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S26.E03: Head of Household #1, Nominations #1


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So when did this get changed to a 90-minute episode?  Both my DirecTV guide and an online source had this ending at 10.00, followed by an episode of Tracker.  Instead it ran until 10.30, followed by 30 minutes of Ghosts. Odd.  I feel sorry for anyone who planned on recording it.

I also feel sorry for anybody living in that house with Angela, who was looking like a problem even before she got HoH and the inevitable (in her case) dose of H.o.H.itis that came with it.  (Possibly, it comes with the robe.)  Seriously hope she gets Frenchie-d next week.

Definitely not feeling the changes.  This isn't The Challenge, we don't need people battling for survival.  The thrill of the gameplay is in the purity of it, IMO:  a straight binary choice; either Floyd goes or Francine goes, simple as that.  No Survivor-style "wait until the last minute and then gang up on Herb just to be safe" nonsense.  Don't mess with success!

(Caveat:  I have dumped both the NFL and MLB in recent years because too many rules tweaks pushed me to the breaking point.  It's been argued that I don't deal well with change.)

8 minutes ago, springbarb said:

This cut off on my DVR. Did they actually show nominations?

Yes, it was Lisa (chef), Kimo (Hawai'i) and Kenney (cop).  Official explanation was the standard "I haven't gotten to know you yet", but Kenney is the target.  (Lisa had a total jaw-drop reaction to being nominated. Kimo is probably meant to be a pawn, but nobody has told him that.  At the moment, he's a bit emotional.)

Also they showed a preview for Wednesday, as Angela goes on a power trip and people start to melt down.  Expect the completely NOT unexpected!

Edited by Halting Hex
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I don't know your set-up, but my S.O.P.  is to hit the pause button for 15 minutes or so, do something else and then F-F the ads.  So if it runs long, I'm still on the channel, but I can skip anything I want.

(Making things odd tonight is that we had a power blip at around 8.30 and it took 20 minutes for the equipment to reboot.  So when the ep started to run long, I wondered if the system clock had gotten messed up somehow, and I was checking the time on my computer to be certain it really was after 10 PM. and then I started checking the online schedules.  Weird.)

I don't recall Julie announcing this on Thursday.  Did I miss something?

I learned to tape the show after BB,too. With CBS and sports like golf you never know how long it will run on Sundays. 

I thought it was a good show. I don't know if I'm just getting older and crankier but every year the cast is so hyped up! We didnt need cheerleaders during the competition for sure. But I liked the comp. 

And Quinn!! WHY would you have a superpower and TELL the hoh you had one?! Just spilled those beans as fast as he could! Angela's eyes when he told her... she was thinking," Dumb kid." all the while smiling at him. As irritating as she is, she may be the one to beat in the end. In the second part of the show she seemed to calm down some and seems to understand the game. Who knows? 

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One thing that jumped out at me as interesting was Ainsley saying that there'd be three nominees "from now on."  Is every BB season going forward going to have three nominees, whether for the whole game or just till a certain point?  If so, then that's a change that I can welcome.

Quinn's power was better than Makensy's, for sure.  But I wonder how the producers determined which power would go to which person?

As much as Angela is a bit extra, I'm actually pleasantly surprised that the other houseguests, particularly the women, seem to like her well enough.  That was my concern for her when she first entered the house.  But I somewhat think that my worries have been put at ease.

I'm shocked that Matt managed to avoid the block after his major slip-up with Angela.  I wish that we'd gotten a confessional from her explaining why she didn't ultimately put him up.

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I decided early in the episode that I like Kenney and Matt.  Unfortuantely, an hour and a half later (weird length for the show with no notice at all!), Kenney ended up being the target and Matt is Kaysar-levels of stupid when it comes to BB strategy!  

Angela and Lisa would be hard to be trapped in a house with for too long, I think.  They both grate. 

Brooklyn wants to be "the first Mom to win BB".  Have we had a dad win BB before? Usually, the contestants are pretty young, so parents on this show are an anomaly. I guess we're running out of "firsts" for BB.  (I remember on The Amazing race once, one of the contestants boasted that she may end up being part of only the 4th all-female team to win.  How historic! haha)

I love these early episodes when we're still just meeting all the contestants and seeing what they bring to the table!

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1 hour ago, Rodney said:

[Re parents who have won] Dick (ugh) and Derrick (ugh again).

Will Brooklyn tell HGs who object to her plans "you're taking food out of all four of my children's mouths!"??

(As long as she doesn't do it four separate times, naming each kid in order.)

3 hours ago, Rodney said:

One thing that jumped out at me as interesting was Ainsley saying that there'd be three nominees "from now on."  Is every BB season going forward going to have three nominees, whether for the whole game or just till a certain point?

The language certainly allows for this to be open-ended, but early-season twists (which are often designed to try to prevent contestants from hiding until they reach Jury) do have a history of being removed after a few weeks.

Both Quinn and Makensy's powers expire after Week 4.  That would seem to be a logical moment to see if the game reverts to normal, IMO.

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2 minutes ago, argrow said:

WTF is that hair hat (or visor?) that Kenney was wearing during the nomination ceremony? Why does such a thing exist?

I wondered about that as well.  I think it's a novelty hat modeled after some celebrity who is known to wear a visor (and who has distinctly wavy hair) so that people can impersonate that celeb (for Halloween and similar events)…but I can't quite put my finger on which celebrity I'm thinking of, and I'm pretty sure they have blond hair, rather than the grey Kenney was sporting.

Glad the HGs all seemed to unanimously dislike Lisa as she immediately irked me as well. She's...creepy.

Tucker seems high at all times.

Unlike Natalie from BB11 who pretended to be a high schooler despite being like 25 years old or something Cedric ACTUALLY looks like he should be at Staples going back to school shopping with his mom. 

5 hours ago, mojoween said:

Are there two Makensy’s?  Because the curly-haired one in the DR looked nothing like the fully-made up one from the premiere.  Not just the hair, her entire face!

Agreed! I had to do a double take.

Angela's "best summer ever" appears it will involve flaming out as the first HOH and then watching from home until mid-October. 

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6 hours ago, mojoween said:

Are there two Makensy’s?  Because the curly-haired one in the DR looked nothing like the fully-made up one from the premiere.  Not just the hair, her entire face!

I thought the same thing, only there seemed to be 3 of them:  Premiere Night Makensy (straight hair)  Upgrade Results MK (Semi-curled hair) and DR MK (Super curly hair).  It's like her hair has the power to change her facial features.  Maybe she's the real AI and her avatar is constantly being updated.

Lisa is on my last nerve with the edible glitter announcements.  We heard you the first time, stop talking about it and stop putting in on food without being asked.

I'm kind of liking Leah.  He DRs are kind of funny without being too OT.

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6 hours ago, mojoween said:

Are there two Makensy’s?  Because the curly-haired one in the DR looked nothing like the fully-made up one from the premiere.  Not just the hair, her entire face!

IMHO BigMak simply has one of “those faces”: pleasant enough to be sure, but there’s nothing truly distinctive about her features - just one of those “she’s cute enough” faces you’ve already forgotten 10 seconds after she’s out of your field of vision.  The first couple of times I saw BigMak with hair styles different than premiere night, I wasn’t sure who I was looking at.


4 hours ago, argrow said:

WTF is that hair hat (or visor?) that Kenney was wearing during the nomination ceremony? Why does such a thing exist?

Oh, Kenney’s was nothing. I have a Joe Dirt Special you’d freak over; twisted-up flag bandanna + gray hair long enough to make Willie Nelson jealous - and yes, it was a gag gift from a friend.  😆

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So far the only person I really dislike is Angela. She is dialed all the way up to 11. 

Cedric looks strange in the DR. It's like his head is too big or something. He looks normal elsewhere, but something about the way he's leaning into the camera is a very unflattering angle for him.

I thought Makensy sounded really horse in the DR, and maybe Chelsie too - maybe they were called in right after screaming or something.

This whole "Ainsley" thing really is stupid. I mean, they could have actually incorporated AI into the season by having ChatGBT or something suggest competitions or twists in the game or rewards or whatever. Instead it's just the normal producer driven shenanigans and we're all supposed to pretend this dumb, cheesy looking graphic is making these changes.

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10 hours ago, Rodney said:

Quinn's power was better than Makensy's, for sure.  But I wonder how the producers determined which power would go to which person?

Possibly, timing. They both got 4 colors correct but maybe Quinn got them faster.


7 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Will Brooklyn tell HGs who object to her plans "you're taking food out of all four of my children's mouths!"??

(As long as she doesn't do it four separate times, naming each kid in order.)

Hopefully, they don't have summer birthdays otherwise the other HGs run the risk of offending her on her daughter's birthday


6 hours ago, argrow said:

WTF is that hair hat (or visor?) that Kenney was wearing during the nomination ceremony? Why does such a thing exist?

I'm thinking it's part of a Guy Fieri costume and, if it is, I'm thinking it's Lisa's hat. Maybe she knows him.

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Cedric looks strange in the DR. It's like his head is too big or something. He looks normal elsewhere, but something about the way he's leaning into the camera is a very unflattering angle for him.

I think you’ve already answered your own question.  Production’s DR setup is fairly static, in that the camera(s?) are staged to be focused on a HG sitting relatively upright on the couch.  By leaning so far forward, though, Cedric basically creates the illusion the camera is zoomed in tighter on his head - hence the apparent magnification.

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With all the real life drama Sunday I actually forgot to watch...but my enthusiasm level is low so that contirubuted.

Anyway...JEEZ-US....that was so predictable. Targeting Angela in the first fifteen minutes....only a twist of fate making her HOH probably saved her. Then she turns around and targets the only other old person. Don't want to loose Kenny but I'm okay if Kimo goes home.

Matt making trouble for himself was stupid.

Man I felt like that beauty queen was never going to get out of that halter top dress. I was starting to think that it was only thing she packed.

I feel like I'm going to be FF most of the comps this season. They really aren't that exciting to watch...though my favorite is always going to be "stacking minature things". I like the pressure and frustration on the houseguests.

When I take my first shower in the house I want the ENTIRE house hanging around outside the stalls...sheesh!


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On 7/21/2024 at 11:24 PM, Skooma said:

This was actually a good TV episode as in we now know the rules, and the changing rules and the rules that are changing now.

I actually like the shake-up for eviction night.  That one woman was right; it will be harder to just vote "with the house" all the time which pretty much all viewers have hated forever.

I missed the episode so hoping someone will clarify the new rules for me. Does the AI comp on eviction night mean that it will be impossible now to backdoor a comp beast? That would suck imo. 

22 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I missed the episode so hoping someone will clarify the new rules for me. Does the AI comp on eviction night mean that it will be impossible now to backdoor a comp beast? That would suck imo. 

I can't remember them mentioning the veto comp but basically that sums it up.

Personally I think it's great & will stop all this voting with the house crap that has made eviction night the most boring thing possible as it's all decided behind closed doors before the eviction vote & we all get to waste 30 minutes watching nothing happening.

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26 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I missed the episode so hoping someone will clarify the new rules for me. Does the AI comp on eviction night mean that it will be impossible now to backdoor a comp beast? That would suck imo. 

The HoH will nominate 3 people. Veto will still happen and hoh will replace a nominee if necessary. However, on Thursday, all 3 nominees will compete so that the winner gets himself off the block minutes before eviction.

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20 hours ago, Shrek said:

Personally I think it's great & will stop all this voting with the house crap that has made eviction night the most boring thing possible as it's all decided behind closed doors before the eviction vote & we all get to waste 30 minutes watching nothing happening.

Not necessarily. They can designate a second choice if the first choice gets themselves off the block. So it's still possible everyone will vote together.

Yeah, "If Bobby wins safety, we get rid Betty" is not exactly a sophisticated concept.  Anybody who has ever watched the live feeds or BBAD has heard dozens, perhaps hundreds, of such conversations, as well as the associated "Betty, we need you to make sure Bobby doesn't win safety" lies.

This new wrinkle is more to give producer puppies more protection, as well as occupy airtime that would normally have gone to showing pre-eviction campaigning.  I can't think that either of those is a good thing.

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