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2024 Season

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I've been pleasantly surprised by Ronny's hosting. Especially tonight (Wednes), I thought the show was really good, and his interview was truly enjoyable, and showed he does have another emotion besides outrage.

And yes, the world does make apoplexy justifiable. But I think I burned myself out on rage and I need to temper my diet with more than just spluttering and high blood pressure. I'll take the lucidity and the alarm and the disgust and the horror and the anger-- but wash it down with some love, too. 

There seems to be an unwillingness to highlight and comment on anything good. But if we don't showcase the good guys, who will we have to rally for? You can't beat the bad guys with a void.

I am in no way suggesting the show, or anyone else, shy away from calling out the bad stuff, and I think we absolutely need our anger. But we need also the other emotions, not just anger (and fear), but also a reason to live, and keep trying, and an example of what to work for rather than only against. That's the nourishment that makes action sustainable, and life worth living.

Anyway, I really enjoyed Ronny's show, So far it's a 100% record that all the "correspondents" I was skeptical of have come off much better when they host.

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14 hours ago, possibilities said:

I've been pleasantly surprised by Ronny's hosting. Especially tonight (Wednes), I thought the show was really good,

I found Tuesday's episode thoroughly underwhelming, so was glad that last night's was firing on all cylinders.

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I laughed so hard at Ronny's joke about the target logo--because as he was setting it up, I finished it by saying "nipple" right before he said "butthole". This is how you know I'm a lesbian, not a gay man, I guess.

Also, I give Grace the side-eye. Although I am not one of them, there is a definite subculture of lesbians who play golf-- it's a whole thing.


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On 6/5/2024 at 11:26 PM, Bastet said:

I think Jon's flaws from his original run are on frustratingly greater display these days, so while I appreciate hearing from him again I'm glad it's one episode a week, but I am here for his apoplectic reactions to a mind-blowing ongoing display of unprecedented nutfuckery.

I think Jon's "apoplexy" is largely performative for comic effect.

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On 6/9/2024 at 1:09 PM, iMonrey said:

I think Jon's "apoplexy" is largely performative for comic effect.

Yes. Definitely performative. But also an expression of his genuine WTF visceral reaction to the goings on. 

Nevertheless, it worries me a bit for his welfare.😱

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I always enjoy the satire across the board (not just on this show) about corporations trying to squeeze more money out of their junk by appropriating pride. However, Eczema Opie not being in the league of the hot black girl really took it. 

I don't know a ton about Clark, but I don't quite get why she's getting flack. Or what I seem to think she is. Back in the 80s, Bird and Magic were rookies but were hailed in the media as the face of the league and have been widely credited as 'saving' the NBA. Sure, the OGs at the time in the league made them pay their dues. But they were marketed as the stars of the league.

I'm not saying the WNBA needs to be 'saved' in the same way, but certainly capitalizing on any ratings boost would be the smart move. Again, she's got to pay her dues, but I didn't get the attitude from the reporter in the interview (I didn't catch her name). I agree that leading with her getting a hard foul is silly, but she missed the point that her teammates aren't really leaping to her defense either. 

She went on about if people knew Vegas was threepeating, etc. Yes, there's plenty of exciting things that most people don't know, but I'd say the marketing tactic to get more people interested in those things would be Clark. John kind of asked that are current fans more wanting the WNBA to be "theirs" and not welcome the expanded interest? She didn't seem to have a good answer except that the Sun were 9-0. And? 

I'm also calling it out a little on the Olympic team for the same reason. Clark doesn't get the 14th spot on that roster? They're something like 30 billion - 0. There's not much risk here. 

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I think Jordan missed the point on the whole 'Hunter Biden's case was a distraction from what's *really* going on' in that they know it's just a fabrication to whip people up. I take his point, but I think it wasn't the best angle to take. 

I take Charlamane's point, and I've got the worst mouth at work, but I'm not sure the messaging problem is not swearing in Congress enough. I'd rather see elected officials acting like adults. Nothing wrong with being fired up, but still. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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During Jon Stewart's interview with Rev. Dr. William Barber about the points in Barber's new book,  “White Poverty: How Exposing Myths About Race and Class Can Reconstruct American Democracy,” they never touched on the Electoral College, although they skirted around it. Perhaps it's in Barber's book?

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I liked that interview a lot. Once again, Jon shut up and let his guest talk. And he had an interesting guest!


However, I am really fed up with the way ALL the shows (both serious news and fake news and comedic nightly takes) are covering the election like it's a joke election between two dudes bickering over who is more senile, instead of  talking about the very substantive policy differences each candidate is advancing.

Edited by possibilities
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Did the show air a new episode last night? My DVR didn't pick it up, and I can't find it anywhere. I don't know if it was a glitch over here, or if they really didn't air one.

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50 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Did the show air a new episode last night? My DVR didn't pick it up, and I can't find it anywhere. I don't know if it was a glitch over here, or if they really didn't air one.

Mine didn’t either, and when I looked at yesterday’s schedule, it wasn’t on there. Juneteenth holiday, maybe?  If my mail carrier has the day off, so do fake news correspondents?

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On 6/18/2024 at 6:36 PM, possibilities said:

However, I am really fed up with the way ALL the shows (both serious news and fake news and comedic nightly takes) are covering the election like it's a joke election between two dudes bickering over who is more senile, instead of  talking about the very substantive policy differences each candidate is advancing.

Gods, yes.  There's no need to come up with something Biden said or did every time they talk about what Trump said/did that day, especially if, as a hypothetical example, Biden tripped over his own two feet while Trump broke into the National Archives and took a dump on the original printing of the Constitution.  One is news, the other is not, and they are certainly not equal transgressions. 

Advanced age is the only thing they have in common, so why the hell is that the go-to for this show (and others)?  It's lazy, stupid, and an unconscionable distraction from the endless differences that actually matter; at the end of this election we will have an old man in the Oval Office, the oldest old man there's ever been, but how the next four years (and beyond) will play out will be wildly different depending on which old man it is.  That is the story. 

Edited by Bastet
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The problem with watching on youtube is that there's no opening and setup to the segments. 

That aside, the Triumph segment was gold. I'm not a 'blame the media' guy, but you know soon we'll be getting the deluge of 'undecided voter' nonsense, and 'what we can learn from them.' Please. These people cannot be satirized enough. 

Granted, this segment was slanted to Biden, but they did get digs in on him too. 

We'll see you in 4 years when you can't decide between AOC and Kyle Rittenhouse. 

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On 6/27/2024 at 11:22 AM, DoctorAtomic said:

That aside, the Triumph segment was gold. I'm not a 'blame the media' guy, but you know soon we'll be getting the deluge of 'undecided voter' nonsense, and 'what we can learn from them.' Please. These people cannot be satirized enough.

I almost didn't watch because I've never enjoyed Triumph, but decided to give it a try - as soon as "say your name and what the fuck is your problem" was the first instruction, I knew I was in for the whole thing.  I loved all the mocking of the guy with the sideburns, concluding with asking him to just sit this election out.  "You look like you already live underground; will the rest of the mole people be cool with us moving in?"

On 6/27/2024 at 11:22 AM, DoctorAtomic said:

We'll see you in 4 years when you can't decide between AOC and Kyle Rittenhouse. 

That was gold, Jerry, gold.

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

I almost didn't watch because I've never enjoyed Triumph, but decided to give it a try

I wouldn't say I'm a Triumph fan either, but they really nailed this segment. They were just coming in hard satirizing the 'undecided voter' and just eviscerating them for it. There wasn't any pretension in the bit. Which lends to the further point - who are these people who agreed to it? Triumph told Sideburns to just sit it out. There's your Rickles style of comedy where you're insulting people because 'your wife's into fat guys?' and literally telling someone they're too stupid to vote. Most of that had to be improvised. 

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Did any of you see Jon Stewart's "Live" post debate show? 
It came up on my (my son-in-law's) Paramount+ feed. 
It's here too:

Aw, dear cousin Jon. I feel ya.

He gave kudos to his staff for having the foresight to have as post-debate guest author Lori Gottlieb, who is a psychotherapist who has a new best-selling book, "Maybe You Should Talk to Someone."

He also mentioned psilocybin microdosing. Hrmmm… 


Edited by shapeshifter
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11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Did any of you see Jon Stewart's "Live" post debate show? 

A couple people talked about it in the Mondays with Jon thread.

Edited by ebk57
punctuation ... sigh
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18 minutes ago, ebk57 said:

A couple people talked about it in the Mondays with Jon thread.

Oh. Duh.
My apologies.
I had trouble finding the show’s thread at all after “we” re-upped our Paramount+ subscription, some time after Jon started doing Mondays.


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