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Race To Survive: New Zealand

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Wow, I'm exhausted just watching them...

Wasn't surprised that the Rhode Island team was first out, but I agreed with their closing words that at least they persevered to the end of the leg and didn't give up.

I kind of think the only reason the River Guides took the fishing gear was to make sure the Hunters didn't get it.  No, I understand that the fishing gear is long term thinking whereas the bacon wouldn't be so much.  Could the Hunters cook all of the bacon and therefore be able to keep it for quite a while?  I don't eat bacon (yes, I know that makes some people think I'm un-American or something...) so am not sure how long it will keep.

And the ex-married team?  I think the ex-wife will kill (figuratively, not literally) her ex-husband before too long.  I am glad that he left some of the eggs in the nest and only hope the others are doing so as well.  But their communication is just bad.  I really wonder what led to the divorce-I think it's more than just emotional differences.  Hey-they put their status on t.v., so I get to wonder about it.

I wish teams were more evenly matched instead of having some teams that are just fodder.  From the very beginning of the first episode it was kind of clear that Rhode Island wasn't going far and I think Brooklyn Climbers will be next out.

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They seem to have made a lot of rule changes since season 1.  IIRC, in S1 if you didn't finish the race course by the end of day 2, you timed out.  And survival camp (don't know if they even called it that) was 2 days, not 5. 

At first I didn't like the change that said "No food will be provided" especially when that turned out to be a mis-statement.  Food will be provided, but it comes with a cost. And it made the first leg a bit more interesting, even if I don't think it changed anything.

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12 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

At first I didn't like the change that said "No food will be provided" especially when that turned out to be a mis-statement.  Food will be provided, but it comes with a cost. And it made the first leg a bit more interesting, even if I don't think it changed anything.

Right now it's not that much of a game changer, but once the weaker teams are eliminated and only the strongest 3 or 4 teams are left, taking the time to get the food cache could make or break a leg.  I think it will be interesting to see how it plays out down the line.

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Was not sorry to see the gym rats team be eliminated. I understood why the river guides took the fishing gear instead of the bacon, I would have too. If you don't cook up all the bacon how are you going to store it so it doesn't go bad? I don't think any of the teams would have gone off as quickly to look for eggs is that guy hadn't mentioned it, his ex is right, that gave away a slight advantage. 

Do the teams start the next leg all together or is departure staggered by the order they arrived at camp?

First time watching this, didn't see the first season. Seems interesting enough but I'm not sure I understand the structure. What is the point of the countdown clock if all the teams are allowed to reach the finish line? Is it some kind of mandatory rest period? So, the first few teams have to sit and wait until the lagging teams all catch up, no matter how many days that is?

After the first two episodes I think I have a pretty good grasp on who is who. I think the three that finished at the top this time will remain leaders. The divorced couple did OK but I can't see them lasting long. I can't imagine doing something this grueling with an ex. I mean, they split up for a reason.  I don't know how long the Brooklyn climbers can last without food, either.

When the 2nd place team got the two pounds of bacon all I could think was how salty bacon is and how dehydrated they will be. 

Anyone else feel sorry for poor Mama Goose, coming home and finding her eggs gone?

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8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

What is the point of the countdown clock if all the teams are allowed to reach the finish line? Is it some kind of mandatory rest period? So, the first few teams have to sit and wait until the lagging teams all catch up, no matter how many days that is?

Last season, the racers had a specific amount of time to reach the rest area but they did have to shut down for the night regardless of where they were on the course.

I don't know if they're imposing time limits this season or not.  Everyone made it this time. I guess we'll see in future legs. 


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18 hours ago, Dirge said:

I thought I'd like this better; I really liked the Alaska season. I'm not up for seeing the hunters hauling carcasses in every background video, or seeing honeybees get eaten, so I'm out for this season. 

I think it's hard to tell how the rule changes will affect things, we've only seen one leg so far.  But don't forget how often we saw the son of the father/son team vomiting last season. 

On 5/30/2024 at 4:31 PM, iMonrey said:

I'm not sure I understand the structure. What is the point of the countdown clock if all the teams are allowed to reach the finish line? Is it some kind of mandatory rest period? So, the first few teams have to sit and wait until the lagging teams all catch up, no matter how many days that is?

There appear to be some major rule changes this season, so we're all trying to figure it out as we go. 

One thing doesn't appear to have changed: a race "day" is 12 hours long.  When the day ends, any team that hasn't gotten to the finish line must set up camp within 50 yards of where they are at that time. 

Last season the legs were structured so that it was 2 days racing and 2 days resting, this 5 day "survival camp" thing is new.  Also, all teams were supplied with some minimal rations at camp, foraging for food was beneficial but not essential. 


Although it was a bit sad to see the Brooklyn Climbers leave (and I hope the one's knee is okay), it was kind of a foregone conclusion.  The top 3 remain the top 3, but the movement at the bottom half was interesting as there was a missed route and intentional following by a team.  I think the real interest is more who is next to be eliminated rather than who is going to win each leg until we are closer to the end.  

I think that at some point later in the season we will see more physical issues arise with the Hunters team because in this episode alone the younger one had dehydration issues and the older one may have hurt his leg.  But, we shall see.

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11 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I think that at some point later in the season we will see more physical issues arise with the Hunters team because in this episode alone the younger one had dehydration issues and the older one may have hurt his leg.  But, we shall see.

I was surprised to see Bronsen filling his water bottle out of a stream. God knows what kind of parasites he might be ingesting. 

3 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I was surprised to see a team drop out. 

I wasn't. They sort of telegraphed someone tapping out at the beginning of the leg when they were reading the instructions. So apparently even though the Brooklyn climbers quit, whoever comes in last will still be eliminated.

On 6/2/2024 at 9:33 PM, Irlandesa said:

It'll be interesting to see if there's more suspense at the top whereas last season felt more like a foregone conclusion. 

The same top three teams from the last leg are still in the lead. It already seems like a foregone conclusion one of them will win.

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18 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The same top three teams from the last leg are still in the lead. It already seems like a foregone conclusion one of them will win.

Agree, they seem to have the best combination of skills and experience.  The only thing that might throw that off is the teaser we keep seeing of


a rule violation.


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6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

What does it say about this show that USA airs it so late at night? 11:00 pm ET? Is it that the network doesn't have a lot of confidence in the show? Or is it just that they let them say "Shit" without bleeping it so they put it on really late?

I have no idea.  I found it by accident last year and thought it was, if not a great show, better than a lot of reality shows on better channels at better times.  And somehow, it made it to a season 2.  Same shitty time.  

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10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

What does it say about this show that USA airs it so late at night? 11:00 pm ET? Is it that the network doesn't have a lot of confidence in the show? Or is it just that they let them say "Shit" without bleeping it so they put it on really late?

I think it's the latter. The put it on leading out of WWE, which a pretty decent ratings marker for the network.

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‘Race To Survive: New Zealand’ EP Jeff Conroy Didn’t Automatically Give The Competitors Food Because He Wanted “The Experience To Be As Real As Possible”
By Karen Kemmerle  June 2, 2024, 


In Season 2, Race To Survive moves from Alaska to New Zealand. What was the reason behind the setting change?

There’s a desire to constantly step it up. Alaska is an amazing place, and I’ve certainly shot there a million times. In this season of Race to Survive, we really wanted to make the show even more adventure forward. While Alaska and New Zealand both present lots of physical difficulty, New Zealand has bit more varied terrain. In the first episode, we go from a lake to an alpine environment down to a whitewater river, and then to a valley.

As the season progresses, you’ll see racers encounter some very unique volcanic red rock. These different environments test the competitors in a lot of different ways. Within a relatively small space in New Zealand, you could encounter all these different ecosystems. That was really attractive to us as creators because these challenging landscapes bring out character and performance and enhance the story.
*  *  *
This season introduces the wrinkle that racers will not be given food but will have to earn it or forage for it, which is insane! Whose idea was that and are they a sadist?

Yes, they are [laughs]. There are a number of sadists on the USA team and on the Original productions team. Trust me. I don’t think any one person is responsible for that decision. It came through a lot of discussions as a group where we said, “Okay, we don’t want to give them rations because if we give them rations, they just starve themselves and wait for the next ration, so how do we make it more part of the game?”

Plus, we really wanted the experience to be as real as possible. We didn’t give them food. We just basically said, “Look, you decide if you’re going to eat.” We also wanted to make their survival skills count. We want the people who are better at survival to have an advantage. I mean, the show is called Race to Survive. So yes, you have to navigate and run and have the skills required by the course, but it’s also Race to Survive. So, we really wanted to push that survival was part of it.

Edited by tv echo
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Well, that should teach the smoke jumpers not to trust Creighton with a secret-he could hardly wait to brag tell the others about their super secret alliance which I would now say was only temporary.  I don't think the smoke jumpers benefitted at all from that alliance.

Navigational issues will most likely determine the next eliminations.  Two of the teams followed other teams for a bit during this episode (the female team and team 'ex') and there were several navigation mistakes (some less impactful than others).  It was a bit anticlimactic that none of the teams were eliminated due to the continual reminders that just because a team 'taps out' doesn't mean everyone else is safe. 

Although they are still in the race, I think the female team will feel the effects of not going for the food cache. 

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13 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

It was a bit anticlimactic that none of the teams were eliminated due to the continual reminders that just because a team 'taps out' doesn't mean everyone else is safe. 

I know right? Talk about misleading.

So . . . from what I can tell, each leg of the race lasts a week. The first team got there after 2 or 3 days so they have four or five days at camp. The lagging teams got there after five or six days so they only get a day or two of rest.

Which means the 1st place team may not have benefited that much from choosing the steaks if those are the only steaks they get. They've got several days to go. Or are there more steaks? I don't know how they would preserve them.

The eel fishing kit may have been the better choice in the long run. Although, have you ever eaten eel? Me neither, but a couple people did on Alone: Australia and . . . it didn't look good. One woman was gagging just trying to get it down.

Worse? The thought of eating a possum. I'd have to be pretty damn hungry to eat roadkill. 

I was also let down that no one was eliminated, maybe they will change it up later in the season if another team taps out.

Didn't the team that got the steaks also get a fishing kit after the first leg? So if they run out of steak, they could potentially go fishing and try to get more protein that way.

I can't believe that guy just started blurting out the deal he made to catch the eel. Clearly he has no idea what NDA means.

I was really rooting for the runners not to be eliminated, so glad they stuck around.

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14 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I know right? Talk about misleading.

So . . . from what I can tell, each leg of the race lasts a week. The first team got there after 2 or 3 days so they have four or five days at camp. The lagging teams got there after five or six days so they only get a day or two of rest.

Which means the 1st place team may not have benefited that much from choosing the steaks if those are the only steaks they get. They've got several days to go. Or are there more steaks? I don't know how they would preserve them.

The eel fishing kit may have been the better choice in the long run. Although, have you ever eaten eel? Me neither, but a couple people did on Alone: Australia and . . . it didn't look good. One woman was gagging just trying to get it down.

Worse? The thought of eating a possum. I'd have to be pretty damn hungry to eat roadkill. 

I think the 1st place team still has the fishing gear from the last leg, so that's why they didn't choose the eel fishing stuff.

My problem with eating possum is that the possums in New Zealand (interlopers from Australia) are cute as hell.  Unlike our American opossums.


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23 hours ago, jah1986 said:

I can't believe that guy just started blurting out the deal he made to catch the eel. Clearly he has no idea what NDA means.

But it was spelled out for them at some length and they even specified they wouldn't lie if asked if they'd made a deal, they'd reply that they couldn't talk about it. I guess maybe he either forgot or just thought the whole thing was a joke.

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Race to Survive Creator Explains Crafting a "New Sport" with Survival Adventure Series
By Caitlin Busch    Jun 13, 2024


Not Just Racing to the Finish But Surviving in the Wilderness

"There are [other] races out there ...  but combining the two is really where it gets interesting and so, in order to really execute on that idea, you have to make the survival component as valuable as the racing component," showrunner Jeff Conroy told USA Insider. "So, with that as our mission, we looked at it and we’re like, 'OK. So, we want people who are good survivors and good hunters and gatherers and good at, like, taking care of themselves in a primitive environment to have an advantage, right?'

"That is a skill just like being a strong runner, being a good climber, being a mountaineer," he continued. "Being a survivalist has an equal skill, so the best way to do that was to eliminate giving them rations, eliminate food ... but you have to work within reason, right?"
*  *  *
"Characters on Alone could not do what we’re doing [physically] ... because they just wouldn’t have the calories to do it. So, the idea was [to] make them pay for it. Every calorie [in Race to Survive] is gonna cost you. It’s either gonna cost you in your skills at finding it, or it’s gonna cost you time and effort to go off-course and get it."
*  *  *
"So, you know, calories versus place in the race kinda became the idea. It was more pure," Conroy explained. "I really felt like the contestants felt stronger about their authentic experience, you know? They’re in it. They’re thinking about, 'I’m hungry, but I have to go up that mountain. Do I stop here? But those guys can pass me. It adds a layer to the game, it adds a layer to the decision-making."

But, Conroy said, he and his team wanted to make sure the options never felt "contrived." They needed the audience to buy into the desperation and question what they would do given the choice between a better spot in the race or food.
*  *  *
"The greatest athletes and competitors have to also be smart and have to have a lot of skills. They have to know how to adapt to the situation," he explained. "If your opponent does one thing, you need to know to do another, and that really plays out, especially this season in Race to Survive. So in a way, it is a new sport to watch."

Edited by tv echo
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I was sorry to see the Ultramarathoners tap out.  They were supportive of each other and were doing well in the race.  HOWEVER, one should never mess with a possible brain/head injury.  The fact that it was worsening over time was quite worrisome.  I think they made the right decision.

Creighton bothers me so much in how he treats Paige.  He seems quick to demean and blame her.  

The smoke jumpers got quite loss but really made up a lot of time.  

One thing this episode solidified for me was that the top three will doubtless become the final three unless something serious happens.

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It doesn't seem like we saw much of Coree & Jeff so I wasn't surprised to see them go. I was kind of like "who?" whenever they showed them. I think Ashley & Rhandi will be the next team to tap out. No way the show will eliminate anyone if two teams tap in one leg. 

I can't imagine hiking these distances with those enormous backpacks. When Paulina and Creighton were standing there arguing waiting for their turn I was yelling "put down the backpacks!" 

7 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

One thing this episode solidified for me was that the top three will doubtless become the final three unless something serious happens.

Agreed. I can't believe how much time the smoke jumpers made up. At first I thought "finally, a placement shakeup" only to have them wind up in the top three yet again.

You gotta figure the river guides will be best at kayaking, no?

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Sorry to lose anyone to an injury but he hit his head multiple times, not just the one at the cache.  Don't push through a concussion ever.

It wasn't until they showed the list of team members that I realized why I was having so much trouble telling people apart.  There were two teams with a white guy and a black guy and both black guys were named Corey/Corree.

Also, it's obvious there's a mess of production people around.  Someone hauled all those backpacks from the top of the cave down to the beach.

There's no way the gal with the strained ankle is going to be able to run through the sand.

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11 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

RTSNZ created a new Ring of Hell...competing with your ex that you freshly divorced.

Viewers question Paige's sanity by her agreeing to do the show with Cretin.


Her name is Paulina. She's having to put all her marital angst on display for us, least we can do is know her name. I'm not correcting you on his name, that about sums him up. At least they were able to have a light hearted moment in the cave and are both excited about doing the canyon.

I was surprised that a team was eliminated in addition to the team that left for medical reasons (concussion).  However, I don't think the women's team would have lasted much longer due to the ankle injury one of them suffered-it seemed like the pain and lack of mobility were quite intense.  I also don't think the hunters will last the race as the father-in-law keeps mentioning that his knee is getting worse.  We shall see.

Dire straits at the survival camp in terms of food.  I was glad that Creighton kept his word and shared what he caught with the Hunters who loaned him their spear.  It will be interesting to see if the finish order changes due to the inability of the first place team to catch (and keep) a fish.  They may have a real lack of energy in the next leg.  The finish order really hasn't changed this far into the race, so I don't have any tension while watching as it's not as 'competitive' as I would like.  The Canadian team moved up but that was more due to the ankle injury.

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8 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

The finish order really hasn't changed this far into the race, so I don't have any tension while watching as it's not as 'competitive' as I would like.  The Canadian team moved up but that was more due to the ankle injury.

Yeah it seems like a foregone conclusion at this point. The top three finished neck and neck while the bottom three were eleven miles behind. The only way I see Paulina and Creighton or Kennedy and Nik moving up into the top three is if an injury takes out someone. 

Ashley and Rhandi's elimination was a mercy. I don't see how they could have gone on any further. It's not like Ashley's ankle was just going to magically heal overnight.

Watching people starve to death isn't particularly entertaining.

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah it seems like a foregone conclusion at this point. The top three finished neck and neck while the bottom three were eleven miles behind. The only way I see Paulina and Creighton or Kennedy and Nik moving up into the top three is if an injury takes out someone. 

Ashley and Rhandi's elimination was a mercy. I don't see how they could have gone on any further. It's not like Ashley's ankle was just going to magically heal overnight.

Watching people starve to death isn't particularly entertaining.

This season isn't as good as last year. Ashley did more damage to her ankle by continuing to race. There is nothing heroic about punishing your body for nothing.

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Feel like the cast this season from fans of last season. So, aside from maybe the hunters, they likely expected a similar staged race. As a result, they seem a bit unprepared that survival camp was going to be so many days and play such a huge role.

As a viewer, watching a bunch of adventure seekers camp out for days is not nearly as exciting as watching them race. 

Edited by snarts
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Next leg is non stop, hence the tease of the racers stumbling around in the darkness.

The river guides should have eaten some humble pie and offered Nik their fishing rod and reel  for a portion of her catch.

Girl caught a pike with line and landed it without getting her hands trashed.

Rule breaking episode is the week after next.

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I really enjoyed last season but this season not so much.  The New Zealand landscape is beautiful, and as in Alaska, you're seeing places that are so far away from any vestige of civilization that it's mind-boggling.  So what's wrong with this season?  I think it's a combination of the rules changes and the casting.  I don't mind the food caches, I think that's an interesting twist.  But I don't like the extra long survival camp.   And if you're going to focus more on the "survival" part of the show rather than the "race" part, you have to cast people who have some ability to procure food in the wild.  Gym rats? Ultra marathoners?  Are they athletes? Yes.  Do they belong on this show? NO.  And that's why we've had no change in the top 3 nor are we likely to, absent that off-teased rules violation. 

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Glad Ashley's okay now...

EXCLUSIVE: Race to Survive: New Zealand’s Rhandi Orme and Ashley Paulson Dish on Their ‘Gnarly Scars’ and ‘Hard Conversations’


Of course, we asked about the status of Ashley’s ankle, which, on the racecourse, she said they affectionally called her “floppy, fat foot.” While some of the injured cast members sought immediate treatment in New Zealand, Ashley opted to head back to the United States.

“When I got home, I went to a doctor. They did an MRI, and they saw that the tendon was completely torn,” Ashley revealed. “I had surgery about a week later.”

At first, the procedure seemed like it would be a simple fix. However, it turned out to be a little more complicated than she thought. They had to make a nine-inch incision and reattach the tendon using cadaver tissue.

Fortunately, Ashley quickly recovered from the surgery without any complications, and she confirmed that this saga hasn’t impacted her racing career. She broke a record in a 100-mile race six weeks later and would happily jump at the opportunity to do another season of Race to Survive Rhandi. Essentially, the only thing lingering from the New Zealand injury is the scar.

Ashley added, “The scar is gnarly. I love the scar it reminds me of New Zealand every time I look at my foot.”

Edited by tv echo
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There are things I like better about this season, like the way they're doing the food caches, and things I don't, like the extended time in survival camps, but overall I like this one better than the first season.  Probably because I'm more interested in New Zealand than I was in Alaska.  And I don't remember there be all that much shuffling in finish order in that season either, but it's been awhile.

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