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S09:E03: October 12, 2023

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Aw. I know last week I was all these sobbing/screaming people over lust triangles is ridiculous. But I actually feel a little bad for Brayden. He actually seems to care about Kat specifically, not just that I possess the first person I spoke to. The way she walked right up to and past him right before the date without saying a thing, and then had no hesitation with making out with Tanner while it’s still the daytime portion of the date, so it’s not like they even spent that much time together. 

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Kat is saying Brayden is being argumentative and confrontational?!?! Woooow. Honestly, this is the best thing that has ever happened to this man. He left Charity’s season made out to be the “villian.” I mean, I think most viewers realized the guys were extra harsh towards him for not pretending to be in love with Charity. But he came in here as a kind, sensitive, and laid-back dude, and all of the guys are actually friends with him now. Then Kat treats him like this for daring to be sad and somewhat dumbfounded about how quickly she changed her tune. The others—her friends—realize how hurt he was and spoke up on his behalf that she should try to show the man some empathy. And instead she rails at him and accuses him of fighting when the poor man was just sitting there and couldn’t even get a word out. Anyhoo, congratulations, Brayden. You just went from villain to America’s sweetheart. You are the darling of Bachelor Nation now.

Edited by JenE4
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It’s nice to see Brayden and the other guys all buddy buddy. They most definitely are seeing him in a different light. I am as well. I’ve came across as cocky and arrogant on Charity’s season and was rude to her. Looks like his vulnerability did him some good. I thought I liked Kat but she’s definitely coming across as a mean girl. Wait until Tanner finds someone else and she’ll try to cozy up to Brayden again.

I kinda want to know how they deliver a poop baby and I kinda don’t. Poor thing.

Has Jess always been that voluptuous up top? Maybe it’s just because I haven’t seen her in a bathing suit. She is a cutie.

Edited by Kiss my mutt
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Has Paradise really been that tough for Will? He’s had the opportunity to make out with three hot women. That would have been considered a roaring success in the early years of this show.

Can we please get anyone other than Olivia to give us some talking head commentary?! I mean, I get that she’s probably the only one the producers have gotten to give snarky commentary about any and all situations, but she’s really mean and annoying. Having her as the Greek chorus is really ruining this show for me.

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Wow, that Kat is a loon! Thank your lucky stars Braydon that she rejected you so coldly.  Now you know who she is and after that tongue lashing she gave you for daring to be unhappy with the way she dumped you without looking back, and for saying so, when asked by the others on the beach. 

How dare he didn’t find her perfect in every way and that his hurt feelings are his fault for not reading her mind, when she wasn’t knowing her feelings for him when she woke up this morning! He’s causing drama and just can’t calmly speak, so she must leave in an indignant huff!

That projecting she did on him, just calmly sitting there listening to her go on and on, was a real eye opening display of her character.

I hope Braydon is smart enough to breathe a big sigh of relief, after that close call with a sociopath.

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I have to admit I got a little schadenfreude when Rachel got all excited about Tyler and he was like, nope, been there done that! She would have left Sean in a heartbeat if he were interested. I feel bad for him thinking she’s a catch. She’s not exactly a hot commodity considering she was a co-bachelorette. Too bad Gabi is locked down with her lady. She would give her a run with her money, but she may be best buds with Rachel still. I don’t know.

Its nice to see Blake so chill and not sexually obnoxious like he’s been before.

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Rachel was much more interested in Tyler in Paradise than she was on Bachelorette. On their hometown visit, he brought her to the Jersey shore carnival/amusement park he worked at and introduced her to his closest friends, who also worked there. Rachel realized that was not the future she wanted, and bailed without meeting his parents. To be fair, he did seem like a high school kid introducing his friends to his hot older girlfriend.  It was one of the most awkward hometowns ever.  Did she really want him to pick her for the date?

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1 hour ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

I have felt compelled to come out of my almost always lurking status to comment that I don't know what producer thought it was a good idea to apparently have Olivia as this season's narrator but I find her to be annoying, smug, and completely devoid of any charm. Go away, you Night One slug.

Also, Kat is a total bitch. 

Olivia also seems high in her commentaries.  

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21 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Aw. I know last week I was all these sobbing/screaming people over lust triangles is ridiculous. But I actually feel a little bad for Brayden. He actually seems to care about Kat specifically, not just that I possess the first person I spoke to. The way she walked right up to and past him right before the date without saying a thing, and then had no hesitation with making out with Tanner while it’s still the daytime portion of the date, so it’s not like they even spent that much time together. 

I didn't watch Charity's season so this is my only experience seeing Brayden. He is coming off sympathetic. Kat was a jerk. She didn't even acknowledge him when she was going on the date with Tanner. She was dismissive and rude, and then she tried to tell him he wasn't allowed to feel his own feelings! I thought he handled her well in his response. 

I hope Tanner dumps her! 

On a similar note, Mercedes is playing Will. Doesn't look like he will last through the rose ceremony. 

So far Rachel is in the background on this show, surprising for a former Bachelorette. I wonder if she is irked that Tyler didn't pick her for the date. Her hair extensions looks rough in a few shots. The beach weather is not kind to her hair. 

At the risk of devolving into bathroom talk, I'll say this: 1) Surprised Sam's belly is that flat after 9 days and she's still able to eat 2) I could've done without this story and hope to never see it again 3) Sam looks much older than her reported age to me.. 27? 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 10/12/2023 at 10:43 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

It’s nice to see Brayden and the other guys all buddy buddy. They most definitely are seeing him in a different light. I am as well. I’ve came across as cocky and arrogant on Charity’s season and was rude to her. Looks like his vulnerability did him some good. I thought I liked Kat but she’s definitely coming across as a mean girl. Wait until Tanner finds someone else and she’ll try to cozy up to Brayden again.

I kinda want to know how they deliver a poop baby and I kinda don’t. Poor thing.

Has Jess always been that voluptuous up top? Maybe it’s just because I haven’t seen her in a bathing suit. She is a cutie.

I follow all the guys on IG and they are all good friends now.  That’s the part I like about the franchise  is that they make lifelong friends . Brayden and Aaron S hang out all the time. 

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On 10/13/2023 at 10:45 PM, Artsda said:

Olivia is not likeable to watch her narrations. 

Kat is horrible, she makes be like Brayden who I didn't like on Charity's season.  He's redeemed himself on BIP.

They need to bring in some more girls. Will and Brayden will probably go.  

Agree Olivia is over-the-top in her THs. She is trying too hard and is not as funny as she thinks she is. 

I feel sorry for Will. He doesn't seem emotionally stable enough for this show, so I hope he doesn't get a rose. Not sure about Brayden. Right not it's not looking good for him unless there is producer manipulation. 

Rachel is an after thought on this show. Wonder if it bothers me given she had to share the limelight when she was Bachelorette. Or could that be why she's not being spotlighted here. 

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2 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Rachel is an after thought on this show. Wonder if it bothers me given she had to share the limelight when she was Bachelorette. Or could that be why she's not being spotlighted here. 

I think most people find confidence attractive, but Rachel, even after being co-lead, still projects insecurity.   Gabby would have strode in and owned the beach.  

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On 10/13/2023 at 12:43 PM, Ivana Tinkle said:

I have felt compelled to come out of my almost always lurking status to comment that I don't know what producer thought it was a good idea to apparently have Olivia as this season's narrator but I find her to be annoying, smug, and completely devoid of any charm. Go away, you Night One slug.

How much more fun would this season be if Olivia had been replaced by Christina Mandrell?

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On 10/13/2023 at 4:52 PM, Sweet-tea said:

At the risk of devolving into bathroom talk, I'll say this: 1) Surprised Sam's belly is that flat after 9 days and she's still able to eat 2) I could've done without this story and hope to never see it again 3) Sam looks much older than her reported age to me.. 27? 

Yeah, after 9 days, I wouldn't think she'd be able to walk. And she does look significantly older than her stated age, she looks a very fit mid 40-something with a good Botox doctor. 


I feel sorry for Will. He doesn't seem emotionally stable enough for this show, so I hope he doesn't get a rose. Not sure about Brayden. Right not it's not looking good for him unless there is producer manipulation.

Will's an emotional wreck and it's uncomfortable to watch. That being said, Tyler choosing Mercedes seemed like a producer choice, he seemed more interested in Jess or even Rachel. 

Tanner seemed like an overly mannered doofus on that date. Something about him doesn't seem quite genuine. And the trend this season of having everyone, male and female, gush over every person who comes down the path is so awkward. Sean seems most up for it from the male side and the omnipresent Olivia has endless commentary on everyone despite have zero connections with anyone.

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I don't think I can forgive Kat for making me feel sorry for Brayden of all people, but I totally do. I thought he was way too cocky, rude, and try hard on Charity's season but he's been pretty nice on BiP and he really did seem to like Kat a lot. Its like the opposite of much people on BiP where I like someone on their season but as soon as they get to the beach they fall apart, I didn't like Brayden on his season but he's winning me over here. I think everyone nailed it when they said she was just using him for a rose, the way she didn't even look back at him and just stone faced told him that she was done with him right after her date were pretty brutal, she could have at least tried to act a bit conflicted to make Brayden feel a less like a placeholder. Then she had a the nerve to yell at him and make it seem like he's the bad guy for daring to be sad about her dumping him?! Projecting much? 

It must be rough for Rachel to be a Bachelorette who's so in the background, especially after sharing her season and clearly being massively insecure. I feel bad for her even if I don't like her all that much as her insecurity makes her pretty selfish, but you can just feel her desperate need oozing off the screen. 

Who decided Olivia should be the shows greek chorus, and can they be fired?  

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On 10/12/2023 at 9:50 PM, DEL901 said:

Rachel looked confident that Tyler was picking her….wish they had shown her reaction when he picked Mercedes.  

Yes, and that was so odd.  HIs last experience with her was being dumped by her, so did she really think that he was that heartbroken, and still so, such that he would want to choose her above all other (new) women on the beach?

On 10/12/2023 at 10:36 PM, Riplet68 said:

i don’t like Rachel, so loved when Tyler joked about her being chill

OMG that was great!  And surprising, because in a Bach/ette season, we rarely hear any contestants say anything negative about the lead...and if they do, they are wrong-reason-shamed by the other contestants. So it was great to hear a negative quality ascribed by a former contestant to a lead.

On 10/13/2023 at 4:52 PM, Sweet-tea said:

Kat was a jerk. She didn't even acknowledge him when she was going on the date with Tanner. 

It was actually worse than just not acknowledging him, because as she walked past him, he complimented her, and IIRC, she literally did not even respond.

On 10/13/2023 at 4:52 PM, Sweet-tea said:

On a similar note, Mercedes is playing Will. Doesn't look like he will last through the rose ceremony. 

I have found it interesting that they are appearing to pull back the curtain about the timeframe of the show. We already had a comment from Kylee when she dumped Will, where she said, "I can't think of anyone I would have rather spent yesterday with than you", after someone else had said something about it being day 2.  And now, someone was talking to Will while Mercedes was on the date, and said something like, "You haven't had a day yet without drama", implying that it is now day 3. Ordinarily, this franchise tries to make us think it's been a full week each time they switch which gender gets to give out the roses. That's part of what made is so funny when Will was talking about how Mercedes was really there for him when he was going through the heartbreak about Kylee...you mean that 3-hour period when you were distraught? 

On 10/12/2023 at 10:43 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

Has Jess always been that voluptuous up top? Maybe it’s just because I haven’t seen her in a bathing suit. She is a cutie.

Jess must be hugely insecure, because the first thing she said to both of the new guys when they pulled her for the get-acquainted chat, was, "I'm bloated today, so I'm wearing a one-piece bathing suit." WTAF?  First of all, there is no need whatsoever to be apologetic for wearing a very attractive one-piece bathing suit. And more importantly, second, why would you EVER start a conversation with a hot stranger by saying you are bloated?!?! 

12 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Tanner seemed like an overly mannered doofus on that date. Something about him doesn't seem quite genuine. 

What struck me was how odd it was when he said that horses are like dogs; they're intimated by us. Really? I think all horses, no matter how well-mannered, know deep down that at any second, they could throw us off, and behaving well is a choice they make. Likewise, I think dogs know they could bite the hell out of us, but choose not to because they like the relationships they have with us. But being intimidated by humans?  I think not!

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16 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

What struck me was how odd it was when he said that horses are like dogs; they're intimated by us.

I thought all of their horse talk was hilarious, its clear that these two have not only not ridden before, they might have never seen a horse or even heard of them before. Not only is saying that horses are intimidated by humans a wild take on horse/humans relationships, I was cracking up at how they were both going on about how easy riding horses is and how natural they are, its clear that these are extremely well trained horses that have probably taken this path a million times and are just doing it through memory, looking forward to dinner when they get home. If this was a slightly less controlled environment, I don't think its the horses that would be intimidated. 

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On 10/17/2023 at 9:37 PM, LuvMyShows said:

Jess must be hugely insecure, because the first thing she said to both of the new guys when they pulled her for the get-acquainted chat, was, "I'm bloated today, so I'm wearing a one-piece bathing suit." WTAF?  First of all, there is no need whatsoever to be apologetic for wearing a very attractive one-piece bathing suit. And more importantly, second, why would you EVER start a conversation with a hot stranger by saying you are bloated?!?! 

I thought that was so odd too! It was odd the first time, but at least that guy had complimented her bathing suit or something so making reference to the 1-piece at least made a shred of sense, the second time, it was literally the first words out of her mouth and the guy was like "um, what?" 

How is bloating an attractive topic of conversation with a person you've just met?

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