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Small Talk: The Quiver

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1 hour ago, calliope1975 said:

Whatevs, dude, you do you, I suppose.

Out of sheer curiosity, when did "you do you" become a thing? It's everywhere now. I've heard it used across ages and coolness levels.

It has hit pop culture with such ferocity, I was just wondering if anyone knew how it became so common.

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4 minutes ago, kismet said:

Out of sheer curiosity, when did "you do you" become a thing? It's everywhere now. I've heard it used across ages and coolness levels.

It has hit pop culture with such ferocity, I was just wondering if anyone knew how it became so common.

I've been using it for a few years, but I just looked up the origins - http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/237115/what-is-the-origin-history-of-you-do-you-or-do-you

The more you know!

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14 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I've been using it for a few years, but I just looked up the origins - http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/237115/what-is-the-origin-history-of-you-do-you-or-do-you

The more you know!

Thanks! I always used "do your thing" so apparently I'm older. :( I also use on point instead of on fleek.

That and this might be further confirmation that I am not part of the millennial generation. Moving up (or down) in the generational vernacular I guess :(

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1 hour ago, kismet said:

Thanks! I always used "do your thing" so apparently I'm older. :( I also use on point instead of on fleek.

That and this might be further confirmation that I am not part of the millennial generation. Moving up (or down) in the generational vernacular I guess :(

I tried switching to on fleek.  But as it turns out,  I think it's stupid so I went back to on point.   I lasted a week with it. 

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15 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Jewelry, furniture, I got a car.

I actually just bought a new (to me) car, and did all my proper research beforehand. Which means a LOT of car ads now.

I feel pretty okay about the two pairs of earrings, as my yearly jewelry budget is usually nearly $0, but I probably shouldn't make a habit of it.

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Same. I've been looking for this car for months. I loved my Mazda3 but after getting it stuck for a week in the snow, we needed to go our separate ways. I pulled a Lorelai Gilmore v snow with my car. It was ugly.

Lol one of my first thoughts was NO MORE CAR ADs! 

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4 hours ago, foreverevolving said:

AdBlocker and a flash one add-on will keep the ads away.

I use "Ublock Origin" and "Flash control" on my chrome browser.

I know Barry can be a mega-idiot at times, but trying to control a superhero can backfire massively.  What if you want him to take of something he shouldn't take care of, what if you don't want him to take care of something he should?

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16 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

I know Barry can be a mega-idiot at times, but trying to control a superhero can backfire massively.  What if you want him to take of something he shouldn't take care of, what if you don't want him to take care of something he should?

rofl!!! I waited to see how long it will take for someone to make a Flash joke :-P

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Why, why haven't you made a Spider-Gwen hoodie for men, Marvel?  Seriously, her costume is freaking awesome.  I would wear a zip up hoodie of it.

Edited by Jediknight
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12 hours ago, Chaser said:

Same. I've been looking for this car for months. I loved my Mazda3 but after getting it stuck for a week in the snow, we needed to go our separate ways. I pulled a Lorelai Gilmore v snow with my car. It was ugly.

Lol one of my first thoughts was NO MORE CAR ADs! 

What did you get? I wanted a compact SUV bc I transport dogs and need the space. US News, shockingly, had the GMC Terrain as #1 in compact SUVs in both overall quality and reliability for 3-4 years running. I NEVER would have considered buying a GMC without that info. Got a 2014 and I really like it so far. 

My favorite thing  may be the cupholders. They have these squeezy things in them so different-sized cups fit snugly. I am easily made happy.

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I have a 2016 Mazda CX-5.

 My wish list was simple. AWD, SUV, reasonable gas mileage. I'm a Mazda girl so I looked there first and was happy to see theirs highly rated. I love it. 

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In unrelated news the multiquote function is working on my cell. Apparently, the problem was that my OS wasn't up to date. That was by design but the sucker turned off on me one day and started updating on its own before I could turn it back on.

Things do look sort of odd but I can't argue there aren't benefits.

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14 hours ago, Chaser said:

Lol one of my first thoughts was NO MORE CAR ADs! 

It took me 3 weeks till they stopped and I still kept getting

I loved my Mazda Protege but it was old enough to drink and finally bit the bullet.  It took me 1 1 /2 years to find a (used) car I could work with but even now I'm still sad that there is only half the storage places in the front my old car had.  I guess car designers don't think to put on their make-up on their way to work.

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A Mazda Protege was my first car. I love it till the day someone blacked out behind their wheel and hit it head on. Luckily it was sitting parked and no one got hurt. 

I'm picky with cars. When I know which one I want I won't settle, which means I always love the car but the search takes forever. I had basically given up hope of finding the car sooner rather than later because the inventory in the used section wasn't there. This one just fall into my lap. 

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5 minutes ago, Thundercatmary said:

I am unable to download the Pokemon Go app cause my stupid phone. D:

It is stupid and stupidly fun and amazing. I'm already planning my walk tomorrow to see who I can find. 

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I love Mazdas too but they keep rusting out on the bottom.  (Lots of salt in winter here.)  I've had two die on me because of the rust.

When I get enough money, I'll get a new CX-3.  Till then, it's a used Yaris.

Edited by statsgirl
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19 minutes ago, Thundercatmary said:

I am unable to download the Pokemon Go app cause my stupid phone. D:

Sorry to hear that, what kind of phone do you have?

And yea I just downloaded it and.. i'm willing to give it a shot. it's gonna be a bump(y) walk around places with people nose stuck in their phones :-P.

I did catch my first poke, a charmander!

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2 minutes ago, foreverevolving said:

Sorry to hear that, what kind of phone do you have?

And yea I just downloaded it and.. i'm willing to give it a shot. it's gonna be a bump(y) walk around places with people nose stuck in their phones :-P.

I did catch my first poke, a charmander!

I have an IPhone which i do like, but I need to upgrade to the newest OS update and I don't have the room on my phone for the update. Oh well it's fine. Have fun!

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13 minutes ago, quarks said:

I have the U.S. Olympics women gymnastics trials on in the background and now I want all of these women bouncing around on the floor to come and be stunt people on all of the Arrowverse shows.

I'm watching it too!!

Every 4 years I get overly invested in hops, balance checks and out of bounds.

I'm really rooting for Aly Raisman!! I think she is so good. And she was jipped on a technicality for an individual all around medal in London.

I'm oddly not feeling Gabby Douglas this time around. And I loved her last time :(

I definitely do not envy Marta's job, USA women's gymnastics has a pretty deep field.

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Honestly, I won't be paying much attention until the actual Olympics, but when one of the women went bouncing over the floor and then did a somersault in the air I was like Arrow! HIRE HER! 

And they need to get that woman who just did the vault to do that using a bad guy as a vault.

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I've come to believe that the Sleepy Hollow showrunners and writers are Masochists, and the people who run Fox are Sadists. It can only explain why they got rid of Abby and decided to replace her with


a 30-something female & her 11 yr old daughter. Because that doesn't have trouble written all over it. Find one TV drama in the last 5 years that has had a tolerable 11yr old child on it. There is almost no way they don't fall victim to the tween/teenager plague that infests so many shows & ruins them almost to the point of not watching. At least if the kid was younger it could just be cute, maybe make a few well-placed jokes or reactions to Ichabod.


Also doesn't Fox already have this set-up, it's called Lucifer. I don't recall it doing so well.

At least there not bringing back his dead wife again? Baby steps...

This is not a retooling, as much as a here is some kerosene to help you put out that fire in your house.

Edited by kismet
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Guys what do people mean when they call a character a "special snowflake"? I am watching Shield and notice that Skye is referred to as a "special snowflake" a fair bit.

Is it a character that everyone in the show is in love with and everyone tries to save them eg Elena from Vampire Diaries (although I don't recall her being called a special snowflake, people were just annoyed with her).

Is it when the character is not that great but everyone in the show thinks they are wonderful (the lead chick on Covert Affairs)

I quite like Skye but am only up to midway season 2 so curious as to what beef some have with her character.

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

I quite like Skye but am only up to midway season 2 so curious as to what beef some have with her character.

My problem with here was she was the central character of everything, despite there being much better characters around and she was so important that the team would attack a SHIELD compound and kill 2 innocent guards.  I'd rather they cut down on her time, and given some of it to May, Simmons, Fitz, Trip, Mack, or Hunter.

Edited by Jediknight
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I have no idea what goes on re: behind the scenes or writing process on AoS, but the feeling I have as a low-key viewer is every other character is in a ensemble procedural cop show, while Skye is in a The Chosen Girl female-lead WB of the '90s teen show.

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IMO, a "special snowflake" is a fictional character on a tv show who is viewed as special or superior for some reason and therefore is treated differently from every other character.  He or she gets more time and attention and also gets away with behavior that would otherwise merit consequences if done by another character.  The "snowflake" term is used because each snowflake is unique. So someone who is a special snowflake thinks he or she is even more special and unique than everyone else and deserves more special treatment.  There's often a sense of entitlement and self-importance.

ETA: A special snowflake stands out even more in ensemble shows or even protagonist shows where it's not clear why he or she is a special snowflake.

Edited by tv echo
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11 hours ago, kismet said:

I'm watching it too!!

Every 4 years I get overly invested in hops, balance checks and out of bounds.

I'm really rooting for Aly Raisman!! I think she is so good. And she was jipped on a technicality for an individual all around medal in London.

I'm oddly not feeling Gabby Douglas this time around. And I loved her last time :(

I definitely do not envy Marta's job, USA women's gymnastics has a pretty deep field.

Re: Douglas. Same. Something seems to be missing, hopefully Marta can find it at the The Ranch.

Really excited for Biles, Hernandez and Raisman. 

I've officially started my Olympic read ups of the main sports. I'm one of those people who watches nothing but the Olympics for 17 days. I buy an Olympic shirt and dig in. 

This year is going to be particularly interesting. 

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I didn't really have a problem with Skye until this season.  I know people have had problems with her since the beginning, mainly I think because of how Coulson/the show treats her as someone super special, and the character doesn't really warrant that.  And while I got that, it didn't really bother me for some reason until this season.  But this season, particularly in the last half, wow.  She reaaaaally was getting on my nerves.  

I think the character works fine if she's treated like just one of the team.   It's when the show starts singling her out and treating her like the most important character on the show that it starts getting irritating.  For one thing, the character just isn't interesting enough IMO to warrant Female Lead status, and Chloe Bennett, while a decent actress, is not strong enough to carry the show like that.  Especially when surrounded with far more talented actresses. 

*shrug*  That's just my two cents.

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9 minutes ago, FurryFury said:

I had zero problems with Skye, but Daisy bored me to death (along with the rest of the cast), and I quit AoS during season 3.

I agree about Skye vs Daisy.   And I think (behind spoilers because mellowyellow hasn't caught up yet) 


that making her the team leader for the Secret Warriors project was a mistake. 

Edited by Starfish35
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Skye's special snowflake status was a big reason I stopped watching AoS after season 1.  Good to know I made the right decision.  May was awesome, my geek side bonded with Simmons, but the show and Coulson revolved around Skye.

I agree, Barry is oh so much the special snowflake. Oliver catches crap for everything, Barry opens the portal to villains from other Earths and he gets a Flash Thank You Day.

For me, a big problem with Special Snowflakes is that they often make me stop watching the show altogether.  Greg House (House M.D.) himself was bad enough but when Thirteen made a fatal mistake and he fired everyone else on the team and kept her, I knew the writing was on the wall.

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5 hours ago, Chaser said:

Re: Douglas. Same. Something seems to be missing, hopefully Marta can find it at the The Ranch.

Really excited for Biles, Hernandez and Raisman. 

I've officially started my Olympic read ups of the main sports. I'm one of those people who watches nothing but the Olympics for 17 days. I buy an Olympic shirt and dig in. 

This year is going to be particularly interesting. 

Same. So we're both preparing for the #roadtorio. I love the Olympics!

Part of me wonders If she doesnt find IT, she might find herself off the team. They made a big deal of the alternates. The Karolyis dont mess around.

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