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S01.E07: Power Outage

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...I can't screencap, but I can freeze-frame and look:

The Flash-less Central City Citizen of April 25, 2024 has the following headlines:

"Return to Sender: U.S. Post Office Shuts Down Permanently"

"Wayne Tech/ Queen Inc Merger Falls Through"

"Red Skies Threaten" (the picture accompanying this article seemed to have moving clouds)

"Carla the Woolly Mammoth Charms At Zoo"

The restored timeline Central City Citizen had the following headlines:

"Flash Missing Vanishes In Crisis"

"Wayne Tech/Queen Inc Merger Complete"

"Red Skies Vanish"


"Return to Sender: U.S. Post Office Shuts Down Permanently" seems like a normal turn of events by 2024. Commercial carriers like FedEx and UPS will take over the financially troubled government system--especially if print advertisers are banned to protect the environment and/or if they just all go electronic anyway.

So, assuming that is the "natural" timeline (Flash ceases to have powers now-ish), Batman's business interests do not merge with Queen inc. and the environment is in trouble.

Possibly Wells' long term goal is to prevent an environmental disaster, and he's just a bit ruthless about it, and/or he has financial interests in Batman and Queen Enterprises merging (a stock market gamble?).

BTW, the Woolly Mammoth is likely to happen IRL.

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  I would have thought with Flash gone, the headlines would have all gotten worse.  But with a Flash-less world, the red skies have cleared (which I'm assuming is a good thing) and there's an apparently fluff piece about a woolly mammoth.  What are the red skies?  Did Flash cause them?  


The headlines are worse in the Flashless universe...To explain a little further requires comic book spoilers:


In the 80s, DC did a miniseries called Crisis on Infinite Earths. By way of backstory, DC used to have different sets/versions of its heroes existing in parallel universes. So there were there was a universe where Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman came forward in the 1930s and 40s along with other heroes who fought in World War II. There was the main universe of superheroes as they existed in the 80s. There was a universe based on the Captain Marvel/Shazam and characters associated with him existed. There was a universe where there were evil versions of our superheroes and the main remaining good guy was a version of Lex Luthor.

As the name implied, there came a crisis. An entity called the Anti-Monitor set out to destroy all the universes. He would send anti-matter waves to destroy them one at a time. One sign that a universe was to be destroyed was that the skies would turn red.

At some point, there were five remaining universes, which were being consolidated into one. As part of the consolidation of these universes, time went wonky for a bit, and creatures and people from the distant past and the distant future would show up in present-day Earth. (Hence, the existence of Carla the Woolly Mammoth).

The Anti-Monitor created an anti-matter cannon capable of destroying this new universe. The Flash, who at that point is capable of running at basically impossible speeds rather than just over the speed of sound as he is now in the TV show, managed to destroy the cannon by running faster than ever. In running that fast, he also time-traveled, then disappeared.

So the existence of the Flash in the DC comic universe was crucial to saving everything and everyone.

Also, the Anti-Monitor had a counterpart called the Monitor, who wanted to thwart his plans and helped coordinate heroes and villains to do so.

In the TV show, it would appear that there is some version of the Crisis that happens around April 2024, 10 years into Flash's career, and that Flash still plays a key role in resolving it while disappearing. In the Flashless universe, the red skies persist and the general public is unaware of the level of threat.

Someone has speculated that Wells is the Monitor. It seems an intriguing possibility to me.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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I love the iris/joe/eddie Scenes, iris saved everybody. it was good to see iris interact with joe, I didnt like the show neglecting them for barry/joe most of the time, so thank you show for giving us iris/joe. Got to say that the chemistry between barry/iris/joe is so heart-warming, this maybe my favourite relationship on the show followed by barry/iris.

I liked eddie in the previous episodes, and I fell in love with him this episode. Drugged eddie was the best. I hope that RF is revealed to be future eddie and over the seasons we get to watch eddie become the RF, just like lex on smallville.

Wells is still my favourite character. I don't know why I find villans more compelling than heroes on tv/movies, (loki, sylar, rumple, evil queen). Maybe its their actors. Lol.

Barry and the mugger made me laugh, i kept rewinding that part. Grant is so adorable as barry. The look on his face when he was looking for joe and iris was great.

Cisco and caitlin are okay.

Still love this show, don't have a favourite episode yet, they are all great. Writers, you are the best.

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Ok, is it me or is Barry Allen the most lovable superhero ever? A superhero who actually *loves* being a superhero, who knows how to express himself and is an all-around good guy. How awesome.

As for the episode itself ,the Clock King was most compelling for me. He makes for such a fun, interesting villain. But I did like seeing Iris take him down. Love what the writers are doing with her character so far.

Add me to the list of people who don't see any romantic chemistry between Barry and Caitlin, though I do find it interesting that Caitlin seems much more invested in Barry than he is in her. May be an ominous sign for Caitlin's character, in particular.

Now, to Iris and Barry/The Flash, I must admit that I wasn't really sold on the idea of them at first but the Iris/Flash scenes are pretty swoonworthy, as are Barry's reactions to seeing Iris all flustered.

Lastly, doped up Eddie was most adorable. He's growing on me with each passing episode...which probably means he's going to turn evil, yes?

Yeah, all of this. At first, Barry and Iris' chemistry didn't seem that OTP worthy, but now I think it's on purpose by the actors. Barry is kinda a immature kid who hides his crush and Iris is oblivious. They're just friends and that's the chemistry they have. But Iris and the Flash are smoking hot. They are so obviously endgame and it's awesome to watch. As Barry matures and becomes a stronger person from being the Flash and Iris comes into her own too (though she's already pretty cool), I think we'll see their chemistry vastly change.

In the meantime, I hope they don't use Caitlin as interim romance. I really don't see any chemistry between them. I'd rather they brought in a whole new character if they want to mature Barry romantically and slow the progress of the OTP.

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I've been watching the show and like it a lot.

Not sure what the deal is on Wells. Barry pegged him right. I was disappointed that Barry seemed to forgive and forget. Hopefully he keeps his ears open.

Barry is cocky and also becoming careless. While I thought it was funny what he did to the mugger, I also thought it was pretty dumb on his a part.

Nice to see Iris save herself twice in a row. Too bad she gave up on being a cop, she may have been a good one. I liked Iris' heartfelt scene with Eddie even if I'm not liking them as a couple. Good acting from Candice.

Iris/Flash continue to spark. I agree with posters who feel Barry acts like a lovesick teenager around Iris and more of a man when he's the Flash. I don't think he's actively trying to break up Eddie/Iris but he definitely enjoys the effect he has on her and plays it up.

I like the growing friendship between Caitlin and Barry but I'm not seeing much in terms of romance. I hope they don't go there because I just picture Caitlin falling for Barry and Barry dropping her for Iris down the line leading to her evolving into her comic persona.

Drugged!Eddie is the best.

Joe really needs to tell Barry about seeing Reverse Flash. More importantly he needs to tell Iris her life was threatened. She deserves to know.

Edited by LindaBelcher
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Was Caitlin about to hug or even kiss Barry before Cisco interrupted or was I just seeing things?

Almost definitely. Also, when they were holding hands while hiding out from Blackout, it was a really weird editing choice where at first I wasn't even sure if she was holding her own hands in nervousness or what. I'd assume the director and editor are competent, so it might have been a "these two have too much chemistry right now, let's edit that down a bit" kind of choice.

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Maybe it was just me but this episode wasn't very compelling.


Barry was showing off, lost his powers, continued to rush headlong into situations with little forward thinking and pep talks and plot contrivance won the day again.


While Iris doing things to save herself was sort of a change of pace her assuming that the Flash would rescue them all was kind of borderline co dependent. A station full of cops couldn't stop a single human with a gun and a clock fetish ?


Noone questioning Wells as to his motives for more than 5 minutes is starting to bug. He has his own private prison for meta humans, he sends Tony off to his death, even though Tony had no real incentive to help the people who had him locked up for some unknown period of time after being freed and he's been super dodgy on more than one ocassion.


It's a bit worrying that if Blackout needed electricity to survive then it wouldn't have come up as an issue prior to Barry waking up.


Guess all the evil meta humans waited around for Barry to come on the scene before engaging in crime. Apparently Barry doesn't wonder or worry about talking to the other meta humans either.


The mugger was absent his clothes. That cop would have been where's your clothes and he could have said he was sexually assaulted by the Flash. The cop had no evidence that mugger was engaging in a crime. Also that mugger saw his face... Doesn't he need his suit to prevent his clothes from overheating when he's going at super speed or is that just a sometimes thing ?

Edited by wayne67
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Yeah, all of this. At first, Barry and Iris' chemistry didn't seem that OTP worthy, but now I think it's on purpose by the actors. Barry is kinda a immature kid who hides his crush and Iris is oblivious. They're just friends and that's the chemistry they have. But Iris and the Flash are smoking hot. They are so obviously endgame and it's awesome to watch. As Barry matures and becomes a stronger person from being the Flash and Iris comes into her own too (though she's already pretty cool), I think we'll see their chemistry vastly change.

Yeah, I think Grant and Candace were definitely holding back in their Barry/Iris scenes. They had chemistry there - but it was very subtle and they of course played a lot more like friends... but you could feel Barry's affection/love for Iris - the way he looked at her at times was seriously hot. I'm thinking of that scene with Iris dressed in that pink dress and Barry ever so subtly gives her an up and down look. Just smoking hot.

The only thing missing with the Barry/Iris scenes is Iris sending back vibes...

Which happens when she has scenes with The Flash - suddenly you get the chemistry waves coming from BOTH of them.... that scene of Iris looking at Flash over her shoulder and him moving closer to her like he was about to kiss her shoulder? Whew! They ramped up the chemistry by a million miles!

A single look between them at the hospital in this episode generated more heat than... I dunno... holding hands?

Which brings me to...

In the meantime, I hope they don't use Caitlin as interim romance. I really don't see any chemistry between them. I'd rather they brought in a whole new character if they want to mature Barry romantically and slow the progress of the OTP.

Agreed. Their scenes feel forced.

Almost definitely. Also, when they were holding hands while hiding out from Blackout, it was a really weird editing choice where at first I wasn't even sure if she was holding her own hands in nervousness or what. I'd assume the director and editor are competent, so it might have been a "these two have too much chemistry right now, let's edit that down a bit" kind of choice.

Hmmmm I thought the exact opposite. More like, "these two don't have enough chemistry, let's edit out them looking at each other awkwardly."

To each his/her own, I guess.

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While Iris doing things to save herself was sort of a change of pace her assuming that the Flash would rescue them all was kind of borderline co dependent. A station full of cops couldn't stop a single human with a gun and a clock fetish ?


Her thinking The Flash would save them had less to do with dependency and more to do with her belief in The Flash. The last few episodes established that Iris is capable of saving herself and others but The Flash represents the impossible and Iris' belief in him, belief in the impossible, is intended to highlight an even deeper connection between her and Barry. 

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A station full of cops couldn't stop a single human with a gun and a clock fetish ?


It's partially a genre thing, same way a station full of cops can't stop a man with a freeze gun, or a man dressed up as a clown etc.


Also, Eddie tried and got shot for his trouble. Especially after that the SWAT folks might not want to risk anyone else. Or they might have been set up to snipe him once he reached the roof. At that point, the maximum loss would be the one hostage.

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Okay, this episode finally sends me into some of the alternate suggestions about who and what Wells is, rather than theories that were more obvious.


Oh.  Ralph Dibny died?  Really?  Or is he like Ronnie Raymond and

just conveniently missing?

Edited by Kromm
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Doesn't he need his suit to prevent his clothes from overheating when he's going at super speed or is that just a sometimes thing ?


It's a "whenever we feel like making an issue of it" thing. In other words, if the writers feel like it.


The mugger was absent his clothes. That cop would have been where's your clothes and he could have said he was sexually assaulted by the Flash.


I see a National Enquirer interview in that guys future.

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It's a "whenever we feel like making an issue of it" thing. In other words, if the writers feel like it.

He also super-sped around Iris a few episodes ago in his regular clothes. Mostly to talk at her in "bullet time", but he did zoom around to a few different spots. I guess one could fanwank that those each were short enough to not burn off his clothes, but what about his boxer briefs in the Plastique ep?

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I attempted to transcribe the article under FLASH MISSING VANISHES IN CRISIS.  I don't actually think it has any hints in it but thought I'd share.

? = a word I can't figure out

By Evan Gibson

Thursday, April 25, 2024

(1st column)

"A deadly game that played out at the main ?  ? as a ? location this month, with one landing near to where experts ? the total destruction of the toxic stockpile were staying, sources said on Tuesday night.


One rocket strike on the cities port town Central City landed about 500 yards fro the tunnel used by the joint mission of the organization, the sources told the paper on condition of anonymity.


The observatory said it was the first attack by ? on the area held by anti-government forces.  "It was a bit too close for comfort," The Flash said to reporters.  "It was ? to earlier incidents in Starling City, which were also diverted."  The Flash said three rockets hit the city of almost killing a taxi driver and wounding six others were ? the ?.


Luckily, any deadly crisis was averted.  The Flash also unlikely that Central City - which wields veto powers on with the security council and to cities closest political ally would back sanctions against terror."



--In the second column I see they repeated the thing about the taxi driver twice in the first paragraph (pretty much a repeat of the last couple paragraphs from the first column.)



2nd paragraph starts with "The deal averted the Central City threat by The Flash that ?(maybe nearly)  killed hundreds of people in the outskirts of the city.  The last progress report issued by the joint ? ? had sent six shipments totaling stock (guessing that last word) 35 percent of the total stock piled by the joint mission said leaders had sent six shipments.


3rd paragraph "Last week they missed the largest (guessing that last word) so (also a guess)  destroy a dozen hangers and underground (I think) production facilities.  It will also  likely ? meet this month's deadline to ?  all chemicals overseas, the sources said.


4th paragraph " The cost of the operation has/was (not sure)  ?   ?  the hundreds of millions of dollars.  The longer it takes, the more expensive it becomes for the international community which is footing the bill.  In addition to a a long list of ?  [and then it has the bolded word WORLD indicating the article continues elsewhere]

Edited by BkWurm1
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Is it bad that the saddest thing in this episode, for me, was the demise of Barry's mug? I also had a favorite mug that was broken by a family member, so I really felt for Barry in that scene. And then Iris' reaction was just the cherry on top.

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