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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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When you are trying to win custody, one of the key things you try to show is that you are the parent who is going to do the best job when it comes to supporting the child having a relationship with the other parent. Lots of time the party who may be ever-so-slightly less desirable as a parent in general can look like a saint in terms of encouraging the child to have a good relationship with the other parent and get the greater share of custody on that basis. It won't overcome if you are like a drug addict or something, but often when the sides are roughly equal, it can be the determinative factor.

That is one reason you can get into such petty nonsense in a custody case ... you are trying to show that the other person is willing to screw with you just to upset you. It is intended to translate for the judge the idea that "if Jason is so determined to be a petty little jerk just to annoy Bethenny, maybe he would not do everything he could to facilitate Bethenny and Bryns relationship just to screw with Bethenny, too."

Thus the Festivus-style airing of the grievances.

Based only on my own personal experiences in two very nasty custody cases, no, judges see thru the petty crap very easily when it's presented to them. Which is why I wasn't the least bit surprised when Bethenny was reprimanded by the judge over the pajamas incident. Stealing a tv remote doesn't make Jason slightly less desirable as a parent no matter how much Bethenny wants to believe it does.

  • Love 6

I actually just took a look at my flatscreen and it seems to involve fiddling around the back. Which is irritating, especially if someone has cranked the tv up loud. I guess the question I have for anyone who deems this a minor irritant (and let me be clear, I think this is a very minor story in the rich tapestry of the ugly divorce) is if this is how you would react.


"My ex cranked up the tv on top volume and then walked out with the remote and god bless him. I wasn't inconvienced at all and I'd rather never watch the tv again rather than use a remote. When my ex pulled a passive aggressive mean trick on me, I smiled and liked it and thanked him for it because gosh darn it, I should have just gotten up to change the channel or better yet, just unplugged it! My ex was treating me graciously and respectfully and I *thank him*"


And no, I don't think anyone going thru an unpleasant divorce is going to respond this way, which is why I wonder why Bethenny is a)wrong to bring it up if she is actually divorcing the man and b)why it wouldn't be deemed obnoxious and rude. If this happened to me, I would be angry and annoyed. I don't know anyone in my social circle who wouldn't be angry at an ex partner who pulled something so petty and childish.


Point - if we're talking about reasonable adults, then Jason was being unreasonable in swiping the remote, inconveniencing others and forcing someone to buy an extra remote rather than just not steal the remote. That it's easily fixed doesn't mean Jason should get a "Way to go! Good Boy!" for being a petty asshole.

I don't think anyone is giving him a 'Way to go?  Good Boy' but it's kind of absurd, at least to me, to testify to this as a reason why you should have sole custody of your child. 


Heck, Jason's lawyer brought up that Beth took all the utensils, etc. and left one pot.  Maybe that's why he walked away with the remote - take the forks , I'll take the remote.  Who knows.  And Jason never got a chance to testify. 

  • Love 3

Well then Bethenny was screwed. She testified she had threatened Jason with never seeing his daughter again.  Not that it will change anyone's mind but those are pretty powerful words when you are  up against someone who has a $100 million dollar war chest.  So when it came to parties most likely to ensure the other parent has regular contact Jason came out ahead.


Courts don't care about hidden remotes, or dirty dishes in the sink - they care when one parent threatens to deprive the other parent of seeing their child.


Then why did Jason settle with her, if his position was so superior?  


Seems he was worried about how he was coming across ...  or maybe he didn't really want as much custody as he was asking for. I mean if he had victory in the palm of his hand, why not run with it? 

  • Love 2

. What I think is ridiculous is that after alllll the awful behavior she has shown to the world and how she treated Jason, his parents and his friends, that THAT story is what she puts out to the press. As if we are all gonna sit back and agree with her that yes, there's the proof, Jason is the devil. IMO, the story makes Bethenny look more petty and desperate than Jason.


I think she also brought up the whole "Jason sitting with his dad, both in their underpants" stuff, so lets not pretend there was one thing only mentioned.


And Jason never got a chance to testify.


Because his lawyer presented an offer to Bethenny that was accepted. I mean, was she supposed to not accept his offer?

  • Love 3

Then why did Jason settle with her, if his position was so superior?  


Seems he was worried about how he was coming across ...  or maybe he didn't really want as much custody as he was asking for. I mean if he had victory in the palm of his hand, why not run with it? 


He got exactly what he was asking for - joint custody.

Because his lawyer presented an offer to Bethenny that was accepted. I mean, was she supposed to not accept his offer?


No, it was the other way around.  Bethenny made the offer to Jason to settle - offering him what he wanted (joint custody) - right after she testified, and right before she was about to be cross-examined.  She acheived what she wanted to acheive.

  • Love 5

Then why did Jason settle with her, if his position was so superior?  


Seems he was worried about how he was coming across ...  or maybe he didn't really want as much custody as he was asking for. I mean if he had victory in the palm of his hand, why not run with it? 

According to the People Magazine reporter, who gave us all the details of the custody hearing, it was Beth who wanted sole custody and Jason wanted joint.  Beth was the one who settled.  There were 'rumors' that Jason wanted sole, or primary, custody but that never was substantiated.    How could he be worried about how he came across?  He never testified.  Beth, who did testify,  came across pretty lame.

I think she also brought up the whole "Jason sitting with his dad, both in their underpants" stuff, so lets not pretend there was one thing only mentioned.


Because his lawyer presented an offer to Bethenny that was accepted. I mean, was she supposed to not accept his offer?

When did Jason's lawyer present an offer to Beth that was 'accepted'?  They settled.  Beth brought up many things.  IMO, all of them kind of ridiculous reasons why she should have primary custody.  And Beth never actually saw Jason and his father in their 'underpants'. 

  • Love 3

Then why did Jason settle with her, if his position was so superior?  


Seems he was worried about how he was coming across ...  or maybe he didn't really want as much custody as he was asking for. I mean if he had victory in the palm of his hand, why not run with it? 

Because he did the honorable thing--50/50 custody.  Neither parent was unfit to have 50/50 custody.  Maybe just maybe both parents came to their senses.  Attorneys get big signals from judges and if the judge was unmoved   by Betheny's testimony it could have very well been conveyed that the parties needed to try and settle the matter. Bethenny was the one moving for primary custody, Jason was asking for joint.  I don't know that he would have had standing to switch gears and ask for primary.

  • Love 2

What I don't understand is why six months after it was settled/decided and there had to be some interim custody orders, it just dawned on Bethenny that by divorcing Jason and agreeing to joint custody she would only be seeing her child 50 percent of the time. 


I wonder when the last time Bethenny went a week without crying - or if this has been a pattern throughout her entire life?

  • Love 2

He got exactly what he was asking for - joint custody.



I don't think anyone knows for sure who was asking for what kind of custody at what time.  I have heard too many versions stated like the gospel here to know which one to believe.


No, it was the other way around.  Bethenny made the offer to Jason to settle - offering him what he wanted (joint custody) - right after she testified, and right before she was about to be cross-examined.  She acheived what she wanted to acheive.



Where was this reported? Because I looked at the People story and at several others, and all I found was some generic statement from Jason's attorney saying they were relieved the issue had been resolved, etc.  Not one word about who approached whom with an offer to settle.   


Why does everyone assume it was Bethenny?




Because his lawyer presented an offer to Bethenny that was accepted. I mean, was she supposed to not accept his offer?


It seems just as likely that you are right, ZoloftBob, and it was Jason who offered to settle the custody case. 

I don't think anyone knows for sure who was asking for what kind of custody at what time.  I have heard too many versions stated like the gospel here to know which one to believe.



Where was this reported? Because I looked at the People story and at several others, and all I found was some generic statement from Jason's attorney saying they were relieved the issue had been resolved, etc.  Not one word about who approached whom with an offer to settle.   


Why does everyone assume it was Bethenny?




It seems just as likely that you are right, ZoloftBob, and it was Jason who offered to settle the custody case. 

It is usually the one who has something to give that makes the offer.  In this case Bethenny would be abandoning her quest for primary custody.  It is pretty obvious that after Bethenny testified that Jason's camp would not say -want 50/50 custody?  That is what they had been saying for a long, long time.


I don't believe there is any confusion as to what type of custody Bethenny was seeking.  She went to trial over it. 

  • Love 3
Why does everyone assume it was Bethenny?


Because the case was settled right after Bethenny gave her testimony (she got out what she wanted to get out) and right before her cross.  Why would Jason offer to settle right before he gains some points or leverage?  He had nothing to lose by going forward, at least another day.  Bethenny did, thus the settlement offer.


Also, it was never reported that Jason ever asked for sole custody, yet it was widely reported that Bethenny did, which was never denied.  So what exactly would Jason be "offering?"  Conversely, Bethenny "offered" joint custody in exchange for dropping the trial right then and there.  Not only did she not want to get cross examined or let Jason testify, but she probably knew in the end she had a weak case.  A judge would need to hear a lot worse than those petty stories to deny a father joint custody.

  • Love 6

Because the case was settled right after Bethenny gave her testimony (she got out what she wanted to get out) and right before her cross.  Why would Jason offer to settle right before he gains some points or leverage?  He had nothing to lose by going forward, at least another day.  Bethenny did, thus the settlement offer.


It can't be said Jason had nothing to lose by going forward. He might have ended up with a lot less custody, if that was what Bethenny was asking for and she was successful. 




It is usually the one who has something to give that makes the offer.  In this case Bethenny would be abandoning her quest for primary custody.  It is pretty obvious that after Bethenny testified that Jason's camp would not say -want 50/50 custody?  That is what they had been saying for a long, long time.


We can't assume Jason had nothing else to offer.  There was along debate about this a while ago (deja vu indeed).  He might have agreed to something entirely unrelated to the matter at hand as a way to get Bethenny to agree to his offer of joint custody finally, after having seen her on the stand and grasping what might happen.  Sometimes it makes one realize they need to start doing some negotiating.


I can see him sweetening his pre-existing offer just to avoid taking the stand. Bethenny had already copped to her own worst behavior, calling him white trash and throwing water on him.  So Jason probably had nothing left up his sleeve to use on Bethenny.  But if he took the stand, he would have to answer for some behavior that was much worse then the stuff with the remote and dirty dishes that everyone keeps mentioning.  Like crawling into bed with Bryn and Bethenny and whispering that he was going to destroy her, telling her that he had an "investor" to bankroll his case and he was going to crush her and ruin her with her fans.  He would have to explain why he would say to Bryn during drop offs "I'm sorry you have to go with Mommy."  That could be characterized as just the kind of parental alienation I was describing above.  When you break it down into individual sound bites and emphasize the silly small things, it sounds petty.  But all added up together, knowing he had nothing to fire back with, Jason Hoppy might have been worried. 


His lawyer's opening statement was kind of a joke.  His main points were that Bethenny was writing a children's book that had a character that resembled Bryn and that when Bethenny left the apartment she took all the pots and pans.  Seriously, that is what they had on her, lol.  I can totally understand why Jason would be worried after being in court for a little while and realizing he might come out on the losing end and deciding to offer Bethenny a great deal to compromise with him on the custody case.

  • Love 2

It can't be said Jason had nothing to lose by going forward. He might have ended up with a lot less custody, if that was what Bethenny was asking for and was successful.

Again, there wouldn't have been a trial if both agreed on joint custody. Bethenny only took the case to trial to fight for sole custody. Therefore, since the case was settled and custody was split 50/50, Bethenny is the one that "settled" or gave in, and Jason got what he wanted.

  • Love 4

Yes, but Jason probably had to give up something else to get what he wanted in terms of custody.  It's not like he was victorious in court on the merits.  He just negotiated his way out of having to testify after he realized what he would be facing, and I am guessing he paid a nice price for it. 


At least it can no longer be definitively stated that it was Bethenny who initiated the compromise after accomplishing her nefarious goal of smearing Jason in the press.  I always found that idea pretty ridiculous to be honest.  There was no way she could know that Jason would agree to settle the case after she took the stand and badmouthed him.  Stuff like that tends to infuriate people rather than make them amenable to settling, lol.  It would have been a foolish risk that her lawyer never would have agreed to. Attorneys rarely agree to gamble their client's entire custody case so she can make a preposterous publicity grab while on the witness stand.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein

Yes, but Jason probably had to give up something else to get what he wanted in terms of custody.  It's not like he was victorious in court on the merits.  He just negotiated his way out of having to testify after he realized what he would be facing, and I am guessing he paid a nice price for it.

Probably! Might have! Guessing! That's all supposition. We do know some facts. Bethenny took the case to trial, not Jason. Bethenny wanted sole custody, Jason wanted joint. They settled on joint. Jason got what he wanted, Bethenny didn't. Case closed. (And I mean that in a literal sense, but we can use it figuratively as well).

  • Love 4

Probably! Might have! Guessing! That's all supposition. We do know some facts. Bethenny took the case to trial, not Jason. Bethenny wanted sole custody, Jason wanted joint. They settled on joint. Jason got what he wanted, Bethenny didn't. Case closed.

I think that is a rather simplistic and overly definitive view of what is probably a quite complex situation, especially considering that you admit to basing your opinion on the most basic of facts.

Feeling no need to speak as an authority, I myself have a personal posting policy to acknowledge what I know and don't know, using words like "maybe" and "might have" when appropriate, even if it leaves me open to charges of "guessing." I don't happen to think there is anything necessarily wrong with guessing, so long as one realizes that us what they are doing.

That being said, I must point out that it is actually just a guess on your part that things were as cut and dried as you insist they were. I myself happen to think the situation might be more complicated than you do. That is my prerogative, I believe. So I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this issue.

I think that is a rather simplistic and overly definitive view of what is probably a quite complex situation, especially considering that you admit to basing your opinion on the most basic of facts.

Feeling no need to speak as an authority, I myself have a personal posting policy to acknowledge what I know and don't know, using words like "maybe" and "might have" when appropriate, even if it leaves me open to charges of "guessing." I don't happen to think there is anything necessarily wrong with guessing, so long as one realizes that us what they are doing.

That being said, I must point out that it is actually just a guess on your part that things were as cut and dried as you insist they were. I myself happen to think the situation might be more complicated than you do. That is my prerogative, I believe. So I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this issue.


I'm sure the case was difficult and complicated, and not at all cut and dried.  It's fine if you want to engage in guessing, and we all do that around here.  But it's also fine to discuss the facts of a case, which aren't debatable.  The case here ended with both parties agreeing to joint custody.  If you want to imagine certain scenerios that might have played out in order to reach this conclusion, that's certainly your prerogative, as is mine to reach conclusions based on facts.

  • Love 3

I think that is a rather simplistic and overly definitive view of what is probably a quite complex situation, especially considering that you admit to basing your opinion on the most basic of facts.

Feeling no need to speak as an authority, I myself have a personal posting policy to acknowledge what I know and don't know, using words like "maybe" and "might have" when appropriate, even if it leaves me open to charges of "guessing." I don't happen to think there is anything necessarily wrong with guessing, so long as one realizes that us what they are doing.

That being said, I must point out that it is actually just a guess on your part that things were as cut and dried as you insist they were. I myself happen to think the situation might be more complicated than you do. That is my prerogative, I believe. So I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this issue.

We know for a fact she wanted sole custody. We know for a fact they ended up with joint custody. I don't see where there is any confusion as to who gave up anything.

And she certainly didn't need Jason to lose her fan base. She did that all by her little lonesome self.

  • Love 6

That's all supposition. We do know some facts. Bethenny took the case to trial, not Jason. Bethenny wanted sole custody, Jason wanted joint. They settled on joint. Jason got what he wanted, Bethenny didn't. Case closed.


What we don't *know* is "Bethenny testified and then offered to settle solely to humiliate Jason and eliminate his voice in the proceedings", right?


To be honest, I think that is as likely as "Jason realized he'd look really bad if he actually tried to answer the accusations made"

  • Love 4

Yes, but Jason probably had to give up something else to get what he wanted in terms of custody.  It's not like he was victorious in court on the merits.  He just negotiated his way out of having to testify after he realized what he would be facing, and I am guessing he paid a nice price for it. 


At least it can no longer be definitively stated that it was Bethenny who initiated the compromise after accomplishing her nefarious goal of smearing Jason in the press.  I always found that idea pretty ridiculous to be honest.  There was no way she could know that Jason would agree to settle the case after she took the stand and badmouthed him.  Stuff like that tends to infuriate people rather than make them amenable to settling, lol.  It would have been a foolish risk that her lawyer never would have agreed to. Attorneys rarely agree to gamble their client's entire custody case so she can make a preposterous publicity grab while on the witness stand.  

Well if one withdraws there quest for primary custody then the parties are left with joint custody.   If this were put in monetary terms and say there was a million dollars on the table and Bethenny asserted she wanted $800,000.00 and Jason was left with $200,000.00.  Jason's claim was that he and Bethenny should split it 50/50.  If after Bethenny testified why Jason should not get an even split the case was then settled for $500,000.00 each, there would be no doubt, except for those who just argue for argument's sake, who capitulated and settled the case for $500,000.00 each.  The settlement reflects movement on Bethenny's side not Jason's.


I believe on this forum it has been said that the court will not allow parties to knowingly, willingly and voluntarily waive child support, that parties cannot negotiate lower child support because one of the parents is transferred or lives out of state and it is not feasible to have 50/50 custody.  Not my views but someone else's.  So now when a party gets exactly what they wanted going into a trial, they somehow were the one to make the offer?   You go to trial because parties don't agree.  I still maintain the Court clued the attorneys in that they needed to settle the custody portion of the case.


To put this is the present day and when the show was filmed it seems that Bethenny was acting as if this was all new and fresh some six months later.  Whatever her reasons for taking the case to trial weren't well thought out.   Jason is not out there trying to "brand" himself, lock down a reality TV show, he is a father trying to raise his daughter.  Nothing was gained by Bethenny trying to publicly humiliate her child's father.   Skinny Girl brand is not dependent on making Jason Hoppy look bad.  I will say her screwed up idea of a child custody case may have increased sales in her latest book, truly proving she does such at relationships, .

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

What we don't *know* is "Bethenny testified and then offered to settle solely to humiliate Jason and eliminate his voice in the proceedings", right?


To be honest, I think that is as likely as "Jason realized he'd look really bad if he actually tried to answer the accusations made"

No, Bethenny testified because there had been a gag order on the case, as to making comments to the press, and the only way she could dispel the image that Jason was an okay guy and Bethenny cruelly dumped him and tried to take his child away was to get on the stand.   

  • Love 2

When you are trying to win custody, one of the key things you try to show is that you are the parent who is going to do the best job when it comes to supporting the child having a relationship with the other parent. Lots of time the party who may be ever-so-slightly less desirable as a parent in general can look like a saint in terms of encouraging the child to have a good relationship with the other parent and get the greater share of custody on that basis. It won't overcome if you are like a drug addict or something, but often when the sides are roughly equal, it can be the determinative factor.

That is one reason you can get into such petty nonsense in a custody case ... you are trying to show that the other person is willing to screw with you just to upset you. It is intended to translate for the judge the idea that "if Jason is so determined to be a petty little jerk just to annoy Bethenny, maybe he would not do everything he could to facilitate Bethenny and Bryns relationship just to screw with Bethenny, too."

Thus the Festivus-style airing of the grievances.

It's interesting, since I am re watching BEA, I am reliving the petty jerk that is Jason Hoppy (IMO of course). Direct statement from Jason, that he liked to push Bethenny's buttons, and when he would find one, he would "keep his finger on that button" until Bethenny exploded. He loved it! Thought it was so funny. I haaaaaaaaaaaate people like that. He LOVED to torment her in a million passive aggressive petty ways. Good for Bethenny for getting out! Bethenny is loud and bitchy and brash, but living with Jason must have been death by a thousand paper cuts. Edited by shoegal
  • Love 4

It's interesting, since I am re watching BEA, I am reliving the petty jerk that is Jason Hoppy (IMO of course). Direct statement from Jason, that he liked to push Bethenny's buttons, and when he would find one, he would "keep his finger on that button" until Bethenny exploded. He loved it! Thought it was so funny. I haaaaaaaaaaaate people like that. He LOVED to torment her in a million passive aggressive petty ways. Good for Bethenny for getting out! Bethenny is loud and bitchy and brash, but living with Jason must have been death by a thousand paper cuts.

It has been awhile since I saw the show - what button did Jason push to make Bethenny explode?  We know she has lost her sensitivity chip.

  • Love 2

It has been awhile since I saw the show - what button did Jason push to make Bethenny explode? We know she has lost her sensitivity chip.

This particular button was about seating arrangements and a new table on the run up to Thanksgiving. It's stupid, petty stuff and he was just doing it for kicks. Pushing her buttons for his amusement. I can only imagine how much worse he got as the relationship began to sour.

I do remember on the therapy boat trip, one of the issues was Jason admitting he enjoyed needling and pushing Bethenny's buttons. No way I'd want to spend my life with someone who got off on making me irritated and upset.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 2



But with re: to Alex McCord, she and Bethenny ended up fairly close friends, didn't they? At least on the show.  I recall one of their last interactions, with Alex bringing Bethenny some expensive maternity clothes and being sent on a mission to tell Jill to back off. The hives, lol.   And Alex reporting back.  Maybe after Beth left the show, got married, had a baby, and Alex moved to Australia they stopped getting together on the regular, but I don't think it is because they ended up on the outs as was suggested

Unfortunately, IIRC, they fell out fairly quickly after Beth departed for greener pastures and long before A&S went to Australia. There were several snide comments Beth made to the media -- one that I remember was Beth claiming Alex and Simon would crawl thru an air vent or something to sneak into an event (a statement hardly exclusive to A&S). Alex was very nice to Beth (extremely protective during the Scary Island eps). Alex also discussed (on her webcast) how Beth wanted Alex to appear on the talk show but was unwilling to come up with any $ for it, which is not an unreasonable point: I think the problem was Beth offered scale but had the power to negotiate a higher appearance fee and refused to do so.

  • Love 3

Alex also discussed (on her webcast) how Beth wanted Alex to appear on the talk show but was unwilling to come up with any $ for it, which is not an unreasonable point: I think the problem was Beth offered scale but had the power to negotiate a higher appearance fee and refused to do so.

The story I remember is that besides just paying scale for the appearance, Alex wanted to promote some new venture (a line of linens maybe?), and Bethenny wouldn't allow it.

  • Love 4




This particular button was about seating arrangements and a new table on the run up to Thanksgiving. It's stupid, petty stuff and he was just doing it for kicks. Pushing her buttons for his amusement. I can only imagine how much worse he got as the relationship began to sour.

I do remember on the therapy boat trip, one of the issues was Jason admitting he enjoyed needling and pushing Bethenny's buttons. No way I'd want to spend my life with someone who got off on making me irritated and upset.


Thanks for the recap.


Bad habit to push buttons on someone as tightly wound as Bethenny.  I can get a little nervous before events and I do not enjoy certain members of my family who tell me to relax as they sit on their ass while I run around in an attempt to make their dinner experience enjoyable.  If you ask my family members, Uncle Richard and cousin Lee, I am talking about you, it is bad timing and in the moment I don't think of it as good natured ribbing.


Once you said the boat trip I lost all sympathy for Bethenny, she picked an exercise knowing Jason hated going out on the ocean because he suffers from seasickness.  The problem with two acerbic wits getting together is they never know when they have gone to far and when the other party explodes it is hard to register just which jab was the wrong one.


I could have saved them time and money in therapy - think before you speak.

  • Love 7

Sure, but imagine that the one person who should be your partner, the person you share your life with, your 'soft place to land' as they say, being the one who delights in pushing them. That's a shitty way to live.

I have not seen the breakdown over the tables.  I will take your word for it that he delighted in pressing her buttons.


I think likely she knew this side of him.  As he likely knew she had so many buttons before they married as was posted upthread.  'Tis fair to assume this of one if one assumes it of the other, no?


I think they pushed each other, damaged each other and were equally emotionally combative.

My opinions only.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 7


I think likely she knew this side of him.  As he likely knew she had so many buttons before they married as was posted upthread.  'Tis fair to assume this of one if one assumes it of the other, no?


Well, IIRC, Bethenny was super up front about her buttons, she presented herself very warts and all from what I recall. I think Jason played his cards very close to the vest, at least until they were married.

Bethenny was no saint, by far, and she'll end up paying dearly. At least Jason will get a fat payout.

  • Love 3

Unfortunately, IIRC, they fell out fairly quickly after Beth departed for greener pastures and long before A&S went to Australia. There were several snide comments Beth made to the media -- one that I remember was Beth claiming Alex and Simon would crawl thru an air vent or something to sneak into an event (a statement hardly exclusive to A&S). Alex was very nice to Beth (extremely protective during the Scary Island eps). Alex also discussed (on her webcast) how Beth wanted Alex to appear on the talk show but was unwilling to come up with any $ for it, which is not an unreasonable point: I think the problem was Beth offered scale but had the power to negotiate a higher appearance fee and refused to do so.

Bethenny made the comment that Alex and Simon would show up to an opening of an envelope during season 1 or 2. Long before they bonded on Scary Island. It's not uncommon for former co-workers not to remain close. It happens all the time.

  • Love 3

I'm curious about how SG is doing. I the concept is kind of dated. People are moving more towards whole, unadulterated foods, not artificial sweeteners or diet stuff. I also think it's tough with her as the face of the brand given how "polarizing" she is (as she and Andy admitted). I'm curious about her target demo. My friends are in their 20s and have never heard of Beth or SG since they aren't reality junkies like I am. They tend to follow people (weight lifters and "clean eating" cooks) on instagram and other forms of social media for fitness inspiration. #strongisthenewskinny is a tag that a lot of these fitness gurus use.



Body-shaming is way out of style. I'm not saying SG is doing that, but it could be perceived that way.


I agree with you the new trend is clean eating, not chemical-laden faux foods. Also agree that she's far from a household name outside of reality TV world. Twenty-something's would have no idea.


Bethenny left her first husband for his best man



Dag ...


PS I hope Jason's happy and enjoying some dating!

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 9

Body-shaming is way out of style. I'm not saying SG is doing that, but it could be perceived that way.


An interesting observation, especially considering the below story got quite a lot of press last week. I heard it on CNN. In all honesty, I couldn't pick Lauren Conrad out of a line-up, so I have zero idea if anyone cares about what she thinks. It seems like more and more you are hearing "skinny" associated with body shaming, which is not cool. It could potentially be a tough time to have that word be the most identifying part of your brand.


  • Love 4

I don't think having the word "Skinny" as part of her brand is now or ever will be an issue. Yes, active anti -body shaming campaigns are on the rise and rightfully so. "Shaming" isn't and never will be acceptable. However, there are at least as many and probably more organized efforts to fight obesity, especially in children. School lunch programs have changed, McDonalds, other fast food and restaurant chains are offering "healthy" options.

Whether they're willing to admit it or not, women (and men) would rather be thin (even skinny) than be overweight.

Edited by AnnA
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An interesting observation, especially considering the below story got quite a lot of press last week. I heard it on CNN. In all honesty, I couldn't pick Lauren Conrad out of a line-up, so I have zero idea if anyone cares about what she thinks. It seems like more and more you are hearing "skinny" associated with body shaming, which is not cool. It could potentially be a tough time to have that word be the most identifying part of your brand. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/02/lauren-conrad-bans-body-shaming-words_n_7486254.html

Lauren Conrad seems to have parlayed her stint on The Hills into a pretty good career for herself in fashion, and I think she's pretty popular with young women (think a much more respected Kim Kardashian). I really admire her for using whatever influence she has with girls and young women in this way.

Your image is so important when you're the face of a brand. Frankly, I thought Sonja asked a pretty good question at Bethenny's Skinnygirl summit mtg. when she asked about fan bases (figures, but still, it was a fair question), and it's why PR is so important for a celeb who banks on their image to sell their brand/products. And it's why I was so shocked that Bethenny took such a defensive position after the size 3x pj's brouhaha, instead of acknowledging people's discomfort with it. I wonder what her partners - the ones they showed at the brand summit -thought of it.

Edited by LotusFlower
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from the bravotv.com site, I get this. I think it is very honest and you can see how more and more, HW pander to whomever. They do not have to get along, they just need to show their lives. May not always be interesting but it is more real than the almost scripted drama.




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I am not sure how accurate the facts/numbers are in this blog/article but it is possible that Bethenny does not have the wealth we are lead to believe.


Very interesting article.  My disappointment with Bethenny is that she has no moral rudder.  Her first two seasons on RHONYC were all about her healthy products and making a lower calorie Margarita with natural ingredients and finding a suitable mate to start a family.  She dropped the Bethenny Bakes and dropped the all natural ingredients in her Margaritas (although it did take a lawsuit and a public rebuff of her claims before she stopped misrepresenting her product) and of course this was after she received the big chunk from Jim Beam.  She then went on a to year PR course to convince the world how in love she was with this man, re-enacting how they met and how they were such a great little family.  It seemed as soon as she got the bug check, Jason served no purpose.  So instead of working on her marriage and maybe working on herself, she dumped the guy by letter.  So in roughly a two year period she went from a natural foods advocate and low calorie all natural Margarita, happy wife to a person who will put her name on any diet food she thinks can turn a profit.  I think the liquor thing is pretty much out of her hands but she signed up for it and originally falsely promoted her Skinny Girl Margarita.  Now she is whining about the raw deal she got with her decision to marry and have children with Jason. 


Pick a course and stay true to it.  She could have a had maybe a less successful all-natural Margarita product as in one that could be sold in Whole Foods,  her gluten free baked goods might have been successful and mostly don't make a commitment to someone and hang on to it for a really short period of time because there has to be something or someone better out there.   So this recent attempt to rework her image is not surprising. Betthenny panders to what makes her money.  If being a abrasive and obnoxious will raise the bottom line she will do it.  If launching a farce of a custody battle, primarily because she could afford to erase the nice guy image she helped create about Jason, so be it. I noticed she is partnering these days and not getting bought out on her most recent group of products. Probably strategic so she can keep jumping on the latest fad.

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I think that was a mistake. I agree that she should've apologized. When you're a public figure, you're inevitably going to do or say something to offend someone. If I were a public figure and the face of a brand, even if I were "right" I would be quick to apologize. Gotta get that paper and public opinion matters. There are times when when it's appropriate to stand your ground but I don't think this was one of them.

Especially since the faux pas went directly to the "skinny" girl image. Whether she wants to admit it or not, as the face of the brand, she was in effect saying that if you buy her products or buy into the Skinnygirl way, you, too, can fit into a four-year-olds pajamas.

  • Love 9

from the bravotv.com site, I get this. I think it is very honest and you can see how more and more, HW pander to whomever. They do not have to get along, they just need to show their lives. May not always be interesting but it is more real than the almost scripted drama.



But she is not showing us her "real" life at all. I understand she can not film with Bryn, IMO that's a good thing, but she is not/was not "homeless" and not only did she have a BF, she was living in an apartment with him during filming. If he does not want to be on camera, so be it but be honest and say you are in a "relationship" and are trying to keep it private for now. Do not lie then say the newer HW's are faking it because that makes you the poster NY HW for hypocrisy IMO! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! LOL 

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