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Holiday TV Movies & (Non-Rankin Bass) Holiday Specials - General Discussion

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13 hours ago, twoods said:

I watched A Cinderella Christmas again and still love it. I missed that in most of the movies this year- the longing and crazy chemistry with the leads. I wish that Ion had another movie of that caliber this year. The Spruces and Pines was decent but not nearly as good.

I liked the Spruces and Pines myself this year... even liked A Christmas Cruise.. if only because Vivica Fox used some acting skills and came across warmer then she usually does in her movies.

I would like more holiday movies featuring actors in their 40s/50s as the leads... I'm noticing newer ones have younger performers (unless the performers look younger then their ages.).

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On 12/24/2017 at 10:11 PM, In2You said:

And if Lifetime is gonna do those mini movies next year they need to make them more interesting and work out some sponsorship deal where they can be commercial free.


Maybe they have a live version commercial deal only because I notice on both of my services (cable and online) the shorts were commercial free which was nice. I was able to watch em again without interruption.

I watched A Gift-wrapped Christmas (Lifetime) and LOVED it.  Meredith Hagner as the personal shopper was absolutely delightful, and so natural in the role.  There is a moment early on in which her new client is on the phone and she is trying to leave/find out if they're done... and she plays that moment so perfectly awkward.  (I could totally relate.)

The love interest, played by Travis Milne, reminded me of Noel in the old television show Felicity.   He started off harsh and not very likeable, but quickly improved, and the transition of his character to appealing love interest was totally believable. 

The young actor playing his son in the movie was mostly very cute and well-used.  There were a few moments when his acting was off, but I think that's probably largely due to how quickly they shoot these movies.  They probably could have gotten better takes, but didn't want to spend the time. 

Anyway... Meredith Hagner's Gwen totally made this movie for me, and I think that if big-screen romantic comedies were still a thing, she would be a successful Meg Ryan type lead.

It looks like her other Christmas movie - My Christmas Love - will be on Hallmark channel early Friday morning.  Is that another good one?

I can't believe how many of these movies I've watched.  I had to keep a list to keep all the titles straight, and so I know which ones to rewatch in the future.

A Gift Wrapped Christmas was number 29!  (Although a few of those I deleted after only a few minutes.)  Yikes!!  That much movie watching this month is totally crazy for me... I normally only watch less than an hour per day of television, total.

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1 hour ago, AnnaRose said:

I watched A Gift-wrapped Christmas (Lifetime) and LOVED it.  Meredith Hagner as the personal shopper was absolutely delightful, and so natural in the role.  There is a moment early on in which her new client is on the phone and she is trying to leave/find out if they're done... and she plays that moment so perfectly awkward.  (I could totally relate.)

The love interest, played by Travis Milne, reminded me of Noel in the old television show Felicity.   He started off harsh and not very likeable, but quickly improved, and the transition of his character to appealing love interest was totally believable. 

The young actor playing his son in the movie was mostly very cute and well-used.  There were a few moments when his acting was off, but I think that's probably largely due to how quickly they shoot these movies.  They probably could have gotten better takes, but didn't want to spend the time. 

Anyway... Meredith Hagner's Gwen totally made this movie for me, and I think that if big-screen romantic comedies were still a thing, she would be a successful Meg Ryan type lead.

It looks like her other Christmas movie - My Christmas Love - will be on Hallmark channel early Friday morning.  Is that another good one?

I can't believe how many of these movies I've watched.  I had to keep a list to keep all the titles straight, and so I know which ones to rewatch in the future.

A Gift Wrapped Christmas was number 29!  (Although a few of those I deleted after only a few minutes.)  Yikes!!  That much movie watching this month is totally crazy for me... I normally only watch less than an hour per day of television, total.


Yes!  My Christmas Love was one of the standouts of the 2016 crop of new movies.   It was one of the ones that most people agreed on as being good at the time (though maybe opinions have changed since then), which is not always too common an occurrence.    It's very entertaining.    I liked it better than Gift Wrapped Christmas, but you may not.  Either way, they are both enjoyable movies.

I thought the same thing about Meredith Hagner after watching My Christmas Love -- she is reminiscent of a young Meg Ryan or young Goldie Hawn (the latter reference is amusing to me, as Meredith is dating Goldie Hawn's son, Wyatt, and I think that Meredith kind of resembles his sister Kate Hudson in a slight way).

Edited by TVFan17
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1 hour ago, TVFan17 said:


Yes!  My Christmas Love was one of the standouts of the 2016 crop of new movies.   It was one of the ones that most people agreed on as being good at the time (though maybe opinions have changed since then), which is not always too common an occurrence.    It's very entertaining.    I liked it better than Gift Wrapped Christmas, but you may not.  Either way, they are both enjoyable movies.

I thought the same thing about Meredith Hagner after watching My Christmas Love -- she is reminiscent of a young Meg Ryan or young Goldie Hawn (the latter reference is amusing to me, as Meredith is dating Goldie Hawn's son, Wyatt, and I think that Meredith kind of resembles his sister Kate Hudson in a slight way).

That's great to know, I will definitely try to record it. 

How funny about the Goldie Hawn/Kate Hudson resemblance and her dating Goldie's son.

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On 12/26/2017 at 10:50 PM, Irlandesa said:

How was Winter Wedding?  It's on my DVR at home but I don't know if I'll be in the mood.  I really need to get into murder, I think.

 I think Winter Wedding is a YMMV one. It's not bad, so let me start there, it really isn't. I'll call this a decent offering this season even though it's nowhere near a favorite. I'd say this has a pretty high level quality movie overall, closer in line in my mind to a Lifetime movie than an UP one. Basically good acting across the board, you will recognize the entire main cast minus the groom possibly I'd say. The script isn't bad at times, they added some depth where they could where others sometimes don't, like the conversations between the best friend and the brother, and it helped the overall movie feel more complete. But the bride's mom (Susan Walters) is obnoxious and elitist. It's probably realistic, but that doesn't make her remotely likable and she's kind of a downer and she's just being blatantly rude and elitist after awhile and pretending it's for her daughter's best interest is a joke. I wouldn't say this ruined the movie exactly, but it's a major storyline so it hampered it. The script suffers at times as well, like the whole wishy washy Cabo vs. winter wedding stuff and the seriously indecisive bride. It was over the top, not in a comical way where it's cartoonish, but in a "are you freaking kidding me" way. The mother's insistence of Cabo above all else including the last minute "I'm in my wedding robe about to put on my dress" push for a change of venue was unnecessary after the tone had finally turned into being a happy, celebratory wedding. And then just wishy washy decision-making again with the couple. I don't get the decisions with the script there especially given they basically kicked up things all again after kind of witnessing a perfect couple moment between the leads that made everyone just be happy for the upcoming wedding. And her dad is pretty likable but why didn't he reign his wife's ridiculousness in? Because he was in a position to we find out in the end by being a party to the lie and not putting a stop to things much earlier on. So there are problems here, but it is watchable and I could easily see others enjoying this more than I did. This is especially the case if the mom doesn't annoy you as much as she did me.

Cause there's also another problem for me, and yes I know how this sounds, but visually speaking, this movie was off. Andrea Bowen (Teri Hatcher's daughter on Desperate Housewives if the name doesn't ring a bell) is miscast as is based on her looks not her acting ability because she is far and away the least attractive member of the cast and it stands out. You've got gorgeous fiance (not familiar with the actor, but loving the look) and his attractive parents and pretty cute brother. You've got her parents looking like an extremely attractive middle-age couple. And then you have her, looking about as ordinary as it gets and she's not adopted. This is made worse because she's literally like a bridal salon owner that is in the salon doing the bridal makeovers and completely involved with the hair and makeup of brides, and she's barely got anything on. Seriously, she looks flat out ordinary here and they have some nice scenes with her and her co-workers in the salon , but she doesn't have a stitch of visible makeup on and her hair looks thrown together and we're to believe she's a makeover diva. Andrea's not exactly going to stop traffic but she's far from ugly, and I have certainly seen her looking way better than she did here, so they didn't even bother putting in the effort to make her into her best self, which would've helped a lot. But no, we have a girl talking hair and makeup whose hair and makeup are plain and boring. It doesn't add up and given everything else, it did stand out, though I'd say this was a bigger problem earlier on than later, but it was definitely an issue. Luckily, Andrea can act and she distracted me enough but her hair, makeup, and wardrobe never improved through the movie.

I'm watching The Christmas Calendar that aired on UP and so far am liking it. I enjoyed Lauren Bundy in Season's Greetings last year so am happy to see her again.


I tried watching Winter Wedding but it was boring and the mother was super annoying. The lead actor was nice to stare at for those 20 minutes so at least I didn't waste my time.

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11 hours ago, twoods said:

I'm watching The Christmas Calendar that aired on UP and so far am liking it. I enjoyed Lauren Bundy in Season's Greetings last year so am happy to see her again.

I tried watching Winter Wedding but it was boring and the mother was super annoying. The lead actor was nice to stare at for those 20 minutes so at least I didn't waste my time.

Wasn't he though? Easily in the top 3 of best looking/most appealing male leads this year. Probably top 2 for me in the running with Travis Van Winkle in Christmas Getaway.

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I watched Angry Angel last night, and wow was that different from most Christmas movies -- in a good way. I mean, the theology was insane (humans become angels? Being an angel is a punishment?), but I liked that Pyke learned a lesson other than "small town good, big city bad" or "true fulfillment comes with a boyfriend for Christmas." Brenda Song was a good actor, too, playing both bitchy and grief-stricken equally well. Plus, diversity!

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On 12/27/2017 at 3:35 PM, TVFan17 said:

Yes!  My Christmas Love was one of the standouts of the 2016 crop of new movies.   It was one of the ones that most people agreed on as being good at the time (though maybe opinions have changed since then), which is not always too common an occurrence.    It's very entertaining.    I liked it better than Gift Wrapped Christmas, but you may not.  Either way, they are both enjoyable movies.

I thought the same thing about Meredith Hagner after watching My Christmas Love -- she is reminiscent of a young Meg Ryan or young Goldie Hawn (the latter reference is amusing to me, as Meredith is dating Goldie Hawn's son, Wyatt, and I think that Meredith kind of resembles his sister Kate Hudson in a slight way).

I finally watched My Christmas Love, and I didn't particularly like it.  The twist at the end was good, and I liked the illustrator and was glad it worked out... but for some reason I just didn't care for this movie.

Meredith Hagner is a charming actress, but I didn't enjoy her as much here as I did in Lifetime's A Gift-Wrapped Christmas.  Does anyone else think she looks a lot like a young Melissa Joan Hart?

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On 12/31/2017 at 1:45 PM, Enero said:

For those interested Amazon has  Snowed Inn on Amazon video. $3.99 for the SD version and $4.99 for the HD version. Unfortunately neither is the Director’s cut which shows Jenna and Kevin running the magazine and subsequent proposal and wedding. 

Wait what? I just watched a (recorded re-airing). Were there additional scenes the first time around?

ETA: oh now I see this detailed upthread. I’m sorry I missed it; this was my favorite new Christmas movie of the year! And one of my complaints about these movies is that it would be nice to see the couples for more than 30 seconds after they get together. 

Edited by Myrrhine
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On 12/29/2017 at 7:09 PM, JasmineFlower said:

 I think Winter Wedding is a YMMV one.

Yeah I eventually watched this one.  It was not terribly interesting but passable as background noise. 

21 hours ago, AnnaRose said:

Meredith Hagner is a charming actress, but I didn't enjoy her as much here as I did in Lifetime's A Gift-Wrapped Christmas

I like her too and liked the NY movie well enough but I doubt it's one I'll rewatch like I would with A Gift Wrapped Christmas and My Christmas Love.

Same here. I was having withdrawals the past day or so. I'm glad I kept some movies on my DVR. Watching some Ion movies now. I actually liked A Christmas Cruise! My expectations were low going in since some folk said they didn't like it but it was a surprisingly cute movie that I'll probably watch again when the time comes. Watching The Spruce and The Pines and I'm bored to tears. I may give it a few more minutes and then ax it.  Movies get 15 min max to keep my attention or else it's abandon ship.

I know it's early yet but this popped up in my IMDB feed. Netflix is already planning for their next Christmas movie and I'm so here for it!


Christmas Calendar


The story follows Abby Sutton (Graham), who is an aspiring photographer trapped in a lowly job at a Sears’ photography. Abby inherits a magical advent calendar from her late grandmother that seems to be predicting her future – and pointing the way to a new romance with a hunky admirer. When that relationship crashes just before Christmas, she realizes that the calendar has actually been pointing her toward her best friend, who has been the constant in her life all along.

4 hours ago, MissyPoo said:

I'll be all over that Christmas Camp book as soon as it's released.

Is it sad that I'm so much more hyped for Netflix's Christmas movies than Hallmark's? I can't wait to see what Lifetime has up its sleeve this year, too.

It's not sad. Hallmark Christmas movies fell in quality once they decided to start rapidly churning them out and have them star the same people each year.

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On 6/2/2018 at 7:08 PM, In2You said:

This will probably be one of Netflix's next Christmas movies and they already have the tie in novel for it. From the makers of A Christmas Prince



Do we know if the book was written before or after the movie? I'm not totally into Netflix seeming to copy the book/movie thing Hallmark is doing. I have zero hope this will be any good given Christmas Prince, but I do like Bobby Campo, so I'll hope for the best.

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2 hours ago, JasmineFlower said:

Do we know if the book was written before or after the movie? I'm not totally into Netflix seeming to copy the book/movie thing Hallmark is doing. I have zero hope this will be any good given Christmas Prince, but I do like Bobby Campo, so I'll hope for the best.

A trend lately is for a movie deal to be signed before the book is released or a book to be written at the same time a movie or show so they can promote both. It's not copying Hallmark since Hallmark just chooses books to adapt to movies that have already been out and have a following. 

Edited by In2You
On 12/22/2017 at 1:38 PM, CherryAmes said:

I was watching the Switched for Christmas (or whatever it's called) the one where Candace Cameron Bure plays identical twins and I was prepared to like it but I couldn't get past why they switched in the first place.  Unless I missed something the reason was pretty weak.  Weak to virtually non-existent.  I mean lookalikes switching places have been a literary staple for generations but there's usually a good reason for them to do it.  If no reason and they're not 10 yrs old! what's the point?

The thing I liked about that movie was that the kids (who’d be the first the realize the switch happened) were in on it. I think they switched just to see how the “other half” lives. There’s always been a “the grass is greener” mentality among career women/“traditional wives & mothers” and this way the twins wanted to see how the other half lived and escape their own life for a little while. 

On 7/6/2018 at 9:54 PM, In2You said:

A trend lately is for a movie deal to be signed before the book is released or a book to be written at the same time a movie or show so they can promote both. It's not copying Hallmark since Hallmark just chooses books to adapt to movies that have already been out and have a following. 

Not anymore. Maybe you missed it, but Hallmark started a Publishing wing to their business. They are no longer just turning well known authors books into movies as they've done for years. They are writing books based on existing movies, several Christmas ones have been out for months with more on the horizon and have been doing very well. And they are looking for new books as well for their imprint, with the requirement that the book can also work as a movie for one of their channels. 

28 minutes ago, JasmineFlower said:

Not anymore. Maybe you missed it, but Hallmark started a Publishing wing to their business. They are no longer just turning well known authors books into movies as they've done for years. They are writing books based on existing movies, several Christmas ones have been out for months with more on the horizon and have been doing very well. And they are looking for new books as well for their imprint, with the requirement that the book can also work as a movie for one of their channels. 

I've heard but other companies were doing that before them. They just hopped on that trend as well.

1 hour ago, JasmineFlower said:

Have some examples? And is this for TV movies or ones premiering in theaters?

It's a popular trend in YA  with Children of Blood and Bone as the first that comes to mind because it had one of the best deals.


The rights were already secured and the movie lead was already cast for The Hate U Give prior to release


Space Opera is optioned for a movie and that negotiation started prior to its release as well. 

For a TV series example The 100 comes to mind

Edited by In2You
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Does anybody know where they filmed Christmas Getaway? I really want to live in that cabin. Only semi-kidding. Seriously a cabin in the snow at Christmas is my dream. 

I watched that last night and I had either forgotten about it, or I somehow missed it last year, but I really enjoyed it. 

Same with Christmas Connection - I either missed it or forgot about it. I really enjoyed seeing that one this evening. 

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On 11/5/2014 at 9:52 AM, Rock73 said:

I know that the Hallmark Channel likes to promote that they show 12 new movies every Christmas, but perhaps it is time for them to cut down on the quantity and concentrate a bit more on the quality.

I agree. Especially since the start date of their Christmas movie marathon gets pushed back earlier each year--its going to start on October 26  this year. At this rate, coupled with their "Christmas In July" marathon, it's only a matter of time before they're airing Christmas movies year round. The movies aren't necessarily bad, but there was a great article on Slate last year about how they're all basically the same.  

 As corny and cheesy as they all are, I have a soft spot for "A Cookie Cutter Christmas" and "A Royal Christmas".

Edited by Camille
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For those new viewers to Christmas in July, Hallmark is playing Nine Lives of Christmas on Sunday at 8am. It is still one of my favorite movies. 

I caught a movie on the Hallmark Movies app that I never watched called Married By Christmas (I think it was an UP movie). I ended up enjoying it because it had some parts of the movie (the humor and lead getting drunk) that you wouldn’t see on Hallmark.

Edited by twoods
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I totally might be in the minority, but I actually don't like a lot of holiday movies especially Christmas ones.  There are a few from my childhood I love (Smoky Mountain Christmas, A mom for Christmas, A Christmas Story, etc)... but I much prefer a good old fashion Halloween movie.  The tv networks in the 70s/80s made some great made for tv movies featuring ghosts, witches, etc... even Lifetime did so a few times in the 90s/2000s... but nowadays.. it seems like it's holiday/christmas all the time from October through January 1st.  

With that said, I'd glady watch a tv movie that shows that city life is so much better than small town/rural living any day of the week.

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12 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

I'd glady watch a tv movie that shows that city life is so much better than small town/rural living any day of the week.

Yes. I love pretty little towns, but I'm a die-hard New Yorker and I'm tired of the not so subtle implication that a big city is no place to celebrate the holidays and that you've got to go to some small/rural place to appreciate the true holiday spirit. 

That Slate article I posted above mentioned this. I can't think of a single Hallmark movie that's taken place in a city. A HUGE chunk of them will have some high-powered, driven, cynical executive type leaving for a visit and of course, discovering the true meaning of Christmas was they get to "Podunk, USA".

13 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

but I much prefer a good old fashion Halloween movie.  The tv networks in the 70s/80s made some great made for tv movies featuring ghosts, witches, etc... even Lifetime did so a few times in the 90s/2000s... but nowadays.. it seems like it's holiday/christmas all the time from October through January 1st.  

Because Halloween is a "fun" holiday. It's not something that TV writers and executives think they can construct a sappy love story around. Imagining some cynical executive going home to rediscover the true meaning of Halloween makes me laugh.

I love Christmas as much as the next person, but I hate how the hype starts earlier every year. It's bad enough that Thanksgiving has been eclipsed, now Halloween too. It's garish to see Christmas and Halloween decorations right next to each other in stores.

On 7/27/2018 at 3:37 PM, Veronica said:

I might be in the minority, but I would totally watch a channel devoted to holiday movies all year long. 

And so would a lot of other people. Not me, necessarily, though I might tune in occasionally. There's a few stores in New York that deliberately sell Christmas paraphernalia year-round, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone has tried to pitch such an idea to network executives.

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There are very few Hallmark movies that take place in the city, which are kind of like treats to me since the small town is king storyline is overplayed. Some of my faves take place in big cities. Summer in the City is one, Midnight Masquerade (don't know why they kicked this off the channel, it's perfect for October), Gift of the Magi, Trading Christmas (well, half of it), Call Me Mrs. Miracle (I love the scenes of New York and the carriage ride), Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade, Merry Matrimony (not my fave at all), The Best Christmas Party Ever, Window Wonderland, and last year's The Perfect Christmas Present which had some impressive and gorgeous Chicago cinematography for a Hallmark movie. Come to think of it, they don't show many of these as much as the other ones since they are the old school titles. Wonder if there is a connection.


That said my tv will be on TCM's old school horror flicks throughout October (and maybe ABC Family or where ever I can find Twitches). Makes me wonder how they'll squeeze in Fall Harvest this year.

Edited by MissyPoo
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3 hours ago, Camille said:

Yes. I love pretty little towns, but I'm a die-hard New Yorker and I'm tired of the not so subtle implication that a big city is no place to celebrate the holidays and that you've got to go to some small/rural place to appreciate the true holiday spirit. 

That Slate article I posted above mentioned this. I can't think of a single Hallmark movie that's taken place in a city. A HUGE chunk of them will have some high-powered, driven, cynical executive type leaving for a visit and of course, discovering the true meaning of Christmas was they get to "Podunk, USA".

Because Halloween is a "fun" holiday. It's not something that TV writers and executives think they can construct a sappy love story around. Imagining some cynical executive going home to rediscover the true meaning of Halloween makes me laugh.

I love Christmas as much as the next person, but I hate how the hype starts earlier every year. It's bad enough that Thanksgiving has been eclipsed, now Halloween too. It's garish to see Christmas and Halloween decorations right next to each other in stores.

And so would a lot of other people. Not me, necessarily, though I might tune in occasionally. There's a few stores in New York that deliberately sell Christmas paraphernalia year-round, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone has tried to pitch such an idea to network executives.

Actually, Halloween in the early 20th century used to be a courting holiday for adults...



A heads up to all the Snowed-Inn Christmas fans. There's a movie two-fer DVD collection with Wrapped Up in Christmas (one of my other faves) over at Amazon for a nice-ish price. The release is set for next month.

Some of the digital versions of previous year Lifetime Christmas movies went on sale for 99c for a short time. Hopefully, they return sometime this year but you may want to keep an eye out for them. :-)

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45 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

Hallmark's 36 new Christmas movies were announced today.    https://ew.com/tv/hallmark-christmas-movies-2018-air-dates/

It is interesting that 5 of the later ones still have stars listed as TBD - wonder if still haven't cast them yet or just haven't gotten around to announcing them.  A few of their regulars who currently are not assigned to movies are Rachel Boston, Alison Sweeney, Bridget Regan, and Taylor Cole, so maybe they will end up working on some of the TBD ones.

They don't seem to need much lead time to get these ready.  Alicia Witt just started filming her movie this week and it is scheduled to air November 19.   It is being filmed in Connecticut instead of usual Canadian small town.

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