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Season 25 Live Feeds Discussion


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A “Save Hisam” movement is gathering steam, seemingly led by Jag and New Zealand. The non- Professors are having a meeting later to discuss it. 

Red squealed about it to Cirie, who now wants to have her own meeting to solidify the anti-Hisam contingent. Red thinks they should use the opportunity to create a new alliance (not Professors) and name it. I’m sure Cameron has plenty of ideas. It’s all he thinks about.

Before I saw that, I saw Cirie exiting the HoH room, leaving Meme alone to fume and hiss “messy, messy, messy.” I don’t know what she’s mad about, but that reminded me the house won’t lack for drama and chaos once Hisam leaves. Meme is still here for us.

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While Hisam is annoying af, I don't hate the idea of keeping him.  Cameron is so boring, and at least Hisam might have an agenda if they keep him.  I would love it if Hisam could take out Jared or Izzy.  I mostly hate that Cirie/Izzy/Jared alliance but Hisam lies so much, and doesn't seem to have any self-awareness, that it's hard to know if he could be trusted if they keep him.  

So after an hour and 40 minutes, I haven't seen Hisam, Jared or Blue.  Which is weird, because I felt like I couldn't get away from Blue and Jared earlier today.

Nevermind, Jared and Blue have been seen in the kitchen.  Still haven't seen Hisam tonight.  

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Portugal and El Pollo Hermano talking in the bathroom. Sounds like they may have already abandoned their Hisam idea. They just want to make sure they don’t get FOUTTE’d. First step? Come up with a new awesome alliance name! The Students? Recess? The Unreliables! Cory likes that one.

Edited by 30 Helens
It’s not Cody, it’s Cory.
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19 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Please keep reporting!! I enjoy your posts. I also like knowing I’m not the only one up at night watching this crap. 😉

Thank you 30 Helens, and everyone  else - I didn't mean to whine! I will still be watching and trying to capture what's going on; I just had had several posts with speculation and that's what I'm worried isn't helpful. 

But I'm not stopping! What would I do, touch grass? 

On to the feeds: 

Jag in his chicken suit and America were having a conversation in the bathroom, which I really don't ever get. America asked, if Hisam had won and kept the nominations the same, who would have gone home? They stopped while Red was around, and when he left, America said "I still don't trust him." Jag said that he and Red talked and he thinks Red is coming after him and they won't bullshit each other. Jag told Red about all the times he tried to have conversations or spend time with him.

Cameron came in, the conversation shifted to how everyone in the house is farting so much, except for America, which she went into detail on and I left.

In the HOH room Red was telling Cirie that he greased the hinges of the HOH door with soap (to make it harder to hear the door open, I am speculating AFTER I JUST SAID I WOULD STOP.)

Felicia, Cirie, Cameron and Red were making plans to get other people up there by rotating so one person would leave and send someone else up. They needed 8 people and thought it would be too noticeable to be all in there at once. They were trying to "wish" Matt up there. Felicia mentioned Jared and then pretended not to remember if he was in their group. They are all so bad at keeping him a secret. Red, since he doesn't know about Jared, speculated on who he was really with, because Red gave Jared information "that went directly to Blue."

Felicia and Cirie said that they needed Izzy, Bowie, and Matt up there, and MeMe, but she was in the DR. Cameron mentioned that Hisam would be having a meeting tonight with "his possible goons." Felicia said like what? and who? and Cameron said "If you heard the lineup, you'd laugh." Jag, Blue, Matt, Cory, Jared, America. They don't think any of "goons" will keep Hisam. None of them trust America, though. Cameron said that he's been trying to meet with America. Red said that she only talks to him to tell him "how good the food is, while she's eating it." These two are pretty misogynistic in this conversation. They talk about not blaming Jag or Hisam for going around talking to everyone, trying to play the game, but anything America says is fair game for criticism. 

"He can't win," Felicia said about Hisam talking to everyone. "What's his purpose?"

"Jag's target is me, just so you guys know," Red said, for about the fourth time in a matter of minutes. 

Matt came in and Red welcomed him to the new group. Matt said that with Reilly gone, he had no one. With Izzy now there, Red took the opportunity to tell her that he's Jag's target. They also got Bowie up there. 

Red thinks that America would go without a fight. But if they got rid of Blue, they'd get Poo back (Jared? Why are they calling him Poo/Pooh?)


Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
It's not nice to start parentheses but not end parentheses
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In the HOH room Izzy was telling Felicia and Matt that she doesn't think "the eight" will last. She thought originally it was going to be The Professors plus Matt and Cameron. If she gets HOH she's going to show her hand and backdoor Red. Felicia agreed that the new group is going to be "one-week-lived" because the next vote will show everyone's side. 

Then Izzy started in on Jared, how he's annoying because he always thinks he's right about everything. I thought, good thing Cirie's not there but then I remembered that of course Izzy knows about them. Apparently Jared's been mad at her and she's mad at HIM for telling Blue things without talking with the group first. She was looking at the monitors and she thought that he went and complained to Cirie. 

And then it looked like Jared and Cirie were coming up, and Izzy said "Oh f*** me," and "I don't need his mom telling on me ---" I rewound and that really sounds like what she said. 10:46:45 BB time. Felicia and Matt didn't react, so maybe she didn't say it. 

I switched to Cirie and Jared, and Cirie said it's normal for people to feel the way they're feeling and that "she [guess: Izzy] doesn't know about this Blue thing." Jared said that if Cirie wasn't there he would have "raised hell this week." It sounds like he's mad about Izzy getting mad, in front of Felicia and Matt, about something he told Blue. He said that he wished they'd never gotten involved with everyone. It seems like he feels he deserves everyone's trust. 

Cirie said "they don't know you like I know you" and that she'd try to calm Izzy down. 

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1 hour ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

(Jared? Why are they calling him Poo/Pooh?)

I think that’s his family nickname, the one that supposedly revealed his Fields connection to those in the know. I refuse to call him that. I may start calling him Eeyore, though.


1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


I’m glad you approve. I was inspired by our friend Philadelphia, I mean Nashville.

I’m a little confused by tonight’s talk, as to which alliances are real and which are fake. I think Red and Cameron’s inclusion in the Legends alliance  may be fake, and they really want to work with Blue and Jag. Maybe. All I know is, nobody wants to work with Finland, except maybe Cory.

Jared really is having a hissy fit about Izzy, claiming he can’t work with her any more. Cirie’s trying to smooth things over, but I can’t wait for that to blow up and Izzy to stomp through the house yelling “Go tell mommy, Jared! She’s IN THE NEXT ROOM!”

Edited by 30 Helens
It’s not Cody, it’s Cory. CORY.
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7 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I’m a little confused by tonight’s talk, as to which alliances are real and which are fake. I think Red and Cameron’s inclusion in the Legends alliance  may be fake, and they really want to work with Blue and Jag. Maybe. All I know is, nobody wants to work with Finland, except maybe Cody.

Yeah, Jared was talking to Jag and Blue about someone planning to put up Felicia and Cirie and I was thinking, why would Jag and Blue care?

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
Jag's name is Jag not Zag
1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Jared tells Blue that Felicia was questioning him earlier about some, uh, activity she saw between the two of them earlier. Felicia asked him what his mama would think. “Oh,” Blue responds. “Mama Cerie-“

Cut to colonoscopy. Does Blue know??

I dunno - but considering we already know how Cirie feels about the shady lady who’s trying to nosh on her precious little baby boy, I can see how hearing “Mama Cirie” coming out of Blue’s mouth might tend to make Cirie blow a gasket or ten….

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I mean, Jared's all but told her already. If he hasn't told her by this point, he's telling her no later than a week. They've already turned into a fullblown cheating showmance with the making out. He's telling her by, like, Sunday, ESPECIALLY if either win HOH on Thursday. 

Of course, Button Boy loves cutting the feeds at any sign of something interesting happening (thanks, Luke!) so we might not know for a while if Blue knows or not. I know Jared started the Mama Cirie stuff so he can cover his tracks if he ever slips up, so it could be just that, but we don't really know, as Jared's been dying to tell his new sister wife. 

I haven't loved that America's name has been coming up so much in the house. I actually really like her. She's our first female superfan in a long time that ACTUALLY lives up to her potential. Yes, she's not an amazing gameplayer, spills too much and should trust Cory's word more than she does, but it's so nice to have a rare female superfan who isn't just disappointing (I see you, Jessica from 19).

Plus, America leaving we for sure get a steamroll where the only tension we'll have is when Cirie has to choose Jared over Izzy, and Izzy probably being cut earlier than she would like. And then we get to see a sexist cheater like Jared possibly win Big Brother, as I'm still half convinced Cirie will throw it to her son to win it all if she could. 

The Jag/America/Cory stuff seemed fun from last night. I wish they were an actual trio, because Jag needs better allies and America needs to stay in the house until at least jury. She's too good to be a pre-juror.

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Good morning! Look who's up on Camera 3! Felicia and Red are in the kitchen. Felicia is in her red HOH robe; Red looks bedraggled. Although Camera 3 is showing the kitchen, you can hear someone snoring. So either someone is snoring exceptionally loud or the audio belongs to cameras 1 and 2.

Red and Felicia sneak into the storage room, then back out. Someone's microphone is rubbing up against something because there's all these scratchy bumpy noises. But you can barely hear Felicia when she speaks.

I wonder if there's any leftover birthday cake.

Red preens in the mirror/window over the sink. "Red, you look beautiful today!" says the cameraman. Felicia back upstairs now. I thought maybe she was sharing the bed with Cirie, but no, she has it to herself.

Camera one shows the hospital aka scary room. Everyone's sleeping peacefully, no snores. Camera 2 shows a closeup of Blue in one of the rolling hospital beds.

Back to Camera 4! Someone's joined Felicia in HOH. No, it was just a pillow. Felicia's by herself, reading a book.

While everything's so quiet, I'm going to do replay and find the birthday cake.

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There's a strange noise. It sounds like an automated paper towel dispenser. But would they have one of those in the BB house? Maybe backstage with the cameras!

I went back to 5:00 pm Pacific time yesterday. We get to see Blue and Poo. (Fitting nickname after all the farm animal talk yesterday.) Talking about Meme - smart, in shape, etc. Now they're going to go downstairs. Jared sings, "I love you, I love you . . " from Michelle, Ma Belle, Beatles. They go down to the kitchen and see the cake which I can't see. Vatican City is making something to go on top of the catch. 

Now we have a view looking toward the kitchen island and the kitchen wall, memory board in the distance. Vatican City is talking about a trip, I think a future one. She says she loves baseball. She's going to ride around on a scooter and have brunch.

There's the cake! It's very nice looking, two layer chocolate frosting cake on a white cake pedestal. There's something brown in a square pan. It looks liquidy but camera resolution isn't the best, so it could be a pan of brownies. It looks like Red did some kind of patterning on the chocolate frosting.

There's another cake pedestal and Red is trying to make something on it, a figure 8 from what Red said. He moved the other cake pedestal and I can see the 8 very clearly now. It looks like he made it from tempered chocolate. There's another blob of chocolate on the pedestal and he's doing something with it with a hot knife.

In the meantime, Cameron, Vatican City, Jared and Blue are talking about hypothetical second dates.

I'm curious to see what Red is making with the blob of chocolate. I wonder if he's using the house and the cameras for a dessert/baking competition audition. First he can perform miracles and make slop taste good and now he made a cake and is making stuff with chocolate.

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The conversation has switched to your worst heartbreak. Cameron describes how he's been cheated on.

Chocolate work is done, pedestal is in the refrigerator for the chocolate to cool. 

I see some baked slop in another pan. There's another square pan on the kitchen island and I cannot tell what's in it.

Blue says she's never been heartbroken or cheated on. 

Red took his chocolate out of the refrigerator. He stands the 8 up in the middle of the cake. It's really cute! Unfortunately it's starting to melt. Hisam appears, amazed at the cake. "Is that my good-bye cake?" he asks (not really).

Everyone's coming down to the kitchen to sing Happy Birthday to Stevie Ray. All our gathered around the kitchen island. Red thanks everybody for doing this. Red says Happy Birthday to his daughter, everyone yells Happy Birthday, Stevie!, then they sing Happy Birthday. Even Hisam sings, even though he is sitting down while the rest are standing, hand to his jaw, red kerchief on his head.

So I now I've seen the birthday cake - Now they're doing Hip Hip Hooray, led by Bowie.

What a fun thing for an eight year old to see her Dad make a birthday cake for her on TV, then everyone singing Happy Birthday.

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I returned to LIVE and what do we have? The whirling colonoscopy of doom!  Why would there be a wakeup call at 8:14 BB time? It's usually around 9:00.

Colonoscopy's over, people are up! First there was a conversation between Red and Felicia, Red talking about how he's feeling so emotional. Then they talk about their astronomical signs, etc. and the camera switches to the bathroom where Cirie and Izzy are talking about Blue. Izzy says she's never had a conversation with Blue.

Red is talking about one of his children. This is a son who was 8 lbs at birth, then hardly grew. It was just the mom needed to keep him breastfeeding longer at a time. Red's talking about how his son will be doing things now that he wasn't when he left. Red delivered his son!! His name is Legend? Felicia says you can tell babies have their own personalities when they come out. You can see it really fast. Red's daughters are from different mothers and the son has a different mother from the daughters. He mentioned his daughters going away to their mothers.

Back to Izzy and Cirie. Game talk! Izzy's problem is, if she is HOH, she wants to backdoor Red. Cirie says that's OK. 

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I guess the wakeup call hasn't happened yet. People are just up.

Now we have the whirling colonoscopies on Cameras 1 and 2. The scramble room is on cameras 3 and 4. Someone is gently snoring. I don't know why this room is called the scramble room. I don't see anything scrambly around it.

The awake house guests - Cirie, Red, Izzy and Felicia - are gathered around the kitchen island. Except I think Felicia is going to fix breakfast. They were talking about cold showers, then Izzy describes a challenge from The Challenge - the puzzle and ice bath challenge (which I've seen a couple of times).

Red says the cheese bed is very uncomfortable. You can't keep the covers on. Izzy is complaining how bad her skin is. Cirie wishes she could have her cat, Louise, on her shoulder, staring everyone down.

They're talking about doing a tour, starting in New York, going across, ending in California and all getting a tattoo. Or do it in reverse. They will pick up people on the way. Felicia says everyone will stay in the RV on the ride across the country, just like in the house. Cirie says it will be the Hot Mess Express.

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Cirie, Izzy and Felicia are discussing Hisam. They say their first meaningful conversation was with Hisam. Cirie wonders if they are being too hard on Hisam for just playing the game. Felicia brings up that Hisam is a liar. He was talking to Cirie and the next day he talks to Vatican City and said that Cirie said something that he had told Cirie!

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Now they're having silly giggles. Cirie tells Felicia she has a good haircut. "I did," says Felicia. Ha ha ha ha! they all giggle. Izzy says when she was in the military there was a dad who could cut his boys' hair by putting a bowl on their heads and cutting around it.

Camera moves to the scary hospital room. All are peacefully asleep.

Then all cameras on Bowie in the storage room as she gets her new batteries. She joins the others in the kitchen.

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Matt, Red, Felicia, Vatican City, Cirie and Cameron are around the kitchen island on cameras 1 and 2. Camera switches to the pool table alcove where Cory, Izzy, Blue and a chicken are lounging on the bench against the world. Now on the wall behind the bench, is the design on the wall supposed to be the ocean under a partly cloudy sky? Because the bottom does look like waves and top like a blue sky with puffy white clouds that are reflected in the water. Or it could be some random pattern.

Camera moves again and we are treated to Hisam alone in the exercise room, riding a bicycle with his arms folded, red kerchief still on his head. All cameras are on Hisam. I guess the other conversations were too exciting for the feeds.

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Wait...so Red's kids are all from different mothers?  His pre-house footage portrayed his current relationship as a romance for the ages.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  Plus....how is that possible that so many women are attracted enough to Red to do the thing that leads to procreation?  I......really do not get his appeal.

Unless he bakes his way into their hearts.  I did not have hillbilly cartoon man being a genius pastry chef and chocolatier on my BB bingo card.

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12 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:


I don't know, not everyone has Kwanzaa's luck, but there is something in the house that makes a very loud noise/squeal. They were talking about fixing the squeak with olive oil, or something like that. (Doubt there's any WD40 around.)

Hisam snagged Jag in the exercise room and he's continuing his Apology and Repentance tour. Jag told Hisam he is probably going home.

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Just now, Lamb18 said:

I don't know, not everyone has Kwanzaa's luck, but there is something in the house that makes a very loud noise/squeal. They were talking about fixing the squeak with olive oil, or something like that. (Doubt there's any WD40 around.)

If it was the HOH room door, Red fixed it yesterday by soaping the hinges. He said he didn't want to use either Felicia's products in the HOH room or something else I can't quite remember - can it have been beard oil? Is that a thing?

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Now in the living room Hisam is telling Felicia that she really hurt him. She asks about the intensity of the hurt. He saw Felicia as someone more than that. (than what?) She reminds him of her mom. He had one of his first conversations with her. She told him he was like her son, like family. Then when she said she was taking out a king, that hurt.

Felicia is telling him what she heard from at least three different people, how he went out making other alliances, how he wanted to be in Reilly's alliance but he was stuck with the leftovers, etc. 

Hisam this was part of the Professors' goal of getting close to other people not in the alliance. It was part of his goal to keep the alliance safe. Right? We had a break from the "rights" and suddenly he's spouting them out again. Right?

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I turned the feeds on after errands and found an incredibly awkward effort by Jag to comfort Hisam.  If any of you remember from the show Cheers, it was a ten minute of equivalent of Norm saying "there there."  

Then the feeds switched to Red talking about how beautiful it is in Gatlinburg.  Others then hijacked a discussion of the most beautiful spot on Planet Earth, the East Tennessee mountains (YMMV, but it really shouldn't 😃), to discuss MeMe's desire to move to Texas.  Specifically, Houston. 

Then back to a convo between Hisam and Felicia.  He is hurt, so hurt.  She was smiling during the veto ceremony. He says he wanted to take her to the end.   She says she was not smiling and she didn't remember any discussions where he said he wanted to take her to the end.   Felicia remembers him saying that the Professors needed to stay tight and not make other alliances. He then went out and tried to make other alliances, and she heard from three different people that he was felt he was stuck with Felicia, Cirie, Izzy.  She said the "leftovers" word, also old people.  If you hear a rumor often enough there is at least a nugget of truth.  

He says he was just trying to help the group by getting close to others.  Felicia, but you didn't share it with us.  Instead I hear from other people you're out trying to get other people to align with you.   

Hisam:  I wasn't mad about being "left over."  I was just trying to help the group.   



Edited by Thalia
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54 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

If it was the HOH room door, Red fixed it yesterday by soaping the hinges. He said he didn't want to use either Felicia's products in the HOH room or something else I can't quite remember - can it have been beard oil? Is that a thing?

Beard oil is indeed a thing, and Red probably came with a case of it.

Red’s entire persona seems designed to out-hillbilly any other hillbilly (the beard, a wife named Ally Mae, daughter named Stevie Rae, he sells moonshine FFS) and despite —or maybe because of— that, he has a huge online following, enough to employ a social media manager. I am clearly doing something wrong with my life.

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Yum! A tray of chicken breasts just came out of the oven, complements of Vatican City. Chat between her, Cory and Blue on cooking pasta. Cory asks, "Is it a myth that you should stir pasta?" Vatican City says, "No, you stir it so it doesn't stick to the pan." Then she says one myth is putting olive oil in the water when you are cooking pasta. Alex Guarnaschelli said it does not do anything for your pasta and you end up wasting your precious olive oil.

Jared's joined Blue in the kitchen. Cory was just called to the Diary Room but he doesn't want to leave his pasta. Blue says she'll watch it, then Vatican City says she will.

Camera switches to Izzy and chicken-clad Jag in the pool room alcove. Izzy says one question might be should Jag or Matt be on the cover of Sports Illustrated? They are talking about a quiz competition, the kind where you have to guess howthe other house guests would vote. I don't think HOH will be that simple tomorrow.

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2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Wait...so Red's kids are all from different mothers?  His pre-house footage portrayed his current relationship as a romance for the ages.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  Plus....how is that possible that so many women are attracted enough to Red to do the thing that leads to procreation?  I......really do not get his appeal.

His current wife (or is she just his fiancé?) is like 20 years old. Very gross.

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Hisam pleading with Cirie at the moment, and Cirie sounds like she’s being swayed. Cirie is advising him to talk to Izzy and Felicia, but she’s making me believe that’s she’s open to the possibility of keeping him. She keeps saying, “I believe you,” in response to his claim that he was proud to be aligned with the older folks. 

The thing is, if I’m Izzy or Felicia, I don’t buy it. Hisam is promising to be loyal to anyone that votes to save him, but he’s promised this to everyone. He’s going to have to go back on that with someone, and it’s likely going to be those that tried to backdoor in the first place. Thus, I’m pretty sure that he’s still out the door on Thursday if Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia are worth their salt.

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51 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Yum! A tray of chicken breasts just came out of the oven, complements of Vatican City.

51 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Camera switches to Izzy and chicken-clad Jag in the pool room alcove.

I can't help but wonder if Madagascar is sending a not so subtle threat to Jag.  

Cluck cluck my friend.  

Cluck cluck.  



Edited by Thalia
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He’s even brought out the waterworks. He’s definitely still in the bargaining stage, hasn’t accepted his fate yet. Good for him to not just lay down dead, keep playing till the door hits him where the sun don’t shine.

I’m very much rooting for America to win pressure cooker because her name has been brought up so many times this week. 

Edited by dizzyd
2 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

He’s even brought out the waterworks. He’s definitely still in the bargaining stage, hasn’t accepted his fate yet. Good for him to not just lay down dead, keep playing till the door hits him where the sun don’t shine.

When that happens we will see a whirling colonoscopy.

Izzy, Bowie and Jag (?) I think are talking, and they are now saying "Right?" at the end of their sentences.

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1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

When that happens we will see a whirling colonoscopy.

Do you think he’ll be sent to the nether for a battle back instead of Julie telling him about Jared-Cirie? As many times as they cut when jared and blue are talking about mama C, I think she knows and maybe others do too and they’ve been instructed by BB to keep it under wraps for the Cirie show narrative just so Chenbot can run her lines every Thursday without short circuiting. 

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Oh goody!  Meme is encouraging Hisam to have a "conversation" with Cameron about how he's a lying backstabber who spreads lies.  LIES.  

Hisam is also blaming "my face" for the fact that people mischaracterize him as vindictive.  You mean, cause that's where your mouth is?  

Edited by Thalia
commas come, commas go
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