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S06.E04: Life After Lockup: Pizza of My Heart

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Melissa can't make up her mind. Now she's treating her prize like a baby. Donna will be only too happy to infantalize him for the rest of his life. He's the only one acting like a bit of an adult, although I think there's something he could do to prevent any problems.

That pregnancy shoot was wild.

I'm glad Michael's sister convinced his mother to apologize for asking for a paternity test. That was so egregious.

I see Redd's not going to let his supposed commitment to Joy stop him from other pursuits. 🙄So the girl he slept with is still just his best friend?


Edited by renatae
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Bunkies, I confess that it was a dark and dreary Friday night without our weekly snarkfest! I tried to watch solo but it was nowhere near as much fun. 

When Melissa said "I don't think you're capable of driving from Florida to New Jersey" I could hear the shrieks of laughter from all my LAL peeps. She is a nut bar. And Donna! "Why don't you want to take the Valentine card you gave me when you were in third grade to remember me by wah wah wah?" I was DYING. These people are certifiable. 

Have a wonderful holiday weekend, peeps, see you all on the flip side!

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Bunkies, to make up for our lost chat and celebrate Primetimer being back online, bask in the smooth stylings of OG Kam. Unfortunately I could not find his “muffin man” rap because there is some Muffin Man Tik Tok trend taking storm now, but this song was pretty good. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Cameron is the #1 rapper to hit Love Before/During/After/To Infinity and Beyond Lockup not only from Rhode Island but from any cell block in the continental United States. I can’t help but like this guy. Yeah, they’re about to be homeless, but he did go out of his way paying attention to his wife’s pintrist board to make her maternity shoot dreams come true.


Edited by JenE4
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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I just have to say this show is NOT the same without the weekly live snark fest lol .. 

I can’t tell you how many times I said to myself, “God, this is kind of boring without the snarky commentary!” I confess that I had so many bon mots rolling around in my brain, the least of which was “Shawn’s new hairstyle reminds me of Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber.” How apt. And I’m so sorry, Shawn, that the boatload of kids that you already had with Kelly(?) have financial needs, you fucking deadbeat.

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Michael not telling his daughter he was moving but telling “her” kids first was bad enough but him basically dismissing her completely after she told him she knew and how she wishes they all could stay in the same state broke my heart .. dude acted like oh well it’s what’s best for ME .. that’s your kid Jesus Christ 

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2 hours ago, Gobi said:

Last night I came up with the wittiest comments I ever have or ever will. No way I can top myself, or even equal it. Oh, well.

In other news, I hate to say it but I think Shawn had a valid point about Sara's surgery addiction and possible excuse to keep taking painkillers.

I keep forgetting that Sara went to jail essentially for being a junkie.  A recovering addict would not want to be anywhere near narcotic painkillers.

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2 hours ago, Gobi said:

Last night I came up with the wittiest comments I ever have or ever will. No way I can top myself, or even equal it. Oh, well.

In other news, I hate to say it but I think Shawn had a valid point about Sara's surgery addiction and possible excuse to keep taking painkillers.

The show NEEDED  your witty repartee last night.  Just not the same without the live chat!

I can't believe how quickly Sara is getting her surgeries.  Either Shawn is correct about the painkillers or she has a tight time-line on making bank on her new bod.  She is going to be the next Larissa (90 Day reference), at this point.  It's sad that she can't postpone her surgeries to properly care for her baby.  Jeesh!

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2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Syx (girl who gave you that name) is beyond still stung out and on drugs and funny how homedude just happened to have $500 in his pocket when they just “popped” up on him .. 

That whole sequence was so  fake.  Lindsey yet again tried to tell us what a big player she was.  After all, she used to earn $20K in a weekend. 🙄 Who doesn't walk around with $500 in their pocket ready to hand over to the least scary collections squad ever?  If he didn't pay up will Lindsey throw a fit?  Will Syx breathe her meth head breath on him? 

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Sarah should be working on losing weight instead of relying on surgery to cure her self-image. Too late now, but style tip: giant boobs on a 4ft. 10 in. body just make you look older and fat(ter). I was shocked when I saw how terrible she looked in that tight sweater dress.

So how does it affect Lindsey's big 40-year possible incarceration when the law sees her 'threatening' random junkies if they don't give her money? Does she have promissory notes? And even if she did, saying on camera that you're going to mess them up seems problematic.

Joynomi's kin all seem far more rationale than she. What does she see in that saggy-moobed baggy-pantsed loser??

I'm bored by the Louie/Mel and saddened by the Juju/Mike stories. 

BTW, here's a little holiday present for you all: I know the Chance/TayLER story wasn't featured last night, but


I read elsewhere that Chance's real name (as revealed on a DUI record) is EARL!!


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17 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

That whole sequence was so  fake.  Lindsey yet again tried to tell us what a big player she was.  After all, she used to earn $20K in a weekend. 🙄 Who doesn't walk around with $500 in their pocket ready to hand over to the least scary collections squad ever?  If he didn't pay up will Lindsey throw a fit?  Will Syx breath her meth head breath on him? 

Not to forget, exactly what could they do with a film crew there recording everything?

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You can’t be trusted for 17hrs by yourself.. you’ll pick up a girl on the side of the road .. IF you are that jealous and that paranoid that he will cheat on you if left alone for an extended period of time then HE ain’t the one for you mam .. seriously 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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2 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

That whole sequence was so  fake.  Lindsey yet again tried to tell us what a big player she was.  After all, she used to earn $20K in a weekend. 🙄 Who doesn't walk around with $500 in their pocket ready to hand over to the least scary collections squad ever?  If he didn't pay up will Lindsey throw a fit?  Will Syx breathe her meth head breath on him? 

Lindsay keeps a baseball bat in her car, for leg breaking. Either that or she'll go into his house and throw his stuff around. 

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41 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

She did her training at Flappy’s house, when she destroyed his office.

Exactly! She's such a badass,  you know. I mean she'll stop at nothing! Emptying drawers, carving rude words on the furniture! I'm sure those meth heads who owe her money are shaking in their boots. 

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15 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Exactly! She's such a badass,  you know. I mean she'll stop at nothing! Emptying drawers, carving rude words on the furniture! I'm sure those meth heads who owe her money are shaking in their boots. 

I would love a scene of her flipping out and trashing some meth head's place while they sit outside, casually smoking a cigarette, totally non-plussed. 


Scott Lindsey afraid.jpg

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Either Shawn is correct about the painkillers 

I don't know that Sarah is getting surgeries for the painkillers but I can totally believe that she keeps getting surgeries to avoid having sex with Shawn. Also, I am glad that she got away from the "little mermaid red" hair dye toward something more natural. I think her natural hair is so gorgeous (second only to Lindsay of the fist-sized braid) and I do wish she would leave it alone and let it get and stay healthy.

I can't help it... I want Kerok to succeed. I really, really do. 

Edited by Elizzikra
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Watching this show without my perps was difficult! I've forgotten most of my pithy observations, but I am astounded to agree with Shawn: I think Sarah is using all these ridiculous surgeries to feed her addiction. If she's trying to improve her appearance, she is delusional. I was repulsed by her figure and her posture. Nice way to get out of looking after your baby, there, All-Star Mom. First prison, now cosmetic surgery! Where is the money coming from for all these operations? 

I wish Kerok the best. He can't help his trifling brother, but his heart is in the right place.

Cam's wife (name?) sure doesn't seem to mind Cam spending money when it's for her gratification, does she? 

And same with Lindsey. Out there beating down doors to get $$ to buy her boo some cheap ass jewelry he doesn't even want.

Joy cries more than Kenny from 90 Day, which I thought would be impossible, but there it is. But nobody has a more irritating crying voice than hers. Whiny and nasally. Redd is an idiot and extremely immature, so I would be glad to see him head home to the family that flounced out en masse when he left them. Can you flounce back into a house? Enquiring minds need to know!

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I was repulsed by her figure and her posture.

I noticed that she couldn't straighten her lets and I wonder if she is still having pain from the tummy tuck or maybe the skin was pulled too tight? She looks awful.


Can you flounce back into a house?

I feel like if you are a really good flounder, you can make it work anywhere?

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I had a date on Friday so I wasn't around anyway, but I'm sorry that the site was down!  I'm watching the episode right now.

The surgeries to get pain pills is sooooo Darcey Silva!

Boob-sling and Rhode Island rapper idiot are always doing the MOST.  Of course they have a gender reveal party and buy new outfits for themselves and all the kids... Can OWN stop giving these people money?? Please.  They already think they're Bey and Jay-Z.

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On 12/23/2023 at 11:14 AM, Auntie Anxiety said:

And I’m so sorry, Shawn, that the boatload of kids that you already had with Kelly(?) have financial needs, you fucking deadbeat.

I hate men who don’t take care of their kids, and I’ve hated Shawn since the moment I saw him. “What am I supposed to do, pay for my kids?” YES YOU MOTHERFUCKER. Ugh.

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4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I hate men who don’t take care of their kids, and I’ve hated Shawn since the moment I saw him. “What am I supposed to do, pay for my kids?” YES YOU MOTHERFUCKER. Ugh.

Seriously. And his informal arrangement with Kelly is undoubtedly costing him less than formal child support would. He needs to shut up and pay up... and get his old job back?

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5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Seriously. And his informal arrangement with Kelly is undoubtedly costing him less than formal child support would. He needs to shut up and pay up... and get his old job back?

Yeah, Kelly lets him get away with way too much. I suspect if I were her friend I’d have reached the point of “I don’t know what you want me to say. We’ve had this conversation a thousand times. You know I think he sucks, so …🤷🏾‍♀️” with her years ago. I remember her saying he’d never taken her to a nice restaurant … Kelly, girl, why did you have SIX KIDS with a man who couldn’t even be bothered to buy you a decent plate of food?!

She should have BEEN taken him to court. I don’t know if she’s trying to keep the peace with him or what, but fuck that - he’s a deadbeat father (I remember his daughter sobbing over how he’d abandoned her), and since he won’t act right himself, let the courts force the issue. He had thousands to spend on inmates but couldn’t be bothered to support his kids? Fuck Shawn. I loathe him.

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