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Season 25 Live Feeds Discussion


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1 hour ago, Slider said:

I totally agree, with the exception of the last line.  Did I miss something? I didn't think that was the reason Reilly was voted out.  

I think it's one of those deals where that's not SPECIFICALLY why she's gone, but it likely was an undercurrent. You know, like if she was a dude, her HOH would likely have been viewed very differently. 

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Red w/o Cam is going to be like Ben w/o Glory and they will all land on how much they trust Cirie.

And indeed this is exactly what happened, they had Legend 25 meeting and 


But the worst part was Matt ratted something out to Cirie that they only told Matt but they blamed Americory and actually believe that even though they didn't tell Americory any of the info they were confronted with. Madness. So Americor still fucked unless they get HoH/Power of Invicibility



Edited by blixie
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14 hours ago, blixie said:

I think the general consensus by recappers was it will be mostly feed watchers voting due to the placement of the special power in the episode I also tend to think most online voting is dominated by the most passionate/invested viewers and by definition that isn't casual show watchers.

Yeah but of course online "recappers" are going to think they and their online readers/followers/etc do all the voting.  Ego trippers much.

I don't believe it one bit.  I think TV viewers only will likely make up at least 95% of the voters as in the voting pools are several million versus several hundred potential voters.  And my guess also is most online BB followers aren't going to vote either like me.  So if only a small percent of TV viewers vote it will still be a big big majority. 

I mean people walk around with cell phones clutched to their persons and are always messing with them day and night so it is easy to vote.  Not like the olden days when you had to fire up ye olde work station and wait 5 minutes for it to boot up.  A person's left thumb can do this in seconds these days.

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Okay I can't figure out what's going on in the house re: Invicibility thing. They are all talking about it as if they competed but are wondering if they were picked, America said she wasn't. I don't know if they had then all compete and are only using the four who were voted for scores and some are just lying? Or did America just not get called yet?

3 minutes ago, blixie said:

Okay I can't figure out what's going on in the house re: Invicibility thing. They are all talking about it as if they competed but are wondering if they were picked, America said she wasn't. I don't know if they had then all compete and are only using the four who were voted for scores and some are just lying? Or did America just not get called yet?

From what I can tell, they are calling all houseguests into the DR for roughly 30 minutes, so no one know who is actually competing.  4 of them will complete individually when they are in there, and the others will either just have a regular DR session, or sit there.  

ETA: I hope we get a late night session of people sharing that they did or did not compete so we know.

Edited by Slider
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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


"Your fuckin vagina must look 50 pounds frickin big, Amanda, like your mouth."

THERE ya go.  GM reminded me SO much of several young women I knew in college.  Any mention of a long-term relationship better have you burning rubber as you head for the hills - but the occasional weekend could be historic.  Just be sure to keep bail money on-hand.

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No I think they just all played I think it was the safe way to have them not blab who "played" and who didn't and then we all find out on Thursday who actually was in the running and who won. As a spoiler whore I hate this, I am going to tune in just to see Cirie or a minion win. 

Edited by blixie
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8 minutes ago, Slider said:

From what I can tell, they are calling all houseguests into the DR for roughly 30 minutes, so no one know who is actually competing. 

And they’re trusting people to keep quiet about what happened in there? I know, “you’re not allowed to talk about production!” But there are looks, and hand signals, and whatever. You think Jared’s not going to duck under a crusty blanket and whisper it to Blue?


3 hours ago, blixie said:

But the worst part was Matt ratted something out to Cirie that they only told Matt but they blamed Americory and actually believe that even though they didn't tell Americory any of the info they were confronted with. Madness.

DID WE LEARN NOTHING FROM FRENCHIE?? He conducted several Ted Talks on this very topic.

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7 minutes ago, blixie said:

No I think they just all played I think it was the safe way to have them not blab who "played" and who didn't and then we all find out on Thursday who actually was in the running and who won. As a spoiler whore I hate this, I am going to tune in just to see Cirie or a minion win. 

Good call. I think you're absolutely right. By the way, I adore the idea of, "Hey, Cirie, here's a superpower you can win that will give you the chance to control each election!" "Pass, I already have that power."

Edited by Brian Cronin
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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

And they’re trusting people to keep quiet about what happened in there? I know, “you’re not allowed to talk about production!” But there are looks, and hand signals, and whatever. You think Jared’s not going to duck under a crusty blanket and whisper it to Blue?

Oh no, I don't believe they will prevent them from spilling the secret, but I think they are trying to disguise it to the other houseguests a little. They can't announce that HG 1,2,3, and 4 are liked by America and therefore they will compete.  That's too obvious.  But if it comes out organically, there's nothing they can do. 

I fully believe that tonight on the hammock Cory will tell America he played.  That's me relying on the viewers voting for Cory, but I REALLY want that since Jared was pretty much telling everyone Cory didn't have a shot in hell.  

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Note that Cirie took forever in there, so if it is a timed comp (and it is likely a timed comp), she almost certainly didn't win, and it's just hilarious how she is seen as such a great ally when she is SO BAD at comps. 

Wasn’t that always Cirie’s superpower, though - looking so incompetent at challenges that nobody ever saw her as a substantial game threat? 😉

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

THERE ya go.  GM reminded me SO much of several young women I knew in college.  Any mention of a long-term relationship better have you burning rubber as you head for the hills - but the occasional weekend could be historic.  Just be sure to keep bail money on-hand.

Amanda had no idea what she'd gotten herself into with that argument, and bless her for it. That was textbook Staten Island arguing, just total 🤌

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31 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I don't think all of them played the game in the DR, because Bowie Jane and Cirie are each claiming they got a card saying "Sorry." 

Yeah, I’m not buying that either, she was in the DR for a long time. Also I would very much like for it to be announced on Thursday to everyone what the full rankings are and I’d like Jared to be told he’s close to the bottom. I wasn’t happy about him telling Cory that he doesn’t have a popular personality so he could never be a fan favorite and then calling him out for being offended. Everyone is allying with Cirie because they think she’s the fan favorite due to her history and think they will be as well by association. Morons! 

Edited by dizzyd
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Confirmed that Cirie played and thinks it took her at least 10 of 12 minutes allowed she said it to Izzy, so I think we can trust it. I think Falicia confirmed because she said she was waiting for the screen to say Congratulations and Cirie knows thats the exact way it was revealed to her. Still not 100% on Izzy but she went first and was giving advice to Cirie so ? I think Cory/America/Matt are the only other strong options. People think Jag is faking but I'm not sure i see his Office smirk to the camera after so I'm still betting he didn't get it. 

In other news Cory was telling Izzy earlier he doesn't want to keep Jag, and I can see that logic if you are Jared and Jared's actual # 1 and or 2, but Cory you are his #3 or 4. But if you want to keep Jared close you have got to want to get rid of Cerulean more than you fear Jag who has proven to be almost as dumb. SO I hope he's saying that knowing where he stands with them and is using reverse logic that if he wants Jag to go they should keep him. 

Also Cirie also still has no idea who she wants to go and honestly the Invicibility power being revealed before the vote kinda of does make the vote moo. I can't believe two small time noms are creating this much drama.

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41 minutes ago, blixie said:

People think Jag is faking but I'm not sure i see his Office smirk to the camera after so I'm still betting he didn't get

I can see Jag getting it because he’s been in a chicken suit for 8 weeks & he’s on the block. I can see the TV viewers voting for him because he’s recognizable and an underdog on the edit. 

That’s why I question people thinking that America, and to a lesser extend Cory, got to play. Feedsters love them, but America has been absolutely irrelevant to most of the TV only viewers. 

Edited by HelpMeRondah
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14 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

And just to rub it in his face, I hope Cory was and won. Cirie and Matt confirmed they played.

Wow, we all figured Cirie, Matt and two of Izzy, Felicia and Jared, but I never thought it would be Jared who didn't make it. Have we had confirmation that Izzy and Felicia played, as well? 

By the way, let's say it is won by someone Cirie controls (so, like, EVERYONE), doesn't it just make as much sense as anything to just cancel the eviction and keep her son happy without officially going back on any deal, since you just canceled BOTH evictions. 

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All right, I’m going to be “that” person. I didn’t actually watch the show last Thursday so only have the vaguest idea of what this new ‘let’s protect how we want the show to go’ , ERRR, “advantage” is. Four people get voted by America, play in a secret comp, and the winner gets what? Other than the chance to bond with Cirie as they ask her what to do?

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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

All right, I’m going to be “that” person. I didn’t actually watch the show last Thursday so only have the vaguest idea of what this new ‘let’s protect how we want the show to go’ , ERRR, “advantage” is. Four people get voted by America, play in a secret comp, and the winner gets what? Other than the chance to bond with Cirie as they ask her what to do?

The PoI allows the winner to cancel one of the next 2 evictions. Basically created to make up for the week lost due to Luke’s expulsion.

Looks like Bsb has flipped to evict jag now. 2 days and a PoI to go to change that. 

Edited by dizzyd
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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

By the way, let's say it is won by someone Cirie controls (so, like, EVERYONE), doesn't it just make as much sense as anything to just cancel the eviction and keep her son happy without officially going back on any deal, since you just canceled BOTH evictions. 

Assuming neither Jag nor Blue won this power, a safe assumption I think ... not even the dumbest player -- and there are many in the house -- would use that power this week.  They would save it for next week when they or a really close ally might face eviction.  Not waste it on Jag.  (or Blue if they flip back to Blue again).  To use it this week would be right up in Marcellus territory.

Edited by Skooma
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Feeds have been down all night. Not even puppies and kittens, just the endless Colonoscopy of Doom.

I wonder what happened? Did Jared finally spill his seeekrit? Did Blue run through the house yelling “Felicia will you be my mom toooo”? Was there a big house meeting where everyone was threatened with loss of income and Instagram followers if they uttered ONE SINGLE WORD about it? Or did they just have to redo all the comps until Cirie won?

Feel free to add your own conspiracy theory.

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So it sounds like Cirie got the power. I mean, I knew we were headed for a steamroll but wowsers lol.

Also, America told Cory she'd target Cirie/Izzy/Felicia if she got HOH and he Helened her with a 'too soon.' Cory thinks he's so much smarter than everyone and honestly at this point I will enjoy seeing Cirie take him down. 

But watch, America will get HOH and not let Cory dissuade her from targeting those 3 and then Cirie will just use the power to cancel the eviction. Sigh.

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5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I can't believe Cory was picked, as well. Good for him! Suck it, Jared! Man, jared is such a fucking dick. 

Obviously we'll never know, but I wonder what Jared would have been like without his mommy there to protect him.   Between the two of them, he's as safe as anyone in the house except Cirie.  He hasn't had to worry about anything except how to cheat on his longtime girlfriend with a woman that he's told to her face that he'd never respect outside the house.  And now he's trying to provoke a pissing contest with Cory, probably because Cory and America are intruding on his showmance dominance. 

As others have said before the show started I was rooting for Jared.  Boy howdy (Hi Red!), has that train left the station. 

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6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Feeds have been down all night. Not even puppies and kittens, just the endless Colonoscopy of Doom.

I wonder what happened? Did Jared finally spill his seeekrit? Did Blue run through the house yelling “Felicia will you be my mom toooo”? Was there a big house meeting where everyone was threatened with loss of income and Instagram followers if they uttered ONE SINGLE WORD about it? Or did they just have to redo all the comps until Cirie won?

Feel free to add your own conspiracy theory.

Good questions all…

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

So it sounds like Cirie got the power.

…and there’s your answer; Production needed time to figure out how to dope the comp results such that Cirie would win.  Like I said earlier, the fix is in.

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