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"The View": Week of 11/03/14


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I don't exactly dislike any of the hosts, but I'm losing interest in this panel and the show. Wasn't around to watch yesterday and rarely watch the pre-taped Friday shows.  I'll probably check it out again on Monday.  I think I saw that Rosie is going to LA to tape The Fosters and will miss a couple shows.  Wonder who will replace her?


Anyone else watching Rosie's 10 minute pre-show Q&A's she's posting on her Twitter and website?

I'm watching it.  She seems real but subdued.  I too miss the Rosie of old, but, am mostly enjoying the new panel.  I was glad Whoopi woke up, but, now she is too awake!  I hope they are still finding their groove and the show will settle in to be something mostly good.

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I think part of the reason for the subdued Rosie O is b/c she realized how much the tv landscape had changed since her first talk show, to her joining the View the first go-round then quitting as well as the failure of her second talk show on OWN.  The first go round she had full reign of the show and it was something different and the public embraced her and anointed her the "Queen of Nice."  It seemed she could do no wrong, and yes the internet was still something that was up and coming that not everyone had access to at that point and she was somewhat insulated from all that criticism.  


Rosie eventually ends her show on her terms, she comes out of the closet so to speak, or at least more upfront about her sexually at this point and tries to shake the "Queen of Nice" and become edgy, which is when it starts to backfire on her somewhat.  She tries to open a Broadway show which fails miserably and then eventually joins the View.  The internet is popular and almost everyone has access to it and can criticize her.  She becomes even more outspoken on her thoughts of war, 9/11, and all of that.  I think being attacked and called out on her thoughts on the View by people like Kelly Ripa, Donald Trump, Hasslebeck, Fox News, and then stabbed in the back by Barbara Walters who didn't stick up for her during the Trump war (I detested Barbara for that b/c yes Trump was her friend, but she always defended the other co-hosts if they were attacked) was jarring to her.  Yes, she still has her people/fans who stick w/her, i'm one of them, but she also has people who attack her viciously for her beliefs and whatnot.  The fight w/Elizabeth came and she was paraded about on the View and called out and it pissed her off and scared her.  She ran away from the View at that point and retreated to lick her wounds regardless of what she says.  


Oprah comes calling and offers Rosie a new show and it failed horribly due lots of reasons mostly on Oprah's part about being naive and insisting the show was based in Chicago and wanting Rosie to replicate her first talk show.  I'm just saying all of these things have led us to the Rosie of today who is cautious of what she says and does, b/c the world has changed since she was a media darling back in the late 90's.  We get glimpses of the passionate Rosie here and there, but I doubt we will ever get her full time again.

Edited by CMH1981
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Enough already -- we get it!!!!


Whoopi = All-knowing

Nicole = Republican, awestruck by celebrities

Rosie P = Latino, Latino, Latino!!!! and . . . boxing

Rosie O = Well, all I can say on Rosie is who are you & what have you done with my Rosie?


Now this is good! 


I don't watch much anymore because I can't take Rosie Perez's voice.  I try to watch a little online because I can skip over Rosie P when she talks. I found Nicole refreshing but would watch if Rosie P was off and the old Rosie O was back!!! Is that asking too much?

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I loved today's show.  More Rosie is always a good day.  I loved the interview she did with the young man who was falsely  imprisoned.  I thought she took exactly the right tone with him.  He was sent to a brutal prison system when he was 16, so his emotional growth was stunted at 16 and due to the abuse he seemed extremely fragile and probably depressed.  That is something that Rosie understands.  I think there is no one on tv whose compassion comes through more than Rosie O. I am not looking forward to a week of all Whoopi all the time.

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Missed hot topics but did see the interview with Lisa Kudrow.  Then I got a phone call and missed the rest of the show.


I became a Rosie O fan during her original show. Had never seen her in a movie so had no prior opinion of her. I taped her show everyday to watch in the evening after work.  It was just a fun, entertaining way to wind down at the end of the day.


During that time I came across a fanbase on the internet that knew everything about her.  Some claimed she was gay, so I wasn't shocked when she came out.  Sometime long before Twitter, Rosie started to reach out/respond to fans on her website through her blog and Q&As. She wasn't afraid to post hater's comments, of which there appeared to be many, but also shared things that went on in her life.


I've watched The View on and off since the beginning.   And was thrilled when Rosie joined the first time and hated everything that happened at her exit.  I stopped caring about The View after Rosie left, so hadn't seen much of Whoopi on the show till this year.  I read the forum at TWOP off and on though so knew a bit of how things were going and how dumbed down it had gotten.


I didn't get her radio show or see any of the OWN shows.  And tuned back into The View this year mostly because of Rosie O.  So far it's been disappointing with Rosie having no presence.   Who knows what has caused the change, but clearly things are happening behind the scenes such as the changing set/table, and network change to ABC news, which could be part of it.  Either way, I'm losing interest in The View fast and find myself waiting for and enjoying The Talk more when it airs a few hours later.

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I didn't watch Rosie's old show. I became a fan by her presence on The View. Over and over she proves that she is genuine. I don't think she fakes her sincerity.... she is as real as they get. I always thought she was the type of person to sit and have a beer with.... and I don't drink beer. If given the opportunity I would be friends with her. That is why I'm a fan.

I don't see her as quitting The View the first time..... she just didn't come back the last week. She was pushed out more than leaving.... she was betrayed and she handled it the best she could.

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So who else thinks Whoopi just took that toy Dinosaur and walked out the studio today...er I mean earlier in the week, w/o even asking if she could have it?  She's an EGOT winner for gosh sake, she don't have time to stand in line and pay for anything, it should just be given to her.  For that matter, does she pay for those shoes or have an agreement that she will show them off on the View shoe-cam so she can promote the designer/brand?

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Speaking of that, I laughed when Rosie O agreed that Survivor represented a low point in American entertainment. I wonder if she dislikes the show itself or if she was regretting that it gave us Elisabeth.

I caught that too Haleth.  It cracked me up.  And yet I believe it was RO herself that inadvertently put that moron on the map.  The spotlight was RO's and when Sweaty Bill Geddie decided to have Bitsy attack her with a split screen ready to go, Elizabeth got to share it.  People that had never watched a single episode of The Spew saw that and suddenly everyone knew Elisabeth's name - most notably the war-mongers at Faux News.   Sparks!  While Rosie was able to skip the last week of her contract I was stuck with Bitsy for six or seven more seasons. 


I am probably what Former Nun would call a loyal Rosie O'Donnell fan, but I've always blamed RO for getting me into the habit of recording this show and watching it daily - initially to see her and then of course to snark on the train wreck it became, which was fun too.     Well, RO and the View thread at TWoP.  So when I heard she was coming back I felt like she was making it up to me, lol; that maybe this show could be enjoyable again.  And for the most part it has; except the Whoopi part which seems like an increasingly a bigger part to me. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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 For that matter, does she pay for those shoes or have an agreement that she will show them off on the View shoe-cam so she can promote the designer/brand?

I think the collection probably started as something she bought herself  but I'd guess that promoting her love of shoes as art means that many cartoon shoe designers give her their pieces gratis.  I'd bet the return of the Whoopi Goldberg [only] Shoe Cam was her idea because I can't imagine anyone else connected with the show thinking she needs even more camera time. 


She caught me mid eye-role today while telling RO that she wore those er, unique, shoes [with fugly print socks no less] to keep up with the co-hosts that actually put more than three minutes of thought into their wardrobes.   Of course we've all heard that before but the shocker happened when in response to RO asking her how she walked in heels that high, Whoopi cooly said she it was no big deal!    Has she ever watched herself walk in those heels?  She stomps and hobbles onstage every high heeled day.  

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I was just reading Rosie's Q&As over at her website and, now thinking about it, maybe the "change" we see in her may be due partly to her having had a heart attack. She says something over there about having to find the balance and really reduce stress in her life. Perhaps she knows her own boundaries and has chosen to be less of a presence in order to avoid that stress?

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As someone who watched Rosie's OWN (Oprah network) show religiously, it started out as a clone of her original talk show.  Part way through the run, Rosie said that she felt like a fraud doing it, that she wasn't that person any longer.  She had been, but now she wasn't, and it was hard for her to pretend to be.


So the format changed to a one-on-one interview show, and Rosie was excellent at it.  But it didn't go over well with the viewers and the OWN show was canned.


So I don't think it's that she's being stifled, or her heart attack.  I think Rosie herself has changed, has been different from the person she was during her original show, and we're just seeing the evolved version.  That's who she is now.

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So I don't think it's that she's being stifled, or her heart attack.  I think Rosie herself has changed, has been different from the person she was during her original show, and we're just seeing the evolved version.  That's who she is now.


Interesting point. I want to see Rosie more engaged. I think she's wonderful when she does the interviews with a guest and one co-host. During Hot Topics, she appears to be lost in the shuffle/taking a backseat. It very well could be an evolution in her personality. I do see glimmers of the Rosie I previously enjoyed during interviews like the one with the young man who was wrongly incarcerated.  

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I'm pretty understanding about misbehaving babies.  What I can't stand is when an older child is misbehaving, like kicking seats, and the parents don't step in.


That's because precious Tommy and Janie are little angels.  YOU must be the problem.  Of course I'm teasing.  I do think part of the problem is parents think everyone will love their child, and we should be grateful for the chance to interact with them.  One of my pet peeves is sitting in a restaurant booth, and the child next to me standing up and staring over and trying to interact with me.  I'm there to eat dinner.  If I wanted to play with kids I'd go to my friend's house.  But I'm expected to smile and coo and have a conversation with my little uninvited guest.  I once had to block a kid with my foot as he attempted to climb into my changing room.  I just have no patience for that.

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So I don't think it's that she's being stifled, or her heart attack.  I think Rosie herself has changed, has been different from the person she was during her original show, and we're just seeing the evolved version.  That's who she is now.



I agree in that I don't think she's being stifled by the producers anyway, or her heart attack.  Yes, she may have changed and is an evolved version of herself (as we age, aren't we all?).  But she's being paid just like everyone else, so an "evolved version" of herself does not (imo) excuse her from being an active participant in the panel.  I have seen her try to be, and I sure as heck want to hear more, but every time she has done that (or close to pretty much every time) she's shut right down by Whoopi the Annihilator.  I mentioned earlier this week that she would be burned at the stake for voicing an opinion.  I said I didn't blame her, I wouldn't voice it either if I were her, and I stand by that, but still I believe that does not excuse her from being an active participant in the discussions.  The thing I feel does excuse her however, is her repeated attempts to be an active participant and there never being enough time for her to say anything, not only because of commercial breaks but because of the Whoopi cut-offs at every turn she tries to take.  I would learn quickly to just sit there too.  I'm tired of hearing from only Whoopi, Nicolle and Rosie P. 


I agree that interview was wonderful, jonesingjay.  Rosie is just a natural at it.  It's a pleasure to watch an interview like that.  The first questions, followed correctly by the secondary ones, building up to the height of the interview with all the best questions, then followed by all the appropriate questions after that right down to the closing.*  There was a natural flow to that interview that we really don't get from anyone in daytime (or nighttime) anymore.  She was able to get the story for her audience by asking the right questions while making it interesting for us, making her interviewees comfortable, all the while making sure she stayed in control of the interview the whole time, something I appreciate and is rare these days. 



I do think part of the problem is parents think everyone will love their child, and we should be grateful for the chance to interact with them.  One of my pet peeves is sitting in a restaurant booth, and the child next to me standing up and staring over and trying to interact with me.  I'm there to eat dinner.  If I wanted to play with kids I'd go to my friend's house.  But I'm expected to smile and coo and have a conversation with my little uninvited guest.  I once had to block a kid with my foot as he attempted to climb into my changing room.  I just have no patience for that.



LOL RedheadZombie!  I get it, and I feel that way too sometimes!  About bratty and not bratty kids.  Kids will be kids.  Please know that you are not expected to smile and coo or have a conversation with these unwelcomed guests - you have more control over this than you think.  You can be more assertive if something is bothering you, after all you are a paying customer, by asking those you are paying to take care of this for you.  Whether in a restaurant or a changing room, it is the obligation of those working to accommodate your wishes wherever possible if they can.  You also have the option to ignore the kids, or if it's a real problem, go later when kids are less likely to be there, or (like we do now) frequent restaurants where kids are not likely to be there at all.  I don't believe decent parents think that everyone will love their child and consider it a privilege, or be grateful for, a chance to interact with the little darlings. I say this while stressing that there is an huge difference between difficult times in public with a fretful babe and dealing with bratty kids.




*  Whew, I think I need a cigarette now, and I don't smoke.  ;) 

Edited by Dreamboat Annie
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I do think part of the problem is parents think everyone will love their child, and we should be grateful for the chance to interact with them.  One of my pet peeves is sitting in a restaurant booth, and the child next to me standing up and staring over and trying to interact with me.  I'm there to eat dinner.  If I wanted to play with kids I'd go to my friend's house.  But I'm expected to smile and coo and have a conversation with my little uninvited guest


YEP!   Just today I was at a Panera Bread, having lunch with a friend.   I got up to serve myself some more coffee.   An adorable little boy with his finger in his nose. stood there watching me.   He took his finger out of his nose, and began playing with the plastic  coffee stirrers.   His mom was looking at her phone.  

Was HE dong anything wrong?  no, he was about 3, and he was playing with stuff that looked like toys.  And little fingers sometimes wander to little  noses.   But his mom was letting him, not paying any attention, probably thinking he was being adorable, entertaining all the people getting their coffee or tea.  

UGH.  I put the cream and sugar in, but used a spoon to stir.  No way I wanted the little angel's boogers in my coffee. 


parents not watching their kids in public is my pet peeve.   If the kid is acting up and the parent is at least TRYING to do something about it, I sympathize.  I've been there with my kids.   But for heaven's sake, when you take your kids in public, WATCH  them.  correct them, train them.  It's your job. 

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So I don't think it's that she's being stifled, or her heart attack.  I think Rosie herself has changed, has been different from the person she was during her original show, and we're just seeing the evolved version.  That's who she is now.



I agree and think the special women in her life have been very influential.  I recall several complaints about her mugging for the camera when she walked onstage.  She mentioned that her wife doesn't like it either...and eventually it stopped.  It didn't stop abruptly...it diminished and then went away.  Maybe it was Rosie's idea of maintaining some control.  

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With Rosie O gone for a number of episodes I think we will see what this new show is like w/o her.  When Whoopi was gone two weeks ago for an episode, the show was great w/Rosie O taking on moderator duties and letting her flag fly and giving us the show we the viewers want.  I have a feeling this week that Whoopi will be steam rolling over everyone and the shows w/o Rosie O will be non-tolerable...hopefully the producers take notice.

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But for heaven's sake, when you take your kids in public, WATCH  them.  correct them, train them.  It's your job.



I was not, nor was I ever intending, to say otherwise.  Of course parents should be watching their children, and teaching them the correct way to behave in public.  It's not easy, but it's worth the time and effort and is the most rewarding thing in the world to know you've done your job right. 


My point was that no one has to put up with this if in fact it is bothering you that much.  And kids' fingers handling coffee stir sticks makes me crazy.  That mom at Panera was wrong.  She will pay for her ignorance in raising her son later (maybe many will, too bad).  I don't go to Panera (I can't stand the cheap sub standard though overpriced food which is awful), but when I used to go there, I spoke to them about communal items being within reach of small children and asked them to move them to a place where what you describe could not be possible.  I believe they have a responsibility to keep communally used items way out of the reach of children.  I guess they really cared what I thought, lol.  A mom/dad/parental figure could be doing everything right, and that kid could sneeze dripping rivers all over those stir sticks without warning in two seconds flat.  So could adults.  Individually wrapped stir sticks for hot drinks should be in every fast food restaurant, and still out of the reach of children. 


If you come across anything like that again,  I hope you will pick up the entire stir stick container, hand it to the manager (I know it's not your responsibility to keep your life's area clean and healthy, but I'm a little weird in that I believe we all shoulder some responsibility to that end) and say:  "A small child with filthy hands just played with these.  You need to replace them with fresh ones, and out of the reach of children.  Wrapped stir sticks should be used here and kept far out of the reach of children.  For now you need to replace these.  This is flu season."

As a mom of two kids who as babies were easy to take anywhere that became toddlers and children from hell in public, we learned a lot about take out.  I was the mom with the kid having a full out meltdown tantrum in Target that would swoop her little ass up and out of the store, leaving the full cart behind.  After she figured out that her toy got left behind a few times, the behavior somewhat diminished but it didn't completely go away until she was pre-pubescent.  This is just my PSA that some kids actually have issues and do the very best that they can.  When I see this now, I smile and ask if I can help in any way.  It's hard to waste hours trying to shop and then walking away only to return late at night.


The show is boring, it's been 3 for 3 in a row, it was barely sputtering along and w/o Ro it's just boring.  I do not like boxing, I do not care to hear about it every week.

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