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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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13 hours ago, Sake614 said:

WTG @GHScorpiosRule!!! Show that stupid cancer who’s the boss 😀

Thanks. I have a follow up with a new plastic surgeon, as the one who did my reconstruction left the office; It's a follow up after a year. I'm upset, because she was so very, very good, and irked that I never got notice she was laving. And unfortunately, She's at Kaiser now, which only takes patients who have Kaiser, I think? And my insurance isn't Kaiser. On the positive side, the doctor who took over has my records. And I'm told she's also very good. I'm being positive because I've been extremely fortunate with my oncology and post=operative teams.

I'm doing well overall, except for the Diabetes I got diagnosed with last Spring. That's under control. I have a...protrusion near my tummy where they took the tissue for the reconstruction, which was a possibility, my surgeon said it was a hernia; it doesn't hurt, but my tummy looks "deformed" blech. Surgery may be needed--insertion of a mesh; outpatient. It's a discussion I'll have with my new surgeon, though. I swear if it's not one thing it's another.

I remember you talking about how much you liked your plastic surgeon. Sorry she left the practice, especially without any notice. But I’m hopeful that the new doctor will be just as wonderful if not better. After all you’ve been through, it’s the least you deserve!

sudks about the hernia but as long as it doesn’t bother you, I’d let it go for now. You don’t want to keep having more surgery; that’s not good for you either. Just focus on what needs to be done and worry about the ‘nice to do’ later. 

Keep us posted...{{{{{HUGS}}}}}

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13 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Oh yeah! I read about it in the JAG thread! I'm just peeved that Harm is still Captain. He should be REAR or FULL ADMIRAL, DAMMIT! But I'm soooo stoked to see Harm back on my screen! Even if it's not on NCIS Mothership with Mark Harmon, 😍Captain ♥️Harmon Rabb♥️, Jr.😍 is finally showing up! Took Damn long enough! I'm hoping to see Mac, and if not, at least a reference to her since the show runner of NCIS:LA has wanted to have them both on the snow--he used to work with them on JAG. And I also want to know about Mattie, since she was in a coma? unconscious and all 'tubed up in the series finale. But mostly, 😍♥️😍HARM!!!!!😍♥️😍

18 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I remember in a story years ago, they explained that Mercy is a public hospital while GH is private. That's created problems in the past for some people to stay at GH. I think it's an obnoxious storyline. People love to act like the US healthcare system sucks when it really doesn't. Average wait time for an MRI here is 2 weeks. It's 6 in the UK and 10.8 in Canada. Canada has the longest wait time to see a specialist based on recent studies and it can take as many as 68 weeks to see a neurologist in the UK, even with an emergency referral. You tell an American it's an emergency and well be over a year before they see a specialist and they will hit the roof. We all have different healthcare systems and none are perfect. Each has what they do well and what they do poorly.

That is not my experience.  I asked my GP to see a Cardiologist and I had an appointment in two weeks. 

Ever since the US decided that their hugely expensive health care system is the best, they cherry pick other countries' health care systems.  Here is one truth you cannot argue: every Canadian gets free health care, that means going to the doctor, going to the hospital, ambulances.  We all get free health care.  We have to pay for prescriptions and dental care.

Edited by bannana
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I finally watched 13 Reasons Why S2 and besides some scenes that I really liked (mostly those with Clay and Hannah), it really should not have continued after one season. It should have just been a 13-part film, lol. I cannot with some of the retcons and a LOT of these characters were too unlikeable to attempt some kind of image renovation in this season. How they’re even creating ANOTHER season is beyond me. Well, $$$$ for Netflix, obviously. 


It's worth mentioning that both Greenlee and Leo were intended as spoilers to the planned root-for couple Agnes Nixon had created (although she and the HW team created all four): Scott Chandler and Becca Tyree. Scott and Becca failed to launch, but Leo and Greenlee took off with fans - together. It was not planned. Anyway, I used to watch General Hospital

Yes, but those two were incredibly lame. I don't think anyone could make those two work, although I guess this means I should give Budig more credit for greenleo since I just said even Duhamel couldn't make Becca work.

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21 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yes, but those two were incredibly lame. I don't think anyone could make those two work, although I guess this means I should give Budig more credit for greenleo since I just said even Duhamel couldn't make Becca work.

Becca was far too one-sided; they failed to give the character any qualities anyone could relate to. She was too rigid and the actress (who I love now, btw, lol) wasn’t given anything to work with other than “you’re a virgin! That’s it!”

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, TheMediaHo said:

The actors who played Scott, with the exception of Forbes March, were pretty darn cute. Usually hotter than those who played JR (as I recall, Jesse McCartney, Jonathan Bennett, and JJY). TBH, Yelly McYellerson was a decent JR (ducking and weaving thrown glassware).

That's the general opinion, but imo, I thought he was still not that great. But he had a lot of chemistry with a lot of people. I'm surprised him and Kendall never had a fling, they were kinda leaning towards it.

13 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I think it would make it easier, not harder, because it's easier to remember something substantial than some random ass dialogue, especially because I'm pretty sure they were allowed to not have the lines exactly right each time, and plus they had more than one take. But a bit of a balance between these super short scenes and the 9 pages would probably be easiest.

From the Press Club Thread.

Playwright and actor Tiago Rodrigues has a play By Heart which recently played at a theatre near me. In it he calls 10 members of the audience on stage and then tells them that they will have to memorize Shakespeare's sonnet 30 before they are allowed to leave.  I tried it for fun because I used to memorize sonnets on my commutes to university (I got sick on public transportation and couldn't read a book) and I had quite a repertoire by the time I graduated.  I was horrified to find now that while I could easily memorize two lines the third stumped me.  And then when I did finally manage to get three, if someone else said another line it threw me off completely and I forgot mine.  The years really make a difference.

By Heart is a good show and Rodrigues does a wonderful job telling stories about literature and memory. I encourage seeing it if he comes to your town

  • Useful 3

My 16-17 year old shipper self lol. It's funny I saw the movie when I was ten and I didn't think much of it and I read the book later on and I was like WTF.

Alcott's already explained. She was annoyed because all people would write to her was about when Jo and Laurie were going to get married. You know, it wouldn't have been so annoying if he hadn't married fuckin' Amy.

Edited by ulkis
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True, and it you look on the characters realisticly, Jo would not have fit the role that she would be expected to play as Laurie's wife, and I do think that he would have just assumed that she would adjust herself to it in time.  Like, gender roles were a big deal still at that time.  I think they would have really hated each other after a while.  Jo fit much better into a more middle class world.

Now, Laurie flat out told Amy that he was determined to marry a March sister, didn't really matter which one.... that doesn't really reflect well on him.  He was probably being dramatic, but it was still not a good look.  Amy... I don't know how well that worked out.  As I recall they were both freaking insufferable by Little Men and Jo's Boys.  

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Not a good look, but I took it as a balm, because it was basically like "well if I can't have Jo I'll just take Amy because it's the next best thing" lol. Although god damn it Laurie! I forget whether he knew Amy burnt her manuscript. I never read the sequels. Are they worth it? I actually was thinking about it recently but the reviews didn't seem very favorable.   

40 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

You can sit next to me. They are adorable and I'm Team Michael for life

Michael deserved the world. Brett Dier did such a great job turning a character that was probably just supposed to be a blip into this rootable, sincere, funny, loving guy & genuine competition to the LEAD. 

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

And their relationship made my whole heart happy. They were relentlessly adorable and they were each other's best friend. I lurve them.

I still haven't finished the last season because I just cannot with Rafael. Petra and Jane were both too good for him.

They had one of the best written love stories I’ve seen on TV in the past decade or so. Equal, supportive partners— we saw everything from flashbacks, to their present relationship, their hopes for the future. It was all developed so freaking well. The details of it all! Their wedding was PERFECT. 

And, then, ahhh...yes, the final season, lol. I have such mixed feelings about it. I know that they needed to hype Jane and Raf, but this need for TPTB to constantly baby poor Raf and his feelings. It was so ridiculous. Ultimately, he was too angry & selfish at his core for me to ever root for him in a solid way. You’re right, both Jane and Petra deserved better. 

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Raf never really grew out of being a spoiled brat. And the fact that he could so easily switch from being in love with Petra to being in love with Jane (over and over again) made his love feel shallow and worthless. Plus, the sulking. So much sulking.

But the show gave me the gift that was the Michael and Rojelio friendship so that I'd have something to watch while Jane was trying to My Fair Lady Rafael into a mature, empathetic adult.

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Raf never really grew out of being a spoiled brat. And the fact that he could so easily switch from being in love with Petra to being in love with Jane (over and over again) made his love feel shallow and worthless. Plus, the sulking. So much sulking.

But the show gave me the gift that was the Michael and Rojelio friendship so that I'd have something to watch while Jane was trying to My Fair Lady Rafael into a mature, empathetic adult.

Raf never had to earn anything. It’s part of the reason why I was never sold on Jane and Raf as a couple. We were supposed to automatically want them together just because she happened to be having his child. Their backstory was literally “they kissed 5 years ago bc Raf was a playboy and never interacted again until now.” It was all superficial, and the show played that up as much as they played up that he was “hot.” It was a story of “Ooh, I guess you’re having my kid and you’re hot so I guess let’s get to know each other and see if this works.” It was not an interesting love story for me. Weirdly, they gave more care and effort to Jane and Michael.

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16 minutes ago, TheMediaHo said:

Thanks, @dubbel zout -- I've been a btb print editor for the past 33 years, the last 22 at the same publication. Yes, we're hurting, but we will survive the fascination with all things digital. I've been told by advertisers that "no one under 30 reads print," and my response is "Really? But are they the decision makers?"

I think print's heyday is definitely over, but there will always be a place for it. And ironically, more web-based brands—Bumble, Airbnb, for instance—are creating print magazines to expand their base. I just read that AriZona beverages has put out a magazine!

Hopefully editing, copy-editing, and fact-checking will not go by the wayside, as those skills are what make an article worth reading, IMO. (Not that I'm biased in any way by being a copy editor. Nope!)

  • Love 4
40 minutes ago, TheMediaHo said:

Going back a few comments, I loved Scandal, but when Scott "Jake" Foley came on, he ate/destroyed the show. They should have quit that nonsense, or, better yet, get rid of Jake, Papa Pope, and anything to do with B613. (I took quite a bit of schadenfreude when Foley's subsequent show was canceled. Payback!)

I love Scott Foley, but I agree. There was way too much Jake & Papa Pope. The show went in damn CIRCLES with the B613 shit. No one was rootable at a certain point. They had no clue where to take these characters after S4. S5-7, besides maybe a few moments, was unnecessary TV. Olivia, in particular, suffered the most. And I swear Shonda hates her male, lead characters. Poor Fitz had to be so incompetent and dumb for “female empowerment.”

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, TheMediaHo said:

I took quite a bit of schadenfreude when Foley's subsequent show was canceled. Payback!)

As a big fan of Whiskey Cavalier, I was very upset. Although I knew it was coming. It was a true ensemble show with witty dialogue, fantastic locales and production values. A double edged sword, since that was probably a lot of the reason for its demise. Too expensive to produce. I will miss it though.

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Let it also be said that I absolutely cannot stand mayonnaise, the condiment. I think it's the grossest thing known to man. I have trouble being in the same aisle as it in the grocery store. Yes, I'm weird that way.

@tvgoddess I'm not that dire about mayo, I can be around closed jars and eat it, but being the one to apply it or put it on, no. I'm like that way about ketchup though. It looks so gloppy to me and the bottles in restaurants are usually so crusty, ick.

Edited by ulkis

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