shapeshifter March 14 Share March 14 1 hour ago, iMonrey said: I'm not sure I buy the "logic" of Hetty suddenly being visible to livings on St. Patrick's Day only because she has discovered/acknowledged that she's Irish, but it's a show about ghosts, so . . . One of the ghosts' theories that rang true to me was: Maybe because you never saw the Irish as people before. But now that you do, you can also be seen? 27 minutes ago, ams1001 said: Maybe it has something to do with horizontal vs vertical plane they were theorizing about when trying to explain why they go through walls but not floors. Is there a minimum altitude he needs to get to? Could the others try finding a way to fly over? Trying to think of a vehicle they could ride on that would be able to take off from the air balloon, maybe? Sounds good enough to me for ghost physics, and I would love to see them together in a hot air balloon. 9 Link to comment
ams1001 March 14 Share March 14 2 minutes ago, shapeshifter said: Sounds good enough to me for ghost physics, and I would love to see them together in a hot air balloon. Then I guess the question becomes, what happens when they land outside the property? Can they move around on the ground outside or do they zap back home from wherever they land (which sounds like it would be unpleasant if they were far away; when they hit the property line they can just keep walking even though they get turned around...what happens if they land in the next town over?). 2 3 Link to comment
shura March 14 Share March 14 2 hours ago, iMonrey said: Chris not being bound to Woodstone doesn't make much sense either, unless he died in the air before crashing into the roof. Which is more or less what they implied in his dialogue I guess? Ooh, that’s a great theory that could explain why the whole atmosphere is Chris’s realm. I didn’t catch anything that would imply that he died in the air though. What was it? So, Hetty’s views on recreational drug use are wildly progressive, eh? I wonder what Sunil’s background is. Dressed like Frasier 😀. 3 1 3 Link to comment
Skooma March 14 Share March 14 4 hours ago, appositival said: It bothered me when Sam and Jay pretended that they didn't know that Hetty was a ghost after Sunil found out. I don't see what they were trying to accomplish. It would bother me terribly if they told him. Not only would it be a chipping away at destroying the whole premise of the comedy, it would make no sense. If someone in real life said they were able to see ghosts, probably a majority of the people would think she is crazy and should be in a mental ward. Who would want to deal with that stigma? Also the more people you tell the greater the chance they will blab either knowingly (hard to keep a juicy secret to yourself) or accidentally. Soon Jay's parents would be told and Sam would be back off the tier one list with them, haha. But really the whole premise of the show is the NEED to keep Sam's ability secret. Without it there would soon be no show. 4 minutes ago, shura said: So, Hetty’s views on recreational drug use are wildly progressive, eh? I wonder what Sunil’s background is. Dressed like Frasier 😀. No, she is into doctor proscribed drugs. As in cocaine which was both legal and proscribed quite frequently as a tonic by the medical establishment back in Hetty's day. 7 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl March 14 Share March 14 (edited) That was such a good episode, both of the plots were excellent. I love how so many of Jay's family members end up falling for ghosts and his exasperation about it, I love how happy the ghosts were for Hetty to get to been seen and go on a date, I love that Hetty got to have a real date with someone who actually likes her, I love that she gave Sunil some kind words of wisdom, I love that Jay got to talk to Hetty and actually see her, I loved Sunil's massive jump when Hetty ran through the door, just great all around. I wonder if Hetty's ghost power is based around finally seeing every part of herself, as well as wanting to finally be seen? That's definitely a tier 1 ghost power, but I would rate Albert and Sass over Flower and Thor as its easier for them to interact with the living, although Pete and Trevor are probably still the highest tiers. Chris's power is pretty awesome though, flying around as a ghost seems like the kind of thing he would love, and now he can fly all the way to LA to solve crimes and somehow lose his accent and mustache. Oh Isaac, that was so awkward it even made Flower sober up for a second. I so called that Chris and Nigel would hit it off, even if Chris is not the kind of guy to commit, probably even if he couldn't leave the property. It was sweet that Isaac lied about him leaving to spare Nigel's feelings, I wonder if this will all lead to them reconciling after Isaac realizes what a good thing he had with Nigel. Of course, there is the awkwardness of next Halloween and realizing that Chris wasn't sucked off, but that's next years problem. One detail I liked was Flower and Trevor watching basketball, which we know Flower loves. Edited March 14 by tennisgurl 8 1 1 Link to comment
Chit Chat March 14 Share March 14 1 hour ago, shura said: I didn’t catch anything that would imply that he died in the air though. What was it? Knowing that he was about to die, maybe it's possible he had a heart attack on the way down. I guess we'll never know for sure though. 4 1 Link to comment
ams1001 March 14 Share March 14 5 hours ago, BoffoDaWonderSheep said: The actor, Asif Ali, is one of the leads in Hulu's new comedy "Deli Boys," which I found to be hilarious and highly recommend (warning - it's M rated for mature and has some gory violence). He was on After Midnight last night, too (episode 164). I'm watching it on YouTube right now and just realized it was him when they mentioned Deli Boys in the talk show portion. 1 2 Link to comment
ams1001 March 14 Share March 14 1 hour ago, tennisgurl said: Of course, there is the awkwardness of next Halloween and realizing that Chris wasn't sucked off, but that's next years problem. If he hadn't said that there was the streak of light and the whole bit, it'd be easier for him to play it off as misunderstanding when his parachute pulled him up into the sky as him being sucked off. 6 Link to comment
PokerDot March 14 Share March 14 13 hours ago, kathyk2 said: I don't understand why she can only use her power once a year while Pete and Sass can use their powers whenever they want. Like life, death isn't fair. 8 4 2 1 Link to comment
shapeshifter March 14 Share March 14 12 minutes ago, ams1001 said: If he hadn't said that there was the streak of light and the whole bit, it'd be easier for him to play it off as misunderstanding when his parachute pulled him up into the sky as him being sucked off. I can imagine another ghost or 2 saying they seemed to recall it was partly cloudy that day, with the sun going in and out — even if they didn't really recall or see such a thing.😉 2 1 Link to comment
kathyk2 March 14 Share March 14 5 hours ago, chaifan said: I almost completely forgot about his character on High Potential. These two characters are so different, I forget they're the same actor. That's a good thing. She's not an airhead. She's stoned. Totally different things. Really smart people can get stoned, and when they do, they can act pretty much like a really dumb stoned person. I just started watching Deli Boys. I'm really liking it. Flower probably has brain damage as a result of her drug use. She thinks she's saying something for the first time when she's repeating herself. 6 1 2 Link to comment
kathyk2 March 14 Share March 14 8 hours ago, Snow Apple said: I love how the other ghosts were so happy with Hetty being seen and getting a date. Hetty was gold in this episode. Telling Sunil he looked dapper, how a gentleman never goes out of style, her past relationship with the washing machine, eating the lamb chop bone (LOL), etc. Also how she feels like Samantha since she can tell Jay what the other ghosts are saying. And then later Sam getting confused and still telling Jay what Hetty said. Looks like the writers are coming up with new ways for Jay to see the ghosts. I wondered where Thorfinn was. He would have been so happy for Hetty. 6 Link to comment
possibilities March 14 Share March 14 Helicopter? Drone? 1 1 Link to comment
Snow Apple March 14 Share March 14 So what will happen next Halloween when they attempt a seance? If Chris doesn't show up, they can just shrug and say "oh well. didn't work." But will he get pulled back from halfway around the world? Can you summon a spirit who's not sucked off and still wandering the earth? It didn't work when Flower was in the well. 2 1 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 14 Share March 14 41 minutes ago, kathyk2 said: Flower probably has brain damage as a result of her drug use. She thinks she's saying something for the first time when she's repeating herself. I think that's part of her being high. When my daughter was coming out of anesthesia after she got her wisdom teeth removed, she kept repeating a story and laughed every time. It was just as hilarious to her the fifth or sixth time as it was the first. She remembers none of it. 10 1 Link to comment
BMGepinniw March 14 Share March 14 18 minutes ago, kathyk2 said: I wondered where Thorfinn was. He would have been so happy for Hetty. Next episode he will be back while one of the others miss out on a round of "Musical Ghosts". ;) 2 5 Link to comment
BMGepinniw March 14 Share March 14 8 hours ago, bunnyface said: I had just taken a drink of water when Flower to to the colorful end of her story about the cubs. Don't do that. But I was ready by the 2nd telling, so it did fall flat in that way. But I could breathe again by then, so there's that. Like someone else said, I don't like that they've only reduced Flower to an airhead. She was a law student at one time. Surely some of that person is still in there and wasn't totally eaten up by the drugs and cult. I'd like to see more of that person. I enjoyed the bear/cubs story as much with the re-telling as Sheila Carrasco was so animated and delightful in her reenactment that I was completely engaged with her performance. I did wonder if she would "go stoned" and forget what she was saying part way through, but I was rewarded with her comedic talent. "Sass is a virgin." can go on hiatus for the rest of the season, but I agree, Flower should wear her law student persona more frequently. 8 Link to comment
Chit Chat March 14 Share March 14 24 minutes ago, chitowngirl said: I think that's part of her being high. It appears that she did drugs for a very long time. I think some of her brain cells are gone. 5 1 Link to comment
BMGepinniw March 14 Share March 14 13 hours ago, Harvey said: I see some buildup for Tretty/H-money to be an endgame here. The date with Sunil made Hetty fully realize what she wanted, cause it's the first time that she felt seen (when she was supposed to give Sunil a heartfelt speech but digressed to blabbing about her relationship with Trevor that it was a casual thing, more about physical as a rebound from a washing machine, then Alberta reminded her to get back on track.) From this point, I suspect that if Trevor and Hetty are gonna reconnect, they will be more romantic. Also, Trevor doesn't know what's going on yet. He might be a bit jealous of her after learning that Sunil was hitting on Hetty, but he still acts cool and be happy for her. Plus, Trevor also really wants to have a meaningful romantic love which is kinda the same thing Hetty probably wants in her life too, cause she never got to choose love in her life time. It really showed how there was a huge link missing in what we previously knew of Trevor & Hetty’s relationship. As I long suspected, Hetty was confused as to the nature of their relationship because Trevor kept using terms like “hooking up”, even when he broke up with her, he referred to their relationship as “whatever this is”. Hetty is only used to actual courting/dating when it comes to romance, so she thought he was only interested in that with her. It explains why she didn’t talk to him about the Thor thing and was so surprised when he reacted as he did — she truly thought Trevor was only interested in her for physical reasons! The fact that she had never felt “seen” said so much. It was a matter of miscommunication, as Trevor thought she didn’t care, and she thought he didn’t care. We now know that Hetty wants romance too, but is unaware that Trevor had wanted it/still wants it. Perhaps, like Sunil, this also helped teach Hetty not to “settle” and just go along with whatever she was presuming Trevor wanted. I love all the ghosts, but Hetty is definitely a favourite, and her featured performances are always very touching. I think this may bring her and Trevor a little closer together, and that would be lovely to see. Yeah, I'm a old softie! 8 2 1 Link to comment
Annber03 March 14 Share March 14 8 hours ago, BoffoDaWonderSheep said: The actor, Asif Ali, is one of the leads in Hulu's new comedy "Deli Boys," which I found to be hilarious and highly recommend (warning - it's M rated for mature and has some gory violence). Oh, neat, thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to check that out at some point :). 5 hours ago, PaulE said: I suspect he'd react as he's always done: first he'll fly off the handle and then, after he's calmed down, he'll understand the lie for the kindness that it was meant to be. After their earlier conversation, Isaac understood how much Nigel's been suffering and he wanted to alleviate his pain, especially since Isaac's the one who caused it. And, in a way, Isaac is paying Nigel back for learning about dinosaurs for his sake. I think Nigel will get that, and he doesn't seem to be one to bear a grudge for long (other than the whole revolution thing). Agreed. He's forgiven Isaac for so many things, some of which many other people probably wouldn't. This won't be any different :). (I'm wondering now if they'll be about to have that very conversation in the season finale only for some wacky cliffhanger or crazy event to happen that will cut that conversation short, if only temporarily :p.) Quote It sure did. This is the first time someone's been interested in Hetty for herself, and as a ghost she'd probably given up hope that she'd ever experience that. Both that and Nigel's description of what it felt like to touch Chris's chest made me think about how starved the ghosts must be for the kind of interactions and experiences they had or could have had when alive. There's a lot of pathos in this show even though it's a comedy. I liked how the two stories paralled each other in that way this episode, with Nigel and Hetty each getting a chance to experience something they hadn't had in a while, and dealing with feelings that, for whatever reason, you can't act on (in Hetty's case, well, obvious reasons why things wouldn't work with Sunil, in Isaac and NIgel's case, they've still got some lingering awkwardness between them because of recent events, and Chris not sticking around). It made the resolutions to both stories that much more poignant and touching and bittersweet. Regarding the jokes about Sasappis being a virgin, I sense all the talk about that is definitely going to be leading somewhere for him, yeah. Plus, again, everyone keeps wondering why these ghosts haven't been sucked off yet? Well, constantly ragging on each other for stuff like that, even when they know it annoys the person in question, is likely part of the reason why. 5 Link to comment
Bastet March 14 Share March 14 4 hours ago, Skooma said: If someone in real life said they were able to see ghosts, probably a majority of the people would think she is crazy and should be in a mental ward. Who would want to deal with that stigma? Yeah, it's not like they told Bela because they decided they wanted his family to know, they got forced into it in order to explain their shenanigans and keep Bela from being through with them. There's no reason to tell Sunil. 5 3 Link to comment
iMonrey March 14 Share March 14 1 hour ago, Snow Apple said: So what will happen next Halloween when they attempt a seance? You need something that was on the person when they died in order for the seance to work, and they don't have anything of Chris's, do they? I'm assuming whoever collected his body took away the parachute and anything else on him at the time. I liked the callback to when Jay was a "ghost" - when Hetty was in the kitchen and told them something, Sam turned to Jay to translate and he said "I can hear her now" and she went "This is so confusing!" That was Isaac's line when he said something to Jay right in front of him, forgetting he could hear him. 8 Link to comment
Skooma March 15 Share March 15 10 hours ago, kathyk2 said: Flower probably has brain damage as a result of her drug use. She thinks she's saying something for the first time when she's repeating herself. She doesn't have brain damage from smoking pot or dropping acid or half of America would have that too, lol. She was killed WHILE she was high so died in a spaced out state. 5 2 Link to comment
iMonrey March 15 Share March 15 This was a really good episode. The last few have been just so-so and I was getting worried the show was starting to lose its edge but they came back full force this week. A second watch really proves how good it is when you pick up so many little things you missed the first time: Flower and Trevor watching basketball. Nice callback to Flower liking basketball. Alberta misses making a scene. "Alberta put the gun down!" That really gets attention. Sam is more neanderthal than you'd expect but they didn't make a t-shirt for that. Sunil doesn't see Hetty walk thru the door into the kitchen because his face is behind the newspaper. People don't like desperate, which is why Neil Young always went home alone. Hetty is so old fashioned, aside from her highly progressive views on recreational drugs. Trevor, Flower and Pete explaining ghost rules to Chris: "And if you want to suck the hard candy you have to suck them directly from Carol’s fingers." Trevor, Pete and and Flower sinking down into the sofa while Isaac makes a fool out of himself in front of Chris. Hetty: "He tried to kiss me and I walked thru a door." Alberta: "Tale as old as time." Nigel wants to walk around the pond with Chris. Nice callback to his fight with Isaac over where to walk. The vertical versus horizontal thing actually kinda makes sense. I did find it odd though that Sunil never questioned Hetty's dress. Or Hetty saying she built the mansion. We've run into this before - clearly the mansion was there before she married, as we saw in the flashback with her "ankle portrait" and her father threatened to cut her off. Do we know what the cherry pie is for in the opening titles yet? We do know what the pillow with the shamrock is for. 8 3 Link to comment
Orcinus orca March 15 Share March 15 7 minutes ago, iMonrey said: Alberta misses making a scene. "Alberta put the gun down!" That really gets attention. And Sass giving her the side eye. 4 Link to comment
Harvey March 15 Share March 15 30 minutes ago, iMonrey said: . Alberta misses making a scene. "Alberta put the gun down!" That really gets attention. ." . I loved how the actress delivered those lines with so much feeling. It was really excellent. Did anyone else get second hand embarrassment from the way Isaac acted in this episode? 8 Link to comment
Chit Chat March 15 Share March 15 (edited) 10 hours ago, Skooma said: She doesn't have brain damage from smoking pot or dropping acid or half of America would have that too, lol. I think there are many medical studies that would beg to differ on the negative effects of continued use of marijuana and other drugs, but that's a debate for the small talk forum. :) I enjoyed seeing a few glimpses of sober Flower. Going by her flashbacks, she's been stoned most of her adult life. That's sad. She seemed to be pretty smart pre-cult & drug days. 46 minutes ago, iMonrey said: Do we know what the cherry pie is for in the opening titles yet? We do know what the pillow with the shamrock is for. Here's a link for some possibilities. POSSIBLE SPOILERS IN LINK!! Easter Eggs in opening credits. Edited March 15 by Chit Chat 2 Link to comment
Johannah March 15 Share March 15 I get that Hetty "sees" the Irish now so she can be seen, but, doesn't she also "see" Americans? So, she should be seen on American holidays. I'm sure she is aware of other cultures and nationalities that should also make her visible. What did she acknowledge before this? English? What about those holidays? Shaking my head. ... trying to make sense of a comedy about ghosts.🙄 1 1 Link to comment
Chit Chat March 15 Share March 15 14 minutes ago, Johannah said: I get that Hetty "sees" the Irish now so she can be seen, but, doesn't she also "see" Americans? So, she should be seen on American holidays. We'll take it one holiday at a time! Maybe there will be other times she can be seen, but for now, having that one day was pretty awesome for her! Baby steps!! 15 minutes ago, Johannah said: Shaking my head. ... trying to make sense of a comedy about ghosts. That's what is so fun about this show. Back when Flower fell in the well, Isaac & Sass were saying that even they weren't sure what made 'wall, wall,' and 'floor, floor!' I like it where the rules for ghosts aren't in black and white. It gives a lot of flexibility to the writers. 3 Link to comment
Annber03 March 15 Share March 15 (edited) 2 hours ago, iMonrey said: Do we know what the cherry pie is for in the opening titles yet? We do know what the pillow with the shamrock is for. Not yet, no, but there's been theories. 1 hour ago, Chit Chat said: That's what is so fun about this show. Back when Flower fell in the well, Isaac & Sass were saying that even they weren't sure what made 'wall, wall,' and 'floor, floor!' I like it where the rules for ghosts aren't in black and white. It gives a lot of flexibility to the writers. I love that the ghost rules don't even make sense to the ghosts themselves. I like that the ghosts don't have all the answers about why they can and can't do the things they do, and are still surprised by new experiences and realizations of what they're capable of as ghosts even all this time later. It's fun to see them make these discoveries alongside us viewers, and it ties well into the whole thing of how they're still learning things about themselves and the afterlife as a whole. Edited March 15 by Annber03 6 Link to comment
ofmd March 15 Share March 15 (edited) This may have well been the first truly selfless thing Isaac has ever done. Well, said. Baby steps! I enjoyed the episode, but wish we could've seen the scenes of Isaac and Chris hitting it off. Bit of a cop-out. Plus, boo to Chris turning out to be suc*h* a dick that he doesn't even say good-bye. Also, I miss Jay's sister. ETA: Oh, and Isaac's 'meltdown' was wonderfully cringe! Well done by the actor and well-deserved for Isaac. *PS I swear "suck a d..." was a typo! Edited March 15 by ofmd 1 3 Link to comment
ofmd March 15 Share March 15 (edited) 2 hours ago, Harvey said: Did anyone else get second hand embarrassment from the way Isaac acted in this episode? Hell yes! Btw, I think it could be very funny if Chris returned for a visit some day and Isaac tried to keep Nigel from seeing him... Screwball comedy/ farce potential! It may be that all the virgin references will lead to something, but boy are they laying it on thick... Like, anvil-ishly thick... Edited March 15 by ofmd 4 Link to comment
Bastet March 15 Share March 15 56 minutes ago, ofmd said: Plus, boo to Chris turning out to be suc*h* a dick that he doesn't even say good-bye. He barely knew any of them, including Nigel. Just disappearing without telling anyone he was leaving would have been odd, but he ran into Isaac, so told him, and figured he'd pass that information on to anyone who asked where the new guy went. It would have been nice to go find Nigel and say, "Hey, it turns out I can fly, so I'm off to explore, but it was nice to have met you, mate," but I don't think a few chats and smooches make it a dick move not to. I don't think he'd have any reason to think Nigel was attached already, and it's unlikely Nigel had opened up to him about feeling rejected and lonely. 8 1 1 Link to comment
shapeshifter March 15 Share March 15 3 hours ago, Johannah said: I get that Hetty "sees" the Irish now so she can be seen, but, doesn't she also "see" Americans? So, she should be seen on American holidays. I'm sure she is aware of other cultures and nationalities that should also make her visible. What did she acknowledge before this? English? What about those holidays? Shaking my head. ... trying to make sense of a comedy about ghosts.🙄 Aren't the Irish the only people group Hetty dehumanized? 2 1 Link to comment
Check Sanity March 15 Share March 15 (edited) 2 hours ago, ofmd said: I enjoyed the episode, but wish we could've seen the scenes of Isaac and Chris hitting it off. Bit of a cop-out. Plus, boo to Chris turning out to be suc*h* a dick that he doesn't even say good-bye. OK I'm honestly surprised by all the comments on here calling Chris "shallow," and now a "dick"?!? 1 hour ago, Bastet said: He barely knew any of them, including Nigel. Just disappearing without telling anyone he was leaving would have been odd, but he ran into Isaac, so told him, and figured he'd pass that information on to anyone who asked where the new guy went. It would have been nice to go find Nigel and say, "Hey, it turns out I can fly, so I'm off to explore, but it was nice to have met you, mate," but I don't think a few chats and smooches make it a dick move not to. I don't think he'd have any reason to think Nigel was attached already, and it's unlikely Nigel had opened up to him about feeling rejected and lonely. THIS. Dude has just died. He doesn't know any of these ghosts, and he's only had a few business interactions with Sam and Jay. What we know about him is that he had a boyfriend pre-death, he was apart of the gig economy (a stripper, a DJ, etc...?) he didn't/doesn't have a sense of smell, is interested in dinosaurs, and is a generally chill and non-judgmental guy. Plus he's athletic and adventurous (based on the rugby mention and sky diving). To me, all of that spells out that he's a modern day free spirit. He has no ties to the mansion and property--besides his death--so why would he stay? Pete frequently dips out, and most of the other ghosts likely would too, given the chance. It's crappy that he "ghosted" Nigel, but unfortunately that's a norm in modern day dating, a parallel to things mentioned in Sunil's plot line this episode. Chris isn't a classic gentleman, he's a man of his time, which is the present. Carol is from this time but she's also much older and didn't die in her "prime," as Trevor pointed out. I hope we do see Chris again, if simply how interesting it is to see just how much has changed from the time of our regular ghosts and what has stayed the same in the present-- both in the show and people's takeaways. As for the rest of the episode, I actually enjoyed the second time Flower mentioned the bear cubs, because it allowed me to take in Trevor and Pete's reactions to her which were what made me chuckle that time. It's not the first time Flower has mentioned the cubs and that she was mauled by a mama bear is it? I felt not surprised by that tidbit, only the act out. Regarding Hetty's ghost power, I think why St Patty's Day and being Irish made an impact because of her history with that part of her. Her other ethnicities weren't as significant to her psyche and how she views/ed herself and others. Also, I'm surprised with some people dismissing Thor's ghost power of controlling lightning and messing with electricity as a lower tier. It both impacts humans and the real world in pretty huge ways, he can indirectly and directing hurt or kill a living if he wanted, same as Trevor (almost killing Sam). 50 minutes ago, shapeshifter said: Aren't the Irish the only people group Hetty dehumanized? And children and the poor to differing degrees. Edited March 15 by Check Sanity sentence clarity, and to avoid double posting 5 1 Link to comment
shapeshifter March 15 Share March 15 5 minutes ago, Check Sanity said: It's crappy that he "ghosted" Nigel," but unfortunately that's a norm in modern day dating, a parallel to things mentioned in Sunil's plot line this episode. It was the norm in my circles in the 60s - 80s, and I recall Alberta mentioning similar behavior back in her day, and Trevor too. Also, since Chris couldn't text Nigel, he probably figured ghost etiquette didn't require it? 1 3 Link to comment
Check Sanity March 15 Share March 15 (edited) 26 minutes ago, shapeshifter said: It was the norm in my circles in the 60s - 80s, and I recall Alberta mentioning similar behavior back in her day, and Trevor too. Also, since Chris couldn't text Nigel, he probably figured ghost etiquette didn't require it? Alberta did it, but last episode it came out as a source of distrust in musicians and was seen as shameful behaviour. As for the 60s and 80s, I wonder if it was *as much* of an accepted norm as it is nowadays with apps and online dating. Was there a different term for it back then? Also, I know there's a difference in dating expectations in the LGTBQIA2S+ and even differences within that. I didn't touch on the awareness of different types of romantic relationships and Chris' and his boyfriend possibly having an open one, which wouldn't be strange or that surprising in some circles. Edited March 15 by Check Sanity clarity 1 Link to comment
ofmd March 15 Share March 15 Ok I agree, "dick" was probably a bit harsh, particularly considering he'd just died etc. It probably feels more weird to me because I haven't seen the getting closer part, except from Nigel's perspective. It must have been brief and probably meant nothing to Chris, but would mean more to our more ancient Nigel. 2 1 Link to comment
kav March 15 Share March 15 On 3/14/2025 at 2:19 PM, tennisgurl said: One detail I liked was Flower and Trevor watching basketball, which we know Flower loves. Do we think she enjoys March Madness? 2 Link to comment
Snow Apple March 15 Share March 15 6 hours ago, iMonrey said: I did find it odd though that Sunil never questioned Hetty's dress. Didn't Sunil assume she dressed up for St. Patrick's day? Or was it about getting into the spirit (heh) of the history of the mansion? I think I remember he said something about her outfit and accepted it as not being odd. 4 1 Link to comment
Chit Chat March 16 Share March 16 1 hour ago, Snow Apple said: I think I remember he said something about her outfit and accepted it as not being odd. He said that her gown was stunning and that nobody dresses up anymore and he thought it was a real shame. I had to go back and look at that scene again, just to be sure I got it right!! :) 7 1 1 Link to comment
Skooma March 16 Share March 16 9 hours ago, iMonrey said: Do we know what the cherry pie is for in the opening titles yet? We do know what the pillow with the shamrock is for. Well the shamrock is for Hetty finding out she is part Irish I assumed. 7 hours ago, Johannah said: I get that Hetty "sees" the Irish now so she can be seen, but, doesn't she also "see" Americans? So, she should be seen on American holidays. I'm sure she is aware of other cultures and nationalities that should also make her visible. What did she acknowledge before this? English? What about those holidays? Shaking my head. ... trying to make sense of a comedy about ghosts.🙄 Hetty detested the Irish and didn't view them as her equals. Finding out she was part Irish changed her whole attitude and thus unlocked her power as a result of that growth is what I figured. She never had any problem being American or English so why would being those effect her one way or the other? They were no big deal. 4 Link to comment
shura March 16 Share March 16 4 hours ago, Check Sanity said: It's crappy that he "ghosted" Nigel, but unfortunately that's a norm in modern day dating, a parallel to things mentioned in Sunil's plot line this episode. Chris isn't a classic gentleman, he's a man of his time, which is the present. So why is ‘shallow’ not working for you then 😜? I’m kidding, you are right, he doesn’t know these characters the way we do, he has no reason to have any interest in them, so he doesn’t, which may come off as superficial to us. I will say this though, if I met the Chris we saw in this episode, without the backstory, I wouldn’t be interested in getting to know him. He looked around, complimented Sam on her looks, got the info he needed, and then kinda went “Nigel who, I can fly now, sayonara, suckers.” Okay then, off you go, I wish you luck with your Mary Poppins situation. 3 Link to comment
foxfreakinmulder March 16 Share March 16 Great episode. Did I hear Chris correctly, did he say as long as he stays in the air he could travel out of the boundary of the inn? So, does that mean he'll have to stay in the air forever or he'll pop back? 2 Link to comment
Orcinus orca March 16 Share March 16 4 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said: So, does that mean he'll have to stay in the air forever or he'll pop back? Apparently not since he said he was going to Australia to watch a cricket match from right on the pitch. 1 Link to comment
Skooma March 16 Share March 16 1 hour ago, foxfreakinmulder said: Great episode. Did I hear Chris correctly, did he say as long as he stays in the air he could travel out of the boundary of the inn? So, does that mean he'll have to stay in the air forever or he'll pop back? He said that at a certain height the boundary didn't hold him implying it would not hold any of the ghosts back as in the boundary didn't reach that far up into the sky. 4 1 Link to comment
shapeshifter March 16 Share March 16 7 hours ago, Check Sanity said: As for the 60s and 80s, I wonder if it was *as much* of an accepted norm as it is nowadays with apps and online dating. Was there a different term for it back then? My experience was actually in the 60s-70s, before voicemail. If there was a term for it, I can't recall, but it was the norm for my experiences. 3 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said: Great episode. Did I hear Chris correctly, did he say as long as he stays in the air he could travel out of the boundary of the inn? So, does that mean he'll have to stay in the air forever or he'll pop back? Good question! I guess the writers left it open-ended on purpose? 1 Link to comment
Driad March 16 Share March 16 (edited) Wondering if Chris would be able to lift another ghost up into the air. Edited March 16 by Driad typo 1 1 1 Link to comment
shura March 16 Share March 16 Here is what he said: “Yeah, and it seems like I can go anywhere I want. Sort of a Mary Poppins situation. Oh, and that ghost boundary Pete was on about, it doesn't seem to apply when I'm airborne.” Nothing about a specific altitude or anything, just ‘airborne’. Which might mean simply hopping over the boundary might work? But it probably is just Chris’s own ghost power, not a general ghost rule. If he were to pick up another ghost and cross the boundary in the air, he would probably find himself on the other side alone and the other ghost would stay in. The same deal with Pete, he can’t carry anyone over either (didn’t they try that?). 2 1 Link to comment
Orcinus orca March 16 Share March 16 9 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said: Great episode. Did I hear Chris correctly, did he say as long as he stays in the air he could travel out of the boundary of the inn? So, does that mean he'll have to stay in the air forever or he'll pop back? Well, it's not like he created a lasting friendship with any of them. He was there a matter of hours, just enough to learn the "ghost rules" and didn't even remember a name or two. If he's traveling around the world and meeting other ghosts, it's likely he will forget about all of them. 2 Link to comment
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