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Small Talk: The Quiver


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Did anyone (or interested in) The Affair? I saw the premiere online..it's pretty great actually.


My DirecTV is showing it on The Audience Network (channel 101) this week.  I watched it last night.  The twisty thing they did half way in had me going, "What the??"  I'm also intrigued by the ending, so I might have to watch it.  It's got some great actors/actresses in it (Dominic West, Maura Tierney, Joshua Jackson, Ruth Wilson).

Did anyone (or interested in) The Affair? I saw the premiere online..it's pretty great actually.


I did. I liked it better than I thought I would, especially the conflicting stories. I was surprised at the midpoint as well. I'll be watching to see what happens. Also I love Joshua Jackson, I was only interested in it because of him. With Fringe over I was hoping he'd get a new show. The girl playing the oldest daughter played Sasha on that Bunheads show on ABC Family, she was good in that so I'll see how she does on here.

Edited by Sakura12
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I have only been half paying attention because I saw the pilot early. Could someone please tell me what was changed under tags?


On Arrow,

Barry left Starling City and got to Central City too late to be able to attend the ceremony for the particle accelerator. On The Flash, he was in town that day (although he HAD visited Starling - Iris mentioned it), hung out with Iris, and made it to the ceremony. It wasn't until later that night (after the accelerator had been turned on) that it blew up and he got struck by lightning.


ETA: You probably remember what happened on Arrow, but I'm leaving it. :)

Edited by apinknightmare
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So... The flash is all sorts of cute. Definitely will watch next week

I really liked it too. Grant Gustin is so ridiculously charming that I've loved Barry from the moment he first appeared in "The Scientist." And I'm so amused by the tonal difference between The Flash and Arrow. As soon as Oliver showed up, the show got about 500% more broody, which literally made me laugh out loud.

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I watched the Flash pilot a month or so ago (yes when it got leaked). It wasn't fully my cup of tea, i prefer broody dramas (which is why Arrow and Gotham are currently my favorite shows). with that being said i'm still gonna give it a shot, because of Arrow, so i'm hoping this will be just as good given a few episode to figure and fix the kinks.


the Oliver Barry scene was awful, and that is with capital A. but whatever.


In all honesty right now i'm only interested in the show because: i think GG is adorable, west senior and walls are interesting to me, the guest stars coming on- Felicity and the Arrow crossover specifically, and that damn mystery in the end- Walls able to walk, the WayneTech/QueenInc merger and the note to the crisis thing (which i have some idea but not enough since i don't read comics).



On another note, last night episode Gotham was as good as the previous one. the show is quickly becoming must see TV for me.

Edited by foreverevolving

I like

quippy Oliver, but I do not like schmaltzy inspirational one-liner Oliver. It was like he got a personality transplant.

I assume he's just sooo happy these days that he comes off corny.  Love 'll do that to yah.  ;)


The retcon of things from Arrow didn't bother me much.


Technically what Barry told Felicity was true, he did make it back in time for the start of the generator and I suppose by the time he got done dealing with the mugging, he lost his chance to go inside. 


On Arrow we assumed she was calling close to the time he would have got back, but that didn't have to be the case so I was ok with tweaking the timeline.  They really couldn't have introduced the characters without the adjustment. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I don't know if you watch The Good Wife but that 'in my opinion' reminded me of the judge who wanted all her lawyers to preface every argument with 'in my opinion'.

Ah, Judge Patrice Lessner. I sorta miss her.


I feel like people are more sensitive these days to opinions especially online because I can say that Laurel sucks and people would think I believed my word was law and then I'd proceed to get hated on. It's quite annoying to preface everything you say with an IMO. What's becoming even more popular especially with Arrow is prefacing your argument with "I'm not a shipper" or "I don't ship" because apparently that would make ones argument more valid? Because Shipper = Teen Fangirl. And apparently teenage girls' opinions don't matter. smh.

  • Love 5

Ah, Judge Patrice Lessner. I sorta miss her.


I feel like people are more sensitive these days to opinions especially online because I can say that Laurel sucks and people would think I believed my word was law and then I'd proceed to get hated on. It's quite annoying to preface everything you say with an IMO. What's becoming even more popular especially with Arrow is prefacing your argument with "I'm not a shipper" or "I don't ship" because apparently that would make ones argument more valid? Because Shipper = Teen Fangirl. And apparently teenage girls' opinions don't matter. smh.


Lolz, so true. Everything is an opinion in an online forum, that should be a given and IMO must never be required to explain your thoughts away.

Oh I mostly preface my opinion with "I love Felicity so I may be biased" because unless you are dealing with physical/natural sciences, everything is subjected to outside influences. We are clouded by our likes, dislikes, preferences etc and so are our opinions. I am never neutral because I am not a fucking gear, I always have some opinion about something or the other, otherwise why would I bother going online and express my 'neutrality'?

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I like

quippy Oliver, but I do not like schmaltzy inspirational one-liner Oliver. It was like he got a personality transplant.


I fanwanked it as Barry ran so fast he time-traveled to future Starling City when Oliver is the quippiest quip who ever quipped, and also a successful bestselling self-help author for all superheroes that came after him.

  • Love 3

I assume he's just sooo happy these days that he comes off corny.  Love 'll do that to yah.  ;)


Technically what Barry told Felicity was true, he did make it back in time for the start of the generator and I suppose by the time he got done dealing with the mugging, he lost his chance to go inside. 


On Arrow we assumed she was calling close to the time he would have got back, but that didn't have to be the case so I was ok with tweaking the timeline.  They really couldn't have introduced the characters without the adjustment. 


In The Flash, Barry didn't just make it back in time for the particle accelerator - he was already there. He was in Central City that whole day (when on Arrow, he rushed back so he could make it in time - and missed the cutoff in line to get in, when on The Flash, he didn't).


I mean, I get why they did it story wise, because it'd be clunky to introduce Iris and everyone then somehow explain Barry taking off for a few days. It just irritates me because they're in the same universe and it doesn't match, and I liiiiike matchy things.

I fanwanked it as Barry ran so fast he time-traveled to future Starling City when Oliver is the quippiest quip who ever quipped, and also a successful bestselling self-help author for all superheroes that came after him.


I don't think the New York Times Bestseller List struck you, Oliver. I think it chose you.

  • Love 3
Everything is an opinion in an online forum, that should be a given



In my opinion, 80% of what's in an online forum is an opinion :)


I'm kinda mixed about the phrase, to be honest?  I'm old enough that when I was in school, we were taught never to use "in my opinion" or "I think" when writing essays/arguments, which is more or less what these forums are, at least informally. So it's a bit difficult for me to remember to put the "in my opinion" in there, and I really had to adjust to that when I first started posting at TWOP.  Having said that, I think it helps me to remember what was actually shown on screen, and how I'm interpreting it, which for me is not always the same thing.  


I'm also not a lawyer.

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In The Flash, Barry didn't just make it back in time for the particle accelerator - he was already there. He was in Central City that whole day (when on Arrow, he rushed back so he could make it in time - and missed the cutoff in line to get in, when on The Flash, he didn't).

Here's where they get sneaky. Central City is 600 miles away so by my book, him getting back on the job at some unknown hour to do just an poo analysis before he races off to go stand in line, still fits the timeline established by his conversation with Felicity.

She asked if he made it back in time. Traveling 600 miles is more complicated than just hopping on the subway for a few blocks. Even if he left Starling in apparently plenty of time so that he'd be back in Central with time to spare, I have no problem with Felicity asking if he made it back in time since in travel there are often complications. I think we in the audience inferred a certain timeline on Arrow but the tweaked understanding I don't think contradicts anything except the comment about missing the cut off in the line as opposed to him chasing after a mugger (unsuccessfully) but again, both what we saw on The Flash and what he told Felicity could be true. He left out the mugger distraction part but then again he liked Felicity and Iris had friend zoned him and was he really going to emphasize his failed crime fighting spree when he was still hoping to get the girl who had a thing for the Arrow to think about going out with him some time?

It's quite annoying to preface everything you say with an IMO

Eh, if it helps preempt someone going ragey, it's worth three little letters. The alternative is staying away from all the inflammatory stuff but where's the fun in that? IMO all you need to do is throw it in there at the beginning and everything else in the post is covered. :)

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Here's where they get sneaky. Central City is 600 miles away so by my book, him getting back on the job at some unknown hour to do just an poo analysis before he races off to go stand in line, still fits the timeline established by his conversation with Felicity.

She asked if he made it back in time. Traveling 600 miles is more complicated than just hopping on the subway for a few blocks. Even if he left Starling in apparently plenty of time so that he'd be back in Central with time to spare, I have no problem with Felicity asking if he made it back in time since in travel there are often complications. I think we in the audience inferred a certain timeline on Arrow but the tweaked understanding I don't think contradicts anything except the comment about missing the cut off in the line as opposed to him chasing after a mugger (unsuccessfully) but again, both what we saw on The Flash and what he told Felicity could be true. He left out the mugger distraction part but then again he liked Felicity and Iris had friend zoned him and was he really going to emphasize his failed crime fighting spree when he was still hoping to get the girl who had a thing for the Arrow to think about going out with him some time?


The timeline is absolutely contradictory though. In Three Ghosts, Barry is in Starling City after nightfall on the night he gets hit by lightning (he was in the foundry before Oliver went out in search of Cyrus Gold - he presumably left at some point while Oliver was out). He first shows up on The Flash in the same exact clothes he was wearing on Arrow, only now it's daytime. Which, fine, maybe he took the train and he didn't get back until the next morning. Only problem is, he talks to Felicity after nightfall right before he gets hit by lightning (when he tells her he missed the cutoff in line), and she's wearing the exact same outfit she was wearing when he was with her before Oliver went out to catch Gold - so is he. So, the timeline definitely changed. 


Like I said, it's not a big deal, and I get why they did it. It's just a bit of a peeve for me. :)

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Dear East Coasters,


I am so jealous that you all get to watch the S3 premiere in several minutes (3 hours earlier than me) when I am practically vibrating with anticipation at finally having Arrow back. I'll need to leave the internets soon to avoid all the gifs and reactions that I'm sure will overwhelm this place, tumblr, twitter, and all other social media sites. Can't wait to read everyone's thoughts. I hope the show does as well as, or close to, The Flash's pilot's ratings.



An anxious West Coaster

Dear East Coasters,


I am so jealous that you all get to watch the S3 premiere in several minutes (3 hours earlier than me) when I am practically vibrating with anticipation at finally having Arrow back. I'll need to leave the internets soon to avoid all the gifs and reactions that I'm sure will overwhelm this place, tumblr, twitter, and all other social media sites. Can't wait to read everyone's thoughts. I hope the show does as well as, or close to, The Flash's pilot's ratings.



An anxious West Coaster


We are the preferred time zone for normal television viewing, but not the preferred time zone for sporting events (I would love for football to start at 10AM on Sundays).

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I think it's quite confusing as well. Sometimes a post starts in the spoilers thread, but then it stops using spoilers so it has to move to the non spoilers thread, but then it has to move back. Sometimes a post is in the behind the mask thread, but it should be in the news and media thread.


I think with the organic nature of communication, topics on here usually quickly transform into different topics, and back, which makes it really difficult to figure our what goes where and whether it needs to be moved. 

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The best tool to figure out where to post is the first post in the Notes from The Mods topic; that gives you a breakdown of most of the topics in the forum, and what belongs where. It does currently need a bit of tweaking, but we're getting to it! We generally do try to give each topic some leeway, and step in only when a topic has gone completely off the rails; in light of over 600 posts in just under 24 hours, there is NO shortage of posts these days, and we'll be able to relax a bit when posting calms down.




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George Clooney at Comic-Con...


I... I... i'm gonna go and whimper for a bit.




Flash has nabbed Victor Garber to play Dr. Martin Stein who is apparently the second person in the two that is Firestorm. and all i care is: Victor Garber!! yea i may be sticking around The Flash just for him! he's an amazing actor! good for you Flash.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Forgot to add: From Mind Your Surroundings:

I loved Sleepy Hollow last season but making Katrina a regular cast member is not working for me. It's like the reason she's there to stop the crazy chemistry of Ichabod and Abbie and they keep having to find things to make her relevant.

A friend of mine watches Sleepy Hollow and after the second episode of this season she goes (about Abbie and Ichabod) "Those two better knock it off - he's married!"

But after I mention that the blond guy from the newest episode could possibly become Abbie's love interest, she blurts out "Oh no! It'll break Ichabod's heart!" That's some kinda chemistry if it can do that to a person, ha.

The way Abbie has been throwing shade at Katrina, I wonder if I'm supposed to distrust her. At least her screen time doesn't dampen the Ichabod and Abbie partnership and I still suspect there may be a twist to justify it. (And if I ramble any more I'm going to have to go to the SH forum.)

Edited by JayKay
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I'm really enjoying OUAT, having watched only watched 5 episodes last season. I love the Frozen characters, Elsa is still a tad emotionally unstable but not evil, Kristoff has the right kind of goofy charm, even Anna's annoying happiness is fun to watch and Hans looks like the animated character came to life. Snow Queen Juliet so far seems like an intriguing villain especially with her unknown connections to Emma. They are all breathing life into a show I pretty much wrote off. It's probably because I'm watching all new characters where most have never met the main cast.


This is the first show I came back too and liked. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I have to agree: OUAT is much better this season.  Which is amusing, since my first response to Elsa's appearance was to groan and say, are you kidding me show? But the Frozen stuff is working a lot better for me than the Neverland and Oz stuff they did last year. 


I also really like what the show is doing with Emma/Hook - their honest conversation in the last episode was a highlight.

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