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Norman is sexually attracted to his mother, he hasn't acted on it but the mother/son thing just grosses me out more than Game of Thrones twincest, never watched the Borgias.  As for having shippers of incest, that is the audience, not the show. I'm grossed out by people shipping Sam and Dean on Supernatural. If the characters are related, think they are related, have grown up as related they are off the table for shipping for me. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy this season (I held on for like seven more seasons than I should have, really) but I heard about what happened in last night's episode.  I won't say because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but I do know two things:  


1.) Don't ever get on Shonda's bad side.  She seems fairly vindictive to actors/actresses who piss her off.


2.) Shonda shows are only good for about two or three seasons, tops.  After that, it's a clusterfuck.  I gave up on Scandal a few seasons in because it was just gross, and people's relationships were majorly toxic.  I see previews every now and then, and that show still looks like a huge mess.  I had to ditch Private Practice when this deranged lady cut Violet's baby out of her.  Ugh.  I did enjoy the first season of How to Get Away with Murder, but I'm sure that one will fall apart shortly, and I'm not sure why ABC keeps giving shows to this lady!



Haven't seen any of Shonda's shows (not a big fan of soaps or medical dramas).


I gave up on Scandal a few seasons in because it was just gross, and people's relationships were majorly toxic.


From what I've heard about Scandal, the heroine's relationship with president guy has always been toxic. I mean, I know soap fans have different standards, but the lead knowingly continuing an affair with a married mad? Yikes. Can't root for that, no matter what. Cheating is overall a turn-off for me, I've stopped watching Hart of Dixie (which wasn't a very good show, but was a funny and feel-good dramedy) when they've made the male romantic lead cheat on the heroine. Left such a bad taste in my mouth.

Rhimes continues to get shows on the air because she produces hits. Grey's Anatomy is at season eleven and is still successful, even though it got moved to a timeslot that ABC have struggled with for a while. Scandal started off relatively soft in the ratings, but it grew and became a hit. How To Get Away With Murder is a hit. Even Private Practice, which never really received the attention of those other shows, managed to make it past one hundred episodes and lasted six seasons.


I do think this latest decision is baffling, though, and I don't even like that particular character. But I'm definitely interested to see what happens next.

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I am so desperate for a new obsession show. 


One that I find myself looking forward to every week is iZombie.  It's pretty entertaining.  You might give that one a shot.


Rhimes continues to get shows on the air because she produces hits. Grey's Anatomy is at season eleven and is still successful, even though it got moved to a timeslot that ABC have struggled with for a while. Scandal started off relatively soft in the ratings, but it grew and became a hit. How To Get Away With Murder is a hit. Even Private Practice, which never really received the attention of those other shows, managed to make it past one hundred episodes and lasted six seasons.



Maybe I should be questioning why people keep watching these shows then.  Scandal and the guy who gets off on torturing and chopping up people's bodies...yuck!  You're right, there's no denying that these shows are successful, but any time that I hear that a new Shonda Rhimes show is coming, I wonder how quickly the show will turn to shit.  Two or three seasons, and then it's a mess. Grey's was fantastic for a few seasons very early on in its run, and I stuck around for the April/Jackson stuff, but I finally just gave up a few months back. 

I never watched Shonda's medical shows [hospital/medical shows are not for me], but I'm insanely entertained by Scandal. I guess it helps that I don't root for anyone, nor ship anyone... The entire thing for me is about watching these awful, terrible people, who have insane amounts of power, but they use it horribly, and then it explodes in their face. AND THEN they cover it up, because they're all terrible awful people with insane amounts of power.

I have no emotional attachment other than gleefully rubbing my hands and going oooooh, this is gonna be FUN. I barely even know the characters' names, because I don't need to. I treat it as a procedural soap opera that I watch for the crazy bananapants ~twists and turns~ SHOCKER moments. And they work for me. Whenever I can guess the SWERVE!, that's an episode I'll find super boring, but so far, they've been pretty few, so. I'm still watching. :)

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I didn't realize that iZombie was doing well in the ratings.  Yay!


Scandal was quite a trip.  Pretty sure that like half of the main characters either committed or sanctioned murder, one character's mother is a terrorist, and don't even get me started on Huck.  He was torturing Quinn, pulling out her teeth, and then later he had her mouth duct-taped while he licked her face.  I'm not sure who comes up with the ideas for these stories.   

I don't know exactly what it was that RDJ got so upset about, but if some interviewer used a Marvel press tour as an opportunity to start asking him about his past problems, that's kind of sleazy. That's not what he's there to talk about, and the interviewer would be well aware of that.


As for Renner and Evans? Dickhead, fratboy behaviour, by the sounds of it. For some reason, I'm not that surprised by it.


And I've just seen the latest thing, with RDJ making that comment about Inarritu. Not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure I'd call it racist, because it might just be an 'English isn't his first language' attempt at humour. But Inarritu was, to say the least, very caustic about superhero movies in Birdman. I imagine that ruffled some feathers, if you'll pardon the pun.


Meanwhile, I watched the last couple of episodes of Daredevil today. Fucking awesome. Possibly better than Agent Carter, a million, billion miles better than Agents of SHIELD. Like I said before, Daredevil is what Arrow wants to be when it grows up and stops being such a drama queen.

I'll never agree to Daredevil being better than Agent Carter. It is better than AoS, I give you that, but it's way too unsure of what it wants to be. AC knew exactly what it wanted to be. Also, Peggy and Hayley Atwell > Matt and Charlie Cox. I also have a personal preference for kick-ass females and spy genre over masked superheroes, but even without this subjective stuff, I'd rate AC higher. I never felt like a scene went for too long on that show, too, but DD did have some problems in this regard.

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I met Hayley Atwell today! She's an amazing person in real life as well. She's very proud to be playing such a vulnerable and strong character. We won't hear any news about a Season 2 of Agent Carter until the Upfronts. 


I was also at the Orphan Black panel that sadly Tatiana couldn't be at but she did make a video that shows she's an amazing person as well. Mo Ryan was the moderator for those of you familiar with her. What stuck out at me the most was how much respect and admiration the rest of the cast as for Tatiana. When they talk about her, you can just hear it in their voices, they are as awestruck as we are with her abilities. They even talk about the clones as if they are all completely separate people and not one actress. John Fawcett one of the directors was talking about how easy it is to film Cosima because she just goes with the flow and does whatever he tells her, while Alison is a difficult person to work with because tells him what he's doing wrong and how to fix it. 


ETA: For those of you who want some cheering up before we hear the news on Agent Carter. Hayley's favorite scene was the Diner fight scene where she as singing Nicki Minaj's, "Anaconda" in her head during that whole scene because the director told her she fighting to sexily.

Edited by Sakura12
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I'll never agree to Daredevil being better than Agent Carter. It is better than AoS, I give you that, but it's way too unsure of what it wants to be. AC knew exactly what it wanted to be. Also, Peggy and Hayley Atwell > Matt and Charlie Cox. I also have a personal preference for kick-ass females and spy genre over masked superheroes, but even without this subjective stuff, I'd rate AC higher. I never felt like a scene went for too long on that show, too, but DD did have some problems in this regard.


Oh I would definitely agree that Peggy is the best character of the two shows, and I really liked the period world that she inhabited. It was a lot of fun. I just think that Daredevil had more focus, in terms of what the show wanted to achieve in this first season. There was a well defined, powerful villain, there was a clear journey for Matt as a character and as a vigilante, and for the secondary characters as well. I thought Karen's journey in the first season was quite impressive.


And I think one of the main differences was that I knew Peggy Carter was awesome, going in to the show. I didn't need to see her become awesome, and the writers understood that. So we got a great little miniseries of her being her. Matt Murdock was new. He was starting from scratch (in this iteration), and we had to learn him as the show progressed. I think they did a stellar job of establishing him as a strong, but conflicted, moral presence and a formidable adversary for any villain.


Also, the term 'Hell's Kitchen' conjures up a whole mess of images and feels for me, and this show captured them all beautifully.


But I'll buy 'em both on blu-ray, when they come out.


I was also at the Orphan Black panel that sadly Tatiana couldn't be at but she did make a video that shows she's an amazing person as well.



She couldn't make it? What a slacker. ;) You'd think she could find time for that in between playing about seven different characters... and a scorpion.

Edited by Danny Franks
I just think that Daredevil had more focus, in terms of what the show wanted to achieve in this first season. There was a well defined, powerful villain, there was a clear journey for Matt as a character and as a vigilante, and for the secondary characters as well. I thought Karen's journey in the first season was quite impressive.

And I think one of the main differences was that I knew Peggy Carter was awesome, going in to the show. I didn't need to see her become awesome, and the writers understood that.


I think AC had an arc just as strong and focused, it just had a very different one - it was about overcoming grief (and also the adversities caused by her being a woman). I've personally found it refreshing. Every comic book adaptation has a story about a person becoming a hero, after all - but how do you stay one when the world doesn't want you? When the world already hurt you so much? Very few comic book stories have had something like that.


Also, DD really suffered by its first and second half having different vibes/flavors - the first one more of gritty character drama, the second one being more of your classic superhero stuff. Plus, it had a very weak finale - I've found it probably the worst episode of the show.

Edited by FurryFury
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I think AC had an arc just as strong and focused, it just had a very different one - it was about overcoming grief (and also the adversities caused by her being a woman). I've personally found it refreshing. Every comic book adaptation has a story about a person becoming a hero, after all - but how do you stay one when the world doesn't want you? When the world already hurt you so much? Very few comic book stories have had something like that.


Also, DD really suffered by its first and second half having different vibes/flavors - the first one more of gritty character drama, the second one being more of your classic superhero stuff. Plus, it had a very weak finale - I've found it probably the worst episode of the show.


Well, that was Peggy's arc, certainly. Not so much the narrative arc of the show. That was more of a 'gather the macguffin' quest structure, and while it was well told, I don't think it was as tight as Daredevil.


I'm not going to compare and contrast Peggy and Matt, because I think they were both great, in their own ways (and neither are superheroes, by definition). But I will say that I'm not sure where you got the classic superhero stuff with Daredevil. It was gritty throughout, and just because he got a costume at the end, he didn't become a classic superhero. He just finally figured out what he wanted to be, after being torn between his better angels and the devil on his shoulder, for most of the season.


I thought the finale was excellent. A great execution of Fisk's house of cards being brought down. One little factor that he couldn't control, one weakness that Matt figured out how to exploit, and it all came tumbling down on him. That's how most crime boss stories end. But Fisk finally embraced who he was, and almost turned it all around, which is where Daredevil came in.

But I will say that I'm not sure where you got the classic superhero stuff with Daredevil. It was gritty throughout, and just because he got a costume at the end, he didn't become a classic superhero. He just finally figured out what he wanted to be, after being torn between his better angels and the devil on his shoulder, for most of the season.


The tone, I guess. And the tropes. I mean, stuff like Stick, the ninja fight, the mysterious Eastern organization (reminded me of something like LoA, personally), an old woman who fought off a young superpowered man with one strike of her hand, the big bad who suddenly had to fight the hero hand-to-hand and for some reason lasted for a pretty long time, the stupid mask, the nickname... All these things together just gave a feeling not unlike "Arrow", while the first half didn't make me thing "comic book" at all. However, I liked both. I just think it was kinda inconsistent, and AFAIK, I'm not the only one who has noticed this.


I thought the finale was excellent. A great execution of Fisk's house of cards being brought down. One little factor that he couldn't control, one weakness that Matt figured out how to exploit, and it all came tumbling down on him. That's how most crime boss stories end. But Fisk finally embraced who he was, and almost turned it all around, which is where Daredevil came in.


It felt rushed and anticlimactic for me. Also somewhat perfunctory. Like a generic comic book adaptation. I guess I agree with AVClub review of this episode, if you've seen it (like me, the author generally likes the show, but not too much. And gets lambasted by the fanboys for not singing praise to it).

Edited by FurryFury

I actually think that Stan and Peggy are gonna happen.  Yes!


I'm not digging the male clone stuff on Orphan Black.  I'm so confused because I can't tell any of them apart, so I don't really know what's going on there.  I did love the bit with Helena, the scorpion, and the mangos.  "Where are these mangos?  I'd like to see these mangos."  I don't even think that I really care about any of the Dyad stuff...I just want to watch Alison become a

drug dealer

and Helena chat with her scorpion friend.


I started watching Bates Motel because of an Emma/Dylan gif that I saw online, and I just looked at Emma's blog entries online (here).  I think that this gives me a really clear picture of where that relationship is going, and I think that it's adorable that people leave comments for the actual character of Emma :)

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

Dylemma is really sweet and has the best shipper name. They are the only two normal ones in that crazy town, my only hope is they both make it out alive. 


Mad Men is finally getting better, the premiere was so dull. I guess that's the issue with doing split seasons, when the show isn't really filmed that way. 


As for Orphan Black, I'm not feeling the male clones and they keep praising the actor, and I know following Tatiana Maslany is probably next to impossible but I think they needed to have different hair colors or something. Even their personalities are very similar besides Mark, the only trait I see in the others is, crazy. 

Huh I guess I'm the only one enjoying the guy clones, I think they're less distinct intentionally, since they're military, and their individuality would have been stomped on. I also like the allusions to Blade Runner with the pupil machine/questionnaire, there is similar belief that the clones aren't fully human, and have the potential to overcome their masters.


Also word up on the superiority of Agent Carter/Peggy to Daredevil/Charlie Cox kind of sucking, I don't actively dislike him like I did on Boardwalk Empire, but I certainly don't find him either good looking or charismatic, but maybe he's not really supposed to be. That isn't to say he's not a good actor and I'm gong to keep watching Daredevil, because the fights are pretty well done and do like his backstory, and motivations, how he's informed by where he's from and how he was raised.

As for Orphan Black, I'm not feeling the male clones and they keep praising the actor, and I know following Tatiana Maslany is probably next to impossible but I think they needed to have different hair colors or something. Even their personalities are very similar besides Mark, the only trait I see in the others is, crazy. 

I watch Orphan Black a few episodes on delay, so only seen the premiere of this season. But I wonder if that is the point of the male clones, that they are crazy. Maybe its a gender thing or a nature v nurture thing. But I wonder if how they were utilized in the experiments

by military forces

somehow makes them uniform in personality/appearance & crazy. Whereas the more scientific use of the female clones made them all very different despite their similarities.


Plus Tatiana Maslany is hands down AMAZING in her portrayals, so I give her the bulk of credit as to why the clones are all so unique & well-acted. I often wonder if that is why she is not as well received as other actors on the award circuit, because the voters cannot recognize her talent in all the roles and rather only fixated on one character. So even though she is a tour de force of acting, they only look at Sara & completely forget about the other portrayals she brings to the screen. For example there is only 1 Olivia Pope, so when Kerry Washington's team submit episodes for awards the voters its just her in the episode playing off actors. When TM's team submit OB, TM is all over just about every scene which distracts the voters from how good she is. I think having the male clones will help voting audiences realize just how deserving (and overdue) TM is of recognition.

I read an interview in my paper (I can't find a link) in which John Fawcett said that Tatiana Maslany is so good that he reacts differently to the different clones. Helena is fun to work with but he'd better be on his toes when Alison is on the set.


Lois Lillienstein died last week.  I don't know if everyone here is too old to remember The Elephant Show, but you must have come across one of the songs by Sharon, Lois and Bram at some time.  I still can't get the song about picking apples in the bright sunshine out of my head whenever I go apple picking.

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At the Orphan Black panel at C2E2, he said that he loves Cosima because she's so easy to work with and is so laid back, but Alison is a nightmare on set and is always correcting him. I think Tatiana gets really into her character and acts like that character during the entire filming process to make it really feel like they are working with different actresses. 

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SA reposted my meme for his #meme monday! I tried so many times during the past three years of following his FB page and never got a repost, and now, finally, it happened!!! (Sorry for bothering you all, but I just had to share my excitement with somebody!) :-)



Congrats! Great meme. :) Its the perfect blend of Arrow & Batman which is a true testament to this season. :)

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So this is so very disappointing.. Last year I competed in a chocolate showpiece competition, I was planning to do it again this year too but due to reasons I can't. and guess what this year theme is?! Toys.. including comic book action figures. and of course my imagination is already running wild on the awesome Them Arrow (with possibly adding in a Sara's Black Canary tribute if the rules would allow) I would have made.. :-(

not fair.. completely not fair.

  • Love 3

So this is so very disappointing.. Last year I competed in a chocolate showpiece competition, I was planning to do it again this year too but due to reasons I can't. and guess what this year theme is?! Toys.. including comic book action figures. and of course my imagination is already running wild on the awesome Them Arrow (with possibly adding in a Sara's Black Canary tribute if the rules would allow) I would have made.. :-(

not fair.. completely not fair.

It's so not the same but if you were to create something along the lines of the theme just for your own personal pleasure, I'd be more than happy to oow and ah appropriately.   I mean Arrow AND Chocolate?  Yep, to die for.  ;)

Edited by BkWurm1
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Can you do it for yourself, take a picture and send it to SA's facebook page?


Technically.. yes. Realistically it will be tricky since I don't have enough chocolate at home, not the kind of chocolate I would use which is the expensive kind (and i'm a broke student so..) also making your own molds can also be expensive and time consuming; especially since my idea has the characters masks in it so I will need to actually create the molds of each mask (which are very different from each other when you take a hard look at... for example.. did you know that Oliver's mask has little arrow's in the middle of it (where his nose is)? yea i totally found that out this morning when i was drawing it. Roy mask doesn't have arrow's, Sara's mask is the hardest to draw. Felicity's the easiest... Diggle's is even easier. :-P.

So yea, technically speaking I can. Currently, realistically, probably not. I mean I can always try and create a smaller version.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I need a suggestion of something to bing watch to distract me from looking for spoilers and clues constantly on Arrow.

Will Outlander make me grumpy and frustrated?

I haven't had much luck getting into Daredevil - it's ok but I am on episode 3 and I am not fealing it yet. Does it get better?

Agents of Shield? I watched the first 5 or so but got bored. I heard it got better at the end of last season but I need some confirmation that it is worth my effort and when I should jump in, can I skip any?

My last obsession before this was Nikita, and long ago Alias, farscape, Babylon 5 etc.


I would suggest Orphan Black currently on Season 3, and Agent Carter which only has 8 episodes, but is a very good spy action period drama kind of like Alias in the 1940's. The 100 another show on the CW is surprisingly compelling, I binged the first two seasons in two weekends. 


For me, Daredevil did get better towards the end of it's run. 


I like Outlander, but fair warning there is a lot of attempted rape, which is not fun to watch. However the rest of the storylines are interesting.


I skipped most of the first half of Agents of Shield S1 and started the eps taking place after Captain America: The Winter Solider. I'm enjoying it, but I know a lot of people are not. 

Edited by Sakura12
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