentime isn't gonna decrease, it didn't in 3B and that was a Regina arc as well. We need to find out if Hook's father will be in more than one episode, if he is bank that Hook is gonna play a major role in 5B and his father will definitely be a big player. We also don't know if his father is in the mid season finale or the pen ultimate episode but either/or it still means that the father is being set up to carry on to 5B IMO.


I'm also a major fan of all things Greek Mythology so bring on the Gods, Hercules, Megara, and HADES!

Edited by Hookian

Why would it be classified as queerbaiting? The LGBT romance will already be blossoming and that won't be the one a couple of loons want it to be and if the loons can't see the show without twisting the canon that's their perspective but it wouldn't be queerbaiting. It would be almost a parallel of 4x22 last season, if Regina makes the sacrifice for CS's happy ending like Emma did for her and Robin .

Emma's sacrifice in last season finale was written in an incredibly ambiguous way to make both CS and SQ shippers happy, and I'm sure that if we come to a point where Regina sacrifices herself for Emma's happiness (Hook) it would be written in a way the SQ shippers could also be happy.

Plus a trip to the underworld would be juicy for all the characters and Hook would play a major role in this arc especially if his father is Davey Jones on top of everybody's past coming back to haunt them. We already know Hook's got 1-2 centrics in 5B already. So Hook's screentime isn't gonna decrease, it didn't in 3B and that was a Regina arc as well. We need to find out if Hook's father will be in more than one episode, if he is bank that Hook is gonna play a major role in 5B and his father will definitely be a big player. We also don't know if his father is in the mid season finale or the pen ultimate episode but either/or it still means that the father is being set up to carry on to 5B IMO.

I think people is getting way too excited about this flashback with Hook's father. The fact that they are casting Hook's father doesn't mean that he is going to have a big role, and by him I mean both, Hook and his father. Remember Belle's mother? They casted a popular actress for what, a five minutes flashback?. For all we know, they are going to give us a two minutes scene where Hook's father abandons him to parallel it with whatever is going on with Dark Swan in that moment. I love Hook, he is my favourite character, and I would love to see him at the center of an arc, but that's not going to happen.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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A visit to the Underworld would be cool for one episode...just to have some of our baddies making cameo appearances, sassing the group, putting obstacles in there way, and I always am happy to see Cora...("Ah, once again you disappoint me Regina! And Zelena, yes, dear I threw you away, anymore questions, or are you going to cry too?" ) Yea, the CGI makes ms shudder but hey, Once, here is a new idea..build a freaking set, for a change.

  • Love 2

Emma's sacrifice in last season finale was written in an incredibly ambiguous way to make both CS and SQ shippers happy, and I'm sure that if we come to a point where Regina sacrifices herself for Emma's happiness (Hook) it would be written in a way the SQ shippers could also be happy.

I think people is getting way too excited about this flashback with Hook's father. The fact that they are casting Hook's father doesn't mean that he is going to have a big role, and by him I mean both, Hook and his father. Remember Belle's mother? They casted a popular actress for what, a five minutes flashback?. For all we know, they are going to give us a two minutes scene where Hook's father abandons him to parallel it with whatever is going on with Dark Swan in that moment. I love Hook, he is my favourite character, and I would love to see him at the center of an arc, but that's not going to happen.


There's a massive difference between Hook and Belle. Also Belle's mother came in during just a basic episode. Hook's father is slated for either the pen-ultimate or mid season finale. That's pretty big difference right there.


Also love the new interview with Jennifer, especially when the guy said is Hook gonna be gone now and Jennifer was like no absolutely not,lol.


She's such a CS shipper.

  • Love 2

Emma's sacrifice in last season finale was written in an incredibly ambiguous way to make both CS and SQ shippers happy, and I'm sure that if we come to a point where Regina sacrifices herself for Emma's happiness (Hook) it would be written in a way the SQ shippers could also be happy.

I think people is getting way too excited about this flashback with Hook's father. The fact that they are casting Hook's father doesn't mean that he is going to have a big role, and by him I mean both, Hook and his father. Remember Belle's mother? They casted a popular actress for what, a five minutes flashback?. For all we know, they are going to give us a two minutes scene where Hook's father abandons him to parallel it with whatever is going on with Dark Swan in that moment. I love Hook, he is my favourite character, and I would love to see him at the center of an arc, but that's not going to happen.

I agree, I went back to check the information about Hook's father.  They are casting for a little Hook and his father for a flashback in a future episode.  There is no information our there that his dad will be a recurring character.  I do think in whatever episode he appears in that will in effect be the Hook centric episode. Admittedly,  I'm in the camp that doesn't want Davey Jones to be his father.  So while I wouldn't mind finding out if his dad is around despite being older than Rumple, I'm not crazy about the idea of Davey.  I wish Blackbeard was his dad because the actor has a great resemblance to both the actor that played Liam and Colin.

I agree, I went back to check the information about Hook's father.  They are casting for a little Hook and his father for a flashback in a future episode.  There is no information our there that his dad will be a recurring character.  I do think in whatever episode he appears in that will in effect be the Hook centric episode. Admittedly,  I'm in the camp that doesn't want Davey Jones to be his father.  So while I wouldn't mind finding out if his dad is around despite being older than Rumple, I'm not crazy about the idea of Davey.  I wish Blackbeard was his dad because the actor has a great resemblance to both the actor that played Liam and Colin.


Why would they tell you without even casting the role if it's gonna be recurring or not? That would give away a potential 5B storyline. It would also giveaway if Hook's dad is alive in present day.


We also know Hook is one or two centrics so far confirmed in 5B. Take of that what you will but whenever we find out the casting I don't think they're gonna want to reveal if he's coming back before it's revealed on screen because it would give away that Hook's father is alive in present day.

Loved that interview with JMo! And love the interviewer asking about Hook. So a lot of DarkSwan's selfishness and what she's doing is because of her love for Hook. And it won't all line up for awhile -- I'm guessing in Broken Heart, we find out that something VERY bad happened to Hook. Perhaps Emma embraced the darkness in order to save him. Or, I wonder if something that Regina & Snowing do results in Hook dying? And they order her not to save him? I go back to DarkSwan's "Oh, now life is precious to you?" to Regina.


I think it's pretty clear that either Hook or Regina are going to be sent to the Underworld, and then others will go on a mission to save that person. Regina has a whole hell of a lot more victims to confront her there, and they do love making the B arc all about her (even more than usual). I wonder if Regina ends up sacrificing herself to the Underworld to save Hook, i.e., as payback for Emma sacrificing herself for her happy ending. All hail hero Regina!

We also know Hook is one or two centrics so far confirmed in 5B.


I missed a lot of stuff from NYCC because I was trying to avoid spoilers for 5x03 as much as possible. Was this confirmed during the panel?


ETA - Still willing to bet the reason Emma went dark was because something happened to Hook in Camelot.

Edited by YaddaYadda

I missed a lot of stuff from NYCC because I was trying to avoid spoilers for 5x03 as much as possible. Was this confirmed during the panel?


No, it wasn't. They mentioned that we'd see Hook's father before the midwinter finale and that they're still casting, and since they've already started 5x10, it stands to reason that he'll be in 5x11. There was an article from Entertainment Tonight where Eddy said we'd probably meet Hook's father in 5B, but I'm pretty sure that quote was from SDCC, so outdated.


I have this image of the cliffhanger being Hook arriving in the Underworld and being greeted by "Hello, son. It's been such a long time, I thought I'd never see you again."


I don't want to live in this world if the midwinter cliffhanger makes it appear that Hook is DEAD dead. The fandom would be a dumpster fire. I think I'd go live in an underground bunker.

  • Love 3
I wonder if Regina ends up sacrificing herself to the Underworld to save Hook, i.e., as payback for Emma sacrificing herself for her happy ending


I really hope this doesn't happen. I don't want this to turn into "After you" "No, after you", "No, I must insist,after you". People have to stop sacrificing their happy endings for others.  You just sacrificied your happy ending for mine? Here let me sacrifice mine for you. Then neither gets their happy ending. Better to have had nobody sacrifice and then at least one happy ending would have been preserved.


I hope the writers are able to come up with some new ideas and stop recycling old ones. I don't want the questions raised about why we are saving Hook/Regina, but we didn't lift a finger to save all those that have died before. I'm tired of everybody risking their lives to save just one person. And Vancouver does not look like Hell, so we are going to get Hellish CGI. It's one thing to plop a castle on the beach - it is quite another to have the entire world be CGI.




don't want to live in this world if the midwinter cliffhanger makes it appear that Hook is DEAD dead. The fandom would be a dumpster fire. I think I'd go live in an underground bunker.


The same thing would happen if Regina died.

Edited by kili
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For her to be this angry at Regina, Snow, and David, they would have had to be part of the cause, or somehow tried to stop her from helping him.


"So now you wanna be heroic? Now life is precious to you?" I'm guessing this one will come into play soon enough.


So we know someone's heart was crushed. Dopey turned into a tree. If we go by the legend (they seem to be using the legend for the triangle of doom only at this point), the tree is Nim's m.o. 


Is this a variation of the Dark Curse where you need the heart of the thing you love the most? Given what Jen said, I'm like 99.9% sure she did not cast the curse, and she likely hijacked it a la Zelena back in 3B. 


If Nim is the one that cast the curse, whose heart did she crush? In the legend, Merlin loved her, but she didn't. She used everything he taught her against him. So, candidates?

Why would they tell you without even casting the role if it's gonna be recurring or not? That would give away a potential 5B storyline. It would also giveaway if Hook's dad is alive in present day.


We also know Hook is one or two centrics so far confirmed in 5B. Take of that what you will but whenever we find out the casting I don't think they're gonna want to reveal if he's coming back before it's revealed on screen because it would give away that Hook's father is alive in present day.

They can be cagey with the casting, remember that the casting notice for Rumple's mother was really for Merida.  They do things sneakily to keep us guessing.  It's also not out of the ordinary for them to say whether the character will be in more than one episode when they announce the character.  Either way, if it's one episode or 3, it doesn't mean that Hook's dad is around in the present timeline.  It could be three episodes of flashbacks.


One or two centrics for Hook has not been confirmed.  Adam and Eddy talk about all of the characters, Hook is in pretty much every episode.  It sounds like with casting for the flashback that yes, will we get at least one centric which has been the norm the past few seasons.  I'd be shocked if he ended up with 2 or more since he's not Emma, Regina or Rumple.


I'm a Hook fan too, but I realize that no matter how much I'd like to see a Captain Swan movie every episode, there's a lot of characters that share the screen time.

What if...Hook is cursed in Camelot (sleeping curse or something else) and Regina doesn't/won't save him (Emma's line to Regina about worrying about saving a life would make more sense in this context).  One of Emma's greatest fears (darkest fears) is that she will lose Hook.  What if they did have a successful True Love's Kiss in Camelot and it's what not only saved Hook but also turned Emma finally into the dark one.  Magic is still magic and it seems that every time she uses her magic there the cost to her is becoming more dark.  What if the TLK is the final straw?  How ironic.

  • Love 1

What if...Hook is cursed in Camelot (sleeping curse or something else) and Regina doesn't/won't save him (Emma's line to Regina about worrying about saving a life would make more sense in this context).

Regina is enjoying controlling both Emma and Zelena in Camelot, and wants to be both savior and evil queen. She wants the glory of being the savior and wants them to respect her as a leader (no wonder. Henry, Emma, Snow, and Robin have been coddling and cheerleading her saying she is so good and deserves the best. Of course she wants everything now).

If Regina uses the Dagger to stop Emma from saving Hook's life, that would definitely push Emma over the edge. Especially after using her magic to save Robin.

  • Love 2

These writers are really good at making something seem really complicated, only to hide a very simple idea to be shown at the end. We're all speculating the complications of Camelot, Dark Swan, et al, but I wonder how much of it is just fluff as it's been the past several arcs. It sounds exciting, but it can't be all that important if they have time to sidetrack with a Red/Mulan/Merida adventure. (Not mention those two possibly Merida centrics.)


I know we all like having slow points, but I'm afraid they're going to drop the energy they've been building up over the past three episodes like they did in 4A. But that probably won't happen until 5x05 or 5x06 if records hold.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Remember it's supposed to be what Emma 'thinks' happened. Maybe she was tricked into thinking Snowing and Regina were all set to sacrifice Killian to save her and he was complicit because he loves her so much and it had to be him or Henry.

I also think she was told by Merlin that she could be freed from the darkness only while she hadn't fully embraced it. So she went full dark so there wouldn't be any point in Killian's sacrifice. .to keep him safe. But earworm Rumple keeps appearing so her Natural light magic may be keeping her from fully dark. To keep Killian safe she has to snuff out her own light.

I think Killian finds it out by seeing Merlin's prophecy in that glass globe or it recorded the discussion back in Camelot about him dying for her is the key. .hence Killian on roof prepared to jump...

  • Love 1


But that probably won't happen until 5x05 or 5x06 if records hold.

Yep. And it usually coincides with a drop in ratings. I think 5x05 will hit one of the climatic points and then they give us the breather episode with the Merida/Belle throwaway episode.


One or two centrics for Hook has not been confirmed.


I could've sworn Matt M. later clarified that Hook's dad is for the episode that is actually a Hook-Woegina centric not just Hook and it's most likely set for 5x10. Quite frankly after years of wanting a young Emma flashback and saw what we got in Breaking Glass, it doesn't bode too well here. A&E obviously live by "be careful of what you wish for."


I think Emma's goal is to destroy the darkness permanently and Merlin doesn't think that's a hot idea because there's a universe rule where light has to be balanced by darkness. Hence the warning and we'll see that the DO exists because Merlin the good but useless schmuck also exists. She's probably successful, leading to some screwed up world for 5B, cause you know life ruiner and all. They don't actually have to go to the underworld. The underworld could come to Storybrooke and how apropos would that be? That town seems a close approximation to hell. Or they can say the Underworld looks like the EF or Neverland.

Edited by LizaD

I'm disappointed. Their excuse that they wanted to "focus on the main characters" is laughable. There's all these random side characters like Griff, Percival, Violet, and Sir Kay, but they nixed a big headliner like Morgana. They could have at least ran Dark Swan as a parallel to fill in for her. I would even take a piece of dialogue saying something like how Arthur defeated Morgana in the past or something.


It's like they'll swear up and down this arc isn't about Camelot, but they'll slam a bunch of characters in our faces and give us this royal-corruption side plot. Maybe I just wish they were more committed to certain storylines or worlds in their arcs. But that's a conversation for another thread. Point is - this arc doesn't seem to have as much focus as they'd like us to believe.

Edited by KingOfHearts

I think Nimue makes more sense than Morgan in context of what they wanted to do. Nimue=Lady of the Lake=Excalibur=First DO. There's a stronger association of the Lady of the Lake to Excalibur than Morgan to Excalibur. Merlin is ancient, going back to the roots of magic according to Elliot. Since they placed Arthur and co. as contemporaries of Snowing, Morgan as the first DO wouldn't make sense. They could age Camelot but the point is they want everything to be from the Snow era and they already introduced Lancelot.

Also Nimue is for Merlin's back story and obviously they want to do another sappy romance for him and again Nimue works better for that than Morgan.

  • Love 1

Also, it looks like there will be FOUR different flashback times shown, with present day Storybrooke, 6-weeks-ago Camelot, love-triangle-era Camelot AND young-royals-era Camelot. That's a heck of a lot of timey wimey stuff to keep track of!


I have a feeling it will be 6 week ago Camelot as the main story line, and the little arthur/gwen to big arthur/gwen/lance being the flashback part of the episode, and the present day as bookends. Otherwise, yes, that's a lot of different plots going on.

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