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Cirie wants to stay on block. On one hand, maybe she wants out of game if game goes against her. On other, nice strategic move to keep lines of communication to get data download from Cam to suss things out & not have to vote against him..jury management  

FBJ, I now refer to as BFJ.   I like BFJ. Now to see what happens next week!

Team Fun Feeds!!

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Does anyone know if the game that Cam, Jag, Matt, and Blue are playing on the pool table is real or are they just making things up because they got bored with pool?   And I know this isn't pool because they aren't using the Fancy Pot Passers to move them tough eggs.  

@Diana Berry, it turned out that Bowie Jane was fairly easy to manipulate, and she's surprisingly anti-Cam right now.  I think it is because for the first time she's the center of rapt attention when she complains about him.  But his love of running his mouth around everyone didn't help.  It was easy to convince her that he wasn't loyal to him.  

I'm curious to see if Bowie Jane suffers a let down when she is no longer HOH, as is always a switch from going from the most important person in the game to just another player.  OTOH, every vote is crucial at this point, so she will remain important to any discussions.  Cameron has actually been handling the fact that he's leaving fairly well.  But it is early days yet.  

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Re. Cirie: Cirie is on the block because she asked to stay instead of Felicia. She doesn’t want to go, she just wanted to give Felicia a break. It’s part of her social game. She has been assured by multiple people that Cam is going, so it’s a low risk/ potentially high gain move.

Re. Bowie: Bowie is not being manipulated. She made the best decision for HER game, and I think it was the correct one. There’s only so far you can go with a house pariah, and her other options are far more viable. Better to cut Cam now than go down with his sinking ship.

Re. Illiteracy: Emily Dickerson wrote Jane Eyre?? Please someone tell me he was just fucking with them. And anyone who doesn’t know 1984 should be booted off the show immediately, because COME ON. It’s almost too ironic.

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20 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Does anyone know if the game that Cam, Jag, Matt, and Blue are playing on the pool table is real or are they just making things up because they got bored with pool?   And I know this isn't pool because they aren't using the Fancy Pot Passers to move them tough eggs.  

@Diana Berry, it turned out that Bowie Jane was fairly easy to manipulate, and she's surprisingly anti-Cam right now.  I think it is because for the first time she's the center of rapt attention when she complains about him.  But his love of running his mouth around everyone didn't help.  It was easy to convince her that he wasn't loyal to him.  

I'm curious to see if Bowie Jane suffers a let down when she is no longer HOH, as is always a switch from going from the most important person in the game to just another player.  OTOH, every vote is crucial at this point, so she will remain important to any discussions.  Cameron has actually been handling the fact that he's leaving fairly well.  But it is early days yet.  

I still can’t believe Cirie is still there.  Guess the hamsters will end up handing the check right to her.  It still bugs me she didn’t have to compete in the first comp and had a partner that was completely loyal for weeks. 

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I tune in to feeds to find Cirie and Felicia whispering about a potential four female + Matt alliance. I don’t know who the other two females are. Blue and America? I assume not Bowie Jane because they then proceed to discuss how much she sucks.

Still whispering, Felicia grumps about a stain she hasn’t been able to get of her dress and how she needs to try some Oxy Clean on it. She and Cirie both realize that they are whispering about laundry and double over laughing. “This show is making us crazy!” Felicia says. She compensates by shouting her Oxy Clean plans to the house. They pull themselves together and decide to go mingle. “Look at us, staying up late!” they giggle. 

I could get into this Golden Hamsters spin-off sitcom.


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Cirie and Felicia are back in whisper mode. They tsk tsk over Bowie’s shameful treatment of Cameron, then start running through various scenarios. (What happened to mingling?)

They know Matt and Jag (especially Jag) need to go, and try to figure out how that can happen. First of all, Cory and America need to wake up and stop throwing competitions. Cirie says they need either Blue and Bowie on their side, or Cory and America. The problem is, they don’t trust any of those people.

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9 hours ago, Skooma said:

Blue?  Of course she would keep the secret unless it was Cirie being the one that got her out of the house.

At that point I'm pretty sure production has asked Blue to not reveal the secret because they want the moment when Julie tells them one by one "what would you say if I told you there is a secret relationship in the house?".

It's not normal that she knows and she acts like she doesn't. At the moment she has no reason to not reveal it to at least Cirie. In the contrary, it would make their bond stronger.

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More Golden Hamster whispering: Who is more dangerous, Jag or Matt? Hard to say, but they both need to go. They think Matt would have the most votes to win. Cirie has lost trust in Matt because he lied to her. He told her he didn’t know anything about the Jared vote.

Cirie is shocked to still be there. She thought she’d be voted out first week because of Survivor. Cory is the one who saved her: As a superfan, he knew everything about her and told everyone she is loyal. If not for that, she’d have been out. (Cory may be a fan, but I wouldn’t say he knows everything about her…)


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12 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Is anyone still watching?

Oh yea. This week resuscitated the season after the zombie week debacle. Now they just need to realize it should be Matt, not Jag, that goes next and the game is opened up again. Although, I fear that might lead to a Cirie win and tbh I'd rather see Matt win. At least he isn't on his 500th TV appearance lol.

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I hope Matt and Jag get to feel the heat. Either they win HOH and get blood on their hands or get put on the block. In order for this game to open up, one has to leave this upcoming week. Cirie tried to talk to Blue but she was not receptive to go against her friends. Blue told Matt and Jag about what Cam has been saying about them. 

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2 hours ago, Shrek said:

So what made Bowie Jane turn on Cam after they were best pals last time I checked?

Bowie Jane was not feeling good with nominating Cam at first because she was saying that he hadn't done anything to her and that only if she found out that Cam had said something about her would she nominate him. So Cam did say something about her (that America is acting weird because Bowie must have told her that she would backdoor Cory) and that made Bowie think that it's enough reason to nominate Cam.

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I think, as Bowie said in the Sunday ep, that she really wants to work with Matt and Jag, who both encouraged her to BD Cameron. She really trusts them so she thought it was what was best for their game as an alliance going forward.

And honestly, it's hard to say if Cameron would have actually been most loyal to Bowie. He kinda joked with Jag (I believe or it might have been Matt) about the F2 she proposed to him so I don't think he was serious about it. 

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Cory just said that Cameron talked down to him and said that Matt was dumb.  Felicia sagely announced that "you can't demean people like that."   I wish I could show her some film from the way she was treating Bowie a few weeks ago.   

Pretty much the only thing I've seen since yesterday has been Cameron trying to torpedo Matt and Jag and the others gathering in large groups to talk about how he's a Big Meanie.  Even Cory, who probably has the best reason to dislike Cam, just said it made him feel guilty to have everyone in HOH bashing him.  Of course, he's been his own worse enemy since they got there and not only for the obsession with America.  He's been unable to keep his mouth shut and the constantly shifting alliances haven't helped.   The others have gotten mad at each other but have been able to shake it up later.  

I'm beginning to think Mr. B ought to provide them with rotten fruits and vegetables to pelt him as he walks through the door.   Cause just voting him out isn't going to satisfy them.  



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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

And honestly, it's hard to say if Cameron would have actually been most loyal to Bowie. He kinda joked with Jag (I believe or it might have been Matt) about the F2 she proposed to him so I don't think he was serious about it. 

I don't think Bowie ever wanted to work with Cameron long term if she had a choice to go with someone else. He's unpredictable as a player and as a person she clearly doesn't like how he speaks to and about people. And I agree that Cameron's loyalty was very flexible. He would have taken Bowie if it served him, but if he felt Blue or America would be a better choice for him he would have happily dropped Bowie, and I think she knows that. 

A couple of hours ago Cameron was trying to convince America that he's being framed for being the one to suggest backdooring Cory when it was really other people. Whenever she spoke up--even nicely or playfully--to disagree or say she didn't really believe him, he came back at her, claiming she doesn't let him speak, saying she "takes things personal," and giving an exasperated "here we go," when she responded skeptically to his statement. It kept going for a few minutes, and she never raised her voice or even had an unkind tone; she just called him out on not being as honest with her as he claims he was. Eventually she responded to his whining that the plan had been inflicted upon him and he was being blamed  by saying "You're the planner, Cam. Come on. You're smarter than that." And he got up and walked away without another word.

She then followed him to the scary room and called him out for walking out on their conversation and for going to talk to Jag when all he had just done in his conversation with her was implicate Jag. So anyone who called Day 70 as the day America finally reached the end of her rope with Cameron, you win the prize. 

However Cameron thinks he feels about America, the person in his mind isn't real.  She's purposely played down her intelligence and her opinions when she's spoken to him, but she let a glimpse of her real self show today and he didn't like it at all. The second she expressed an opinion of her own and wouldn't placate him, he tried to guilt her into it. When that didn't work, he tapped out of the conversation. 

Edited by Jillibean
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10 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I don't think Bowie ever wanted to work with Cameron long term if she had a choice to go with someone else. He's unpredictable as a player and as a person she clearly doesn't like how he speaks to and about people.

Strengthening her decision to go against Cam  were several demeaning things he had said about her, as shared by Cory and Jag. I don’t know if those things were true, but I’m sure it wasn’t hard for her to believe, given what she’s heard him say about others. Cam is merely reaping what he’s been sowing.

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Checking back into feeds, I find another episode of Bathrobe Grannies is underway. Tonight, they are trying to think of the longest words they can. Felicia suggests “biodegradabilities”. Cirie is skeptical. It’s a word in its singular form, but plural? Felicia insists everything can be made plural.

They scan the backs of various canisters and packages in the room, to find more words. Unprofessionalism, unrecognizable, moisturization, developmentally. None of these are long enough to be satisfying.

“Reconstructionalisation!” Felicia declares! Again, Cirie is skeptical, but Felicia is sure this is it. She repeats and spells it out several times.

I guess they’re preparing for a spelling comp, longest word wins? The one that hasn’t been played in what, 6 years? They should probably start by choosing real words.

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Cirie gets called to DR, and special guest star Matt joins the sitcom stage. He says Cam’s been trying to make him nervous, saying everyone will be after him next. Felicia assures him it’s not true. 

Matt wonders who should go next. He thinks if he takes out Blue, Cirie will be mad. Felicia disagrees. (Me too. I think Cirie’s deep into her I-don’t-give-a-fuck phase.) 

Felicia proposes Cory, but Matt steers the conversation back to Blue. Sounds like she may be the Minuteman priority.

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Felicia and Matt talk about trust. Neither are sure where Jag stands in relation to Blue. Felicia warns Matt that Jag won’t want to sit next to him in the end. Blue would be a safer choice. Matt understands.

Cirie returns, Felicia leaves. Cirie and Matt talk strategy, which consists mainly of Cory and America Need to Go. Cirie proposes an end game of her, Matt, Jag and Bowie, then her, Matt and Jag. This is probably her best path to a F2 chair, but I think they would prefer to take Felicia instead. (At least Jag would. Matt plays more with his heart.)

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Matt leaves, and Cirie and Felicia recap the night. Felicia is banking on Matt or Jag winning next HoH and taking out Cory, leaving America and Bowie ripe for scooping up. Then she or Cirie can win the next one. Reconstructualisation! That’s not a word, Cirie laughs. Yes it is, Felicia argues. 

Fade out on the bickering grannies; that’s a wrap on this episode.

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I spoke too soon; there was a curtain call. I don’t know if I’m just easily entertained, but I am having the best time listening to Felicia and Cirie make up words, try to spell them, and then argue over custody of said words in the event of a comp that will never happen. (You’d think Cirie would spend more time studying relevant things, like, say, the order of HG evictions, but oh well.) 

Who knew that the feeds I’ve been needing would consist of two grumpy women in bathrobes, sniping and giggling while complaining about the young kids and their endless yakking. They’ve become the Statler and Waldorf of season 25.

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Now Matt is talking to Bowie, offering Cirie’s proposal of a final 4 with the three of them and Jag, except he’s not giving Cirie credit for the idea. Matt says he thinks Cirie will go for it. Bowie is in.

Elsewhere, America shares what Cam said about Matt and Jag, if he gets to stay: “I’m going to eat one of them for lunch while the other one watches.” Yikes. Maybe if he asks nice, the DR will throw in a bottle of Chianti and/or some fava beans.

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Frankly, just like how it made sense for Jag and Matt to flip from Felicia to Mecole once Felicia was done ranting about Cory and America, it probably actually DOES make sense for Cory and America to flip from Cameron to Cirie at this point and let Cam go nuts on Jag and Matt. However, they don't have the votes, so it's a pointless endeavor.

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Cam tried to offer some parting advice to Blue, little of which interested her. He gave a strategy for next week, which she rejected. She tried to talk and he talked over her. He said the best advice he got came from Cirie: Don’t immediately agree to any idea, just nod and say “hmm, interesting.” (Cut to Cirie listening to Cory and saying “hmm.”)

Then he complained about leaving when he never did anything wrong, chastised himself for playing badly, and swore up and down he never had an alliance with anyone with Red. “My only final two left weeks ago”, he said. “Mine too”, Blue sighed.

Cory chatted up Cirie for Survivor stories again. He told America she’s going to love watching his Survivor recordings with him once this is over. Cirie is in 3 of the best seasons. (He has them all ranked.) He has watched them over and over, which means he has seen that Loved Ones Visit featuring Jared multiple times. What I wouldn’t give to see his face the next time he watches it.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Later, Cory and America climb into bed. America asks if he’s going to crawl all over her like a spider monkey. Cory asks if she’s going to be the spider monkey. Aaand that’s my cue to call it a night.

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4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Frankly, just like how it made sense for Jag and Matt to flip from Felicia to Mecole once Felicia was done ranting about Cory and America, it probably actually DOES make sense for Cory and America to flip from Cameron to Cirie at this point and let Cam go nuts on Jag and Matt. However, they don't have the votes, so it's a pointless endeavor.

The problem with Cameron is that you can't actually count on him to do anything that makes sense or that is consistent with his previous actions. He might be anti Jag and Matt now, but by next week he might have changed his mind again, especially if one of them wins HOH.  And Cory and America are both aware that he has personal feelings about them and their relationship that affects his game thinking and seem to really be done trying to appease him.

3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Cam tried to offer some parting advice to Blue, little of which interested her. He gave a strategy for next week, which she rejected. She tried to talk and he talked over her. He said the best advice he got came from Cirie: Don’t immediately agree to any idea, just nod and say “hmm, interesting.” (Cut to Cirie listening to Cory and saying “hmm.”)

"She tried to talk and he talked over her" is a perfect way to summarize basically every conversation Cameron has with a woman in this house. 

He cannot be gone soon enough for me. When I'm having a bad day I think I'll rewatch the clip of America telling Cameron that Cory is her boyfriend and Cory holding out his hand for a celebratory fist bump from Cameron while smirking so aggressively it's a wonder Cameron wasn't knocked backwards by the impact of it. 


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5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Frankly, just like how it made sense for Jag and Matt to flip from Felicia to Mecole once Felicia was done ranting about Cory and America, it probably actually DOES make sense for Cory and America to flip from Cameron to Cirie at this point and let Cam go nuts on Jag and Matt. However, they don't have the votes, so it's a pointless endeavor.

Only because Cory and Finland drastically underestimate Cam’s antipathy towards Cory; at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cam isn’t trying to work out a way to blame Cory for global warming.

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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

When I'm having a bad day I think I'll rewatch the clip of America telling Cameron that Cory is her boyfriend and Cory holding out his hand for a celebratory fist bump from Cameron while smirking so aggressively it's a wonder Cameron wasn't knocked backwards by the impact of it. 

Link please!

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I remember Cameron mentioning Cerie and The Traitors early on. I don’t get why he’s not at least bringing it up again to campaign against her, telling the others she won the dang thing. I know CBS Viacom/Paramount + is not happy with The Traitors ever being the topic of conversation because it was put out by a rival company/streamer (NBC/Universal for Peacock) but it would seem to me this fact could resonate with the other HGs. Cerie frigging won The Traitors because her calm demeanor and charm totally hoodwinked her fellow competitors, some of whom were reality show vets like Rachel and Cody. I don’t get why Cameron doesn’t use this as a Hail Mary pass.

Edited by TimWil
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It’s my super busy week at work and baseball playoffs are happening so I’m only halfway paying attention, but it sounds like the targets next week will be either Cory or Blue, depending on who wins HOH. And I would think because of this, Jag/Matt don’t want to win and Cirie/Felicia aren’t all that interested. And Cory will think that he doesn’t want to win because he’s a dumbass. And America can’t win anything. So I predict a Blue HOH. Out of a general lack of effort/ability on everyone else’s parts. 

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24 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I don’t get why Cameron doesn’t use this as a Hail Mary pass.

I suspect most of them already know about Traitors. I’m sure they all know about Survivor. That hasn’t been a factor so far, why would it be now? 
They’re not voting out Cameron because they don’t know Cirie’s history. They’re voting out Cameron because he’s an annoying, untrustworthy, unpredictable player who can beat them at comps and it would be crazy to keep him around.

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12:15 BB time: Cory, Jag, Bowie, Matt and America are hanging out in the bathroom, coming up with nonsense rhymes to pass the time. They prepare for tomorrow’s slip and slide by deciding that everyone will try for HoH unless they see Blue going for safety. In that case, Jag and Cory will go for safety and stop her.

Meanwhile, Cirie and Felicia are making up more words in preparation for tomorrow’s spelling comp. Only this time, they’re spelling with SKITTLES, so you know it’s serious.

Cam is no where in sight.

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8 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

It’s my super busy week at work and baseball playoffs are happening so I’m only halfway paying attention, but it sounds like the targets next week will be either Cory or Blue, depending on who wins HOH. And I would think because of this, Jag/Matt don’t want to win and Cirie/Felicia aren’t all that interested. And Cory will think that he doesn’t want to win because he’s a dumbass. And America can’t win anything. So I predict a Blue HOH. Out of a general lack of effort/ability on everyone else’s parts. 

I would generally agree with this assessment, but Blue told the cameras last night she plans to throw. So I think a lot will depend on who actually tries in the competition versus how badly America flops. I actually think the boys wanted to throw OTEV to her, but she made that impossible. I love her, but I think these comps make her nervous. I also think she and Blue got cheated with the wall this season, because I have never seen a wall that catered so heavily to strength over endurance. 

The presiding guess seems to be the spinning discs for tomorrow. 

8 hours ago, TimWil said:

I remember Cameron mentioning Cerie and The Traitors early on. I don’t get why he’s not at least bringing it up again to campaign against her, telling the others she won the dang thing. 

Does he know that she won or any details about how? Because Cameron's MO is to talk with authority about things he actually knows nothing about. 

I'm thinking we're going to get a double next week, both because it makes sense to do it 7 to 5 and because production should be covering themselves by making sure no one is alone in the jury house with Cameron for a week. 

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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:
10 hours ago, TimWil said:

I remember Cameron mentioning Cerie and The Traitors early on. I don’t get why he’s not at least bringing it up again to campaign against her, telling the others she won the dang thing. 

Does he know that she won or any details about how? Because Cameron's MO is to talk with authority about things he actually knows nothing about. 

"Yeah, Cirie was on that Traitors show...it aired back in 2005. Took place in a Revolutionary War fort in California. She was paired with Puck who then got kicked off. But she kept going on her own, until she fell into the fire and had to be medevac'd. Don't you guys know about that? *smirk*"

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10 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

It’s my super busy week at work and baseball playoffs are happening so I’m only halfway paying attention, but it sounds like the targets next week will be either Cory or Blue, depending on who wins HOH. And I would think because of this, Jag/Matt don’t want to win and Cirie/Felicia aren’t all that interested. And Cory will think that he doesn’t want to win because he’s a dumbass. And America can’t win anything. So I predict a Blue HOH. Out of a general lack of effort/ability on everyone else’s parts. 

I'm seeing talk that people will be targeting Jag/Matt. Cirie was trying very hard to get Blue on board for it but it's Blue so she was like 'I have a F3 with them, they wouldn't betray me' lol.

I would hope Cory would see that he needs to get out Matt immediately. 

Getting out Matt might be something they try to wait for the DE to do though. I could even potentially see Jag taking part in it at that point, especially if he can do it without actually being the one to make the move.

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4 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I'm thinking we're going to get a double next week, both because it makes sense to do it 7 to 5 and because production should be covering themselves by making sure no one is alone in the jury house with Cameron for a week. 

I doubt that would be the basis for a DE.  Also, if these HG are so intimidated by someone like Cam, they have no business playing the game.  And I doubt most of them are. 

Dunno about Cory though.  He can always run away, lol - as he does when confronted.

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Blue said say she wanted to throw in order to force Matt and Jag to do their own dirty work getting Cory out. That way she can sccop up America and have the girls take out Matt and Jag for an all girl finale.

After Blues Cam talk, Matt told Blue that Cory is targeting her to fuel the fires. Then later that night America told Blue she was a target for Matt and Jag. Interestingly enough, Blue told Matt and Jag that Cameron told her she was their target and did not say it was America. I think depending on who wins HOH, the chances of Matt and Jag being targets is growing. 

ETA: This was a fun moment last night.


Edited by kellog010
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From what I've read here and seen on TV, Jag seems to be the plotting, planning and yappy one of the Matt & Jag team always trying to force the issue when Matt knows to walk it back. 

Has Jag turned into thinking he is now the mastermind running the show?  If so does he become the bigger target of the two

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14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I suspect most of them already know about Traitors. I’m sure they all know about Survivor. That hasn’t been a factor so far, why would it be now? 
They’re not voting out Cameron because they don’t know Cirie’s history. They’re voting out Cameron because he’s an annoying, untrustworthy, unpredictable player who can beat them at comps and it would be crazy to keep him around.

Yeah, well, then they’re idiots who deserve to end up losing to her.


I would assume Cory knows all about her Traitors win. I just don’t get it.

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