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Small Talk: The Quiver


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I am, like, the opposite of this. The harder I fan something, the worse my second-hand (or sometimes first-hand) embarrassment gets about stuff around it. I've never watched any of SA's other stuff (except TVD and New Girl, because I'd already seen those by the time Arrow started). I'm not watching that EBR short, probably won't watch this WWE thing even in clip-form, there's about a 1% chance I'll watch TMNT2. I usually can't even bring myself to watch their panels.


And like, I would be happy to go to a con sometime, but wouldn't really want to do the photo/signing deal with the people involved with my biggest fandoms. That...is kinda weird, now that I think about it.

I'm with you, mostly.  If it's something really short like a 1-5 minute video i'll watch it but I do not go out of my way to watch something i'd normally have no interest in just because SA/EB/DR/etc are in it.  If it's something I want to watch and they happen to be in it (like seeing JB in Zero Dark Thirty and The Producers) it might add a little entertainment factor...oh cool I didn't know he was in this.  Other than that, no thanks.

HAHA... don't knock the Twilight books until you try them :) But yeah, I can't imagine that being one of the first things I would discuss with SA if I ever met him.


I can sadly admit they are on my bookshelf as well. I have no idea why I became obsessed with them for that brief period in Dec 2008, right after the 1st movie came out. But they just sucked me in. I blame a retelling of Pride & Prejudice, but I have no good excuse for the other 3. But I did use them to distract myself from studying for a big licensing exam I had, or more accurately used them as bribery study breaks. It was a pretty intense & yet boring time. They were just such mindless fun. Oddly, I know a lot of people my age (and I am SA's age) that for some reason got on the Twilight bandwagon. And we are completely not the target audience but there we were discussing the books and going to the theaters, until the movies began to stink and whatever mystical hold the series had over us was broken.


True confessional time though - some Young Adult Series are actually very good entertainment and some are actually really good stories with good characterization. And you can just blow through them at such a quick rate that you feel accomplished finishing a book/series until you realize what grade level they were written for. But yes I have to admit to be a grown adult with multiple college degrees that still reads young adult novels.

Oh that might be unclear: I mean that my own brain is weird. :) As I was writing that response, I was thinking, "Well, I would definitely do a signing/photo with Hayley Atwell!" Or, the iZombie people. Or a bunch of other people from things that I LOVE but am not super fannish about. So it's odd, even to me, that I wouldn't want to do that with the things I fan the MOST. 


Ah, ok. I don't find this weird at all, for what it's worth - it just sounds like you want autographs from some people, and not others, which makes perfect sense to me? Maybe because I'd also be a lot more interested in meeting Hayley Atwell than Stephen Amell.


(Now I'm not sure if I'm making sense.)

HAHA... don't knock the Twilight books until you try them :) But yeah, I can't imagine that being one of the first things I would discuss with SA if I ever met him.


I can sadly admit they are on my bookshelf as well. I have no idea why I became obsessed with them for that brief period in Dec 2008, right after the 1st movie came out. But they just sucked me in. I blame a retelling of Pride & Prejudice, but I have no good excuse for the other 3. But I did use them to distract myself from studying for a big licensing exam I had, or more accurately used them as bribery study breaks. It was a pretty intense & yet boring time. They were just such mindless fun. Oddly, I know a lot of people my age (and I am SA's age) that for some reason got on the Twilight bandwagon. And we are completely not the target audience but there we were discussing the books and going to the theaters, until the movies began to stink and whatever mystical hold the series had over us was broken.


True confessional time though - some Young Adult Series are actually very good entertainment and some are actually really good stories with good characterization. And you can just blow through them at such a quick rate that you feel accomplished finishing a book/series until you realize what grade level they were written for. But yes I have to admit to be a grown adult with multiple college degrees that still reads young adult novels.

I read the 1st one, slugged thru the 2nd one, skimmed the 3rd and didn't attempt the last one. I completely agree about YA series. In some ways I enjoy the YA section more than my demo. I just finished a re-read of The Night Circus. It's one of my favorites. I keep waiting for the movie that is supposed to be coming.

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Ah, ok. I don't find this weird at all, for what it's worth - it just sounds like you want autographs from some people, and not others, which makes perfect sense to me? Maybe because I'd also be a lot more interested in meeting Hayley Atwell than Stephen Amell.


(Now I'm not sure if I'm making sense.)


Ha, that does make sense, but isn't what I mean. I mean that...the idea of doing a photo op with Hayley Atwell sounds fun to me. The idea of doing one with Stephen Amell makes my palms sweat. :) And while I adore both of them, I'm only fannish about SA (I would feel this way about EBR and DR too, as well as GG for reasons I can't really articulate because I don't care about The Flash). If I were to go to a con for an Arrow panel and do the signing and photo op thing--let alone one of those wine mixers, my God--I would spend that day feeling weird and anxious, and I feel like on the balance, it would not be fun for me. If I were to do the exact same thing, but just go to panels and stuff for things I enjoy but am not invested in, I would not feel anxious, and I would actually have fun! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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The Night Circus is on my list, people keep on raving about it. I just finished the first 3 books of Throne of Glass Series by Samantha Maas and they were amazing. I devoured them in one weekend, that hasn't happened it a long while. The 4th one is coming out in Sept & I can't wait.


As for the Twilight books, I really can't explain how or why I had no problems making it through all 4 books. I guess on some level I just connected to them & found them enjoyable. They are not particularly well-written or in any way unique. But I liked them and have read them multiple times, granted no in the last 5 or so years. Still they exist on my bookshelf.

I'm not judging him on Twilight, I just wouldn't have expected them to be bookshelf material in his home. Points if their his and not his wife's, because that would amuse me.

I have no doubt that they are his or at least mutually owned. This is the guy that was raving about Arrow fanfiction and saying some of it was really good (which is the truth, some it is just too good). Twilight in a way was just glorified & published fan fiction. SA's eclectic & yet slightly predictable tastes will never fail to amuse me.

Ha, that does make sense, but isn't what I mean. I mean that...the idea of doing a photo op with Hayley Atwell sounds fun to me. The idea of doing one with Stephen Amell makes my palms sweat. :) And while I adore both of them, I'm only fannish about SA (I would feel this way about EBR and DR too, as well as GG for reasons I can't really articulate because I don't care about The Flash). If I were to go to a con for an Arrow panel and do the signing and photo op thing--let alone one of those wine mixers, my God--I would spend that day feeling weird and anxious, and I feel like on the balance, it would not be fun for me. If I were to do the exact same thing, but just go to panels and stuff for things I enjoy but am not invested in, I would not feel anxious, and I would actually have fun! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This I also get. It's amazing how our reactions can vary from fandom to fandom, isn't it?

Ha, that does make sense, but isn't what I mean. I mean that...the idea of doing a photo op with Hayley Atwell sounds fun to me. The idea of doing one with Stephen Amell makes my palms sweat. :) And while I adore both of them, I'm only fannish about SA (I would feel this way about EBR and DR too, as well as GG for reasons I can't really articulate because I don't care about The Flash). If I were to go to a con for an Arrow panel and do the signing and photo op thing--let alone one of those wine mixers, my God--I would spend that day feeling weird and anxious, and I feel like on the balance, it would not be fun for me. If I were to do the exact same thing, but just go to panels and stuff for things I enjoy but am not invested in, I would not feel anxious, and I would actually have fun! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I totally get it. I flew to another state to go to the wine mixer, stood a foot away from SA and felt no need to say anything to him. I had a blast, don't get me wrong, but SA was more the catalyst to meet like minded people. I still feel a bit idiotic that I didn't meet him when I had the opportunity, but I still can't think of anything pressing I really need to say to him, other than I mostly hated last season, and that would just be rude and unnecessary. 


That's why I love fandom - you can be as involved as you like. 

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I was that way in the beginning of going to Cons. When I met Joss Whedon (when autographs were free to get) I had no idea what to say to him. I said "hi" got my autograph and walked away. He probably thought I was weird. 


I kept going to Cons and got much more comfortable talking to my favorite stars. Now I just talk to them about their day and talk with them like they are anyone else I'd talk to. Although Manu Bennet made me a little weak in the knees when he gave me a hug and whispered in my ear. I may have had trouble forming sentences after that. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I actually had fits of rage while reading it, haha. It made me so angry. The writing is very beautiful, but the plot is either non-existent in parts or kind of nonsensical. But the author does have a great talent for description.

Whenever I tell people to read it, I describe it as atmospheric. I agree that the plot wanders but I feel the language makes up for it

I never read the Twilight books but did see one of the movies. I was forced to go, I don't like vampire or werewolf anything and I don't go to movies. Could not tell you what it was about because there were 4 teens in front of us making up the funniest dialogue I've ever heard. Laughed throughout the entire movie. Surprised the teens and about a quarter of the audience weren't thrown out.

I feel like its also hard at a mixer or con, because those people are still playing a role. They are there to promote themselves or their work. It might be close to themselves, but it is still their public persona. It creates another level of awkwardness because they are there because of their fame and you are there because of their work/fame. It's not like meeting them in a casual environment or their natural habitat. I'm sure SA is different around friends & families. I can imagine wanting to just chill & hang out with him. But then if I went to one of these events, I can imagine clamming up. I'm actually trying to get tix to Mindy Kaling book event & I was so excited, but now I'm like what do I really say to her in the few minutes of interaction that won't be repetitive or just blubbering adoration?


I have met famous people at my job occasionally, but its a hospital so they are completely out of their element. But they most were normal like other patients or families. They had similar concerns about their or their loved one's illness, and the basic ones like blankets & food recommendations, so all of the celebrity was gone. It was interesting to see them like that completely metaphorically stripped down and then watch them giving interviews months later on TV once the mask of celebrity had been put back on.


I also remember meeting the boyband 98 degrees when I was younger in their heyday and all these girls were just literally jumping all over these guys with their friends, handlers and maybe even wives/girlfriends in the background and feeling so embarrassed for them & sorta for myself that I was even there. So I hung out in the back and somehow had like 5-10 min conversation with the least popular one who then helped me get all 4 autographs. I asked him if he was enjoying the tour, if he got a chance to see Boston and I simply thanked him for being part of the group. Because I couldn't resist, I also asked him if it was always like this. He said basically, but then he made an interesting comment that at least he could still leave the hotel & do stuff without being bombarded by fans. There is a such a delicate balance between fandom, celebrity and real life. That I can understand how something can be so appealing at times and completely nerve wracking at the same time.


That being said, I enjoy when celebrities are normal like you or I. I appreciate when they spend the time to interact with their fans or give back with time or money to charities. I think there is a lot of good you can do with celebrity & its disappointing when people waste that.

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Yeah, I used to attend film festivals for my job, and I was comfortable meeting or talking to any celebrities I came across there. Especially if I actually wanted to compliment their film--that was a great environment to talk to people because (at the time, maybe not so much now that festivals are bigger) if they're at a festival with a film, it's because they're pretty excited about it and they're excited to talk to anyone about it. :) But even then, I knew that if I came across one of my weirdo Fan Top Tier, I'd have to really force myself to talk to them so I wouldn't regret it later. Luckily/unluckily, it never happened!


I can sadly admit they are on my bookshelf as well. I have no idea why I became obsessed with them for that brief period in Dec 2008, right after the 1st movie came out. But they just sucked me in.


The Twilight books were strangely compelling.  They weren't at all well written - Bella had no personality - but they were written in such a manner that I kept on wanting to know what happened next. They were popular in my office and passed around.  By the third book I was far more interested in the pack dynamic and mythos (which all got scrubbed from the movies) than Bella or ...Ha!  I can't remember the vampire's name!  (I'm counting that as a win)  but still each book was something I read pretty much straight through.   Maybe because they were so easy to consume?  The movies were all terrible but that was half the fun.   

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The Twilight books were strangely compelling.  They weren't at all well written - Bella had no personality - but they were written in such a manner that I kept on wanting to know what happened next.



Same! Stephenie Meyer is a terrible writer, but she somehow managed to tell a really compelling story for the most part. I love the movies, but for mocking purposes. I find them truly hilarious and entertaining.

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I'll admit that I read all 4 Twilight books and don't think there's any shame in it. I'm in total agreement that they aren't prize-worthy pieces of literature, but they were basically written for the teenage level reader for entertainment value so they are what they are. There were definitely times I wanted to smack Bella around--okay a lot of the time--but I enjoyed them overall. The movies, on the other hand...well those are deliciously mock-worthy.

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The Twilight movies were hysterical!! There was just no way to make it through a showing without having some sarcastic commentary from myself or my friends. I mean bursts of inappropriate laughter were a must. We got some dirty looks at one point, but seriously there was no way you couldn't laugh at what was on the screen. Still I went to everyone of them. The first one was okay, I loved the way it was shot & enjoyed the more indie feel to it. I felt like I got the story the director was trying to tell. It felt very emo & coming of age with heavy angsty overtones. But the effects were just laughable. I can't look at body glitter the same way. A lot was probably budgetary - but that excuse disappeared in later editions. But by the end of the series, it was the acting that got to be the most hysterical. Seriously, no offense to Kristen Stewart but her performances were just awful.


Bella was the worst character both in the books & on the screen. I never got what was supposed to be so appealing about her. She annoyed the crap out of me and most of the people I knew.

Edited by kismet
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For Twilight, I read books 1-3, book 3 took me almost a year to finish because every time I read it I wanted to chuck it out my window. But I have to finish something I start, so I did. I never picked up the 4th book so I wouldn't have that same problem. 


Saw the first movie and could barely watch that one, never saw the others. I have no desire to see an awful no personality character like Bella and a creepy possessive stalker like Edward in live action. 

No joke. During one of his posts you can see all the books displayed on his bookshelf. LOL

i'm gonna bet that they're probably his wife. she's a cool chick from what I can tell, but she does strike me as the type to have read Twilight.

Personally I only ever watched the first movie, and that was more than enough. I was so freakin bored. the only good thing from that series were the songs. I still enjoy the Paramore one.

The Paramore song was really one of the best things to come out Twilight. Actually the whole first movie soundtrack was pretty good...


I guess I now have a question should I ever meet SA. Although I hope I think of something better than his possible Twilight collection, if that ever happens. That's like at least a second meeting, few drinks in kinda conversation.

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The first one was okay, I loved the way it was shot & enjoyed the more indie feel to it. I felt like I got the story the director was trying to tell.

I loved how the first movie was shot. I actually live the director, Catherine Hardwicke who directed Thirteen. I think she does great work. I enjoyed the look of the movie and it's sets and designs so much I actually own both the dvd and the 'making of production twilight' book that goes into shooting details, costume design and other things.

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The Paramore song was really one of the best things to come out Twilight. Actually the whole first movie soundtrack was pretty good...

Paramore is not my thing AT ALL [sorry], but I'll always have a soft spot for K-Stew for choosing Iron & Wine's Flightless Bird, American Mouth to be on the soundtrack, because it's a song from The Shepherd's Dog, which is a record I obsessed over for a really really really REALLY long time.

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I loved how the first movie was shot. I actually live the director, Catherine Hardwicke who directed Thirteen. I think she does great work. I enjoyed the look of the movie and it's sets and designs so much I actually own both the dvd and the 'making of production twilight' book that goes into shooting details, costume design and other things.

Thirteen was actually written by Nikki Reed (who starred in Twilight) & Catherine Hardwicke. That was a pretty dark movie & sad commentary on our modern day life & culture. The story & direction was gritty & real, so I liked that. But not sure I could watch it multiple times. After watching that, I was disappointed Nikki Reed was under utilized in Twilight series because the role was just really small. Because I think she was really good in Thirteen. I'm interested to see how she will play out on Sleepy Hollow.


Anna Kendrick was also under utilized in Twilight, but I'm glad she got out by the later movies, there was no need for her to waste her time in those films. And I think she said just about as much in some interviews.

Edited by kismet

Paramore is not my thing AT ALL [sorry], but I'll always have a soft spot for K-Stew for choosing Iron & Wine's Flightless Bird, American Mouth to be on the soundtrack, because it's a song from The Shepherd's Dog, which is a record I obsessed over for a really really really REALLY long time.


I love that song, but the lyrics make no sense at all, haha.

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Paramore is also generally not my thing either. But I liked the tracks on the soundtrack & maybe 1 or 2 of their other singles. Decode felt like movie synopsis & therapy session all wrapped in one.


I loved that Collective Soul & Linkin Park got some play (that brought me back), the Muse song was great too. Even Robert Pattinson's single was awesome (probably one of my fav of the album), it had Dylan-eqsue  feel to it.


But I loved Iron & Wine's Flightless Bird, American Mouth.  Even if the lyrics were a little senseless at times. It made the best alternative/emo-esque prom song.

Edited by kismet

I love that song, but the lyrics make no sense at all, haha.


None of my favorite music mean anything, hahaha. OR it means weird shit. My musical tastes are those of a Portland hipster on organic 'shrooms.


[Like, just yesterday I was telling a friend that my favorite love song is Divine Comedy's Perfect Lovesong. Because I can't resist the pull of that title. :D]

So I follow the Fandom Secrets blog over on Dreamwidth. Today there was a secret posted about the Fantastic Four movie, and in the comments someone posted this.


(You'll have to scroll down past the secrets to get to the comment.)

Does this sound legit to you all? Has anyone here heard anything about this? I'm just curious. I tend to be out of the loop on these kind of things.

Edited by Starfish35

We've been talking about Wrestling in the public media thread and I just found out Rowdy Roddy Piper passed away last week.  Very sad, he was my favorite wrestler when i was a kid, loved him even more than Hulk Hogan.

Dusty dying, Piper dying, and the Hogan transcript being released, it hasn't been a good time for legends from the eighties recently.

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Dusty dying, Piper dying, and the Hogan transcript being released, it hasn't been a good time for legends from the eighties recently.

My childhood is slowly being destroyed. :(


They were so young too, Roddy was only 61, Dusty was 69.  I guess that comes with the territory, the old school guys really did some damage to their bodies in the name of their profession.  I remember reading somewhere (might have been in a documentary) that back in the days the wrestlers used to cut themselves in order to bleed during the match (forget what it was called).  Not to mention the rampant Steroid use, it's a real shame. :(

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Does this sound legit to you all? Has anyone here heard anything about this? I'm just curious. I tend to be out of the loop on these kind of things.


I hadn't seen the thing about Trank recycling his Chronicle 2 script, but yeah, I can believe this.


Entertainment Weekly posted a couple of articles on the whole behind the scenes stuff, if you're interested:




The one thing that's bugging me a little is that I saw a couple of references to Hollywood insiders saying stuff like "this is what happens when you hire an inexperienced indie movie director", which: this is what happens when you hire this one specific CRAZY dude. The generalization that indie movie directors will fuck up a big movie makes me afraid they're just gonna close the Blockbuster Boys' Club even more than it already is.

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So I follow the Fandom Secrets blog over on Dreamwidth. Today there was a secret posted about the Fantastic Four movie, and in the comments someone posted this.


(You'll have to scroll down past the secrets to get to the comment.)

Does this sound legit to you all? Has anyone here heard anything about this? I'm just curious. I tend to be out of the loop on these kind of things.


I heard that the movie that was released was not the original movie. They did a bunch of reshoots which was noticeable by Kate Mara wearing a wig and third act of the movie making no sense. I've heard people say the first part of the movie is good, then it becomes a mess later on. So I do believe the studio interfered with the movie and changed it, don't know if it's because of the Chronicle 2 thing or other reasons. 


So whatever the reason, Fox ruined the movie and are going to take a big loss on it. They now have to count on Deadpool and X-Men to make up for that loss. Which I've heard that they are already thinking of dropping FF2 for Deadpool 2. 

Edited by Sakura12

You never know though. A lot of big budget movies do reshoots these days. I'm pretty sure Kevin Feige even said that they always had extra shooting planned for some MCU movies. Then again maybe there were always planned reshoots for some movies and studio interference on others. You never know I guess. Hell, apparently the final scenes of Mockingjay Part 2 were only filmed during this summer, so...


Obviously the Fantastic Four situation is a special kind of hot mess, but...I don't even know. I'm enjoying the drama even if I haven't seen the movie. I like Mara and Jordan a bunch though so I hope their careers aren't damaged by this. They seem to have a decent amount of stuff in the works so they should be fine I guess.


This post is a little incoherent, but anyway.

I meant I heard that they re-shot the entire third act of the movie. I know most movies do a re-shoot here and there, but not an entire act. That's why people who did see the movie said the first half was good and the last part made no sense with what they were watching in the first half.  It was like they watching one movie then someone changed the channel and they watched a different movies ending.

Edited by Sakura12

This is a pretty good timeline of everything that went down on Fant4stick.  I think there's ample blame to go around, not just on the studio but the director as well.  




A more formal write up from DenoftheGeek, this has mostly the same information it just flows better.  http://www.denofgeek.us/movies/fantastic-four/248338/fantastic-four-the-movie-well-never-really-see


There's also a video on youtube that has all of this chronicled as well, but i can't remember what it was called.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Thanks dtissagirl and Morrigan2575. Very interesting reading. I haven't seen the movie myself, but I admit I wasn't expecting it to be quite as much of a bomb as it's turned out to be. Although when I heard they weren't doing advance screenings for the critics, some alarm bells did go off. That's usually never good. But I hadn't paid much attention to the rest of it.

Edited by Starfish35

Just found this article as well form THR about Trank and The Fantastic Four.




Yeah the 2 big clues for me were the fan reaction from SDCC and the review embargo which was originally set to lift the day the movie released in the US.  In fact, IIRC it was supposed to lift at 4PM PST which was right around the time most East Coast showings began.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Overheard in the halls of Warner Bros. studios after news broke that the "grounded, gritty version" of Fantastic Four had bombed at the box office...


Unidentified voice: "Umm - maybe you should add more humor to Batman v Superman.  I'm not sure mainstream audiences really like so much doom and gloom in their superhero movies... And how about lightening up the color palette?  We don't want to have to distribute night vision goggles to the audience."


Zack Snyder: "F**K U!"

Edited by tv echo
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Overheard in the halls of Warner Bros. studios after news broke that the "grounded, gritty version" of Fantastic Four had bombed at the box office...


Unidentified voice: "Umm - maybe you should add more humor to Batman v Superman.  I'm not sure mainstream audiences really like so much doom and gloom in their superhero movies... And how about lightening up the color palette?  We don't want to have to distribute night vision goggles to the audience."


Zack Snyder: "F**K U!"

Zack Snyder: "Also I spoke to Frank Miller and he says it needs to be even darker, with less Superman, and more Batman.  He suggested Batman solves everything while Superman cries in a corner."


Oh Marvel, you are killing it with the Star Wars books.

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