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Adult Swim: Now With 20% More FOX Cartoons!


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A place to talk about Adult Swim, aka [adult swim], aka [as].


Note that Toonami has it's own separate discussion thread here.




There's a promo running now for the new season of Black Dynamite starting this coming Saturday (11/18) at 10:30 pm.


Also being promoted: Mike Tyson Mysteries on the 27th. No really. I'm not kidding. Apparently [as] thinks there's a demand for a Scooby-Doo-esque cartoon featuring a tattooed ex-boxer.

Edited by Sandman87
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I didn't know where else to post this. In fact, other people may have posted this already in other forums, but I didn't want to chance that. As I was instructed, so will I pass on this to you: watch the whole thing until the end, and don't try to figure out what it all means. ;)






Maybe you could tell us what the "goddamn thing" is. I'm on a dialup connection, and I'm not going to spend hours downloading it without even a basic description.


It's a long parody of tropes in sitcom credit design which goes on to darker humor.  i wouldn't download it on a dialup connection were I you.

Edited by Totale

New shows/specials coming up on [as]:

Feb 20th - The Jack and Triumph Show, with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.
Feb 13th - Dinner with Family with Brett Gelman and Brett Gelman’s Family, and I have no idea what it's about.
Tonight - Unsupervised, a Beavis and Butthead knock-off that ran on FX a few years ago. It didn't get very good reviews.

New shows/specials coming up on [as]:

Feb 20th - The Jack and Triumph Show, with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.

Feb 13th - Dinner with Family with Brett Gelman and Brett Gelman’s Family, and I have no idea what it's about.

Tonight - Unsupervised, a Beavis and Butthead knock-off that ran on FX a few years ago. It didn't get very good reviews.


Dinner with Family with Brett Gelman and Brett Gelman’s Family is a quasi-sequel to Dinner with Friends with Brett Gelman and Friends, which starred Alison Pill, Lance Reddick and Gilbert Gottfried as themselves:



You can watch the second one on the AS website: http://www.adultswim.com/videos/dinner-with-friends-with-brett-gelman-and-friends/dinner-with-friends-with-brett-gelman-and-friends/ It stars Patti LuPone and Tony Roberts.

Edited by ApathyMonger

Is it just me or is Adult Swim going to more live-action (as opposed to animated) content?  Newsreaders, Hot Package, Jack and Triumph, The Heart, She Holler, Children's Hospital, Tim and Eric, etc.  Some of these are more successful than others (Bag Boy worked best as a one-off, because Dr. Steve Brule playing a character was almost too meta--John C. Rielly pulled it off, though.)  Robot Chicken is a special case, because stop-motion animation isn't "cartoon" but they often spoof cartoon shows, and aren't as limited as live-action can be.


I like the live stuff; some of it is extremely funny, but it's like they're getting away from their name.  Too bad Comedy Central doesn't have a better outlet for short-form comedy.

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I like the live stuff; some of it is extremely funny, but it's like they're getting away from their name.

Well, they wouldn't be the first cable channel to get away from their name. Remember when MTV actually played music? Or HISTORY showed actual history? Or you could learn from TLC? Or discover something on the Discovery channel? Or even experience arts and entertainment on A+E?

I've watched a few of the live-action shows, but they're not really my cup of tea.

  • Love 3

Caught the season opener for China, IL. Is it just me, or does the show work better with 15 minutes instead of 30? More time means more people to keep track of, and I don't feel attached to them. I did find out two things from "A Gentleman's Bet":


1. Any status-quo rocking event can easily be reversed by a gun and a psychotic breakdown.


2. You can choke Baby Cakes. I didn't think that boy had a neck, but Pony sure did find it.

Just checked the schedule . . . last night, [as] ran the third season finale of The Boondocks. Next week: back to the first episode, "The Garden Party." In other words, [as] doesn't want to admit the fourth season happened.


Damn .  . I remember seeing a screening of what would become "Adult Swim" back in the day, complete with the ATHF pilot, "Rabbot." I feel old.

  • Love 2

 In other words, [as] doesn't want to admit the fourth season happened.


Neither does anyone else.  



According to an [as] promo, June 21st is the beginning of the last season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force (aka a bunch of other names.) Probably just as well; the show is about 5 seasons past its prime.


Yep, but it is AS' longest running program and I doubt they were ready to end it.  The rumor is that Aqua Teen isn't ending; it's been canceled.  The infamous Boston episode got leaked and apparently, Turner said that if it ever aired, they were pulling the plug on the series.  I agree that ATHF has been coasting off of fumes for years, but I find that Boston stuff to be suspect. 

From AVClub: [as] has canceled China, IL. Probably for the best, since the half-hour episodes weren't nearly as much fun as the 15-minute installments, but I figure this show should be lamented slightly more than, say, Black Dynamite.


ETA before I forget: Rick and Morty starts the second season on Sunday night at 11:30. There's a R&M forum made for critiquing the asshole and his butt monkey grandson. Wuba luba dub dub!!

Bumping up, since Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever is wrapping up next Sunday. What do y'all remember about it? I keep flashing back to "Hand Banana," where the gang create a dog from Master Shake's hand, and it wins up raping Carl a bunch of times. Pretty dicey, but the humor worked . . . especially after Carl created his own dog, complete with two pairs of flip-flops.

Heck I remember all of it, but most of the first 5 seasons was pure gold. In particular I liked pretty much everything involving any of the recurring "monsters", especially the Mooninites. Also Ezekiel ("Checkmate! I win! You're the hippopotamus!"), Carl Brain & Carl Brain Jr., the Love Mummy ("Cuuuurse!"), "Shake Like Me", the two ventriloquist dummies ("Die!", "Kill!").


My extra special favorite is the one where the Mooninites host a bad guy conference on the Moon. Almost every line from that one is quotable.

One of my favorites was when they killed Carl and kept trying to revive his head on different bodies (including one made of eyes).  T shirt of the dead was another good one. Also pretty much all the ones Sandman mentioned.  Hand Banana was pretty good as well. 


Honestly, I've been rewatching the show at 12:30 and most of the episodes were pretty good (although there were a few bad ones, not a fan of Dr Wong except for the giant hamburger one).

My favorite Aqua Teen episode is the one where they bought Meatwad that doll with the big red shoes. He came with a pill addiction and "Action Bils" lol

I miss Sealab 2021...it was pretty hit-or-miss, but when it hit it was awesome. For a few years my sister and I would sing this to each other on our birthdays


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Well, if you're feeling nostalgic, AS runs episodes of Sealab 2021 at 4:15 on weeknights. And good call on the doll, spaceytraci1208. I just wish I could remember his name. I also remember Jiggle Billy, who would up blowing his own head off.


ETA: Saw the ATHFF finale. Nice way to wrap up almost fifteen years of hijinks . . . with some continuity porn, but not enough to drown in it. Also liked the "return" of Santa, since I dug "T-Shirt Of The Dead." While I'm here  . . . what's your favorite [as] series finale? I reckon Moral Orel is at the top, while The Boondocks is mired at the bottom.


ETA2: Happy Time Harry! The most ironically-named doll on the market!

Welp, that's it for Aqua Teen Hunger Force.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but I didn't care for the ending.  

Hated how Frylock and Master Shake died for real and we never know what happens to Carl.  At least Meatwad had a good life.  


I'm gonna miss hearing Master Shake's nasally shrill each week.  They had a good run.

Neither does anyone else.

Yep, but it is AS' longest running program and I doubt they were ready to end it. The rumor is that Aqua Teen isn't ending; it's been canceled. The infamous Boston episode got leaked and apparently, Turner said that if it ever aired, they were pulling the plug on the series. I agree that ATHF has been coasting off of fumes for years, but I find that Boston stuff to be suspect.

The Boston episode wasn't amazingly offensive, but I do understand why it was pulled. I do feel that Osama bin-Ignignokt and Ayman Al-Err should have been recycled for another episode. Edited by revbfc

There was a banned episode? If so . . . where could I see it? I've seen everything else from ATHF.


Speaking of the late show . . . what were your favorite credits aside from Schooly D's original theme? I'm partial to Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1, describing Frylock as "a Sherlock Holmes with laser beam eyes." ATHFF was also pretty energetic, with the VAs rapping, Meatwad doing an improved hot dog and igloo, and two groupies hanging in Shake's cup.

There was a banned episode? If so . . . where could I see it? I've seen everything else from ATHF.

I was wondering the same thing but wasn't sure if asking was verboten on this forum.


Last night had T-Shirt of the Dead, probably one of my all time favorite ATHF episodes. It's always fun when Meatwad is in charge.  The night before had Dusty Gazongas which, not a fan of (although I watched it again which is more than I can say for Banana Planet).

"He woke me up and it pisses me off." Good times. I liked the VA also played Santa in Squidbillies.


One bad thing about the end of ATHF . . . the possibility of no more of Carl's weekly handicapping the NFL every week. I'll admit it . . . I watched every week. Best one was the week after Super Bowl XLII, when he was amped up about his Giants beating the undefeated Patriots. He had shaved his mustache because he was going to dodge certain people for not being able to cover his bet. In the end, I think his head exploded from sheer happiness.

"He woke me up and it pisses me off." Good times. I liked the VA also played Santa in Squidbillies.


One bad thing about the end of ATHF . . . the possibility of no more of Carl's weekly handicapping the NFL every week. I'll admit it . . . I watched every week. Best one was the week after Super Bowl XLII, when he was amped up about his Giants beating the undefeated Patriots. He had shaved his mustache because he was going to dodge certain people for not being able to cover his bet. In the end, I think his head exploded from sheer happiness.

I loved it when the Giants were on that loosing streak and he was loosing his mind.

AVClub essay on ATHF and AS.


While I got y'all here . . . what do you think of Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell? I find it middling . . . Gary's a boob, Claude's a massive schemer/suck-up, and Satan is the worst boss ever. There are some good moments, but I can't see it lasting much longer. At least it keeps Eddie Pepitone on TV every now and then.

AVClub essay on ATHF and AS.


While I got y'all here . . . what do you think of Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell? I find it middling . . . Gary's a boob, Claude's a massive schemer/suck-up, and Satan is the worst boss ever. There are some good moments, but I can't see it lasting much longer. At least it keeps Eddie Pepitone on TV every now and then.

Honestly, I really like it. I think it's mostly how earnest yet incompetent Gary is. But I can't really give a good reason why I like it

Carl lives! He likes the Colts this week, so I would look into putting money on the Bills. If I were a betting man, I mean.


ETA: I remembered to look after seeing it on Sportscenter just now. For real.


ETA2: Just found AS's plans for New York Comic Con. I might wind up missing the Robot Chicken panel if it's going to be the same panel format as last year.


ETA3: First of all, apologies for the constant ETAs. Secondly: did anybody watch Black Jesus? The second season kicks off on Friday. I still have the latter half of the first season on DVR, and I haven't gotten around to watching/deleting it.

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