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Season 25 Live Feeds Discussion

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Awww, Felicia and Jag have reconciled and hugged it out. 

But I am still confused about what the plan is.

I guess I'll know when the feeds come back after a long interlude of kittens and puppies, and someone is walking around with their head hanging down.

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Blue is untrustworthy. She had her ear to the door when Izzy and Felicia were talking in the HOH room.

Felicia, Cirie and Izzy leave the Have Not room and confront Red, Cameron and someone else in the pool alcove.

Hisam joins the pool table group, heads for the bench against the wall and lies down on it, curled up like a little child. He's eating some of Felicia's jelly bellies (with her permission). The pool game ends, the players wander off, leaving Cirie and a slightly snoring Jared with him. Cirie and Hisam lamely discuss jelly bellies and needing to get outside. I think Hisam senses something is up as he's not been talking to anybody.


Edited by Lamb18
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They got to be pumping some kind of whacky air into that house at random. This is hilarious! After a crappy 1st week with feeds down so much, this is awesome. I knew this bunch had the potential to entertain us. Hope they keep this up. 

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They really have been fun. They talk game 20/7, if you can ignore Jared and Blue.  And I try, oh I try. I know that Production believes that Showmance = Ratings, but without the distractions of sex they have to do something to pass the time. 

Backstabbing works! 

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8 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Maybe Hisam lost his mind and is holding hostages?

I’d be pissed that we’re not watching it! I have to wonder if they made Jag do his punishment similar to Felicia getting slimed during the HOH noms.

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3 hours ago, Thalia said:

Felicia is CRAZY.  She's furious because Jag wants to talk to her.  "He has the veto, he knows he's coming down, has NO REASON to talk with me!" 

Good grief.  Saturday night they were bitching and moaning because people weren't coming to talk game with them.  Now she's pissed because someone wants to talk game with her.


They're BACCCK!

Edited by enchantingmonkey
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Well no hostage situation and no josh losing his marbles situation. Hisam is apologizing for making them feel unheard and blaming America (not us) for his nomination. Not sure why he’s targeting her, I’m still waiting for her to get her ass in this game. 

Edited by dizzyd
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Hisam reacting how I expected. “I was always 100% with the professors”. Nope. “Well, we’re good people”. Nope. “If I go home, I will work on the things I need to work on”. A WORLD of nope.

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Hisam:  When you watch this back, you'll see [that he was 100% honest and transparent]

Maybe if HE watches it back, he will see exactly what put him in this position.  (And it wasn't America (Us, or the HG)

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Hisam, it isn't that you came across as paternalistic.  It is that you were and are misogynistic and egotistical.  

If he doesn't get mad soon this is going to be an uncomfortable few days.   He's either a very good liar or he's delusional.  He said what he said.   And no way he would have stuck with the "leftovers" "until the end" if America or Blue had won HOH this week.  Instead he spent these past few days ordering the rest of them around.  

Edited by Thalia
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3 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Totally anti-climatic, or this is the calm before the storm.  

Yeah I don’t think we’re done. We have 3 days till eviction. He’s going to process this and spin it 56 different ways till he sees Julie and even in his exit interview we’re going to get lectured. Right now, is stage 1, denial.

Edited by dizzyd
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3 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Instead he spent these past few days ordering the rest of them around.  

And he's still lecturing them, even though this is part of the behavior that got him on the block.  I'm going to have to go with delusional.  It seems like he believes what he's saying to them even though anyone who's watched him knows that it's BS.

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God, not the America Cory showmance now. Why do we have to be subjected to this every year? That being said, they’re not as noxious as Jared Blue and Reilly Matt was in comparison adorable. 

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Unfortunately, I think he will convince the Izzy/Cirie/Felicia threesome that America totally was lying about the “leftover” conversation. Izzy already low key grilling her about the conversation. The three of them bring out the absolute WORST in each other. Would not be shocked at all if they attempt a Cameron ouster at some point this week. About 36 hours too soon.

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Izzy ran right to America to tell her that Hisam is fixated on her and very angry.  There are subdued convos going on all over the house.  Cory/America/Izzy, Jared and Blue, Bowie/Cirie/Meme.  And Hisam works out alone.

The tension is high all over.  If only it were someone's birthday and cake was being served!

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I know they didn’t cut the feeds just as America (the person) was about to confront Hisam. Why can’t we have nice things?!?

Anyone know of the living room altercation that Cory & Hisam are referring to? Was it something blocked from the feeds?

Edited by HelpMeRondah
Didn’t want to reply to myself
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Oh man, I don’t know if it’s intentional from Mr. Motivational speech giver, but in his conversation with Hisam, Cory started adding “right” to the end of his sentences. Right after Hisam pulled off 8 “rights” in a 30 second speech. and Damn right, I counted!

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I just wish one person would say to Hisam, "No, that's not right."  It's almost like the incessant "rights?" are just another manipulative way to get people to agree with him.  It's like someone taught him that neuro-linguistic trick and he just can't stop.  

Cory is doing a good job of trying to explain his perception of things, but Hisam isn't listening, he's just waiting to talk more.

Edited by leocadia
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Hisam trying to convince Cory that he wasn't the back-up nominee had Matt won veto and removed Reilly by saying that there was no back-up and that's why Hisam had to win veto.   

I have no memory of whether or not Cory was ever the plan, but I'm pretty sure that paranoid Hisam went thru the possibility of every HG as a back-up.  There is no way that he never even thought about it as he is claiming.

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3 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I just wish one person would say to Hisam, "No, that's not right." 

It drives me so crazy!  I just could not stand there while someone is dishing out obvious bullshit and not become confrontational.  I suppose Cory maintaining his composure is a better strategy, though, lol.

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Hisam is taking his ball and going home.  If there is a battle back he will refuse to compete.   He is really hurt.  It always amazes me how shocked people are when they are chosen to be voted off in a game where the object is to vote other people out.  

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The repetition is getting ridiculous.  I can tell he's a geriatric doctor and is in a habit of repeating himself because he keeps saying the same bullshit over and over and over again.    

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You guys, Hisam was totally just trying to get them all to the end of the game.  He's that selfless.  If people would just stop trying to play for themselves, or think, or you know glance at him incorrectly , they could have a nice civil game.  He is the only honest person there and the rest are all lying liars who lie. Also, if people keep him, he will FIND OUT who voted for him to stay and will make sure that they never ever ever go home.  (And yes, despite being a "good" thing, it sounded incredibly menacing.)

First of all, someone should explain to him that someone has to go home every week, they are not all going to make it to the end no matter what.  Also that fact that he thinks he has the power or control to protect any number of people is another one of the reasons that he's on the block.  

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Why can’t they just say he’s a comp beast and they needed to get him out 1st chance and leave it at that. 

He knows that is a big part of it, Cory told him, so if only he hadn't been a condescending jaghole, they would of kept him as a shield (me I wouldn't but it's a valid strategy) for a few more weeks. Yes I wish people realized the game isn't domination Derek styles or at least that is the most boring version of the game, the game is being in peril like Dan or Will or Taylor and even Vanessa a great deal of the time and jedi mind tricking people into keeping you around until it's too late and you won.

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