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Small Talk: The Quiver


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Really?  I could almost understand the gold since the way the light hits the black lace it looks brownish on the top and darker toward the hem line but I can't see any thing that would look white on it.  It's blue, blue, blue.  Not even a light blue. 

This damn dress. LOL


Its a very obivious white gold to me. A couple of my firends say it changes colors to them, now one of them sees black and blue.

This is a really great article that explains why people are seeing the dress differently. Last night, I only saw white and gold, even after it was confirmed that the dress was blue and black. And today, I read this article, still saw a white and gold dress, finished the article, and as I was scrolling back up, the dress was suddenly blue and black for me. I'd seen other people on Twitter last night who were freaked out because they saw the dress one way at first and the other way later, and I can vouch that it was freaky as hell when it happened to me too. The human brain is amazing.

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That article was interesting, and it freaked me out a bit with those optical illusions.  The dress doesn't even really look blue to me...it's like 100% periwinkle.  I had my brother and mother look at it, and they saw gold and white.  My brother asked me what color I thought it was, and I told him periwinkle.  He was like, "No, an actual color."  OK, then lavender (it's really not so much, but I thought that color would register better with him).  "No, a real color."  WTF men, do you not know that these are actually real legit colors?!

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That article was interesting, and it freaked me out a bit with those optical illusions.  The dress doesn't even really look blue to me...it's like 100% periwinkle.  I had my brother and mother look at it, and they saw gold and white.  My brother asked me what color I thought it was, and I told him periwinkle.  He was like, "No, an actual color."  OK, then lavender (it's really not so much, but I thought that color would register better with him).  "No, a real color."  WTF men, do you not know that these are actually real legit colors?!

I could accept Periwinkle at the top where it is more washed out.  Lol about "real colors" .  I'm just happy my household sees the same thing I do.  Saves me from some of the madness though I did just lose an hour and a half to staring at the stupid dress and reading explanations as to why 70 % of the population see something totally different than me. 

That dress is so funny. I was sure my husband was lying when he told me it was a blue and black.


But I think I've figured out how to see both of the colors (or at least a way that has worked for my family and ended the text arguments). If you scroll down the page that KenyaJ posted until you get to the bottom of the jacket on the dress, stop scrolling, you should see the white and gold color.  Once you've seen the white and gold scroll so only the bottom of the dress is visible on the page, you should see the blue and black. 

That dress is so funny. I was sure my husband was lying when he told me it was a blue and black.


But I think I've figured out how to see both of the colors (or at least a way that has worked for my family and ended the text arguments). If you scroll down the page that KenyaJ posted until you get to the bottom of the jacket on the dress, stop scrolling, you should see the white and gold color.  Once you've seen the white and gold scroll so only the bottom of the dress is visible on the page, you should see the blue and black. 

Sorry.  Blue, blue, blue.  No white.  No Gold.  I've tried staring at it in all sorts of ways.  Sometimes it gets bluer but never whiter, lol. 

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So i've finally been catching up on watching Empire (thank you spring break!) and that show is amazing! great writing, amazing acting- every single character is completely relatable even if they're total power hungry ass holes (looking at you Andre) and the songs are pretty good too.

That's how you create a great show!

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I haven't even been tempted to check out the second season of The Originals since my favourite character left. I missed Claire Holt/Rebekah a lot in the latter half of season one, so I still haven't decided if I'll be tuning back in. Will definitely catch up with The Vampire Diaries though. Eventually.

Edited by manbearpig

I don't watch The Originals but for Claudia Black I'll check it out.


Does anyone watch Forever?  In this week's episode, they have to engage the cyber crimes division and there's a female uberhacker, young, blonde, with a low ponytail and two masters degrees from MIT.  I rolled my eyes   (I don't think that's a spoiler because I didn't say anything about the character except the description.  Apologies if anyone was offended.) 


On the other hand, I guess it shows that Felicity is such an iconic character that other shows are doing an homage to her.

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I don't watch The Originals but for Claudia Black I'll check it out.


Does anyone watch Forever?  In this week's episode, they have to engage the cyber crimes division and there's a female uberhacker, young, blonde, with a low ponytail and two masters degrees from MIT.  I rolled my eyes   (I don't think that's a spoiler because I didn't say anything about the character except the description.  Apologies if anyone was offended.) 


On the other hand, I guess it shows that Felicity is such an iconic character that other shows are doing an homage to her.

I do watch Forever.  Which episode are you talking about?  I don't remember the blonde IT and now I want to go back and watch it.  Was it the episode where Abe's ex tries to tempt him away or the one where Henry consults with the college professor/dominatrix?

B99 IS hilarious, I now need to catch up on Forever because Fauxlicity, and if Claudia Black's coming to the Originals I may have to pick that back up once her episodes start.

I haven't seen the P&R finale yet, but is Leslie really not the president but the First Lady? That makes me so sad.

I am moderately obsessed with Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries on Netflix. The hubs and I have been tearing through them, two/night most nights! I can't tell if it's because we're old fogies (which, to be fair, we've been since our early 20s - cribbage and crochet FTW!) but holy Smoaks those are fun!

I like to think that Ben became president first for two terms, then Leslie for 2 terms. :')


Regardless, I don't care who became President. All I know is that if it was Ben, Leslie would've been so proud of him and wouldn't feel bitter. And it's the same for Leslie. I mean, Ben even gave up running for Governor of Indiana for Leslie.


All I care about is that both of them went through life as a unit. They were never jealous of one anothers accomplishments and pushed each other forward. Ben and Leslie are truly an iconic couple. 

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It was Leslie..some say it was Ben because of the flag on his jacket or whatever...but he wore that before the finale.

Plus as the lead character I'd prefer it be Leslie..Ben is more suited as the man behind the woman imo. 



Okay those B-9-9 are really making me want to sit down and watch this show. it looks like it be a totally hilarious show.

Mission accomplished


Sorta glad they cast BR as RP and then proceeded to copy or at least were heavily inspired by Chuck, it made me go back and watch Chuck again. I had forgotten how much I love that show and how great it really was! Its was just the perfect blend of spy, action, romance and most importantly funny. Highly recommend Chuck to those who haven't seen it.

Edited by kismet
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 Tonight's.  Doesn't she remind you of Felicity?

Yes, so much.  Plus she's rocking season 1 ponytail.  For some reason I swear that when ever someone swipes a character or does an homage they never look past the first season. 


Edited to add:


Just finished the episode.  Ha! 

I knew she had to be evil when the pony tail just went away. 

  Amazing the difference the right actor makes.  She was saying a lot of techie things that Felicity might say but somehow when Felicity says them, it's so much more interesting.   

Edited by BkWurm1

It was Leslie..some say it was Ben because of the flag on his jacket or whatever...but he wore that before the finale.

Plus as the lead character I'd prefer it be Leslie..Ben is more suited as the man behind the woman imo.

Mission accomplished

The SS person spoke to Ben before Leslie (nanoseconds, before though) that's why I think it was him. There's really nothing to indicate it was one over the other, really-Mike Schur said he left it purposely ambiguous. Maybe they both were, one after the other. Edited by apinknightmare

I"m glad she's doing something while waiting at home for him with Mavi and that the company if proudly American but the 'about' page makes me a bit uncomfortable.


Amazing the difference the right actor makes.  She was saying a lot of techie things that Felicity might say but somehow when Felicity says them, it's so much more interesting.   

Yes. EBR makes her character so charming and effortless.

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I"m glad she's doing something while waiting at home for him with Mavi and that the company if proudly American but the 'about' page makes me a bit uncomfortable.


What about it makes you uncomfortable? 


I mean it's cool that they want to bring textile manufacturing back to the US and create more jobs, but there's a reason why companies outsource. It's just cheaper. $35-50 for a plain tee is just way too expensive for my taste. 

The Pearl Harbor and Armed Forces references. Maybe it's a US thing though.  My father served but he never referred to it.


I'm all in favor of bringing jobs back from overseas.  An American who earns a decent wage can spend it on services other Americans provide.


I keep looking for the lines showing height in this one, it looks so much like a mug shot.


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She owns that company, or has a stake in it?


Well her Facebook page says owner since 2011.. couldn't find any other info online (or maybe i'm just not using the right keywords- i figured a 10 min search is far more than i should give it at any point).

in all honesty I have no idea, and I don't care that much to google it more than I did. I was bored and somehow ended up on what I think is probably Stephen's personal facebook page, saw her name and got intrigued. This is what I do during my very boring spring break (instead of laundry).

I was a hardcore Suits fan until it got redundant and a little to complicated to enjoy, but I did catch the last episode and have decided to catch up.


It reignited my love for Harvey, Donna and Jessica. 


I honestly could care less about Mike and Rachel. But I'm really glad that Donna decided to be an adult about her issue with Harvey and hash it out. Ugh I love Donna so much! And her friendship with Louis is the sweetest

  • Love 2

Do any of you watch Suits? 


Because Donna and Harvey are literally killing me.


I'm back to watching it. I had already taken it off the DVR last year but then I saw a promo of the episode last week with Donna in trouble and Harvey doing everything he can to bail her out. So, now, I'm in the same boat as you. Freakin' Donna and Harvey. Those two idiots pulled me right back in!


I still couldn't care less about any of the ridiculous law stuff or Mike and his holier-than-thou hypocrisy. I like Rachel when she's with Louis or Donna. And I'm glad Jessica and that other guy she was dating finally broke up.

The Pearl Harbor and Armed Forces references. Maybe it's a US thing though.  My father served but he never referred to it.


I'm all in favor of bringing jobs back from overseas.  An American who earns a decent wage can spend it on services other Americans provide.


I keep looking for the lines showing height in this one, it looks so much like a mug shot.


Oh my goodness, he looks so deliciously grumpy!

Do any of you watch Suits? 


Because Donna and Harvey are literally killing me.

It looks like next summer they might actually go there!  :)  Poor Norma.  Bet her sister feels all kinds of guilty. 


I've never had a problem with Rachel.  I only have hated on Mike back when he was being stupid about the drugs and well, anytime he was being stupid in general, lol, but I've solidly been enjoying him and all the characters this last couple "seasons".  A lot of the in fighting has stopped.  I much prefer that. 


Things that make you go 'huh?' (it's hard to think of EW as an adult)...


Dan Stevens cast opposite Emma Watson in Beauty and the Beast

The former Downton Abbey actor will play the Beast in Disney's live-action take on its 1993 animated musical

By Kat Brown9:03AM GMT 05 Mar 2015

Edited by tv echo

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