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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I have been told that if you wish to register your protest on Friday then you can easily do so by turning on your tv set to a channel that is in no way connected to the inauguration. With so many of us using the recording process so we don't miss our programs said machines recording a program at that time register as being tuned in to that channel when the tv set is not on.  So, turn on your tv and give one of the lesser watched channels a hit.

  • Love 4

The comedy in this episode was really good.   Whoever wrote the script must know humor. 

Austin,  has never made me laugh so hard,  but boy he gave me the crack up today.   Austin Peck has come a long ways being an actor.  I thank his run on As the World Turns for improving him.   

Anna is just dumb but I enjoy her a great deal.   Leann just has uncanny ability to make me laugh.   

Welcome Greg and your sexy voice.  

New Jade is good.   I can tell by this episode the writers decided to up the character a tad because of the recast, which I'm fine with that.   She's going to need the attitude dealing with Claire and Ciara. 

As for where the teens staying is that Sami's old place? 

Anywho, very good episode.   Worthy watch. 

  • Love 5

I have to say I did have a LOL moment on yesterday's show with Sonny and Deimos.  When Sonny was pleading for Deimos to consider that innocent people can get hurt, he mentioned "what about Abigail" to which my reply was "Why the hell would Deimos care about Abigail Dimera", for then Deimos to basically have a blank look on his face on why he should care about Abigail.  Sonny, Deimos doesn't give two shits about the other side of YOUR family, if they aren't Kiriakis's, he could care less.

I doubt Deimos barely registers Ariana so he certainly doesn't care about her connected family members (Kate, Hernandez family). 

  • Love 4

Ugh, this whole Chloe/Nicole/Deimos/baby story line is just infuriating.  So many times over I have wished Chloe would just tell Nicole already instead of "I have something to tell you.  It's something important.  Its something you need to know.  This something is major and you need to know this..." dragging on until either a crisis occurs or Deimos comes barreling in for the zillionth time.  And seriously, why is he always right freaking there?  And why would Chloe go to Deimos house to tell Nicole this last time?  Just say it already.  I fear Deimos will be the one to tell it all, and ruin Chloe/Nicole's friendship, want revenge, make Chloe the bad guy (again) and make Nicole seem even more clingy and in debt to him.  And Nicole's baby-rabies are just alarming.  I get she feels connected, but as far as she and most know right now, this is Chloe's baby and she is just so oddly obsessive over her.  This whole plot just sucks...

Is original Jade gone for good?  Too bad if she is, I liked her, but I didn't dislike the new one so I'll give her a chance.  I think the crew of teen roommates is a disaster waiting to happen.  They clearly don't know how to take care of themselves, they are mostly spoiled and entitled brats who don't even want to go school that their parents are paying for.  None have jobs, and it appears that their families are paying their rent too.  Ugh, smh...

Ooh Eric...he does the brooding reclusive cabin-man thing really well.  Kind of glad to see him and GV back.  I was almost thinking that Hope and Eric had some chemistry...then I was reminded that he is her nephew and that everyone is related on this show.  

Ha, I kind of love how exasperated Austin is over Anna and her quirks.  Austin Peck plays it well and I enjoy him this time around...finally!  He and Carrie look good too, I was glad that they acknowledged her thing with stupid Rafe and that Austin was not having it with him either.

Ready for some off these plots to move forward, they seem to be going around in circles for what feels like months now.  Ready for something to change.

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 4

Geez, NuJade, don't plan your parties right in front of your boyfriend's mother.

Ooh, the Rafe and Austin dick waving got pretty thick there for a while.  :)

This Ciara/Claire/Theo/Joey/Jade living arrangement is going to be interesting. Is that Rafe and Sami's old place? Did we know it had a loft before?  Maybe that's where Will lived.

  • Love 1

So happy that Eric is back.  I've only known the character since summer 2014, (he was always in Colorado with the grandparents), so much of that had to do with Serena and the elephant, yet I really came to love the character and Greg's portrayal of him.  Since I loved the chemistry between him and Nicole, I am hoping the plan is to eventually make them a couple. 

I didn't even hate Hope today. Guess it was the Eric effect.  

Loving Anna, Carrie and Austin.  I've always preferred PM's Austin, but AP's winning me over with his acting right now.

The teens... eh.  Still think they act more like high school age than college aged.  And since it's Jan 17th, shouldn't the winter semester have started by now.

  • Love 2

The teens all living together may be a disaster just waiting to happen. January semester should have started last week. Unless they are using a UK based system when classes start in October. Joey, it may not be a good idea to have Jade as one of your roomies. Yes, maybe you can be friends, but living with her amongst others may be very awkward. Thought Jade did look like someone else. I have no idea if any of them actually can live together as adults. As LadyJaney said, they come across as very spoiled and entitled. And have a lot of growing up to do. They should be grateful that their parents are paying - even though Salem U probably isn't expensive. And paying their rent too? Wow!

Thought Eric was looking good as the mountain man.

Anna may have her quirks but this is getting beyond dumb. The Anna I knew was free-spirited and had a joie de vivre. Not lugging around an urn. Maybe she could buy a coffee mug type urn with a handle.

  • Love 2

I'm glad I watched today.  This is the first full episode I've seen in a while and it had some good things in it.

First off, who is this Joey person and what happened to the old one, because this guy, today at least, made sense, seemed relatively mature and centered, and was generally a pleasure to watch.

I miss the old Jade but don't have an opinion on the new one yet.  However, I feel sorry for anyone who has to live with that continual cloud cover called Ciara.  

Eric, Eric Eric!  Eric!!  He was a real pleasure to see and I hope that continues.  And as some one of you said above, even Hope wasn't bad.

The Prague stuff is all FF to me.  And I don't care how dumb Anna may be, Rafe can just STFU, jump out a window, stick his tongue in a light socket or choke to death on his undeserved self-esteem.  Or, maybe Anna could shoot him next.  What an asshole.

Edited by boes
  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, boes said:

And I don't care how dumb Anna may be, Rafe can just STFU, jump out a window, stick his tongue in a light socket or choke to death on his undeserved self-esteem.  Or, maybe Anna could shoot him next.  What an asshole.

I am no longer a fan of Rafe in the slightest, but Anna is actually one of the very few people toward whom he has every right to be hateful and disdainful due to her part in Sydney's kidnapping, and all of the bad things she either did or had done to him while he tried to prove her part in it.

  • Love 10
8 minutes ago, Michel said:

I am no longer a fan of Rafe in the slightest, but Anna is actually one of the very few people toward whom he has every right to be hateful and disdainful due to her part in Sydney's kidnapping, and all of the bad things she either did or had done to him while he tried to prove her part in it.

I forgot about that, completely blanked it out.  Thanks.  Makes more sense now.

Though I'd still enjoy seeing somebody deck Rafe, just not Anna.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Michel said:

I am no longer a fan of Rafe in the slightest, but Anna is actually one of the very few people toward whom he has every right to be hateful and disdainful due to her part in Sydney's kidnapping, and all of the bad things she either did or had done to him while he tried to prove her part in it.

Not that this diminishes Anna's part, but Rafe had no problem plotting with Nicole on "stealing" EJ and her baby.  Anna was totally wrong but he did the exact same thing with Nicole.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Not that this diminishes Anna's part, but Rafe had no problem plotting with Nicole on "stealing" EJ and her baby.  Anna was totally wrong but he did the exact same thing with Nicole.

Believe me.  I know all of this very well.  But Rafe at least didn't try to get E.J. thrown into jail for something he didn't do while he (E.J.) was trying to solve that mess, nor did he try to get him falsely executed, both of which Anna did or tried to have done to him.

I love Anna and really, strongly dislike Rafe, but looking at the two situations -- or, rather, their actions during them -- Rafe still comes out ahead and thus still has quite a bit of right to hate Anna.

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Yes, I'm meeting her for the first time but she's neither fun nor entertaining nor relatable. What's with all the shootings?? Calm down!

It's unfortunate the writers are writing her this way.  Anna was more of a fun, mature Sami type who everyone loved.  When they brought her back during the Colleen/Santo storyline as a linchpin between both families it was done with such respect to both the character and the history she has with everyone.  They should be writing Anna's instability as more dramatic and revenge filled, not wacky and zany.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, JBC344 said:

It's unfortunate the writers are writing her this way.  Anna was more of a fun, mature Sami type who everyone loved.  When they brought her back during the Colleen/Santo storyline as a linchpin between both families it was done with such respect to both the character and the history she has with everyone.  They should be writing Anna's instability as more dramatic and revenge filled, not wacky and zany.

What is so appalling is that Dena was part of the writing team, when Anna was in town.. Anna was never like this.  Her return in 2007, where she accompanied John and Marlena to find Tony was amazing. 

  • Love 2

Silly me.  When Eduardo called J.J. to the carpet on hurting two of his daughters, I thought, When did he hurt Arianna?  She died long before he came back to town.  Then, J.J. mentioned Gabi and Paige, and then I slapped my forehead.  Says a lot about Eve and Paige's connection to Eduardo that I didn't even think to remember that.  Then again, it's not mentioned a lot, so . . .

My DVR cut out.  What happened with Eric and Alana, the girl on the ledge?  Did he get her off it?

  • Love 8

Watched Tuesday's episode and I agree, the script was good (or better than usual) but the lack of rehearsal shows. Austin gave good reactions but they seemed out of synch with what the others were doing. There's always a degree of awkwardness happening on screen and it makes me sad for the actors.

Kayla is a gem and improves every scene she's in.

New Jade is at least similar in body type and delivery as version 1.0. As far as recasts go, this one works just fine. I'll still miss the original, though, and wish her well.

Eric looks totally different and really good. I'm liking the silver beard and hoping he has scenes with Brady soon. Eric is supposed to be at least ten years older than Brady so I would like to see them together acting a bit more like brothers with a significant age gap. I always felt like Brady thought he was the older brother back when Eric was a wimpy priest.

I am not loving, however, the fact that Eric's free and apparently never bothered to call his mother or father about it. Both Roman and Marlena were heartsick when he was locked up and it seems pretty emo of him not to tell them he got out. Of course you could also argue that it's pretty crappy of his parents not to know anything about how he is doing.

I'm completely lost as to what the point of this Prague storyline is. If it was supposed to be about reintroducing Austin and Carrie and Anna it's not working for me. I was wondering whether the plotline is one big bait and switch to build off of Stefano's death in a new direction with Carrie and Austin, but something tells me that isn't the case. Is this going to turn out just like all of Dena's other storylines: self contained and rather pointless at the end of the day?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, janeyjay said:

I'm guessing that it's named for Gabi, Dario and Rafe. 

But on this show, who knows?

Lol, way to ignore Paige and Arianna there Eddie.

14 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Not only did he get her off of it, she turned out to be the Governor's daughter, so he gave him a pardon for saving his daughter.

So they recycled Anna's plotline from when she got Nicole out of jail, but now have Anna running around like a crazy person.  Really Days?

  • Love 2

I really want them to keep Eric all bad ass,  sexy with a heart of gold. 

I never was into the father Eric mess.  It just made him into a wimp and a pushover. 

This is Eric is way more convincing and believable.   ? 

Look at Steve Burton now on YR.   That Dylan character could had been everything had he not allowed his buddy JFP make him into a carbon copy Jason Morgan from GH.   Now he's gone.   

Keep Eric like this Days.   
You got a good thing going here. 

  • Love 9
On 1/12/2017 at 9:32 AM, LeftPhalange said:

Austin and Carrie are still in Fake Prague so they haven't crossed paths with Failure yet. I would be surprised if Failure lying about hooking up with Austin was even acknowledged since the writers seem to be going in a little bit of a different direction with the character. 

True. Typical Failure usually can't resist married penis or former love interests being happily moving on. 

  • Love 2

Scruffy, non-priest Eric has become attractive. A bit unstable, but not like Deimos. The bedroom where Hope is hiding looked a bit too pristine when the cops came to search.

Don't recall Sonny and Abs being friends, but....

The Prague thing is a bit silly. Surely the walls have ears and *someone* there has seen 'Stefano'.

  • Love 2

I'm still confused about this microchip thing and the Prague stuff seems like it was written five minutes before filming began. And of course I hate that Chloe is being thrown under the bus for fucking Deimos, and I remained confused about what the writers are going for with him. Was there a regime change behind the scenes when this stuff was being written? 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I am not loving, however, the fact that Eric's free and apparently never bothered to call his mother or father about it. Both Roman and Marlena were heartsick when he was locked up and it seems pretty emo of him not to tell them he got out. Of course you could also argue that it's pretty crappy of his parents not to know anything about how he is doing.

Eric told Hope his father knew he'd been released and that Marlena was in Europe.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I just watched yesterday's episode today - thanks for telling me though.

Where is Roman anyway? Would have been a nice brief subplot to see Roman get that call from Eric and then feel torn about keeping Doc in the dark...

And they could have had Roman visit Eric and Hope have to hide from Roman, who is already up to his eyes...

Does Marlena know Roman's part in Hope's crime?

I don't like that, once again, Eric is Emo. Get laid, man!

Prague is going nowhere fast.

Failure sucks. The microchips are boring. The Jennifer magazine plot doesn't even seem to exist....

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

They're cousins.  Don't forget the first day Sonny was on the show, they were all huggy, and Will and Gabi were upset that Abigail was two-timing her boyfriend, who, I think at the time, was Chad.

My PVR doesn't always record. I also may have missed a few chunks. Thanks!

Don't kill me,  I swear the more this show drops Daniel bombs religiously in this baby storyline/Kiriakis stuff...  I get the strangest feeling...  This show will bring back SC as another character like GH does with Michael Easton.   

Again the soapy convo between Dario/Sonny/Chad were good.   Sonny's inner Kiriakis coming out and shining through in these scenes.   I like that.   

Chloe is a kidnapper.   Her intentions might be good but to steal a person's baby is what it is - stealing.   

Lastly,  one more time,  Nicole is steadily crying.   EVERY...  SINGLE... DAY.   I like this character very much but fuck why is she sucha crybaby!   That is not the Nicole I've been a fan of since the 90s.  She needs get her backbone and feistiness back.   Nicole is suppose to be a mix of Brooke Logan meets Carly Corinthos.  They cry but damn they are also messy boots and are smart h*es too! The crying, heroine stuff should be left up to the Kaylas,  Marlenas,  Jennifers,  and Hopes of the show.   I don't want to see that with Nicole,  Higley!  ?

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Funny that Gabi and Abigail could hear the guys talking normally, but the guys couldn't hear the women yelling in the basement.

I'm getting tired of the "he's not Daniel" mantra. Not that I think Deimos is any better.

"Play gangsters".  Yep, it's GH lite for sure.

Orwell, huh?  That's appropriate.

Does Deimos really think he can take on Deimos?

1 hour ago, BlackMamba said:

Don't kill me,  I swear the more this show drops Daniel bombs religiously in this baby storyline/Kiriakis stuff...  I get the strangest feeling...  This show will bring back SC as another character like GH does with Michael Easton.   

Again the soapy convo between Dario/Sonny/Chad were good.   Sonny's inner Kiriakis coming out and shining through in these scenes.   I like that.   

Chloe is a kidnapper.   Her intentions might be good but to steal a person's baby is what it is - stealing.   

Lastly,  one more time,  Nicole is steadily crying.   EVERY...  SINGLE... DAY.   I like this character very much but fuck why is she sucha crybaby!   That is not the Nicole I've been a fan of since the 90s.  She needs get her backbone and feistiness back.   Nicole is suppose to be a mix of Brooke Logan meets Carly Corinthos.  They cry but damn they are also messy boots and are smart h*es too! The crying, heroine stuff should be left up to the Kaylas,  Marlenas,  Jennifers,  and Hopes of the show.   I don't want to see that with Nicole,  Higley!  ?

I like Nicole too, but, she is not vile, like Carly...Nicole is not propped like Carly is on General Hospital.  After all this time, on the show, Nicole is still an outsider, in Salem.  People still view her with suspicion, due to her past.   Whereas, Carly, a gold digging, tramp, is the matriarch, of General Hospital. It is why I stopped watching the show.   My final straw was the killing of AJ Quartemaine.

Dena is just recycling her stories from 2008. She is redoing the Sydney kidnapping story all over again, this time Nicole is the victim and Chloe, who she has always trashed, is the kidnapper.   Dena needs to be gone..

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Still not buying the big boy Kiriakis thing with Sonny. 

Agreed, and Dario is just as bad.  He's always glowering and pissy about something but he just seems like he's in serious need of a diaper change.  And Sonny is as frightening as a Weeble who won't fall down.

It's like Hewey, Dewey and Lewey are now crime lords.  

  • Love 7
36 minutes ago, boes said:

Agreed, and Dario is just as bad.  He's always glowering and pissy about something but he just seems like he's in serious need of a diaper change.  And Sonny is as frightening as a Weeble who won't fall down.

It's like Hewey, Dewey and Lewey are now crime lords.  

I can't believe Dario told Sonny just because something was stolen from you, doesn't mean it belongs to you.

Can they make him any thicker.

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, Sidney said:

I can't believe Dario told Sonny just because something was stolen from you, doesn't mean it belongs to you.

Can they make him any thicker.

Actually in this instance it makes perfect sense. The Kiriakis stole the tech from the Dimeras, so Sonny complaining about someone stealing it from them is hypocritical. 

  • Love 5
46 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Actually in this instance it makes perfect sense. The Kiriakis stole the tech from the Dimeras, so Sonny complaining about someone stealing it from them is hypocritical. 

I agree. But I think Dario looks even more stupid going around threatening to kill someone who they stole they from in the first place. And putting hits on people.

  • Love 4

Chloe, you really don't have any good reason to keep Nicole away from her biological child. You were the one who risked another attempt at surrogacy without Nicole or DDD (dearly departed Daniel) giving permission. Yes, it was a lovely gesture, but you didn't ask if Nicole would still want a baby with him being deceased. People come and go from others' lives and there is no guarantee that Deimos (or any other man you dislike) will be around a few months from now. You don't get a vote. If Nicole is making a mistake, she will have the consequences and your 'I told you so'. Otherwise, butt out.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie were really dumb. You would think they could hear Abs and Gabi blabbing in the basement. Abs, or Abs the First, knew exactly that she was marrying a DiMera, who may not stay above-board.

  • Love 3
On 1/19/2017 at 6:40 PM, boes said:

Agreed, and Dario is just as bad.  He's always glowering and pissy about something but he just seems like he's in serious need of a diaper change.  And Sonny is as frightening as a Weeble who won't fall down.


Why does this show always feel the need to completely change characters whenever they recast or even bring them back with the same actor? 

Dario was a decent guy during his original stint but now he's pulling guns and putting hits on people.

I'm laughing at the writes attempts to turn Sonny into a full fledged member of the Kiriakis crime family. I don't know how Chad and Dario stopped themselves from laughing in his face when he tried to get menacing with them. I also don't believe Victor and Justin would ever allow him to get anywhere near the family's dirty dealings. 

Belle was vulgar during her entire return last year.

Phillip was nothing but a loser who got played by Belle and abused by Deimos.

Don't get me started on how they trash Chloe every time she comes back. I find myself rooting for her as a reaction to how often she's shit on and degraded. 

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Why does this show always feel the need to completely change characters whenever they recast or even bring them back with the same actor? 

Dario was a decent guy during his original stint but now he's pulling guns and putting hits on people.

I'm laughing at the writes attempts to turn Sonny into a full fledged member of the Kiriakis crime family. I don't know how Chad and Dario stopped themselves from laughing in his face when he tried to get menacing with them. I also don't believe Victor and Justin would ever allow him to get anywhere near the family's dirty dealings. 

Belle was vulgar during her entire return last year.

Phillip was nothing but a loser who got played by Belle and abused by Deimos.

Don't get me started on how they trash Chloe every time she comes back. I find myself rooting for her as a reaction to how often she's shit on and degraded. 

I was just thinking the same thing, especially regarding Dario.  What the hell happened to nice guy Dario?  Now he is some crime lord in training?  I also didn't understand Dario and his "Chad you and Sonny are friends, I'm the outsider".  Now, yes, Chad and Sonny are close but did the writers forget that Dario was friends with them as well.  Also Dario was supposed to be close to Paul since they went to boarding school together but that got completely dropped.  Now they are pretending that Dario is some outsider, new to town.

I also echo that Victor and Justin would of never let Sonny get involved in shady business.  

Edited by JBC344
  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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