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Key & Peele - General Discussion

Tara Ariano
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I am so in love with this show.


I couldn't stop laughing every time Keegan screamed in the neck contraption. So hilarious.


And I loved the Nazi skit. Ty Burrell was great, but Keegan was even better, laying on the floor pretending to be dead, repositioning himself to watch, eating a chocolate bar! And then moving his body so the Nazi couldn't stab him. Man, that was great.


I had already watched the Lil Homie skit a couple of days ago, but it was still funny. "Smoke. THIS. Weeeeeed."


Oh, and the cold opening with the newscaster surprised me. I didn't know where it was going, and I loved the punchline. "Well that's it for sports!"


Jordan tweeted that the car stuff is 100% unscripted.

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Jordan as a Black Nazi is some next level ish. I kept waiting to hear the commander throw out the word "schvartze" but maybe even Key & Peele won't go that far.


Jordan tweeted that the car stuff is 100% unscripted.

Well that raises my regard of it a lot but I wonder why they got rid of the audience? Expense?

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I miss the audience (mostly because of the way they could use the whole stage to be a bit more physical), but the car stuff is growing on me.  I think I could watch an entire episode of them just riffing off each other in the car.

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"Insubordinate and churlish" has made it into my lexicon and I was so thrilled (and pleasantly surprised) to see it used again, in a new context. That sketch was so awesome. I also kept randomly thinking today of Keegan in the bar, shrieking, and I'd giggle to myself.

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And I loved the Nazi skit. Ty Burrell was great, but Keegan was even better, laying on the floor pretending to be dead, repositioning himself to watch, eating a chocolate bar! And then moving his body so the Nazi couldn't stab him. Man, that was great.

I thought he repositioned himself to get out of the sun, which seemed to be right in his eyes

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I love that, not only did Keegan put his down his gun, he took no opportunity to pick up a gun and shoot the Nazis. And Ty was hilariously enthusiastic an otherwise boring story about...Hitler. His capper at the end with the other soldiers was great.


I was surprised at the ending. It was strangely low-key with the telescope not working. Also a great capper, if only due to it surprising me by ending that way.

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I couldn't stop laughing every time Keegan screamed in the neck contraption. So hilarious.


I don't think I have ever laughed so much throughout any skit on TV as I did watching Keegan's character trying to be cool and have a good time in that horrid neck brace.  Every time he screamed, I burst out laughing.  I sure do love this crazy show.  Wish I'd seen it prior to watching Fargo so I could have truly appreciated that insane fight over fast food in the car during the massacre (like the rest of you did!)

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Brilliant twists for most of the sketches. I liked the baseball bat with the spikes in it, as well as the idea of "Post-Apocalyptic Jackie Robinson." And I didn't see the mattress twist coming. It was a thing of beauty.

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There was a lot of screaming in this episode, so I ended up tuning it out after a while. I also thought that the church sketch went on a bit too long, even with the twist. The club sketch, on the other hand, reminded me of Chapelle's Show when everyone was confused because the Tupac track kept dissing everyone who was present ("I wrote this song a long time ago, a real long ago, ya feel me! I wrote this song a long time ago, it was the dopest song I ever wrote -- in '94").

Edited by cyberfruit
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I thought the church stuff was too long, too.  But I did love all the awful things they were saying being followed by: "With my prayers."  That sounded like some probably realistic conversations.  Not my favorite episode, but the worst K&P is still miles above the best of a lot of what else is out there.  Enjoying the car chats more than I thought I would, too.  Love these guys so damn much.

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I loved the surprise punchline in the bed sketch.


I liked last week's ep more, but this one is still good. The opening sketch with the save-the-children guy was bizarre - not UNfunny, but ok. I loved Georgina and Esther just for the characterization and performances. I liked them saying "the spray painting and the vandalisms" and "the pornography of women."


I also liked the club sketch. I don't know how you refer to what the DJ was yelling out. There's got to be a name of it. Anyway, I liked this.


Not a hilarious ep, but I love watching these guys perform. They are so good. Even just Keegan's reactions to Peele in the bed sketch was great.

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Even just Keegan's reactions to Peele in the bed sketch was great.


I meant to mention that, too.  Keegan's diplomatic, "Sex happens."  And the twist was great.  I wasn't totally sure what he was yelling out, though.

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The fundraising bit totally cracked me up (used to work for a nonprofit and we were always going on & on about saving the kids).  Loved the mattress store skit; just knew something was up thanks to Peele's hilarious, timid, limping character but had no idea what.  These guys are so off the wall and yet they're still funny.  The satan skit IMO was funny because there are people like that, constantly wondering what satan has in store for them (years ago I saw an older woman reading a pamphlet with a title like "How to Know Where Satan Is"...I thought of that woman during this skit, probably what made it so funny for me).

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Georgina and Esther went on a bit too long, but was still enjoyable. The mattress sketch - the ending just killed me, Peele's face and him holding the stuffed animal. The texting sketch was so spot on. There are only so many smiley icons one can add to a text, and if you're in the wrong mood in the first place, nothing will change it.


Love these guys.

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From the show's Twitter feed.


LOL, Oh my God, the look on Keegan's face.  He does such great reaction faces.  Is that phrase a thing, or did they come up with it? (Not that it would surprise me, from the guys who created Pussy on the Chainwax).

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Thanks for the heads up. I recorded it and just watched. They showed some clips -- the first Luther sketch, the valets, the slave auction, Obama greeting whites and blacks -- but generally it was a pretty straightforward interview, not a lot of cutting up. I liked it.


BTW, the other day I rewatched Weird Al's White & Nerdy, and Key & Peele are in it. I didn't know that.

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I'm away from my TV, but I'll check the cable guide if no one else does before then.


I was laughing out loud many times during this ep. LOVED all the tension in the Slap-Ass sketch. I had watched the Urkel sketch online a couple of days ago, but it was still funny. I agree that Peele did a fantastic impression.


I also liked the French restaurant one, particularly when Peele was trying to fake the French words at the end. Loved his expressions.


The mob one was ok. 


I liked the car conversations, esp when Peele said, "I can't hit toilet water with my own pee."

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I had watched the Urkel sketch online a couple of days ago, but it was still funny. 


I had too, and I actually liked it better that way, uncensored.  It had a better flow to it.  I thought the genius of it was that it worked great as a dramatic scene as well as a comedic one.  

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I saw a rerun of the 10/15 show tonight.  For me, the best skit was the French restaurant.  When Peele told his date to enjoy her meal and have a good life, got up and walked out of the place, I could not stop laughing.  His facial expressions are wonderful + he can really deliver these hilarious lines.  Also, the skit in the dentist's office--had no idea what was going to happen.  Lots of good laughs.  

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I watched tonight's show (10/22/14) and didn't enjoy it at all.  The skit in which Key plays a husband accusing his wife of cheating, ending up beating a dog, was bad. Didn't matter that they showed the little dog scampering around so that we knew the "dog" he was beating was fake...it was not funny. It seemed the less funny they were, the longer the skits went on.

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What a waste of Rashida Jones and Jason Ritter.  I hope people who are just tuning in to this show now because of all the publicity this year don't think this is what it's normally like.


Get your mojo back, guys.

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I was busy chalking up how many delay of game penalties the Rhinos would have racked up during Key's speech. I laughed about the missing "horn," so I guess I'm easy like that. Personally, I miss Luther. When is he coming back?

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I haven't finished watching, so I lost interest about halfway through. I did think the opening massage sketch was good. Short and with a funny twist. I laughed out loud. The football sketch went on way too long. I do like how they keep the one football team , the Rhinos. And reuse the East/West Bowl names.

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I thought the football sketch was uncharacteristically short sighted given how prominent head injuries and long term complications have been in the public consciousness. 


I thought the dog sketch was funny in an absurd way because it was a little tiny dog. I liked at the end he just licked his finger.


The cafe sketch was the funniest. 

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The cafe sketch was the funniest.


I actually really enjoyed the Cafe sketch, specifically because it was Jason Ritter,  I wasn't expecting a guest actor I could actually recognize, so I was sufficiently off-balance for the jokes to make me laugh.  


I thought the football sketch was uncharacteristically short sighted given how prominent head injuries and long term complications have been in the public consciousness.


I'm pretty sure that was the point of the skit though, right?  I am honestly asking, because that one didn't work for me.  I was entirely distracted by the production values and the budget (which is a really, really bad sign for a comedy sketch, I was thinking of the cost of night shoot and that rain).  


The dog skit is one of the few times I've ended up laughing at this show out of sheer horror.  Very Monty Python, Killer Bunny Rabbit, but if you listened closely you could hear the outraged screams of 100k PETA members cursing Key & Peele out.  Sometimes they hit so many "oh wow, that's just wrong" notes within a sketch that it becomes funnier than hell, but this one fell short of that and just kept hitting the "Oooooookay, this just feels wrong."  


I haven't been loving the car segments, but it was one of the highlights of this episode for me.   

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The dog skit was pretty much a straight rip-off of the one in There's Something About Mary except not as funny. The framing for why there was a fight was different but the fight itself was way too similar. 

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LUTHER! About time! I like it when he has to point the finger at himself while representing the President.


Good episode, though I think Key has issues. He would be up on a centaur if he was a woman? Okay, then.

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I thought Meegan was going to be in this ep. 


Oh well. I thought it was a good ep. I liked the opening of the Republicans in disguise [not] driving blacks to the polls in Florida. "Disperse!" 


The crime-solving expert sketch was funny and cringey. 


Strike Force Eagle 3, The Reckoning. I liked this one, too. Somehow I did not see that ending coming.


Loved Obama & Luther. "We can murder people with flying robots!"


The frozen yogurt sketch was fun just for the characterizations. 


I like the little conversations they have in the car, like snuggling with Obama. "You ready Barama?" Nice guest stars: Paget Brewster, Malcolm Jamall-Warner, Anna Camp.

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