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Small Talk: The Quiver

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ooh nice name! I loved Vala and Claudia Black! I watched that entire series to humour hubby (including the movies) and I actually liked it! Except the Ori storyline. The Ori storyline was crappy!

Stargate Atlantis was awful though! Even hubby gave up at some point! 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Are cats high maintenance?

My son wants a cat (British Shorthair specifically) for his next pet but I'm not sold on the idea. Dogs (especially goldies) are very predictable and easy to train. 

If you ever change your mind about adding a cat while you have Golden Retrievers, they typically pretty good with cats.  The gently mellow personality of the breed.  I've only started with kittens (though a couple of them were closer to teenagers) so I can't speak to how it is to introduce an adult cat to a dog but the kittens/young cats adjusted pretty quick to the dogs even though they spit and hissed at first (but little furballs growling are adorable even if their claws are like needles, lol.)  


1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

@statsgirl do they wreck things or scratch you if they aren't trainable?

Or do they just sit around and get cuddles so they don't need all that training and stimulation?

I think a grey rescue would suit him perfectly. He just loves greyish cats because ever since he was a baby he's been obsessed with Greywacke Jones from one of his books. 

No more pets until the two goldies we have go to rainbow bridge (and hopefully that won't be for a long time bless their furry souls). It's already mayhem here. 

Cats make me nervous! Son and I have had some very friendly cats befriend us but when the furballs were little, this white cat used to sit and hiss at us when we passed it's house on our walk. The dogs used to wail and then we'd sprint past the house with it hissing and glaring at us.  So scary!

Think of cats like children.  Other people's cats might be scary but it's pretty easy to love your own, especially if you have them from when they are kittens.  They are smart so they can be trained but it's just a different kind of training than you would do with a dog.  With the scratching, just make sure you have good scratching posts for them.  If you are really lucky, they will just take to the option you provide.  If not, a bit of water squirted their way is good for discouraging them from being in places they shouldn't be.  You also have the option of carefully clipping their nails so they don't need to scratch as much but make sure to start that process when they are very young otherwise it's a nightmare to attempt.  

I currently accidentally have 5 cats (Down from 6.  Lost one to a car just yesterday, poor Mittens) which is an absurd number to have but all of them have their own personalities and quirks. And all of them are very loving in their own way, but on their terms.

Our big boy Marco (twenty pounds of muscle) is the gentlest soul, but he'll give me about 30 seconds of full scale hugging and squeezing and naming him George before he turns into a stiff board and asks very insistently to be let down but when he comes to you to be pet, he'll complain loudly if you DON'T give him his attention.  

Two of them will act like you are trying to kill them if you try to pick them up (lesson learned about making sure to carry them around when they are still young) If you have a kitten, you can cuddle and carry it around everywhere (and my experience that the more attention it is used to getting when young, the more it will want attention when older) but when they are all grown up, most cats are the ones to decide if they are in the mood for cuddles or not .    

One of the cats that screams bloody murder if she's lifted an inch off the ground is also one that would be most happy to cuddle and purr at my side for hours while I'm watching TV or on the computer if only I'd just sit there.  I used to have to pretend to pick her up to get her to leave but now all i have to say is "I have to get up" and she jumps down.  So training is possible, they are very smart, but I've found it's usually more them learning their environment and your habits and preferences.  Anyway, there is a reason that cats rule the internet.  

12 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

ooh nice name! I loved Vala and Claudia Black! I watched that entire series to humour hubby (including the movies) and I actually liked it! Except the Ori storyline. The Ori storyline was crappy!

Stargate Atlantis was awful though! Even hubby have up at some point! 

I adored Vala too!  You've hit on another of my OTPs.  I shipped Daniel and Vala hard.  (Still do, shippers never die, they just fade away, ha,ha.)

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oh poor Mittens! *huggles* @BkWurm1

Did people ship Sam and Jack? SG1 was such a good viewing experience! I was invested in the show but very zen about the ships! 

Chuck was awesome too! I felt like with Chuck it was obvious that there was only one ship and anything else was just plot chugging along. I never doubted that they were going to be endgame. hehe and I enjoyed watching BR's character even though he went nuts! I think I just like BR in general! 

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Cats are THE BEST.  I've had them my whole life and I second that they're easy to train as long as you're aware of what they need.  My current two came to me at barely six weeks and they were already litter box trained by their birth mom.  I've also had kittens who weren't yet trained but if you show them where the litter box is right away they will teach themselves.  Cats scratch as a way to relieve anxiety (which is why I'm 100% against declawing because it's a lot harder for them to deal with said anxiety) so a good scratching post is a great investment that they will absolutely love.  Start trimming their claws when they're kittens (or, schedule regular visits to the vet if you don't want to do it yourself) so they get used to it and, as far as them scratching on furniture, there are two ways to handle it: 1) the spray bottle (with water only! my grandma always tried to get me to spray their eyes with vinegar but that's mean and hurtful; they're kittens for heaven's sake!) or 2) treats.  Spray when they're actively working on the furniture and give the treats when they use the post.  As for cuddles, if you want to cuddle them as adults, then you have to cuddle them as kittens.  My Gus has always been a cuddler but Cleo is more independent.  But, because I cuddled her incessantly when she was a kitten, she will indulge me far longer than she probably would if I'd left her alone.  And they both insist on sleeping with me, which means I only have a tiny corner to myself (cats have an amazing ability to expand in size when they're on a human bed and somehow take up 99% of the mattress), but it's sweet and comforting.

In summary: GET THE CAT(S)!

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16 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

@statsgirl do they wreck things or scratch you if they aren't trainable?

Or do they just sit around and get cuddles so they don't need all that training and stimulation?

I think a grey rescue would suit him perfectly. He just loves greyish cats because ever since he was a baby he's been obsessed with Greywacke Jones from one of his books. 

No more pets until the two goldies we have go to rainbow bridge (and hopefully that won't be for a long time bless their furry souls). It's already mayhem here. 

Cats make me nervous! Son and I have had some very friendly cats befriend us but when the furballs were little, this white cat used to sit and hiss at us when we passed it's house on our walk. The dogs used to wail and then we'd sprint past the house with it hissing and glaring at us.  So scary!

I've always had cats since I was little and mine have never wrecked anything..they scratch the doormat but nothing inside..we have a garden though..if you plan to keep a cat inside there are things you can buy for that purpose so they don't scratch rugs or stuff like that.

I found that if you care for them and cuddle them they are very affectionate..I have a cat that is not an adult yet and she likes to sleep on people's laps and tries to get a cuddle from everyone. It's pretty sweet. 

My neighbors all have big dogs and a one a kitten too and at the beginning I was a little worried because the dogs are huge in comparison but they basically adopted them. They cuddle together, LOL.

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Curious question: After reading up on the United incident I am curious to know if getting bumped off seats is a common thing for you guys? Or is it a once in a blue moon thing?

I fly a fair bit with various Australian airlines and have never been bumped before. I've had flights cancelled, delayed etc but never told I can't get onto a flight if the flight is still going ahead.  

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That's not a common thing. If they do ask if you want to give up your seat, it's before you board the plane not after. I've heard of then removing passengers that are drunk and disorderly. 

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1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

That's not a common thing. If they do ask if you want to give up your seat, it's before you board the plane not after. I've heard of then removing passengers that are drunk and disorderly. 

Ahh thanks! The media made it sound like it was so common to rock up and not get your booked seat!

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Overbooking is common, boarding passengers and then realising you've over booked because you planned on putting four of your own staff on the plane probably is the unique/uncommon part of the incident. It's basically greed. Airlines sell more tickets then what's on the plane in case someone doesn't make their flight or cancels at the last minute. I think I heard satistics on the news that there was 470,000 cases of over booking last year and 70,000 of those were asked to leave while on the aircraft. 

I mean at the end of the day this wasn't even a typical overbooking. This was the airline forcibly removing a paying customers, while not being able to offer a replacement flight until the next day, so they could fly their own staff. The fact that they were too cheap to I don't know hire a car, cost them $1 billion dollars on the stock market and potentially millions more in litigation when this guy sues. 

Edited by LeighAn
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It is pure greed.   The news tried to sell overbooking as a way to keep from having to pass the costs of lost revenue on to the customers, but that's just twisting the facts.  It's not like the people that miss their flights get a full refund if any refund and if they get put on another flight, you can bet that the airline isn't bumping other passangers to make room.  

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On 4/14/2017 at 3:29 AM, Mellowyellow said:

oh poor Mittens! *huggles* @BkWurm1

Did people ship Sam and Jack? SG1 was such a good viewing experience! I was invested in the show but very zen about the ships! 

Chuck was awesome too! I felt like with Chuck it was obvious that there was only one ship and anything else was just plot chugging along. I never doubted that they were going to be endgame. hehe and I enjoyed watching BR's character even though he went nuts! I think I just like BR in general! 

Yeah Sam and Jack got shipped but the other big time ship was Jack and Daniel, lol.  

On 4/14/2017 at 11:08 AM, scarynikki12 said:

Cats are THE BEST.  I've had them my whole life and I second that they're easy to train as long as you're aware of what they need.  My current two came to me at barely six weeks and they were already litter box trained by their birth mom.  I've also had kittens who weren't yet trained but if you show them where the litter box is right away they will teach themselves.  Cats scratch as a way to relieve anxiety (which is why I'm 100% against declawing because it's a lot harder for them to deal with said anxiety) so a good scratching post is a great investment that they will absolutely love.  Start trimming their claws when they're kittens (or, schedule regular visits to the vet if you don't want to do it yourself) so they get used to it and, as far as them scratching on furniture, there are two ways to handle it: 1) the spray bottle (with water only! my grandma always tried to get me to spray their eyes with vinegar but that's mean and hurtful; they're kittens for heaven's sake!) or 2) treats.  Spray when they're actively working on the furniture and give the treats when they use the post.  As for cuddles, if you want to cuddle them as adults, then you have to cuddle them as kittens.  My Gus has always been a cuddler but Cleo is more independent.  But, because I cuddled her incessantly when she was a kitten, she will indulge me far longer than she probably would if I'd left her alone.  And they both insist on sleeping with me, which means I only have a tiny corner to myself (cats have an amazing ability to expand in size when they're on a human bed and somehow take up 99% of the mattress), but it's sweet and comforting.

In summary: GET THE CAT(S)!

Aww!  I have a Cleo as well, but she's my sweetest, most cuddly kitty.  Ironic since she's also the head cat in charge, but she is a benevolent dictator.

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On 14.04.2017 at 7:10 AM, Mellowyellow said:

this white cat used to sit and hiss at us when we passed it's house on our walk.

Cats just get scared easily, and when they get scared they tried to make themselves more scary than they feel. Hence the hissing and stuff. Small animals like cats are scared of bigger animals, like dogs.

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On 4/13/2017 at 11:00 PM, statsgirl said:

Cats are really low maintenance compared to a dog.  Basically all you have to do is feed them, clean out the litter box, and make sure they stay healthy.  You can even leave them alone at home for up to a day. 

UP to a day? With automatic feeders and waterers, I can leave mine for a week. The litter boxes get a bit scary, though.

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I'll leave the cats for a weekend no worries and have done four days but they are usually annoyed by the time I come home and I'll get the cold shoulder, but still they are fine, lol.  

36 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

UP to a day? With automatic feeders and waterers, I can leave mine for a week. The litter boxes get a bit scary, though.

Multiple litter boxes help there.  

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I have four litter boxes. There's no way around it, they're scary after a week, no matter how many you have. The setup I have is a pet door to the garage and all the cat stuff is out there. Litter boxes, food, water, etc. Cats are messy, they scatter stuff everywhere. This way, it stays out of my house.

Automatic litter boxes are worthless in a house with multiple cats. They're great if you only have one, though.

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'll leave the cats for a weekend no worries and have done four days but they are usually annoyed by the time I come home and I'll get the cold shoulder, but still they are fine, lol.  

So much this,  back when i had a cat vacations were the worst.   Never mind that  I had people over to feed and entertain her,  she would not talk to me for weeks.   One week vacation equals one month punishment.   Drama queen. 

Edited by Delphi
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The smarter a cat is, the more they're going to miss you when you're gone.  Fish, on the other hand, won't notice if you're gone as long as someone feeds them.

On 2017-04-14 at 1:26 AM, Mellowyellow said:

ooh nice name! I loved Vala and Claudia Black! I watched that entire series to humour hubby (including the movies) and I actually liked it! Except the Ori storyline. The Ori storyline was crappy!

Stargate Atlantis was awful though! Even hubby gave up at some point! 

My daughter met Claudia Black at a con and told her that she had named her cat after Vala.  Black was pleased because she's well aware that Vala wasn't the most popular character, shall we say.  'Memento Mori' is still one of my favourite Stargate episodes though.

The Ori storyline was bad but the Replicators still give nightmares.

Did your hubby ever try Sanctuary?  Damian Kindler created it (he moved on to Sleepy Hollow after and is now the showrunner for Krypton) and brought in Amanda Tapping and Martin Wood from Stargate.  It started as a web series and then became a real series, but almost entire green screen CGI because they had to make it for peanuts.  I thought it was pretty good though, and Christopher Heyerdahl is awesome in anything. (He played the DD's assistant in 'My Name Is Oliver Queen'.)

On 2017-04-15 at 2:22 PM, BkWurm1 said:

Yeah Sam and Jack got shipped but the other big time ship was Jack and Daniel, lol. 

I loved it when that (non-canon) ship got referenced in the '200' episode.  Way to have a sense of humour about your show and your fans.

Edited by statsgirl
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My cats are very clingy when I get home from being gone a few days.  Pretty much right on top of me.  Other than food of course. :)

Not to change the subject, but I enjoyed this article.  Mark Hamill tells stories about sneaking in to see the original Star Wars trailer with Carrie Fisher, advice about ad libbing from Harrison Ford, and kids' reaction to meeting him now. 


Edited by Starfish35
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They have the original early trailer in that article and if ever there was proof how much the score of a movie matters, this is it. Without the polished special effects and the John Williams' score, the trailer is pretty bad.  

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50 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The script is pretty bad too -- a billion years in the making .....a boy, a girl, .. renegades .....   hundreds of aliens....

I would have skipped that film too after seeing the trailer..

It was probably a trailer like that that made me ship Luke and Leia when I was a kid.  Soooo many regrets.  

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5 hours ago, Delphi said:

So much this,  back when i had a cat vacations were the worst.   Never mind that  I had people over to feed and entertain her,  she would not talk to me for weeks.   One week vacation equals one month punishment.   Drama queen. 


3 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

My cats are very clingy when I get home from being gone a few days.  Pretty much right on top of me.  Other than food of course. :)

I have 2 cats brother/sister that were abandoned by the mother (she's took the other 4 and never came back for these 2).

When i come back from vacation, the girl gives me the cold would and the boy is extremely clingy. LOL

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On 4/16/2017 at 3:12 AM, BkWurm1 said:

It is pure greed.   The news tried to sell overbooking as a way to keep from having to pass the costs of lost revenue on to the customers, but that's just twisting the facts.  It's not like the people that miss their flights get a full refund if any refund and if they get put on another flight, you can bet that the airline isn't bumping other passangers to make room.  

I was wondering if you guys got your money back if you miss a flight. We don't if we get cheap tickets (which is the kind of ticket everyone buys). I had thought maybe you guys got a better refund deal and your airlines overbooked more.

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They are supposed to put you on the next available flight. And they can give you up to $800, although many people are offered less.  (Delta has upped that this week after the new broke.)

The problem is that sometimes the next flight is much later so people can lose a day or two of their vacation.  And those who are going to a wedding or a funeral or some other special occasion can never get the loss made up.

What amazes me is that when the news first broke, United stocks actually went up. It's only later when it went viral and people were so angry that stock holders thought "Hey, maybe this publicity isn't so good after all."  Business is amoral.

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

@BkWurm1 who would you pick for yourself? Ray or Oliver?

I think you know who I'd pick!

Why do you have to bring real life into it? Hahahahaha.

 And technically, now that Ray is traveling through time, I'm not sure I'd pick either but yes, if you forced me in a real life situation to choose between the guy that has racked up 40 plus murders and hide the existence of a surprise kid vs the doting tech genius that overshares and wants nothing more than to commit himself to a partner (and be a superhero, sigh) then my head says I'd pick Ray.  BUT if the heart was involved, all bets are off.  ;)

Actually, if we are picking dream men, I'd like Pierce Brosnan circa 1999 please and thank you.  

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With a Hollywood Writers’ Strike Looming, Here’s What to Know


How likely is a strike?

Longtime Hollywood power players — agents, studio executives, labor lawyers — put the chance at roughly 51 percent. But it changes by the day.

Edited by tv echo
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14 minutes ago, yellowfred said:

That seems like kind of an odd time to start a strike.  Like, the 07-08 strike started somewhere in November, which meant that most regular shows either couldn't come back from winter hiatus or could only come back with an episode or two.  Plus, it was right when the presidential primaries were getting started, so the fact that no one was writing for late night was a pretty big deal.  

With it starting in May, it'll be a while before general viewership even notices, since even most summer shows are already done shooting.  Hopefully, producers and network execs will be proactive in getting things resolved before it's time to start planning for next season, because, by the time it starts having enough of an effect on the viewing public to force the issue, most shows will already be months behind on production.

Apparently that's when the current contract runs out.  From Deadline:


If it comes to that, a strike can’t start until midnight May 1, when the guild’s current film and TV contract expires. But a work stoppage can still be averted if the two sides can reach an agreement when they return to the bargaining table next week after a second two-week hiatus.

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They only have one week to reach an agreement though. I hope they can do it. I heard they made progress on salaries last time, but health care is the hot issue for them.

I'm hopeful this strike wouldn't last as long as the last one.

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It's not even that. 10 years ago there was no Netflix or Amazon shows. They don't run on the same production schedule and can put out new content while the networks would have Nothing to air.

And last time they were dealing with shows streaming on line and the writers wanting to be paid for that and it took three months for something pretty logical to be resolved.  I worry about the content that Netflix and Amazon might have waiting since if they have stuff ready to go, they might be able to stonewall for a while and since they are an important part of the problem/solution, them dragging their feet could potentially screw the Network's interests.  

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14 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Apparently that's when the current contract runs out.

Yeah, that makes sense.  The problem remains, though, that it's not an especially convenient time to go on strike.  Strikes only work when enough people are impacted by it that they put pressure on the other party to settle it.  Like, video game voice actors have been striking for six months now, and they're not making any traction because it's not putting any major game releases on hold, so not enough people notice/care.  

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4 minutes ago, yellowfred said:

Yeah, that makes sense.  The problem remains, though, that it's not an especially convenient time to go on strike.  Strikes only work when enough people are impacted by it that they put pressure on the other party to settle it.  Like, video game voice actors have been striking for six months now, and they're not making any traction because it's not putting any major game releases on hold, so not enough people notice/care.  

I didn't even know til your post that video game voice actors were on strike.  

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8 hours ago, ruby24 said:

 but health care is the hot issue for them.

Only in America...

I hope they can reach an agreement that is fair to the writers.  Without good writing, a show is only a shadow of what it can be but it seems like the writers never get enough respect.

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Hey guys how does your healthcare work in the US?

I have heard that you get your health insurance from work so does this mean that once you leave a role you have no more health insurance until you move to the next job that covers you?

If you were unemployed and you had a medical condition do you get treatment from the public health system? Do you queue up in the system or do they just leave you to fend for yourself if you can't pay for treatment? 

If you got pregnant and no health insurance can you go to hospital to have your baby? Does anyone monitor your pregnancy?

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6 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

or do they just leave you to fend for yourself if you can't pay for treatment? 

Pretty much that. 

We get the more affordable options through our work (allegedly) and after leaving it lasts a certain amount of time after which you can keep it for an obscene markup.  Usually you just try to keep it until you get on your next employers health plan. 

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We don't have to get health insurance from our employer, it's just much cheaper to do that. Since the cost is shared with employer. We have to cover the entire amount on public health insurance. We do have a different insurance for low income families, it takes a lot to qualify though. 

We can go to the emergency room without insurance and will get treated. But we would the be responsible for the entire bill. Basically we need health insurance, be able to pay for the everything or never get sick.

That's why health insurance is such a hot topic over here. 

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7 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I have heard that you get your health insurance from work so does this mean that once you leave a role you have no more health insurance until you move to the next job that covers you?

Yeah, that's one of the reasons that health insurance is such a big issue for the WGA and a lot of similar unions (SAG, Actors Equity, etc.).  Since so much of their work is sporadic, writers tend to get their health insurance from the guild, rather than their employer.  Same thing with their pension, which is another sticking point that they haven't been able to agree on.

11 minutes ago, lexicon said:

What about paid maternity leave? I read that's not guaranteed, is that true? 

That is true.  Like, it varies from company to company, and sometimes position to position, but nothing is legally guaranteed except that they can't fire you.

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I'm amazed at paid maternity leave not being a sure thing. I'd understand if it were limited for a short period but none at all is crazy - at least from my perspective.

We get three months, provided you've been employed for at least a year at your current job. The first month is fully funded by the employer and for the next two months, the employer pays half of the salary and the government insurance chips in for the other half. 

I'm so sorry for the mothers who have to rush back to work after having a baby because they can't afford not to. 

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*happy dance* ...

The X-Files Renewed For Season 11 At Fox
BY LAURA HURLEY   April 20, 2017


Season 11 of The X-Files -- or the second chapter of the event series, if you prefer -- will run for ten full episodes, which is four more than we got back in 2016. Original series creator Chris Carter will be on more to executive produce yet again. More importantly, stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have both signed on to return to their iconic roles of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Production will begin this summer, with the season itself set to air in the 2017-2018 TV season.

The tenth season drew huge ratings for Fox as it brought old fans out of the woodwork and won new fans. The six episodes of 2016 touched on everything from the alien abductions to the monsters to the classic conflict of skeptic vs. believer that drove the original series for so many years. The renewal for Season 11 comes as especially great news for those of us who have been driving ourselves crazy wondering what would happen next after the insane cliffhanger in the Season 10 finale. We may not find out anytime too soon, but at least we now know that we will find out.

Edited by tv echo
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4 hours ago, lexicon said:

I'm amazed at paid maternity leave not being a sure thing. I'd understand if it were limited for a short period but none at all is crazy - at least from my perspective.

We get three months, provided you've been employed for at least a year at your current job. The first month is fully funded by the employer and for the next two months, the employer pays half of the salary and the government insurance chips in for the other half. 

I'm so sorry for the mothers who have to rush back to work after having a baby because they can't afford not to. 

It's crazy.  My sister-in-law was a school bus driver at the time of her last pregnancy.  She couldn't even get more than a week off of work without losing a big end of the year bonus and ended up taking the baby WITH her everyday on the bus. At one week old. The kid got so used to drinking his bottle on his own propped up in his car seat that he refused to take it if someone was holding it!  (And he has one side of his head that is rather flat as well, sorry Sam!)

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