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S13.E23: Top 9 Results

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I didn't know it was going to be a 30 minute show and I turned away for a few minutes and came back to find Majesty singing her crazy ass save me song.

Methinks she couldn't handle the pressure of not being America's special little snowflake.     She was better in her auditions than after they let Randy get his hands on her.

Randy ruins everything he touches, so he certainly didn't do her any favors.  Not sorry to see her go, I guess they just couldn't bring themselves to use the save for her.  Is there only one more week when they can use it?

A shoe on the dinner table. Eww.

JLo looks awesome imo when she dresses to cover her lady bits. I kept thinking of SNL's, "Whole.... 'nother... level" every time she said that.

Why was JenaNotGina wearing swimsuit bottoms and a window treatment? I thought nothing could be worse than the trendy, stupid, droopy diaper pants, but I now stand corrected. At least she lost the Cleopatra hair. I keep expecting her to launch into a bouncy rendition of, "Walk Like an Egyptian" replete with hand gestures or Steve Martin's, "King Tut." Hell's bells, I'd vote for that. Note to Jena: Wear pants on tv and, in general, in public.

Wow, Her Majesty went full on batcrap cray cray. Stunning!  I'm not lip reader, but I thought I saw her mouth to Malaya, "Get off me." The only thing better would have been, "Get the EFF off me, bee-word." If that's a taste of the real Majesty, then she'll be in a clock tower sometime soon. But at least she's around impressionable toddlers at her "real" job. *shudder*  I was waiting for someone to carry Majesty off the stage over-the-shoulder, screaming baby tantrum style. Yikes.

Loved Janelle's Running Man.

So I see they went from super stupid baseball caps to super stupid porkpie hats, if that's what they're called.

Edited by ari333
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So glad to see Majesty go.  She just couldn't believe she was in the bottom three again.  That song was HORRIBLE to save her, was she kidding.  At least the judges didn't play up the super serious super long discussion about should we or shouldn't we.  Write down a big fat NO on your notepad and share to the other two, end of discussion.  The bottom three was right in my opinion and it is too bad only one can be sent home each week, let's get this hot mess of a season over with already.  I feel compelled to watch as I have always enjoyed previous seasons but this one is just weird.  The judging is the only thing that has done a 180 from previous seasons, it is amazing and helpful to the contestants.  Goodbye Randy, producers can save your money and up Harry's pay.  Has Jennifer got written in her contract "you must put me on camera "x" percentage of airtime..."  They show her a lot.  I was a fan until she showed her immature side and booed Harry a couple of times, not professional.  Since then seeing/hearing less of her is better baby.  

Edited by jodo

Majesty was cute, but her singing and attitude left me cold.  I think the frantic sing off was her panicking, feeling desperate and not being able to control the adreniline that went with it.  I was sure they'd use the save until I heard her sing off (and Jennifer's face!  Classic!). 

I think we're going to see a bottom 4 of Malaya, Jessica, Jena and Caleb.  Beyond that, I can't even begin to predict who might have a shot at winning. 

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I'm guessing we can't have a Grassy Knoll thread because that's been done, but how about an Area 51? And instead of tinfoil hats we can be sartorially resplendent with colanders on our heads.  Love me some conspiracies and need a place to spew heh. Speaking of which, it seems to me that they, those sneaky snakes  TPTB, are trying to make Malaya happen and to a lesser degree, Jena. 

Yikes. Majesty's, "Happy" song was cringe-worthy and flat, imo. The judgery didn't even do the pained, "we love you and hate to boot you" faces And poor sweet, beautiful Keith was funny with his earnest, "by the narrowest of margins." Keith, there are three of you, you silly goose.

It's a brand new day and I'm still having horror flashbacks of Jena's underpants on stage/slash/swimsuit bottom ensemble. It was very, "here's my crotch" centric. I wonder who the heck she ticked off in wardrobe  and what on earth they had to say to her to convince that that was ok to wear out in public, much less on freakin' tv.

Additionally, there at the end, I thought Majesty was going to do Amanda Knox cartwheels in that dress and flash the boo cows, swaybots, and clap trons  - who, btw, couldn't clap on the beat if their lives depended on it..

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What a lackluster season. Why was this episode only 30 minutes? I thought it was always an hour or longer. I am glad Majesty went, but why is CJ still there?

Hello everyone, this is my first post here, moving over from Twop!


To answer your question, they have decided to cut down the results shows from Top 9 onwards to only 30 minutes because they knew the audience hated all that filler from previous seasons. 

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Why was JenaNotGina wearing swimsuit bottoms and a window treatment? I thought nothing could be worse than the trendy, stupid, droopy diaper pants, but I now stand corrected

I still vote the diaper pants as the worst "fashion" trend currently, but I didn't understand Jena's outfit at all. Bun hangers & something tied around the waist? Did she forget her pants & someone loaned her a shirt to cover up her undies?  


As for who left, I don't really care. I never got the majesty of Majesty so I'm good with her leaving, but I'd be good with anyone leaving. I can't find a train to climb aboard this season. I keep waiting for someone to stand out in a way that makes me take notice, but nope, hasn't happened. 

Edited by ramble
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I was predicting either Majesty or CJ would go home this week, but I was a little surprised Majesty wasn't saved. Either way, it doesn't bother me, because none of these contestants are impressive. It's crazy though because Majesty could've went top 4-3, if she had played her cards right. She clearly had the most stage presence/confidence of the contestants this year. If she could've chose songs that fit her small range and controlled her attitude, she could've been better off.

Give Malaya some decaff. Someone called it "puppy wiggles" and it's not cute anymore for me, for you.

So the last two results shows were an hour long IIRC and JLo got to inflict that atrocious Luh Ya fiasco on us. HCJ got to do his medley of being drowned out by bandzilla; and poor Keith was unceremoniously attached to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis. [/LH, TBBT] Unless I ff'd through something and missed it.

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I don't have an attachment to any of them.  I do like Jessica but almost wish they would give her a complete makeover and get rid of that pink hair.  Malaya is young and those silly runaround outbursts she needs to get over, odd looking at her parents in the audience their demeanor is so laid back, give us some of that Malaya and leave the energy for your songs.  I think she will even sound better when those braces come off.  

Tired of seeing Alex clinging for dear life to his guitar, makes him look more needy and less confident.  I like his voice but he is not my type of singer at all.  Caleb is a rocker but a karaoke rocker.  Some peeps might be impressed because he is bringing something better than intensely boring to the stage.  Alex and Dexter are just plain boring.  Poor CJ, he is just so down home isn't he and his aw shucks behavior is wearing me thin and the fact he cannot carry a tune makes me wonder are we not over this good old boy thing yet.  Jena comes across like a spoiled brat used to getting her way, there is something about her I cannot warm to.

I am an AI fan and love the judges this year because their feedback is superlative to anything ever before but the contestants that were picked must surely be a letdown for the judges too if they think back to people they felt they couldn't put forward.  I will get through this season but it is lackluster and certainly not a nail biter!

I think what makes people think of Caleb as "karaoke" could be due to the fact his voice sounds nearly identical to Chris Cornell (of Soundgarden). That's not necessarily a bad thing though (I love Soundgarden and Chris has a killer voice). It could also be because when people look at him they think he looks like the lovechild of Jack Black and Meatloaf. Even the judges commented in Hollywood Week he reminded them of Rock of Ages. It's probably his theatricality and over the topness that makes people not really take him seriously. If he was singing his own songs, maybe it would feel more genuine. I checked out his original song "Down By the River" on YouTube and it's pretty good. Karaoke singer or not, he's got serious rock chops which were sorely missed last season. He can be over the top and appear arrogant but he's honestly the one I'm really rooting for at this point. It's his third time auditioning for the show and I think he deserves to make it really far. Sam was my original horse in the race but he is unable to connect with the songs and with the audience and he's really shy and awkward in interviews. I just don't think he's ready to be a big star yet, maybe in a few years. I like Caleb a lot though, since he's got the pipes and the maturity (in the singing and performance sense), he commands the stage and definitely knows who he is as an artist. I love classic rock music so if he made an album full of it tomorrow, I'd sure go out and buy it. I'm sure there are many classic rock fans in the US that would like him and buy his music.

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Wow BogoGog24, thanks for posting regarding Caleb's original song "Down to the River". It is FANTASTIC!!  I like it more than anything he has done so far on AI. I hope at some point he is able to sing it on the show - I would imagine many people do not know he has that type of talent as he does often come off at karaoke-ish. This has put Caleb for me in the forefront. While I love classic rock and would buy an album of cover songs, if he put out a CD of the quaility of Down To the River I would buy it in a heartbeat!

I love Sam and hope he actually goes onto university (can't remember which one it was but do remember it was very impressive) to further his music. He is very talented and I think with a few more years under his belt we will be hearing from him. At least I hope so - I love his voice.

Edited by UsernameFatigue

Wow BogoGog24, thanks for posting regarding Caleb's original song "Down to the River". It is FANTASTIC!!  I like it more than anything he has done so far on AI. I hope at some point he is able to sing it on the show - I would imagine many people do not know he has that type of talent as he does often come off at karaoke-ish. This has put Caleb for me in the forefront. While I love classic rock and would buy an album of cover songs, if he put out a CD of the quaility of Down To the River I would buy it in a heartbeat!

I love Sam and hope he actually goes onto university (can't remember which one it was but do remember it was very impressive) to further his music. He is very talented and I think with a few more years under his belt we will be hearing from him. At least I hope so - I love his voice.

Sam was accepted to the Berklee College of Music in Boston- very prestigious music school and one of the best, if not probably the best, music school in the country. If he doesn't win Idol (which seems like a possibility at this point), I definitely think he'll attend school and hopefully develop more as an artist there. After that, he could have a great career as like the American answer to Ed Sheeran or something. 

Hmm that's interesting that you guys like Caleb better with short hair. I think he looks better with long hair, it just seems to suit his personality more. Plus he's a little chubby in the face, so the hair kind of covers that up. I think he has lost weight a little since that video though. 

Majesty is, to me, so beautiful looks-wise, but her voice, although pretty, was just not good enough. I see shakiness in almost all of the contestant's voices, but hers especially. I honestly thought she would go far, just because she looks and sounds sweet and cute. I thought she would be the special snowflake. I'm not sad to see her go though, because it really should be, and is, about the voices.

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