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Season 25 Episodes Live Chat: What Just Happened?

Message added by Lady Calypso,

Reminder: this thread is the LIVE CHAT thread and should only be used during the episodes. Once an episode is done, please move over to the appropriate episode thread. Thanks everyone and happy chatting!

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Matt VTE Cory (shout-out)

Bowie VTE Cory (shout-out)

Jag doesn't vote, but he still gets to shout out!

Cirie VTE Cory (shout out to Jared and Izzy, at least her revenge tour is over)

Felicia VTE Cory (shout-out)

Blue needs to STFU. Oh right, she also VTE Cory.


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13 minutes ago, Mamababy600 said:

I cant believe I'm saying this, but I think its it's possible one of them might win😳

That would really ruin the season for me. But I often hate the winner anyway !

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No great lost.  He and America were more about the showmance - than playing the game.  I'd much rather have seen Cory's jury spot be given to someone else.

Looking forward to the Jury segment where in walks in - and faces Cam.  

Edited by inandout
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Cory's definitely a good sport.

Blue still needs to STFU. 

Just now, Thalia said:

Wow, these people really don't understand jury management, do they?

Surprisingly, the only one who had a marginally ok goodbye message was Jag. After the week he had, I'm surprised the goodbye message was mostly ok.

And here's the announcement for the likely double eviction.

Oh great, Scary-Week is back.

Yep, double eviction.

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7 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I've been sitting here trying to think of things to post

I get that completely.  Me too.  Maybe the next ep will be better.  lol

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And welcome to hopefully an exciting Double Eviction! We had ONE good DE this season (before the Zombie Twist). Maybe we'll have another good one!

Wow, this announcer just drank a WHOLE bunch of caffeine!


Can the recaps ALWAYS be that fast? That was great, simple and to the point!

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....yeah, the editors are on something. They did a literal flashback effect.

Wait, this is kind of a fun episode. Editors and announcer are having a blast with this one.

Matt: My chances to win against Cirie are a LOT higher!

Me: ....Matt, you underestimate Cirie lmao

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Matt VTE Blue (shout-out)

Bowie VTE Blue (shout-out)

Cirie VTE Blue (so no tiebreaker, damn)

Felicia VTE Blue (I'm surprised she didn't vote to evict America as a rogue vote)

Blue's gone. Bye-bye, Kitty Purr Purr!

(I know it's Kitty Kitty Purr, but I like mine better; it flows better on the tongue).

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Blue: I'm just SO GOOD, of course Jag was gonna come after me!


Oh my god, Blue's delusions keep getting worse and worse.


I truly think Blue thinks saying these things makes it true, as if people haven't been watching the live feeds....or the episodes. 

I do feel bad for her a bit, since she's going to have a HARD wake-up call when she gets out in two weeks and realizes she's not the fan favourite she expects to be.

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First question: nobody gets it right.

Second question: Everyone but Felicia get it right.


Fourth question: CIRIE GETS IT RIGHT! But also Bowie. No, Bowie needs to get more wrong.

Fifth question: Matt and Felicia get it right.

Sixth question: Matt and Bowie get it right. 

Shit, Cirie NEEDS to win this. Fuuuuuuuck.


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