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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Those filming pictures make me feel so much better. Glad to know Emma & MM did not suddenly undergo some sort of weird fashion curse since the end of last season. I do question why anyone would wear a big black hat in the hot summer sun though. I commend them for protecting themselves from the sun, but light colors, people.

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Sean Maguire just tweeted about meeting Elizabeth Lail.  

I'm thinking that's behind the scenes, neither of them appear to be in Storybrooke right now. However, they're supposed to film until 2am, so there's time.

The girl who saw Eion just said he passed in front of them again and she's definitely sure it's him.

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Here's another photo of Colin. I honestly don't care if his shirt is open that much for the entire season. 




I don't think anyone has seen Eion filming, so it's possible he could just be visiting. If he is filming, and it looks like they are doing the current timeline, then he would have had to magically transform from a boy to an adult. I suppose they could be filming flashbacks elsewhere.


Also, I just noticed the fake baby in the stroller is creepy looking.


Info about the scene being filmed from http://oncepromised.tumblr.com:

When Killian touches Emma’s arm to get her attention, she turns to Snow and says something. And then Snow takes the stroller away and leaves Emma with Killian.


Edited by pezgirl7
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If I am remembering correctly, the original casting info said we were getting Elsa for something like 8-10 episodes, but that Anna and Kristoff would only be in 3-5.


Just to clarify the spoilers (I believe it came from TVline which is generally correct in its info), Elsa is scheduled for 10 eps and Anna for 6-8 with Kristoff for no less than 6. That being the case, Anna & Kristoff damn well better be in Storybrooke or this really will be Once Upon a Frozen. I don't care at all about these characters, and any more than three fairybacks that are Frozen oriented is too much.


Also, how great is it that they're not filming in Neverland this year? Last summer, we got nothing because they were filming indoors on the jungle set and in the forest. This is so much better. 

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Here's another photo of Colin. I honestly don't care if his shirt is open that much for the entire season.



Eh. I honestly think the only person who should see that much of his chest is Mrs. O'D....but we all have our preferences in the male chest-hair department. 


(Women's chest hair, on the other hand, I suspect we're all pretty much against.)


Last summer, we got nothing because they were filming indoors on the jungle set and in the forest. This is so much better.



However, depending on how "frozen" the story needs to be, I can see this being a rare glimpse of the gang before SB goes cold and pear-shaped - I would think they're going to be in-studio quite a lot. So we should enjoy them while we have them, I suppose.

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Thanks Kaos Agent.  It had been awhile since I'd actually seen the article where they mentioned it, so I seem to have just remembered the low end of the spectrum (and made it lower).


I still hope that they're not part of cursed Storybrooke, mostly because I don't buy Anna just sitting around and doing nothing to find out what happened to her urn-ed sister.  Unless there is yet ANOTHER memory curse in effect.   I also think if we're going to keep meeting new people just hanging out in Storybrooke (especially other royals), they have got to do a better job of making Storybrooke feel bigger. 

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nicole @nicole_l1  ·  8m







Pic of Colin.

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Here's another photo of Colin. I honestly don't care if his shirt is open that much for the entire season. 




I don't think anyone has seen Eion filming, so it's possible he could just be visiting. If he is filming, and it looks like they are doing the current timeline, then he would have had to magically transform from a boy to an adult. I suppose they could be filming flashbacks elsewhere.


Also, I just noticed the fake baby in the stroller is creepy looking.


Info about the scene being filmed from http://oncepromised.tumblr.com:

Without the big black leather coat, Hook's outfit looks a lot more Dread Pirate Roberts.

The only way I would want to see August again is if Emma is punching him in the face. I can't think of a single reason why they would need him for a Frozen flashback, so I hope this turns out to not be true.

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Unless Anna and Kristoff were in the outside world at some point and ran into August? But I don't think he would be hanging around in Steveston if that was the case. Also, the timeline gets tricky there because it would mean they escaped the Curse but only came to Our World years later.

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It's cracking me up that Hook's pants have back pockets. That just looks so...modern.


Also, damn but Jared Gilmore is growing like a weed. He looks so adult and so TALL!

Edited by stealinghome
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Eh. I honestly think the only person who should see that much of his chest is Mrs. O'D....but we all have our preferences in the male chest-hair department.



Turnabout is fair play, I say. Plenty of the women on the show have shown just as much cleavage. :) Also, I actually don't really like chest hair, but I guess Colin's hotness outweighs the ick factor for me.


Jared Gilmore is growing like a weed. He looks so adult and so TALL!



Wow, he is tall! I feel like it wasn't that long ago when he was just an adorable little boy. I wonder how that will play into the storyline, if at all. They'll probably just ignore it!

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So have we confirmed August in shots yet? I can kind to see it if they make up something like coming back with the second curse snapped him out of his "youth" or something.

We are getting so spoiled! I love these shots this early in the shooting schedule. Can't wait to see what we get tonight after dark.

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IDK, the caption made me think it was a pic of the actors between scenes, but sometimes people are bad at distinguishing between characters and their actors, so maybe not.


Someone on tumblr said that Josh Dallas is wearing a wig in those scenes. I can't tell. I guess I should go find a recent picture of him to compare. For Science.

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Someone on tumblr said that Josh Dallas is wearing a wig in those scenes. I can't tell. I guess I should go find a recent picture of him to compare. For Science.

Okay, I was really wondering about this! That makes a lot of sense, because like three days ago, at that soccer game with Colin, Josh's hair still looked really, really short. I was going to be seriously baffled about how his hair was back to being long if it WASN'T a wig. (It also explains why his hair looks so funny in some shots from today.)


I suspect that Charming will get an overnight haircut between episodes 1 and 2...can't imagine they'd saddle Josh with that wig for all of 4A. Or rather, I don't see why you would.


ETA: Definitely looks like a wig in this shot: https://twitter.com/yvrshoots/status/489528019602522114/photo/1

Edited by stealinghome
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Elsa, Emma, Killian, Grumpy in this scene. Outside the Rabbit Hole



Emma and Killian standing so close together talking before Grumpy runs over screaming “We’re under attack!!!”

Edited by Souris
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I am in the middle of a cross country move and job change, and the return of Once spoilers is just the distraction I needed.  Seriously the best way to get through a Wednesday.  I am have a major case of the schmoopies over Emma and Hook flirting and sneaking around.


I love this honeymoon stage with the spoilers.  We can still pretend that Adam and Eddie won't do anything too stupid.  

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Okay, so Captain Swan + Grumpy and Elsa outside the Rabbit Hole? That's a weird combination. And Grumpy yells "we're under attack"... when? During the Rabbit Hole scene? Does Elsa join later? I'm so confused.

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Okay, so Captain Swan + Grumpy and Elsa outside the Rabbit Hole? That's a weird combination. And Grumpy yells "we're under attack"... when? During the Rabbit Hole scene? Does Elsa join later? I'm so confused.


It sounds (and looks) like they're just rehearsing right now, so everybody is probably milling about. Sounds like Captain Swan are standing by the Rabbit Hole talking, then Grumpy runs up. Elsa's involvement TBD.


Sounds like Colin and JMo are now filming the continuation of the earlier scene with the Charmings, when they went around the corner to talk .

Edited by Souris
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Okay, so Captain Swan + Grumpy and Elsa outside the Rabbit Hole? That's a weird combination. And Grumpy yells "we're under attack"... when? During the Rabbit Hole scene? Does Elsa join later? I'm so confused.

From what I can gather together, it seems like CaptainSwan is together, then Grumpy runs through, possibly followed by Elsa?  I'm guessing Elsa is coming into town and freezing things as she goes.

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The CS + Grumpy + Elsa scene appears to be already over. Canadagraphs got an autograph from Georgina H. as she was leaving set. Colin and Jen are now filming the around the corner scene - that's the scene that happens after Hook joins the Charmings, asks Emma to talk, and Emma is like "can you give us a moment?" and leaves to talk to Hook.


However, since Elsa appears to be in civilian clothes and I doubt they'd put a Disney princess in a tanktop, I'm thinking the CS/Grumpy/Elsa scene the fans saw was only a reharsal, and now Georgina is leaving set to get into costume, and while they dress her Jen and Colin are finishing up an earlier scene.

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Day one, and I'm already feeling overwhelmed with the surfeit of spoilers! haha

And Colin should be illegal. Dayum!!!

Edited by Rumsy4
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Ah, I knew you folks wouldn't let me down. I spend all day traveling, finally get a chance to unwind in my hotel room and crank up the wi-fi, and I've got all kinds of nice goodies waiting for me. Many thanks for sharing.

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Thing is, if they actually had Hook dress like that (just the shirt, pants, and boots), I think that would be a fine compromise between his pirate clothes and toning it down a little for the modern world. It's really the vest and jacket that take it OTT, I reckon. 

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Is it too much to hope that the private conversation Hook pulls Emma aside for is along the lines of "don't let Regina blame you for saving a woman's life"? Because someone needs to say that.

Well, that depends?

Are you an Anne Shirley type, or not?

Because I'm afraid you are soaring on the wings of anticipation, and the thud will follow.


My first thought was that this was the "We have to cool it because of Regina's delicate toddler-worthy feelings" talk.

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Stupid adorable idiots.  I'm not surprised Colin is shucking the coat and vest when not actively filming, that has to be a million degrees. 

That's gotta be filming and not BTS, right? Touching her hair with his hook is a Hook thing. I don't think Colin is capable of doing that IRL without going tomato red. I hope it's a scene! That would mean Hook is filming without his coat...

Edited by Serena
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