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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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A&E was asked in an interview there will be a Robin flashback.  They said yes so I'm assuming it will be in the backhalf.  Maybe Maleficient went after him after Will stole the Looking Glass from her castle.

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If the photo was posted in October, then it can't be from any upcoming episodes (they were filming 4.10/4.11 around then). Far as I know, he hasn't done any filming yet for 4B.


I think they start filming 4.15 this week.

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"Emma will continue to explore what her particular heritage really means," says cocreator Adam Horowitz, "as we learn that there are more secrets attached to who she was, is and will be."

I'm not even going to try to make sense of it.

I'll try to make sense of it, then. I'm hoping this means the writers will actually give us some more clarity about what it means to be the "savior" and if Emma was always destined to be a savior-type person, even if the Dark Curse wasn't enacted. Maybe she's just destined to be a person who changes the world for the better, no matter what timeline she may be in. (Could be an interesting concept if the writers end up introducing alternate timelines via The Author.)


Or maybe it'll be some convoluted retcon where Snow and Charming run into the Queens of Darkness while Snow was pregnant and they secretly cast some unknown spell on baby Emma that will eventually transform her into the fourth Queen of Darkness on her 30th birthday. Who knows.


Oh, and could not care less about multiple August episodes. Hopefully he's only in flashbacks for 30 seconds at a crack.

Edited by Curio
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I wish they didn't have so much stuff going on.  Three flunkies each get their own back story, 3 shows gone.  Obligatory Rumple and Regina back stories, 2 more shows gone.  We know Hook gets one (I don't mind this one), Charmings get one to explain their connection to said flunkies, so that's 2 more gone.  So that's seven shows worth of back stories.  Emma might get something out of this, but I won't count it as a whole show because it will oh by the way, Emma gets her magic because...then me scratching my head going huh?!?


So seven shows worth of back stories, plus August thrown in that because Book, Robin gets one centric as well (which I will not be putting myself or my sanity through), that leaves 4 shows.  Plus Poseidon, King Stefan...bringing back Ariel and Aurora (which they had to anyway, I guess).


So yeah...warp speed ahead and filled with plot holes, characters twisted into pretzels.  Sounds about right.

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My prediction is that Snowing got Maleficent to cast a spell on fetus Emma to give her magic in order to fight Regina, thereby taking away that she has magic because she's born of True Love. And probably Maleficent will be able to take away Emma's magic, because they can't have someone besides GreatestEverHero!Regina with magic.

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Or maybe it'll be some convoluted retcon where Snow and Charming run into the Queens of Darkness while Snow was pregnant and they secretly cast some unknown spell on baby Emma that will eventually transform her into the fourth Queen of Darkness on her 30th birthday. Who knows.

The first word that has come to my mind after reading that quote about Emma has been "retcon". We are going to discover another part of her past she (or her parents) has conveniently forgoten/hidden until now, like she used to hang-out with Cruella in Boston or that her parents promised Ursula to give her their first-born in his/her 30 birthday in exchange for some help to defeat Regina. Or any other stupid thing that makes little to no sense.


My prediction is that Snowing got Maleficent to cast a spell on fetus Emma to give her magic in order to fight Regina, thereby taking away that she has magic because she's born of True Love. And probably Maleficent will be able to take away Emma's magic, because they can't have someone besides GreatestEverHero!Regina with magic.

Or this, that is just something A&E would totally do.

We know Hook gets one (I don't mind this one),

I'm not sure he is going to get a flashback. His promised backstory could appear in one of the Queens flashback. Edited by RadioGirl27
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I guess that's why they brought her into the Operation Dumb-goose storyline. I'm interested to see the character get something new and different, but between the Savior thing and Ingrid's prophecy, how much "you are pre-ordained to do X" stuff are they going to throw at her?

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My prediction is that Snowing got Maleficent to cast a spell on fetus Emma to give her magic in order to fight Regina, thereby taking away that she has magic because she's born of True Love. And probably Maleficent will be able to take away Emma's magic, because they can't have someone besides GreatestEverHero!Regina with magic.


Highly doubtful.  Emma was born with her magic, it showed in the Land without Magic twice already, when she was with Ingrid and then when she gave birth to the spawn of Satan (Not a Neal reference, I just hate Henry even more upon S3 rewatch).  It makes no sense that Snowing would have done something like go to Maleficent to give Emma magic when Snow was as shocked by what happened when Cora tried to take Emma's heart at the lake.


Emma's magic has always been called special and on my side of the fence, I think she can become even more powerful than Rumple.  There was this line from Regina to Rumple while they were in Neverland where she said that she and he are the most powerful practitioner of magic ever.  I don't believe that will hold true for very long.  Maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit but I mean much as I hate Regina and her beatification (I'm not even sure that's English), I don't think the writers are taking anything away from Emma.  I think she's about to become hella powerful now that she has accepted herself blah blah blah and now that she loves herself and whatever else they threw at us in 4A.  If they remove Emma's magic, then they nullify everything they did in 4A. 

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If they remove Emma's magic, then they nullify everything they did in 4A.

We are talking about Adam and Eddy. They do that every half season.

I'm not saying they are going to take Emma's magic, but it's something I can see them doing.

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 If they remove Emma's magic, then they nullify everything they did in 4A.

And this would surprise you? How about nullifying all 3b's story of Emma being needed for her white magic but the role given at the last minute to Regina...
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And this would surprise you? How about nullifying all 3b's story of Emma being needed for her white magic but the role given at the last minute to Regina...


Of course nothing would surprise me coming from them, but this is an instance where we'll all have to agree to disagree on this, but we think we were bamboozled during 3B and rightfully so, I think because as always they built our expectations and then let us down pretty good.  But the whole time they were promoting 3B, it was always Evil vs Wicked.  The only good thing about 3B for me was the 2 hour finale, that's it.  The whole Wicked was horribly done and by the time they reached 318, they were ready for the finale and didn't care one thing about anything else, including their light magic forever victim Regina.


What I'm saying is that we always tend to read a lot more in these blurbs than there actually is.   


ETA - I can't write sentences today.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I'm more "confident" of the spell on Fetus!Emma to give her magic -- or perhaps Snowing got Maleficent to write Emma in as the Savior, since Regina got the spell from Maleficent, right? But I would not be surprised in the least if Emma lost her magic for good, because it would be a total A&E move.

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“Emma will continue to explore what her particular heritage really means,” says cocreator Adam Horowitz, “as we learn that there are more secrets attached to who she was, is and will be.”

This seems like something that would get about five minutes of screentime tops. Let's look at what we have here - three Evil Queen clones led by their sparkly Dark One. This has absolutely nothing to do with Emma besides the fact she'll be assisting Regina with the Author. This doesn't smell like swan at all.



I'm more "confident" of the spell on Fetus!Emma to give her magic -- or perhaps Snowing got Maleficent to write Emma in as the Savior, since Regina got the spell from Maleficent, right?

That would fix the whole "True Love baby" plot hole and answer why exactly Emma was special... which would mean we could stop worrying about Henry or an OQ baby having the whitest of white magic. The whole "Dark Snow and Charming" tease would fit into this.



But Rumple wrote Emma in as the Savior. And Snowing were shocked to learn of it in the Pilot.

Rumple didn't know about Emma's magic, though. He only wrote her in as the one to break the curse. It's possibly Maleficent gave her the actual magic, or it could be that Rumple knew or foresaw that Maleficent helped them.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I'm more "confident" of the spell on Fetus!Emma to give her magic -- or perhaps Snowing got Maleficent to write Emma in as the Savior, since Regina got the spell from Maleficent, right? But I would not be surprised in the least if Emma lost her magic for good, because it would be a total A&E move.

But Rumple wrote Emma in as the Savior. And Snowing were shocked to learn of it in the Pilot.


The word "heritage" makes me think of genetics and predecessors, so maybe something connected to Eva? 

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I'm more "confident" of the spell on Fetus!Emma to give her magic -- or perhaps Snowing got Maleficent to write Emma in as the Savior, since Regina got the spell from Maleficent, right?


Regina got the "Dark Curse" spell from Rumple. She traded it to Malificient to get the "Sleeping Apple Curse" recipe. When Charming was able to free Snow from the "Sleeping Apple Curse", she demanded the "Dark Curse" back from Malificient. Malificient warned her that she thought the "Dark Curse" was a bit much and asked her where she originally got it from. Regina and Malificient had a fight and Regina threatened Malificient's pet unicorn (love is weakness) to get the "Dark Curse".


I don't think the "Dark Curse" could be responsible for Emma's magic, though. She was out of the Enchanted Forest before the curse hit her (that was the point) and demonstrated innate magic multiple times prior to coming to Storybrooke.

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Regina got the "Dark Curse" spell from Rumple. She traded it to Malificient to get the "Sleeping Apple Curse" recipe.


Thaaaaat's right. I knew there was some curse exchange between them, but forgot which one. I haven't watched S1 since it aired.

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My prediction is that Snowing got Maleficent to cast a spell on fetus Emma to give her magic in order to fight Regina, thereby taking away that she has magic because she's born of True Love. And probably Maleficent will be able to take away Emma's magic, because they can't have someone besides GreatestEverHero!Regina with magic.



 It makes no sense that Snowing would have done something like go to Maleficent to give Emma magic when Snow was as shocked by what happened when Cora tried to take Emma's heart at the lake.



It makes no sense, but it would be right up A&E's alley.  They already said they are exploring the meanings of heroes and villains, and they "think" the characters most tempted to do bad things are not gray characters like Regina, Hook or Rumple, but it will be Snow and Charming.  They also said they plan to go back to flashbacks of the done-to-death period of Snowing and Regina before the Curse.  There's going to be retconning for sure and it will serve only to make Snow, Charming and maybe Emma look bad, to back their thesis that heroes aren't all good and villains aren't all bad.

Edited by Camera One
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It makes no sense that Snowing would have done something like go to Maleficent to give Emma magic when Snow was as shocked by what happened when Cora tried to take Emma's heart at the lake.



I don't remember her being "shocked". I just remember her being happy about it and knowing fully what it was. Emma said, "What was that?" and Snow said "That is a great subject of discussion when we get home", implying it wasn't a total surprise. 

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I don't remember her being "shocked". I just remember her being happy about it and knowing fully what it was. Emma said, "What was that?" and Snow said "That is a great subject of discussion when we get home", implying it wasn't a total surprise.

That wasn't my impression at all. IMO, Snow was shocked, and yes, ecstatic, that Emma survived the encounter with Cora (and bested her) and that Emma had magic. Snow runs over and puts her hand over Emma's heart to assure herself it was still there. Then Snow's reply to Emma's question, "That is a great subject for discussion when we get home", was Snow saying "I don't know that was, but how about we talk about it later when we're safe at home? Cora's not permanently gone and that magic portal isn't going to stay open forever..."

ETA: I also seem to remember in "Cricket Game" that David was surprised Emma had magic. IIRC there's the scene where they go to Rumple for help and Rumple says Emma's going to use the magic they need to find out what happened, and David was like "Wait..what? Emma has magic?!"

I think Snowing has always played the fact that Emma has magic as a surprise to them, so changing it after the fact now, I would consider a retcon.

Edited by regularlyleaded
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ETA: I also seem to remember in "Cricket Game" that David was surprised Emma had magic. IIRC there's the scene where they go to Rumple for help and he says Emma's going to use the magic they need and David was like "Wait..what? Emma has magic?!"



It could have been that they knew Maleficent helped, but maybe magic wasn't what they were expecting. They probably wanted something that could defeat Regina. After Regina took the curse from Maleficent, I could imagine her helping them to stop curse.


IMO, Snow was shocked


The mileage varies here.


I think Snowing has always played the fact that Emma has magic as a surprise to them, so changing it after the fact now, I would consider a retcon.


Well it's sort of a retcon regardless. It's always been said Emma's magic comes from her parents' True Love, but if it came from another source then it's basically shoehorning in contrived historical events.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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It could have been that they knew Maleficent helped, but maybe magic wasn't what they were expecting.

Hence, the use of the phrase "Snow and David were shocked that Emma had magic". ;-)


It's always been said Emma's magic comes from her parents' True Love

Not really. Emma was considered The Savior and the person who could break the Dark Curse because she was the product of True Love. Rumple sprinkled some of the True Love potion he made from David and Snow's hair on the Dark Curse and so Emma was capable of breaking it and that's why she was the Savior -- she was the product of True Love capable of breaking the Dark Curse that Rumple created. Emma having magic because she was the product of True Love has not been established in the show (IIRC) -- that Emma's magic comes from being the product of True Love has always just been a fan theory. 


It was a shock to Rumple, Snow, David, Regina, and seemingly a shock to everyone, that Emma has magic and it has not been established why she does. It's also never been established why Regina, Cora, Zelena, Ingrid, or Elsa have magic. But this show has no world-building rules per se, so who knows what they'll come up with as a reason (assuming they actually plan to answer the question). It simply could be that just as some people in the real world have an affinity or innate talent for music, mathematics, or the arts, there are those born in the Enchanted Forest with an affinity (or even inborn talent) for magic and that's all there is to it -- the Enchanted Forest genetic lottery.

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The writers can technically do whatever.  They could say Snowing asked Maleficient to wipe their memories so they won't betray their plans to Regina.  Because Maleficient put part of her soul in a Rock Troll, and thus was able to survive her Dragon form being stabbed.

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Regarding Emma's magic, where did the whole Maleficent thing come from?


Also, I always thought Emma's magic might have come from Lake Nostros.  I mean Snow drank the water after Ruth insisted she does.  I thought that combined with Rumple's machinations turned Emma into who she is now.  And while Emma's magic manifested itself to a certain degree in the Land without Magic, they realized she had it in her right by the lake when Cora tried to take her heart.


I had a bit of a thought but since we have no timelines as to when things happened...Snow meets Ariel and there's talk of Ursula, so I guess Snow would already know of her because of Ariel or would she have met her before she met Ariel and just didn't know who she was.

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Well I'm thinking that Mal is the Black fairy whose wand was taken and now is in Rumple's possession (I think he still has it in his shop, I doubt he has given it back).  If she's the Black Fairy, then it means she probably hates Blue too.


Maleficent and the people she has a bone to pick with, the list just keeps growing longer and longer.  The Charmings, Emma (because I don't include her in that), Hook, Regina, Rumple (but now seeing as he is going after the villain's happy ending, not sure), Blue (possibly), Aurora, King Stefan (if he is in SB)...the mailman, the milkman, the seamstress, the flower girl, the tavern wench...

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King Stefan (if he is in SB)

I would imagine he's dead, since Aurora never asked about him or anyone else in her kingdom for that matter.



Maleficent and the people she has a bone to pick with, the list just keeps growing longer and longer.

I do love that she's already so integrated into the show's plot. Unlike most of our Big Bads, she's incredibly relevant. She's not some long lost half-sister or a forgotten foster mom. I can't wait to see the meat of her relationship with Regina, and plus if she's the Black Fairy, with Blue and Tinkerbell by extension.



I'm wondering if it was Mal who gave Snow the dark fairy dust that was supposed to turn Regina into a bug. We've now had the scene twice where Charming asks Snow where she got it and she wouldn't tell him.


In Snow Falls, Snow did not explicitly mention she got it from a Dark Fairy, only that it was "dark fairy dust" and "not from a good fairy". In the There's No Place Like Home she says it's "from a Dark Fairy". Put that with Rumple using the Dark Fairy's wand yet again, and you've got some major foreshadowing.


I hope they explain Maleficent's wardrobe change. It really bugs me. (Was that a pun?)

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What's next for OUAT



Swan Queen: We love this friendship so very much — and apparently so do the creators: "We're excited to explore and continue the friendship between Emma and Regina," Horowitz declared. "I think we'll continue to see them working together, probably even more then we have in the first half of the season, as they're dealing with this new threat in Storybrooke."



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::headdesk:: indeed. But we knew it was coming. Hope it's more talk than actuality.


I have no idea what the CS "scoop" means or implies. Nothing really new on any ship front.

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Swan Queen: We love this friendship so very much — and apparently so do the creators: "We're excited to explore and continue the friendship between Emma and Regina," Horowitz declared. "I think we'll continue to see them working together, probably even more then we have in the first half of the season, as they're dealing with this new threat in Storybrooke."

I'm totally fine with Emma and Regina working together to get things done. I think when they're their strong selves they can accomplish a lot. I've liked them together since S1. That being said, I know A&E are going to turn it into a queer-baiting shipper-pleasing fest. It'll be about misery-loves-company Regina with Emma being a shoulder to cry on and drink with. Blech. If she were S1 Emma saying "Buck up, lady. You need to change your life," I'd be gungho. But as the world turns, so do the writers back to their ruts.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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This queer-baiting is so ridiculous. And, really, they are promoting a "frienship" based in abuse and disrespect, that is so wrong and such a bad example.



I have no idea what the CS "scoop" means or implies. Nothing really new on any ship front.

We would see both of them dealing with a lot of angsty personal stuff, but always on their own or with the help of other characters, never together. And, in the end, it won't affect them or they relationship in any way and it would be solved with a hot kiss, or it would lead to a tearful break-up in the season finale.

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Ugh. Regina and Emma working as a team and being friends will never make sense to me. Do they even remember season 1? and most of season 2? It'd be like Killian and Rumpel being BFFs in the future. It just doesn't work. Totally queer-baiting. I don't mind them practicing magic together and working to save the town but if it's more of Emma chasing a verbally abusive Regina and ditching Hook to go cheer her up, then no thanks.

Here's to hoping that if Hook has personal obstacles Emma will support him instead of him just dealing with them on this own and then supporting Emma with her own personal problems.

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In fairness, it was ET that decided to frame the piece around ships and ask what was happening with "Swan Queen." I'm not sure I'd label what they say there as queer-baiting, really. They're not dangling the possibility of a romantic relationship in front of fans or throwing around innuendo. They say they will continue to work together, maybe more than in the past. Making Emma and Regina friends beyond civil-for-the-sake-of-Henry is misguided, but so is making Snow and Regina friends. 

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They're not dangling the possibility of a romantic relationship in front of fans or throwing around innuendo


While I agree that they are not explicitly promising a romance with 'Swan Queen,' I would disagree that they do not use innuendo.  The writing has included 'I need you' 'I'm not giving up on you' - statements that are just suggestive enough, particularly if you're already inclined to see something there.  I think Emma and Regina can work together, should be at least civil for Henry, but would really like to see a change from Emma begging for crumbs from Regina to Emma kicking ass and taking names like she did S1. I hate that they call this a 'friendship' because it isn't one.  It's Regina insulting and belittling Emma and Emma saying "Thanks, Spike, you wanna go beat up a cat?' (old Bugs Bunny reference there, sorry.)  If more of that kind of relationship is what is in store for 4B, I foresee a lot of fast forwarding or at the least multitasking while it plays out.

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I will consider it a friendship if and when Regina ever does anything supportive for Emma. So far, it's been Emma running around, trying to soothe Regina and ease her through all the rough patches while begging for friendship. I can't think of anything Regina has done on Emma's behalf other than the magic lessons, which were more for villain-defeating purposes.


These writers must have very interesting friendships/relationships if they think that one person berating and belittling another while the other person walks on eggshells and offers all kinds of support and comfort is a friendship. If I had someone in my life like Regina, I'd be avoiding her.


I dread seeing more of this in the upcoming arc. There are so many relationships going under-developed and unexplored that are far more important to Emma (her parents) and far healthier for her (Hook) that it's a shame to waste so much screen time on one that in no way enhances her life.

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I really hate that Emma/Regina are considered friends.  Yeah, friends in an abusive relationship.  It would be one thing if they had continued building on post 311 for the two because that was something that might have been solid enough, but they undid all of that especially with 405.  I'm not going to forget that anytime soon.


Regarding CS, they're the characters are their own worst enemies.  They're their own obstacles which is fine because it makes sense with two people like Emma and Hook.

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I really hate that Emma/Regina are considered friends.

I don't consider them friends either. Reluctant allies when Henry's in danger is as about as far as those two should ever get. Regina's problems are not Emma's problems, and I doubt Ms. Swan is going to figure that out any time soon.

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Well I'm thinking that Mal is the Black fairy whose wand was taken and now is in Rumple's possession (I think he still has it in his shop, I doubt he has given it back).  If she's the Black Fairy, then it means she probably hates Blue too.


Maleficent and the people she has a bone to pick with, the list just keeps growing longer and longer.  The Charmings, Emma (because I don't include her in that), Hook, Regina, Rumple (but now seeing as he is going after the villain's happy ending, not sure), Blue (possibly), Aurora, King Stefan (if he is in SB)...the mailman, the milkman, the seamstress, the flower girl, the tavern wench...


Maybe Blue fired Maleficent too.


I dread seeing more of this in the upcoming arc. There are so many relationships going under-developed and unexplored that are far more important to Emma (her parents) and far healthier for her (Hook) that it's a shame to waste so much screen time on one that in no way enhances her life.


Don't forget Emma and Regina have something very special that cannot be replicated by those pesky parents or boyfriend or her son.  Remember Emma told Regina that "they don't understand what it feels to be rejected and misunderstood, not the way I do, not the way you do."  



I hope they explain Maleficent's wardrobe change. It really bugs me. (Was that a pun?)


It's possible she has several outfits, like Elsa did.  The costumer said back in Season 1, he regretted not giving Maleficent a costume more similar to the animated movie. So he probably wanted to put in the horns then.  That was only the second episode of Once, so maybe they just didn't have time to give a guest character the proper look they wanted.

Edited by Camera One
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With friends like Regina, who needs an enemy? I don't have a problem that they may have to work together to destroy and enemy, but they shouldn't be drinking buddies, braiding each other's hair, talking about boys. There are plenty of female characters on this show. Emma can have other friends.

Maybe if they keep Maleficent she can fill that role instead of Emma? That would be the logical thing to do. Except, knowing A&E, Emma's going to get jealous and start exemplifying passive aggressive behavior.

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I seem to remember JMo saying something a while back about Emma being more powerful by the end of this season. I just hope that means her power/s will be more reliable. I'd love to see that pay-off paired with a pay-off on the 'Emma fights for Hook' front as well.

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I just hope that means her power/s will be more reliable.


I think they are more reliable now, aren't they?  And she has started using them more as well.  I hope she pays Rumple back.  I was fully expecting that to happen in 411, wanted to throw something at my TV when it didn't.  

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