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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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13 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Chelsie agrees and says she knows exactly what she's doing next. She's putting up Angela and Kimo. Leah: "But... Angela?" Chelsie: "... Oh! I forgot. She's getting evicted this week."


See, boneheaded shit like this is why I tend to think it’s not so much that Chelsie is that good at the game; it’s that everyone else is just that fucking BAD at it.

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15 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Johnny Mac saw his Goodbye Messages before returning in BB17, and Victor saw his Goodbye Messages before returning in BB18, just to name two off the top of my head. 

Some of you are such a wealth of BB knowledge.  I don’t know how you remember everything.  I would need a giant crime scene white board with every season and player to pull some of the info you have. I have watched every episode of every season and followed the feeds yet after each season these people just fall into a black hole of oblivion. Cheers to you for reminding me everything!

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6 hours ago, Nashville said:

See, boneheaded shit like this is why I tend to think it’s not so much that Chelsie is that good at the game; it’s that everyone else is just that fucking BAD at it.

Well, yea. She's also mainly in the position she's in due to other people's actions that have really nothing to do with her own gameplay.

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She didn't really capitalize on the whole T'Kor/Kimo/Rubina thing imo. She didn't have to because T'Kor was on a mission and she had Kimo/Rubina under her spell but still Chelsie literally did nothing there.

She was failing to capitalize on MJ for weeks but finally did so I guess partial credit there.

She's made tons of mistakes. Which I would think would make her more rootable to me but her personality is just awful. There is nothing likable about her to me. 

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I don't know why I'm surprised but it makes me laugh that Makensy is still holding onto the fact that they broke up her week 1 potential showmance/Pretty People Staring In Mirrors alliance and is in her revenge era. There's always one that holds onto some stupid thing (Matt) from the first few days and uses it to fuel their endgame. At least she's not crying into a hat, I guess.

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Honestly, her holding onto that would have been better than her just randomly throwing her entire game away for Chelsie.

Apparently, there was yet another Chelsie/Cam argument last night. The second-hand embarrassment I feel for that woman. Isn't she like 27? At least MJ is only 22.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yesterday evening I was watching the feeds when they were treated to a sneak preview of the new CBS show The Summit. They had a lot of great conversations about that show and the players on it, and they looked like they had a great time. All except Chelsie who sat like a bump on a log and she kept looking over at Cam and Rubina who were sitting next to each other and laughing. It made me uncomfortable to see her keep doing that over and over. And the camera person must have caught it too because one of the cameras on the quad view was focused solely on her. I don't think Chelsie likes to see Cam having fun or give attention to anyone else.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

her personality is just awful

I don't particularly like or dislike her but if you are referring to her behavior towards Cam regarding his cuddling with MJ, I will justify her saying, haven't we all once in our lives behaved with jealousy for someone we liked? I don't blame her that much for that to be honest. It just happened for her while she was in a show where we could watch her. Maybe she has real feelings for him, we don't really know. I mean, she hasn't done anything real real bad to hate her or anything and she is kinda amusing in the DR.

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1 hour ago, SummerDreams said:

I don't particularly like or dislike her but if you are referring to her behavior towards Cam regarding his cuddling with MJ, I will justify her saying, haven't we all once in our lives behaved with jealousy for someone we liked? ...

I have many many flaws but never that one.  And I don't know of any of my friends throughout my life that ever acted that way either.  So I guess I can't cut Chelsie any slack here.  Being a dumb dumb at times?  Yes I can identify.  Being jealous over some other person?  Nope.

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I believe that Chelsie had a crush on Cam prior to entering the house. She has mentioned a few times that she followed him on TikTok & would send his videos to her friends & family. I also think her lack of experience in the relationship department isn’t helping her case at all. He needs a restraining order against her at this point. 

I’m at the point where I want Cam/Makensy to fully showmance, just so I can witness Chelsie’s meltdown.

Edited by HelpMeRondah
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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

She's also mainly in the position she's in due to other people's actions that have really nothing to do with her own gameplay.

Yes and no. Others have done stupid things out of sheer stupidity, but she’s manipulated several of them to act against their own self interests and I have to giver her credit for that. But personality-wise, I agree with you. I don’t like her one bit.

4 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

I have watched every episode of every season and followed the feeds yet after each season these people just fall into a black hole of oblivion.

Where they belong!

Im the same. Not just here, but Survivor, Amazing Race, etc. I remember some things, but many of the people and events just get tossed into a fog-shrouded mystery drawer in my brain. (It’s a big drawer.)

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12 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I remember some things, but many of the people and events just get tossed into a fog-shrouded mystery drawer in my brain. (It’s a big drawer.)

Same here.  Unless someone is totally outstanding and memorable by their game play or being a wackadoodle or has won the game, I not only don't remember or barely remember them as little as a year later, I can't even recall their names if shown their pictures.  

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12 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Yes and no. Others have done stupid things out of sheer stupidity, but she’s manipulated several of them to act against their own self interests and I have to giver her credit for that. But personality-wise, I agree with you. I don’t like her one bit.

Where they belong!

Im the same. Not just here, but Survivor, Amazing Race, etc. I remember some things, but many of the people and events just get tossed into a fog-shrouded mystery drawer in my brain. (It’s a big drawer.)

I remember pretty well 4 of the first 5 seasons of The Amazing Race.  I hated most of Season 4's super mactor stacked cast so their files got deleted to make room for Charla & Mirna and intense Colin and Chip's good humor and the Bowling Moms etc in 5's stellar cast.

Also remember some early season Survivor and BB "characters." People like Hatch, Sue, Rudy, Danielle, Chicken George, Marcellus and vaguely Will who only remains because he kept coming back as "The Plastic Man" moderator guy.

At that point my internal hard drive filled up to about 99%.  Then only the MOST interesting/outrageous/colorful characters made it into my memory slots from these 3 shows like Boston Rob, Cirie, Sandra, Rupert on Survivor. 

On BB I remember the season where Tyler did so great until he didn't because "Little Tyler" started to do his thinking and the Brett-Rockstar thing and "anal lice" word scramble but I forget the winner.  It was the last and really only season I liked on BB since Danielle's original season long ago in a far off galaxy.

That's like my entire institutional memory of CBS's long running big three reality shows.  I wont remember anyone from this cast by Christmas except maybe Tucker and Angela.  And by next summer, not them even.

Edited by Skooma
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December is usually the moment of sweet relief where I look back and realize I've forgotten at least half the cast, thanks to Survivor overwriting the show in my brain. This year will be interesting, because I'm not sure I'll retain anyone other than chaos monkeys Tucker and Angela; there was nobody for me to crush on, and even someone like Quinn, who was one of the bigger personalities (relatively) and a chronic fuck-up hasn't left that strong an impression as BB players go. In Friends terms, I'll probably just remember this season as The One With All the Vetos. 

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I do think that compared to her fellow houseguests, Chelsie is pretty unquestionably the best player this season. T'Kor had a good social game but didn't seem to care to try with enough of the house to make the connections she needed to be better insulated. Leah has been an active player the past few weeks, but she's polarizing to her competitors. It's hard to make a case for anyone else. Chelsie has made active good moves as well as persuaded multiple people to make moves that were good for Chelsie and not great for them.

My issue with Chelsie is that while she has played well overall, the Cam stuff has been a huge blindspot in her game and an issue around which she has played very badly. I feel like you shouldn't get to act that way to the extent that she has and still win, but she's going to. She's somehow not going to be penalized for her jealous high school crush insanity, and that makes a Chelsie win much less satisfying to me. 

I can't help but think that if Leah hadn't gotten the ick for Cam, Chelsie would not be our presumptive winner now. 

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4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Yes and no. Others have done stupid things out of sheer stupidity, but she’s manipulated several of them to act against their own self interests and I have to giver her credit for that. But personality-wise, I agree with you. I don’t like her one bit.

I just think she owes a large majority of her position to T'Kor and she did literally nothing to make that happen.

She's mainly personally manipulated MJ, which I mean lol. Leah has now re-manipulated MJ in a day as well. MJ is maybe one of the dumbest and most gullible people I've ever seen on this show. It's the 'What? Like it's hard?" from Legally Blond when it comes to manipulating her. I also just find it gross that Chelsie seems to have used her 'youth pastor' ways to manipulate her, although I suppose that's what youth pastors do in general, manipulate the youth.

I do think if Chelsie owed up to her gameplay, like say Josh and Jag did, then I'd respect her slightly. But I feel pretty confident she won't.

She's going to be such an overrated winner, but then most of the winners are.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 hours ago, Skooma said:

At that point my internal hard drive filled up to about 99%.  Then only the MOST interesting/outrageous/colorful characters made it into my memory slots 

I have much better recollection of the early seasons of all the competition shows as well.  I don’t know why that is. Maybe because they were better? I do tend to have better recall with BB than the others, though. I’m sure it’s because of this board. But ask me to name a single player from the last season of Survivor, much less the winner, and I’d come up blank. (And if you told me the winner’s name, I’d probably still need a picture.)

But this is also why I don’t really ever care who the winner is, unless it’s someone heinous. I’m just here for the wackadoodle fun.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

She's going to be such an overrated winner, but then most of the winners are.

Most definitely. 

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5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just think she owes a large majority of her position to T'Kor and she did literally nothing to make that happen.


She totally played into that with T'Kor, though. She saw T'Kor's viewpoint, and smartly egged her on. Yes, it was good fortune that T'Kor had her very specific viewpoint of who should win BB this year, but she kept that fire burning. 

Derrick also had a LOT of shit go JUST right for him, but he still played it well. I think Chelsie will be on par with Derrick, Hayden, and Maggie. Someone who was in control the whole time and didn't really need to do MUCH, but what they DID do was smart. These big alliances fall apart ALL OF THE TIME. Chelsie managed to keep hers from falling apart, even after Kimo and T'Kor took their shot at her early on. She responded to that turn REALLY well, and was back in control, like, the next week (in part due to a mind-numbingly dumb decision by Tucker, but, again, MOST BB HGS ARE DUMB). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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2 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

From the feeds, where is the house?  Is Leah going in the first eviction or Angela ?

What house?  The jury house?  The BB "house" itself is not a real house and never has been.  To quote:

"The house is located on Sound Stage 18 at CBS Studios, also known as Radford Studio Center, in the Studio City district of Los Angeles."

Unless something totally wacky and radical happens and everybody suddenly defies The Will of Chelsie (like that would ever happen), Leah is out the door of said non-house tomorrow soon to be joined by a second evictee.

Once Chelsie’s is out of the house whether winning or losing she’ll totally deny she had feelings or jealous of Cam’s “interest” in the other woman. It’s so obvious she has the hits for him and it’s killing her that Cam hasn’t tried to jump her bones all season. LOL!!!! To tell you the truth I’m kind of shocked Cam hasn’t really done that to any of the HG. I think he likes the flirt stuff but isn’t interested enough to showmance any of them. That said, has he ever mentioned how he feels about them in biblical sense? LOL!!! Does he have a girl at home? Is he just not into them? 

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6 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Once Chelsie’s is out of the house whether winning or losing she’ll totally deny she had feelings or jealous of Cam’s “interest” in the other woman.

So true lol.

I think Cam would have showmanced Leah tbh but Chelsie put a stop to it real quick. I don't really understand why he was so afraid of her right from the start though.

Oh also, I didn't watch last night's ep, what was Ainsley's trick?

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I have a feeling Cam has a girlfriend and she didn't give permission to be mentioned on the show. Or else he's just really respecting her privacy. I think he's just a nice guy which makes him Mr. Non-Personality on the feeds. I haven't watched feeds much this season--has he done or said anything that makes him a jerk?

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10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh also, I didn't watch last night's ep, what was Ainsley's trick?

This was just the last 5 minutes of an otherwise 90 minute long snoozefest product placement promo by Paramount for some dumb film.  Some equally boring stuff about the demise of Leah and eventually MJ because of her idiot move footage was thrown in a little with Chelsie basically cackling with glee in DR self-bragging sessions. 

But mainly a commercial for the stupid Paramount animated robot movie.  Probably the reason we had the "AI" appear in a robot form on this season's BB to start with.  Just to lead up to this long commercial for a Paramount movie.  (The veto comp was based on the movie even).

Anyway ... to your question:

The HGs were called to the AI place (tank? in living room) about a half dozen times to see Julie inside as the "Chenbot" (yes they used that term once) to warn them that Ainsley has gone rogue and BB couldn't control her anymore.

Each time they were told ridiculous stuff about Ainsley taking down the power grid, becoming president of the country etc etc.  Somewhere in there might have been the line about the BB jury disappearing I think.  Julie is begging the HGs to fight back against Ainsley and when they "promise" to do that then Julie morphs back into Ainsley.

Ainsley tells them that this was her all along and it was a test of loyalty to her and that they failed it and they will be punished.  Nothing more.

Show ends with the announcer voiceover reminding us this next episode is a double elimination.  Which I guess is suppose to be the big punishment maybe??  🤷‍♂️  The "trick" was Ainsley disguising herself as Julie at first I guess.  Zzzzzz.


Edited by Skooma
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So basically the whole Ainsley/Chenbot thing is just for questions for the next HoH comp. k cool. I'll delete that one off the DVR.

The husband caught a clip of Angela yelling "Crazy eyes!!!!1" at Matt and immediately got sucked in. Thanks, Global. I planned on going through the whole season without watching the show and now I'm fucking recording it twice a week for my husband to watch over dinner the next night. I don't know what I did wrong in a past life but I'm definitely paying for something here.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

I have a feeling Cam has a girlfriend and she didn't give permission to be mentioned on the show. Or else he's just really respecting her privacy. I think he's just a nice guy which makes him Mr. Non-Personality on the feeds. I haven't watched feeds much this season--has he done or said anything that makes him a jerk?

I’m curious too.  Is he just a nice guy who doesn’t cause drama ?

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5 minutes ago, Diana Berry said:

 Is he just a nice guy who doesn’t cause drama ?

I think he IS a nice guy who doesn't love drama, but I also think he's sort of in a situation where Chelsie is SO high strung that he knows well enough to match her energy by being the opposite. 

For instance, let's say he had been able to bro down, I bet he would have been a lot more aggressive in his interactions, matching their energy, while here, he's BALANCING Chelsie's energy. It's fascinating to see the different social interactions you run into in the house.

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Some highlights from last night:

While Angela was trying to gauge her chances at survival by talking to Makensy, Makensy was quite condescending with her, talking to Angela like she was an ignorant child.

"You should just enjoy yourself while you're here."  
"I know you're sad that she (Leah) is leaving, but if not her, it's you.  So be happy about that."

Angela starts playing meek here.  She asked Makensy that if she (Angela) wins the Double Eviction HoH, then whom would Makensy advise her to put up?

Makensy, from her high horse, proceeded to counsel to put up Kimo.  Says that everyone is afraid of him.  Even Rubina.  (lol)

Angela thinks that she would get an hour to make her decision in a Double Eviction.  But she actually knows this game, so she's purposely playing dumb here.  And it's working.  Makensy can't help herself "teaching" Angela what the next good game moves are.

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4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think he IS a nice guy who doesn't love drama, but I also think he's sort of in a situation where Chelsie is SO high strung that he knows well enough to match her energy by being the opposite. 

I'm not sure it's that well thought out on his part. My guess is he's a fairly laid back guy who lucked into an alliance with a woman who had enough energy and drive to carry both of them. I think he has a passive personality and is willing to just go with the flow, which is what he's been doing all season. But I also agree, I think he's probably a pretty nice guy, if not a terribly exciting one.

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For another highlight of last night, Chelsie, interestingly enough, was not planning on targeting Makensy in tonight's double.  She was going to complete the decimation of the Leah/Angela duo and target Angela instead.

However, as of this morning, that has now changed.

In a talk with Rubina, Chelsie has now agreed to target Makensy in tonight's double, after all.  Surprisingly, it was Rubina who made the game move and provided the reason why.  She's worried about Makensy's competition prowess and her potential ability to win her way right to the end.  Chelsie actually took that to heart, pointing out, in turn, that that was why Tucker had to be evicted the first chance that they had the opportunity.

So as of now, Makensy will be evicted in tonight's double if she doesn't win the Veto.  But if she does, then Angela will be (unless she wins HoH during the double).

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I don't believe Chelsie herself would put up MJ. Honestly, it would be idiotic and she isn't that stupid. I don't think she'd even want her out unless she's against Cam or possibly Rubina. Again, it would just be a dumb move for Chelsie to get MJ out over anyone but Cam right now.

I'm gonna try to manifest the impossible of Angela getting DE HOH, realizing the noms need to be Cam/Chelsie, those being the final noms, and then Rubina/Kimo firing up that 1/2 a brain cell they share and voting out Chelsie.

But I would certainly settle for Chelsie stupidly taking out MJ herself.

But realistically I think Angela will just get evicted or maybe Kimo.

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19 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Some highlights from last night:

While Angela was trying to gauge her chances at survival by talking to Makensy, Makensy was quite condescending with her, talking to Angela like she was an ignorant child.

"You should just enjoy yourself while you're here."  
"I know you're sad that she (Leah) is leaving, but if not her, it's you.  So be happy about that."

Angela starts playing meek here.  She asked Makensy that if she (Angela) wins the Double Eviction HoH, then whom would Makensy advise her to put up?

Makensy, from her high horse, proceeded to counsel to put up Kimo.  Says that everyone is afraid of him.  Even Rubina.  (lol)

Angela thinks that she would get an hour to make her decision in a Double Eviction.  But she actually knows this game, so she's purposely playing dumb here.  And it's working.  Makensy can't help herself "teaching" Angela what the next good game moves are.

Now if only that can translate to outsmarting Chelsei. I’m all for the play dumb strategy if it can get you to a win. Never thought I’d be rooting for Angela to win but with Leah going, she’d be it for me. 

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't believe Chelsie herself would put up MJ. Honestly, it would be idiotic and she isn't that stupid. I don't think she'd even want her out unless she's against Cam or possibly Rubina. Again, it would just be a dumb move for Chelsie to get MJ out over anyone but Cam right now.

With Leah gone, Chelsie technically wouldn't even need Makensy anymore.  She knows that.  This close to the end, she's going to have to bite the bullet and make some hard calls herself, even if that means taking Makensy out herself.  Chelsie knows that, as well, and has said as much in talks with Cam, Kimo, and Rubina.

I think that Chelsie would absolutely do it if the opportunity presents itself.  No one thought that she'd do it with Quinn, either, but she did, after all.

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Who didn't think she'd do it with Quinn? She'd been laying groundwork for that one. 

Honestly, since these nimrods all want to let Chelsie win, I guess MJ going tonight and then Angela getting the next HOH would at least provide 1 kinda fun week in these next boring 17 days. But since pretty much everyone this season wants to use their HOH to fuck themselves over, Angela would probably just nom Rubina/Kimo.

1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Rats. I guess I'll cheer for Makensy to win but she'll probably be out next.

I didn't realize AI Julie said anything about Ubly Michigan last night. 

My mind had turned that comment into Upper Michigan (peninsula) because I couldn't believe she said "ugly."

Who won HOH not that it matters anymore.

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2 hours ago, Rodney said:

Watching the episode, it's clear that something made Chelsie pussy out of the Makensy plan.

Why, because she's never lied to Rubina before? I don't believe Chelsie ever had any intention to do anything other than what she did. She's pushy and obnoxious, but she's not dumb. As it stands, Makensey remains the bigger target. She's also  the only person dumb enough to take Chelsie to F2, if it comes to that. 

I was rooting so hard for Angela to win that HoH, because that was the last opportunity for something interesting to happen. (First rule of tiebreaker: Always round down. And if you're given pen and paper, USE IT.)

No matter who wins next HoH, Chelsie is not going up. She's surrounded by people who consider her their first or second bestie. 

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