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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Now, I've made it no secret that I'm one of the apparently few here who does like Abigail.  But even I cheered when Dario hit her with the "c" word someone should've used on her weeks ago.  No, not "cunt," even though I'm starting to think she deserves that word, too, based on what she's doing.  I mean "coward," because . . . she totally is being one.

Glad to see Eve back, and while she didn't mention her name, I'm also glad she mentioned Paige.  I miss her as much as Eve does and still think that she shouldn't have been killed off.  Just written off with an option to come back later.  Anyway, I'm surprised that neither Shane nor Kimberly told Eve what happened with Theresa.

I have to agree with what Andre said to Chad.  Stefano did set up the situation, but Hope ultimately had a choice.  She's no innocent.

What is thing with microchips Eduardo and Dario are doing?

  • Love 3

On a shallow first note, Jenn, please do something with your hair. It's way too white and harsh and very unflattering. And reduce a bit of the black eyeliner.

Blurting out Adrienne's business saves a few folks from chatting about it first. It's a small town and most folks know everything!

Felt a bit sorry for Chad trying to be a decent human being. The downfall will happen.

Abs is a coward for not returning to her home, husband, and son. Not really fair for them to mourn her for months and then bide her time, hiding in the Horton attic. One of these days, either Doug or Julie will notice the meal sizes increasing or lack of leftovers.

Yep, even though may have been goaded in to shooting Stefano, she still had a choice. Maybe if she drank some wine or something that had some drug in it, there might be a mitigating factor.

Dario, say there is something wrong with the bag and that you need to exchange it. Otherwise, Gabi or Ari or both, will be snatched.

Hopefully Eve is back for a bit. Maybe she and Anne can have some fun.

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First off RIP Joseph Mascolo.   Fine actor. One of my favorite villians of all daytime. Very sad that it was Alzheimer’s that ended up taking his life.  Even though I believe these were probably some tough few years for him I'm glad he kept doing what he loved til he couldn't any longer. Condolences to his family,  friends and co-workers in the industry who loved and respected him.  ?

As for this episode,  blah and boring. 
Dario should just tell on Abby and be done, who is she to remotely blackmail someone. This little silly juvenile charade she's doing is a yawn.   Let's finally get her revealed and have this quad between Jabi/Chabi/Shitty start. 

To piggy back,  the last few days episodes iconic how they have been explaining this right to die/suicide by cop scenario.   I mean the fact Joe died Thursday and it was announced Friday after the episode he passed on.   It kind of gave me the chills.   

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Michel said:

Now, I've made it no secret that I'm one of the apparently few here who does like Abigail.  But even I cheered when Dario hit her with the "c" word someone should've used on her weeks ago.  No, not "cunt," even though I'm starting to think she deserves that word, too, based on what she's doing.  I mean "coward," because . . . she totally is being one.

And as I've said 3424 times, I don't even understand what Failure thinks she's protecting her family from. I think she's awful and that everyone would be better off without her but that's not how they see it. Does she not think it's cruel to let the people who care about her think she's dead when she's really not? It's not like she has cancer and is going to die a slow painful miserable death. Her issues can be treated so she's just being dramatic.

JM passing away makes the exit he got even worse now. TPTB could've and should've done much better for an actor and character that's been on the show for three decades. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

JM passing away makes the exit he got even worse now. TPTB could've and should've done much better for an actor and character that's been on the show for three decades. 

Did they under-estimate the love the fans had for the character, so that they'd think we'd be ok with Hope shooting him, then Rafe convincing her to move the body, hide it in an abandoned building about to be blown up, frame the murder victim's son for the murder, and have Roman agree to the entire cover-up, and then have another innocent man take the framed murderers place in jail.  

I just hate, hate, hate this story-line and it 's just become 100 times worse now that Joe has passed on.  :(

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, oceanblue said:

Why is Abby hiding in the attic?

Abigail thinks that being around too many people she loves will cause her to feel so much pressure to get fully better, she'll relapse.  She thinks this will protect Chad and Thomas from her until she feels like she's fully recovered mentally.  It makes . . . some semblance of sense, since there's no guarantee she'll get as well as she wants and hopes to get.  But given that she's letting Chad mourn her when it's really unfair for him to be mourning her when he shouldn't even have to be, it doesn't make that much sense.

Edited by Michel
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The longer Abby waits the crueler she's being to Chad to me. He thinks you are dead and is mourning you while you are staying in an attic, letting your mother and brother lie to your whole family. As Dario said you are a coward. If you're so worried about Chad and Gabi, come out of hiding! Honestly I'm ready for this whole quadrangle of Abby/Chad/Gabi/JJ to actually have something happen. 

Poor Chad  is so sad about Stefano. Though the point is Hope still shot him even if he was dying. She didn't know that. The smug coming off Rafe made me want Hope to stay behind bars! 

Ugh Deimos. Hope Nicole sees through you soon. But I don't know which is worse, worshipping Deimos or still crying about St. Jonas? Hard choice. 

Hey Brady guess who didn't abandon you and Tate? Eve. So I'd leave that surly attitude somewhere else. We get it , you're mad. Also Eve you just think your sister would up and leave her kid and fiancé? No one thinks this is weird?! 

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She does think it's weird. That was clear yesterday, but I doubt the writers will let her look into it further.


I just hate, hate, hate this story-line and it 's just become 100 times worse now that Joe has passed on.  :(

Yeah, agreed. I was so hoping they'd have some film of Stefano chilling by the beach to surprise us with. Instead this cobbled-together "he was sick!" BS. At least there was the memorial episode and his returns as a ghost, which were all pretty good. But still.

...kinda makes you wonder how crappy the show's last episodes might be.


Eve is back?  I need to watch her and Ann's scenes.  Otherwise, it doesn't sound good.

They haven't had any yet, but here's hoping.


Well, they were at a meeting together yesterday.

Missed that, thanks.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Michel said:

Abigail thinks that being around too many people she loves will cause her to feel so much pressure to get fully better, she'll relapse. 

And also Julie took over her mother's house. I'm just saying.

Chad now thinks maybe Stefano wasn't the man Chad thought he was? Wh -- what? Chad, up until a few months ago, you thought your father was a lying sack of criminal dingo crap. Which is exactly the man he was. Chad's recent sentimentality about his relationship with his father makes no sense.

But then if Chad were being sensible, he wouldn't let André past the front gate.

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The whole suicide by cop plot is an insult to both Stefano & JM, they deserved better than to be used as a barely thought out plot device to spring Hope for prison. 

Friday's scenes with Dario were the first time I was actively interested in Abby and saw a spark with her. Not necessarily a spark with Dario, but one with her. I like a bit of angst as much as the next person, but since Abby got back I feel like I'm od'ing on angst. 

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LOL that they brought out Ghost Dan to prop Deimos. One, Dan would never encourage Nicole to be with someone like Deimos. Two, having Deimos kidnap, drug, and abuse Phillip nullifies your attempts to whitewash him. 

So now they have Chad apologizing to Hope for asking to court to do it's job and rightfully punish her for her crimes. Do these people not realize that Stefano using Hope to commit suicide doesn't change the fact that she MURDERED HIM WHILE HE SAT IN A WHEELCHAIR?

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

Yeah, calling it "Suicide by cop" doesn't absolve Hope of anything. If she wasn't in her right mind when it happened, that could make a difference, but the fact that the victim may have been suicidal makes him a manipulative creep -- it doesn't change the fact that she's a murderer.

Edited by Sandman
  • Love 8

What was the fuckin point in killing off Daniel if I'm going to be greeted with his dead presence or him being mentioned every  month???   And now with egg baby coming soon the mentions will never end of how St.  Daniel was simply a wonderful father and the best doctor of all time!   Give me a break.   I had a feeling Corday wasn't going to allow the character he created and envisioned himself as to simply burn into a grease fire!  Ugh.  And then it's not just Days,  but B&B and I think GH, but can soap writers fucking knock it off with the egg baby stories?!  I've had a enough of them because every soap that has them are stupid or poorly researched.  I need a long break from these type of stories in daytime.   Granted there is an audience for it,  but I feel like soap writers/producers tell them horribly or they laughable. 

And that's another thing, all this money Nicole has,  you mean to tell me she can't see a therapist??   I'm so done with her crying all over herself about every damn thing especially St Daniel.   That is not the Nicole I envision!   Nicole is a grey character,  complex,  a scheming little bitch but when she gets caught she's suppose looks like foolish but you do feel some sort of sympathy for her. That's her character history/development in a nutshell.   This crying all the time,  jesus,  like this isn't her!   She needs to suck up these tears and move forward with her life.  Enough Nicole! 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Sandman said:

Yeah, calling it "Suicide by cop" doesn't absolve Hope of anything. If she wasn't in her right mind when it happened, that could make a difference, but the fact that the victim may have been suicidal makes him a manipulative creep -- it doesn't change the fact that she's a murderer.

Right, why not just say she took too much Nyquil again and killed Stefano while in some type of Night Time Hope fugue state?

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

What was the fuckin point in killing off Daniel if I'm going to be greeted with his dead presence or him being mentioned every  month???   And now with egg baby coming soon the mentions will never end of how St.  Daniel was simply a wonderful father and the best doctor of all time!

I expect the baby to be named Daniel or Danielle.

  • Love 2

I actually wouldn't mind Brady and Chloe back together.  The two have changed so much since they were married when they were younger, it is like they would be two different characters getting together.  If not, I appreciate that they have stayed friends.  Same way I feel about Nicole and Lucas, I wouldn't mind a redux of them coming together as mature adults now instead of two scheming kids.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Sandman said:

Yeah, calling it "Suicide by cop" doesn't absolve Hope of anything. If she wasn't in her right mind when it happened, that could make a difference, but the fact that the victim may have been suicidal makes him a manipulative creep -- it doesn't change the fact that she's a murderer.

THANK YOU.  There is no way Hope would get out of jail for this.  The issue isn't what Stefano's retconned intention was but rather what Hope's intention was.  She intended to kill him.  she went to his home with the weapon.  She accosted him.  She pulled the trigger multiple times.  She then disposed of the body and framed someone else for her crime.  Hope also had no intention of the truth ever being revealed, and were it not for Aiden, Hope, Rafe and that other disgusting waste of space, Fauxman would still be hiding her crime.  Based on what would she be eligible for release from jail.

  • Love 6

Stefano may have had several intentions but Hope ultimately pulled the trigger. Unless a psychiatrist diagnoses her as being mentally unfit to have any awareness of what she has done, she is guilty. Shooting the guy is one thing, but burying him in a building scheduled for demolition, faking his private jet taking off, and framing his serial killer son - well, she needs to serve the time.

It's hard for Nicole to get over Dr. Dan when she is pretty much living with his egg mommy. Daily reminders. She could find a grief counsellor that deals with prolonged grief and perhaps get her own place.

Deimos, surely there are other ways to get info from Philip beside drugging him. Nice to see Eve again, but why is she back, exactly?

  • Love 3

I'm so over "Failure the Great Martyr". Since nobody in their right mind would purposely stay away from their husband and child, I think we can safely say that she's still mentally unstable. 

Did anyone really believe that Hope was going to do serious time? Stefano was hated by so many (with good reason), that a convoluted back story was inevitable. Now, we can start our grieving process of living through "Rope....Un-jailed and Un-inspiring". 

I'm skipping any scenes that may be connected to the dearly departed and endlessly mourned Caped Crusader. Never in all of my years of viewing, have I ever seen a character grieved over the way that Dr Tan is. I will also be skipping the birth of little Daniel/Danielle and the subsequent cape presentation at the Christening.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Sonoma said:

VI totally smelled the fart today with his acting today! I even rewound it a couple of times because it was the only thing that made me laugh watching the show.  

So so over Deimos. And I think I was one of the few on here giving him a chance over the summer. But damn if this show has not figuratively and literally killed important characters to prop this asshole and for what? Sorry writers, there is nothing "gray" about kidnapping, drugging, and threatening Phillip, especially after what he already did to Bo and Maggie and what he's been doing to Chloe. What, are we supposed to cheer him on because he loves Nicole? He's killed her character too with her stupidity so I couldn't care less about her right now especially as she's boo-hooing over ghost Daniel.  

Oh and I love how Phloe 2.0 (or is it 3.0? 4.0?) is all happening off screen.

This. Show. Cannot. Get. Any. Worse. Right. Now. Oh wait, it can. Barring a miscarriage, the babyJesusinthenameofDaniel will be arriving in Salem soon. And then Chloe will get dragged through the mud again while Nicole gets her babyJesusinthenameofDaniel, the truest miracle of all miracle babies and offspring of the kindest and greatest man ever to screw and shame half the woman in Salem. Although I think Brady is right on his heels.

Oh and I just remembered that Hope is all good now that Stefano FORCED her to kill him via suicide by cop.

What in the name of the babyJesusinthenameofDaniel is going on right now? 

Hahahahaha!  Brilliant and funny post!

I tuned in today to give Show a look and turned if off pretty quickly.  

I love VI and was pretty happy at first with Deimos, although it was mostly because of the actor.   Now the only thing that saves him is that he's sharing scenes with JPL as Philip.  Seeing him torture Philip didn't bother me but only because JPL is so bad and such a ham, nothing he ever does or says elicits anything other than laughter in me.

9 hours ago, mj2000 said:

I'm so over "Failure the Great Martyr". Since nobody in their right mind would purposely stay away from their husband and child, I think we can safely say that she's still mentally unstable. 

Did anyone really believe that Hope was going to do serious time? Stefano was hated by so many (with good reason), that a convoluted back story was inevitable. Now, we can start our grieving process of living through "Rope....Un-jailed and Un-inspiring". 

I'm skipping any scenes that may be connected to the dearly departed and endlessly mourned Caped Crusader. Never in all of my years of viewing, have I ever seen a character grieved over the way that Dr Tan is. I will also be skipping the birth of little Daniel/Danielle and the subsequent cape presentation at the Christening.

And as soon as I saw Dr. Tan, I was out.  Show is pretty freaking bad these days from what I see.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, ajs1615 said:

So I'm watching for the first time in a while. What's happened with Victor & Maggie? They seem to have vanished.

Also -- are they completely glossing over the fact that Deimos caused Bo's death?

Victor and Maggie are on either a cruise (stole Doug and Julie's tickets) or on a tour of the world's top colonoscopy clinics, I'm not sure which - maybe both!

And....Bo who?

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How exactly did this asshole Deimos find out about Chloe agreeing to be a surrogate for Dan and Nicole?

The Sonny/Sparkle scenes made me reach for the barf bag. Either put these fools together or not, either way lets get this show on the road.

Someone remind me why Sonny cares what Eduardo is smuggling? How does this affect him or Titan?

  • Love 1

Also -- are they completely glossing over the fact that Deimos caused Bo's death?

Why yes, yes they are.

Last week Victor told Deimos not to blame himself because, whatever, Bo was sick with cancer or something anyhow, right? And Victor sent him to jail years ago, so it's totes his bad that Deimos got all pissy about life and started hurting people. And Deimos was all "I hired Coach Beiste to protect Hope in jail so....we good?" And then they fist-bumped.

It was precisely the perfect amount of wrap-up for a character as beloved as Bo Brady. He's the one with the eye-patch, right?



(Nimrod writers at DOOL)

  • Love 7

Someone remind me why Sonny cares what Eduardo is smuggling? How does this affect him or Titan?

Justin wanted to find out what Deimos and Eddie were doing together.

I was trying to figure out who that baby was that Nicole was with, and I had to run through the names of all of the babies to come up with Tate.

What ties do the Kiriaki have with the Hernandi?

All of that hotel time with Adrienne and her time in the hospital has only been two days?

Patchy Claus?

Did Sonny's pillow have "SK" or "JK" on it?  I would have wondered if it stood for "Just Kidding".  :)

"This is all about me."  "Isn't everything?"

Dammit, Derrick!

Brady doesn't need to go to Victor about Philip, why doesn't Philip do it?

Dammit, Brady, why do you have to keep being such an asshole? And how do you know Eduardo is smuggling bags and shoes?

Nicole really needs to see a therapist.

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Yay, Nicole for taking off Dr. Tan's engagement ring! Perhaps Deimos isn't the best choice, but maybe you will be finally free! Too bad you didn't meet some worthy man in Europe. Deimos really needs to back off. If he wants to find out the truth, do it without the secrecy and torturing.

Patchy Claus was kinda cute.

Didn't care for the Sonny/Paul/Derrick crap.

18 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Someone remind me why Sonny cares what Eduardo is smuggling? How does this affect him or Titan?

I get that Sonny hates Deimos -- presumably because his eyes and ears work -- but I don't understand what Sonny's role at Titan is supposed to be, nor how the fact that Eduardo and his even more useless son are bringing in cheap goods from Taiwan or somewhere gives Sonny the right to police the docks (which are not Kiriakis property) using private security and breaking into shipping containers (again, someone else's property) to "prove" that Terror Kiriakis is up to something nefarious. Obviously, something dastardly is going to be going on, because Deimos, (duhh) but the way Sonny is getting there is ridiculous. I'm surprised that the family company hasn't been renamed "Argus" -- Sonny wants to have eyes everywhere. Protecting the family's interest by tattling to Uncle Vic isn't an actual job, show -- give Sonny a real job. And get him out of Sparkle's orbit!

10 hours ago, mj2000 said:

Or an exorcism.

Pff. A de-lousing, a nice salt scrub, and a double Manhattan, and she'll be fine.

  • Love 2

Jade, you were dishonest with Joey.  Yes, you are young, but you played a dangerous game with him and are using him. Guilt and obligation only work for so long. He has every reason to be angry with you.

Brady, you would freeze to death in a tank top here in December. Salem should have Chicago-type winter.

I get that Steve and Justin are scared for Adrienne. Lucas should also be around. At least Adrienne has an odd connection to Kate. And one of the first friends she has had. Unlike the family, Kate is at least empowering her to fight.

Deimos, of course a bribe will not work. Maybe let things unfold and Chloe will tell Nicole about the baby when she is ready. Yes, Nicole should know before she finds a basket at the Kiriakis mansion containing a baby.

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3 hours ago, Polaris said:

I only watched the Kate/Adrienne scenes today and I have to say Kate is terrific when it comes to unlikely friendships.  I might just skip around to watch that part of the show only.  Kate should have more opportunities like this because this is when she truly shines.

I agree.  I think because Kate is such a dynamic character that they tend to only focus on business and romance storylines with her.  I agree about more "friendship" storylines. Her relationship with Marlena, and her finale storyline with Sami are always great to watch.  Hell there was a point where when Kate was with Roman that her and Hope were spending a lot of time together and getting close.

I love that Days is getting back to families and showing those connections but would also like to see an emphasis on friendships the way they were portrayed in the 90's.

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The last few episodes I've caught have been pretty bad.  Too much Nicole/Deimos being the main problem.

The Adrienne story feels like it's winding it's way down that familiar Dena path of being overbaked/underbaked at the same time. Lots of connections and people on the screen to support the story, but no real plot and a lot of the characters involved are window dressing.  I like the idea of Kate and Adrienne as friends in theory and I think it's one of the more intentional things going on, but they used Marlena in a similar way and they haven't brought Adrienne and Kayla's real friendship to the fore because she's in the doctor role.  The men in the story are mostly stuck in the role of reacting to news; when there are four of them, it's very noticeable.

I like that Steve and Kayla have multiple things going on, with their renewed romance, Adrienne, and the Jade/Joey story, but I'm not really feeling a throughline for them.

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I can't believe they gave Failure a motherfucking statue in the motherfucking town square. Even Dan didn't get that, and he was a doctor who saved lives AND he wasn't a violent psycho.

Isn't the "revolutionary" idea Andre came up with something that already exists? I'm pretty sure law enforcement agencies, spy agencies, and computer geeks can already access phone and computer cameras and track their owners. 

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I didn't bother watching again today. Decided to shovel my driveway instead. Glad I did, as I didn't need to see the Abigail memorial statue.  Didn't Chad "just" decide to go ahead with the memorial and the statue has been delivered already? Ah, what Dimera money can accomplish!

So "anything" happen the last 3 days worth noting?

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1 hour ago, buffynut said:

So "anything" happen the last 3 days worth noting?

Adrienne and Kate bonding were some great scenes. All of Adrienne's scenes were great.

OMG, that statue.  Really, Show?

Why did Abigail go to see Chad dressed like she was going to a funeral?

When JJ ran into Gabi, did she say, "I have some work to do for my blog"?

Did Jennifer get back to the house in time to give Abigail her pills?

The idea of Andre DiMera having access to any phone anywhere in the world is scary as hell.

It looks like Show is going to be pairing Dario and Abigail.

"Gabi can't know about her."  Nice bit of eavesdropping there, Gabi.  :D

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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