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Married At First Sight: The First Year

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It's interesting how great of a guy I thought Doug was in the first season, but now he completely turns me off. I think he never really got over the idea that he was going to be a big league ballplayer. I think he enjoys being on TV just as much as Jamie does, the difference is that she is a type-A person who works her butt off to do hosting and have her jewelry line and publish her book. Doug is enjoying the ride, but really doesn't want to work hard at getting everything he can out of his 15 minutes like Jamie does.

I was thinking the same thing! I was a Doug fan and thought he was just a great guy. Now he actually repels me. I think he's grubby and unkempt and I can't help but think he's one of those guys who doesn't think its necessary to shower absolutely every day. I'm still quivering with the squick from when he was drying dishes, wiped his sweaty face with the dish towel, then continued drying dishes with the same towel! And yes, he's enjoying the Z list "celebrity".

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I agree that Doug has totally checked out of the marriage. I don't think he enjoys Jamie, seems to despise her family and clearly has no feelings of remorse about being so disappointing about involving himself with the wedding weekend. Jamie should not only be mad, she should not have a baby with this man. Jamie has annoying qualities but she does really seem to value her family and his as well. A baby is not going to fix it.

And the Cortney and Jason storyline seems made up and they are totally trying to act. I don't know if I see them lasting long term either.

And why is she writing a book about her great life when her husband can't stand her?

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First I think the whole stuff with Jason and Cortney is just made up drama over nothing since they probably got nothing for the cameras otherwise. I can see them being like any other married couple out there. We go through ups and downs and have fights at times but get through it all. I think if it was just that some would check out and say its boring tv. So we get the whole daddy issues, ring issues and so on. 

 As for Jamie...sorry but she is a selfish you know what. Who the hell harps on the person they are claiming they love, want to spend their life with and have babies with about a stupid ex? I can't imagine this "my ex" would want anything to do with the drama she has going and it being on tv. I don't blame Doug for checking out after her telling him she had feelings for "my ex". Who wouldn't be? Anyone with half a brain would be and would doubt about the future they could have had otherwise. He is smart for not just jumping in to having kids with her and telling her to chill all the time on it. He has EVERY right to question why she would still have things at this guy's place and anything else with "my ex". Even the wedding "weekend" its all about Jamie. Doug had something planned for a year that he does every year. So what if he left early. He showed up and she should be glad he even did that and agreed to do the ceremony for them. I can completely understand why he would want to hold off and being close to her family with all her "my ex" drama and hang ups. There is a giant question mark hanging over them about everything. Jamie whining about him not staying there while she was out at the bachelorette party was pathetic. He only took a day off work to drive up early for her because of the "my ex" BS. I don't blame him for turning around and going home to get work done instead of sitting around a hotel room waiting on her ass to maybe come back. Then before her sister is going to get married its all about Jamie's so called problems because Doug didn't stay there and "my ex" canceled. Hell even at the bachelorette party she said she didn't have one so she is going to live through her sister's. I will bet anything that the only time she wants to go visit her family is when things will revolve around her or she can make it that way. 

  I had no issues with Doug not being shaved. The wedding was very casual when you look at how they guests were all dressed. If they hadn't been dressed that way I would have had issues with him not wearing a tie and jacket but obviously it was super laxed for whatever reason aside from bride and groom. I figured though he is growing a beard and if he is then there is no way he would shave it. As for her writing a book....that is such a joke. She has no clue what marriage really is about and how it works. All she knows is she wants a camera on her and the money to keep rolling in. When is the last time she asked how her husband felt about anything other than when they can have a baby or meet the "my ex"? Which is all her own selfish wants and nothing more. He needs to get out of that marriage for his own good. Jamie needs to get over this "my ex" and get a clue. 

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I happened to come across this show and was surprised, I thought it was gone. I had stopped watching mostly because Jamie just annoyed me so much that I couldn't watch anymore. Her bratty, sniveling, complaining, narcissism got to be too much. Her voice got higher and shriller, like a 10 year old spoiled little girl but her caterpillar sized false eyelashes got thicker and longer. She's a shrew and I don't know how Doug can stand being in the same room with her when her mouth is spouting off. She's selfish and self-centered. All that is the good things I can say about Jamie. Oh, she's just awful!


Neph and Jasmine...why the heck are they even in this show?  shoo-shoo, go away.


Jason and Cortney are another couple that I've seen more than enough of. Cortney is another little princess that's needy and demanding. And Jason, well I just got tired of that 'yuck yuck yuck' laugh of his.

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1. J&C - Jason still feel like a real guy to me.  Courtney just seems to be acting. She cant even keep from smiling during a fight.  She also used to be so cute and well kept.  Now she seems to have gained some weight and her hair is never done.  I hope the story line of Jason connecting with his family is a good one and not one "made for tv" drama


2. N&J - first of all, i understand why they added another couple, just dont like it.  But I do agree somewhat with jasmine.  If Neph purchased a house without telling her, i would be upset.  But he could make it better by asking her to help with the decisions about renovations.  ALSO, the scene when she arrives back at the house, his mother is right there while they are kissing, i wouldnt want my boyfriends mother standing over us then.  she should know what boundries are, but of course it is her house


3. J&D - I am on team Doug, i would feel so frustrated and beaten down.  Jaimie just doesnt seem to know what she wants, how to get it, and when to shut up.  She is an educated woman and still pretty dumb.  I cant imagine what she did to her siblings when she was in charge

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Jamie is insufferable. She is like a dog with a bone. She will NOT LET GO. Doug apologizes over and over and she absolutely refuses to hear it, just nagging nonstop, then saying HE is the one with the communication problem?! No wonder she couldn't find a husband. Men probably ran the opposite direction from this bossy bitch.

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Jamie was trying so hard to make it Doug's fault when discussing it with everybody. First of telling Doug not to place the blame on her with her trust issues after he apologized and then took her to dinner, then Pepper telling her to get therapy again. Her last resort was Bonnie and she looked shocked when Bonnie suggested that therapy would be good for Jamie it is like she expected Bonnie to take her side and tell Doug to just accept her nagging and all.


While Doug spending so little time at the wedding was a crap move, I can see why he wants to spend so little time with Jamie since she is always right and always needs to be reassured. I do see his point about Jamie not following through, from the start Jamie has admitted that she has trust issues and needs therapy but 18 months later she is still not gone and just expects Doug to accept her condescending attitude and then in the least surprising move ever it looks like she is going to film her therapy as well.

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N&J - first of all, i understand why they added another couple, just dont like it.


This.  I've forgotten, are they engaged?  Sorry, but if you're not working and contributing to the downpayment, you don't get a say in what house someone else buys with their own money.  It felt a little bit ungrateful and princess-like to me when Jasmine had issues with not seeing the house.  If she's not happy with it, what are they going to do, sell it?  IMO she should be glad that Neph has the means and the ambition to get out of mama's house.


The art exhibit was an awesome tribute to Jason's mom and such a lovely gesture to raise funds for charity at the same time.  Very classy. 


Jamie and Doug - eh.  I just look at all that makeup whenever I see her. 

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Don't get me wrong - Neph is a MORON. But he hit the nail on the head when he told Jasmine that she would just judge the house if she saw it before it was renovated. He finally showed her some pictures and she reacted like he was showing her dead fetus posters or something. The house looked fine, especially for NYC. 


As for "are they engaged," they are not, and she is not happy about that. But if you ask me, neither of these two is mature enough to be married.

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I think the art show for Jason's mom was really nice. I feel mean even saying this, but I think the only reason that art show took place was because production paid for it and got the place rented. I don't at all doubt that Jason loved his Mom, I just think that was producer driven. It feels like him connecting with his sister is TV driven too. I don't think they quite know what to do with J&C so they keep pushing ideas at them.

Please tell me this quibbling with Jamie and Doug is for TV drama only! If not, this marriage is on its last legs. Doug took her to dinner and apologized. Jamie should have accepted the apology and enjoyed their meal. There is no reason to keep bringing it up. He was wrong, he said so, move on. Doug's parents seem to be over Jamie too. I think they are telling Doug to move on. As a side note, why is Jamie posting Instagram pics and tweets about having the best hubby ever if this is how their relationship really is. Either it's fake drama for the show or she's lying.

And I like the Neph storyline but watching 3 minutes a week isn't enough to get viewers interested. Dig into that more and less of Jamie in her hats picking Doug apart.

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As a side note, why is Jamie posting Instagram pics and tweets about having the best hubby ever if this is how their relationship really is. Either it's fake drama for the show or she's lying.



Probably to push her book on how she has a great marriage and is the best wifey ever and that we should all be like she is. *gag* 


 I haven't watched yet but just from the previews last week I thought the whole thing with Neph and Jasmine were stupid. They aren't married so what say should she have in a house he is buying with his own money. I don't even care if they were engaged or not because its obvious they won't last but it would still be his money. While I can't stand them being on the show and see no point to it, I say good for him on being able to do it and wanting to do a reno on the house he will live in. Hopefully he smartens up and doesn't ask her to marry him. Yet sadly I can see the show offering up a ring and all for that to happen. She needs to just go home and stay there. The girl hasn't even really tried to find a job yet has she? 


I am sure I will have more to say once I can find a time to watch this one. LOL 

I think the art show for Jason's mom was really nice. I feel mean even saying this, but I think the only reason that art show took place was because production paid for it and got the place rented. I don't at all doubt that Jason loved his Mom, I just think that was producer driven. It feels like him connecting with his sister is TV driven too. I don't think they quite know what to do with J&C so they keep pushing ideas at them.

Please tell me this quibbling with Jamie and Doug is for TV drama only! If not, this marriage is on its last legs. Doug took her to dinner and apologized. Jamie should have accepted the apology and enjoyed their meal. There is no reason to keep bringing it up. He was wrong, he said so, move on. Doug's parents seem to be over Jamie too. I think they are telling Doug to move on. As a side note, why is Jamie posting Instagram pics and tweets about having the best hubby ever if this is how their relationship really is. Either it's fake drama for the show or she's lying.

And I like the Neph storyline but watching 3 minutes a week isn't enough to get viewers interested. Dig into that more and less of Jamie in her hats picking Doug apart.

I have actually stopped watching this because I don't want to watch J&C implode over tv drama.  I like them and would like to see them leave tv and then come back for an update in 5 years or so.  As far as J&D, I can't decide what to think of them - I liked their original story, and for her to go from baby crazy to loving Myex, (who won't even be seen or named on camera), it all stinks of desperation to be on tv and have a "storyline".  Which maybe is what he and his family are getting sick of.  I just don't care to watch it all play out - but I'll keep up here to know what's going on with all of them - this is much more entertaining than the show anyway :)

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Why are Neph and Jasmine on the show when neither of them got MAFS? Are they someone's pets or something?


Only reason was because he is buddies with Jason. Otherwise no one would know who they are. I wish it was that way too. Does the show not get we don't care about these 2 since they were not in any way part of being MAFS? Wasn't she just some girl he picked up on in Vegas and Skyped with until he talked her into moving to NY? Which was stupid right there on her part. No job or money saved for such a move. 


What do you wanna bet Neph will be on house hunters renovation next? Right???!!! Someone's been bitten by the Hollywood bug besides Jamie.


Maybe his own spin off show. Neph's reno.....UGH I hope not and if it was to happen I so would not be watching that mess. 

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Only reason was because he is buddies with Jason. Otherwise no one would know who they are. I wish it was that way too. Does the show not get we don't care about these 2 since they were not in any way part of being MAFS? Wasn't she just some girl he picked up on in Vegas and Skyped with until he talked her into moving to NY?

Yep that sums it up!


Jasmine needs to get it through her thick head that her name is not on the title to this house and she has ZERO say about it.  It is not her house.

They both need to go away.

Edited by Vinyasa
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The premise of this spin-off show is that they would have new couples to introduce to MAFS First Year. But the show is 0-6 in the last two seasons. The plan was that rhe show would become "Married Life" and the newer couples would be on the MAFS First Yr Show. In a way it really shows how much the 6 couples from the past two seasons despised each other because I'm sure that a decent amount of money to go onto the next show.

I don't see how this show can continue past this season. They are pushing too much phony drama onto J&C and I'm worried about Doug's own mental health if Jamie is really how she is portrayed.

  • Love 4

The premise of this spin-off show is that they would have new couples to introduce to MAFS First Year. But the show is 0-6 in the last two seasons. The plan was that rhe show would become "Married Life" and the newer couples would be on the MAFS First Yr Show. In a way it really shows how much the 6 couples from the past two seasons despised each other because I'm sure that a decent amount of money to go onto the next show.

I don't see how this show can continue past this season. They are pushing too much phony drama onto J&C and I'm worried about Doug's own mental health if Jamie is really how she is portrayed.


Well maybe if they weeded out the people they gave us and found some decent folks that really wanted to be married and not have some pathetic 15 mins at any cost then it might have worked for them to do that with the spin off in such a manner. Since they just give us so many that aren't really ready for marriage and hook them with ones that might be or are ready for it, ones that are nutjobs, and so on...they will never get anything else beyond the 2 from the first season. I don't think this show is ending anytime soon if they are/were casting for people in Chicago. Let me just say that at least it isn't Los Angeles where we have so many that will do anything and everything for their tv time. SMH I'm sure it will make its way this way sadly at some point though. 

  Agree about pushy the fake drama of them and Doug's mental health. You can tell he has checked out long ago and probably wants out. If there issues aren't faked for drama effect then yeah he needs to get out of that marriage and FAST! All Jamie wants is fame and nothing more.


Do people on the east coast rally use the word "wifey" like they do on FYI shows?  I never hear it here in the fly-over zone.


Well I can say that on my part of the west coast we do not use it. If anyone does its not anyone I know and I have never overheard it said either. IMO it comes off snotty sounding when its used and not really respectful sounding. 

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Cortney is an idiot, but I don't understand why Jason is constantly insisting on trying to surprise her with things when Cortney clearly hates being surprised. I honestly think she would rather Jason give her constant updates on how much money he has saved for a ring than have a period of time where she isn't in total control. Her need to be "in the loop" is obvious every time they show her gossiping, which is a lot.


Jasmine is not bright. Bless her heart. But the fact that she seemed annoyed that her name isn't going on Neph's house was ridiculous. I realize this is a broad statement but NOBODY should buy a house with a boyfriend/girlfriend. Especially if they have only been dating, like, six months.


Jamie was a real laugh a minute, talking about how her past is so painful for her that she hates to rehash it. How many reality shows has she talked about her past on? She literally makes a living off of talking about herself and her past. I thought she would adore therapy.

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1.  C&J - two things.  first the money. As I recall; she did a horrible job of managing her money when they first got married.  Jason even bragged about how much he saved and didn't have a lot of credit card debt.  If I was him, I would be more involved in the payment of bills and not to eager to completely share an account.  second. cleaning.  again from the beginning, he was more organized and neat.  the times she wasn't working and just hanging around, the apartment looked horrible.  I am a neatnik, I couldn't stand it.


2. - D&J - I agree with the first comments, she loves to talk about her past.  I just wish she would stop saying she is going to counseling for Doug.  She should be going for her.  love the comments about having private sessions ( they are on TV).  Doug has much more patience than I do, she would have drained the life out of me before now.  Plus she wrote a book with all this private stuff


3.  J&N - I agree, singles should not share a lease unless they have both put in money and there is language in the lease on if there is a break up and what to do with the house.  Neff should have discussed with her, not his mother.  I see mother trouble down the road.

Edited by stuckin60s
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Re Cortney and Jason's finances -- Cortney's lack of outrage about the electricity bill tells me A LOT.  I live in a 1BR in Manhattan, and because we get little natural light, our lights are on almost all day. Our electric bill is around $65/month during the winter and $80 in the summer. The most the bill has been in one month is $101 (from being bad humans and running 2 air conditioners). And we don't do any of the savvy things like unplug our appliances.


$270 a month in the city for a studio is a super hefty bill and she was so nonchalant about it: "You're freaking out over nothing." Oh and I love when she uttered this gold: "I make money to buy things I like and shop." Just because one knows how to do mobile banking does not mean she should control the finances. 


Oh and if Cortney applied the same scrutiny to the utilities that she does to the whereabouts of Jason's FDNY checks, their electric bill would be $5. 


ETA: For reference I'd also like to note that in NYC the landlord is required to provide heat and hot water for tenants, and that cost is usually  either gratis or included in the rent.  However, even when I lived in a studio apartment in a building with electric heat that I ran all night, my bill was never over $150.

Edited by JoJoPowerRanger
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I still have a feeling that the stuff with Jason and Cortney is just made up crap for the show. The stuff with his family...they acted like he had no contact with his siblings ever but yet he hasn't talked to his sister in 15 yrs. Never really explaining why at all or the whole deal with why his mom was single and his dad wasn't around. This sister and then on top of it another set of family members. Let me say that the whole ring/proposal thing, I in a way get it. When you never have a real proposal and ring in that manner you can feel like it was something missed out on. I get it to a point because I didn't have any of that from my husband. I do wish I could have been given that. I am not a big flashy ring type so for me the whole thing with Cortney needing diamonds and all is just a bit much. She should be happy when/if he gives her a nice ring that he picks out just for her no matter what it looks like. As for the cleaning, it seems many couples can be that way. Where one is more of a neat freak than the other. I will say separate accts is not a big deal. I honestly prefer it at this point in time. Especially when one is more responsible than the other. We are that way here. I am better with money and will hid a little in savings when I can. My husband is terrible at saving so it works for us. He gives me money for my account to pay my bills since he works. We have separate bills for things as well and nothing is joint. I know not everyone likes that set up or would do it but for some of us it works a lot better. He knows I am better with money than he is too. Plus when it comes to getting gifts for each other it makes it easier to do in secret without each other seeing where something was bought. LOL The electric bill....well let's just say we haven't seen that high but close enough and are in a 2 bedroom/2bath townhouse in So. Cali. We have no built in a/c or central air in our place but have a portable a/c we had to get. That can drive a bill up like crazy but we had to use it last summer. On top of it the water heater is electric and so is the oven/stove. The heat is electric as well. Yet because of how our place is we don't use it and it is rare its that cold anyway. Yet I can see somewhere like NY where if everything you have is set up as electric, that the bill is that high or higher considering being in a building like they are they might need to use the heat or a/c a lot. Which in turn then you need to turn that stuff off or change the settings on the temp. The whole fight over the money...typical fight a couple can have but they both had faces on that make me wonder if it is set up drama for tv. I will say this that just because her job isn't saving lives and such doesn't mean he should act like he is better than her. That bugs me a bit and is a big problem if he really feels her job means nothing because its not like his. Yes what he does is important but he shouldn't belittle her for doing what she loves. Not everyone is able to get a job doing what they love and want in life so when one can they are lucky. Especially if it is one that can pay enough to help pay bills and save as well. Sorry but it just bothers me when one person in a couple will act in that manner no matter what the jobs are. That can cause major issues with how it will make the one person feel.  


Doug and Jamie, I love how Pepper wants Doug to express his feelings but doing that with a self absorbed person does no good. Jamie will only in the end hear what she wants and turn it and twist it around. I am sorry but I had to laugh when she was saying she had really exciting news for Doug about how she is going to see a therapist. I just wish that her doing this wasn't played out on tv. Being played out on tv shows its just for that and nothing else IMO. Jamie didn't seem to happy with a few things the therapist was saying about her acting like Doug's mom and showing stuff in his face basically. LOL Yet as was mentioned, she shouldn't be going because of Doug. She should be going for herself, then Doug and the future family she claims she wants with him. There is no way in hell she should have any kids if she can't get over her issues. Otherwise she would do the same things to kids as she does Doug or anyone else that disappoints her and doesn't do what she wants or thinks they should. 



Neph and Jasmine..they will not last at all. Her face when he was talking about the house was just evil eye. Why does it matter if he bought it without her? As Jason said, if the were married it would be different. They are not married. She has no job, no money. She has nothing to put into helping buy one so why should it be her house too? The fact that they haven't known each other long and most their relationship was through Skype for so long doesn't come off to me as a reason for her name to be on the house just because she up and moved there. She was the stupid one who decided to do so. I get sick of hearing them say that her family "let her leave" to go back to NY. She is an adult who can come and go as she wants. May not act like an adult but she needs to get over herself. I wish they would stop showing these 2. Thankfully it looked like this one we didn't see them outside of being with Jason and Cortney. I just do not get why we need to bother with them in the end really.

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Jasmine is not bright. Bless her heart. But the fact that she seemed annoyed that her name isn't going on Neph's house was ridiculous. I realize this is a broad statement but NOBODY should buy a house with a boyfriend/girlfriend. Especially if they have only been dating, like, six months.


I was screaming at my TV - NO! NO! NO!  NEVER put someone else's name on a house if you are not legally married.  What will you do if/when you split and one moves out? That scene HAD to be scripted for the show because no one that I know would even ask another couple that question.  MYOB, unless it's to incite drama with the viewers.  Nice try Jasmine, but Neph, just say NO!  If she has a problem with that, let her move on and be glad she's out of the picture.  Enough with this "but she moved all the way from Texas" - that doesn't automatically win you half a house - people move across country all the time and don't get a house.


Again, the money argument with Cortney & Jason must be scripted.  If Jason had just opened up and told Cortney he was saving for her ring, it would have shut her up and made her feel embarrassed instantly - a much better outcome than some horrible nasty argument.

Edited by suzeecat
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suzeecat, I swear whenever I watch some of these house hunting shows and see couples that aren't married yet out buying a house I want to yell at them. I would never in a million years do that and if I had a friend thinking of it I would tell them it was a bad idea. Unless that couple gets paperwork drawn up on what would happen if they split up there is no way a smart person would do this. In the situation with Neph and Jasmine, she doesn't even have a job or money (guessing parents paid her air fare in all this back and forth) so if she was to argue at all that her name should be on the house that alone would be a good reason for it not to be. I can imagine he has a feeling that he doesn't want to keep her around for long. He doesn't seem in a rush to get married at all.. Wasn't he already married before? Obviously he wants to not live with his mom forever but was able to save up by doing so for the time he was so he could buy a house. Yet someone like Jasmine wants to rush rush rush and I wouldn't be surprised if there is more to it on why she wants her name attached to the house. Not sure if its just that she thinks it will make him marry her or something else but she is very immature. 

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This show feels SO calculated on every single level.

This show IS so calculated on every single level.


I'll believe the electric bill when I see a copy from the electric company with their address on it. I can imagine the producers sitting around dreaming stuff up to film. 


Fight about money-check,

Long lost relative-check.


When they run short, Neph is filler.

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 3

I think once Doug realized the chase was over - his attention shifted and his drive for this relationship stopped. Jamie - as much of a nag as you are, I can completely relate to wanted shit to change in the relationship and feeling absolutely hopeless because your partner is less than interested. It sucks. You're still young - I hope you do find someone who will be more than happy to impregnate you because Doug isn't that guy. 


Can Neph even afford a house? I was kind of shocked how Jasmine acted when she found out she wouldn't be on the house. Did you fall and bump your head, dear? You just moved here. You're unmarried. You're not putting a penny down on this house. You can't even afford a box to rent considering you have no job. Calm your tits & be grateful a man even takes you seriously.

  • Love 1

Remember when people actually posted about this show on here? Doug is out of fucks to give and I don't blame him. No amount of pretty is worth what he has to out up with and Jamie will always feel like she settled for him. She expects him to do her bidding as eternal pay back for marrying him.

Cortney is immature and childish. If she gets any push back about moving to Nc she is out of there. She's a lazy slob and explosive. She needs to get over herself.

  • Love 4

I have to ask: Is anyone here watching What If We Got Married? It's some excellent, excellent, trash, and apparently the guy who married his FWB is raising hell on FB about how the whole show is fake. Shocked, I tell you! Shocked!


In other news, I'm trying to use a new Windows 10 laptop to read this site but the ads are choking the site to death and grinding it to a halt. I know the site needs ads, but this is ridiculous.

  • Love 1

I have to ask: Is anyone here watching What If We Got Married? It's some excellent, excellent, trash, and apparently the guy who married his FWB is raising hell on FB about how the whole show is fake. Shocked, I tell you! Shocked!


In other news, I'm trying to use a new Windows 10 laptop to read this site but the ads are choking the site to death and grinding it to a halt. I know the site needs ads, but this is ridiculous.


I have it on my DVR (haven't watched yet), and was hoping there would be a forum here for it.


In other news, I'm trying to use a new Windows 10 laptop to read this site but the ads are choking the site to death and grinding it to a halt. I know the site needs ads, but this is ridiculous.

I've been having problems also but I have Windows 7.


Sometimes the site is fine, other times it freezes endlessly. Does it freeze for you?

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