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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

the classic scene in Meet Me In St. Louis where Esther's boyfriend, John Truitt, saves Esther's psychopathic little sister, Tootie

🤣 🤣 🤣

1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Man, I've got to see Meet Me In St. Louis!  Tootie sounds like a total psychopath!

Tootie is pretty badass.  A one child army.  Notice how she always begins with decapitating them.   


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Chelsie tried to throw the first HOH she won, too. Honestly, Joseph was right about them playing similar games, at least in that way. Chelsie wants/ed to be the silent leader never having overt power. Which is personally a game I'm tired of watching so I'm glad she accidentally ended up with overt power.

I don't actually wanna lose Angela or Kimo tbh but since I wanna see Chelsie face some problems and Kimo will never go against T'Kor's wishes I hope he does go this week. Angela is much more likely to go after Chelsie. 

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2 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

It simply is not a proper BB season here on PrimeTimer without at least one Meet Me in St. Louis reference.


I just caught up on the afternoon’s postings and you people had me rolling with the back-and-forth Tootie/Angela/Tootie comments. 

Also, I too need to watch Meet Me in St. Louis. I don’t know how that’s never happened.  Better yet, we all need to screen it simultaneously some night when feeds are down and do a running commentary. Is there a Big Tootie thread? Shouldn’t there be?

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Another Tootie-BB26 comparison - she lies with a straight face with zero complicity.  Chelsie may very well have taken early inspiration from Tootie's sociopathic lying skills.

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I had a whole Tootie post which never posted and then everybody else said what I was going to say anyway.  The post just disappeared.  Anyway I said something about Tootie going all Barbarian on the snow people (barefoot in the snow.  Come on!) and if she was a kid today she would be on a bunch of meds. Sad for the Tooties of today.   

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:


I just caught up on the afternoon’s postings and you people had me rolling with the back-and-forth Tootie/Angela/Tootie comments. 

Also, I too need to watch Meet Me in St. Louis. I don’t know how that’s never happened.  Better yet, we all need to screen it simultaneously some night when feeds are down and do a running commentary. Is there a Big Tootie thread? Shouldn’t there be?

My husband and I met in St Louis and about 12 years ago I made him watch the movie with me (we’ve been married 29 years)

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6 hours ago, Nashville said:

But isn’t that the eventual fate of EVERYBODY Angela has considered a friend/ally?  I mean, Angela’s process with allies has been pretty damn transparent to date:

  1. Angela absolutely LOVES her newest ally.
  2. Angela starts getting suspicious of why this newest ally would want to align with her.
  3. Angela goes into a paranoia spiral, at the end of which she’s convinced herself their only reasonable motivation is that they want to trick her into a blindside.
  4. Angela then employs her patented “the best defense is a good offense” strategy and goes hammer-and-tongs at her unsuspecting ally - invariably via some public blowup in front of the rest of the House.
  5. …And if it should so happen that Angela and her ally du jour are both members of a common alliance?  Why, then, they must be in on the plot as well, of course - and Angela must preemptively ‘out’ this alliance to the House before they leverage a strike against her.

If you disagree with me, no worries - but consider this question: has there yet been ANY F2 or alliance which has included (or attempted to include) Angela, which she did not then proceed to blow up to the House?

I worked with a woman for years with a very similar personality type as Angela, she was ffn exhausting to be around.

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Feeds are back.  Houseguests are hanging out in the HoH room.  Sounds like they're getting takeout again for dinner.

Angela and Kimo have indeed been nominated.

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6 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Angela doing the hard sell in HOH right now.  She's trying to come up with tears, but can't quite manage it.  

You’d have thought by now Angela would’ve figured out to keep some lemon juice or cayenne on a fingertip so she can kick off the wonderful waterworks with a single eye rub….


6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Tootie also cries on cue! 

Bet Tootie can crank out some actual tears when the occasion demands.

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15 hours ago, Rodney said:

Sounds like they're getting takeout again for dinner.

I kinda love that they keep rewarding this cast for a job well done lol.

Angela better go insane again at least one more time. Otherwise, she can go lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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8 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

I know someone can answer this for me-  
Has anyone NOT been on the wrong side of the vote at least once this season?  

Well, let's see.

For Matt: Leah, Lisa, and Makensy were left out.

For Lisa: Only Kenney was left out.

For Kenney: Only Tucker was left out.

For Cedric: Brooklyn, Cam, and Chelsie were left out.

For Brooklyn: Only Chelsie was left out, but this was on purpose to give Brooklyn a sympathy vote.

For Tucker: Joseph, Kimo, and Rubina were left out.

For Joseph: Angela, Cam, and Leah were left out.

In addition, while he's been on the right side of every vote he's cast, Quinn has been on the wrong side of the vote both times that he was HoH (Deepfake and normal).

Matt was never left out since he never got to vote once, and Cedric only got to vote once (when Lisa went home) and wasn't on the wrong side of that vote.  T'Kor has also been on the right side of every vote in which they've taken part.  So just the three of them.

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3 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Well, let's see.

For Matt: Leah, Lisa, and Makensy were left out.

For Lisa: Only Kenney was left out.

For Kenney: Only Tucker was left out.

For Cedric: Brooklyn, Cam, and Chelsie were left out.

For Brooklyn: Only Chelsie was left out, but this was on purpose to give Brooklyn a sympathy vote.

For Tucker: Joseph, Kimo, and Rubina were left out.

For Joseph: Angela, Cam, and Leah were left out.

In addition, while he's been on the right side of every vote he's cast, Quinn has been on the wrong side of the vote both times that he was HoH (Deepfake and normal).

Matt was never left out since he never got to vote once, and Cedric only got to vote once (when Lisa went home) and wasn't on the wrong side of that vote.  T'Kor has also been on the right side of every vote in which they've taken part.  So just the three of 

Edited by Pixiebomb
Nevermind. Move along.
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17 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

Tootie may be the very best character on film ever conceived.

I've seen the movie, but I read the book over and over as a kid!  Don't tell @Brian Cronin but I like the book even better!

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Angela bashing was going on in the HoH room among Chelsie, Cam, Makensy, Leah, and Quinn.  But it gave way to Tucker bashing later on.

Couldn't watch that, but the alternative was watching T'Kor and Rubina bash Angela instead in another room.

With those as the only options, I just muted the feeds and went back to sleep.

Oh, and Makensy, Quinn, and Rubina were picked to play for the Veto.

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41 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Angela bashing was going on in the HoH room among Chelsie, Cam, Makensy, Leah, and Quinn.  But it gave way to Tucker bashing later on.

Couldn't watch that, but the alternative was watching T'Kor and Rubina bash Angela instead in another room.

My absolute least favorite thing about BB.  Every season there is a mob mentality among a group in the house who love to sit around and say terrible things about other houseguests.   And it seems to get worse the longer they are trapped in the house.   Last summer it was Bowie Jane and Cameron, altho Bowie Jane worked her way into the "in-crowd" and joined the Cam bashing.   The year before it was Taylor pre-jury.   This kind of thing often shifts my allegiance toward the bullied.  

Altho I guess it doesn't really matter.  I usually worry that the people on the outside will be upset about what the others were saying.   But I've seen a lot of these people since and they all seem kumbaya about everything. 

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2 hours ago, Thalia said:

Altho I guess it doesn't really matter.  I usually worry that the people on the outside will be upset about what the others were saying.   But I've seen a lot of these people since and they all seem kumbaya about everything. 

It's just SO common it is hard for anyone to take it too seriously, ya know? 

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Lord knows I’ve done my fair share of trash talking these people and I don’t even live with them! There’s various levels of hate and so far this season, it’s seemed pretty mild to me.

The feeds are back but no clue who won. I’m terrible at sussing these things out.

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I don't see Kimo, Rubina, or Quinn wearing the necklace, so it's either Angela, Chelsie, or Makensy who won.

Op-op-op!  Chelsie won.  Just said by somebody.  Plus, BB Twitter/X confirmed it.

It was apparently OTEV.

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I don’t think Chelsie wants - say it with me - more blood on her hands. She has said she’ll be fine with either Kimo or Angela going, so if she’s smart, she’ll just sit back and let the house figure it out. Kimo has 2 for sure votes but you have to think the other four will want to break up the three. But Angela will be Angela which usually works against her, so who knows. 

Now it sounds like Makensy won.

Edited by Katesus7
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. . . Oh!  Apparently BB Twitter/X had to edit -- and it was also verbally confirmed by Leah, who went to see her -- but it was Makensy who won the Veto instead!

Well!  Congrats to winning her first Veto (in an actual Veto Competition)!

Despite the long feed outage, there was apparently only ONE QUESTION asked, and everyone got it wrong except for Makensy!  So everyone else was eliminated, and Makensy won by default!

This cast.  I -- I have no words.

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Yeah, it sounds like it was a tricky question which everyone got wrong but Makensy. And Makensy is feeling salty about Angela apparently trying to play her? Enough that Makensy was joking that she’d use it on Kimo so that Quinn could go up and Angela could go home against him. 

But she’s talking with Chelsie now and they still don’t know who they want out. 

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Chelsie and Makensy are discussing what to do with the Veto.  Makensy is saying that she likely won't, because if she does, then Chelsie would have to nominate someone else who'd protect them.   Makensy wants to see where the house is.  She's up for Kimo going, because it breaks up the trio.  But at the same time, she and Chelsie believe that if he stays, he'll protect them since they flipped the vote to keep him into jury.  He'll nominate Cam, Quinn, and Leah before them.  But they want to talk to T'Kor and Rubina about how they feel about the women joining together.  If they like it, then they can let Kimo go to solidify themselves with them.

With Angela, they know that she's into the girls' alliance, so there's the plus for keeping her.  Leah is, as well.  She wouldn't go after them if they saved her.  But they feel like they shouldn't keep her for too long, though they're up for keeping her this week.  But Makensy doesn't want to let her slide by for too many more rounds.  (But let's be real.  She's still not over week one.  It's been seven weeks, Makensy!  Matt is long gone!)

They want Cam's loyalty, too, even though they need they need to get rid of him soon.  But they definitely want Quinn gone within the next two to three evictions.  Although Makensy wants to do the women thing, she wants Angela gone within the next three, too.  Although she likes the idea of them being together, she wants Angela and Leah on the fringes so they can be easy evictions if they're forced to be as such.

They adjourn to let Makensy shower in the HoH shower.

Edited by Rodney
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Cam and Makensy now talking in the HoH room.  While Makensy is open to either Angela or Kimo going, it's kind of implied that she wants Kimo gone a touch more.  She tells Cam that Angela's not targeting her, Chelsie, or Cam, while Kimo is or could be.  Cam agrees, but he adds that Kimo has two solid votes on his side (T'Kor and Rubina), and that could make it harder to face down the line.  It might be wiser to just strike now while one of those three is vulnerable.

My Roku lost its connection here.  Had to restart it.

Getting back to it, Makensy tells Cam that Angela has at least talked game to her since her nomination, which she (Makensy) respects.  Kimo hasn't even tried to.  He almost never talks game to her, while Angela does fairly regularly, so there's at least some trust there with Angela (which is a surprise to me).  With Kimo, there's none.

Cam says that he feels like Kimo would go after all three of them (himself, Chelsie, and Makensy) if he got power, so although he doesn't trust Angela, he thinks that she's a more "containable" risk than Kimo.  Makensy agrees.  From the bathroom, Chelsie calls out that Angela might ask Makensy to use it on her, and Makensy said that she might consider it only if she pleads a good enough case for it, but is otherwise not even thinking about it.  She then tells Cam and Chelsie that she'll do nothing to put them in danger, and they both thank her.

Feed cuts to the bathroom, where everyone is cleaning up from the Veto Competition.

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Everyone being a bit silly, but no drama. Except that T’Kor’s glasses broke! Leah telling her Leah can fix them with superglue but T’Kor should bring them to the DR since they’re a prescription. I’m sad, I’m obsessed with those glasses, partially because I can’t decide if I love them or hate them!

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Well, Chelsie and Cam have decided on their choice of boot this week, and they've decided on Kimo.  As much as Angela is unpredictable, it's smarter for them to break up a known trio.

They have also planned out their next two boots: Leah and Quinn.  Leah first to isolate Angela and Quinn and keep each from working with the other.  Then Quinn as a possible competition threat.

They plan to relay all that to Makensy later.  And tomorrow, Chelsie plans on telling Angela the good news that she will not be going anywhere this week unless she does something incredibly stupid.

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1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

So... Angela's toast then?

She has managed to keep her head down and be quiet before.  During Tucker's boot week, she did just that, lying low and letting him and Makensy make themselves bigger targets.  She did it before, so she can do it again.

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7 hours ago, Rodney said:

And tomorrow, Chelsie plans on telling Angela the good news that she will not be going anywhere this week unless she does something incredibly stupid.

I feel like this will not go well lol. I sure hope it doesn't. I want some fireworks lol.

I am rolling at 5 out of 6 getting the first question of OTEV wrong. This cast is amazing.

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23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I feel like this will not go well lol. I sure hope it doesn't. I want some fireworks lol.

HAHA you are totally right.  I think Chelsie and Cam have landed on the correct game move in keeping Angela over Kimo, but I don't see any benefit to telling her ahead of time.  Her paranoia makes it way too risky.  Whether you tell her good news or bad news, she is at least as likely not to believe and trust you as she is to believe you.  No sense in telling her anything.  It just puts you in the line of her paranoia's fire.  It doesn't even have to be rational, she still may well not believe you.  

Also, Angela is so much more docile when she is on the block as opposed to when she is safe.  The other HGs must have noticed.  They probably put her up week after week not just as part of their strategy, but also for self-preservation!

Edited by me5671
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Angela is telling Chelsie that she heard and saw a lot and she’s in danger but she can’t tell her exactly what it is yet. She’s playing too much like a mom. She’s playing with her heart and timid. She also said the women thing will never work. I think she finally just said the problem is maybe Quinn, it was hard to hear but then she started saying something about wanting Quinn out and something about grooming. I know Chelsie is like what the fuck lol.

Wait I think Angela is taking about Leah. Lmao we all knew this was coming.

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So Angela wants to cement some kind of alliance, tight or loose, with Chelsie, Makensy, Leah, and Cam to ensure her safety.  She doesn't want to go home, so she wants some numbers to keep her in.  Chelsie is open to it, but she wants to talk to Makensy first after she has her one-on-ones.  (Little does she know that she already has potential numbers to stay.  If she had a better read on things, then she would know whom they are.)

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I can’t wait for this Leah/Angela convo.

Hopefully this will make Quinn/Leah think about flipping to get Angela out. I don’t really know who I want out between Angela/Kimo but I do know I want drama and flips!

I am really coming around on Chelsie. She’s actually giving Angela good, real advice right now, which I just like. I’m glad she can actually be real and not just a manipulative liar. 

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Chelsie and Cam are talking, and based on her talk with Angela, Chelsie is starting to worry a bit that Quinn and Leah are putting her, Cam, and Makensy on and might vote Angela out behind their backs.  Now they're thinking of having Makensy Veto Angela and put Leah up to ensure that Kimo goes, because Quinn would never vote Leah out.

Would be a big move to ensure the exit of the target they want, if nothing else.

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