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Small Talk: The Quiver

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13 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Ooh I'm ashamed to admit it but hubby and I went nuts over the Twilight books. We discovered them during the Christmas holidays so we holed ourselves in and read the books, passing them on to each other and discussing them. I was Team Jacob! He was Team Edward. 

The movies were terrible though! The people looked nothing like I imagined!

I read the books and I freely admit that they were compellingly written and hard to put down even as I was complaining about the weak characterization (they NEVER explain why Edward is obsessed with Bella who is the least interesting person ever) and iffy writing.  I wasn't going to read them but the EDITOR at the newspaper I worked at kept bugging me to read them, lol.  

And high five. I was rooting for Jacob as well!  They skipped over most of it in the movies, but the werewolf story stuff in the later books was really interesting. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I took her to the vet and she couldn't find anything physically wrong with her based on her observations, she took some blood though and gave her some kind of antihistamine or something to calm her down. The vet thinks it might just be a slight hormonal imbalance caused from being on heat, which can sometimes give them behavioural changes but usually goes away with time.


She is still a bit whiny and nesting with her toys a bit but she's more calm then she was. I've just been making her go on walks a lot even when doesn't want to and playing tug of war with her toys to keep her preoccupied and that seems to mellow out some of the neediness. 


The vet did warn me not to give her behaviour to much attention cause she main learn to do that when she wants things in the future. But she also said once she is spayed that will calm her down more. Fingers crossed cause she was driving me crazy for a bit there!


Thanks for asking ?

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When the Potter books get re-adapted, my preference is a BBC series.  They can be Sherlock about it (a few elongated episodes per season rather than 10 or so) but I think a series would allow the important character and story beats that were left out in the interest of condensation.  We could get to know Bill in season 4 rather than briefly at the end, interact with Dobby more than twice, see all the Riddle memories and really explore the Horcruxes and why each was chosen, maybe the threat of Voldemort and the Death Eaters can be treated as real rather than almost non-existent (seriously, they had several chances to kill Harry in the movies and didn't because they somehow knew they were in a movie series and needed to wait), and maybe the final fight between Voldemort and Harry can reflect the story and not be an excuse for a CGI extravaganza.  To be fair, the movies were made alongside the books so all the subsequent reboots will start knowing how the story ends, which characters are most significant to Harry's journey, and which story details can't be excluded.  It's possible future movies will be able to condense each book into a cohesive narrative that actually satisfies Potter lovers but I would still prefer a series (since it's up to me, heh).

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I'd be down for a Netflix or BBC series of Harry Potter; maybe something a little more grown up and I don't know if serious is the right word but without feeling the need to be as popcorn and G rated child friendly as the movies had to be, while still capturing the magic of Harry Potter.


I agree that with how dense the book universe is it lends itself more to being a mini series/television series better.

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20 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I'd be down for a Netflix or BBC series of Harry Potter; maybe something a little more grown up and I don't know if serious is the right word but without feeling the need to be as popcorn and G rated child friendly as the movies had to be, while still capturing the magic of Harry Potter.


I agree that with how dense the book universe is it lends itself more to being a mini series/television series better.

Wouldn't shock me if they aged up Harry for when he'd first start school. I suspect there are more good teen actors out there than preteen.  

Oh, here's a horrible but not so unlikely thought...turn it into a CW series.  The CW already has a relationship with Warner Brothers, lol.  

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38 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Wouldn't shock me if they aged up Harry for when he'd first start school. I suspect there are more good teen actors out there than preteen.  

Oh, here's a horrible but not so unlikely thought...turn it into a CW series.  The CW already has a relationship with Warner Brothers, lol.  

oh goodness gracious the Harry/Hermione/Ron triangle of doom! Cuz you know they'll need to go there! 

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42 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Warner Bros won't put Potter on CW.  Right or wrong, that would be seen as a demotion for the series even if it would be a coup for the network. 

Give them time, lol.  

25 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I prefer a Hogwarts series rather than one of HP itself, similar to how Agents of SHIELD exists in the MCU without bringing the movie characters. More creative freedom that way

I can see this being done sooner than anything else.  

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Who owns the rights to the characters now? Warners or JK Rowling? Asking mainly out of curiosity really but I wonder if she would have to agree or not first to another reboot or tv spin off.

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57 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Who owns the rights to the characters now? Warners or JK Rowling? Asking mainly out of curiosity really but I wonder if she would have to agree or not first to another reboot or tv spin off.

I think she has a strong say in anything that happens, but who knows what will happen even ten years from now.

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I read the books and I freely admit that they were compellingly written and hard to put down even as I was complaining about the weak characterization (they NEVER explain why Edward is obsessed with Bella who is the least interesting person ever) and iffy writing.  I wasn't going to read them but the EDITOR at the newspaper I worked at kept bugging me to read them, lol.  

I really couldn't get past the second chapter of the first twilight book.   Good god,  I think Meyer might be one of the most untalented writers ever.   

Ironically,  I thought the first movie was really good.   Not the cast but for a few exceptions.   But it was shot beautifully, had a decent soundtrack and costumes were awesome.   A lot of thought went into production values.   I actually own the production fan book because I thought so highly of it. 

3 hours ago, Chaser said:

I want a HP prequel.

The Marauders.

James and Lily falling in love.

Voldemort rising. 

 This.   I want this.   I don't need reboots.   Despite the movies lacking important plot,  I really don't think they'd be able to recreate the cast magic that happened there.   I mean,  I wish Sirius had been hotter but the actors did amazing work.   

I am here for more Fantastic Beasts movies,  or a Marauders movie.   I'd like stories about other wizard wars at other Wizard schools. 

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Harry Potter books. Thumbs up!
Hunger Games books. Thumbs up!
Twilight books. Thumbs down.
Divergent books. Thumbs down.
50 Shades of Grey. Thumbs down, way down.

Edited by tv echo
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I really can't see a reboot of Harry Potter being green lighted while JK is alive. The films while not perfect, were magical (no pun intended). You really can't recreate that even if you gave it BBC gravitas. 

I do however see a lot of potential for the World of HP. Prequels, sequels focused on other characters, origin stories. A patient of mine said she heard of a Voldemort project in the works. Plus we already have cursed Child to bring to film. Fantastic Beasts was a supposedly a multi-film project. And JK keeps on expanding the universe. 

I'm totally down for Potter projects, but I'm against a reboot on so many levels for another 50+ years, and by then I might be too old to care if they mess it up.

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Oh.  The Voldemort fan film does look very good.   And Warner Brothers and JK decided to let the makers go forward with it as long as they don't make any profit from it. 

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

Harry Potter books. Thumbs up!
Hunger Games books. Thumbs up!
Twilight books. Thumbs down.
Divergent books. Thumbs down.
50 Shades of Grey. Thumbs down, way down.

HP, thumbs up (fave book, film: Prisoner of Azkaban)

Hunger Games books, thumbs up for first book, thumbs down for 2 & 3

Twilight books, thumbs down (really bad fanfic)

Divergent books, thumbs up for 1st, thumbs down for rest

50 Shades of Grey, thumbs down (insulting)

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6 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

HP, thumbs up (fave book, film: Prisoner of Azkaban)

Hunger Games books, thumbs up for first book, thumbs down for 2 & 3

Twilight books, thumbs down (really bad fanfic)

Divergent books, thumbs up for 1st, thumbs down for rest

50 Shades of Grey, thumbs down (insulting)

Bad sure, but 50 Shades was Twilight's fan fic.  Twilight was technically original.

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7 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Divergent books, thumbs up for 1st, thumbs down for rest

I don't think the Divergent concept was really enough to sustain 3(?) books let alone 4 movies even with that cast. Harry Potter and Hunger Games had excellent world building. Divergent had a zip line and acid trips? 

Edited by leopardprint
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I think Divergent the books fell prey to the YA marketing & mass production line that forces authors to spit out sequels in a certain time frame without really allowing the author time to write the novel. It's all about the deadline over the quality of the work. JK was fortunate that she had enough clout to demand quality take precedence over deadlines.I will give the Divergent author kudos for her ending. It was bold and refreshing.

As for the 4 movies that was greed that took over and clearly back fired. It should be been 3 films. I do believe there was enough story for 3 films/books but definitely not 4.

As for 50 shades it was a fanfic of a fanfic, so certain limitations are probably to be expected. I never read it, but I wish I could have got the idea. That author is rolling in profits from a fun side hobby. And regardless of quality it was a pop culture phenomenon that millions loved. So there is that.

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Honestly, I dropped Divergent a chapter in. The story had potential, but the writing style didn't appeal to me. 50 Shades I lasted maybe two pages. The book starting with Anastasia ruminating over how mousy she was was the most broing thing ever. Funnily enough, I tried to read True Blood at roughly the same time, and there Sookie started off with pondering the wonders of her flowing blond hair and heaving bosom. Chucked that one as well. I found both instances annoying, but it is interesting how focused women characters are on their looks more often than not.

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26 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

The Divergent movies never had a real shot of being compelling IMO with the casting of Shailene Woodley.  I know some say she's great but I just can't see it.

She's hit or miss for me, which is exactly what happened in this trilogy. Only problem is her misses were at the end. I did find her compelling for the first one.

I also think that while I find the Divergent series entertaining, it's ludacris for TPTB to expect HP results from an average YA series. Its like going to McDonalds for filet mignon and being surprised it's not on the menu. You can still get some tasty fries but it's not going to satisfy high end palate - it's missing fundamental elements.

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Of the YA series that came out around the same time (Fifty, Divergent, Hunger Games etc) I only really enjoyed Hunger Games. To me it had a compelling story with rootable likeable characters that didn't insult your intelligence. I mean I wasn't a fan of Katniss consistently throughout the novel - in fact I think Jennifer made her a lot more likeable then even the novels- but at least she wasn't a simpering idiot.

Anastasia made me want to punch her in the face- and not in a sexy way. I didn't understand why she liked Christian or why Christian liked her nor why she couldn't see the huge glowing red flags that say "DO NOT get involved with this guy" that even the most inexperienced person in relationships would be able to see.

But call me a snob but I still think none of the recent YA novel series come close to matching or standing up against the Harry Potter series in terms of quality.

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Of the YA series you've discussed recently, I loved Harry Potter, consumed Twilight books and films and shared the experiences with my daughter during her tween/teen years (I'm Team Charlie, BTW, 'cause why not?), read Divergent (meh), skipped Hunger Games entirely, and wasn't even mildly curious about 50 Shades.

The HP books were timed perfectly for my children, who aged only a few years behind the main characters (they're in their early to mid-20s).  Every time a new book would be published, we'd immediately buy a copy and take turns reading it--my son read all day, and I read all night while he slept. Whenever we'd go to a store, he'd flourish his hand toward the automatic door with such perfectly timed theatrics--it was pretty convincing that he was magically opening it instead of simply tripping the sensor. It might sound silly, but I'm so grateful that HP dominated my children's growing up years; those stories and characters meant so much to us all.

As for Twilight . . . For years, I kept a copy of it on my bookshelf at work, sandwiched between scholarly books on ethics in computing, AI, technical manuals, and more. It was the only popular book on my shelf, and it was in the middle of the shelf that was at eye level.  I meant for it to be a gag, to be a visual surprise  when people perused my little scholarly library, but then I began to worry that people thought it was in a place of honor instead of the gag it was meant to be.  I recently shoved it in the filing cabinet.  It's hard enough to be a woman in STEMM, right? :-)

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My daughter got Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when she was sick at home with a strep throat.  I take it as a badge of merit in mothering that I read the book out loud to her in three days, all 752 pages.

But more than JK Rowling, my daughter was into books by Tamara Pierce.  Also magic but lady knights and lots of heroics.

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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

My daughter got Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when she was sick at home with a strep throat.  I take it as a badge of merit in mothering that I read the book out loud to her in three days, all 752 pages.


Best mother ever!!!! Go you!

My 4yo is into nature and has a book about trees that he makes me read out loud every week. It makes me want to poke my eyeballs as I try not to fall asleep.  But from now on I'm going to be thankful it isn't 752 pages!!!!

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19 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

My daughter got Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when she was sick at home with a strep throat.  I take it as a badge of merit in mothering that I read the book out loud to her in three days, all 752 pages.

But more than JK Rowling, my daughter was into books by Tamara Pierce.  Also magic but lady knights and lots of heroics.

Oh my God, Tamora Pierce books were my favorite growing up. I adored all the series set in the Tortall-verse. Has your daughter read all of them yet? And does she like the spinoffs (The Magic Circle) too?

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31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

My daughter got Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when she was sick at home with a strep throat.  I take it as a badge of merit in mothering that I read the book out loud to her in three days, all 752 pages.

That's awesome!

Does anybody here read books out loud with a partner? Through the years, my husband and I have taken turns reading to each other--we enjoy some of the rompy Brits like P. G. Wodehouse or serialized stories like Dickens's Pickwick Papers.  It's a great way to spend a rainy afternoon or a quiet evening in.

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1 hour ago, EmeraldArcher said:

Does anybody here read books out loud with a partner? Through the years, my husband and I have taken turns reading to each other--we enjoy some of the rompy Brits like P. G. Wodehouse or serialized stories like Dickens's Pickwick Papers.  It's a great way to spend a rainy afternoon or a quiet evening in.

Only once! The Blue Castle by LMM. He wanted to know why I read that book every year but knew he wouldn't ever get around to reading it himself so I read him a chapter every night. He actually enjoyed it! 

Oh we had so much time back then! 

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Are there any former Charmed watchers/fans on this board? I just saw this video with Alyssa Milano and it looks like she and Shannen Doherty have finally buried the hatchet. What an ironic turn of events considering that Shannen and Holly's friendship has hit the rocks ever since Shannen's bout with cancer. 

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I didn't know that Shannen and Holly were on the outs.  :(  That makes me sad because I'm randomly really into celebrity friendships and they were like the first one that I really appreciated. 

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5 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Oh my God, Tamora Pierce books were my favorite growing up. I adored all the series set in the Tortall-verse. Has your daughter read all of them yet? And does she like the spinoffs (The Magic Circle) too?

She loves the Magic Circle books, and the Kel books.  I'm more into the Tortall-verse.  I stole her Daine books for my bookshelf because those are my favourites.  I'm ridiculously excited that there is a George Cooper book coming out in October and the first of the Aram trilogy in 2018, although I'm not so sure about that since it is pre-Tortall withs Varice and Ozorne.

I went to a reading of hers once and one of the things she talked about was that Alanna was supposed to be one book and she planned to have Alanna marry King Jonathan.  But Allana had more to say than one book and fought her about marrying Jonathan and it turned into the Lioness trilogy.  I'd never considered till then that characters you're writing could have minds of their own.


5 hours ago, EmeraldArcher said:

Does anybody here read books out loud with a partner? Through the years, my husband and I have taken turns reading to each other--we enjoy some of the rompy Brits like P. G. Wodehouse or serialized stories like Dickens's Pickwick Papers.  It's a great way to spend a rainy afternoon or a quiet evening in.

That deserves an Awwwwwww.  It sounds like a great way to have a good relationship.  I've never tried reading aloud to a partner.

Edited by statsgirl
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I credit my mother reading  aloud to my brother and I as kids for my love of books today. We had the nightly before bedtime chosen books (usually from our collection of Disney books, I loved my Aristocats) but she also at some point started to read to us anytime my dad drove us in the car somewhere.   I specifically remember in the third grade one verrrrry long family trip across country (Mn to Florida). her switching back and forth between The Secret Garden and Huckleberry Finn.  At one point she begged for a break (said her tongue was twisted from flipping between a Yorkshire and a southern accent)  but we were at a good part, so I picked the book up and realized I didn't need to be read to anymore.  I could read chapter books all on my own (even though they didn't have pictures!)  


11 hours ago, statsgirl said:

My daughter got Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when she was sick at home with a strep throat.  I take it as a badge of merit in mothering that I read the book out loud to her in three days, all 752 pages.


Aww!  That's straight out of The Princess Bride.  Not to mention reading that many pages out loud in just three days?  Wow.  Impressed.  Did you lose your voice?  

Edited by BkWurm1
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There were definitely times when I begged to take a break.

My daughter had trouble being able to read (we finally got a diagnosis of dyslexia when she was in grade four instead of the usual Pushy Mother Syndrome) so I did a lot of reading to her when she was younger because she loved stories.  I liked making the voices so that made it fun for me too but I'm nowhere as good as your mother being able to do both a Yorkshire accent and a southern one much less flipping between them. That truly is impressive.

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I didn't know they were remaking Mary Poppins? I was reading a magazine where they had interviews with the cast. I'm sure it won't be hopeless film since it's got a high profile cast- Lin Manuel Merly Streep   Ben Winshaw Emily Mortimer- but something tells me Emily Blunt will not live up to Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins since I think Julie Andrews is just one of those great actors who is one of a kind. 

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

There were definitely times when I begged to take a break.

My daughter had trouble being able to read (we finally got a diagnosis of dyslexia when she was in grade four instead of the usual Pushy Mother Syndrome) so I did a lot of reading to her when she was younger because she loved stories.  I liked making the voices so that made it fun for me too but I'm nowhere as good as your mother being able to do both a Yorkshire accent and a southern one much less flipping between them. That truly is impressive.

I've read to nephews and honorary nieces and doing the voices (and just not turning the whole reading experience into monotonous torture) was a lot harder than I ever knew.  Hat's off to you.  

I really should thank my mom.  At the time you just take it for granted, but she doesn't even like to read!  I don't I've ever seen her read for pleasure for herself.  

With the dyslexia diagnosis, were they able to help make reading easier for your daughter?  I can't imagine where one would even start.  

22 hours ago, EmeraldArcher said:

That's awesome!

Does anybody here read books out loud with a partner? Through the years, my husband and I have taken turns reading to each other--we enjoy some of the rompy Brits like P. G. Wodehouse or serialized stories like Dickens's Pickwick Papers.  It's a great way to spend a rainy afternoon or a quiet evening in.

Honestly, it sound really intimate and romantic.  Insert heart eyes here.  :D

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My mom always wanted me to read to her. I swear I think that made me a better reader. And then when my niece and nephews wanted me to read to them, I was always like nope, I want you to read to me. I don't know if that weirded them out or not but they seemed to like it.

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5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

My mom always wanted me to read to her. I swear I think that made me a better reader. And then when my niece and nephews wanted me to read to them, I was always like nope, I want you to read to me. I don't know if that weirded them out or not but they seemed to like it.

Well that's adorable.  

I "read" my favorites to my mother and brother but in truth, I just had them memorized, proven by including all the extra noises my mom always put in as well, lol.  

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11 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

My mom always wanted me to read to her. I swear I think that made me a better reader. And then when my niece and nephews wanted me to read to them, I was always like nope, I want you to read to me. I don't know if that weirded them out or not but they seemed to like it.

I tried to get my niece to read to me but she was always super resistant to reading until she started kindergarten. You are more persuasive than I am! 

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37 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I tried to get my niece to read to me but she was always super resistant to reading until she started kindergarten. You are more persuasive than I am! 

I always told them I liked to hear their voices and that seemed to work. They never seemed embarrassed to ask me how to pronounce a word or what a word meant.

Edited by catrox14
I swear I'm typing words and they are disappearing..WTF?
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3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I always told I liked to heear their voices and that seemed to work. They never seemed embarrassed to ask me how to pronounce a word or what a word meant.

Ooooh, good idea, I will try your method on my nephew. 

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5 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I didn't know they were remaking Mary Poppins? I was reading a magazine where they had interviews with the cast. I'm sure it won't be hopeless film since it's got a high profile cast- Lin Manuel Merly Streep   Ben Winshaw Emily Mortimer- but something tells me Emily Blunt will not live up to Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins since I think Julie Andrews is just one of those great actors who is one of a kind. 

It's got a great cast. However, I heard it might be darker & not as nice as The Julie Andrews version. Apparently, it takes more after the books than the original Disney flick. I imagine it will be closer to the Mary Poppins in Saving Mr. Banks. Either way I will see it based upon the casting, I just won't get my hopes up. Julie Andrews was an amazing one of a kind talent, so it's hard to imagine anyone being practically perfect in every way like she was.

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