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S03.E04: The Magician


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I wish this show would stop making Oliver stupider than he already is for plot reasons. You can't tell me he found a blank piece of paper on Sara's body, and didn't think to put a flame to it, come on.


Love Nyssa, love how pissed she is at Oliver. Loved her being generally kick ass. Loved, loved, loved it.


And since he's so sure Merlyn didn't kill Sara, Merlyn totally killed Sara, didn't he?


Laurel got awful bulked up and somewhat good at boxing over the course of a week, didn't she?




I foolishly thought we'd get more than 5 seconds of Felicity during the 50th ep, LOL @ me.


Kind of meh at the Ra's reveal.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 16

Mm is it just me who doesn't get  why Ollie would "protect" Merlyn. Like he doesn't have to kill him but don't protect him from people who do want to lol. Merlyn's a bad guy, that's just making enemies for no reason. He doesn't even know he has a relationship with Thea. It seems like a really weak reason to motivate Ra's Al Guhl against Oliver on behalf of the writers. Hopefully there's more to this. 

I'm sorry but I don't buy Malcom's whole, "A crwoded place equals invisibility." ....Maybe for someone who isn't famous but if you're a famous mass murderer and are standing in the middle of a bunch of people, they'll notice. That just took me right out of the episode. It was SOOO dumb.

I agree so much. People would definitely recognize a terrorist who destroyed half the city. That was  ridiculous writing. 

Edited by ban1o
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Can Nyssa come back and join Team Arrow please?  Maybe in this incarnation she takes over as Black Canary to honor Sara?  I for one wouldn't complain.


Someone please tell Quentin that Sara was killed.  I know that Laurel doesn't want him to know, but someone get it through her head that Quentin needs to know.


Really liked that Oliver wouldn't budge from his no kill promise.  And Laurel really needs to stop thinking everyone is Sara's killer, without evidence.  She though Komodo was Sara's killer, but nope she was wrong, and now she knew Malcolm was Sara's killer and she's wrong again.  You'd think a DA would know there needs to be evidence.  As for who the actual killer is, it's either Ra's or a still alive Tommy.


That comment wasn't a dig at Diggle, it was a dig at Oliver.

  • Love 9

Will you be my assistant manager? Purely platonic? Oh Thea. I am actually really enjoying Thea and Roy.

Oliver, Nyssa, Merlin fight scene was fun but confusing. I'm not sure that it makes any sense for Oliver to work that hard to protect Merlin, despite his being Thea's father. I also hate Thea lying to Oliver but it is sort of cosmic justice. John Barrowman is always fun

Now for the bad. No felicity / Nyssa interaction, no felicity really at all, and omg laurels line reading in that scene with Nyssa at the boxing ring was so so bad!! I did not buy their interactions at all. Laurel is back to miss bossy pants, just ordering all sorts of people to do murder at her bidding like seriously?

And I continue to be angry that they won't tell Quentin about Sara! Wtf!!! Nyssa mentioned it and then was just oh well. Shit.

People would definitely recognize a terrorist who destroyed half the city. That was absolutely ridiculous writing.

Yes that is dumb as hell. When he was in that high rise in a suit I wondered for a minute if he was just working at his company and then I remembered he was a mass murderer and the whole town wanted to crucify Moira for just being in on the conspiracy side of the undertaking even though she warned the whole town. Edited by Shanna
  • Love 6

Don't understand how Laurel is still written as such an inconsistent character. First she's cold and angry and wants Oliver to kill Malcolm, then suddenly she's soft and sympathetic about his no-kill rule?


Nyssa: "I gave [the jacket] to Sara as a gift. You are not fit to wear it."


Can we keep Nyssa?


I knew she was going to go back on that by the end of the episode though, unfortunately.

  • Love 5

Well, Oliver batted 1000 in the dumbass department tonight...


-We have him not killing Malcom Merlyn and you know the situation is bad when Laurel makes more sense about it than he does.


-Stupidly invites the wrath of the League by protecting Malcolm though I understand him being pissed over Thea.  But he's risking himself, his family, and his city on his stupidity.  To quote a superhero movie, his thinking on Merlyn should be "I don't have to kill you but I don't have to save you either."


-Finally, CONTINUING to lie to Thea and just putting her in more danger in the process.  Though I'm not letting Thea off the hook for protecting her murderer of a "father."


Then we have Laurel's continuing lying to her father, which is bound to pay off in Lance having a massive heart attack.  Way to go, sweetie.  Oh, and just because Nyssa thinks you're all right doesn't mean you're a good addition to this show.  She sticks out like a sore thumb in the Arrowcave.


I did like seeing Nyssa return and I agree that I would trade her for Laurel and Amanda "I have no presence whatsoever" Waller.


Really like Roy this season and Thea as well.  They've been early highlights.  Enjoyed seeing Malcolm confront Oliver and their scenes together were good, despite some Barrowman scenery chewing.  And yeah, him hiding in plain sight is ridiculous.


I think it's time to either get rid of the flashbacks and or use them much more sparingly.  They've run their course and screen time should be spent in the present.  It doesn't make me feel better than one of the Arrow producers said they had five-year plan for the flashbacks.  Like Laurel and Waller, they need to give it up.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 5

Awwww Yeah!


I actually visited the location they used for the Buddist temple! (Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens; one of the loveliest, peaceful spots I have ever been. Visit it if you get a chance!)


Hope the majority of The Secrets get dispelled by mid-season break. So tired.


Shut up, Laurel. You do not need to know every damn thing, so cut the 'tude. You still lie to your father about Sara's death and drag Nyssa into the mire with you- wonderful. Also? Nyssa didn't need you urging her on to go after Merlyn; that was just wonderfully opportunistic gravy/cherry on the sundae (depends on you savor/sweet feelings.) To have a DA stand around screaming about straight-up murdering someone? That's just so wrong. I get how Nyssa and Diggle and Laurel feel about Merlyn, but dude. Laurel is an active officer of the court, correct? *sighs heavily*


I hope that Thea has her own agenda. I hope she's playing both and using them for protective covering. I am curious as to who her backers really are. I sort of hope Ra's has a dog in that fight. Just to peeve Malcolm.


The woman who calls herself Amanda Waller had best be careful; The Wall is going to find her and hit her like a brick version of her nickname! Blowing up a plane to take out one assassin? STFU, "Amanda Waller"! And your stiletto pumps too. (No, "Amanda Waller", Oliver didn't let an assassin live; he kept a plane full of innocents from dying. STFU. Cynthia? Ms. Addai-Robinson? Love you, though.)


While I don't entirely trust Malcolm, period, unless there aren't any other LoA-level archers roaming the world, I'm going to sort of believe him. It's easy to frame Malcolm because he's easy to hate and he's a BSC murderer. Why really look further unless you are going for actual justice instead of revenge. So I may do some research of my own to see who could surprise us and who would need a voice-changer.


Next week looks line crazy fun!


eta: Quentin on the phone to Sara's emergency number? Killed me!  Wordy Dirds, just someone tell Lance the effing Truth! And Roy for episode MVP: going after Malcolm at the temple, trying to stop or slow down Nyssa for Thea, being  cool with Thea, watching, listening and learning in the Cave. Roy is very cool, almost Diggle Cool. But no one can be Diggle Cool, so.

Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 9

Oliver was really stupid in this ep. And his protection of Merlyn is going to come back to bite him in the ass tenfold, yeah? Why is he just taking liars at their word over the murder of someone he cared about? I can't figure out what the endgame here is. Is Laurel with him, or is she going to take Nyssa's side when she inevitably comes back? She got all bloodthirsty again, but then toned it down, so...I don't know what her deal is. I don't want Oliver to be wrong because I'm really tired of watching the dude's mistakes haunt him, but on the other hand he'd deserve it for stupidly believing Merlyn. Are they setting Laurel up to go dark?


This post makes no sense, I know.

  • Love 1
And since he's so sure Merlyn didn't kill Sara, Merlyn totally killed Sara, didn't he?


Not in my view. I thought this episode made it fairly obvious that Sara was killed by Ra's. Not only because of what Merlyn said, but also because of Ra's nonchalant reaction to the news of Sara's death. It didn't seem to faze him because "she was never truly one of us (the League)."


Kind of meh at the Ra's reveal.


Agreed. The actor just doesn't look like Ra's to me.

  • Love 1

China White may be back?

I wish I cared about more in this episode than that. Sadly, I do not.

Is that who she said was in the plane? Wow Waller is just awful. I hate her but at least she is supposed to be evil.

Laurel, otoh, is an officer of the law who spent half the episode ordering people to murder Malcolm.

I don't believe that no prison could hold Malcolm. That was bullshiit. At least you could try.

I've thought Ra's killed Sara from the first episode. If it isn't him it will be somebody out of left field I guess. I enjoyed Nyssa but mostly when she wasn't propping up laurel.

Edited by Shanna
  • Love 4

This epiode made my brain hurt as a whole. Lots and lots of logic jumps


- "No prison can hold me!"  Sure, well let's at least test that theory. Why instead allow a killer to go free? Arrest Malcom at least means he's the most wanted person in the world. Instead he's living in the shadows, under Oliver's protecton(WTF?) It was as contrived as possible. I mean for someone who murdered hundreds of people, he's pretty nonchalant about being in public. It just made no sense. My head hurts trying to make any logic of it.


- If Ral Ah Gul killed Sara her reaction to seeing him was as indifferent as possible. You'd think someone as feared him would get a different reaction


- Waller was watching Oliver but did nothing about the multiple insistencies of the world almost ending. I hate this show's Waller. She's gone none of the complications of comic book Waller(or at least pre-Nu 52 Waller)


- The Flashbacks are terrible and useless. Why have Katiana if she's just going to be some dude's wife?


-  So is Oliver the flash now because he sure is quick.


- I'll give Laurel credit. She's actually got muscle definition in the arms.


- If Thea is so kickass why was she like "Oh okay, you want to kidnap me? Whatevs!"


- Roy talking about how painting helps him not think made me laugh, especially since Roy said it with as much emotion as I imagine dry paint has. Also jumping on the car and flipping? Nice move.


- Why bring back this club storyline? Is it a CW mandate because it's boring.


- I wish Nissa would have stayed around and trained Laurel instead of this predictable Ted Grant relationship. Their relationship is much more interesting.


- How many characters will Arrow/Flash white-wash?


- Is next week the Felicity episode?? I hope so. It would hopefully help my headache of this episode.

Not in my view. I thought this episode made it fairly obvious that Sara was killed by Ra's. Not only because of what Merlyn said, but also because of Ra's nonchalant reaction to the news of Sara's death. It didn't seem to faze him because "she was never truly one of us (the League)."


I don't really think he did, but the way Oliver's eliminating suspects is just so half-assed to me that I'm just waiting for it to come back and bite him. It's not the League because they don't go after their own! It's not Merlyn because he totes swore he didn't! I want him to be right, I'm just uncomfortable with his decision making.

  • Love 1

I'm more impressed with the look on Oliver's face. Total change of tone. Kudos to SA for that one.

Oliver is so smitten. Smitten kitten. Needs to stop being the idiotically superhero version of 'noble' and go for it.

- If Thea is so kickass why was she like "Oh okay, you want to kidnap me? Whatevs!"

Yes I expected her to at least try to fight. Maybe she didn't want Roy to know? Does she think of her fighting skills as a secret identity? Also when do we get to see her starting shooting arrows? Edited by Shanna
  • Love 1

These episode has two of my favorite Arrow characters (and actors): Malcolm and Nyssa. I liked parts of it, the parts that included Nyssa and Malcolm, the scene where Oliver unwittingly insults Diggle, and Oliver's reaction to Felicity's return (damn, his face and body changed when he turned around). I don't want Malcolm killed yet, but this show did not provide a good enough, no a STRONG enough, reason for him to be kept alive. Oliver doesn't want to kill. Awesome! Stick to your vow! But others are offering to kill him for you. For Christ's sake, let them! Why endanger yourself, your friends, your sister, the entire unfortunate City of Starling for a madman?!?! Because he's your sister's father? But you wouldn't want him near your sister! That's my problem with this episode. The reason for letting Malcolm live should make sense. I'm moving the rest of my rant to the Bitterness Thread.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
  • Love 4

I'm more impressed with the look on Oliver's face. Total change of tone. Kudos to SA for that one.


Really? I just thought he'd look sad that he had to tell her everything  like that a mass murderer is on the loose and he failed to bring him in.


But ergh, to the Laurel vs Felicity crap and the whole 'look at her face'(her reaction didn't change at all). It's sexist and it's gross, so let's drop it. Two female characters can exist around a male character not have to hate each other, just because the shippers do. I said it last week but let's not support this Girl Vs Girl crap. Let's root for them to become friends.


I do find it funny that people are angry at Laurel for not telling her father....When it's pretty clear she's doing to to not kill him. I get the Laurel hate but I don't get the fact that people are just so "in hate" with the character they can't even get into a character's very emotional and protective mindset.


I do wish they'd give Laurel so consistency. Kill, don't kill, kill..I would have liked if they gave her a firm 'Don't kill stance' that fights with her being someone who's always been about justice. Yes, her sister died and yes Merlyn killed Tommy too and stranded her sister on an island...But yeah okay maybe it makes sense why she'd act irrationally but they need to pick a stance. Is this her heroic journey or not? We don't need a repeat of Oliver's where he decides "not to kill"


I agree with the person who said actor doesn't look like Ra Ah Ghul. He's look too like rough...

Edited by XtremeOne1

Really? You mean from sad to sad since he has to explain the whole mess? There is no smitten look on his face, sorry Oliver/Felicity shippers. He looks more heartbroken he has to tell her a mass murderer is on the loose and he failed to bring him in.

I believe people are allowed to interpret his reaction to Felicity's return the way they want to. It's their opinion. So if someone says they think Oliver totally looks smitten, then it's their right to believe so, just as it's your right to believe that he looks heartbroken. Unless Stephen tells everyone how he played that scene, there's no right interpretation and no wrong one in this case. *shrugs*


ETA: I hope I didn't sound rude or snappy, totally didn't mean it that way :p

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 10
I do find it funny that people are angry at Laurel for not telling her father....When it's pretty clear she's doing to to not kill him. I get the Laurel hate but I don't get the fact that people are just so "in hate" with the character they can't even get into a character's very emotional and protective mindset.


I'm angry she hasn't told him because it's a shitty thing to keep from him (and her mother, we're always forgetting her mother). His heart condition isn't going to go away, and it's not like his reaction to Sara's death is going to be better or easier on his heart the longer she waits. Then he'll be dealing with the SECOND death of his daughter and the fact that his other daughter lied about it, and he didn't get to properly grieve her AGAIN. I can MAYBE accept Laurel not realizing this at first and keeping it from him for a little while, but it's been almost a month and that's just way too damn long.


I'm also angry about it because it's part of a larger storyline that I hate: that Laurel, a successful DA, who was perfectly happy with the law and the way it worked didn't pursue justice for Sara's killer through legal means. If she'd been disillusioned with the law previously, I'd get it. But just earlier in that very episode, she and Oliver had a nice system going (you catch 'em, I cook 'em) and she couldn't have been happier. So, since they want Laurel to be motivated through vengeance and work with Team Arrow to get it (even though she could've just as easily been involved in the search for Sara's killer as DA, since the Arrow could've gotten her evidence to use legally), they have to keep the death a secret, and they can't tell Quentin about it in order to keep the law out of it, and it's just a circle jerk of bad writing when they could've been laying the groundwork for it over the course of the past two seasons.


Is Laurel going to bother going after Merlyn now that she knows he's alive, or is she abandoning the law altogether?

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 13

I surprised myself by actually watching the episode. I was thinking of giving it a miss completely, ‘cos I wasn’t sure I’d want to see Arrow without Felicity.


The ep wasn’t that bad and held my attention, although the blank piece of paper sleuthing rang false.  Part of the reason I watched the whole thing without FFing was because they didn’t show Sara and Moira being murdered on the ‘Previously’. Good show. Keep it up!


Willa Holland sells absolutely atrocious dialogue with aplomb. She brings out the best in Colton Haynes. I like that she’s playing Malcolm and Oliver too.  I'm not even sure her sisterly stuff isn't fake. That’s power. Throw their lies and sins back in their faces. I was so glad they didn’t have her beat up Nyssa or something stupid like that. The tranquiliser was funny. Dude's almost always unconscious anyway.


Laurel was even less appealing than usual, appearing particularly spiteful  - and I felt 0 sympathy for her 'grieving'. The writers are really confusing 'cos the jibe about the jacket was clearly meant to make part of the audience snicker.  Laurel's presence in the Arrow cave is unwelcome. She a usurper who doesn't fit into the team and likely never will. It was almost a flash into the future show with no Felicity there.  In the interests of not being too cruel/unbalanced, good on KC for bulking up. You can’t fake hard work.


I thought Oliver was being the cool voice of reason for once. Then he told Nyssa about Thea’s paternity WTF?  What kind of big brother is he? It was fun watching Nyssa's batshit reaction of suspending Thea upside down though. Katrina Law/Nyssa is a bit of a wildcard.


We almost got some information about Oliver’s financial situation. I guess the writers haven't decided yet. They’ll add something later when they think of it.


I am not at all interested in HK (I guess 5 years on a hellish island was a metaphor). I almost feel embarrassed for the writers and actors involved because it’s so unrealistic. Woeful Waller – if she were so badass, she wouldn’t bother with Oliver fratboy Queen.  I hope she isn’t just going soft , ‘cos she’s out to bang him.  Anyway, no more HK for me.  Didn’t care about the picture of Whatshername and didn’t like the scene with the kid.


It’s not clear to me if that was Ra’s. He didn’t look old enough.  I liked how his face looked, but his accent is too similar to Slade.  I am Australian, so the accent made me laugh and didn’t sound badass at all. He sounded like the construction workers I can hear chatting outside.


More Diggle next week please. I like that he disagreed with Oliver at least.


The cruelest thing about the episode was keeping Lance in the dark. Does no one respect him? Fuck them. My only hope when he looked at that photo is that he actually knows and is not telling Laurel 'cos.... Oh forget it.  Humans don't behave like this, do they?


Well I made it though Arrow another week and am game for next week. I am really surprised I found this episode tolerable, as I have not liked Season 3 at all so far.




"A crwoded place equals invisibility." ....Maybe for someone who isn't famous but if you're a famous mass murderer and are standing in the middle of a bunch of people, they'll notice.


He would blend in about as well as Oliver will as a Hong Kong assassin.

Edited by insubordination
  • Love 4

I do find it funny that people are angry at Laurel for not telling her father....When it's pretty clear she's doing to to not kill him. I get the Laurel hate

This has nothing to do with laurel hate except that she made the decision and everyone else stupidly went along with it. They buried her in a pine box!!! In the dark without telling either of her parents. The thing is there is never a good time to tell someone their daughter is dead. It is always going to suck but that thing about it killing her dad is a cop out. There is never a good time, but the closest I've seen is when laurel was in the hospital last week. The longer they wait the harder it is going to be on Quentin. The poor man is leaving messages on his dead daughters phone! Also, idiots that they all are, it never occurred to any of them that her cop father may be interested in finding her murderer and actually better at it than them. And that he might have actual information, which he DID. Because she is his daughter and loved him and actually spoke to him about being in town. I hope he reads them all the riot act when he finds out and reuses to talk to any of these assholes for a while.

On Oliver's money situation, maybe someone will come to him and explain how everything they told him about his money situation before was nonsense, maybe the lawyer was embezzling and trying to cover it up, and they fell for it. Bonus points if that person is Ray Palmer.

Edited by Shanna
  • Love 9

There is never a good time, but the closest I've seen is when laurel was in the hospital last week.


Narratively speaking, that was the PERFECT time, and I think that as much as Quentin could've been understanding about her keeping that secret from him, he would've been understanding then. She obviously wasn't herself and he was concerned about her frame of mind and her safety, and ugh. Missed opportunity.

  • Love 3


Is Laurel with him, or is she going to take Nyssa's side when she inevitably comes back? She got all bloodthirsty again, but then toned it down, so...I don't know what her deal is.


Situation  Laurel, All Fucked Up.


I have to completely agree about the flashbacks this season more then eva, the are useless, and are cutting into time that could go to character beats and the main plot. There is such a profound lack of urgency when technically a lot of crap is going down, The Calm hit a giant pause button on  more than just Olicity, and it's really making it difficult to get vested in any stakes,  since it feels like season 3A was designed as one long stall. They have completely trashed  half a season just to give KC/Laurel story. 


Having said that, Nyssa was great, her crack about the Jacket, her unrelenting disdain for Oliver. I enjoy it. I also think she did believe Merlyn and was definitely feeling Ras out, he confirmed the suspicions Merlyn flamed. I hope this means more of her going forward. I also think Tommy is ALIVE and killed Sara for Ras. I don't think Merlyn knows, and he'll be more or less genuinely allied with Oliver against Ras, until he's forced to "choose" between Tommy/Thea probs.


Having said that when is Ras' going to drop a "Crikey, can someone put a fish on the barbie?" I mean what a disappointment, no presence or gravitas at all. I mean, Laurel in her half assed little sullen boxing moment might have been more formidable.

Edited by blixie
  • Love 5

I don't find Oliver boring at all...and I love SA's acting choices, one of the few things keeping me going through this awful season.

Somebody please tell me do we at least see abs this episode? I haven't watched yet.

Boo to actor keeping Aussie accent definitely not menancing at all (for Australians). Also since a Ras background is not Australian. Right?

Edited by Genki

I hope she isn’t just going soft , ‘cos she’s out to bang him.


The woman who is upset at Oliver not letting Fyers blow  up a commercial airliner in order to kill 1 assassin? Is going soft?


As to the second half of that line, I honestly don't think so. Mostly because fans and Mr. Amell have decried Oliver's sleeping with any warm body that he took a fancy to in Season 1. And in flashbacks. Hopefully, the writing staff hasn't fallen to only being able to write Ollie having sex or fighting women that aren't immediate family or Felicity.



Eta: Almost forgot: Stop showing us Sara's death blows, Show! We were there, it's been mentioned a few times and the gang are still workin' the case! Stop it!

Edited by Actionmage
The woman who is upset at Oliver not letting Fyers blow  up a commercial airliner in order to kill 1 assassin? Is going soft?


She should have wasted him for his insubordination.  It sounds mean, but I want no sex for Oliver in season 3. That said, these writers consistently disappoint me on every front.  I doubt their ability to resist putting Waller and Oliver into bed.

Edited by insubordination

Being around Laurel makes Oliver stupid.  They've always been 100% consistent with that.


Malcolm Merlyn was all over the news as a rich guy even before he tried to blow up the city and killed 500 people.  It doesn't make sense that he could hide in plain sight.



I do find it funny that people are angry at Laurel for not telling her father....When it's pretty clear she's doing to to not kill him. I get the Laurel hate but I don't get the fact that people are just so "in hate" with the character they can't even get into a character's very emotional and protective mindset.

The longer she doesn't tell him, the more it's going to hurt him. It's been three? weeks now, she's going to have to tell him sometime because she can't keep lying to him forever.


Speaking as a parent and a daughter whose parents have been far more ill than Quentin, it's the wrong thing to do, and at this point, it's bone-headed..  

Edited by statsgirl
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