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S11.E.15: Plot Twist (Season Finale)

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Scheana performs live for the first time with her band; Katie clashes with Jo over a year's worth of grievances; Ariana takes Dan to lunch with her friends; the fourth wall is left shattered when Tom approaches Ariana for a conversation.

(Bravo's description)

Edited by ZettaK
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I can’t believe this season has to end with both Sheana’s and Sandoval’s bands!  Good God, the torture.

Why is it so important to Scheana that Sandoval rewards her monetarily?  That is what wins her over for all the months of Tom and Rachel’s conniving and lying to all of the friend group.  Ugh!

Edited by Emmeline
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Same old $hit: Katie being bitter.

LaLa being reasonable. Scheana making sense regarding her Sandoval relationship. Ariana still being a bitch. If I were her "new" bf I would be so over her obsession with Sandoval cheating on her. You got a bf you supposedly think is awesome. Poor guy has to listen to Ariana constantly talking about her ex. 

No sighting of LVP! But the finale is not over yet!

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I wish Scheana would take off those ridiculous gold gloves when she's not "performing".

Is there going to be a "Reunion"? 

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13 minutes ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

Ariana looks particularly gorgeous in tonight's episode.

Bracing myself for Good as Gold. I've always hated that song so much. 

At least Bravo showed only a tiny portion of her "performance".

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11 minutes ago, Jst2Wld said:

I wish Scheana would take off those ridiculous gold gloves when she's not "performing".

Is there going to be a "Reunion"? 

The reunion was filmed last week. It will have three parts, and will start airing on May 14th . 

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I'm sure Ariana talked shit about this cast becaus she's always vibrated with a distinct Cool Girl/Not Like the Other Girls but I'm sure she talked shit about them WITH Tom and not just him listening to it quietly

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Do you get the impression the show is over by showing the cast members through the years? And Ariana refusing to film with Sandoval (and really anybody but Katie until the producers forced it)?

Edited by ZettaK
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25 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

The reunion was filmed last week. It will have three parts, and will start airing on May 14th . 

Thanks for the info. I will be (ashamedly) watching. Lol.

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The finale made me feel nauseous when Ariana mention that Tom only tried to apologize to her on camera.  He truly is performative and still getting a better edit than he deserves.  When he got together with Rachel it was probably his intention to edge Ariana off of that show, but even with Rachel gone, it looks like he will still get his wish.  He really is the producers’ golden boy even after all the scary things he has done.  I hate seeing trash men like him win.  I hope they do cancel the show, just so it means that he is out of a job and, like James predicted, is still playing crappy shows with his crappy band in his old age 😂 

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4 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

The finale made me feel nauseous when Ariana mention that Tom only tried to apologize to her on camera.  He truly is performative and still getting a better edit than he deserves.  When he got together with Rachel it was probably his intention to edge Ariana off of that show, but even with Rachel gone, it looks like he will still get his wish.  He really is the producers’ golden boy even after all the scary things he has done.  I hate seeing trash men like him win.  I hope they do cancel the show, just so it means that he is out of a job and, like James predicted, is still playing crappy shows with his crappy band in his old age 😂 

Sandoval is not winning.  VPR is maybe a year or two from total demise.  He is 40 years old and his bar is struggling, his band is a joke.  

Ariana is going (round 2) on Broadway.  

No, he is definitely not winning.

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Tom just had this gross vibe where he was just so self-satisfied, walking around working the room, thinking he was going to have his big moment, that he'd turned the tides. And when he didn't? He exploded. Good on Ariana. Don't play with that shit. 

Sheana's love language is money.  I've never been a fan, but my god the way her face lit up when she knew Sandoval spent money on her? It's gross. She's gross. 

Also, Jo, I am not sure what you expected, girl. 

And oh FFS Lala shut up. You're so mad you didn't get your scorned woman season. Let's bring good old Rand back into the fold. Be real. 

I 100% relate to Ally wanting to go home to her pets. 

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37 minutes ago, b2H said:

Ariana has refused to film with one person.  And that refusal has not stuck.  She filmed with him countless times through the season.  She can refuse to talk to him.  Well within her rights.

Of course, all this happened BEFORE she landed the show that is going to delay the next season of VPR, but based on the sour grapes in the last five minutes of this episode, I can imagine every last one of them is madder than a wet hen in a hurricane.

If Ariana left the show, she might be missed, but what with Chicago on Broadway and the TV show hosting gig and the commercials, she wouldn’t be hurting and the rest would still be relying on their days ten years ago.

Ariana did not go looking for these opportunities; they came to her.  And that just trips the trigger for every one of these lost souls that cannot get away from their 20s when they are in their 40s.

It seems to me from the reaction of the Bravo executive producer that Bravo won't tolerate Ariana not filming with Sandoval, or the rest, something she did for almost half of the season. The show is on pause not because of Ariana filming another show, but because of Bravo trying to decide if the show will continue with, or without Ariana. As for Ariana, she didn't have any career worth mentioning before VR, and until she was 38 years old. She had these business opportunities because of Scandoval, and I doubt she will have too many offers anymore because let's face it, she doesn't have any particular talents. "Chicago" with her in the leading role had a very short run (I see ads popping here among the comments for about a month with a new cast), and several HWs/Bravo-lebrities already starred on it. 

Edited by ZettaK
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"Plot Twist". Scheana performs live for the first time with her band; Katie clashes with Jo over a year's worth of grievances; Ariana takes Dan to lunch with her friends; the fourth wall is left shattered when Tom approaches Ariana for a conversation.

Zzzz... oh, I must have fallen asleep! This was definitely an underwhelming "finally" that ended with a lame sad musical montage. 

  • Was Schemer performing in San Fran? I thought they were, but what was Billie and the girl Sandoval dated once doing there?
  • I am angry at Katie for being a bitch to Jo. Ditto for her asshole friend who was dressed like a giant banana and called Jo a crackwhore when she approached.
  • Nice latex shirt, Brach.
  • LaLa broke the 4th wall about Ariana's attitude, but there was a good amount of projection in her rant.
  • Did Ariana tell the producer her biggest beef with Sandoval was that he gave her VD?
  • I could have sworn I saw someone (Billie?) throwing a chair at Schemer's performance in the season preview.


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56 minutes ago, Stiggs said:

100% relate to Ally wanting to go home to her pets. 

I LOVE Ally! I hope she never changes.

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31 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

It seems to me from the reaction of the Bravo executive producer that Bravo won't tolerate Ariana not filming with Sandoval, or the rest, something she did for almost half of the season. The show is on pause not because of Ariana filming another show, but because of Bravo trying to decide if the show will continue with, or without Ariana. As for Ariana, she didn't have any career worth mentioning before VR, and until she was 38 years old. She had these business opportunities because of Scandoval, and I doubt she will have too many offers anymore because let's face it, she doesn't have any particular talents. "Chicago" with her in the leading role had a very short run (I see ads popping here among the comments for about a month with a new cast), and several HWs/Bravo-lebrities already starred on it. 

She initially got the opportunities because of Scandoval, but has proven herself to be an extremely hard worker who is pleasant to deal with. Will she become a Broadway star? Not likely. But she trained for in college and can get dancing/chorus line gigs, which I'm sure she'll be happy with. How many Bravolebrities have been asked back? And her first run was extended, which wouldn't have happened if she wasn't putting in the hard work.

I think part of her future success will be due to the fact that she is relatable and she has shown millions of young girls and women that your world doesn't have to end or fall apart because of a major heartbreak and to recognize/appreciate your worth. And it's not about the opportunities, because they cannot expect that, but because she's standing up for herself and her pain.

And Jo is a cow, who said she was thinking of herself when she was acting like she sympathized with Katie while doing whatever it was with Schwartz.

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Was Scheana going for a CP3O in drag look? Because if so, she nailed it.

I just roll my eyes at Lala narrating what Reality TV is at the end. She must Love that she finally got her moment she’s been desperate for since the Rand split but I still find her the least real of the bunch, aside from Sandoval. Is she really friends with ANY of this group? Apart from possibly James who she will also drag if it helps her storyline? 

But yeah, I’ll watch the shit out of this reunion. I ain’t proud.

Edited by Katesus7
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2 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Do you get the impression the show is over by showing the cast members through the years? And Ariana refusing to film with Sandoval (and really anybody but Katie until the producers forced it)?

Haha I got that impression last year when LVP milked her birthday toast about all they've been through over the years . . . and then Scandoval happened, so who knows what could be lying in wait for us this year! 😃

2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

The finale made me feel nauseous when Ariana mention that Tom only tried to apologize to her on camera.  He truly is performative and still getting a better edit than he deserves.  

This line made me think of Ye Olde Feminine Sandwich Shoppe 😄

That aside, the funniest line for me was Brock asking, "So what did you all do last night after we finished playing dress-up" whilst wearing an olive green rubber shirt 😂

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Watching Katie bring her overfull anger up to spew on Jo  made clear to me that she's nowhere near done with therapy and she was,imo, extremely poorly raised.

My grandchildren in middle school would never -even in that whirlpool. of strident animosity- respond to and treat so appallingly  a person that is so obviously timid and trying to do what she thinks is the right thing. 

Katie's response was equivalent to kicking a puppy rolling on its back at her feet. Kindness costs nothing yet showers everyone with gold.

Edited by BlueHawk
Word choice amendment
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Lala is the worst. Who gives a shit what she thinks.

Brock can shut up at anytime lol.

Sandoval is such a whiny bitch narc. He just had to keep being the victim.

Of course Scheana loves Sandoval. He just has to buy her love and compliment her stupid shit. She doesn’t care how ppl actually are.

Why must I watch perform. No thanks.

Jo trying to get her moment. She’s a complete fake.

I like Daniel. He seems chill.

Sandoval introducing himself was so awkward. He just always comes across as such a fake dbag. I don’t know how anyone can buy this bull shit Sandoval redemption arc. He’s not even pulling it off in any way. He can barely pretend to be sorry.

Scheana needs to just shut up about Sandoval and talking about him to Ariana.

Ariana sure has to comfort Scheana a lot about a situation that isn’t really about Scheana.

Oh poor Sandoval is just trying to apologize. Shit the fuck up you loser.

Billie Lee go the fuck away.

Ariana was completely right about Sandoval and his fake as redemption arc look at his little freak out at the end. That’s the real bitch ass Sandoval.

LaLa can’t even hide her jealousy. She wished everyone rallied around her when her joke fiancé cheated on her. That’s the real root of her anger. Everyone should go be friends with Rand lol. He didn’t murder anyone so who cares.

Oh also Lala should remember when she was being fake and hiding her life Ariana was always there for her.

This seems like the end of the show to me. It probably should be.

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I thought  Lala made sense. She admitted  she lied about Randall, and what that did to her.But,  like James, I see growth . I think  Brock is more concerned  with his wife's  mental health,  and her being wedged in the middle . I'm certainly  not letting  Sandoval  off the hook, but Ariana  could leave this show,  kiss Dan( again)  and walk off into the sunset, I wouldn't  miss her, she was very very hurt, but the punishment  doesn't  fit the crime. Sorry, not sorry.

As for Jo, trying  to say anything  to beyotch  face Katie, that was nasty. Jo didn't  deserve  that, but I knew Katie would act like she did. Sure Katie stood by Ariana,  but maybe she got more screentime doing that.

The actual  finale, the last little bit, they will all watch together,  on the reunion  show, nobody  has seen it.

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WTAF is Schemer's problem? She acts like she was cheated on by Sandoval. This fucking show is like a Narcissist's Anonymous convention. We've got Sandoval, Schemer, Lala. Then we have Ragers Anonymous with Katie, and Sandoval crosses over here when his cover is blown and he can't get his redemption moment caught on camera. Then we have Schwartzie and Joseph heading up the Pull My Finger Farts Are Funny Middle Schoolers Doing Grown Up Stuff group. These people are just absofuckinglutely nuts. And we have James Kennedy- he of Ragers Anonymous poster boy - coming acriss as the sane one this season. I never saw that one coming! I'm good with this show being cancelled and these goons having to go get real jobs.

Also, that producer at the end, I forget his name, but what an utter piece of shit he is trying to force Ariana to talk to Sandoval after what he's done to her. That is some gross scumbaggery and now we can all see Bravo and it's employees for the bottom feeders that they really are. I'm actually glad they showed that and named him,watching him try to manipulate and bully Ariana into a situation she doesnt want, snd knowing she dealt with mental health issues? Theres a special place in hell for people like this. 

Edited by surfgirl
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Sandoval hollering that, no, Ariana is the performative one: she actually doesn’t like any of the other cast members and says terrible things about them. 

Except that, we know, Sandoval, you most likely agreed with her and chimed in. 

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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7 hours ago, Jst2Wld said:

 Ariana still being a bitch. If I were her "new" bf I would be so over her obsession with Sandoval cheating on her. You got a bf you supposedly think is awesome. Poor guy has to listen to Ariana constantly talking about her ex. 

Yeah, I suspect Dan is going to vanish in the near future, like all the men Katie dated.


7 hours ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

Ariana looks particularly gorgeous in tonight's episode.

I did not like that black dress Arianna was wearing. The diagonal cut out looked weird.


6 hours ago, ZettaK said:

The reunion was filmed last week. It will have three parts and will start airing on May 14th . 

Three parts? Oh my!


6 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Do you get the impression the show is over by showing the cast members through the years? And Ariana refusing to film with Sandoval (and really anybody but Katie until the producers forced it)?

I got the same impression from last season's finally, but then Scandoval gave them a lifeline for another one. I hated this season's manipulative montage and music.

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Just now, hoodooznoodooz said:

What’s the deal with the effusive Applebee’s name-dropping? 

Some money changed hands? 

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What was James struggling to iron that he didn’t wear? 

Ally is maybe the stealthiest “girlfriend of.” She is maneuvering and hoping that they continue the Vanderpump Rules franchise and/or give James and her a spinoff for the long and winding road of their engagement.

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10 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Kyle Chan’s invite specified the dress code as black and gold only? I did not like James’s gold tie and handkerchief.  

Was this event for a rotgut whiskey Kyle was promoting? I barely remember him as being the jeweler friend who got engagement and or marriage rings for at least two couples on this show.

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Quote:  “But when Tom and I announced our divorce almost a year ago the last thing [Jo] sent me was ‘Bieber loves you / I love you, and I’m so supporting of your inner thoughts and visions / live in the moment, you’re a gem and I’ve always respected you. I love you. Xo Jo.’”




So Jo loved Katie, but they weren’t friends.

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Odd. It seemed as if Ally was trying to get Schwartz away from Jo in order to have a serious conversation with Jo, but then they just cut to Schwartz bringing them champagne (in WHITE WINE glasses; quelle horreur [RHoBH]. 

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Ariana told Schwartz he could leave if he was going to say anything reasonable about Sandoval. I say she can leave! I’m glad Schwartz stayed put but too bad he shut up for her benefit. Who made her the leader of the group? Lala may be jealous but had a good point. The idiot sleeps down the hall from Sandoval and is on the same show! She’s the one who can leave if she is so distraught about what he did. She’s weak and needs the show so she won’t excuse herself. She is lazy as Sandoval said. You can tell by the pig sty of a house, leaving  nasty food containers on her night stand and then blaming Tom when the dog got sick. I think it’s time for her to go away. Shes not talented and is too bitter to be good on the show. She can leave with that weirdo she’s dating.

Jo may be awkward and hurt but Katie was 100% right. Jo was just trying to get into Toms bed and really didn’t give a shit about Katie. She had no business sending her that weird ass text. Bieber loves you? Shut up Jo! 
Also I think she dyed Toms hair that ugly color so other girls won’t like him. Too bad Jo, it won’t make him like you. 

I thought the funniest thing was Brock dancing with his back to the camera.   The worst thing was Scheana singing. She should never be allowed to sing on tv again. It’s even worse than lazy bitter Ariana telling everyone not to talk to Tom..

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10 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Do you get the impression the show is over

It is the most popular show on Bravo.  For it to be over would be insane.  $$$


The show is on pause not because of Ariana filming another show, but because of Bravo trying to decide if the show will continue with, or without Ariana.

I understand that you think or want this to be true, but Ariana is massively, enormously popular.  The show will last longer with Ariana than without Ariana, and Bravo is in the business of making that happen.  Look at RHoNJ.  Melissa and Theresa both back.

There is no chance in this universe where Bravo willingly, actively decides to jettison Ariana.

Edited by Lassus
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Regarding Lala's "truth telling", this is 1000% coached by Bravo, I'd imagine.

Someone somewhere in business attire decided on a NYTimes Pitchbot BOTH SIDES strategy for the season.  They needed someone to close it off and make it work and tell their story.  Only, hilariously, Tom went batshit and it ended up even better because now it will just add to the drama.  They care over all - even more than whatever their preferred edits were - about eyes, and they will have them going forward.

I am also of the opinion that the season delay is a hedged bet.  They want and need Ariana, who is absolutely a beloved success, and they are delaying in order to hopefully have her back following her Love Island gig.  I would love it if she tells Bravo they Had it Comin' and nopes out over the break.  But it's a check and she's a performer, so I wouldn't really make any bets there myself.

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That was an interesting peek behind the fourth wall. I’ve heard that these reality shows are “scripted” in so much as there are specific things cast members are told to talk about at each filming event (which is why every housewives’ dinner is an airing of grievances of past arguments). So apparently Ariana got out of talking to Tom all season just as long as she agreed to have a conversation with him at the finale event. Tom took his cue. Ariana runs off to Applebees with people who aren’t even on the show. Producer is panicked that he needs to hit his storyline. Lala is pissed that Ariana collected a paycheck (which I’m guessing was probably higher than past seasons), but didn’t actually really film much or share anything this season. Scheana also realizes while everyone rallies for Ariana, Ariana is really never there for the rest of them; this season was more evident, but apparently had a decade of “not showing up” for her “best friend.” Meanwhile, I actually do believe that even decades from now Tom would drop everything to help Ariana, because that’s just the kind of person he is, as he’s always gone out of his way to go above and beyond for his friends, both monetarily (even off camera when Scheana and Brock were struggling) and being “most extra” in planning things for them (the engagement, the sound guy). I was struck by how young they all were in that Lala rant/flashback scene. They really did spend their whole adult lives on this show. It would be an interesting psychological study on how being a reality tv star impacts you, and how do you draw boundaries between your true self and your television character? I know some are believing that Tom is being performative like Ariana said, but I do think we’ve seen the “real Tom” this season. He’s right that he’s not that good of an actor for that anguish and remorse on his face. And I think I’ve come to understand better why he was afraid to let go of the “Tom and Ariana brand” as he said last year. Lala’s speech really put it into perspective. Even she said that Tom and Ariana as a couple weren’t showing their true selves. I believe it. And I think we’ve finally seen the true Tom and Ariana this season. Even the scene of Ariana telling Scheana why would you ever think I would drop you?! That was so fake. The flashbacks of her repeatedly saying anyone who talks to Tom is dead to her was her true emotions. Yes, she’s scorned and angry and maybe she has every right to be—toward Tom, not towards her “friends” that she may not actually like—but that was the real, raw parts of her we saw maybe for the first time ever, according to Lala.

Edited by JenE4
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I’m sure they want Ariana back and I’m guessing she will need the job. I don’t see her landing anything bigger than what she has gotten from being dumped by Sandoval.  I really don’t see any of them going further. They are stuck in the past.  She actually should be grateful to Tom and Raquel. Like the rest of them she lacks talent and drive.

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Regarding other matters:

Ariana's friend's yellow/gold suit was awesome.

I know the reaction is more split, but Katie's interaction with Jo was the horrible unjustified full-of-herself bitchiness that the anti-Ariana camp has been accusing her of.  "You moved on someone I didn't want anyhow too fast!"  Enough, Dark Cloud Katie.  There was no need for Schwartz to push her at Katie, but he needed there to be a fight for the clicks.  I think the hate for Jo is weird, she's not particularly lovable, but she's far far far more clueless and legitimately weird than evil, so.

As above, Brock, while well-meaning, is simple, and definitely thought money = friendship, plain as day.

I admit sympathy for Scheana.  Tom WAS good to her when she was the outsider and she really is trying to play close - not duplicitously, but honestly - with each side; but she simply does not have the game for it.

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6 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Meanwhile, I actually do believe that even decades from now Tom would drop everything to help Ariana, because that’s just the kind of person he is, as he’s always gone out of his way to go above and beyond for his friends, both monetarily (even off camera when Scheana and Brock were struggling) and being “most extra” in planning things for them (the engagement, the sound guy)

This is in fact both monetarily and.... monetarily.  I don't see much else.

Tom's lying and infidelity is abusive behavior.   If you buy your wife the dress or car or vacation of her dreams and then cheat on her,  you are not going out of your way to go above and beyond.

I can be fair and say that I'm not sure we've seen him be terrible to his friends in the same way he was to Ariana. But for the above, the "I'll always be there for Ariana", that's NOT good or going above and beyond.  It's just a creepy thought about future intrusive, showy behavior.

11 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Like the rest of them [Ariana] lacks talent and drive.

Have you ever seen a Broadway show?  

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