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S03.E05: The Secret Origin Of Felicity Smoak

Meredith Quill
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Someone in another section mentioned Roy giving himself up to the police after deciding he had killed Sara.

This got me thinking, wouldn't someone at the cemetery question that the gravesite of Sara Lance had been disturbed and maybe even vandalized because of the fresh dirt at her gravesite? This of course would be given to the police who would have immediately told Capt. Lance who would then want to know and have it dug up?

Edited by BunsenBurner
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Someone in another section mentioned Roy giving himself up to the police after deciding he had killed Sara.

This got me thinking, wouldn't someone at the cemetery question that the gravesite of Sara Lance had been disturbed and maybe even vandalized because of the fresh dirt at her gravesite? This of course would be given to the police who would have immediately told Capt. Lance who would then want to know and have it dug up?


I don't know - when Nyssa went to visit however many days later, the grass was pristine, like they sodded over it to cover their tracks. Who even knows with this show.

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This episode was too much like a dramedy or maybe a soap opera.   No real threat, a throwaway bad-guy, lots of fluff.   Kind of felt like an episode of Chuck.


It made me think the writers have been reading the forums and scripts are fan-driven now.


I miss the island.   I miss Slade.   I miss the tension of Oliver living in a house of lies.  

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Did anyone else kind of get the impression that Donna was probably a cocktail waitress in a topless bar, or something along those lines?  There's not any one thing that was said that gave me that impression, but that was definitely the feel I got from her interactions with Felicity for some reason.


I loved this one.  This is the first episode I've watched more than once, and I've watched it I think four times now.  It was just great, start to finish.

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Well, there was a line that said she worked 60 hours (I think in high heels) for tips.  I know that waitresses basically get paid so little that they are always practically working for tips but I almost got the impression that she was more of an off the books worker and wasn't getting any base salary (no matter how small).  There are probably big tips for waitresses in a topless bar.


That said, Mama Smoak had a kind of sweetness about her that either speaks of her true capacity to look on the sunny side of things or she didn't have to go to that extreme to get a job as a waitress.  I would think that unless she was the worst waitress ever she wouldn't have had trouble getting hired.  She was a hot mama now, imagine twenty years ago. 

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She worked in Vegas so my first thought was Cocktail Waitress at a Casino, at least until she got older.  Based on what happened in AC, some, not all, of the Casinos employ waitresses as "models" and put age/weight restrictions in their contracts.  Hell they (Borgata) apparetly encouraged waitresses to get implants.


So yeah, based on her clothes and attitude my first thought was Casino Cocktail Waitress.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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That said, Mama Smoak had a kind of sweetness about her...



She really did.  I didn't expect to love her, but she completely won me over.  I hope we get more backstory on the Smoak girls, Donna has me completely intrigued.


You could tell she was fiercely protective of her daughter too, and did everything she could to give Felicity a good life, even if it meant sacrificing a bit of her dignity.  Maybe that's why I got the impression I did about her line of work.  But no matter what she was getting paid to do, it really seems like she left work at work and was the best mother she knew how to be at home.  She gets major points for that from me.

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Watched the rerun earlier and just fell for everyone again. The good stuff was still good and the funny still landed.


It had the  "Who's she going to tell?" moment and the "How many millionaires do you know?" moment.


It gave us the insanely huge apartment with a view and a balcony to use as an exit instead of an elevator or stairs.


It gave us Roy with the nightmare "cliffhanger."


I was glad I re-watched it. :D

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Re-watched too. Made me sad we didn't get Mama Smoak interacting with Oliver and Diggle again in Ep.18. 


Also, Mama Smoak didn't seem to be as fond of her ex in this episode. I have a feeling something was changed between the episodes.


Cooper is still lame-sauce, but the episode as a whole is still fun. I wish that we got more of a taste of Goth Felicity. 

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But Cooper didn't take credit for her work for his own glory. He did it to save her from jail!  [/sarcasm]

Although Oliver telling Slade that he [slade] made him a hero completely ignored Felicity's contribution of "Don't kill; there's another way" too. It's her fate, sadly.


I really enjoyed the episode again on re-watch. It got some of the biggest criticism of the season because the VotW was so lame (little did we know then) but aside from that, i thought it got a lot of work done in terms of character development for both Oliver and Felicity, who realized that her courage and fierceness came from her mother and learned to appreciate her.


There were also a lot of funny moments, from the amazing job Charlotte Ross did with Donna, to Oliver and Diggle meeting her in Verdant and the "Who's she gonna tell?" line.  It's too bad they wasted Charlotte Ross when she returned for Ray's hospital stay.


Even the "and  you know how I feel about her" didn't feel so manipulative here as it does in my memory, but more like Oliver trying to tell Felicity he admires/respects her. I guess it's because this is the first time Oliver dangled a maybe, but sadly not the last.


I had seen the Castle episode Hedge Fund Homeboys a couple of days before and thought the villain looked familiar. Hey, it's Cooper!  (He also played Claudia's boyfriend on Warehouse 13.)

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I'm rewatching S3 - I rage watched during S3 and really thought I hated this season.  I thought it was due to my reliance on the spoilers (that never failed to disappoint me), but I have to admit that jbuffyangel and callistawolf's podcast has really changed my perspective on this show.  It's easier to binge than watch live.  It's easier to be chill about everything now that I've been through S7A.  The things that made me so angry in S3 (Laurel ordering Felicity around, heck Laurel's whole SL) just doesn't matter anymore.  I can relish the things that I did love (I forget how much I loved Oliver & Roy together) and bask in the delight of things like Donna Smoak (Charlotte Ross is a gift!).  

I just finished this episode, and pretty much didn't stop smiling until the end (when LL went to meet Wildcat, or whatever his name was, at the gym).  It could have been better, but my priority on this show (Olicity) isn't the focus of the show, and I can finally accept that.  It's hard to put my finger on my favorite parts, but I will never stop loving the scene of Donna/Oliver/Diggle.  I want more of that!

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I wonder it the same zen attitude kicks in for season 4.  That season has a lot of good stuff I'm not sure I was really able to appreciate fully

S4 will be interesting.  I was shocked to find out what a Oliver-stan I was in S4.  When they came back from Ivy Town and everyone was such a jerk to Oliver, I found out I was much more of an Oliver fan than I ever thought I was.  Not sure I can extend this rewatch into S5, though.  I'm still so annoyed by NTA, I don't need any more of them in my life - ever.  Except for Rory, he can always stay.

Edited by Kymmi
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16 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Having just been ill and done an unexpected binge watch of S4 then S3 I can say both come off better when you aren't waiting week by week and it's already over.

Yep, it’s true. There are things I still dislike about each season, but they’re so much better in retrospect. Other than 408, 418, and 419, I really love S4. I’m still not fond of the first half of S5, but on rewatch, I think 516-523 is really solid. 6B, with the exception of Queen family stuff, will always be a fucking mess, though. There’s nothing that could ever redeem it. 

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305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I have come home with only one goal – to save my city. Now others have joined my crusade. To them, I am Oliver Queen. But to the rest of Starling City, I am someone else. I am something else."

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Felicity’s mother, Donna Smoak, surprises Felicity with a visit:
Felicity (answering knock on her door): “Mrs. Fernandes! I already told you, I haven't seen your… (Sees Ray Palmer) cat.”
Ray: “I haven't seen him, either. Or is the cat a girl? Was I being misogynist just now? Or is it misogynistic? I never know.”
Felicity: “Ray, what are you –“
Ray: “Nice place you've got here. Lots of space. So it occurred to me this morning, what's the one thing that Queen Consolidated has that we don't use to its maximum potential?”
Felicity: “A doorbell?”
Ray: “Have you heard of a process called cogeneration?”
Felicity: “I haven't even looked at a cup of coffee yet.”
Ray: “Well, cogeneration is –“
Felicity: “The repurposing of waste heat given off by electricity production.”
Ray: “Exactly. It's a principle of thermodynamic efficiency, which occurred to me could be applied to a building which generates over 240,000 watts of electricity. Like Queen Consolidated.”
Felicity: “Mm-hmm.” 
Ray: “I did some preliminary calculations on the drive over.” 
Felicity: “You want to sell Q.C.'s excess energy back to the city?”
Ray: “If by ‘sell’ you mean ‘give away for free,’ then yes. Energy is something that should be given freely to the masses… (Knocking on door) Uh, you still haven't found Mrs. Fernandes' cat, I'm guessing.” 
(Felicity opens door to find Donna, who shrieks with laughter and hugs her.)
Donna: “Oh, my beautiful girl!”
Ray: “Very friendly with your neighbors, I see.”
Felicity: “Mom?”
Ray: “Mom?” 
Felicity: “What are you doing here?”
Donna: “Honey, I came to see you. For a visit. Look, look, look. Didn't you get my text?” 
Felicity: “Mom, to send a text, you actually have to press ‘send’ on the text.”
Donna: “Oh, okay, not a big deal, I'll do it right now.” 
(Felicity’s cell phone beeps.)
Ray: “Are you adopted?” 
Felicity: “Hmm.” 
Donna (spotting Ray): “Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't know you had somebody staying over.”
Felicity: “Oh, no, he's not staying over. He's not, like, we're not - this is my boss.”
Ray: “It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Smoak.”
Donna: “Hi. You can call me Donna.”
Felicity: “Mom –“
Ray: “I'm Ray.”
Donna: “Oh, my God. Palmer? You're that watch guy.”
Ray: “We like to call them smart wearables.”
Donna: “I bought one of your watches! Look! See? Felicity here thinks I don't pay attention to all of her tech-y things.” (Laughs)
Ray: “Yeah, I see you've got a 3GS. I'm actually wearing a prototype for the new Six. Yeah, it basically replaces your computer. Very fancy. You know what? It's yours.” 
Donna (gasping): “Oh, no. Seriously?” 
Ray: “I'll let you two catch up. Let me know what you think about those cogeneration numbers, and Donna, hope to see you again soon.” 
Felicity: “Well, don't count on it. She'll probably be really busy… planning my funeral after I die of embarrassment.”

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – In a flashback to college, we see Goth Felicity with her boyfriend, Cooper Seldon, and his roommate, Myron Forest:
Felicity (typing): “’You are standing in an open field west of the White House with a boarded front door.’" 
Cooper: “What are you doing?”
Felicity: “I just finished coding a Linux emulator for Zork.”
Cooper: “’It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.’”
Felicity: “I guess you'll have to protect me.” (They kiss.)
Myron: “Why can't you just quietly have sex under a comforter like most college students?”
(Computer beeps.)
Felicity: “You found an exploitable node?” 
Cooper: “Now I just need your super computer virus to crack the firewall.” 
Felicity: “I really wish you wouldn't call my x-axis bi-numeric algorithm a ‘super virus.’ Spoofing the IPs, switching to MD6, and… somebody take a screenshot. We have to post this to Hackerforum, to brag that we actually got in!” 
Cooper: “Hold on.”
Myron: “30 seconds until the firewall goes back up.”
Felicity: “Cooper, what are you doing?”
Cooper: “I think the world would be a much better place if there weren't any student loans, don't you?”
Felicity: “You can't wipe out all the loans, they'll never think it's a glitch. They're going to track us down and find us!”
Myron: “10 seconds.”
Felicity: “Cooper!”
Myron: “I'm not going to jail for you, Cooper, and you shouldn't, either.”
Felicity: “Coop!”
Cooper: “I almost had it!”
Felicity: “What were you thinking?!” 
Cooper: “Ever heard of hacktivisim? Instead of posting to web forums, we could be doing some real good in the world.” 
Felicity: “And going to prison in the process.” 
Cooper: “It's all about what you want to be when you grow up, babe. A hacker? Or a hero?"

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Oliver and Diggle meet Felicity’s mother:
Donna: “Ooh, a nightclub. You know, I'm really not dressed for a nightclub.” 
Felicity: “Really?” 
Donna: “You think?” 
Felicity: “My friend owns the place. He just needs a little help turning the power back on, so –“ 
Donna: “Oh.” 
Felicity: “Why don't you… come, come. Stay put.” 
Donna: “Stay here?” 
Felicity: “Right here.” 
Donna: “Okay.”
Felicity: “Mm-hmm.”
Oliver (entering): “Hey. Any luck tracking this… Hello.” 
Donna: “Hi. (Oliver looks at Felicity) Uh, please tell me this is your friend.” 
Felicity: “No. Mom… (Oliver mouths ‘Mom’) this is Oliver –“
Donna: “Queen.” 
Oliver: “Very nice to meet you.” 
Donna: “Yes, it's so nice to meet you, too. (To Felicity) How many billionaires do you know?” 
(Diggle enters with Baby Sara.)
Oliver: “Diggle, meet Felicity's mom.” 
Diggle: “Mom. John Diggle.” 
Donna: “Hi.” 
Diggle: “Very nice to meet you.”
Donna: “Nice to meet you, too. Oh! Hello! Who is this little nugget?” 
Diggle: “This is my daughter Sara.” 
Donna: “Ooh!” (Makes baby cooing noises) 
Felicity: “Mom. Mom. Ahem, Mom!”
Donna: “What?” 
Felicity: “We have to go downstairs.” 
Donna: “Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stop you. I'm so sorry. Little baby moment. So sorry.”
Oliver: “It's great to meet you. Finally.” 
Donna: “Yes, yes, definitely.” 
(Diggle and Oliver walk away from Donna and Felicity.)
Oliver: “Why is Sara here?” 
Diggle: “Lyla's on on assignment in Santa Prisca and the nanny called in sick.” 
Oliver: “But - we can't bring her down there.” 
Diggle: “Why not, Oliver? Who's she going to tell?” 
Oliver: “Well, she - I'm not comfortable with her down there.” 
Felicity: “God help me. My mother loves babies.”
Diggle: “Really?”
*  *  *
Felicity: “Whoever this Brother Eye group is somehow got access to the city's protected network and uploaded a system-wide virus.”
Oliver: Any way to trace it?”
Felicity: “No, it deleted itself as soon as it completed its task.”
Diggle: “They said the power outage was just the beginning.”
Oliver: “Then let's find them before there's a next time.” 


305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – DELETED SCENE: Felicity evades her mother’s questions:
(Donna is holding Baby Sara Diggle and feeding her a bottle of milk.)
Felicity (entering): "Hey, what is it? I have to get back to work."
Donna: "Back to work? What? In the basement of a condemned bar?"
Felicity: "Can't... really explain right now! Can you just take Sara back to my place? John will come pick her up in a bit. Later."
Donna: "Felicity Megan Smoak, what is going -?"
Felicity: "Bye!" (Leaves)
Donna (to Sara): "Why are babies so easy?"

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) - Laurel is made the Acting District Attorney:
(Laurel walks into the S.C.P.D. police station.)
Quentin: "Hey, Laurel. Are you alright? Did you get here okay?"
Laurel: "I'm fine. I was close. But why did I get the emergency services alert? Why didn't they call the District Attorney?"
Quentin: "Because he's visiting his niece in Coast City. You are the Acting District Attorney. Congratulations."

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Quentin acknowledges Felicity’s computer expertise:
Felicity (answering phone): “Hello, Detective - Captain.”
Quentin (on phone): “Look, you're on this Brother Eye thing, right?”
Felicity: “We are.”
Quentin (on phone): “Good, ‘cause there's no one here knows computers better than you.”

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – In a flashback scene, Goth Felicity is with Cooper when he is arrested by the FBI:
Felicity (talking on phone): “No, for the last time, I am not interested in buying a fake ID. I am hanging up now. Bye. (Hangs up) My mom says ‘hi.’ You still angry at me?”
Cooper: “I was past the firewall and into the account network. I had 3,000 debts wiped by the time you pulled the plug on me.”
Felicity: “Well, think of how many accounts you could go to prison for if I hadn't stopped you.”
Cooper: “Relax. The DNS wasn't configured. They can't backtrace me.”
Felicity: “They can. The subroot was configured. By accessing the accounts, you set off a packets feedback that anyone could trace back to.”
Cooper: “You are gorgeous when you're being a chicken.”
Felicity: “I'm serious.”
Cooper: “I'm serious.”
(Black SUV roars up and two FBI men jump out of the vehicle.)
FBI Guy: “Cooper Seldon! FBI!”
FBI Guy: “Don't move! You are under arrest.”
Felicity: “What?! No! No, no, no!”
FBI Guy: “You're under arrest for violation of U.S. Code title 18, section 1030.”
Felicity: “Don't! It’s not his!” 
FBI Guy: “You have the right to remain silent.”
Felicity: “Let go of him! Let him go!

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) - Laurel issues orders to the S.C.P.D.:
Cop: "Where's Captain Lance?"
Laurel: "Coordinating squad car patrols with Dispatch. Why? What's wrong?"
Cop: "There's a situation at Starling National."
Laurel: "Send an ESU squad."
Cop: "Sorry, ma'am, but you don't have the power to -"
Laurel: "I'm Acting District Attorney! The city charter gives me operational authority in times of crisis, which this clearly is. And I'm not letting anyone get hurt. Send in an ESU now!"

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Felicity discovers that the virus is the one she wrote five years ago and tells Oliver about her college hacktivist group:
Brother Eye: “We said this was just the beginning. Electricity is not the only power in the city. Consider money, for example. The banks are next to go dark. Your beloved dollars wiped away as your accounts will finally all be equal, at zero.”
Oliver: “Felicity –“
Felicity: “I'm working on it. I set up some trace IP packets before Brother Eye's last broadcast. As soon as he opened up the channel, I scooped up the bread crumbs.” 
Oliver: “Bread crumbs we can follow?” 
Felicity: “I hope so.”
*  *  *
Felicity: “What’s going on?”
Oliver: “S.C.P.D. just dispatched a riot squad to Starling National.”
Diggle: “It’s like fighting a fire with gasoline.”
Oliver (to Roy): “Suit up.”
*  *  *
Felicity: “Oliver, the riot is getting out of control. You need to hurry up.”
*  *  *
Oliver: “Get away from the bank! (He and Roy shoot tear gas arrows at the rioting crowd) (To Felicity over comms) The tear gas is dispersing them, but we can't calm the entire city, Felicity.”
Felicity (over comms): “The trace led me to the virus they're using. It is a mile past complex. I'm combing through now. No, no, no, no, no, no!”
Oliver (over comms): “What's wrong?”
Felicity (over comms): “The virus - I can't stop it!” 
Oliver (over comms): “How do you know?” 
Felicity (over comms): “Because it's mine. I wrote it five years ago.” 
*  *  *
Felicity: “Okay, okay, before you say anything, just know that I never imagined the virus being used for something like this. I mean, sure, I could have imagined it. I actually have a very vivid imagination. Like cronuts! I had a vision of them before –“
Oliver: “Hey. Relax. Take a deep breath. Good. Now start at the beginning.”
Felicity: “I was in this - I guess you could call it a group, in college. We were ‘hacktivists’ - for lack of a better word. Civil disobedience via the World Wide Web. I created this. This… super virus. That could give us root access to any infected server. We could expose government fraud and start virtual sit-ins and digitally deface criminals. I guess you could say it was my first attempt at being a hero.”
Oliver: “Felicity. (Sighs) Why didn't you tell me about any of this?” 
Felicity: “Do we even know a fraction of what happened to you the five years that you were away?” 
Oliver: “Who else had access to the program?”
Felicity: “Myron Forest. He was my - I had a boyfriend in college, and Myron was his roommate.”
Oliver: “And he was a member of this hacktivist group? What about the boyfriend?” 
Felicity: “Oh, he couldn't have done this. He's… not in the picture, but Myron always had somewhat of an edge.” 
Oliver: “Can you get me an address?” 
Felicity: “Sure. (Sees Thea on Verdant surveillance upstairs) Just one small problem - not small, necessarily, but short. Just take the alleyway entrance.”
Oliver: “Okay.”


305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) - Quentin berates Laurel for ordering the S.C.P.D. to send an ESU squad to Starling National Bank:
Quentin: "Hey! Got a minute?"
(He ushers Laurel into his office and closes the door.)
Quentin: "Congratulations. You called in a riot squad. You nearly started one! And... you did it behind my back!"
Laurel: "You were busy. And the sitation at Starling National was escalating."
Quentin: "You escalated it, Laurel! Please, tell me you could at least see that?"
Laurel: "Okay. I'm sorry."
Quentin: "Laurel. Baby. What's gotten into you? You're angry, you're distant, you're reckless. Tell me you're not boozin' again?"
Laurel: "No."
Quentin: "Then what the hell's goin' on? 'Cause this isn't you. Look, I haven't said anything because I was hopin' that you would say something, because you, sweetheart - you are in 10 different kinds of pain and you won't talk about it."
Laurel: "I can't talk about it with you."
Quentin: "Okay. Listen. You don't have to talk about it with me. Talk about it with somebody. Secrets hurt, baby. Sometimes more than the truth."

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – In a flashback scene, Goth Felicity visits Cooper in prison:
Felicity: “Are you okay?” 
Cooper: “I've been better.” 
Felicity: “I talked it over with Myron, and I'm going to tell them I wrote the super virus.” 
Cooper: “You can't do that.” 
Felicity: “I can't let you rot in prison, Coop.” 
Cooper: “You can't tell them you wrote that virus… ‘cause I already told them I did.” 
Felicity: “Cooper –“
Cooper: “I always said I'd protect you from the grues.” 
Felicity: “This isn't –“
Cooper: “It's better this way. I wiped out those loans. There's no reason both of us should be in prison. I love you.” 
Felicity: “I love you too.”

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Team Arrow discovers that Myron is innocent, and Felicity tells Oliver that Cooper is dead:
Oliver: “Myron Forest. You have failed this city.”
Felicity (over comms): “Tell him he has to retract all the infected packets from subsystem mainframes within the city.”
Oliver: “Tell me how to shut down the virus. Do it now.”
Myron: “You think I'm behind the cyber attacks?”
Roy: “Sounds like a Brother Eye to me.”
Myron: “I swear to God, I'm not. I head up the I.T. department of an accounting firm. I drive a hybrid. It's blue. I'm one of the sheep lunatics like these guys hate. Why would I do this?” 
Felicity (over comms): “Digital fingerprints are all over this code. There's an x-axis bionumeric algorithm.”
Oliver: “The code's an x-axis bionumeric algorithm that you've used before!”
Myron: “In college. My roommate and his girlfriend. Yeah, yeah, sure, we developed it. We called it a super virus, but that doesn't mean I'm the Eye guy! Have you tried Felicity Smoak?”
Oliver: “She's innocent.”
Myron: “Then it's got to be someone else. After we graduated, I might have showed the code off to a few people.”
Oliver: “Who were they?!”
Myron: “I don't remember. It was five years ago. I didn't think it was a big deal. We were just kids playing with matches.”
*  *  *
Felicity: “I am running out of expletives!”
Oliver: “We need to track down whoever Myron shared your code with.”
Felicity: “I hacked all of his emails and all his text messages from five years ago and all I got was depressed.”
Oliver: “Okay. What about your ex?”
Felicity: “I already told you, he didn't do it.”
Oliver: “Why? Because he's your ex-boyfriend?”
Felicity: “Because - My senior year of college, Cooper and I did a stupid thing. He got arrested and he went to prison.” 
Oliver: “So he went to prison. Maybe he got out.” 
Felicity: “He didn't.” 
Oliver: “How do you know?” 
Felicity: “Because he's dead. He hung himself before sentencing.” 
Oliver: “Felicity, I –“ 
Felicity: “I just really need to be alone right now.” (Leaves)

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Donna and Felicity have an all-out argument, and Donna says that she only sees Felicity’s father in her:
(Ray finds Felicity crying at Palmer Tech.)
Ray: “Ah. I'm glad you're here. When I launched my plan to rebrand Starling into Star City, I didn't count on cyber terrorism. I'm looking for a partner with whom to drown my sorrows and you definitely look like someone who could use a drink.” 
Felicity: “I'm sorry. My mother - I didn't have anywhere else to go.” 
Ray: “You okay?”
Felicity: “You're an inventor. Did you ever create anything that you didn't think was important - turns out, it's very important?” 
Ray: “Of course. Those turn out to be the best inventions.”
Felicity: “Not always.” 
Ray: “You want to talk about it?” 
Donna (entering): “Of course I'd find you here.” 
Felicity: “Could you just wait one second?” 
Donna: “Wait?  I'm sorry - I've already waited two hours for you at your apartment, and before that, it was two hours in the club.” 
Felicity (to Ray): “Is there any way that you could be anywhere else but here?” (Ray leaves)
Felicity: "Thanks, Mom. That wasn't the least bit mortifying. Only half as bad as parents' week in freshmen year."
Donna: "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been reduced to stalking my own daughter." 
Felicity: "Because you can't seem to comprehend that I can't make the whole world stop because you decided to show up on my doorstep. I have responsibilities!"
Donna: "Yes, I know, Felicity. You have work. You have work, work, work, work, work -"
Felicity: "No, no, no! You don't understand! It is so much more than work. But all you care about it my love life, or how much cleavage I don't show."
Donna: "That is not true!" 
Felicity: "That is completely true! And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm terminally single. I'm sorry I have an actual job. I'm sorry that I don't dress like a porn star! Which I realize is a compliment to you. So I'm so sorry that I am such a disappointment to you!" 
Donna: "I'm not as smart as you, Felicity - or your father. I know that. Even when you were only six years old, I could barely keep up with you two. And… maybe I wasn't always the mother you wanted, but I was always there. I stayed. And I tried. He - he left me. He left us. But when I look at you, all I see is what he gave you. There is nothing of me… in you. You know, it's so funny. I was - I was always so afraid that one day, you were going to leave me, too. But now I finally realize… you already did."

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Oliver encourages Felicity to go talk to her mother:
Roy: “There are people on the other end of this thing, right? People we can hit?”
Oliver: “We need Felicity.”
Felicity (entering): “I'm here. My super virus has 3,407 traceable access nodes. Hopefully I didn't put a firewall in every one, though. Of course I did, because I'm smarter than that. Seriously, if I had two less IQ points, we never would have gotten in this mess.”
Oliver: “Are you all right? Where's your mom?” 
Felicity: “I don't know. Probably back at my place, wishing she had a different daughter. It's a long story.” 
Oliver: “So go see her. Take an hour.” 
Felicity: “The city is under attack.” 
Oliver: “You're our best chance of stopping it, but not like this, Felicity. Your head's not in the game.”
Felicity: “I will get it together.”
Oliver: “Your tracer hack's running. Take an hour. Go talk to your mom.” 
Felicity: “I do not have anything to say to her.” 
Oliver: “You know, earlier today, Thea told me that she literally has to put up with me because family is precious. And that it's love, in spite of everything, that makes it precious. Go.”



305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Felicity realizes that her mother was lured to Starling City:
Felicity: “Where’s Sara?”
Donna: “The nanny came and picked her up. He said he was from a company called ‘A.R.G.U.S.’. I dunno – I never heard of it.”
Felicity: “I think that’s the point. Well, I'm glad you're still here.”
Donna: “You are a terrible liar, Felicity. Might be the only thing we have in common.” 
Felicity: “I have blonde hair.” 
Donna: “You dye it.” 
Felicity: “You're right. We're different, and it's always going to be that way. And it's not easy –“
Donna: “No, you know what, it's - it's totally my fault for just showing up here uninvited. Seriously. I think I just got so excited about this free flight.” 
Felicity: “What?” 
Donna: “My plane ticket. I got an email that said I'd won some contest. Free first class round trip to Starling.” 
Felicity: “Email? Mom. Someone wanted you to be here.” 
(Masked men in black break into the apartment, grab both Felicity and Donna, and put black hoods over their heads.)
Felicity: “Mom!”

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Felicity learns that Cooper is alive and is Brother Eye:
(Donna and Felicity are both tied to chairs.)
Donna: “Baby! Are you okay?”
Felicity: “I'm okay.”
Felicity: “Oh! Oh, thank God! Where are we?”
Cooper (using disguised voice): “Felicity Smoak. Just the woman I wanted to see.”
Felicity: “What the hell do you want from me?! Who are you?”
Cooper: “You really don't know? (Shows her his face) I thought you'd never forget your first love.”
Felicity: “You died. They told me –“
Cooper: “That I committed suicide, right? The NSA needed a hacker with game for cyber espionage, and I needed to not be in prison for the rest of my life. Because of what the NSA wanted me doing, it was… advantageous for me to be dead.”
Felicity: “When I found out you died, I was devastated. I loved you.”
Cooper: “I loved you, too. After I finished my time with the NSA, I was going to find you. To let you in on this. And then I discovered you'd become this corporate lap dog. That broke my heart. You changed.”
Felicity: “If you ever thought I was capable of doing something like this, you never really knew me at all.”
Cooper: “When you wrote this virus, Felicity, you knew exactly what it was capable of. All I'm doing is unleashing the true potential of what you made.”
Felicity: “Why?! This isn't who you are!”
Cooper: “Five years with the NSA, you learn a lot about how the world works. How we can't be saved or salvaged. How it's every man for himself. You also learn that when a city bank goes under, say, financial cyber attack, the mayor will reach out to the Treasury Department and request an influx of fresh cash. Cash - which is transported by armored trucks navigating according to a closed-end GPS system, which directs them to City Deposit. If the drivers deviate from the route, the trucks are shut down. But you're going to hack into the system and direct the cash to come here.” 
Felicity: “It was about money, and I'm the sell-out?” 
Cooper: “No. No, babe. You're the one who's going to help me. See, breaking into the Treasury's asymmetric encryption is beyond even my capabilities.” 
Felicity: “I'm going to politely decline. (He points gun at Donna’s head) Don't!” 
Cooper: “That's why I flew some motivation into town for you.”

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Oliver notices that Felicity is missing:
Oliver: “She's been M.I.A. for over an hour.”
Diggle: “Well, you did tell her to go home. I just had an A.R.G.U.S. agent pick up Sara there. I could have them go back, check things out.”
Oliver: “Yep. (Tries calling Felicity again) Felicity's never more than five feet from her phone. Something's wrong.”

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Felicity uses the Wi Fi on Donna’s watch to alert Oliver, who comes to rescue them:
(Cooper looks at Felicity’s ringing cell phone. His goon drags Felicity over to computer terminal.)
Felicity: “No! No!”
Cooper: “That terminal's configured to only connect with the Treasury's IP. I mention this so you don't try to do anything stupid, like alert the police.”
Donna: “I'm so sorry.”
Felicity: “Mom… right now's not really the best time, okay?”
Donna: “But it might be the last time, hon, and I want you to know that all I've ever wanted is for you to be happy.”
Cooper: “Let's say we hit pause on the Dr. Phil episode.”
Felicity: “It's done! It's done.”
Cooper: “That quick?”
Felicity: “There's a reason you wanted me, right? They'll be at your front door in five minutes.”
Cooper (to his goons): “Guards will be armed. (To Felicity) Stay put, okay? Just because we used to screw doesn't mean I won't use this gun.” (Leaves)
(Donna’s watch beeps.)
Felicity: “What's that?”
Donna: “Huh? Oh, that, that's the watch. It's the watch Mr. Palmer gave me. It chimes on the hour, and I guess when we're about to be killed.”
Felicity: “We're not going to be killed. We're going to get out of here. It basically replaces your computer.”
Donna: “You know I don't know what that means.”
Felicity: “It means it has Wi Fi.”
Donna: “Really?”
(Felicity uses the computer to enable GPS.)
*  *  *
(Cooper enters.)
Felicity: “I did what you wanted. You don't have to kill us.”
Cooper: “Really? Who would have thought that I'd become the grue?” (Points gun at Felicity’s head)
Donna: “Hey! Hey. You want to wave that gun at me, fine, but don't you dare threaten my daughter.”
Cooper: “Here I thought you were all nails and hair.” 
Donna: “Try single mom who's worked 60-hour weeks in six-inch heels for tips in order to raise that genius child you see right there. I may not understand all this cyber whatever, but I know without that gun, you wouldn't last 10 seconds against my girl.”
Cooper: “Too bad she doesn't have 10 seconds.”
(Cut to Oliver with arrow drawn.)
Oliver: “I disagree! Put the gun down.”
Cooper: “You were always good, Felicity. So good. But so am I. (Motion-sensored guns point at Oliver) Motion-sensored. They can hit most any target. 
(Oliver dodges the shooting guns)
*  *  *
(Oliver takes out the guns and aims an arrow at Cooper, who is holding Felicity as a shield)
Cooper: “This is all your fault.”
(Felicity uses self-defense moves to disarm and take down Cooper.)
Felicity: “Mom! Mom, are you okay?”
Donna: “Oh, thank God! Oh, baby.”
(Felicity and Donna hug and cry, and Felicity looks over at Oliver, who nods.)

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Oliver reminds Felicity of how he feels about her:
Felicity: “Before, you were right to keep pressing on Cooper. Turns out he's not as dead as I thought.”
Oliver: “I've had some experience with that. And you learn not to judge.”
Felicity: “Yes.” 
Oliver: “Are you okay?”
Felicity: “I guess so. Old lovers have a way of opening old wounds. 'Lovers.' Sounds creepy no matter how you say it.” 
Oliver: “Felicity. I want you to know that whatever experiences you had to go through, I'm glad that you did. They shaped the person you are today. And you know how I feel about her.” 
Felicity: “I should head out. You were right. We have to love our families. No matter what.”

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – DELETED FLASHBACK SCENE: Felicity and Myron talk after Cooper’s arrest:
Myron: "What's going on with you? You've literally spent the past two days in bed looking at old pictures."
Felicity: "Just working up the nerve to turn myself in."
Myron: "Why in the world would you do that?"
Felicity: "Cooper's dead because he took the fall for me."
Myron: "Yeah. And if you turn yourself in, then he did it all for nothing. You want to do something for Cooper? Live the life that he wanted for you. Be the Ninja Hacker Goddess that we both know you are."

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – In a flashback scene, Felicity changes her Goth look to her current look of blonde ponytail with glasses:
Myron: “Felicity. You here? (Felicity enters with her new look) What happened to you?” 
Felicity: “This is me now.”

305 (The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak) – Felicity thanks her mother and tells Donna that she got her toughness from her:
Donna: "Well, I'm officially off. I mean, my flight doesn't leave till tonight, but I figured you'd be working, so we can - we can just say good-bye now."
Felicity (hugging her): "You were right."
Donna: "About what?" 
Felicity: "I haven't always been appreciative of you. You were always there for me, every day, and night. So if I haven't said thank you enough, thank you... But you were wrong, too."
Donna: "Mm-hmm?" 
Felicity: "When you said all you saw in me was Dad, there was nothing of you in me. Well, I can't really explain it, but over the past two years, I have been through a lot. And I have learned that I am a lot tougher than I thought. That - I get from you. Don't cry." (They hug)
Ray (entering): “Felicity, I took another look at those cogeneration numbers. You want to - Oh. Hi again.”
Donna: “Hi.” 
Ray: “How's that new smart wearable working out for you?” 
Donna: “Oh, it's, um, it's a real life saver.” 
Felicity: “Ray, I can't come into work today. I am… (Coughs) calling in sick.” 
Ray: "Feel better." 
Donna: “Thank you.”
Felicity: “Thank you. See you later.” (They leave)
Ray (looking at his screen): “That’s actually pretty genius.”

Edited by tv echo
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