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Homeland Spoilers


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Quote from an interview Raza Jaffrey gave:

“Khan doesn’t know as much about what’s going on in ISI as he gives the impression he does,” says Jaffrey darkly. “The new guard is Tasneem, played brilliantly by Nimrat Kaur, who is far more revolutionary in her outlook for Pakistan. Khan represents the English-educated, more northern European philosophy of the old guard, in young form. It’s another way of [the writers] saying how complicated Pakistan is. Khan is caught up [in internal politics] but he also has sympathies for Carrie and respects her as an officer.”


Just came across a major rumor; read your own risk because this is a pretty big deal....


'Homeland' Season 4 Finale Spoilers: Saul Is Dead And Carrie Shot? Pictures Provide Proof!

Christopher Groux , Design & Trend

Nov, 13, 2014, 02:36 PM



Homeland set shot

(Photo : Metro) Carrie appears to be shot in this leaked set photo. Will Saul live through the season 4 finale?

Forr those disappointed in the fourth season of "Homeland," spoilers indicate that this batch of episodes will go down in the blaze of glory. Important characters will die, and Carrie Mathison may even wind up taking a bullet or two!

As shown by Metro's set image above, actress Claire Danes looks to be playing Carrie in some state of medical distress. With military and medical personnel on all sides, a gunshot seems likely given the appearance of the injury. After all, if it had been the result of an explosive, one would assume that the damage might be worse.

However, while the fan favorite schizophrenic station chief may brush with a bullet, the fate of at least one of the series' central characters appears far worse. TV Line investigators suggest that an elaborate funeral sequence was recently filmed on "Homeland's" West Africa set. Considering Saul Berenson has spent most of season 4 narrowly escaping his demise, many fanatics assume that his character will be next to get the axe.

The evidence in speculation compounds when you consider that Carrie was willing to sacrifice Saul's life to capture Taliban Commander Haissam Haqqani at the beginning of the season. Will that troubling scenario repeat itself as the fourth year comes to an end? Will Carrie injure herself trying to fight on behalf of her greatest mentor and friend? All of these situations seem possible.

As with any spoiler, the final script may not always line up with what fans predict. As the main character of the show, Carrie is likely a safe survival, but what about Peter Quinn or Fara Sherazi? Both characters often put their lives on the line, and may be plausible candidates for death as well.

To find out who dies in the "Homeland" season 4 finale, watch episode 12 on Dec. 21. The show airs every Sunday on Showtime



‘Homeland’ Season 4 Finale Spoilers Reveal An ‘Elaborate Funeral’ Will Take Place: Quinn, Saul, Or Lockhart Killed Off?

By Sara Guaglione | November 12, 2014 10:14 PM EST

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'Homeland' season 4 finale will feature a funeral

(Photo : Twitter (@SHO_Homeland))

New "Homeland" season 4 spoilers reveal that an "elaborate funeral" will likely take place during the finale. Will Quinn, Saul, or Lockhart get killed off in the "Homeland" season 4 finale? Read on for all the spoiler details!

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According to TVLine, "Homeland" "recently shot an elaborate funeral sequence at a chapel in Cape Town presumably to air in the season finale."

"Homeland's" filming location was in South Africa, to stand in for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

There are lots of theories going on through our heads as to who could be kicking the bucket in this funeral scene, thought to take place in the "Homeland" season 4 finale. We're doubting it'll be Claire Danes' character Carrie Mathison. But could it be Quinn? Or Saul? Or (hopefully) Lockhart?

Cartermatt.com writes that they're "worried about Saul... due to the precarious nature of his position. While we know him to be a very smart, shrewd man, this will only get you so far. It is hard to escape a capture situation, and he will have to use almost every single tool in his arsenal in an effort to figure this one out."

The last we saw of Saul he was being locked in a holding cell in the mountains bordering Afghanistan. His chances don't look good.

On the other hand, Mandy Patinkin is a big, A-list name in the "Homeland" cast. Killing him off after Damian Lewis' exit may damage the Showtime series beyond repair.

Quinn may be another character in danger. Rupert Friend's role has felt like a dead-end ever since it's been revealed that he's in love with Carrie.

We're keeping our fingers crossed that the "Homeland" producers decide to cut Lockhart. He's been a real thorn in everyone's side recently.

Other possibilities? Mark Moses' character as husband of the ambassador, Dennis Boyd. He's currently in hot water and it may just be a matter of time before the ISI has had enough of him.

Who do you think the funeral in the "Homeland" season 4 finale could be held for? Let us know in the comments section below!

Meanwhile, "Homeland" has been renewed for season 5.

"In its fourth season, 'Homeland' has brilliantly reinvented itself. It continues to capture the attention of a devoted fan base, and has provided an enviable platform for the successful launch of 'The Affair,' " said Showtime Networks prexy David Nevins. "With thought-provoking, relevant and addictive storylines, both series have been embraced, dissected and much debated week after week. We're excited to see more from these complex shows in 2015."

4.9 Synopsis

New Homeland Season 4,Episode 9 Small Spoiler Teasers & Title Revealed

By: Andre Braddox | November 16, 2014 at 3:03 AM EST

Tagged: Homeland season 4 spoilers & news, news


New Homeland season 4,episode 9 small spoiler teasers & title revealed. Recently, Showtime served up a couple of new teaser spoilers for their upcoming “Homeland” episode 9 of season 4. They also gave us a title for it, which is called,”There’s Something Else Going On,” and it turns out that we’re going to see Carrie do a little improvising to salvage her mission. Meanwhile, the CIA is going to close in on a leak.

Their official teaser synopsis for episode 9, reads like this: “Carrie improvises to salvage her mission; the CIA closes in on a leak.” Episode 9 is scheduled to air on Sunday night, November 23rd at 9pm on Showtime. In related news, we can already tell you guys that Showtime has renewed Homeland for a new season 5! So, you guys can expect to see another set of 12 episodes in the Fall 2015.

We’ll definitely get more season 5 spoilers and info after season 4 ends. Stay tuned. Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Google Plus by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.

The bullet hole in Saul's head indicates, to me, that he's a goner.  Why else would it be there?  And the preview for next week's episode had a clip of Mira crying out in anguish while on the phone.  Reacing to news of her husband's death?  I would imagine so.


I don't think the episode they were filming in those photos is the next one. And if Saul actually died in the next episode, I don't think they'd spoil it by showing Mira sobbing in the previews.


I'm thinking one of the last episodes of the season (probably the finale) involves an explosion of some kind, leading to Carrie and Saul both being injured, but surviving.

I'm guessing the funeral is for someone (or many) in the US Embassy during the prisoner exchange.


I was watching the ep. 9 preview again and something caught my eye. The tunnel an armed Haqqani is shown walking through is the one Sandy Bachman (Corey Stoll) is shown using to exit the Embassy in ep. 1. Also the dead man being dragged appears to be the clerk from the shop Sandy exits onto the street.


There is a screengrab with Sandy using the tunnel about halfway down the page here: http://previously.tv/homeland/cake-wrecks/


And Haqqani in the same spot (immediately preceded by the dead clerk) at the :33 second mark here:


So it would appear there is a coordinated effort and Haqqani personally attacks the Embassy from inside.


Effing Duck...

Edited by RitaV

Promo photos are up for episode 10


From this, I think RitaV's analysis is spot on. Haqqani probably breaches the embassy.


However, regardling the "death" commented on in previous comments, I think Saul bites the dust in episode 9. For one, he is completely absent in the photos for 10. For another, this photo shows Carrie injured in the same place on the head as we see in the "bullet hole" pic for Saul (from HollaMcDollar's posts).

Good catch and nice prediction, RitaV.  I just looked again at the photos HollaMcDollar linked to, and I noticed that a bloodied Redmond is in the third pic.  Meanwhile, the promo pics for Episode 11 show Quinn in a different outfit - and is it just me, or is his hair longer?  Flashback or something?  I'm don't know.  Also, one of the Episode 10 promo pics shows Haqqani and it looks to me like he has a wound near his left armpit. 

Edited by The Bullpen

I don't think Saul dies. In those leaked shots, he and Carrie appear to be talking to a Marine (with a body of a Marine laying nearby Saul) and Saul is holding binoculars apparently listening to what's being said. In another pic, Michael O'Keefe is walking around (not filming a scene) with a similar head wound. In the actual E10 promo shots, Carrie is talking to someone with her cleaned up head wound clearly visible.

Just speculating since I can't imagine poor Saul, who had a handful of opportunities to take himself out in the last several episodes finally being taken out by a bullet to the head...from someone else's gun.

Episode summaries for 4.11 and 4.12: http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/12/homeland-episode-411-412-synopsis.html


Clearly Saul survives. I really fear for Quinn at this point. Perhaps not in 4.10, but in 4.11......


Of course, Fara is expendable as well. Technically, Max is in the same category, but we the audience have more invested in Fara, so Max dying won't have the impact that Fara's death would have. If I have to pick between Quinn and Fara to die, I'll pick Fara, but I'd rather not pick.

Edited by parandroid

Promotional photos are up for Episode 12: http://www.spoilertv.co.uk/images/homeland/Season%204/Promotional%20Episode%20Photos/Episode%204.12%20-%20Long%20Time%20Coming/


What in the world is going on with that smiley "Cheers!" photo of Carrie and Lockhart??  Celebratory barbecue in Saul's backyard?  Super weird.  Dream/Drug-Induced hallucination? 


What in the world is going on with that smiley "Cheers!" photo of Carrie and Lockhart??  Celebratory barbecue in Saul's backyard?


The finale promo was full of Dar Adal's monologue, or speech, or conversation with someone. One thing that stood out with me was when he said (paraphrasing): "What I did doesn't compare to what I was able to get", with matching scene of an SD card being handed over. So I'm thinking it may be some sort of celebration in which they were able to get very, very valuable intel, and maybe capture Haqqani as well - all's well that ends well - and they were celebrating that, even if it came at the expense of their colleagues dying.


Just came across this info about Season 5... It sounds like the writers just gave up but still want the paycheck that comes from Showtime for putting out something under the name Homeland.

"Latinpost.com reported that season 5 will be two and a half years after the events in season 4, and the story will be set in Berlin. There will be drastic changes for the lead character Carrie Mathison, played by Claire Danes. In the fifth season, she is no longer with the CIA, and fans know that she is now a mother. One of the most interesting storylines in the show is Carrie's relationship with someone from the German Intelligence. Even if they are on the same side, their relationship will still get quite rocky."

Read more: http://www.vcpost.com/articles/70405/20150528/homeland-season-5-premiere-spoilers-settings-timeline-details-revealed-what-you-know-and-what-you-need-to-know.htm#ixzz3bYKzNeN8

Edited by HollaMcDollar

I figured their storylines would have probably gone ass over teakettle with the takeover of ISIS. They probably had to scrap months worth of scripts to keep them up to date

Alex Gansa was quoted as saying ISIS was "too evil" for Homeland... A lot of people speculated that they Charlie Hebdo attacks might have had something to do with his stance and I sort of wonder about that too.


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From Kristin at E!online: 


Debra: Got any dirt on the new season of Homeland?
Looks like Maggie will finally be getting a baby break in season five, as the show is currently looking to cast the role of Franny's German nanny, Lenya, who is calm, responsible and reassuring. Of course, this fits with the show's move to Germany in the new season. Guten tag, new location!

Per TVLine:



In a twist no one will see coming, Carrie will be smiling when we first see her in the Season 5 premiere (which picks up two years after the Season 4 finale and finds Claire Danes' leading lady living as a civilian in Berlin). A big source of her happiness: new boyfriend Jonas (Alexander Fehling, pictured). "She's in a normal, stable relationship," reveals exec producer Alex Gansa. "This isn't Brody. Or Quinn. He's conventional in the best sense. He's a rock for her." On the work front, Carrie is employed at a German private security firm — a gig that puts her in the crosshairs of the CIA, specifically ex-boss Saul. And Carrie and Saul are already on chilly terms after she derailed his bid for CIA director. "During the vetting process, Carrie was asked to testify," explains Gansa. "And she [suggested] that Saul might not be the best person to lead the agency." Ouch.
BONUS SPOILER!: Carrie and Quinn haven't seen each other since he left on that covert mission at the end of Season 4. But the two will cross paths "very, very soon" into Season 5, confirms Gansa.
RETURN DATE: Sunday, Oct. 4 at 9/8c (Network)


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Aint it cool news has bits and pieces for tonights episode. 


How does it end, spoiler boy?

"Since Mira filed for divorce." "Drive."


Thats got to be Saul talking, about his relationship status. Its less clear who he is talking to.


SpoilerTV also has promo images up for the episode after. Peter is clearly alive and recovered (phew!). But more importantly, looks like Numan has contacted Carrie. Because he knows that Carrie was CIA (how would _he_ know that)? Or was it Carrie who tracked him down?

Carrie asked Duering for a plane with enough fuel for a 12-hour flight, but in previews it looks like she's still in Europe. Did she not get on that plane after all, or did she leave and then come back?

Maybe she was never planning to go somewhere that far away and just wanted the extra fuel in case of emergency, or so if people were trying to track her down they would assume she had gone further than she really had and start looking in the wrong places.
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Maybe she was never planning to go somewhere that far away and just wanted the extra fuel in case of emergency, or so if people were trying to track her down they would assume she had gone further than she really had and start looking in the wrong places.

From the promotional photos of Episode 7, it looks like Carrie seeked solace with During, as there's a picture of her with During and and Laura in a home, without her wig. She also finally gets to meet Numan.

  • Love 1

promo photos for 10 and 11 are up.


  • Looks like Dar Adal and Allison are visiting Ivan in his office (the blinds in the photo #9 are the same as for #10 for episode 10 are the same as in the previous photo). Whaa? Why??? If Dar Adal is meeting Ivan at all, that implies that they (the Russians) know that he (Dar) knows that Ivan exists. So, they aren't pretending that they don't know about Allison? I'm confused.
  • Know who I don't see in the pictures? Peter Quinn. Of course, they did something like this in the last season where Quinn disappeared for a couple of episodes......so here's hoping.
  • The title of episode 11 reminds me of "Big man in Tehran" - which was the episode of season 3 where things happened. "The Star" was a better episode, but like season 4's last episode, there was time for the audience to take a breath and think about all that had happened in the season. I wonder if thats what we are going to get in season 5 as well. Momentous stuff happens in episode 11 and then we take a deep breath for the finale in episode 12.

On a new clip for Ep10, Dar doesn't seem too convinced that Allison plays a double agent for the CIA and SVR. Even with Carrie and Saul bringing him the evidence, Dar isn't too convinced because Allison has been a great agent for years.


I know people have sold the long con theory (I never bought it, just because these people don't have perfect batting averages in fighting off terrorists. S4 was a huge loss and there was no con in there). I think maybe Dar is just that dumb.

Yes, that article is chock full of new details!  It will be interesting to have Season 6 set in New York at the same time that the presidential election is occurring. 


An article with similar quotes and the prospect of future seasons beyond 6:  http://www.eonline.com/news/730562/wait-is-quinn-really-dead-on-homeland-plus-find-out-where-season-6-will-be-set

More teases here that Quinn may return next season.


Homeland producers previously hinted that CIA badass Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend) is coming back in this year’s sixth season.


But in case those nudges weren’t clear enough, executive producer Howard Gordon is making things even more explicit at the Television Critics Association’s press tour in Pasadena on Friday, where the veteran producer was promoting his new series The Frankenstein Code Lookinglass Second Chance.


“Quinn, who is extraordinary … has a good chance of coming back,” Gordon told THR. “The way we’re thinking about bringing him back — if he does come back — is really exciting to me personally.”



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Homeland: Quinn's Fate Revealed!

TV - Homeland cast and creator tease Quinn's fate and the return of past charactersIt’s a miracle!


Despite the fact that a critically wounded Quinn was last seen crossing over to the proverbial light in Homeland‘s Season 5 finale, Rupert Friend will return to the Showtime thriller in Season 6 as a full-fledged series regular, TVLine has confirmed.

“I hope he enjoys eating through a tube,” showrunner Alex Gansa joked to EW.com, before adding, “How [Quinn] is gonna be dramatized this year is going to surprise people, and it may not be what you think.”

Friend revealed to the site that Quinn will emerge from his near-death experience a changed man, one more willing to show his intimate and personal side.


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