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Season 3: Get Your Spoons!


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I am just glad Jen outlasted Vanessa. Jen faced two Ludo-yells-at-you-offs in a row, maybe one other. Vanessa pouts, gets cryvoice, and is all 'but,but...' after the possibility of her going into the Taste-Off comes up. Yes, maybe Jen shouldn't have tried to get Vanessa over the sulking/wallowing stage, but Vanessa wasn't having it, so I don't really see any actual bullying. A grown woman telling another grown woman to stop sulking over having to cook something on a cooking competition doesn't read as bullying to me. Frustration? Probably.


I see Jen as a stuck on herself superior attitude bitch for the way she acted toward Vanessa.  WTF is it to her how Vanessa feels and why should she feel compelled to comment on it?  Mind your own business, bitch!  It made me sick how she fawned all over everyone just to make herself look so wonderful and well liked compared to poor Vanessa, who in my estimation was clearly crumbling at the other's scapegoating of her.  To me Jen is a bully because she picked on someone who was perhaps not as strong and well defended as she is to glorify herself (translate that to "pretty and popular" as in high school for her level of maturity).  Taunting Vanessa to "defend herself" and calling her a "crybaby" after she herself scapegoats her was just over the top for me.  I was a victim of bullying in childhood and I think I can spot a bully from 5 miles away.  This was no well intended attempt to get Vanessa over anything, IMO.  It was an attempt to crush her because they were all making her responsible for Tarik's departure and needed to blame someone for it.  And all of them getting on her for throwing him under the bus?  But dudes, he threw HER under the bus not even 2 minutes before!!!  WTF is she supposed to do?  But they completely forgot that and got mad at Vanessa for doing the same thing in return!


I agree 1000% with whoever said that Jen should understand that not everyone is like her.  But she is such a smug, shallow bitch she doesn't have the depth or empathy to understand Vanessa and takes her less than over confident behavior as some sort of detestable weakness or self indulgence.  It was NOT, IMHO.  How cliche, a self aggrandizing extrovert misinterprets and misunderstands a sensitive introvert and berates the show of vulnerability.  Seriously, that was the story of my life when I was an underconfident, shy, sensitive kid, so excuse me if I think people who do that to others should go F themselves.


Personally I think Eric should have gone home but I think Anthony was playing by some kind of hard or soft rules to send home the spoon that was judged worst.  I have said before that I don't agree with that practice and I still don't, especially if a gold star chef gets sent home in favor of douchebag red star boy.  And then Vanessa gets scapegoated for it by the rest of them, which made her crumble emotionally.  I don't see her as a "baby" for that.  Why should she have to be a tough bitch up against bullies to be seen as an adult?  Man, if I were there I would have wiped the floor with those assholes in defense of Vanessa, especially Jen.  I wouldn't hold it against Vanessa for crying or crumbling after being held responsible in the others' eyes for Tarik's departure.  Seriously, these contestants need to develop some emotional maturity, IMHO.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 7

Watching the psychology of "tell people how good you are and they will believe it" at work here.  Eric is not that good. 


Had Vanessa stopped having sex with Bourdain (in her dreams) she might have settled down and been able to focus more.  She has the ability to be great.  He was impressed with her flavor profiles and how she could put them together with ease in food she had never cooked previously.  She did have skill. 


The only reason Jen is still there is because she cooked Ludo's food in the cook offs.  I hope to see this challenge dropped next season or have them cook without coaching from anyone.  The chefs helping them was ridiculous.  Eric won on Ben's spoon, not his, and barely.  

  • Love 4

It's pretty funny that we've turned out to have Eric and Ben cocking along like the leaders, while Gabe has all the stars (he looks like General Patton in his apron). I mean Ben finally gained some momentum with that, but even still, it's peanuts in comparison.

It kinda makes it feel like the season will come off as a crock at this point if Gabe DOESN'T win.

  • Love 5

I guess I could see Jen as a bully and Vanessa as her victim IF I didn't think Vanessa's "poor adorable little me!" routine with Anthony was just an act.  I mean, yes, I believe she's sincere about her crush but I also think she's very aware of how to use (1) her "scrappy, plucky" background (which he even mentioned admiringly in this ep) to manipulate him to want to save her--and also use her "I think you're wonderful and am just cooking flavor profiles I know that you like (and hope you will recognize during the anonymous judging)" to manipulate him to feel more invested in her.


I think she's sincere in her crush, but also is very used to manipulating people to do what she wants--whether it's through pouting or flattering or saying things AB will like and admire (like her "underdog" life story) or showing vulnerability/needing protection, etc. Or even telling him "I AM your daughter! That was ME at  7!" And what "balls" did it take for her to criticize her competitor's dish to AB? Telling Tarik might have been better.


So I didn't see Vaness as Jen's poor little victim at all. I saw her as an annoying competitor who was using a variety of "feminine wiles" to manipulate her mentor and the outcome (as far as he could control it at least) and then resorting to sulking and pouting when it didn't get her what she wanted.


I do agree that Jen should have just let her sulk and pout, but I couldn't really blame her for being irritated seeing a grown woman act like a baby because she didn't advance in a competition, esp. when there was no reason to -expect- she was going to win based on skill alone. I mean, being in the taste off shouldn't have been such a traumatic surprise for Vanessa, especially by the semi-finals. Her self pity was annoying to me too, just as much if not more than it was to Jen.


That cook off was pretty ridiculous with Ben telling Eric what to do and Gabe and Tristen telling Vanessa detail by detail how to proceed, including how to rough chop the chicken so it would still be juicy! If she was too distracted by their advice (rather than desperately in need of it, as it seemed to me) she could have nicely asked them to just stand by so she could ask them questions as needed.


But I don't care how much pressure you're under, if you can't tell a chicken neck (or even a heart) from a liver, you really don't belong in the semi-finals. I find Jen kind of smug and insufferable (like Eric) and also deficient in important skills (unlike anyone else who's left), but I was glad she outlasted Vanessa.

Edited by Padma
  • Love 10

I just don't see Vanessa as this poor shy, delicate snowflake with low self-confidence.  The situation she found herself in was entirely her own doing--she herself chose to go on a reality TV show.  She somehow had the stamina and determination to go through a rigorous multistage  audition process, and anyone watching this show knows they should expect criticism.


But I might be prejudiced by my utter lack of sympathy for contestants who turn on the waterworks at the slightest criticism.  YMMV.

Edited by backgroundnoise
  • Love 10


As for Nigella, she is an executive producer. She can stand where she wants and she can say what she wants.  


Really?  I apologize but that is a weak excuse for her being there.  There's a problem if an executive producer feels that way and if she does then she shouldn't a mentor then.  She's not a mentor now, she lost her team.  She has no business in a kitchen during a mentoring challenge.  If you have no mentors then you shouldn't be there during a challenge.  I don't know what she did on other shows but this one her "help" when her team lost so badly shouldn't be used by the others - executive producer or not.

Edited by Crucial
  • Love 2

Digression, but... did anyone catch the names of the restaurants the mentors went to? That spicy food sounded delicious.


Re: Nigella and Team Ludo. I'm not a big fan of Nigella as a mentor, and think all "other" mentors should stay out of each others' kitchens, but I thought she went to stand near Jen to diffuse the Ludo/Tony situation and to give Jen a little woman-to-woman support (plus, Ludo has an irritating way of getting in your space as well as your face. And his accent IS often incomprehensible when he's yelling hysterically for or about something). She shouldn't have been there, but I thought it was well-intended


That said, this week Bourdain showed yet another side I didn't know he had. It was so juvenile to see him smirking and bringing the spam over, then actually smirking even more after he had contributed to rattling Ludo and his team enough that Jen cut herself. I really couldn't believe that whole extremely childish and Unentertaining exchange between them. (How would AB have reacted if Ludo had come over to make Vanessa so nervous that SHE had to take time and call for a medic? I don't think he would have found it amusing at all.)


It's amazing how flattering this show is to Marcus. I liked him before, but in contrast to the others, he wins "good mentor" points every time. Not a neurotic micromanager/control freak like Nigella. Not a competitive, favorites-playing (unfairly, imo, re: Tom, Tarik and Vanessa) sometime-jerk like AB, and not a raving (and loud) lunatic who can't handle stress like Ludo.


Marcus always seems calm, organized, constructive and fair enough to all members of his team in competitions. It is nice to see how well they are performing as a result. I'd love to see either of them win it all. (I prefer Tristen but Gabe is okay, too)

  • Love 5

Last year they were all asking Nigella to come help during her first week without a team, dessert week. Marcus and particularly Tony were nervous because they weren't bakers and Nigella was knowledgable and could offer assistance when they couldn't.

So it made sense.

Watching what actually happened was another story, i don't think anyone listened to what she had to say or even asked her opinion.

I'm rooting for Gabe at this point.  He really deserves it, plus he seems like a nice guy.  Although he does need an eyebrow intervention, stat.


I actually think that with few exceptions, this show has been exceptionally kind to Tony Bourdain.  While the others have been made to look like raving lunatics, yelling at their teams and getting all pissed off, Tony has been taking the high road by being calm, cool, and encouraging of this team.  He doesn't show himself on camera to be down on any of his team members for any reason.  It's all Zen with Tony.  I can't say that about Ludo or Nigella, and while Marcus hasn't been negative about anyone he has gone a little nuts in the mentoring during the cook-offs.  That said, I think Tony took it too far this time by letting the contestants coach each of them in the cook off.  He should have been the one doing it himself splitting his time equally.

  • Love 2

IMO, the mentors shouldn't be there at all in the final cook-off of the evening.  If a bit of help is allowed, it should come only within the contestants themselves.  I don't think they should even have to choose from within their own team.  Let them flip a coin to see who gets to ask first among all the remaining contestants.  The mentors and guest judges shouldn't be anywhere around at that point, until it's time to taste the dishes.


That way, there is another level of competition added as the cooks who are sought out to help are getting affirmation that they are indeed good.  If a helper actually manages to help save an obviously struggling cook, that's got to look good to the judges.


The way this is structured now, the contestants are merely tools the mentors use to have a cooking competition between themselves.

  • Love 5


So I didn't see Vaness as Jen's poor little victim at all. I saw her as an annoying competitor who was using a variety of "feminine wiles" to manipulate her mentor and the outcome (as far as he could control it at least) and then resorting to sulking and pouting when it didn't get her what she wanted.


I do agree that Jen should have just let her sulk and pout, but I couldn't really blame her for being irritated seeing a grown woman act like a baby because she didn't advance in a competition, esp. when there was no reason to -expect- she was going to win based on skill alone.


I guess I could see Jen as a bully and Vanessa as her victim IF I didn't think Vanessa's "poor adorable little me!" routine with Anthony was just an act.


Amen.  Furthermore, I find that tough-cookie attractive women (women who don't cry or flirt to get where they are in life) are typically very resentful of those that do. 


My wife's one of the former, and I would never call her a bully for telling another grown woman who's crying over going into a Taste Off to grow up and accept it, which she would most certainly do in that position.  A bitch, maybe.  But she'd probably like that.  ;)


Flirting and crying are easy ways to manipulate people and lose your integrity simultaneously. Take the road less traveled by, Vanessa, and that will make all the difference.


Vanessa just annoyed on so many levels, and it was pretty clear that the dislike of her and lack of respect for her cooking boiled over to more than just Jen.  Ben in particular was outspoken about his desire to get rid of her undeserving ass, and he seems like a pretty level-headed (as level as your head can be with a giant samurai bun on top) guy.  Tristen and Gabe appeared to be helping her in order to keep a weaker chef in the finale. 


I don't like Gabe's smug mug and feel like he's gotten a sort of goodie-two-shoes edit, so I like Ben for the win. 

  • Love 4

First, this is a TV show and entertainment is #1.  


 Bourdain's antics with Ludo are hysterical and I enjoy their banter and Tony poking at Ludo.  He did not cause Jen to cut herself because he put Spam in the kitchen. It is Jen's job to use a knife responsibly.   She is always flustered, no matter what happens.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3
I don't like Gabe's smug mug and feel like he's gotten a sort of goodie-two-shoes edit, so I like Ben for the win.


I agree with your whole post, Drogo, but especially this. Eric is a jackass, no doubt, but when Gabe told him to "chill, bro" when they were in the break room, I wanted to smack Gabe on Eric's behalf. Eric was genuinly upset by and pissed off at Tarik's elimination and that is not the time to tell someone to chill. That's such a condescending thing to do.


This whole season I've found Jen really annoying, but I totally agree with her about Vanessa and I will take someone like Jen over someone like Vanessa any day. Honestly, Vanessa is just the worst type of woman (and I say this as a woman). She cries and tries to use her cuteness to get what she wants and I think Anthony's a sucker for letting her get away with it. If Vanessa were like 21 or 22, ok I could understand that, but you are 29; get it together, girl. And that schoolgirl-like crush she has on Anthony. Again, 21 or 22, I get it, but 29, get outta here with that non-sense.

  • Love 6

It's certainly Vanessa's prerogative- but if she's using tears to manipulate the judges in a competition and outlast other cooks, she is hurting and affecting others.  And they have every right to react to it.

And , sorry, for referencing another show, but Vanessa Is trying to set back women in the way Shawn did on Celeb Apprentice by checking out on the task because of her "moon cycle", rmfe. JMHO

Yeah, why the HELL did Anthony keep saying what a tough girl she is? Girl, yes-tough, no.

  • Love 2

That's really interesting - I never took Vanessa's behavior as trying to get favor with Anthony.  I saw her crush on him as more pathetically obvious than intentionally so, and something I give Tony far more credit than to be influenced by even if he was aware of it.


I rather see Jen as the woman who uses her attractiveness to manipulate favor amongst the male set.  As one who was once a) young and quite attractive to men and b) acutely aware of what works and doesn't work with them, I think I have the qualifications to make an accurate call on that.  Truthfully, I've felt that Jen's behavior has been all phony and designed to manipulate people, esp. men, into loving her.  If Vanessa was trying to manipulate people, she certainly did a lousy job of it.  But truthfully, I didn't see her doing that at all.  If anything, the poor girl needs a lesson in how to do that.  Just sayin'. 


And BTW, I don't think Vanessa manipulated Tony into anything.  I think his choices with her were based on her food and how he felt about THAT, not necessarily HER.

Yeah, why the HELL did Anthony keep saying what a tough girl she is? Girl, yes-tough, no.


I can't speak for Tony on this, but I find it very interesting that we tend to see things similarly.  Mr. Snarklepuss thought the same thing.  Perhaps that's because we were all born in the same hospital within months of each other....Same New York area mentality.  Yeah, that must be it!  ;-)

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2

And , sorry, for referencing another show, but Vanessa Is trying to set back women in the way Shawn did on Celeb Apprentice by checking out on the task because of her "moon cycle", rmfe. JMHO

Yeah, why the HELL did Anthony keep saying what a tough girl she is? Girl, yes-tough, no.

That was irritating too. He bought what she was selling ("I've had such a hard-knock life; coming up the hard way; fighting for everything I've gotten...Oh, and I was EXACTLY like your daughter when I was seven and learning to cook! And did I say how much I admire you and everything you've done in your life? You're an amazing man!!!")  Blech.


AB didn't want to look like he'd been played (even admitting "Okay, she was manipulating me with that daughter stuff" but then trying to make it like he played her too, saying, "But I was manipulating her into choosing my team! So it's all equal!" Uh...no.) And I'm sure he was aware that everyone disagreed with him keeping Vanessa (no gold stars) over his obviously more talented, versatile and well-liked cook, Tarik, and it took away some of his credibility to them (and me) as a judge and team leader.


I -did- like it when he tried to save Vanessa, pointing to her dish and saying, "This was obviously the strongest of the three", only to have Nigella and Ludo jump in with "No".  Funny how we saw none of the discussion that led to Vanessa's elimination. I'll bet it was a 3:1 vote in which AB just looked silly for continuing to choose her to advance over Jen.


ETA: I wasn't that impressed by Jen either, who I thought was also using the "girl card" a bit and was embarrassingly dependent on the men for help all the time. Still, she kept her cool with Ludo (which I couldn't have) and didn't crack in the taste offs. I don't think she was as manipulative as Vanessa (and pretty much -all- women will probably have credibility in this area when evaluating others and still, understandably, MMV.)

Edited by Padma
  • Love 3

I so agree with you Snarklepuss about Jen. I, too was once young and attractive. Working in male dominated fields. I would rather have cut off my boobs and worn a bag over my head than use feminine wiles. Hence my nickname back then, Ice Queen, lol. Jen looked like someone let an overgrown cheerleader with not many cooking skills into the competition. Oh hh, if I hang onto his arm and smile really prettily (debatable IMO-pretty, yes. As much as she thinks, no.) there's just no way I can be eliminated. YaaaaaaaY, team! Ugh.

  • Love 2
And BTW, I don't think Vanessa manipulated Tony into anything.  I think his choices with her were based on her food and how he felt about THAT, not necessarily HER.


I would have agreed with you up until that last episode where he was so insistent that hers was the best dish, and the other judges looked at him like he was crazy and said that no, it was bad. I wish I still had it recorded so I could re-watch. When I first saw it I remember thinking he just didn't want to eliminate his adoring fan with the teenager-style crush on him (or stalker-ish obsession, whichever you prefer).


I wish Tarik was still there. I think he would've been a much better cook and I would have enjoyed seeing what else he could do.

  • Love 4

I would have agreed with you up until that last episode where he was so insistent that hers was the best dish, and the other judges looked at him like he was crazy and said that no, it was bad. I wish I still had it recorded so I could re-watch. When I first saw it I remember thinking he just didn't want to eliminate his adoring fan with the teenager-style crush on him (or stalker-ish obsession, whichever you prefer).

Well we don't know how much of her crazy obsession Tony had seen at that point.  While he IS a producer and no doubt would have seen it while the episode was edited, during the actual compressed timeframe when they're shooting the episodes back to back, he may not have.  She doesn't seem to have SAID that stuff in the candid segments that we've seen, just in the Talking Heads.  Tony doesn't seem like the kind of sit around and watch Dailies while shooting.  I could be wrong, but supposing he isn't, his awareness of her stalker attitude may have been peripheral at best.

  • Love 2

No way to know for sure, but it seemed like everyone was aware of Vanessa's Big Crush. I'm sure the cameramen and producers were all too happy to tease him about it (and that his good buddies Ripert and Symon, would, too, esp. since they worked with his team.)


I think he's pretty involved in supervising how the show's coming together as the exec producer (and that editors wouldn't have included so many THs if he didn't okay it.) No way to be certain, but I'm sure he was well aware of his adoring #1 fan (and I'll bet his wife showed up for a--perhaps even invited--visit or two because of it).

  • Love 2

Curious, I looked to Wikipedia for a breakdown on who's won what this season.


As to Gold stars/ Red Stars in total?


Team                        Gold/ Red

Nigella                         0/1

AB                               2/9

Ludo                           7/8

Marcus                       11/2


Nigella's team: Only Mia got any recognition at all, and it was negative.

Anthony's stars broke down: Gold-- Tom, 1; Tarik, 1. Red-- Tom, 3; Tarik, 1; Vanessa, 2; Eric, 3.

Ludo's star's: Gold--Natasha, 1; Dan, 1; Ben, 3; Jen, 1. Red--Natasha, 2; Dan, 2; Ben, 0; Jen, 4.

Marcus': Gold--Jake, 0; Joe, 1; Gabe, 7; Tristen, 3. Red--Jake, 1;Joe, 1; Gabe, 0; Tristen, 0.


As for the Team Challenge wins, Nigella won none. Next was Ludo and Anthony with one apiece ( Dan, for Team Ludo, in Episode 3 "Happy Holidays" and Eric, for Team Anthony, in Episode 4, "Happy New Year".) Team Marcus has won the other 4, split evenly between Gabe ( Episodes 2, "Under The Sea" & 5, "Latin") and Tristen (Episodes 1, "Childhood" & 6, "Bring The Heat".)


Crunching those numbers, it looks like this is Gabe and Team Marcus' to lose, if Gabe isn't careful. 


eta: Spec? Double elim of Eric and Vanessa, then the final tastes of Gabe/Ben/Tristen. Of course, anything could happen.  #TeamTristen!

Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 3

No way to know for sure, but it seemed like everyone was aware of Vanessa's Big Crush. I'm sure the cameramen and producers were all too happy to tease him about it (and that his good buddies Ripert and Symon, would, too, esp. since they worked with his team.)


I think he's pretty involved in supervising how the show's coming together as the exec producer (and that editors wouldn't have included so many THs if he didn't okay it.) No way to be certain, but I'm sure he was well aware of his adoring #1 fan (and I'll bet his wife showed up for a--perhaps even invited--visit or two because of it).

I'm not saying he wasn't aware of it by editing time (in fact, I said he was).  Rather what I said was that BEFORE the editing happened, it's more than possible he may not have known--since she doesn't seem to have spoken of it outside of the Confessional Interview sessions.  Which a producer would see, but which an active participant in the contest as a Coach/Mentor probably wouldn't, while they were still shooting episodes (the editing largely happens after they've shot the entire show, I believe).

I'm not saying he wasn't aware of it by editing time (in fact, I said he was).  Rather what I said was that BEFORE the editing happened, it's more than possible he may not have known--since she doesn't seem to have spoken of it outside of the Confessional Interview sessions. 


He couldn't tell by the adoring gazes and the way she hung on his every word, though? Hmm.  Come to think of it I don't recall any of the other contestants commenting on much other than her sulking and crying, and I imagine they probably would have, so maybe it's the editing making it way more obvious than it was in the moment.

I'm still reeling at the thought that Eric and Jen's nasty fucking attitudes made me almost want Vanessa to win.  Is this what the world is coming to?


Yeah, Eric is insufferable, and his chest-thumping, "I'm gonna take you down, sucka" act has become almost self-parody, even though I'm sure that's not his intention. I was hoping against hope on the previous show that Tom would beat him in the cook off. But we knew that Tom was going home after the stink AB made. (And I firmly believe that in the "blind" tasting they knew whose dish was whose). I was similarly hoping against hope this week that Eric would lose to Vanessa. That entire cook-off was weird, with the other cooks taking sides and then micro-managing even worse than Nigella ever did. I kept expecting either Eric or Vanessa (well, at least Eric) to say STFU and let me cook.


I'm puzzled by Anthony saying that with two of his team in the cook-off he needed to remove himself completely. Because the week before when Tom and Eric, both of his team, were facing each other, he gave advice to both. While making it abundantly clear, in a very classless way, who he wanted to see win.


Vanessa apparently bugs me less than she does some people. Sure, she has a crush on AB, but it seems kind of goofy and innocent to me. And as others have pointed out, knowing your mentor's culinary tastes and cooking for them is not a bad strategy. As for her emotional plea to AB to keep her, I don't think it's worse than  what many contestants typically say in that situation. It's often some kind of emotionally based plea. Bottom line, it was Bourdain's decision to send Tarik home, so he should take the heat, not Vanessa.


I know it's "all about The Taste," but I'm sorry that Eric and Jenn are still around, while some really nice, humble people like Tom, Tarik, and Dan are gone.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 5

It's kind of hard to draw a conclusion since Bourdain basically caused his team to implode during the last episode.


I was going by how the teams did, as well as the amount of gold/red stars handed out and team challenges won. While Anthony's team imploded this last episode, they haven't done anything to stand out before then. Marcus' team not only have won 4 of the 6 team challenges, but 10 of the team's 11 gold stars.  Of those ten gold stars, Gabe won 7. Gabe also has no red stars. Gabe won two team challenges, so his spoon was best of all the cooks/chefs those challenges.


Tony's team had 2 gold stars and they belonged to Tom and Tarik, gents who were booted. Of the 9 red stars awarded to Team Anthony, Eric has 3, or a third. Granted, the team challenge that Anthony's team won was with Eric's spoon, but other than negatively, Eric hasn't distinguished himself. 


Ben has 3 gold stars and no red. He hasn't won a team challenge spot, but he has been middling/ good enough to not have to go to a Taste-Off.


Jen, on the other hand, has one of Team Ludo's gold stars and 4 ( or half) of their red stars. She has distinguished herself, however, by somehow surviving Ludo and her fellow cheftestants in two back-to-back Taste-Offs. She even got AB to give praise to one of her dishes last episode. Fireman Dan was the one who earned Team Ludo's Team Challenge win, though.


Tristen has 3 of the 11 gold stars Team Marcus accumulated, and no red. He has also earned two wins in team challenges.


Based on actual performance, which includes the vagaries of the mentors, the Final 3 should be Ben/Gabe/Tristen, as they have handled the pressures of the kitchen and mostly turned out tastes that most-to-all of the judge/mentors liked-to-loved. 


Of course, chaos could reign and Jen take home the whole ball of wax, but I was looking at likelihood based on the past episode end results.

  • Love 3


I was going by how the teams did, as well as the amount of gold/red stars handed out and team challenges won. While Anthony's team imploded this last episode, they haven't done anything to stand out before then. Marcus' team not only have won 4 of the 6 team challenges, but 10 of the team's 11 gold stars.  Of those ten gold stars, Gabe won 7. Gabe also has no red stars. Gabe won two team challenges, so his spoon was best of all the cooks/chefs those challenges.


Tony's team had 2 gold stars and they belonged to Tom and Tarik, gents who were booted. Of the 9 red stars awarded to Team Anthony, Eric has 3, or a third. Granted, the team challenge that Anthony's team won was with Eric's spoon, but other than negatively, Eric hasn't distinguished himself.


Ben has 3 gold stars and no red. He hasn't won a team challenge spot, but he has been middling/ good enough to not have to go to a Taste-Off.


Jen, on the other hand, has one of Team Ludo's gold stars and 4 ( or half) of their red stars. She has distinguished herself, however, by somehow surviving Ludo and her fellow cheftestants in two back-to-back Taste-Offs. She even got AB to give praise to one of her dishes last episode. Fireman Dan was the one who earned Team Ludo's Team Challenge win, though.


Tristen has 3 of the 11 gold stars Team Marcus accumulated, and no red. He has also earned two wins in team challenges.


I find the Team Challenge wins to be less of a credit to the chefs and more to the mentor for selecting a dish and/or ingredients that appeal to the guest judge and are appropriate for the week's theme.  Four out of six is a pretty dominant stat for Marcus.  Zero out of four should tell Nigella something. 

  • Love 3

Nigella's team: Only Mia got any recognition at all, and it was negative.

Anthony's stars broke down: Gold-- Tom, 1; Tarik, 1. Red-- Tom, 3; Tarik, 1; Vanessa, 2; Eric, 3.

Ludo's star's: Gold--Natasha, 1; Dan, 1; Ben, 3; Jen, 1. Red--Natasha, 2; Dan, 2; Ben, 0; Jen, 4.

Marcus': Gold--Jake, 0; Joe, 1; Gabe, 7; Tristen, 3. Red--Jake, 1;Joe, 1; Gabe, 0; Tristen, 0.


Based on gold/red star ratio alone, it would appear that Eric is the worst on Bourdain's team, not Vanessa.  Plus it would appear that Jen is the worst on Ludo's team.  So why are Eric and Jen still there while Tarik and Vanessa are out?  That's what I want to know.  I still don't think Vanessa should have been the one to go.  Just based on performance, shouldn't it have been Eric?


Plus, even if Bourdain did know about the crush I doubt it would have influenced him about Vanessa.  If he did save her for personal reasons it would only be because she reminded him of himself in some way, not because she was hot for his body or anything.  I can only imagine that his comments about her being "tough", etc. are coming from some quality he recognizes in her and feels a kinship with or even an admiration.  That's the only thing I would believe would have influenced him.  Given all the praise he's given her, I doubt he sees her as being as pathetic as some of the audience obviously does.

  • Love 5

The stats for each are very interesting. I'm sorry to be hoping there's no woman in the finale (sorry, Jen, you're just not good enough and without TONS of help you wouldn't even be where you are now). I think a F3 of Ben/Gabe/Trevin would yield a deserving winner. Eric doesn't deserve to be there. I wonder if Tarik would have survived had AB dumped Vanessa earlier instead.


Nigella should look at her record and decide this isn't her strong suit, at least in the American edition. I really wish they would bring in a woman, a chef like the others (there are many to choose from), who could attract and lead a more competitive team next season. Not sure what Nigella's face-saving role could be, if any, but she really doesn't belong there.

  • Love 4

Cat Cora, Elizabeth Faulkner, Carla Hall, Celina Tio, or Maneet Chauhan? Carla may decline due to The Chew and it's scheduling, but the others are known and have had TV exposure too. They also don't seem like women to be thrown by childish antics by other "mentors", so there's that.


As for Nigella, maybe being hostess and taking the voice-over duties would be better? She could have a spoon as well as the judges, just not the imput- kind of like on The Great British Bake-Off and it's American cousin. The voice-over work would be nice, as I really enjoy her speaking voice. Plus she can be saucy now and again, in the script.


eta: For the poster upthread:


Tony went to Penang Malaysian Cuisine. Ludo visited Chengdu Taste. Marcus dropped by Night + Market Song.

Edited by Actionmage
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Cat Cora, Elizabeth Faulkner, Carla Hall, Celina Tio, or Maneet Chauhan? Carla may decline due to The Chew and it's scheduling, but the others are known and have had TV exposure too. They also don't seem like women to be thrown by childish antics by other "mentors", so there's that.


As for Nigella, maybe being hostess and taking the voice-over duties would be better? She could have a spoon as well as the judges, just not the imput- kind of like on The Great British Bake-Off and it's American cousin. The voice-over work would be nice, as I really enjoy her speaking voice. Plus she can be saucy now and again, in the script.


Eek, Maneet is probably the one person you mentioned that could cause me to stop watching this show. Cannot stand her! (it's not really her fault - she looks and sounds exactly like the most horrible boss I've ever had the misfortune to work for - but I seriously can't watch her).  I really like the idea of having a different, more experienced professional female chef, and preferably one who's a better mentor than Nigella.


I think having Nigella as sort of the hostess and voice-over person is a great idea. I like her voice, and I think that'd be so much better than watch her flail around attempting to mentor her team when she's clearly not good at it. It also seems like a better idea than having her awkwardly standing around other mentors' kitchens after her team's gone.


(edited to fix a typo)

Edited by NikSac
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I just had a thought about Bourdain's opinion of Vanessa as being "tougher than she thinks she is".  Perhaps it's based on some knowledge of her he has that has not been shared with the audience, such as that she has risen above some pretty bad circumstances in her life.  Who knows?  She could be a recent cancer survivor, or a survivor of an abusive parent or relationship, or a recovering drug addict.  Maybe until recently she was living out of her car and pulled herself up out of that.  I'm thinking there's got to be more to Tony's opinion than has been shared on TV and which would explain a lot about her sensitivity and Tony's admiration of her.  Whatever it is might be something she requested not be made public.  I just don't think I've seen the entire story with her.  It's too bad, because as a result she may have given off the wrong impression to both the audience and her fellow contestants.  She may not have wanted to throw a pity party and air her dirty laundry by making that information public, but by not making it public it might have mislead the audience.

  • Love 2

eta: For the poster upthread:


Tony went to Penang Malaysian Cuisine. Ludo visited Chengdu Taste. Marcus dropped by Night + Market Song.

That was me--many thanks! I really need to check these out.


I don't know how to quote a second post, so I'll just say re: AB's identification with Vanessa that I'd be surprised if it was anything more dramatic than what he indicated--she's a young woman who doesn't have the training many of her competitors (probably also many personal chefs) do, but she taught herself, pushed to be successful, etc. She pushed some buttons--widely travelled, read a lot about food (studied all his books and shows, which would be a pretty good background for that), talks about food with passion--all things that people would know he could relate to as well.  He liked that she's presented herself to him as scrappy "hustler".


I really think it's reading a -huge- amount into it to assume there's any bigger , more profound or more tragic "backstory" than what Vanessa and AB indicated--a pretty young woman who had to overcome obstacles and the doubts of others to get where she is (oh, and that she's a HUGE fan). .         

Edited by Padma
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I really think it's reading a -huge- amount into it to assume there's any bigger , more profound or more tragic "backstory" than what Vanessa and AB indicated--a pretty young woman who had to overcome obstacles and the doubts of others to get where she is (oh, and that she's a HUGE fan). .         


Tony's opinion of her seemed out of proportion to what was shown on TV, that much I think can be agreed upon.  Usually when I see something like that it means there's more to the story than I've been told.  I guess I was just trying to fill in the blank of what those "obstacles" and "others' doubts" you mentioned might be.  Perhaps it's not something exactly like I suggested, but I don't think it's that much of a stretch to conclude that there's some kind of backstory there beyond what has been presented to make it more understandable.  I like to think I know Tony well enough after over a decade of watching him on TV to know that he would not be motivated to praise someone to that extent unless he knew something significant about them that he felt warrants that.  If anything I have sensed that Tony felt sorry for her and I was just trying to understand why.  I have not seen him to be the kind of person who feels sorry for anyone without a good reason.  Feel free to disagree.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I'm thinking there's got to be more to Tony's opinion than has been shared on TV and which would explain a lot about her sensitivity and Tony's admiration of her.

I guess I'm not willing give Tony that much benefit of the doubt.  I think he's thinking she's tough because she keeps trying through her tears or something--completely discounting the idea that it's her tears that are making her seem weak.  YMMV.  I seriously doubt producers would let her get away with sharing a sob story and not making it public, for the draaaaama, you know.


I think Tony got snowed by Vanessa's insistance that she has more passion than anyone else, which is a ridiculous argument and I wish more people had called her on it.

  • Love 3

Don't forget she reminds him of his daughter, a fact she reminded him of.  She has the sentimental vote from him.  I think she can cook, actually, and her strategy did work (poor me, I have no job, I have no home, and I adore Bourdain), but it wasn't a strong long term strategy unless Bourdain could persuade the other judges to go along with him, and he couldn't.

I don't know if he ever said she reminded him of his daughter, or if it was just Vanessa's last-ditch effort at saving herself, since he'd talked proudly of how his seven year old daughter loves to cook. AB said she reminded him of himself, a young, driven "hustler", which he really responded to.


As for Vanessa's "no home, no job" I'm sure that's part of how she showed AB she's "willing to risk everything for this opportunity to learn from you" or somesuch. I'm also sure that's true for many single people who go on this show and can't afford to keep an apartment at the same time they're competing and who's employers won't keep paying their salaries when they're not at work.


I assume they have a plan to deal with that--move back with family or in with friends for a while afterwards, or that there are deep pockets somewhere, also maybe a verbal commitment they can return to their job later.  Going on this show is a choice, a calculated risk, so I don't have any sympathy for people who choose to do it then complain about what they've given up. I also dislike when people say they've "given up more" than someone else. Or have "more passion" than someone else. Because how would you really ever know that?  I respect the idea of going on with a strategy for winning beyond just your cooking skills--I think that's vital in a tv competition--but Vanessa's was just too OTT for me to root for her to win.

  • Love 2

The thing that continues to stick with me about this episode is Jen chastising Vanessa for "throwing your teammates under the bus." Don't tell me Jen or anyone else wouldn't do the same thing to save themselves. Otherwise, you are writing your own ticket out the door. Then later Jen is telling Vanessa to stop being a wimp (or whatever word she used). Can't have it both ways.

  • Love 4

Episode 7: The FInale (Saints and Sinners)



The search for America’s Best Undiscovered Cook sees only five cooks remaining in “The Taste” kitchen, and the mentors give their final group challenge -- creating Saints and Sinners-inspired dishes representing two very opposite ideas and culinary concepts.


The final three will then battle one last time creating their perfect three course meal – all within two hours – and in front of a live studio audience that includes some familiar faces from this season.  Chef and Restaurateur Jonathan Waxman is guest judge.


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