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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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22 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, I feel so sorry for the actors when they have to deal with this crap. It's not their fault! They don't write the stories! Tweet the show if you hate what's going on. The poor actors are just doing their jobs.

I agree.  I used to like Elizabeth, but I've basically hated her for the last 10 years.  Still, I was amazed to find out that RH was getting death threats.  Geeze, people get some perspective.  RH is actually a pretty good actress. But, even if she weren't it's nothing to get violent over.  She's just a person doing her job to the best of her ability (presumably).

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

@GHScorpiosRule What???? Holy crap! When???

Duuude! Thursday, December 7th!!!!  On USA Network! Have you not been in the Psych forum? I was going crazy with all the gifs in the media thread, and then created one for the movies!

As far as I'm concerned, Shawn and Gus are the ULTIMATE OTP!!!!




Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Duuude! Thursday, December 7th!!!!  On USA Network! Have you not been in the Psych forum? 

Nope, I haven't. Awesome! Not a lot of Lassiter is a bummer but oh well. Is Maggie/Juliet going to be in it? If she's not I hope she's just off-screen and they don't break up Shawn and Juliet just because of backstage stuff.

Edited by ulkis
41 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Nope, I haven't. Awesome! Not a lot of Lassiter is a bummer but oh well. Is Maggie/Juliet going to be in it? If she's not I hope she's just off-screen and they don't break up Shawn and Juliet just because of backstage stuff.

The whole crew/cast will be there, including Maggie! They’ve even done promos together, comic con panels for the movie!

26 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, did Maggie and James break up? I didn't know. I'm the opposite and hope they do break up Shawn/Juliet since I despise that couple and it ruined the show for me lol.

Yeah, right after the show ended. Maggie married someone a year later.

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31 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, did Maggie and James break up? I didn't know. I'm the opposite and hope they do break up Shawn/Juliet since I despise that couple and it ruined the show for me lol.

I wasn't super attached to them as a couple (I actually liked James and Maggie themselves more, I was bummed to hear they broke up) but I would just prefer for Shawn to not have done some dumb shit to have broken them up.

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5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Yeah, right after the show ended. Maggie married someone a year later.

I feel bad but this made me laugh. 

Just now, ulkis said:

I would just prefer for Shawn to not have done some dumb shit to have broken them up.

Good point. Shawn being nothing but a dick and a fool was what ultimately killed my love for the show.


Late night thoughts...

I recently fell down a Smallville rabbit hole (shitty timing, I know), hadn't watched any of the show in years (even though it was one of my faves back in the day), and it's interesting how a perspective can change just based solely on time away from something.

My thoughts and opinions on characters changed, stories, actors, like, I don't know if I was swayed by message boards when it originally aired (damn you, group think), but it's unreal how I sees things now. I like Lana Lang; the show was lacking without her or Lex in the last few seasons. Lois is more annoying with every repeated viewing. Tom Welling was soooooo green at first, got better as the seasons progressed, but his looks and chemistry with other actors was what truly saved him. I ended up appreciating the story of Clark and Lana and actually liked how the show tragically ended the pairing instead of having Clark choose Lois over Lana. Obviously they had to/wanted to respect canon but they still respected the years they developed Clana by ending that with love and a forced separation. Smallville was still its own little universe, so it was good they treated it as such. 

Edited by HeatLifer
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4 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Late night thoughts...

I recently fell down a Smallville rabbit hole (shitty timing, I know), hadn't watched any of the show in years (even though it was one of my faves back in the day), and it's interesting how a perspective can change just based solely on time away from something.

My thoughts and opinions on characters changed, stories, actors, like, I don't know if I was swayed by message boards when it originally aired (damn you, group think), but it's unreal how I sees things now. I like Lana Lang; the show was lacking without her or Lex in the last few seasons. Lois is more annoying with every repeated viewing. Tom Welling was soooooo green at first, got better as the seasons progressed, but his looks and chemistry with other actors was what truly saved him. I ended up appreciating the story of Clark and Lana and actually liked how the show tragically ended the pairing instead of having Clark choose Lois over Lana. Obviously they had to/wanted to respect canon but they still respected the years they developed Clana by ending that with love and a forced separation. Smallville was still its own little universe, so it was good they treated it as such. 

The bolded prevents me from liking this post!!!! I loathed Lana, who I dubbed as the Pink Pestilence. It was non-stop LANALANALANALANLANAAAAA. Blech. When the show premiered, its show runners stated this would be their take on Clark as a teen, and I liked it subverted some canon. Like the potential of Clark and Chloe. Not that I expected them to date forever, but the chemistry between Tom and Allison...And I agree, the show SUFFERED when Michael Rosenbaum (Lex) left. I love comics and S:TAS, or any animated version of Lois; Teri Hatcher's Lois. But Durance was HORRIBLE. Clark and Lois here gave off more of a sibling rivalry vibe, than romantic/sexy. Of  course in the last two seasons, when the original show runners left, they lightswitched everything so it matched with comics! And Clark didn't choose Lois. She was who was left because he couldn't BE with Lana, who was now a kryptonite bomb. Tom had his moments. But I bitterly stuck through for his baby blues?greens? and gorgeousness. Yes, for shallow reasons. I've vented my spleen and gushed like a tween over in the Smallville Forum, so I won't repeat myself here.

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The bolded prevents me from liking this post!!!! I loathed Lana, who I dubbed as the Pink Pestilence. It was non-stop LANALANALANALANLANAAAAA.

LMAO. Like I said, this is new territory for me. I didn't *hate* her back then, but I also was the one who mostly sided with Clark in their conflicts. Or I would think she was being whiny for the sake of being whiny. Or just being repetitive as fuck. Upon rewatching, I just....understood her more. I saw the way Clark's lies, however understandable or unintentional, affected her and some of the choices she made. I think I also came to appreciate what KK brought to the table and realized just how sparky KK and TW were---from start to finish. Things I didn't fully realize or acknowledge at the time because I was so caught up in the story and whose "side" I was on. KK and TW never lost IT and that's rare on a series that lasts more than two years, tbh. Most times you can see a definite drop in chemistry and I have this whole new respect for Clana. Mindblown! Also, they're just so attractive, my gawd.

I liked Chloe/Clark, as well, but I thought the BFF relationship suited them moreso than romantic. AGREE !!!! on Lois. I think I wanted to like her because, as you said, I liked other variations of Lois and Lois/Clark, but not on Smallville. Not only was she super aggressive and obnoxious but you are so accurate in comparing Lois/Clark to a brother/sister. And I can't buy a deep love between them, especially after viewing the Clana story in its entirety again. 

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So I'm reading about UK soap "Emmerdale" casting a transgender actor to play a member of a prominent family who has been off-screen for years now and who, in story, will have transitioned during that time.  And then I think about GH thinking they were being soooooo progressive with Joss and Oscar's off-screen transgender friend and I sigh deeply.

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It's definitely a missed opportunity, I agree, but given how poor the writers are, I'm kind of relieved the transgender friend was off screen. I don't think it would have been written with any sort of sensitivity or tact. They'd have to do some real research to tell the story properly—this is a story that demands accuracy—and we know they don't use Google even for the basic stuff.

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I'm reading a biography of Paul McCartney that was published a couple years ago, and I was amused that the McCartneys had their own version of the GH "Cook," a woman named Rose. 


[A graphic designer named Litchfield] became a frequent visitor to Cavendish to discuss the Wings-in-rehearsal documentary. ‘The first time Paul took me there, his housekeeper, Rose, greeted him with the words “That fucking bitch has been in my kitchen again.” It turned out she often talked about Linda that way, though they were good friends, and Paul seemed quite used to it. “Why don’t you go and watch TV with the kids,” he said to me, “while I sort this out.” I think he liked having a ballsy person like Rose around when most people were so reverential to him.’

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3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I'm reading a biography of Paul McCartney that was published a couple years ago, and I was amused that the McCartneys had their own version of the GH "Cook," a woman named Rose. 

At least she has an actual name instead of "Cook."  Did everybody get to order whatever they wanted for breakfast?  I remember that being mentioned when Emily first came.  Thank goodness Paul McCartney is British, so she didn't have to deal with all the Thanksgiving drama.

I used to work for the books arm of a food magazine, and one of our projects was a compilation of the year's best cookbooks. The food editor would test several recipes from each book, and once the editor in chief had tasted and weighed in, we hordes could eat what was leftover and give our opinion. (It was a great perk, especially when something like a lobster or dessert cookbook was in the running, but I gained 10 pounds in that job.) Linda McCartney's vegetarian/vegan cookbook was in the running, and the verdict for her recipes was, "This tastes like very good airplane food." LOL.

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30 minutes ago, Katy M said:

At least she has an actual name instead of "Cook." 

Yeah.  Although "had"; she passed away at the age of 92 a few years back.  She was with him a long time.   


Maybe he and his current wife have Rose II. 

4 hours ago, ulkis said:

That's what you get for subjecting yourself to Dawson's Creek lol.

Joey was okay I guess . . . the half-smile drove me bugnuts though.

Ugh, the smile and the hair behind her ear shit. I actually liked the first season but her “quirks” got really old real quick. And they only became magnified with the birth of the  love triangle from hell. That was the nail in the coffin for the show in terms of really crapping on what was once a somewhat original piece of storytelling and turning it into a generic soap opera. And I was never convinced that Dawson would have ever given a shit about Joey past Season 2. No man would put up with that much bullshit.

Edited by HeatLifer

It’s been awhile since I posted about my status and apologies for the copy and paste!

I hope you all don’t mind me sharing this milestone: Four years ago today I had my right boobie lopped so that I could murder the cancer that was traveling and growing inside me. It was just about now that I was in recovery. I can’t bekieve it’s been four years, which generally, isn’t very long, but it is for me. I can remember every single detail of that day. What stands out most is me assuring my mom I’d be okay right before the anesthesia knocked me out, as she teared up and kissed my forehead. 

When I came to and I saw my parents, my dad told me she cried the entire four and a half hours, even though my OBGYN came periodically to let them know everything was going well. The reason I bring it up is because my mother otherwise is not emotional unless it has to do with my health and surgery is involved. 

Anyhoo, four years strong and in remission. Even though fucking chemo changed my hair so that I no longer have the thickness I once did. I know, I know. I should be grateful I’m still alive and relatively healthy. I can’t help it. My hair was the only thing I was vain about.??? And my eyebrows and eyelashes.

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7 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

This is so random, but out of curiosity: does anyone feel like a series finale of a show should always be able to connect with its pilot? Or does it depend on how long a show is able to last, as in, the longer a series, the more likely the pilot and finale will make no sense when combined?

Well, if you're specifically talking about GH, I imagine all the people (or a lot of them anyway) from the first episode are dead.  The only ones anybody would remember probably would be Steve and Jessie.  

If you're just talking rando shows, I think it depends on the show.  I think if a show is on a long time, it's nice to make some kind of nod to the pilot.  

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