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Catsby has developed a charming habit of barking when he wants to know where I am. I'll hear an authoritative "MOW!" from somewhere in the house, and I'm supposed to respond with something like "In here." And when I do, he comes strolling in to purr at me.

I'm very well trained.


38 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

I think the cat believes I’m the one who could be easily replaced. 

Replaceable and edible.

Edited by Sandman87
  • Love 9

Not anybody's pet.  But I am so stressed out about this little guy in Minneapolis( eta:  correction, St. Paul):




How could a raccoon even DO that??????!!!!?

Edited by ratgirlagogo
  • Love 2

Bonnie decided my bed seemed like the better choice last night even though we've discussed at length that the guest bed is hers. I have a king sized bed, it's just me, and yet I spent a sleepless night clinging to the edge of the bed. That little 45 pound dog is a bed hog.

I have a presentation at 8:30 am tomorrow so she's definitely sleeping in her own bed tonight.

Edited by emma675d
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

Not anybody's pet.  But I am so stressed out about this little guy in Minneapolis( eta:  correction, St. Paul):




How could a raccoon even DO that??????!!!!?

Why did you tell me about this?!? So much for sleep.


Just fed the kittens and had them running around and playing for a time; I got feathered balls and mice for them to play with, but there hasn't been much done with those balls and mice (Sally is the only one who seemed to give any attention to any of the toys [and that for only about 10-15 seconds, it seems]).

Edited by bmasters9
  • Love 1

The place I lived in before I moved was close to the beach and nearly 80 years old and despite being a neat freak I'd have an influx of beach roaches throughout the year. The kitties would play with them but leave them alone for me to bribe my friends with beer to dispose of. Last night the cats were way too quiet for not being asleep so I went looking for them and found them staring at the bathroom wall. I knew something was up and as I was about to go put shoes on I saw a fucking roach run across the floor.

I hike up to the 3rd floor for a reason!

I geared up to do battle remembering I forgot to buy raid and my big jug of bug spray is outside and noticed the kittencat batting at something (the roach) by the couch. I figured it would run under the couch and I'd have a long, sleepless night waiting for it to come out. Nope! He picked it up and ran into my fucking room! Thankfully he dropped it, I was able to cover it until I could get the nerve to trap and flush it. Bleh!

  • Love 8

You guys are so funny with the bugs - my big tom brought a live mouse into my bed at 3 AM once back when we lived in the mountains and since we have had Louis he already brought a rat (dead) through his cat door into the living room and then followed that up with a mouse (not dead) a few days later during our dinner time (I have to give him props for wanting to contribute his share). I told him to kill the mouse and left the room. Fortunately he followed instructions and then abandoned the mouse corpse (it was for us after all) in favor of suitable human table scraps. The influx of rodents here is all down to my fairly new next door neighbors who put up a big bird feeder that results in birdseed scattered all over the ground, attracting rodents which we have never, ever had here previously. We (and apparently other people) pointed this out to them (plus the birds around here do NOT need feeding - we are at the beach, there is no real winter and there is plenty of food for them naturally) and they took it down - end of rodent problem.

  • Love 3

My neighbors have complained about my murder of crows. They see me and get noisy...or get loud when they don’t see me early enough. Evidently they drop their peanuts in their birdbaths (hmmm....but not mine) and it causes scum. I guess it makes them easier to eat. I also have a large influx of squirrels due to feeding birds. I have also seen possums and raccoons dining here. The cats are at the window for the eye candy. As former hunters (I do not miss the nights when I woke up to squeals or skull crunching at 3 am) they desperately want to go out but living off the island means that we have predators...coyotes. It took one neighbors Facebook post with one leaving a house with a helpless (not a small cat either) in its jaws to convince me that my kitties were now indoor cats. Alas. So I’ve been called a vermin attractor. Ah well. I’ve been called worse but when the peanuts are gone won’t buy more. They’ll have to suffer with me feeding the birds. I love the flock of singing Cardinals. 

  • Love 3

Shlamey came through the biopsy fine, no problems with the anesthesia.  We won't have the results for about a week.  But, it is not good at all.  The xray today shows a chunk of her jaw bone just gone.  As in not there anymore.  And a mass that is pushing in all directions.  The xray from May 3rd showed only the bad tooth, the bone looked fine and like the good side does today.  The Dr said it may still be a bad infection but her gut tells her it is cancer.  She said this much change in such a short time scares her.  

I've had a good long cry and I think I'm just kind of numb right now.

Shlamey bless her seems fine.  Of course, she is hopped up on pain meds. 

This is going to be the longest week of my life. 

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, tiftgirl said:

Shlamey came through the biopsy fine, no problems with the anesthesia.  We won't have the results for about a week.  But, it is not good at all.  The xray today shows a chunk of her jaw bone just gone.  As in not there anymore.  And a mass that is pushing in all directions.  The xray from May 3rd showed only the bad tooth, the bone looked fine and like the good side does today.  The Dr said it may still be a bad infection but her gut tells her it is cancer.  She said this much change in such a short time scares her.  

I've had a good long cry and I think I'm just kind of numb right now.

Shlamey bless her seems fine.  Of course, she is hopped up on pain meds. 

This is going to be the longest week of my life. 

I’m so sorry to hear your news about Shlamey @tiftgirl. I’ll hope for the best for you and your dear kitty. Has she been on antibiotics to quell any possible infection? Gee. Long week indeed. Please keep us posted. 

  • Love 7

I think I know why the kittens wouldn't give much attention to the toys-- there were blinds standing up beside our water heater on the porch, and the kittens (especially Harry) were climbing up on them to get to the cover of our water heater. Well, we discovered last night that the blinds were damaged somewhat; we didn't know that the kittens' play with them was damaging them until it was too late. We moved the blinds, then, away from the water heater, and now hopefully the kittens will play with the toys.

Edited by bmasters9
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Speaking of...how is Kitty Gunderson the Elder doing? Better I hope. Warm regards from the Mindthinkr cats. 

Aw, thanks! Kitty Gunderson the Elder is doing better. She seems to go through short periods where she just doesn’t make it to the box in time, but then will go a week or two without any incidents. We had a pretty bad series of days when I posted about her last. This week I found her blue mouse in the middle of the rug, which means she’s playing and feeling pretty spry (for her age, of course). 

  • Love 5

Shlamey is in ICU.  She was moaning this morning and she just wasn't right.  The did blood tests and in addition to the cancer (this Dr thinks that is what it is too even though the results haven't come back yet) she is anemic, he kidney values are really bad, and she is dehydrated and constipated.  Her condition is Guarded.  

I just expected even with it probably being cancer to at least have more time.  

I want to do right by her so we will see when the Dr.  calls with an update if she shows any improvement.

  • Love 7

Today Catsby had his most traumatic experience yet. He was outside, near a small tree that gets a lot of tiny blossoms for a couple of weeks at this time every year. Those blossoms attract bees. Remember how I mentioned previously that he enjoys catching flying insects? Yeah, he got stung. Took me an hour to coax him out of the nook where he hid himself. I had to walk with him, very slowly, back to the door so he could go inside, with him stopping frequently to make sure there weren't any more EVIL DEMONIC HELL BEES lurking along the way and waiting to sting him again.

He was completely silent for a couple of hours, but a bath, a nap and a few cat treats seem to have improved his disposition immensely.


@tftgirl, hoping for the best for Shlamey.

  • Love 7

Thank you everyone for the good wishes and thoughts!  They worked.  And they mean very much to me.

My girl is currently sitting in the window watching over the birds and bathing all that nasty hospital smell off.

We went from the ER to our vet this morning.  She was so very mad.  I don't know what the absolute hell that er dr was playing at, but, she does NOT have kidney disease and she is not anemic.  Her kidney values are high normal and what they were in Feb and what our Dr expects for her age.  Anemia levels are a little high, but, with everything she has been through with the surgeries, etc, again not something the Dr is overly concerned about.  What is is concerned about at this point (besides the biopsy results) is that they pumped so much fluid into her, that her heart is working overtime and has exacerbated her intermittent heart murmur that she has had since birth.  She gave her something for pain and said she just needs to rest.She did say depending on the biopsy results and what kind of cancer it is, we may have to have The Talk, but, I thought her head would come off when I told her the ER doc recommended euthanasia yesterday.

I called off work for today yesterday after I left her at that God forsaken er and my boss texted me back to take all the time I need, so, I may go ahead and take today off.  I feel like I could use a rest too.

 @bmasters9 your babies are adorable!

  • Love 16

@tiftgirl, three cheers for proper information from your regular vet (and good news at that); a pox on that ER vet.  I'm not positive on this one as I only dealt with it once and it was a while back, but I think the heart issue caused by too much fluid at once usually resolves itself as the excess fluid makes its way out of the system.  So I hope with some quality rest at home, Shlamey will be back where she started in just a day or two.  Fingers and paws continue to be crossed here for the biopsy results.

@bmasters9, kitten pics are the perfect way to start the week, so thanks for posting your cuties.

  • Love 6

Kook's had some unsightly bump on / near his nose that started about 4 weeks ago.  It got to the size of a pencil eraser and increasingly pink.  Vet took a look and said it was basically an ingrown hair/whisker and unless he started to show a lot of sensitivity around there, it would eventually work itself out.

I'd been second guessing her because it didn't seem to be getting better, but it started to lose the pink tone over the weekend and it is much smaller tonight. 

I had no idea dogs could get ingrown hairs.

  • Love 4

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